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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Justi?a juvenil restaurativa: um novo espa?o p?blico no sistema de justi?a?

Battisti, Tall?ya Samara 25 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 435057.pdf: 296869 bytes, checksum: bd316f7e9dee7367c483ffd236839f84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-25 / This study aimed to investigate the manifestations of public space in restorative justice initiatives in order to reveal its impacts on the Juvenile Justice System from a practical experience being developed in the city of Porto Alegre. The research focused on the discussion of effectiveness of the Youth Justice System, considering the historical orientation in punitive responses to offenses, at the same time that initiatives related to a new paradigm of justice are being constituted in the national scenario. Among these initiatives is Restorative Justice, which converges to the idea of an expansion of public space, in the forms of administering justice, since this alternative to the system adds an ethical agenda, driven by the principle of human dignity of all offenders, victims and community, guided by democratic decision-making processes, carried out by the individuals directly affected by some event that caused offense individually or collectively. It is being questioned, as well, through all the chapters, the need for democratization of Justice regarding the Youth Justice, and the possible contributions of restorative justice in this process. The research uses the dialectical-critical method and is characterized as an exploratory study based on literature review and documental analysis, constituting a case study, whose unit of analysis is the Restorative Practice Central of the Youth Court of Porto Alegre. The approach of the phenomenon is qualitative, using information also quantifiable. The subjects of the study were chosen by the criterion of participation in restorative procedures in 2008. The study concludes that Restorative Youth Justice is part of the contradictory relationship between the punitive system and the orientations of ECA and SINASE, being articulated to legitimate social demands for the democratization of youth justice, with the expansion of shared social responsibility related to violence committed by youth. / O estudo ora apresentado objetivou investigar as manifesta??es de um espa?o p?blico nas iniciativas da Justi?a Restaurativa, com vistas a desvelar suas repercuss?es no Sistema de Justi?a Juvenil, a partir da experi?ncia concreta no munic?pio de Porto Alegre. A pesquisa debru?a-se sobre a discuss?o da efic?cia do Sistema de Justi?a Juvenil, tendo em vista a hist?rica orienta??o punitiva nas respostas aos atos infracionais, ao mesmo tempo em que s?o constitu?das, no cen?rio nacional, iniciativas que agregam a concep??o de um novo paradigma de justi?a. Dentre essas iniciativas encontra-se a Justi?a Restaurativa, que converge ? ideia de amplia??o de um espa?o p?blico, nas formas de realiza??o da justi?a, uma vez que essa alternativa agrega ao sistema uma pauta ?tica, direcionada pelo princ?pio da dignidade humana de todos ofensores, v?timas e comunidade, orientada por processos decis?rios democr?ticos, levados a efeito pelos sujeitos diretamente afetados por algum fato que provocou ofensa individual ou coletivamente. Questionam-se, ainda, a necessidade da democratiza??o da Justi?a, no ?mbito da Justi?a Juvenil e as poss?veis contribui??es da Justi?a Restaurativa nesse processo ao longo dos cap?tulos. A pesquisa utiliza o m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico e caracteriza-se por ser de natureza explorat?ria que se vale de levantamento bibliogr?fico e an?lise documental, constituindo-se em um estudo de caso, cuja unidade de an?lise ? a Central de Pr?ticas Restaurativas do Juizado da Inf?ncia e Juventude de Porto Alegre. A abordagem do objeto de estudo ? qualitativa, utilizando-se tamb?m de informa??es quantific?veis. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram escolhidos pelo crit?rio de participa??o em procedimentos restaurativos no ano de 2008. O estudo conclui que a Justi?a Juvenil Restaurativa inscreve-se contraditoriamente na rela??o entre o institu?do sistema punitivo e ao que preconiza o ECA e o SINASE, articulando-se ? leg?tima demanda social pela democratiza??o da justi?a juvenil, com a amplia??o da responsabilidade socialmente partilhada em rela??o ?s viol?ncias praticadas pela juventude.

Justi?a : entre a colis?o de direitos fundamentais e pondera??o

Albrecht, Lourdes Pasa 23 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-05-25T12:23:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LOURDES_PASA_ALBRECHT_COMPLETO.pdf: 1048720 bytes, checksum: 97aef1a1c1d89e22709a6364d497153c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-25T12:23:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LOURDES_PASA_ALBRECHT_COMPLETO.pdf: 1048720 bytes, checksum: 97aef1a1c1d89e22709a6364d497153c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-23 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This research has as its objective the demonstration that a concrete case of a fundamental legal rights collision decided by the weighting factor can be justified by the rationality. Rationality weighting is anchored on the reasons established by rules of general practice arguments and specifically on the legal argumentation, rationally linking argumentation and the authority endowed decision. It is intended to expose the problem of a rational legal argument rules non-observation and the own rules of weighing in its application to decide the fundamental legal rights collision cases. This practice of judicial decision can become vulnerable to realization of justice in the concrete case. / Esta investiga??o tem por objetivo mostrar que um caso concreto de colis?o de direitos fundamentais decidido por meio da pondera??o pode ser fundamentado racionalmente. A racionalidade da pondera??o est? ancorada nas raz?es estabelecidas por regras da argumenta??o pr?tica geral e especificamente da argumenta??o jur?dica, vinculando racionalmente argumenta??o e decis?o dotada de autoridade. O que se pretende expor ? o problema da inobserv?ncia das regras de argumenta??o jur?dica racional e das regras pr?prias da pondera??o na sua aplica??o para decidir os casos de colis?o de direitos fundamentais. Essa pr?tica de decis?o judicial pode tornar vulner?vel a realiza??o da justi?a no caso concreto.

Medidas de seguran?a no Brasil : o exerc?cio do poder (penal) no ?mbito da normaliza??o terap?utica

Castelo Branco, Thayara Silva 04 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-06-06T18:01:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_THAYARA_SILVA_CASTELO_BRANCO_PARCIAL.pdf: 217529 bytes, checksum: 67ea76dba3eca6df51359b1eb3a10c0e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-06T18:01:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_THAYARA_SILVA_CASTELO_BRANCO_PARCIAL.pdf: 217529 bytes, checksum: 67ea76dba3eca6df51359b1eb3a10c0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - FAPERGS / This is a study that aims to analyze the permanence of the security measures in the criminal Brazilian law. The construction of the pedagogy of the order and control is analyzed from the racist-hygienic-disciplinary paradigm that embodied the social medicine as the new health policy model from the second half of the nineteenth century, until the emergence of the social therapeutic control, built on hospital (psychiatric) grounds. In this context, the new relationship between medicine and the state is developed, through the instruction of the medical police. The founding of the Nina Rodrigues School and its contributions to the medical-legal context are discussed. The medical debate on the Bahia Medical Gazette publications is then presented, which in the late nineteenth century had the importance of setting medical science as scientific knowledge capable of solving the socio-political problems of the country. As opposed to the medical discourse, there is the Law School of Recife and its subsidies for a new legal criminal design, seeking to demonstrate which of the sciences was more able to save Brazil. Next, the criminal-psychiatric symbolism reflected in the legislative process since the late nineteenth century until the reform of 1984 is presented, as well as the construction of custody and psychiatric treatment hospitals and the statistics that show a current overview on the implementation of the security measures. Considering such structures, the grounds of the anti-psychiatric movement, from the Italian reform movement led by Franco Basaglia and, ultimately, its influences on the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. Finally, the process of (de)legitimation of the security measures in Brazil is shown, with its justifications, alternative models to the prison-asylum system and the issues that lead to the hypothesis of the in(viability) to overcome the criminal-psychiatric model. / Trata-se de um trabalho que tem como objetivo a an?lise cr?tica sobre a perman?ncia das medidas de seguran?a no ordenamento jur?dico-penal brasileiro. Analisa-se a constru??o da pedagogia da ordem e do controle a partir do paradigma racista-higi?nico-disciplinar, que consubstanciou a medicina social como o novo modelo de pol?tica sanit?ria a partir da 2? metade do s?culo XIX, at? o surgimento do controle terap?utico social, edificado sobre bases hospitalares (psiqui?tricas). Nesse contexto, desenvolve-se a nova rela??o entre a medicina e o Estado, passando pela instrumentaliza??o da pol?cia m?dica. Aborda-se a funda??o da Escola Nina Rodrigues e suas contribui??es no ?mbito m?dico-jur?dico, bem como o debate m?dico nas publica??es da Gazeta M?dica da Bahia, que no final do s?culo XIX, retomava a import?ncia de fixar a ci?ncia m?dica como saber cient?fico capaz de solucionar os problemas sociopol?ticos do pa?s. Como contraponto ao discurso m?dico, tem-se a Escola de Direito de Recife e seus subs?dios para uma nova concep??o jur?dico-penal, buscando demonstrar qual ci?ncia era mais capacitada para salvar o Brasil. A seguir, exp?em-se o simbolismo penal-psiqui?trico refletido na produ??o legislativa desde o final do s?culo XIX at? a reforma de 1984 ? com a emancipa??o das medidas de seguran?a ?, a constru??o dos hospitais de cust?dia e tratamento psiqui?trico e as estat?sticas que tra?am um panorama atual sobre a execu??o da referida san??o. A partir de tais estruturas, apresentam-se as bases constitutivas do movimento antipsiqui?trico, do movimento reformador italiano liderado por Franco Basaglia e, por fim, as influ?ncias na Reforma Psiqui?trica brasileira. Ao final demonstra-se o processo de (des)legitima??o das medidas de seguran?a no Brasil, suas justificativas, os modelos alternativos ao sistema prisionalmanicomial e as quest?es que levam ? hip?tese da in(viabilidade) de supera??o do modelo penal-psiqui?trico.

Direitos fundamentais sociais e m?nimo existencial : uma pauta emancipat?ria para o desenvolvimento da cidadania

Cordeiro, Karine da Silva 22 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-06-27T19:52:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_KARINE_DA_SILVA_CORDEIRO_PARCIAL.pdf: 463410 bytes, checksum: 35c7e6213e8482572941194e12ea3193 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-27T19:52:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_KARINE_DA_SILVA_CORDEIRO_PARCIAL.pdf: 463410 bytes, checksum: 35c7e6213e8482572941194e12ea3193 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-22 / This paper, bearing the title Fundamental social rights and existential minimum: An emancipation agenda for the development of citizenship, seeks to locate the function of the fundamental social rights existential minimum in fostering citizenship within the institutional framework of pluralistic democracy and, as a result, in conceiving the human being as an autonomous decision-making center, and also to establish criteria guiding the outline of its normative content. For this, John Rawls?s theory of justice as fairness in its original version is investigated, especially in its political outline, as well as the criticism and counter-arguments brought by Amartya Sen?s idea of justice and specifically the capabilities approach by Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum and Elizabeth Anderson, thus setting up a theoretical common ground in order to understand the existential minimum as a fundamental social right. The origins and evolution of the concept of citizenship are reviewed, establishing its characteristic elements and deducing its meaning in today?s political scenario from the different currents concerning its coming into being. Arguments are analyzed about the concepts of citizenship offered by the republican, communitarian, and liberal currents, pointing their deficiencies and biases and showing that the social dimension of citizenship shares the same space and the same importance status of both remaining dimensions (civil and political citizenship), stressing that the notion of citizenship as a whole is jeopardized in the case any one of them is missing. A point is made that a basic set of social contributions is an essential part of democratic citizenship. The function of the existential minimum is defined as the fostering and (re)building of citizenship. The close link between the existential minimum and the exercise of democracy and the full attainment of citizenship is highlighted. Finally, it is proposed that the existential minimum?s normative content must include a fairness index of primary social goods and/or the material (factual) conditions that allow people access to these interests, while taking into account the society?s peculiarities. / O presente trabalho, que tem por t?tulo Direitos fundamentais sociais e m?nimo existencial: uma pauta emancipat?ria para o desenvolvimento da cidadania, tem como objetivos, de um a lado, situar a fun??o do m?nimo existencial dos direitos fundamentais sociais na promo??o da cidadania no contexto institucional de uma democracia pluralista e, como decorr?ncia, na edifica??o da pessoa humana enquanto centro aut?nomo de decis?o; de outro, estabelecer par?metros para orientar o delineamento do seu conte?do normativo. Para tanto, investiga a teoria da justi?a como equidade de John Rawls, em sua vers?o original e, sobretudo, na concep??o pol?tica, bem como as contraposi??es e cr?ticas trazidas pela ideia de justi?a de Amartya Sen e, especialmente pela abordagem das capacidades de Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum e, tamb?m, Elizabeth Anderson, de modo a lograr um adequado embasamento te?rico para a compreens?o do m?nimo existencial enquanto direito fundamental social. Examina o surgimento e a evolu??o do conceito de cidadania, delimitando seus elementos caracter?sticos e haurindo o seu significado no contexto pol?tico atual a partir das diferentes correntes sobre o seu processo de forma??o. Analisa os argumentos das concep??es de cidadania das correntes republicana, comunit?ria e liberal, mostrando as insufici?ncias e distor??es e demonstrando que a dimens?o social da cidadania compartilha o mesmo espa?o e est? no mesmo patamar de import?ncia e valor que as outras duas dimens?es, a cidadania civil e a cidadania pol?tica, sublinhando que, sem qualquer delas, fica comprometida a no??o de cidadania como um todo. Aponta que um conjunto b?sico de presta??es sociais ? parte essencial da cidadania democr?tica. Desvenda que a fun??o do m?nimo existencial ? a promo??o e a (re)constru??o da cidadania. Ressalta a estreita vincula??o do m?nimo existencial com o exerc?cio da democracia e a plena realiza??o da cidadania. E prop?e que o conte?do normativo do m?nimo existencial deve abranger um ?ndice equitativo de bens prim?rios sociais e/ou as condi??es materiais (f?ticas) que possibilitem ?s pessoas o acesso a esses bens, considerando as peculiaridades da sociedade.

Pr?ticas restaurativas : o acontecer do di?logo na escola?

Ara?jo, Ana Paula 14 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-07-12T18:51:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_ANA_PAULA_ARAUJO_PARCIAL.pdf: 814461 bytes, checksum: 547794f6a3cd0da7f6b56396c66efc37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-12T18:51:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_ANA_PAULA_ARAUJO_PARCIAL.pdf: 814461 bytes, checksum: 547794f6a3cd0da7f6b56396c66efc37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present theses had origin from the questions that the reading of the essay The incapacity for conversation, by the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900 ? 2002) present in the second volume of his book Truth and Method, realized during the doctorate course raised in me, the author of this study. Those questions made myself confuse about the understanding that I had so far about the dialogicity of the restorative proceedings that has been inserted in the School with the intention of peacefully resolving conflicts, avoiding the judicialisation and the violence perpetuation, which I had evolved during my professional trajectory in the municipal education network in Porto Alegre. This suspicion instigates to increase my knowledge, searching answers to these questions, even without having the claim of arrive with them to question depletion, since the possibilities to asking about something will never extinguish under the hermeneutics perspective that orientate the development of this study. To reach the desired answers, it was necessary commit me to a hermeneutics and philosophical reading of a part of the vast gadamerian work and others dedicated philosophers who study it for, thus, realize a conversation with these texts and with myself, allowed myself, as reader and interpreter, to change by this experience that provided the revision of my understanding and the overcoming of some mistaken assumptions, as well as the expansion of my horizon through the fusion of my horizon with the gadamerian horizon. As a result, it was possible comprehend that the achievable dialogicity in the restorative practices also depends of the teaching formative understanding, which will influence in lesser or greater perspective on the overcome of some of the naturalized professional conditioning that disable them to the conversation and make themselves necessary to the posture of who assume the responsibility for the facilitating of this type of meeting in the School. / A presente tese teve origem nas perguntas que a leitura do ensaio A incapacidade para o di?logo, do fil?sofo alem?o Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900 - 2002), presente no segundo volume de sua obra Verdade e M?todo, realizada durante o curso do Doutorado, suscitaram em mim, a autora desse estudo. Perguntas estas que me fizeram duvidar do entendimento que eu tinha at? ent?o acerca da dialogicidade dos procedimentos restaurativos que v?m sendo inseridos na Escola com a inten??o de resolver conflitos pacificamente, de evitar a judicializa??o dos mesmos e a perpetua??o da viol?ncia, com as quais me envolvi durante minha trajet?ria profissional na rede municipal de ensino de Porto Alegre. Essa desconfian?a me instigou a ampliar meu conhecimento, buscando respostas a essas perguntas, mesmo sem ter a pretens?o de chegar com elas a um esgotamento da quest?o, j? que as possibilidades de se perguntar sobre algo nunca se extinguem sob a perspectiva hermen?utica que orienta o desenvolvimento desse estudo. Para chegar ?s respostas almejadas, foi necess?rio entregar-me a uma leitura hermen?utico-filos?fica de parte da vasta obra gadameriana e de outros fil?sofos dedicados a estud?-la para, ent?o, realizar uma conversa??o com esses textos e comigo mesma, permitindo-me, como leitora e int?rprete, ser modificada por essa experi?ncia que proporcionou a revis?o do meu entendimento e a supera??o de alguns pressupostos equivocados, bem como a amplia??o de meu horizonte atrav?s da fus?o de meu horizonte com o horizonte gadameriano. Em decorr?ncia disso, foi poss?vel compreender que a dialogicidade alcan??vel nas pr?ticas restaurativas dependem tamb?m do entendimento formativo docente, o qual influenciar? em menor ou maior perspectiva na supera??o de alguns dos condicionamentos profissionais naturalizados que os incapacitam para o di?logo e que se fazem necess?rios ? postura dos que assumem a responsabilidade pela facilita??o desse tipo de encontro na Escola.

"T?, ent?o t?, vou falar a verdade" : rela??es de poder e produ??o da verdade no sistema de justi?a juvenil de Porto Alegre

Cordeiro, Jair Silveira 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-08-02T16:18:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JAIR_SILVEIRA_CORDEIRO_COMPLETO.pdf: 1492765 bytes, checksum: 5fd6cccf42fa2d2d6e9ddf798e4b5577 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T16:18:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_JAIR_SILVEIRA_CORDEIRO_COMPLETO.pdf: 1492765 bytes, checksum: 5fd6cccf42fa2d2d6e9ddf798e4b5577 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This thesis analysis the practices of legal agents, of the adolescents accused of juvenile proceedings and their relatives during the hearings at CIACA and at the 3rd Juvenile Court, in the Porto Alegre juvenile court. In addition, it seeks to understand how the production of truth is done in this system of juvenile justice. The focus of the analysis relies on the exercise of power and resistance by the social actors in the hearings, trying to understand how the dimensions of ethics and the fluidity of the ?victim? category by the actors allow to access the characteristics of the juvenile justice operation. Through the entry in the field journal and systematic observation of the Porto Alegre juvenile justice hearings, it was possible to note that the production of truth happens as of the interactions between the actors in the hearings through the exercise of the power by the legal agents and of the resistance by the adolescents accused and their relatives. The study shows that the performance of these actors is oriented by opposed ethics confronting and reconciling each other and by a double perception of the legal agents and of State of the ?victim? figure associated with the accused adolescent. The ethics, which conducts the acting of the legal agents in the exercise of power, aims to internalize in the adolescents the model of life assumed as healthy, good and correct by those professionals. The ethics, which conducts the performances of resistance of the adolescents and their relatives to the power exercised by the legal agents, are based on the belief that the physical violence and practice of illegal acts are tools of social mediation able to grant them safety, possessions, prestige and acceptance towards their partners and rival groups. The confession is the tool enabling the ethical agreement between legal agents and the adolescents, because it reconciles interests of both sides. Ethics dimension shows another paradox in the performance of both legal agents and state. While in the hearings of CIACA, the performance is conducted by the ethics seeking the life change of adolescents, in the hearings of PIA, it prevails ethics aiming at saving minimum conditions to the adolescents, although poor in physical, food, and emotional security. Such performances can be attributed to two distinct perceptions over the image of the ?victim? being linked to the adolescents authors of the juvenile proceedings in the broader social context: one perceives the adolescents as society?s and people?s victimizers who had their rights violated, and the other perceives the adolescents as victims of the social structures, of state actions and community actions in which they are involved in their social cultural contexts. / Esta tese analisa as pr?ticas dos agentes jur?dicos, dos adolescentes acusados da pr?tica de atos infracionais e seus familiares durante as audi?ncias no CIACA e na 3? Vara da Inf?ncia e da Juventude, na justi?a juvenil de Porto Alegre, e busca compreender as din?micas de produ??o da verdade neste sistema de justi?a juvenil. O foco de an?lise repousa no exerc?cio de poder e da resist?ncia pelos atores sociais presentes nas audi?ncias, buscando compreender como a dimens?o ?tica e a fluidez da categoria ?v?tima? permitem aceder a caracter?sticas do funcionamento da justi?a juvenil. Atrav?s do registro no di?rio de campo e da observa??o sistem?tica das audi?ncias da justi?a juvenil de Porto Alegre, foi poss?vel descrever os processos de produ??o da verdade a partir das intera??es entre os atores presentes nas audi?ncias, do exerc?cio do poder pelos agentes jur?dicos e da resist?ncia pelos adolescentes acusados e seus familiares. O estudo mostra que a act?ncia destes atores ? orientada por ?ticas opostas que se confrontam e se conciliam e por uma percep??o ambivalente dos agentes jur?dicos e de Estado acerca da figura ?v?tima? quando associada ao adolescente acusado. A ?tica que orienta as atua??es dos agentes jur?dicos no exerc?cio do poder visa introjetar nos adolescentes o modelo de vida tido como saud?vel, bom e correto por estes profissionais. A ?tica que orienta as act?ncias de resist?ncia dos adolescentes e seus familiares ao poder exercido pelos agentes jur?dicos fundamenta-se na cren?a de que a viol?ncia f?sica e a pr?tica de atos il?citos s?o instrumentos de media??o social que podem lhes garantir seguran?a, bens materiais, prest?gio e reconhecimento perante seus pares e os grupos rivais. A confiss?o ? o instrumento que torna poss?vel o acordo ?tico entre os agentes jur?dicos e os adolescentes, pois ela concilia interesses de ambos os lados. A dimens?o ?tica revela outro paradoxo na act?ncia dos agentes jur?dicos e de Estado. Se nas audi?ncias do CIACA a act?ncia ? orientada pela ?tica que busca a transforma??o da vida dos adolescentes, nas audi?ncias de PIA prevalece uma ?tica que visa resguardar condi??es m?nimas aos adolescentes, embora prec?rias, de seguran?a f?sica, alimentar e afetiva. Tais atua??es podem ser atribu?das a duas diferentes percep??es sobre a figura da ?v?tima? vinculada aos adolescentes autores de atos infracionais no contexto social mais amplo: uma percebe os adolescentes como vitimizadores da sociedade e das pessoas que tiveram seus direitos violados, e outra que percebe os adolescentes como v?timas das estruturas sociais, das a??es estatais e das rela??es comunit?rias em que est?o envolvidos nos seus contextos socioculturais.

Justi?a restaurativa no sistema penitenci?rio : possibilidades para redu??o de danos?

Silva, Ketlin Rodrigues 22 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Servi?o Social (servico-social-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-11-14T10:54:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final - Ketlin Rodrigues Silva.pdf: 2229069 bytes, checksum: 3c6d2e96fd21d2dcb56c02c49bfe6a58 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-11-16T10:35:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final - Ketlin Rodrigues Silva.pdf: 2229069 bytes, checksum: 3c6d2e96fd21d2dcb56c02c49bfe6a58 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-16T10:57:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final - Ketlin Rodrigues Silva.pdf: 2229069 bytes, checksum: 3c6d2e96fd21d2dcb56c02c49bfe6a58 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present study is the result of a Master's study, whose general objective was to analyze the way in which Restorative Justice has been institutionalized in the deprivation of freedom of adults. Based on the empirical research carried out in closed and semi-open prison prisons in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, it was possible to analyze the proposals for the institutionalization of a new model of justice in three prison units. In total, thirteen (13) subjects participated in individual interviews, being six (6) professionals, five (5) distressed and one (1) family of distressed. Data were analyzed based on Bardin. From the field research and the approach to the subject, it has been observed that there is still much to be done to overcome a model of justice based purely on punishment, breaking with the logic that imprisonment is a place of retribution , violence, selectivity and violation of rights, that is, it is necessary to continue in the construction of intervention strategies and policies that ensure the human rights and socialization of persons deprived of their liberty, aiming at harm reduction, for which Restorative Justice can contribute. Against the background of the challenge of giving visibility to actions in Restorative Justice and its institutionalization in the Penitentiary System, the present study sought to situate the historical trajectory of the construction of human rights, entering the theme widely debated in society: human rights and prisons. Restorative Justice practices, which are expanding in Brazil, are a constant focus of discussion and intervention regarding the Justice System, putting in question the intensification and / or institutionalization of restorative practices in prisons. In this sense, it is necessary to create strategies to reduce the damage of the violence of sentences and the prison system. It was observed that restorative practices have not occurred in an institutionalized way, that is to say, independent of the people, however, when fostered within prison units, they are a valuable tool for harm reduction and strengthening both professionals and grieving. / O presente estudo ? resultado de uma pesquisa de Mestrado, cujo objetivo geral foi analisar o modo como a Justi?a Restaurativa vem se institucionalizando na priva??o de liberdade de adultos. Com base na pesquisa emp?rica, realizada em estabelecimentos prisionais de regime fechado e semiaberto no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foi poss?vel analisar as propostas de institucionaliza??o de um novo modelo de justi?a em tr?s unidades prisionais. No total, treze (13) sujeitos participaram de entrevistas individuais, sendo sete (7) profissionais, cinco (5) apenados e um (1) familiar de apenado. Os dados foram analisados com base em Bardin. A partir da pesquisa de campo e da aproxima??o com o tema, observou-se que, ainda h? muito que se avan?ar para a supera??o de um modelo de justi?a baseado puramente na puni??o, rompendo com a l?gica de que a pris?o ? um lugar de retribui??o, viol?ncia, seletividade e viola??o de direitos, ou seja, ? necess?rio seguir na constru??o de estrat?gias de interven??o e pol?ticas que assegurem os direitos humanos e a socializa??o das pessoas privadas de liberdade, visando a redu??o dos danos, para o qu? a Justi?a Restaurativa pode contribuir. Tendo como pano de fundo o desafio em dar visibilidade ?s a??es em Justi?a Restaurativa e sua institucionaliza??o no Sistema Penitenci?rio, o presente estudo buscou situar a trajet?ria hist?rica da constru??o dos direitos humanos, adentrando ao tema amplamente debatido na sociedade: direitos humanos e pris?es. As pr?ticas de Justi?a Restaurativa, que est?o em expans?o no Brasil, sendo constante alvo de discuss?o e interven??o no que se refere ao Sistema de Justi?a, colocando em xeque a intensifica??o e/ou institucionaliza??o de pr?ticas restaurativas em estabelecimentos prisionais. Neste sentido, ? necess?rio criar estrat?gias de redu??o de danos das viol?ncias das penas e do sistema prisional. Observou-se que as pr?ticas restaurativas n?o v?m ocorrendo de uma forma institucionalizada, ou seja, independente das pessoas, no entanto, quando fomentada dentro das unidades prisionais, se constituem enquanto ferramenta valiosa para a redu??o dos danos e fortalecimento tanto dos profissionais quanto dos apenados.

Recurso especial mediante a problem?tica distin??o entre quest?o de fato e quest?o de direito

Bertoldi, Thiago Moraes 29 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:33:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 435428.pdf: 90331 bytes, checksum: 609683abbb98e3494f7f450841aa0e2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-29 / This study aims to identify the limits of the activity exercised in the Special Recourse, by the Superior Court of Justice, upon the problematic dichotomy matter of fact/matter of law. With assistance of the deductive method, the theme is treated in three segments. Primarily are ventilated more general and historical aspects related to the Special Recourse, and proceeded a delimitation of the institute. By sequence, the approach routes to the problematic distinguishing between matter of fact and matter of law, through the analysis of issues related to the theme and of its main theories in the seat of national and foreign doctrine. Finally, already defined the broader aspects of the research, we pass to the analysis of the Special Recourse and the fact-law dichotomy, remaining established that, being difficult to differentiate the questions in some cases, the problem must be faced, in Special Recourse, under the prism of preponderance, in other words, there will be matters predominantly of fact and matters predominantly of law. In cases involving vague content concepts, must be also considered the variable that the Superior Court of Justice may examine the Special Recourse under the standard of transcendence of the matter brought to its knowledge. / O presente estudo tem por objeto a identifica??o dos limites da atividade exercida em sede de Recurso Especial, pelo Superior Tribunal de Justi?a, mediante a problem?tica dicotomia quest?o de fato/quest?o de direito. Com aux?lio do m?todo dedutivo, o tema ? tratado em tr?s segmentos. Primeiramente s?o ventilados aspectos mais gerais e hist?ricos relacionados ao Recurso Especial, bem como procedida delimita??o do instituto. Por seq??ncia, a abordagem direciona-se ? problem?tica distin??o entre quest?o de fato e quest?o de direito, atrav?s da an?lise de assuntos afetos ao tema e de suas principais teorias em sede de doutrina nacional e estrangeira. Por fim, j? definidos os aspectos mais gerais da investiga??o, passa-se ? analise do Recurso Especial e a dicotomia fato-direito, restando estabelecido que, sendo dificultosa a diferencia??o das quest?es em certos casos, o problema deve ser encarado, em sede de Recurso Especial, sob o vi?s da preponder?ncia, ou seja, falar-se-?o de quest?es predominantemente de fato e quest?es predominantemente de direito. Nos casos que envolvam conceitos de conte?do vago, deve ser considerada igualmente a vari?vel de que o Superior Tribunal de Justi?a poder? analisar o Recurso Especial sob o crit?rio da transcend?ncia da quest?o levada ao seu conhecimento.

Fundamentos constitucionais do direito privado: uma teoria da justi?a e da dignidade humana

Dresch, Rafael de Freitas Valle 27 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:33:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 437423.pdf: 277652 bytes, checksum: 9fbe4da0a3d1a66fbf786bb3fcdbdf53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-27 / The thesis presents a hypothesis to overcome the current misunderstanding related to the diversity of private law beddings, defending the viability of reconciliation of commutative justice and distributive justice as a way to understand the basis of the legal institutions of private law. The study evaluates the formalist, social functionalist and economic functionalist theories of the private law and detects an element shared by all of them: the theory of justice. The identified central problem results from the gradual loss of the relation between law and the Aristotelian-Thomist theory of justice, gradually operated from the Modern School of Natural Law. The disconnection between justice and law, despite keeping a sporadic relation with the particular justice, determined the eradication of the essential meaning of the general justice of the jusprivatists analyses. The analyzed hypothesis defends that the rescue of general justice, transformed into social justice in modern days by the new order centered in the equal dignity of the human being, materialized through the guarantee of the individual basic capacities, allows us to understand that private law is characterized by horizontal relations of rights and duties between individuals who are rationally understood in terms of particular justice (commutative and distributive), commanded by social justice of equal dignity and recognition and institutionalized by the Constitution and the civil rights. / A tese apresenta uma hip?tese para a supera??o da incompreens?o atual relativa ? diversidade de fundamentos do direito privado, defendendo a viabilidade de compatibiliza??o da justi?a comutativa e da justi?a distributiva como formas de compreens?o das bases dos institutos jur?dicos de direito privado. O trabalho avalia as teorias formalistas, funcionalistas sociais e funcionalistas econ?micas do direito privado e detecta um elemento compartilhado por todas: a teoria da justi?a. O problema central identificado decorre da perda gradativa da rela??o do direito com a teoria da justi?a aristot?lico-tomista operada paulatinamente a partir da Escola Moderna do Direito Natural. A desconex?o entre justi?a e direito, mesmo mantendo uma rela??o espor?dica com a justi?a particular, determinou a erradica??o do sentido essencial da justi?a geral das an?lises jusprivatistas. A hip?tese analisada defende que o resgate da justi?a geral, transformada em justi?a social na modernidade, pela nova ordem centrada na igual dignidade humana, consubstanciada atrav?s da garantia das capacidades humanas b?sicas, permite compreender que o direito privado ? caracterizado por rela??es horizontais de direitos e deveres entre particulares que s?o racionalmente entendidos nos termos da justi?a particular (comutativa e distributiva) ordenada pela justi?a social da igual dignidade e reconhecimento e institucionalizada a partir da Constitui??o e dos direitos fundamentais.

A amplia??o do acesso ? justi?a e o judici?rio contempor?neo

Otharan, Luiz Felipe Rosa 04 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:33:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 437504.pdf: 58572 bytes, checksum: 5749c741c9b217c49b92491761a8109c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-04 / The present research aims to analysis of qualitative and quatitative expansion of access to Justice and the Judiciary contemporary, checking some consequences of the phenomenon ocurred. It starts from a study of individualism, patrimonialism, separation of powers and legal certainty, which served as pillars of suport to the Liberal State. It talks about the history of the formation of the liberal state and the task of the Judiciary that time. It examines the increasing importance of the Judiciary and the crisis of the Legislative Branch of recent years, that led to the abandonment of the model proposed by the Liberal State. It explore the quantitative and qualitative expansion of acess to justice, which are, in short, the massification of torts and the interference of the Judiciary Branch in any disputes, respectively. Finally, it investigates the consequences of the events mentioned. It examines the current situation that legal certainty does not exist, due to the abandonment of rules as the only which can provide legal certainty and the expansion of the powers of the Judiciary. It analyses the search for a legal certainty through a proposal for a precedent system inspired in common law. / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo a an?lise da amplia??o qualitativa e quantitativa do acesso ? Justi?a e o Judici?rio contempor?neo, verificando-se algumas conseq??ncias e desdobramentos do fen?meno ocorrido. Parte-se de um estudo do individualismo, patrimonial ismo, separa??o de poderes e seguran?a, a jur?dica, pilares que serviram de sustenta??o ao Estado Liberal. Discorre-se sobre os antecedentes hist?ricos da forma??o do Estado Liberal e o papel reservado ao Judici?rio da ?poca. Examina-se o aumento da import?ncia do Judici?rio e a crise do Poder Legislativo ocorrida nos ?ltimos anos, quadro que levou ao abando no do modelo proposto pelo Estado Liberal. Investiga-se a amplia??o quantitativa e qualitativa do acesso ? Justi?a, que s?o, em resumo, a massifica??o das lides e a interfer?ncia do Judici?rio em quaisquer controv?rsias, respectivamente. Por fim, s?o averiguadas algumas conseq??ncias dos mencionados aconteci mentos. Examinase a situa??o atual de inexist?ncia de certeza jur?dica, em raz?o do abandono da lei como soberana fonte do direito a proporcionar seguran?a jur?dica e da amplia??o dos poderes do Judici?rio. Analisa-se a busca por certeza jur?dica atrav?s de uma proposta de um sistema de precedentes com inspira??o na common law.

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