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Gideon's Response and Jotham's Fable: Two Anti-Monarchial Texts in a Pro-Monarchial Book?Diffey, Daniel Scott 31 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to interpret Gideon's response in Judg 8:23 and Jotham's fable in Judg 9:7-15 within the context of the book of Judges. The book of Judges has recently been seen as an apology for the Davidic monarchy. Studies that have advocated this perspective have focused on the prologue (Judg 1:1-3:6) and epilogue (Judg 17-21) where there appears to be a focus on the tribe of Judah and an explicitly pro-monarchial refrain. These studies have largely neglected Gideon's response and Jotham's fable, which have been described by some scholars as two of the most anti-monarchial texts in the entire Old Testament. This dissertation analyzes both the book of Judges as a whole and these two texts in particular, with the aim of establishing the notion that the book of Judges contains a coherent message concerning monarchy from start to finish. Chapter 1 establishes the methodology used in the present study. The methodology employed is a literary-exegetical and theological analysis of the text from a synchronic perspective. Chapter 2 surveys the history of interpretation of the book of Judges with a focus on Gideon's response and Jotham's fable. Chapter 3 places the composition of the book within its life-setting arguing that the book was likely composed during David's early reign. Chapter 4 looks at the ideology of monarchy within the entirety of the book of Judges. Chapter 5 provides a detailed literary analysis of the plot of the Gideon narrative and the characterization of Gideon. This is done to establish the Gideon is an unreliable character and that his response in 8:23 cannot be considered as a theological axiom that is to be trusted. Chapter 6 provides a detailed literary analysis of the plot of the Abimelech narrative along with a discussion of the characterization of both Jotham and Abimelech. This chapter argues that the purpose of Jotham's fable is to serve as a curse against Abimelech and the lords of Shechem and is not anti-monarchial in nature. Chapter 7 provides a summary of the contents of the dissertation with final reflecting thoughts.
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Le renouvellement du contrôle juridictionnel de l’administration au moyen du recours pour excès de pouvoir / The renewal of the jurisdictional control of the administration by means of the recourse for abuse of powerGhezzou, Brahim 07 December 2017 (has links)
La mise en œuvre des différents textes adoptés récemment ainsi que les évolutions jurisprudentielles intervenues ces dernières années ont fait évoluer le rôle du juge administratif (l’excès de pouvoir). Dans bien des domaines, son rôle va en effet désormais au-delà de la simple confrontation d’un acte administratif avec la règle de droit. Au cœur de la décision d’annulation se place désormais, outre l’interprétation de la loi, un relevé et une appréciation des faits, éléments que l’on séparait d’ordinaire à raison du principe de la séparation entre l’administration et son juge.Quelques jurisprudences devenues très classiques, comme d’autres plus récentes, peuvent être considérées comme des manifestations caractéristiques de cette nouvelle tendance du juge à imposer une lecture pragmatique de la légalité, à concevoir une certaine cohérence entre le droit applicable et la réalité des faits, rendant ainsi utile toute annulation contentieuse prononcée dans ce sens. / The role of the administrative judge (the excess of power) has evolved due to the implementation of the various texts adopted recently as well as the developments in the case-law in recent years. In many areas, its role now goes beyond the mere confrontation of an administrative act with the rule of law. At the heart of the annulment decision is a statement and an assessment of the facts, apart from the interpretation of the law, which were usually separated by the principle of separation between the administration and its judge.Some jurisprudence which has become very classical, as well as others more recent, can be considered as characteristic manifestations of this new tendency of the judge to impose a pragmatic reading of the law, to conceive a certain coherence between the applicable law and the reality of the facts, thus rendering useful any annulment contentious pronounced in this sense.
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Iniciativa probatória judicial: uma análise crítica das premissas teóricas do modelo publicista de participação do juiz na fase probatória do processo / Judges active role: criticizing the publicist theoretical premises of Judges participation to evidentiary procedureFilipe de Castro Guimarães 26 August 2013 (has links)
A dissertação tem por objeto a análise das três principais premissas teóricas do modelo publicista de participação do juiz na fase probatória do processo, entendido este como o modelo que admite que o juiz investigue os fatos trazidos pelas partes através da designação de provas de ofício. Assim, analisam-se a verdade no processo, a igualdade das partes e a imparcialidade judicial. O objetivo do estudo, como se vê, não é apontar o modelo mais eficiente, mas analisar de forma crítica as premissas que conferem suporte teórico ao modelo vigente nos países da Europa continental e da América Latina para, ao final, concluir se o modelo publicista está ou não corretamente justificado no plano teórico. / This work aims at discussing the three main theoretical premises concerning the active role of a judge during the evidentiary phase of a judicial proceeding. This model is understood as the one in which the judge is allowed to investigate facts submitted by the parties by means of ordering ex officio evidence. We, thus, study how the material truth in the proceedings, equality of the parties, as well as the impartiality of the judge are dealt with in such model. The purpose of the work, as can be seen, is not to identify the most efficient regime, but to critically analyze the premises which provide theorical background to the regime currently in force in continental Europe and Latin America, in order to conclude whether such regime is properly supported from a theoretical perspective or not.
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O princípio dispositivo, a instrução probatória e os poderes do juiz / The dispositive principle, the evidential statement and the powers of the judge.Maria do Carmo Seffair Lins de Albuquerque 05 May 2014 (has links)
A busca de soluções capazes de imprimir maior eficiência e efetividade ao processo tem norteado as diversas reformas processuais nas últimas décadas. Com esse escopo, aumentaram os poderes do juiz, para justificar essa ampliação no caráter público do processo. Consequência desse aumento de poderes, verificou-se uma alteração no comportamento dos sujeitos envolvidos em um processo, outrora fundamentado nas premissas do princípio dispositivo, fato esse justificado pelos escopos sociais e políticos do processo na busca por uma decisão mais justa. Além disso, a busca por maior efetividade fez com que a duração razoável do processo ganhasse status de Direito Constitucional expressamente reconhecido, de modo a exigir do juiz uma conduta mais ativa na busca de melhor prestação jurisdicional. Como consequência, relegou-se a um plano secundário a participação das partes no processo, que se restringiu, praticamente, à instauração da demanda, de modo que a instrução probatória, cuja premissa maior era a igualdade formal balizada pelos limites do princípio dispositivo, passou, então, a ser influenciada pela iniciativa do juiz. O presente trabalho busca, seguindo os influxos das novas tendências e tendo em vista ser da essência da própria jurisdição a equidistância do magistrado dos interesses em conflito e, como o princípio dispositivo resulta da autonomia da vontade que reina no âmbito de grande parte dos Direitos atuados pelo processo civil, estimular a reflexão sobre o fato de a revalorização deste princípio, que, embora mitigado, ainda orienta o processo civil brasileiro, para confiar às partes, integralmente, tarefas que hoje incumbem aos magistrados no âmbito da instrução probatória, constituiria uma alternativa capaz de solucionar o problema da morosidade que afeta o Judiciário e compromete a efetividade processual. Dentro dessa perspectiva, o presente estudo se desenvolverá em três partes e enfatizará as questões ligadas ao tema proposto. Na primeira parte, será feito um estudo do princípio dispositivo para avaliar os impactos da sua mitigação no processo civil brasileiro contemporâneo, bem como a importância de sua subsistência como limite à atuação do juiz na busca de maior efetividade processual. Na segunda parte, o estudo será dirigido aos poderes do juiz, para refletir se a sua postura proativa realiza, de fato, os escopos da jurisdição, visto que, em geral, no âmbito do processo, se cuida de direitos disponíveis. Na terceira parte, buscar-se-á traçar um panorama atual da instrução probatória no processo civil brasileiro e, ao compará-la a outros ordenamentos estrangeiros, estimular a reflexão, sob a perspectiva da instrumentalidade, quanto ao fato de a maior valorização do princípio dispositivo constituir uma forma de evitar dilações temporais desnecessárias no curso do processo, visto que, não obstante o fortalecimento dos poderes do juiz, a realidade demonstra que o interesse das partes é sempre a mais eficiente mola propulsora da vida dos direitos e da sua efetividade. / The seek for solutions capable of bringing more efficiency to the due process of law has guided the variety of procedural law reforms in the last decades. Aiming to deliver more effectiveness to procedural mechanisms, these reforms enhanced the judges power, using the public aspect of procedure to justify such increase. As a consequence of this increase of powers, there was a change into the parties behavior. Erstwhile this behavior was based on the premises of the dispositive principle, justified by the social and political goals and their seek for a fair solution. Furthermore, the seek for more effectiveness make the question regarding the length of a action receive a clearly recognized Constitutional law status, requiring a better management from the judge during the jurisdictional duty. Thus, the parties participation in the process assumed a marginal role. The parties practically were segregated only to the introduction of the claim. The evidence production, which previously had as a major concept the formal equality, became influenced by the judge proactivity. Once the new tendencies are the essence of jurisdiction and the freedom of choice is an fundamental principle of the rights defended by the civil procedure, this dissertation aims to stimulate the reflection regarding the reanalysis of this principle that, even mitigated, are the main guide to the Brazilian civil procedure law. Inserted in this perspective, the present study will be divided into three parts and will emphasize the issues concerning the theme. The first part will be done a study regarding the dispositive principle. The objective is to evaluate the impact of its mitigation in the current Brazilian procedural law, as well as the importance of its existence as a boundary of the judges power in the quest for greater procedural effectiveness. The second part will be dedicated to the judges discretionary powers. It will bring a reflection if the proactive posture brings, in fact, the main jurisdictional goals, since it generally deals with available entitlement under the procedural law. In the third part, the dissertation will attempt to draw an actual outlook regarding evidence statement on the Brazilian civil procedure law. This work will compare the Brazilian system with foreign jurisdictions and stimulate a debate if the instrumentality perspective is a way to avoid unnecessary time delays in the procedures or not, considering that despite the strengthening of the powers of judge, reality shows that the parties\' interests is always the most efficient \"driving force\" of rights life and its effectiveness.
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Les compétences pénales du juge de paix sous la Révolution : entre police et justice (19-22 juillet 1791-3 brumaire an IV) : l'exemple de Nîmes, Béziers et Montpellier / The penal competences of the judge of the peace under the Revolution : between police and justice (july 19-22, 1791-brumaire 3, year IV) : the example of Nîmes, Béziers and MontpellierChouraqui, Véronique 17 November 2012 (has links)
Sous la Révolution, la régénération absolue de la justice passe par la création d’un système judiciaire totalement nouveau qui se concrétise par la loi des 16-24 août 1790 dont l’une des grandes innovations est la création des justices de paix en matière civile. Compétent en matière civile, le juge de paix se voit attribuer d’importantes fonctions répressives par deux lois successives : le décret des 19-22 juillet 1791 relatif à l’organisation de la police municipale et correctionnelle et le décret du 16-29 septembre 1791 relatif à la police de sûreté, la justice criminelle et l’établissement des jurés. Le législateur le désigne, par ailleurs, avec la loi des 28-6 octobre 1791, juge de la police rurale. Le juge de paix joue un rôle essentiel dans la procédure pénale. Par ses fonctions d’officier de police de sûreté il est chargé d’instruire toutes les affaires quelle que soit leur gravité. En outre, il juge toutes celles qui relèvent de la compétence du tribunal de police correctionnelle. Cette omniprésence du juge de paix présente deux inconvénients majeurs : elle contredit le principe de la séparation des pouvoirs en attribuant au même organe des attributions de police et de justice ; elle ne répond pas aux exigences de la répression politique en laissant au même homme le soin de poursuivre toutes les infractions. Aussi, dès 1792, le législateur divise-t-il la police de sûreté en deux branches : la sûreté privée et la sûreté générale confiant cette dernière aux municipalités. L’étude de l’activité des juges de paix dans trois grandes villes de l’Hérault et du Gard, Montpellier, Béziers et Nîmes, démontre que pendant une période de quatre ans, ces derniers ont exercé leurs attributions entre police et justice. Il faudra attendre le Code du 3 brumaire an IV qui désignera le juge de paix comme officier de police judiciaire et qui instituera les tribunaux correctionnels, pour séparer de manière plus claire les deux fonctions. / The laws of August 16th and the 24th off 1790 happened during the creation of the judiciary system which was during the time of the revolution and was seen as a big innovation/motivation towards peace in civil matters. The judge of peace is assigned two laws ; which are a repressive and successive law : 1. The decree of July the 19th and the 22nd in relation to the organisation of the municipal police and the police court 2. The decree of September the 29th 1791 in relation to the security police, the criminal justice and the establishment of the jurors. The legislator nominates him with the laws of October the 28th september and the 6th october 1791 as judge of the rural police. The judge of peace plays an essential role in the criminal procedure. Through his functions of safety police officer he has the responsibility of investigating every case regardless off their severity. He judges those within the jurisdiction of the court of police. This omnipresence has two major drawbacks; it contradicts the principle of the separation of the powers by giving it the same duties of police and justice. It does not meet the requirements of the political repression by leaving it to the same man the task of pursuing all the offences regardless off what they are. In 1792, the legislator divided the security police into two branches : private security and general security entrusting the latter to municipalities. Research was done in three big cities; Hérault and Gard, Montpellier, Béziers and Nîmes off the activities of the judges of peace which shows that during their first four years, they discharged their attributions between the police and justice. It will take the Code of Brumaire the 3rd , year IV which will nominate the judge of peace as officer of police court and will investigate criminal courts, to separate in a clearer way the two functions.
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Le contentieux administratif en dehors du juge : étude comparée des Droits Français et Brésilien / Litigation outside the judge : comparative study of French and Brazilian rightsSantos Ferreira, Kaline 12 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des modes alternatifs de contentieux administratifs entre l'État et les particuliers. Il s’agit d’une étude comparée entre le système français et le système brésilien. Au Brésil, les procédures alternatives ne sont guère utilisées et les juridictions se voient submergées par des recours de plus en plus nombreux. En France, le manque d’efficience des modes déjà implantés fait que la justice administrative se retrouve également encombrée. Notre proposition est d'analyser les diverses formes alternatives de solution des litiges : conciliation, médiation et arbitrage au Brésil et en France. L'importance de cette recherche se situe essentiellement au niveau de la contribution sociale qu'elle pourra apporter à la société brésilienne et à la société française. Cette thèse se propose de présenter une nouvelle option au contentieux traditionnel : des mécanismes en dehors du juge capables de garantir une communication entre l'administration publique et les particuliers. / This thesis deals with alternative ways to administrative litigations between the State and private individuals. This is a comparative study between the French and the Brazilian system.In Brazil, alternative procedures are rarely used and therefore, courts of law are inundated with more and more appeals. In France, the lack of efficiency of already existing ways makes the administrative justice as inundated. We suggest analyzing the various alternative ways to litigations: conciliation, mediation and arbitration in Brazil and in France. The importance of this research mainly lies in the social contribution it will bring on to the Brazilian and the French society. This thesis will offer a new option to traditional litigations: mechanisms which do not require a judge and which are able to guarantee a real communication between the public Service and private individuals.
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Le juge de l'élection présidentielle et crises électorales en Afrique noire francophone : étude sur les mutations de l'office du juge électoral / Constitutional judge, judge of the presidential election and election crisis in Subsaharian French Africa : study on transfers of electoral office of the judgeAkpo, Ghislain 15 December 2015 (has links)
Dans l’espace africain francophone comme ailleurs, les élections présidentielles, potentiellement sources de crise, sont contrôlées par les juridictions constitutionnelles. En se servant des crises électorales comme fil d’Ariane, force est de constater que des liens existent entre ces dernières et les juridictions constitutionnelles. Ainsi, les Cours constitutionnelles se retrouvent parfois à l’origine des crises électorales lorsqu’elles rendent des décisions partiales, en se mettant au service des autorités politiques ayant désigné leurs membres. Cependant, elles peuvent se montrer efficaces lorsque leurs décisions permettent de prévenir des crises électorales en gestation. Toutefois, cette efficacité peut être contrariée. En tout état de cause, lorsque les crises électorales sont manifestes, le juge constitutionnel se retrouve sans aucun doute engagé dans un processus de sortie de crise où sa présence s’avère utile. / In the francophone African area as elsewhere, the presidential elections, potential sources of crisis, are controlled by the constitutional jurisdictions. By using the electoral crises as an Ariadne’s thread, we are forced to admit that there are links joining those crises to the constitutional jurisdictions. Thus, constitutional courts can sometimes be the starting point of electoral crises, especially when they make biased decisions serving the political authorities who have appointed their members. Nevertheless, they can be effective when their decisions are able to prevent future electoral crisis in preparation. However, this efficiency at times happens to be thwarted. In any event, when the electoral crises are evident, the constitutional judge finds himself, without any doubt, involved in a crisis exit process where his presence proves to be useful.
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Le juge administratif : juge du référé-suspension / Administrative judge : summary's judge of suspensionSayede Hussein, Assem 29 May 2013 (has links)
Douze ans constituent un délai raisonnable pour faire un bilan global de la procédure de l'article L. 521-1 du Code de justice administrative. L'examen des évolutions jurisprudentielles et l'analyse des dernières dispositions législatives font percevoir l'élargissement du domaine d'application du mécanisme qui est, dans l'ensemble, cohérent. Doté de nouvelles prérogatives subtiles et redoutables, le juge du référé-suspension assume parfaitement son rôle du juge de l'équilibre et de la nécessité. Il est le garant de la protection provisoire. L'efficacité est le noyau dur de sa fonction. Le changement d'état d'esprit et d'attitude du juge administratif a eu des conséquences à la fois théoriques et pratiques en la matière. De part sa gestion rapide, son accessibilité, son mode de raisonnement et sa créativité, le juge du référé-suspension est juge de la rupture. À cela, s'ajoutent la préoccupation du juge des effets de ses interventions et la flexibilité des mesures prononcées. Disposant ainsi d'une véritable culture de l'urgence, le juge a gagné de la crédibilité et de la légitimité et est, surtout, devenu un concurrent redoutable face à ses homologues, que ce soit au niveau national ou européen. Bien que performant, le juge des référés n'est pas au bout de ses potentialités. La continuité entre le référé- suspension et son ancêtre est tangible. Le système reste imparfait. Nombreux en sont les points perfectibles. Pour y remédier, le juge ainsi que le législateur doivent rester en mouvement. / Twelve years represent reasonable time to make a global report on the procedure of article L.521-1 of Code of adminstrative law. The examination of case law evolution and the analysis of last legal measures allow us to detect an enlargment of field which is consistent. Equipped with new subtly and dreaded prerogatives, summary's judge of suspension of administrative act, assumes perfectly his duty of judging balance and necessity. He is the guarantor of the temporary protection. Efficacity constitutes his function'hard core. The change of state of mind and attitude of administrative judge had consequences both theorical and practical in the subject. Due to his fast management, his accessibility, his way of reasoning and its creativity, the summary's judge of suspension is the judge of breach. Beyond that, are added the judge's preoccupation of teh effects of his intervention and the flexibility of delivered sentences. The judge has won credibility and legitimacy by having a real cukture of emrgency and became a tremendous rival opposite to his homolog on nation-wide or European-wide. Although efficient, summary's judge has more potentialities. The continuity from summary-suspension and his ancestor is real. The system is still imperfect. To solve this, the judge and lawmaker have to stay in alert.
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Seksueel-etiese aspekte in die Simsonverhaal (Rigters 13-16) as vertrekpunt vir Christelike berading binne 'n multi-godsdienstige beradingsituasieVan Wyk, Barend Jacobus 07 July 2008 (has links)
This research was encouraged by the need for Christian religious-ethical principles for counselling of HIV/Aids patients and their families within a multi-religious environment. During his lifetime the researcher was a member of Professional Family Care, a multi-religious and multi-disciplinary organization assisting HIV/Aids patients in Middelburg, Mpumalanga. The aim of the study is to highlight the sexual ethos of people from a Christian ethical perspective by means of the example of the character Samson in the book of Judges (Jd 13-16), in order to derive sexual-ethical principles for counselling. The hypothesis is that an ethical relationship exists between the rebelliousness in Samson’s life, and his sexual conduct. A similar relationship can be identified in our current society as a result of the negligence of healthy religious-ethical norms. A socio-rhetorical approach has been applied to explore various textures found in the Samson saga. After a discussion of Old Testament ethics as a subject, emphasis was laid on analysing the intra-textual, ideological, social and cultural, and holiness structures of the Samson saga. HIV/Aids as a social problem is discussed, primarily by means of relevant statistics. Professional Family Care implements an eco-systemic model, viz. an integrated approach involving medical professions, social workers, and religious leaders from all the religions involved. The principles of this approach are explained. After the religious-ethical perspectives of various religions have been highlighted, final conclusions are drawn. The ethical conduct of individuals normally mirrors the dominant ideological framework of the society in which they live. The sexual-ethical conduct of Samson, within its context, and the ethical principles, which can be deduced from that for the current context of Middelburg, Mpumalanga, clearly indicate that a relationship exists between the violation of sexual-ethical norms of the society as well as the consequences thereof for individuals and the broader community. In the light thereof both the positive and negative conduct of Samson have been implemented to formulate basic principles for counselling. / Prof. Johan Coetzee
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Le rôle du juge pénal : étude comparative en France et Thaïlande / The role of the criminal court judge : comparative study between in France and ThailandSermsilatham, Pramote 14 December 2016 (has links)
En France comme en Thaïlande, le juge apparaît comme un intervenant incontournable du procès pénal. Alors que traditionnellement la procédure pénale française était qualifiée d’inquisitoire où le juge joue un rôle actif et la procédure pénale thaïlandaise était qualifiée d’accusatoire où le juge joue un rôle passif, aujourd’hui, la procédure pénale dans les deux systèmes emprunte aux deux conceptions qui est manifestement mixte. Cependant le système mixte dans les deux pays loin de présenter un visage uniforme, la procédure pénale dans les deux pays se différencie selon la dose d’inquisitoire ou d’accusatoire qui le caractérise. En effet, le rôle du juge en France reste différent de celui en Thaïlande, d’où l’intérêt et le défi de la comparaison. La première partie de la thèse a pour objet l’étude comparative du cadre général de l’organisation judiciaire. Cette étude concerne tout d’abord les organisations des juridictions pénales et la composition des juridictions. Nous étudierons ensuite les règles relatives aux modalités de recrutement, puis le statut du juge dans les deux systèmes. La seconde partie est consacrée à l’étude comparative du rôle du juge judiciaire dans la procédure pénale. La comparaison porte d’abord sur le rôle du juge dans la phase préparatoire ensuite le rôle du juge dans la phase décisoire. Tout au long de cette recherche, nous étudierons également les nombreuses réformes apportées aux structures judiciaires dans les deux pays. Cette étude comparée des systèmes français et thaïlandais relative au rôle du juge pénal aboutit à un échange d’expériences entre les deux différents systèmes juridiques / In France, similar to Thailand, the judge appears as a key role in a criminal trial. Traditionally, the French criminal procedure was described as an inquisitorial system where the judge plays an active role whereas the Thai criminal procedure was depicted as an adversarial system where the judge plays a passive role. Presently, the concepts of the criminal proceedings in these two systems have seemingly mingled. However, the somewhat mixed system is still far from presenting a uniformity in criminal proceedings between the two countries due to the difference between inquisitorial and adversarial system which characterizes it. Indeed, the role of the judge in France is distinct from that in Thailand, thus, induced to the interest and the challenge of the comparison.The first part of this thesis is to study the comparative framework of the judiciary. This study firstly relates to the organizations of criminal courts and composition of the courts. We then study the rules on recruitment procedures and the status of judges in the two systems. The second part is devoted to the comparative study on the role of the judge in the criminal proceedings. This comparison focuses on the judge's role in stages both before and after trial. Throughout this research, we will also study a number of law reforms regarding the judiciary structures of both countries.This comparative study of French and Thai systems on the role of criminal court judge leads to an exchange of experiences between the two different legal systems
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