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Perfil de leitura de textos jornalísticos por alunos de escolas pública e privada do município de Cascavel-SP /Bochenek, Sandro. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Raquel Lazzari Leite Barbosa / Banca: Iraíde Marques de Freitas Barreiro / Banca: Ivone Tambelli Schmidt / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a observação do nível de compreensão de alunos matriculados na primeira série do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública e de outra privada, sobre textos jornalísticos, buscando-se elementos descritivos do perfil de letramento desses estudantes em termos de suportes e textos de imprensa. Partiu-se da observação do domínio acerca das características do texto e da fotografia jornalística. As impressões dos alunos apontam níveis semelhantes de letramento entre os sujeitos da instituição pública e da privada, embora haja também grande disparidade nas repostas emitidas dentro de cada um dos grupos. Entre as principais razões para as disparidades encontradas nos grupos estão o fator socioeconômico, a questão do incentivo e o grau de interesse pela leitura. / Abstract: The aim of this research was to analyze the level of students from the first year of a private and from a public high school regarding journalistic texts; searching descriptive elements of the literacy profile of these students in terms of media and journalistic texts. It was first observed the domain over the characteristics of the text and journalistic photography. Student's thoughts lead to similar level of literacy among students of the private and public school, although there is a great difference in the answers provided in each groups. The socioeconomic factor, reading encouragement and levels of interest in reading, are the main reasons for the differences among the groups. / Mestre
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Argumentação, livro didático e discurso jornalístico: vozes que se cruzam na disputa pelo dizer e silenciar / Argumentation, textbook and journalistic discourse: voices that cross in dispute between to say and to silenceNoemi Lemes 26 July 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou analisar, ancorado na Análise de Discurso de filiação francesa, a qual tem em Michel Pêcheux seu autor de referência, quais as posições discursivas ocupadas por sujeitos-alunos do último ano do Ensino Médio quando lhes é solicitada a produção de um texto dissertativo-argumentativo. Isso porque, na perspectiva discursiva o ato de argumentar constitui-se como uma posição discursiva que o sujeito pode ou não ocupar. Investigamos, assim, quais as implicações, para esses sujeitos-alunos, do modo como a argumentação é tratada, no livro didático, uma vez que a circulação do discurso jornalístico é usada como modelo de texto argumentativo a ser seguido por esses estudantes. Para isso, partimos de um corpus constituído por quatro livros didáticos de língua portuguesa utilizados, no Ensino Médio, nos dias atuais, em escolas públicas da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, no interior de São Paulo e, também, por textos dissertativo-argumentativos produzidos por sujeitos-alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio que frequentam essas escolas. Analisamos, primeiramente, as seções dos livros didáticos de língua portuguesa destinadas ao ensino do texto argumentativo e verificamos que, dos quatro livros analisados, apenas um dedica um pequeno espaço para tratar do conceito de silogismo fazendo, inclusive, menção a Aristóteles; nos demais, a teoria sobre argumentação não se faz presente e, em seu lugar, o que encontramos foram apontamentos sobre as características de textos jornalísticos apresentados como exemplos de textos argumentativos. Após a análise dos livros didáticos, voltamos nosso olhar para os textos dissertativo-argumentativos produzidos pelos sujeitos-alunos com base em uma proposta contida em um dos livros didáticos analisados e que também trazia como matéria prima para a produção escrita, o discurso jornalístico. Fundamentadas nos pressupostos teóricos da Análise de Discurso, criamos uma espécie de escuta discursiva e buscamos, nas marcas linguísticas desses textos, quais eram os efeitos de sentido produzidos pelos sujeitos-alunos. Constatamos, então, que a esses sujeitos não está sendo permitido ocupar o lugar autoral de quem argumenta e defende seu ponto de vista; pelo contrário, a ausência de uma teoria da argumentação e a imposição do discurso jornalístico pelo livro didático possibilita apenas a reprodução das opiniões e dos sentidos trazidos pela mídia. / This work analyses, anchored in Discourse Analysis of French parentage, which has in Pêcheux its author of reference, which discursive positions are occupied by subjects-students of the last year of high school when they are asked to produce an argumentative-dissertative text. We consider, through the discursive perspective, that the act of argue is seen as a discursive position that the subject may or may not occupy. We investigated, thus, the implications for these subjects-students of the way how the argumentation is treated in the textbook, once the circulation of the journalistic discourse is used as a model of argumentative text to be followed by the students. For this, we start from a corpus composed by four textbooks of portuguese language used in high school, currently, in public schools in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, and also argumentative-dissertative texts produced by subject-students of the third year of high school who attend these public schools. Firstly, we analysed the sections of textbooks dedicated to the argumentative text teaching and found that, of the four books analysed, only one devotes a little space to discuss the concept of syllogism, mentioning Aristotle, in the others, the theory of argumentation is not present and, in its place, we could only found some characteristics of journalistic texts presented as examples of argumentative texts. After analysing the textbooks, a particular attention was paid to the dissertative-argumentative texts produced by the subjects-students based on a proposal contained in one of the textbooks analysed, which also brings the journalistic discourse as raw material for the students to produce their texts. Based on the theoretical principles of Discourse Analysis, we created a kind of discursive listen, searching, in the linguistic marks of these texts, what were the meaning effects produced by the subjects in their texts. We observed that for these subjects are not being allowed to take the authorial place of who argues and defends their points of view, but, on the contrary, the absence of a theory of argumentation and the imposition of journalistic discourse by textbook provides just the reproduction of the opinions and the meanings brought by the media.
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O discurso jornalístico da sustentabiidade em programas de rádio sobre meio ambiente : análise do quadro Mundo Sustentável e do programa Guaíba EcologiaSchwaab, Reges Toni January 2007 (has links)
O discurso jornalístico sobre a sustentabilidade é o ponto central deste trabalho composto de três eixos: jornalismo, sustentabilidade e discurso. A pesquisa tem como objeto programas de rádio voltados para a questão ambiental e que têm a sustentabilidade como temática central. São eles o quadro Mundo Sustentável, apresentado dentro do programa Revista CBN, da Rádio CBN AM/FM, e o programa Guaíba Ecologia, da Rádio Guaíba AM. O estudo é calcado na visão do Jornalismo enquanto construção, um lugar de seleção e de configuração do acervo social de conhecimentos, a partir das escolhas do que é dito e do que é excluído do seu discurso, considerando, ainda, as especificidades do Jornalismo no meio rádio. A sustentabilidade foi escolhida por ser atualmente o ponto central de todo debate sobre meio ambiente. Apesar da noção quase consensual de utilizar a natureza para o desenvolvimento sem impedir que gerações futuras também o façam, há antagonismos no entendimento do que seja este desenvolvimento e de como atingir esta sustentabilidade, representados pelas correntes ecossocial e ecotecnocrática, adotadas como perspectivas que guiam os discursos. Elas foram reconfiguradas aqui como Formações Discursivas (FDs) e utilizadas para compreender os sentidos produzidos pelo discurso jornalístico sobre sustentabilidade, considerando, ainda, o estudo das relações de silenciamento e dominância de perspectivas sobre a temática. À luz dos pressupostos da Análise do Discurso francesa foram analisadas seis edições do quadro Mundo Sustentável e seis do programa Guaíba Ecologia, selecionadas entre todas as que foram veiculadas entre os meses de fevereiro e abril de 2006. No Mundo Sustentável foi possível verificar a predominância da visão ecossocial e alguns deslizamentos de sentidos, num atravessamento da FD Ecotecnoncrática. No Guaíba Ecologia é perceptível a filiação às duas FDs, muito em função dos sentidos construídos pelos entrevistados do programa. / The journalistic discourse on the sustainability is the central point of this composed work of three axles: journalism, sustainability and discourse. The research has as object programs of radio directed toward the ambient question and that they have the sustainability as central thematic. They are the Sustainable World block presented inside CBN Magazine program, CBN AM/FM Radio, and the Guaíba Ecology program, of the Guaíba AM Radio. The study is based in the vision of the Journalism while construction, a place of election and configuration of the social assets of knowledge from the choices that are said and that is excluded from its discourse, considering, yet, the specificities of the Journalism in the radio environment. The sustainability was chosen because it’s currently the central point of all debate on environment. Despite the notion almost consensual to use the nature for the development without hindering that future generations also make it. There are antagonisms in the agreement of what development is and how to reach, this sustainability, represented by ecossocial and ecotecno chains adopted as perspectives that guide the discourses. They had been reconfigured here as Discursive Formations (DFs) and used to understand the directions produced for the journalistic discourse on sustainability, considering, yet, the study of the silencement relations and dominance of perspectives on the thematic one. To the light of the estimated ones of the Analysis of the French Discourse six editions of the Sustainable World block had been analyzed and six of the Guaíba Ecology program, selected between all the ones that had been propagated between the months of February and April of 2006. In the Sustainable World it was possible to verify the predominance of the ecossocial vision and some directions landslides, in a trespassing of the DF Ecotecno. On the Guaíba Ecology the filiations to the two DFs is perceivable, much in function of the directions constructed for the interviewed ones of the program.
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Quando os provérbios dão a manchete: a oralidade no texto escrito jornalístico - o caso do Jornal da Tarde / When the proverbs give the headline: orality in the written journalistic text - the case of the Jornal da TardeMarlene Assunção de Nobrega 18 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo pesquisar, demonstrar e analisar de que modo os aspectos da oralidade se manifestam no texto escrito jornalístico, mais precisamente em manchetes e títulos de notícias no Jornal da Tarde. Para tal proposta, buscamos verificar inicialmente o perfil do leitor de jornais e suas preferências de assuntos em uma época de informações rápidas e superficiais. Aliado a essa pesquisa, fizemos um estudo sobre a linguagem jornalística que, de forma recorrente, apresenta linguagem cotidiana vinculada aos fenômenos da língua falada e da língua escrita, que são bem explorados pelo jornal. Concentramos, assim, nosso trabalho em estudos específicos sobre a manchete e títulos de notícias que dão visibilidade às notícias veiculadas pelos jornais e têm o propósito de chamar a atenção do leitor. Selecionamos as manchetes e títulos de notícias que tiveram como base, frases proverbiais. Essas fórmulas fixas, entretanto, sofreram adaptações que chamamos de reenunciação e retextualização (détournement). Essa retextualização provoca efeito de humor, crítica ou ironia ao parodiar o provérbio original que é uma das formas de se empregar a linguagem mais distensa para chamar a atenção do leitor. Todo esse processo de pesquisa e análise baseou-se na Análise do Discurso, na Análise da Conversação, estudos sobre a linguagem jornalística e trabalhos sobre provérbios. Como os provérbios são perpetuados na memória coletiva, ao serem retextualizados evidenciam a criatividade do enunciador das manchetes e títulos de notícias que transforma o perene, o previsível no inusitado para surpreender o leitor como é o caso do Jornal da Tarde. / The aim of this paper is to research, demonstrate and analyze in which way the aspects of orality are expressed in the journalist written text, more precisely in headlines and news titles from Jornal da Tarde. For such proposal, we initially intend to verify the profile of newspaper readers and their subject preferences in a time of fast and superficial information. Within this research, a study about journalistic language has been made, which presents. The current language joined to the spoken and written language phenomena which are well explored by the newspaper. Our paper is concentrated in specific studies about the headline and news titles which give sight to the news printed by the newspaper and have the aim of calling the readers attention. The headlines and news titles, which were based on proverbial sentences, have been selected. However, these fixed formulas got adapted, which is called reenunciation and retextualization (détournement). This retextualization provokes humor, critic or ironic effect in parodying the original proverb which is a way of using the looser language to call the readers attention. All this research and analyze process was based in Discourse Analysis, Conversation Analysis, studies about journalistic language and papers about proverbs. As the proverbs are perpetuated in people memory, as soon as they are retextualized, they evidence the creativity of the headline and news titles announcer which changes the perennial, the predictable to the unexpected to surprise the reader, as seen in Jornal da Tarde.
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Um cipoal de sentidos: comunicação, experiência e as possibilidades da assinatura coletiva na narrativa jornalística / -Batista, Cicélia Pincer 14 May 2014 (has links)
No momento mesmo em que se vive o potencial alargamento das possibilidades de se dizer sobre o mundo, através das fluidas, abertas e multifacetadas tecnologias digitais da informação e da comunicação, tem-se tornado mais fortes e mais frequentes os discursos que afirmam o jornalismo como condição de degradação da experiência e agente da incomunicação. Neste contexto, é que esta tese se pergunta sobre as possibilidades de a narrativa jornalística se constituir como abertura dos horizontes compreensivos da experiência e da comunicação no mundo hodierno e não apenas como seu encarceramento numa interpretação única e muitas vezes autoritária dos acontecimentos. Assim, seu percurso teórico-metodológico procura se assentar numa transversalidade que inclui o diálogo entre a tematização e compreensão da linguagem e da narrativa como abertura, em Hans Georg Gadamer, Walter Benjamin e Wolfgang Iser, e a ideia da criação de uma assinatura coletiva para o jornalismo, em Cremilda Medina. Procurase construir, neste diálogo, uma \'linguagem de serviço\' ancorada pela \"mostração mais do que pela demonstração\" e que permita pensar e explorar os limites e as possibilidades da narrativa jornalística como o que pode \"dizer de novo o mundo, de modo a chegar ao aparecer do ainda não-percebido\" (Heidegger). / In the very moment when we see the potential enlargement of the possibilities of speaking about the world, through the fluid, open and multifaceted digital technologies of information and communication, discourses that deem journalism a condition for the debasement of experience and a factor of incommunication have grown stronger and more frequent. It is in this context that this PhD dissertation examines the possibilities of journalistic narrative to turn itself into an opening of the comprehensive horizons of experience and communication in the contemporary world, instead of its imprisonment in a single, often authoritarian interpretation of events. Thus, its theoretical and methodological course attempts to set up transversely including a dialogue between the thematization and the understanding of language and narrative as openness, as in Hans Georg Gadamer, Walter Benjamin and Wolfgang Iser, and the idea of the creation of a collective signature for journalism, in Cremilda Medina. In such a dialogue, it tries to build a \'language of service\' that anchors itself \"more at presentation than at demonstration\" and that allows thinking and exploring the limits and the possibilities of journalistic narrative as what may \"speak again the world, in order to bring into sight what has not yet been perceived\" (Heidegger).
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O fato gráfico: o humor gráfico como gênero jornalístico / The graphic fact: the graphic humour as journalistic genre.Arbach, Jorge Mtanios Iskandar 05 March 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca referências que especifiquem o Humor Gráfico como uma das formas com que se constrói o discurso jornalístico. Desenvolve a questão a partir do uso da imagem pelo homem desde a pré-história, ao definir os sinais e elaborar suas significações O fio condutor do trabalho sustenta que a imagem é detentora de linguagem própria e que cada ser humano possui mecanismos inatos para assimilar seu discurso não-verbal. O trabalho trata em sua parte final da configuração da imagem no mundo contemporâneo como uma linguagem já inserida no meio informativo, porém não reconhecida. / This research looks for references that specify the Graphic Humour as one of the ways with which the journalistic discourse is built. The issue is developed from the study of the use of the image since prehistory, when the man making forms into signs and elaborating their significances. The common thread of this work comes when sustaining that the image has its own language and that every human being possesses innate mechanisms to assimilate the no-verbal discourse of the images. At the final part, the work treats of the configuration of the image in the contemporary world as language already inserted in the informative discourse, but not yet recognized.
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Critiquing the Critic: A Case for Journalistic Criticism in the TheatreHaas, Tara Nicole 01 July 2015 (has links)
This thesis suggests that journalistic theatre criticism is a necessary and vital aspect of the theatre, promoting a healthy theatre community and culture. A healthy theatre community is supported by critics and artists alike, and is one where citizens are excited about the theatre, desiring to participate and engage with it often. It is one where artists and spectators listen, respect, and trust one another, being open to opinions and suggestions that may enhance and improve the theatre community. A healthy theatre community strives to provide theatre that may be multi-faceted in purpose, but allows for opportunities to challenge, uncover, teach, or simply entertain to become magnified, creating transformative experiences within the viewers. In the most utopic state, healthy theatre causes epiphanies that provide glimpses of a better world, one where individuals and societies may know peace. These interactions, with the magic that theatre can bring, may benefit communities on a level ultimately akin to changing the world. Journalistic criticism supports such healthy theatre by increasing interest and viewership, contributing to the theatre's growth, and recognizing ways in which it can utilize its deepest potential. In this thesis, I have performed qualitative and action research in order to evaluate myself as a critic. The thesis also explores how criticism functions in our society and, further, how it should function. I have analyzed various theatrical reviews I have written, and placed them into three sections, each representing a distinct element of theatre criticism. These elements comprise the most fundamental and vital functions of a review that leads to a healthy and improved theatre community. These sections are: “Increasing Promotion,” “Honest and Specific Feedback,” and “Emphasizing Social Justice.” Grouping the reviews into these sections, I will identify how I have contributed to the field of theatre criticism, and to these three realms in particular. I will also be able to recognize and indicate how I can progress as a critic to help support the field of journalistic theatre criticism. This thesis is very insular, personal, and beholden to me, presenting distinct limitations. The value of this work lies primarily in giving aspiring critics the opportunity to learn from my experiences and insights. Above all, this thesis holds value because of the improved critic I have become from completing it, ultimately able to better serve people in my writing for years to come.
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Putting Peace in the Frame : Alternative US Media Framing of the War in SyriaAndersson, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
The central question of this thesis is, how has the alternative US media framed the war in Syria? The analytical approach is informed by recent scholarly debate regarding peace journalism and constructive journalism. The framings of the war in Syria have been studied in three alternative US online news sources through a qualitative content analysis. The news sources are Truthout, The Progressive and Common dreams. Results show that these alternative US media has framed the war in line with characteristics of peace journalism and constructive journalism. This tendency departs from how the conflict is regularly framed in mainstream US media. The three studied media have for example promoted diplomatic and peaceful solutions to the war in Syria and tend to give voices to people that are not part of the US political elite.
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Construcción discursiva y denominación del Conflicto Armado Interno peruano (1980-2000) luego de la publicación del informe de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación (2003): Análisis del discurso periodístico de los diarios El Comercio y La RepúblicaGomez Quiroz, Jhoendel David 05 October 2018 (has links)
Esta tesis propone desarrollar un análisis de la forma cómo los diarios El Comercio y La República han denominado al Conflicto Armado Interno peruano en dos casos específicos. Es importante precisar, en primer lugar, que la elección de ambos diarios para el futuro análisis, se llevó a cabo debido a que tanto El Comercio como La República han sido diarios peruanos que aún mantienen circulación nacional y han seguido existiendo más allá del desarrollo del proceso de violencia. Esta particularidad no se ha visto en otros diarios, dado que algunos desaparecieron durante o antes del conflicto y, también, otros fueron creados después del conflicto. El primer caso a revisar es la entrega y publicación del Informe Final de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación (CVR) en el año 2003. El segundo caso es el segundo aniversario de la entrega del Informe Final de la CVR y la creación, por consiguiente, del monumento del “Ojo que Llora” en el año 2005. Estos dos casos presentan una vinculación con la necesidad de conocer la verdad y elaborar un acercamiento con la reconciliación y la memoria de una sociedad posconflicto como la peruana. / This thesis proposes to develop an analysis of how the newspapers El Comercio and La República have called the Peruvian Internal Armed Conflict in two specific cases. It is important to specify, in the first place, that the election of both newspapers for the future analysis was carried out because both El Comercio and La República have been peruvian newspapers that still maintain national circulation and have continued to exist beyond the development of the violence process. This feature has not been seen in other newspapers, since some disappeared during or before the conflict and, also, others were created after the conflict. The first case to review is the delivery and publication of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR) in 2003. The second case is the second anniversary of the delivery of the Final Report of the CVR and the creation, by therefore, the monument of the "Eye that Cries" in the year 2005. These two cases present a link with the need to know the truth and develop an approach to reconciliation and memory of a post-conflict society such as Peru. / Tesis
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Use of English in advertising and journalistic discourse of the Expanding circle: data from Bulgarian magazinesBogdanova, Maya January 2010 (has links)
<p>The combination of the socio-political changes following 1989 and the current status ofEnglish as the language of international communication promoted dynamic transformations ofthe attitude and usages of English in Bulgaria. The purpose of this study is to investigate theforms, functions and symbolic value of English in the Bulgarian advertising and journalisticdiscourse. The emphasis is on non-established words as opposed to established borrowings.Two hypotheses encapsulating the possible relation between English usages in advertising andjournalistic discourses are in the centre of investigation:</p><p>Hypothesis 1 The use of the English language remains on the symbolic and visual level in theBulgarian advertising and journalistic discourses.</p><p>Hypothesis 2 The symbolic value of English usage in advertising discourse is the same as thatof journalistic discourse.</p><p>Prior to the analyses, the study introduces an overview of the Bulgarian linguistic situationand a summary of studies in the area of contact phenomena between English and Bulgarian.Special attention is paid to publications discussing advertising and journalistic discourse.On the base of two principles – genre and readership – six magazines have been selectedto provide the data for the study: Маниджър(Manager); Story, НашДом(Our Home),ЖенатаДнес(The Woman Today), ЖурналзаЖената(Women’s Journal), and Top GearБългария(Top Gear Bulgaria). Using a set of criteria the process of collecting data hasextracted the occurrences of English from all advertisements, section and column headings,article titles, and the featured article of each issue. English occurrences have been classifiedfirst according to their generic function and position in the textual unity, and then, accordingto symbolic value ascribed by English.The statistical data confirms that the use of English in advertising discourse is common;on average 66% of the advertisements contain English words. Cross-reference with the type offunction reveals, however, that only 17% of the English used in advertisements adds semanticvalue to the Bulgarian-English mixing. Therefore, in advertising discourse English remainsmainly a tool for adding symbolic value. As far as the journalistic discourse is concernedEnglish usages are not as frequent; nevertheless, great variations are exemplified. Suchvariation is observed in the heading data where one of the magazines contains no English inthe headings while another uses English in all but four of its headings. The findings of thestudy reject both of the hypotheses although variations are observed and have been describedin this study. The analyses demonstrate that advertising discourse uses English in order toexploit the value of English as the lingua franca of the world, while the journalistic discoursedraws on the symbolic associations of English as the language of popular culture.The results of this study provide a comparison between advertising and journalisticdiscourses. Furthermore, it offers a picture of the situation in Bulgaria twenty years after thepolitical changes and a good intermediate point in the process of spread of English, whichcontinues to modify the linguistic situation of the country.</p>
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