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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stratégies et pratiques de contrôle du poids chez les judokates et judokas de haut niveau : entre visée de performance et vulnérabilité / Strategies and practices of weight control in female and male judokas of high-level : between performance target and vulnerability

Messina, Martin Theddy 12 December 2016 (has links)
Dans les sports de combat à catégories de poids, les compétiteurs ont l'obligation de "faire le poids" de leur catégorie, au moment de la pesée réalisée officiellement avant chaque compétition. La thèse vise à appréhender les pratiques de contrôle de poids chez les judokates et les judokas de haut niveau. Elle s'intéresse au vécu quotidien des sportifs, au mode de diffusion des pratiques et des savoirs et à leur évolution dans un monde où la quête de performance est un enjeu permanent. L'approche interactionniste se situe à l'interface de la sociologie du sport, de la sociologie de la santé et de la sociologie du risque. Les concepts de « carrière » et de « trajectoire » sont mobilisés pour comprendre la construction des pratiques de contrôle du poids dans la carrière de judoka(te) et leur évolution dans une trajectoire qui leur est propre. L'approche qualitative prend appui sur une enquête ethnographique d'une durée de 230 jours réalisée dans une dizaine de pays à l'occasion de stages préparatoires et de compétitions internationales. Elle a été complétée par 48 « récits de vie » réalisés auprès de 21 femmes et 27 hommes âgés de 18 à 41 ans, athlètes de haut niveau. Le processus de construction des pratiques de contrôle du poids est saisi dans le cadre de carrières, permettant de rendre compte aussi bien de faits objectifs relevant de la structure sportive, que de changement dans les connaissances, les conceptions et les désirs des athlètes. Les pratiques de contrôle du poids dont les bases sont généralement construites à la fin de l'adolescence se développent selon une trajectoire qui tend à s'autonomiser de la carrière de judoka(te). L'analyse met en lumière des situations de vulnérabilité tant dans la carrière sportive qu'au sein de la trajectoire elle-même / In combat sports with weight classes, competitors are required to "offer counterweight" in their category at the time of the weighing that is officially held before each competition. The thesis aims to understand the weight control practices among female and male judokas of high ranking. Its interests are the everyday life of athletes, the dissemination mode of practices and knowledge, and their evolution in a world where the quest for performance is an ongoing challenge. The interactional approach is located at the interface of sports sociology, health sociology, and risk sociology. The concepts of "career" and "direction" are mobilized to understand the building of weight control practices in female and male judokas career, and the evolution of these practices in a direction of their own. The qualitative approach is based on a 230-day ethnographic survey conducted in about 10 countries during preparatory internships and international competitions. The survey was complemented by 48 "life stories" conducted with athletes of high ranking, 21 women and 27 men aged 18 to 41. The construction process of weight control practices is acquired in the career framework, reporting both objective facts within the sports structure, and the change in expertise, the notions, and athletes’ desires. These weight control practices, of which bases are generally constructed at the end of the adolescence, develop along a trajectory that tends to become independent of the judokas career. The analysis highlights situations of vulnerability in both the sports career and the direction itself


Yacoub, Simon 02 August 2023 (has links)
Zusammenfassung der Arbeit Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. med. PROGNOSTISCHE FAKTOREN FÜR VERLETZUNGEN VON JUDOKA IM HOCHLEISTUNGSSPORT eingereicht von: Simon Yacoub angefertigt an/in: Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Leipzig Klinik für Orthopädie, Unfallchirurgie und Plastische Chirurgie betreut von: Prof. Dr. med. habil. Christoph-Eckhard Heyde November 2022 Judo ist die am meisten betriebene Kampfsportart der Welt. Ziel in der japanischen Kampfkunst ist es, den Gegner entweder auf die Matte zu werfen oder ihn im Bodenkampf zur Aufgabe zu zwingen. Der Kampf beginnt immer im Stand. Zuerst versuchen die Judoka ihren favorisierten Griff beim Gegner anzubringen. Ist dies gelungen gibt es eine große Reihe an Techniken, um den Gegner zu Fall zu bringen. Im Boden kann der Gegner mit einer Hebeltechnik auf das Ellenbogengelenk oder eine Würgetechnik am Hals zur Aufgabe gezwungen werden. Auch eine Festhaltetechnik im Boden kann den Kampf beenden. Verletzungen in dieser Sportart sind häufig und haben vor allem im Hochleistungssportbereich die höchste Inzidenz. Die meistbetroffenen Gelenke sind das Knie-, das Schulter- und das Ellenbogengelenk. Der häufigste Verletzungsmechanismus ist eine Wurfaktion durch den gegnerischen Judoka. Die meisten Traumata (60-70%) ereignen sich im Training. In der vorliegenden prospektiven Arbeit wurden vom 31.01.2020 bis 15.06.2022 an acht deutschen Judo-Leistungszentren unter allen dort trainierenden Kaderathleten 105 relevante Traumata detektiert. Es wurden nur Verletzungen erfasst, die zu einem Trainingsausfall von mindestens zwei Tagen geführt haben. Außerdem mussten die Judoka mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein und den Landeskaderstatus erfüllen. Die Erhebung der Daten erfolgte über einen Online-Fragebogen und beinhaltete 22 Fragen. Hierbei wurden allgemein-epidemiologische, sowie verletzungsspezifische Parameter erfasst. Die Studienpopulation ist mit 105 Studienteilnehmern als gering zu betrachten. Allerdings wurde für diese Untersuchung ein sehr spezifisches Patientenklientel, deutsche Judoka im Hochleistungssportbereich, gewählt. Daher ist die Studiengröße für diese spezifische Gruppe mit einer daraus folgenden guten Vergleichbarkeit als aussagekräftig anzusehen. Das Ziel der Arbeit bestand darin, prognostische Faktoren für Verletzungen im Hochleistungssport Judo zu determinieren.   Kein prognostischer Faktor, für das Risiko von Verletzungen im Hochleistungssport im Judo, war das Geschlecht. Die Verteilung von weiblichen beziehungsweise männlichen Judoka mit Trauma war annähernd gleich (weiblich=41,9% vs. männlich=58,1%). Ebenso konnten die Gewichtsklassengruppen keine Prognoserelevanz aufweisen. Hier muss erwähnt sein, dass aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen keine Untersuchung einzelner Gewichtsklassen möglich war. Es wurden keine Unterschiede für Verletzungen im Spitzensport Judo detektiert, welche in Abhängigkeit zur Dauer im Hochleistungssportbereich Judo standen. Das Knie-, das Schulter-, sowie das Ellenbogengelenk konnten als prädisponierende Körperregionen für Verletzungen determiniert werden. Die Verletzungsart Bänderriss sticht in der vorliegenden Arbeit hervor und macht 40,0% aller Verletzungen aus. Im Einklang mit der Literatur wurde die vordere Kreuzbandruptur, in der hier präsentierten Untersuchung, als häufigste ärztliche Diagnose herausgearbeitet (7,6% aller Verletzungen). Die Verletzungsmechanismen gegnerische Wurfaktion und eigene Wurfaktion führten insgesamt zu mehr als drei Viertel aller Verletzungen (gegnerische Wurfaktion – 40,0%; eigene Wurfaktion – 38,1%). Die sportartspezifischen Bewegungsabläufe sind im Wesentlichen vorgegeben und lassen sich kaum sinnvoll verändern. Somit stellt der Verletzungsmechanismus keinen gut beeinflussbaren Parameter für das Risiko von Verletzungen dar. Als prognostischer Fakt im Sinne eines erhöhten Risikos für Verletzungen im Hochleistungssportbereich im Judo konnte der Altersgruppenbereich 21 bis 23 Jahre identifiziert werden. Hier ereigneten sich mit 25,7% die meisten Verletzungen der Umfrage. Ebenso als prognostischer Faktor konnte der steigende Trainingsaufwand im Hochleistungsbereich gezeigt werden. Je höher dieser ist, umso mehr Traumata wurden erfasst. Im Training ereigneten sich mit 64,8% die meisten Traumata im Judo. Diese Verteilung ist schon lange so in der Literatur beschrieben und konnte in der hier dargestellten Studie als prognostischer Faktor für Verletzungen im Hochleistungssportbereich im Judo bestätigt werden. 38,9% aller erfassten Traumata aus der vorliegenden Arbeit sind im Anschluss an eine vorangegangene Gewichtsreduktion aufgetreten. Eine Gewichtsreduktion wird in der Kampfsportart Judo regelhaft betrieben. Bis zu 80% der Judoka nehmen in Vorbereitung auf einen Wettkampf ab. Eine Gewichtsreduktion sollte daher als prognostischer Faktor für Verletzungen in Zukunft stärker beachtet werden. Bei Verletzungen von weiblichen Judoka scheint der Menstruationszyklus eine Prognoserelevanz darzustellen. Dort ereigneten sich 36,4% der Traumata während der Menstruation.   Die in dieser Arbeit identifizierten prognostischen Faktoren für Verletzungen können dazu beitragen, die Inzidenz von Traumata im Judo-Spitzensport zukünftig zu senken. In der Sportart Judo gibt es ein großes Potential an der weiterführenden Erfassung von Verletzungen. Es könnten sich folglich daraus neue Präventions-, Therapie-, sowie Rehabilitationskonzepte und angepasste Trainingsinhalte ableiten lassen. Gerade die individuelle Trainingssteuerung (Trainingsintensität, Trainingsinhalte, Gewichtsreduktion) einzelner Judoka könnte erhebliche Verbesserungen in Hinblick auf Entstehungen von Verletzungen liefern. Auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Daten sollten sich nun weitere spezifische Untersuchungen anschließen.  :Inhaltsverzeichnis Bibliografische Beschreibung: I. Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV Abkürzungen IV Glossar VI II. Abbildungsverzeichnis VII III. Tabellen VIII IV. Diagramme IX 1. Einleitung 1 1.1 Exkurs: Judo, der sanfte Weg – Definition und Historik 1 1.2 Judo im Hochleistungssportbereich 4 1.3 Definition von Verletzung und Krankheit 6 1.4 Verletzungen im Judo 7 1.5 Traumamechanismen 8 1.5.1 Trauma durch eigene Kampf- oder Wurfaktion 9 1.5.2 Trauma durch gegnerische Kampf- oder Wurfaktion 13 1.5.3 Trauma durch eine Bodenkampfaktion 16 1.5.4 Trauma ohne jegliche Fremdeinwirkung 17 1.6 Bedeutung eines verletzungsbedingten Ausfalls im Judo 18 1.7 Epidemiologie 20 1.8 Funktionelle Anatomie von bevorzugt verletzten Körperregionen, sowie deren häufigste Traumata 22 1.8.1 Funktionelle Anatomie des Schultergelenkes 23 1.8.2 Traumata des Schultergelenkes 25 1.8.3 Funktionelle Anatomie des Kniegelenkes 27 1.8.4 Traumata des Kniegelenkes 29 2. Die Corona-Pandemie 2019 32 2.1 SARS-CoV-2 – Die Pandemie 2019 32 2.2 SARS-CoV-2 und der Sport 34 3. Ziel der Arbeit 36 4. Material und Methoden 38 4.1 Methoden 38 4.2 Rekrutierung der einzuschließenden Judoka 38 4.3 Datenschutz/Einwilligungserklärung 39 4.4 Ethikantrag 39 4.5 Umfragebogen 40 4.6 Erfassung anamnestischer Daten 41 4.6.1 Epidemiologische Daten 41 4.6.2 Ernährungsgewohnheiten und Nikotinkonsum 41 4.6.3 Judoaktivität 41 4.6.4 Operationen vor der Verletzung 41 4.6.5 Gewichtsreduktion 42 4.6.6 Verletzung 42 4.6.7 Trainingsausfall/Therapie 43 4.7 Ausschluss aus der statistischen Erhebung 43 4.8 Statistische Analyse 43 5. Ergebnisse 44 5.1 Deskriptive Analyse 44 5.1.1 Geschlechtsspezifische Verteilung 45 5.1.2 Altersverteilung 46 5.1.3 Betroffene Körperregionen 47 5.1.4 Trainingsaufwand pro Woche 48 5.1.5 Verletzungsart (VA) 49 5.1.6 Ärztliche Diagnose (ÄD) anhand ICD-10-Codes 50 5.1.7 Verletzungsmechanismus 51 5.1.8 Gewichtsklassengruppen (GKG) 52 5.1.9 Dauer, wie lange Judo im Allgemeinen und im Hochleistungssportbereich (HLSPB) betrieben wird 53 5.1.10 Verletzungen im Training 55 5.1.11 Gewichtsreduktion vor Verletzung 56 5.1.12 Menstruation während der Verletzung 57 5.2 Datenkorrelation zur Analyse von prognostischen Faktoren für Verletzungen im Hochleistungssport Judo 58 5.2.1 Zusammenhang zwischen Lokalisation der Verletzung und dem Geschlecht 58 5.2.2 Zusammenhang zwischen Lokalisation der Verletzung und der Gewichtsklassengruppe 60 5.3 Gegenüberstellende Analyse – Auffälligkeiten des Studienkollektivs 62 5.3.1 Verletzungsart 62 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zu den Gewichtsklassengruppen 62 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zur Gewichtsreduktion (GR) 64 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zur Dauer wie lange Judo betrieben wurde 65 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zur Dauer, wie lange Judo im Hochleistungssportbereich betrieben wurde 66 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zum wöchentlichen Trainingsumfang 67 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zum Trainingsausfall 68 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zum Geschlecht 69 Verletzungsart im Vergleich zum therapeutischen Vorgehen 71 6. Diskussion 72 7. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 90 8. Quellenverzeichnis 95 8.1 Literaturverzeichnis 95 8.2 Verzeichnis der Internetlinks 111 9. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 114 10. Erklärung über die Vorbehaltlichkeit der Verfahrenseröffnung zur Verleihung des Titels Dr. med. 115 11. Lebenslauf 116 12. Danksagung 119 13. Anlagen 120 13.1 Waiver EK 120 13.2 Datenschutzerklärung 121 13.3 Tabellen Umfragebogen 124

O efeito agudo do pré-condicionamento isquêmico sobre a performance do Special Judo Fitness Test de atletas de alto rendimento

Ribeiro, Aline Aparecida de Souza 09 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-08-23T10:48:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alineaparecidadesouzaribeiro.pdf: 1327268 bytes, checksum: 2e758e27cd69a378e786f04183a4ce2e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-08-28T12:38:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alineaparecidadesouzaribeiro.pdf: 1327268 bytes, checksum: 2e758e27cd69a378e786f04183a4ce2e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T12:38:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alineaparecidadesouzaribeiro.pdf: 1327268 bytes, checksum: 2e758e27cd69a378e786f04183a4ce2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-09 / O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o efeito agudo do pré-condicionamento isquêmico (PCI) sobre a performance do Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) de atletas de alto rendimento. A amostra foi composta por 17 atletas faixa preta, marrom e roxa de judô (idade=21,35±3,46 anos; tempo de prática=8,94±3,88 anos; estatura=173±9 cm; massa corporal= 69,34±10,94 Kg; IMC=23,10±2,49 Kg/m²; %GC=18,75±7,41) que foram submetidos a três sessões com intervalos de 72 horas. Na primeira sessão, os voluntários assinaram o TCLE, responderam ao PAR-Q, foi realizada a avaliação antropométrica, a familiarização do SJFT e os esclarecimentos sobre o PCI. Na segunda e terceira sessões, foram realizados dois protocolos experimentais de forma randomizada: a) PCI (3 ciclos x 5 min. isquemia a 220 mmHg / 5 min. de reperfusão a 0 mmHg) + SJFT e b) SHAM (20 mmHg) + SJFT. Foi respeitado um intervalo de trinta minutos entre os protocolos experimentais e o SJFT. Foram realizados testes estatísticos de homogeneidade de variância e teste t de Student para verificar possíveis diferenças entre os grupos PCI e SHAM com relação à série (A), a série (B) e (C), ao número total de arremessos (A+B+C), a FC imediatamente e 1 minuto após o SJFT e o índice do SJFT. Para avaliação da significância, foi adotado p ≤ 0,05. A magnitude da diferença entre as condições PCI e SHAM foi avaliada usando o tamanho do efeito de Cohen’s (d). Os resultados indicam que o grupo PCI realizou maior número significativo de arremessos na série (A) do SJFT (p=0,004; d=0,50; efeito moderado) comparado ao SHAM. Ao analisarmos o número total de arremessos (A+B+C) encontramos diferença significativa entre os grupos PCI e SHAM (p=0,001; d=0,37; efeito pequeno). No índice do SJFT foi observada diferença significativa entre PCI e SHAM (p=0,001; d=0,50; efeito moderado). Os achados sugerem que o PCI melhorou a performance de atletas de judô de alto rendimento, particularmente devido a redução do índice do SJFT. / The aim of this study was to analyze the acute effect of ischemic preconditioning (IPC) on the performance of the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) of high performance athletes. The sample was composed by 17 black belt, Brown belt and purple belt at the judo athletes (age = 21.35 ± 3.46 years, practice time = 8.94 ± 3.88 years, height = 173 ± 9 cm, body mass = 69.34 ± 10.94 kg, BMI = 23.10 ± 2.49 kg / m²,% GC = 18.75 ± 7.41) that were submitted to three sessions at 72 hour intervals. In the first session the volunteers signed the ICF, answered the PAR-Q, anthropometric evaluation, the familiarization of the SJFT and were clarified about the IPC. In the second and third sessions, two experimental protocols were performed in a randomized, crossover design: a) IPC (cycles 3 x 5 min ischemia at 220 mmHg / 5 min reperfusion at 0 mmHg) + SJFT and b) SHAM (20 mmHg) + SJFT. The interval between the experimental protocols and the SJFT was thirty minutes. Statistical tests of variance homogeneity and Student's t test were performed to verify possible differences between the IPC and SHAM groups in relation to the series (A), the series (B) and (C), to the total number of throws (A + B + C), the HR immediately and 1 minute after SJFT and SJFT index. For the evaluation of the level of significance, p ≤ 0.05 was adopted. The magnitude of the difference between IPC and SHAM conditions was assessed using the effect size (d Cohen's). The results indicate that the IPC performed a larger number of throws in the SJFT series (A) (p = 0.004, d = 0.50, moderate effect) compared to SHAM. When we analyzed the total number of throws (A + B + C) we found a significant difference between the IPC and SHAM groups (p = 0.001, d = 0.37, small effect). The SJFT index showed a significant difference between IPC and SHAM (p = 0.001, d = 0.50, moderate effect). The findings suggest that IPC improved the performance of high performance judo athletes, particularly due to the reduction of the SJFT index.

Des femmes dans la direction des clubs de judo : "plafond de verre" et rapports sociaux de sexe dans l'Espace Catalan Transfrontalier / Of women in judo clubs management : glass ceiling and gender social relationships in the Catalan cross-border area

Leglise, Eva 09 October 2017 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, les gouvernements successifs et les organisations sportives nationales et internationales développent des politiques volontaristes en matière d'égalité et de parité dans le sport. Quel est l'effet réel de ces dispositifs, mesures et recommandations ? Menée conjointement dans le département des Pyrénées-Orientales (Languedoc-Roussillon) et au sein de la Communauté autonome de Gérone (Catalogne), notre étude s'intéresse à l'accès des femmes bénévoles aux postes à responsabilités dans le mouvement sportif local. Utilisant les résultats d'une enquête de terrain dans l’Espace Catalan Transfrontalier, cette thèse propose d'analyser la place et l'expérience des femmes dirigeantes dans les clubs de judo. La comparaison nous semble pertinente sur les plans scientifique et politique parce qu'elle nous permet de saisir les continuités culturelles à propos des rapports sexués dans le sport mais également les variations liés aux contextes nationaux et aux effets des politiques publiques. A partir de monographies de club de l'espace catalan choisis de part et d'autre de la frontière, nous tenterons de décrire les postes occupés, les parcours de dirigeantes mais également les freins à leur investissement bénévole. Il s'agira ainsi non seulement de comparer la manière dont ces femmes ont atteint leurs positions de « pouvoir » (carrières, vie de famille, capital sportif, fonctionnement des clubs...), mais également de saisir la manière dont elles perçoivent l'exercice de leurs fonctions. Dans une pratique de compétition fortement associée aux valeurs de virilité, comment des femmes arrivent à percer le « plafond de verre » ? Dans quelle mesure peut-on parler de domination masculine ? Peut-on distinguer des facteurs facilitateurs selon le pays d'origine ou, au contraire de freins identiques ?Cette thèse propose finalement de coupler l'analyse des rapports sociaux de sexe dans les clubs sportifs et celle de la comparaison pour mieux comprendre les effets respectifs des contextes politico-institutionnel sur le fait social étudié. / For the past few years, successive governments and national sports associations have developed a proactive policy as regards equality and parity in sports. What is the real impact of these schemes, actions and recommendations? Jointly carried out in the Pyrénées-Orientales (French region of Languedoc-Roussillon) and within the Autonomous Community of Gerone (Calalonia), our study concentrates on volunteer women’s access to positions of responsibility in local sports clubs. Using the results of a field study made in the Catalan cross-border area, this thesis provides a comprehensive assessment of the position and experience of women leaders in judo clubs. We consider that this comparison is relevant both on scientific and political levels since it allows to understand cultural continuities of gender relations in sports. Moreover, we will also consider the differences linked to the national background and to the consequences of public policies. From monographs of clubs chosen on both sides of the border, we will try and describe the positions and career paths of women managers, but also how their volunteer investment was sometimes held back. In this respect, not only we will compare how these women have reached their leading positions (career, family life, sport capital, clubs operation…) but also we will understand how they themselves consider their duties. Given a fierce competition strongly associated with the values of virility, how do women succeed in breaking the glass ceiling? Is it possible to distinguish between enabling factors or identical brakes, according to the country?Eventually, this thesis provides a combined analysis of gender social relations in sports clubs and a comparison to better understand the respective consequences of political and institutional contexts on the purpose of this study.

Division par sexe, hiérarchisation des statuts et socialisation corporelle dans les clubs sportifs de judo : vers une neutralisation situationnelle / Gender division, statuses stratification and socialisation of the body within judo sport clubs : towards a situational neutralization

Klein, Emmanuelle 27 September 2013 (has links)
Le cadre de pratique du judo est spécifique et met en scène des éléments qui rendent l'étude des divisions par sexe dans les clubs sportifs de judo particulièrement intéressante. En effet, la socialisation corporelle et l'assimilation des codes non-officiels de la pratique visent à asexuer les corps et les judokas et de ce fait, favorisent l'apparition de relations de sexe neutralisé entre les pratiquants. Ainsi, à partir d’une analyse situationnelle de la division par sexe, nous avons pu mettre en exergue que les statuts sexués sont placés en retrait, au profit de ceux directement en lien avec la pratique ou les individus eux-mêmes. A ce titre, les judokas endossent une pluralité de statuts, qui se voient imbriqués et combinés les uns aux autres. Leur prise en compte dépend de la relation en cours : de ce point de vue, les relations entre judokas dans les clubs sportifs de judo s'articulent à partir d'une hiérarchisation de leurs statuts et des rôles qui y sont associés. / The framework for the practise of judo is a particular one; it stages elements that make the study of gender division in judo sport clubs particularly interesting. Indeed, the socialisation of the body and the integration of non-official codes of the sport aim at de-Gendering the bodies and the judokas, thus promoting the emergence of neutralized gender relations between judokas. From a situational analysis of the gender division, it was then possible to highlight the fact that gendered statuses are set in the background, in favour of those directly related to the practise of the sport or to the individuals themselves. In this respect, judokas take on a plurality of statuses, which are interlinked and combined with each other. Taking them into account depends on the ongoing relation: from this point of view, the relations between judokas in judo sport clubs revolve around a stratification of their statuses and of the roles associated with them.

Dziudo sportininkų agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi sąsajos / Judo sportsmen’s aggression and self-evaluation expression

Maziukas, Rimantas 19 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Nors mokslinėje literatūroje gana plačiai nagrinėjama agresyvaus elgesio problema, tačiau agresyvumo ir pasitikėjimo savimi tyrimai sportinės veiklos (dvikovos) požiūriu nėra gausūs, todėl šio tyrimo objektu buvo pasirinkti kontaktinės šakos (dziudo) paauglių agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi ypatumai. Darbo objektas –dziudo sportininkų agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi ypatumai. Hipotezė – vyresnių ir didesnio meistriškumo sportininkų agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi vertinimo raiška didesnė. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti dziudo sportininkų agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi raišką. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti dziudo sportininkų agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi raišką lyties aspektu. 2. Nustatyti dziudo sportininkų agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi raišką amžiaus aspektu. 3. Nustatyti dziudo sportininkų agresijos ir pasitikėjimo savimi raišką meistriškumo aspektu. 4. Atskleisti dziudo sportininkų pasitikėjimo savimi sąsajas pagal sportavimo trukmės ir sportavusių šeimos narių aspektu. Išvados: 1. Ištyrus dziudo sportininkų vaikinų ir merginų agresijos raišką, buvo nustatyta, kad netiesiogine agresija ir susierzinimas yra labiau būdingas vaikinams, o merginoms būdingesnė priešiškumo raiška (skriaudos raiška, priešiškumas, įtarumas). Vaikinų pasitikėjimo savimi raiška buvo nežymiai aukštesnė, nei merginų. 2. Skirtingo amžiaus dziudo sportininkų fizinės agresijos ir priešiškumo raiška reikšmingai nesiskyrė. Aukščiausias pasitikėjimas savimi buvo jaunių, o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Actuality of work. In scientific literature aggressive behaviour problem has been investigated, but the studies on teenagers‘ aggression and self-confidence in sports (duels) are sparse, therefore, the object of this study is the peculiarities of teenagers‘ aggression and self-confidence in contact sports. Object of the work – expression of aggression and self-confidence of judo sportsmen. Hypothesis states that the expression of aggression and self-confidence of older and of higher sporting excellence sportsmen is higher. Aim of the work – to determine the expression of aggression and self-confidence of judo sportsmen. Objectives: 1. To determine expression of aggression and self – confidence of judo sportsmen according to aspect of gender. 2. To determine expression of aggression and self-confidence of judo sportsmen according to age. 3. To determine expression of aggression and self-confidence of judo sportsmen according to sporting excellence. 4. To reveal judo sportsmen self-confidence relations in aspects of sport time and family members, who takes part in sporting activities. Conclusions: 1. Comparing expression ways of aggressively between judo sporting girls and boys by gender, it was set that indirect aggression and irritability are more common among boys, and girls is more common hostility expression (expression of grievances, hostility, suspiciousness). Boys self – confidence was slightly higher than girls. 2. Judo athletes of different age’s physical aggression... [to full text]

Nejčastější úrazy v judu, jejich prevence a následná rehabilitace / The most common judo injuries, their prevention and follow-up rehabilitation.

Krejčová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Název: Nejčastější úrazy v judu, jejich prevence a následná rehabilitace. Cíle: Hlavním cílem této práce je zhodnotit nejčastější úrazy judistů České republiky, zjistit mechanismy jejich vzniku a navrhnout systém opatření, který zminimalizuje výskyt zranění. Metody: V této práci byly použita metoda písemného dotazování a metoda korelačně- deduktivní. Metoda písemného dotazování byla použita ke zjištění nejčastějších úrazů, preventivních opatření a následné rehabilitace judistů. Metoda korelačně- deduktivní byla aplikována ke studiu případných korelací mezi charakteristikou úrazů, věkem, pohlavím a technickým stupněm judistů. Výsledky: Nejčastější výskyt úrazů judistů České republiky je v oblasti kolenního, ramenního a hlezenního kloubu. Ve většině přápadů se jedná o poranění měkkých tkání, které vznikají při hodu a boji o úchop převážně během tréninku. S přibývajícím věkem judistů se zvyšuje četnost jejich zranění, přičemž frekvence úrazů u mužů je větší než u žen. S vyšším technickým stupněm judisty roste i celkový výskyt úrazů. Vliv preventivních opatření nebyl na výskytu zranění prokázán. Respondenti, absolvující poúrazovou rehabilitaci, nebo alespoň používající ortopedické pomůcky, včetně tapingu, zaznamenali nižší výskyt úrazů než jedinci, kteří neabsolvovali žádnou z rehabilitačních...

A influência da imigração japonesa no desenvolvimento do judô brasileiro: uma genealogia dos atletas brasileiros medalhistas em jogos olímpicos e campeonatos mundiais / Genealogic tree from brazilian judo players who won medals at olympic games or world championships and the influence of japanese immigration on brazilian judo

Nunes, Alexandre Velly 01 December 2011 (has links)
O Brasil conquistou 38 medalhas no judô de 1956 a 2010 em Campeonatos. Mundiais (CM) e de 1964-2008 em Jogos Olímpicos (JO). Estas medalhas estão divididas entre 23 atletas. Sete deles conquistaram medalhas em JO e CM. Aurélio Miguel (1988-1996), Tiago Camilo (2000-2008) e Leandro Grilheiro (2004-2008), se destacam com duas medalhas em JO e em CM. O objetivo deste estudo é elaborar uma genealogia do judô brasileiro e compreender a dimensão da influência da imigração japonesa neste contexto. Este estudo utilizou a metodologia de História Oral de Vida Híbrida. Foram entrevistados os medalhistas brasileiros em JO e CM até 2010 e os seus respectivos professores. Analisando as entrevistas identifiquei os ascendentes judoísticos dos atletas, até a determinação dos seus respectivos genearcas. Assumiu-se que genearca é aquele que chegou ao Brasil com conhecimentos suficientes para ministrar aulas de judô/jiu-jitsu. A maioria dos genearcas do judô brasileiro são imigrantes japoneses. Fogem a essa regra o sensei Georges Mehdi, naturalizado brasileiro e o sensei João Graf Vassoux. Mitsuyo Maeda foi o primeiro a chegar e fazer demonstrações de judô no Brasil, em 1914. Em 1936 Ryuzo Ogawa fundou a Budokan. Ele é o genearca que influenciou o maior número destes atletas. Antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial (SGM) verifiquei a importância do trabalho de Yassuishi Ono, Sobei Tani, e Katsutoshi Naito, em SP, Sadai Ishihara no Paraná, Soishiro Satake em Manaus e Takeo Yano em vários estados. Após a SGM identifiquei a influência de Chiaki Ishii, Shuhei Okano e Onodera em SP, Teruo Obata e Naoshige Ushijima no RS e Michio Ninomiya no DF. O surgimento e a expansão do judô no Brasil está diretamente relacionado ao processo de imigração japonesa. Encontrei dois perfis de professores: os formadores e os treinadores. Destacam-se os professores: Massao Shinohara, Paulo Duarte, Orlando Hirakawa e Uichiro Umakakeba, formadores de nove judocas que conquistaram 18 das 38 medalhas brasileiras da história. Como treinador, destaca-se Floriano de Almeida que influenciou a carreira de sete medalhistas. Os locais de formação são distintos daqueles onde os atletas alcançaram as suas melhores performances. Entre os dojos formadores destaco as associações Vila Sônia em, Hirakawa e Paulo Duarte / Brazil won 38 medals at world championships (WC) from 1956 to 2010 and at Olympic Games (OG) from 1964 to 2008. Twenty three Brazilian athletes won those medals. Seven won medals on OG and WC. Aurélio Miguel (1988-1996), Tiago Camilo (2000-2008) and Leandro Grilheiro (2004-2008), won two medals at OG and at WC. This study searched for the judo roots from those athletes using oral histories of life as a methodology. All the 23 athletes, that won medals at world championship and/or Olympic Games until 2010 were interviewed as well as their coaches. The objective was to find the genearc from each athlete. Genearc is the sensei which had knowledge to teach judo/jiu-jitsu when they arrived in Brazil. Most of those genearcs are japanese immigrants, but we find two gaijins among them, sensei Georges Mehdi, who cames from France, and sensei João Graf Vassoux The first immigrants arrived in 1908 and Mitsuyo Maeda was the first figther to show jiu-jitsu/judô in Brasil, in 1914. Ryuzo Ogawa, who created the Budokan in 1936, is the genearc who had influence over most of those athletes. The Japanese play a very important role in the development of Brazilian judo. The teachers have two different profiles, professors or coaches. The judo clubs are also identified as places to begin and grow or place to train and win. Four professors were very important during this period, Massao Shinohara, Paulo Duarte, Orlando Hirakawa and Uichiro Umakakeba. They taught nine athletes which won 18 from 38 Brazilian medals. As a coach Floriano Almeida had great influence over seven Brazilian medalists. Before the II War Yassuishi Ono, Sobei Tani, Ryuzo Ogawa and Katsutoshi Naito were the most important names, in São Paulo; Sadai Ishihara, in Paraná; Ghengo Katayama and Yoshimasa Nagashima in Rio de Janeiro and Soishiro Satake, in Manaus. After the II War, Chiaki Ishii, Shuhei Okano and Onodera were important names in São Paulo, Teruo Obata and Naoshige Ushijima in Porto Alegre. and Michio Ninomiya in Brasília. Vila Sônia, Hirakawa and Paulo Duarte were the dojos which prepar more judo medalists from the begginig to the highest level

Home advantage no judô: estudo sobre o sistema de ranqueamento mundial / Home advantage in judo: study on the world ranking system

Julio, Ursula Ferreira 25 July 2011 (has links)
Em 2009, a Federação Internacional de Judô (FIJ) instituiu um sistema de ranqueamento (SR) para classificar os atletas em suas categorias de disputa e para os Jogos Olímpicos de Londres 2012. Porém, o SR não considera o fenômeno conhecido como home advantage, relacionado à vantagem de vencer quando se compete em casa. Esse fenômeno ainda não foi estudado no judô e se comprovado traz implicações para o SR. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se há ocorrência de home advantage nas competições que integram o SR no judô, para a conquista de medalha e número de lutas vencidas. Para tal, foram analisadas todas as competições internacionais de judô do SR realizadas em 2009. Para verificar se os atletas que competiram em casa tiveram mais chance de conquistar medalha foi utilizada a análise de regressão logística e para verificar se houve associação do número de lutas vencidas e competir em casa foi utilizado o modelo linear generalizado de Poisson. Os modelos contaram com uma variável de ajuste referente à qualidade relativa dos atletas em duas possibilidades: posição no SR da FIJ e neutro (construído com lutas disputadas em território neutro). A amostra foi dividida em: Grupo I - todas as participações; Grupo II - somente os atletas que haviam competido dentro e fora de casa. Dado que alguns atletas não puderam lutar em território neutro e, portanto, não tiveram codificação para esse SR, foram criados duas subamostras do Grupo I e do Grupo II, excluindo os atletas sem codificação nesta variável. Todas as análises foram realizadas considerando os gêneros conjunta e separadamente. A variável qualidade relativa foi significante em todas as análises e também modificou os modelos (p<0,001). Ao considerarmos a subamostra do Grupo II, a razão de chance para conquista de medalhas foi superior para os atletas que competiram em casa para o grupo masculino (2,33; p<0,001) e feminino (1,58; p = 0,019). A associação entre número de lutas vencidas e competir em casa foi significante para os atletas do masculino (p<0,001), mas não significante para o feminino (p = 0,088). A ausência da vantagem no feminino para número de lutas vencidas pode ter sido limitada e confundida com o número reduzido de atletas participantes em muitas das competições. As atletas que conquistaram medalha em competições mais vazias, não precisaram vencer mais lutas, dado que um número reduzido de vitórias garantia a medalha. É possível que a torcida seja a principal responsável pelos achados, tanto por influenciar o julgamento dos árbitros a favorecer os atletas da casa como pela motivação para os atletas. Outra possibilidade é que aspectos associados à dominância territorial tenham influenciado as disputas masculinas, porém não as femininas. Assim, foi comprovada a existência do home advantage nas competições que integram o SR de judô para conquista de medalha no masculino e feminino, e para número de lutas vencidas apenas para o masculino. Desta forma, é provável que os atletas de países que sediam competições do SR tenham vantagem para a obtenção da classificação olímpica / In 2009 the International Judo Federation (IJF) established a ranking system (RS) to classify athletes in the competition categories and in the distribution of vacancies for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Nevertheless, the RS does not consider the phenomenon known as home advantage, i.e. the advantage of winning when competing in your home country. This phenomenon has not been studied in judo and its implications for the RS have not been proven. The objective of this study was to determine whether there was occurrence of home advantage in competitions that use the RS in judo, in winning a medal, and in the number of matches won. Therefore, we analyzed all international judo competitions using the RS in 2009. Logistic regression analysis was used to verify if the athletes who competed in their home countries were more likely to win a medal, and we used the Poisson generalized linear model to check whether there were associations between the number of matches won and competing at home. The models have an adjustment variable in the relative quality of athletes in two possibilities: position in the IJF RS and matches played on neutral territory. The sample was divided into two groups: Group I all participants and Group II only athletes who had competed inside and outside their home country. Given that some athletes could not fight on neutral territory and therefore did not have this RS coding, a sub-sample of Group I and a sub-sample of Group II were created, excluding athletes without the coding from this variable. All tests were performed considering the groups together and separately. The relative quality variable was significant in all tests and also modified the models (p <0.001). For the sub-sample of Group II the odds ratio for winning medals was higher for the athletes who competed at home for the male group (2.33, p <0.001) and the female group (1.58, p = 0.019). The association between the number of matches won and competing at home was significant for the male athletes (p <0.001), but not for the females (p = 0.088). The absence of the female advantage in the number of matches won may have been limited and confused by the small number of athletes participating in many of the competitions. The athletes who won medals in competitions with fewer competitors did not need to win more matches since a small number of wins guaranteed the medal. It is possible that the crowd was mainly responsible for the findings, both in influencing the judgement of the referees to favour the home athletes and in motivating the athletes. Another possibility is that aspects related to territorial dominance influenced the male competitors but not the female competitors. Thus, the existence of home advantage was observed in the competitions that used the judo RS in the achievement of medals for males and females, and in the number of matches won, only for males. Thus, it is likely that athletes from countries that host competitions using the RS have an advantage for obtaining the Olympic classification

Respostas psicofisiológicas na arbitragem do judô: efeitos da experiência dos árbitros e do nível das competições. / Psychophysiological responses in judo refereeing: effects of the referees experience, and from the competition level

Miranda, Mario Luiz 28 February 2012 (has links)
A competição de judô é instituída por grande número de regras e o combate se configura pela diversidade de ações entre lutadores. O desempenho adequado e a tomada de decisão correta na arbitragem dessa modalidade requerem autocontrole e elevado nível de concentração, que são variáveis psicofisiológicas moduladas pela interação do córtex pré-frontal e de estruturas límbicas juntamente com o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HHA) e o sistema cardiovascular. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar reações psicológicas e fisiológicas de árbitros em competições de judô. Para tal, a amostra foi constituída de dois grupos de árbitros: o primeiro designado grupo nacional (GN; n = 8), cujos participantes possuíam mais tempo de atuação, isto é, 17 ± 4 anos de prática e o outro denominado grupo estadual (GE; n = 8), que por sua vez, continha árbitros com menos tempo de experiência, ou seja, 6 ± 1 anos de prática. Ambos os grupos participaram de competições de nível regional (CREG) e estadual (CEST). Foram medidas as alterações da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC), do fluxo salivar (FS), do cortisol salivar (CS) e da imunoglobulina A salivar absoluta (sIgAabs) e taxa (sIgAtaxa). Para essas variáveis, as condições e grupos foram comparados por meio de análise de variância a dois fatores com medidas repetidas. Além disso, a ansiedade obtida via teste de ansiedade em arbitragem de competição esportiva (SCAT adaptado) e inventário de ansiedade-estado (IDATE-E), cuja comparação foi feita por teste não-paramétrico de Friedman e as diferenças examinadas pelo teste de Dunn. Observou-se que na CEST ambos os grupos de árbitros apresentaram maior nível de ansiedade (p < 0,05). O GE também mostrou maior ansiedade indicada pelo SCAT adaptado (21 ± 3 pontos) que o GN (16 ± 4 pontos), em CEST (p < 0,05). Os índices da VFC indicaram maior atividade parassimpática no GN (rMSSD = 118 ± 35 ms) do que no GE (rMSSD = 49 ± 23ms), em CEST (p < 0,05). O índice da VFC medido pela razão SD1/SD2 no GN (0,58 ± 0,16), também representou maior atividade parassimpática do que no GE (0,33 ± 0,11), em CREG (p < 0,05). O GE manifestou maior atividade simpática (SDNN = 59 ± 21ms), especialmente em CEST (p =0,02), do que o GN (SDNN= 128 ± 66 ms). Notou-se não haver diferenças estatísticas significantes nas variações no CS. O GE apresentou maior FS e sIgAtaxa (0,73 ± 0,36 ml/min; 498 ± 253 g/min, respectivamente) do que apresentado pelo GN para essas variáveis (0,34 ± 0,33 ml/min; 213 ± 215 g/min, na devida ordem), em todas as mensurações (p < 0,001). Houve correlação entre o SCAT adaptado e o índice rMSSD da VFC (rs = 0,39) e o índice SDNN (rs = 0,40) e entre o índice rMSSD e a sIgAtaxa (rs = 0,40). Os resultados mostraram que árbitros de judô para buscarem seu equilíbrio psicofisiológico, na arbitragem das competições, efetuaram autorregulações orgânicas motivadas pela sua experiência profissional e em conformidade com os desafios que surgiram da importância do evento esportivo / Judo competition is established by a large number of rules, and contest is configured by the assortment of the combatants\' actions. Adequate performance and accurate decision making in judo refereeing require self-control and high level of concentration, psychophysiological variables which are modulated by interaction of the prefrontal cortex and of the limbic structures along with the hypothalamicpituitary- adrenal axis (HPA) and cardiovascular system. Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate psychological and physiological reactions of referees in judo competitions. For this purpose sample consisted of two referees groups: the first one entitled as national referees group (GN; n = 8), whose individuals had more time of judos refereeing, i.e., 17 ± 4 years of practice, and another, identified as state referees group (GE; n = 8), which in turn, had less working time in such activity, i.e., 6 ± 1 practicing years. Both groups participated in regional (CREG) and state (CEST) level competitions. It was measured the changes in heart rate variability (HRV), salivary flow (SF), salivary cortisol (CS) and salivary immunoglobulin A concentration (sIgA) and rate (sIgArate). Those variables have been evaluated by two-factor analysis of variance with repeated-measures. In addition, it has been gotten the anxiety measured by the sport competition refereeing anxiety test (adapted SCAT) and State-Trace Anxiety Inventory (STAI), which assessment have been obtained by non-parametric Friedman test and statistical differences examine by Dunn test. It was observed that both referees groups have shown more anxiety level during CEST (p < 0.05). GE also has shown increased anxiety (score = 21± 3) than GN (score = 16 ± 4) in CEST (p < 0.05). It was noted that HRV indexes pointed out higher parasympathetic action in GN (rMSSD = 118 ± 35 ms) than in GE (rMSSD = 49 ± 23ms), during CEST (p < 0.05). HRV index indicated by ratio SD1/SD2 has also represented higher parasympathetic activity in GN (0.58 ± 0.16) than in GE (0.33 ± 0.11), within CREG (p < 0.05). As well, HRV has revealed more sympathetic system participation in GE (SDNN = 59 ± 21ms) than in GN (SDNN= 128 ± 66ms), especially in CEST (p < 0.05). It was noticed that there were no statistically significant differences in CS. GE has demonstrated superior FS and sIgArate (0.73 ± 0.36 ml/min; 498 ± 253 g/min, respectively) than in GN for those same variables (0.34 ± 0.33 ml/min; 213 ± 215 g/min, correspondingly), for all measurements (p < 0.001). Also has been observed correlation between adapted SCAT and rMSSD index (rs = 0,39) and SDNN indicator (rs = 0,40) and amid rMSSD index and sIgArate (rs = 0,40). Results showed that referees to seek for their psychophysiological balance, in refereeing of judo competitions, have made self-organic adjustments caused by their professional experience and in accordance to the challenges that have arisen by the importance of sporting event

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