Spelling suggestions: "subject:"waren""
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Revisiting Jane Austin : a reading of Karen Joy Fowler's The Jane Austen Book ClubMüller, Luciane Oliveira January 2014 (has links)
Quanto mais nostálgicas e românticas se tornam as noções que apresentam sobre mundo idealizado de Austen, mais claramente podemos perceber as carências que fazem com que assim o percebam. Portanto, o objetivo desta tese é apresentar uma leitura de The Jane Austen Book Club através da aproximação com a obra de Austen, e assim entender o que as personagens de Fowler estão procurando, e por quê. A premissa é que essa busca revela muito a respeito do mundo contemporâneo. No âmbito da literatura, tomando Austen e Fowler como autoras que revelam os protocolos de leitura de suas épocas, espero explicitar algumas das razões do fascínio exercido por Austen sobre o leitor de hoje. Para tanto, utilizo como apoio teórico o contraste entre os conceitos de modernidade sólida e modernidade líquida propostos por Zygmunt Bauman, especialmente em relação às considerações sobre os termos fluidez, ética, velocidade, desimpedimento e medo. / Almost two hundred years separate Karen Joy Fowler from Jane Austen. The latter is a great English literary icon, author to six of the best treasured novels in English literature, admired for her style, wit and subtlety in the delineation of her characters and their social relations. The former is a contemporary awarded American Sci-fi and Fantasy writer, author to the novel The Jane Austen Book Club, which is the corpus of the present dissertation. In spite of the wide distance in time, subject matter, and even in literary stature that separates them, both authors are deeply involved in the investigation of human nature and human bonds. The Jane Austen Book Club not only pays homage to Jane Austen, it also offers a rich contrast between life as it was, in the 18th Century, in Austen’s rural England, and as it is now, in Fowler’s present-day sunny California. In Fowler’s novel we meet six interesting characters who undergo different kinds of personal crises. They form a book club and meet monthly, during half a year. In each meeting, they discuss one of Jane Austen´s novels. Each of them is in charge of leading the discussion on one of the novels. Fowler’s book is divided in six chapters, respectively: Jocelyn with Emma, Allegra with Sense and Sensibility, Prudie with Mansfield Park, Grigg with Northanger Abbey, Bernadette with Pride and Prejudice, and Sylvia with Persuasion. The way they interact with their assigned novels tells much not only about them and their circumstances, but also about the world in which they live. The more nostalgic and romantic their notion of Austen’s idealized past becomes, the clearer we can identify the circumstances in present-day life that provoke such reactions. The aim of this dissertation is to present a reading of The Jane Austen Book Club through an approximation with Austen’s work, so as to understand what Fowler’s characters are looking for, and why. The premise is that their quest tells about the world we live in nowadays, and about the difficulties we have in dealing with personal relations. To approach the contrast between the solid fictional world of Jane Austen and the liquid fictional world of Karen Joy Fowler, I rely on the theories presented by Zygmunt Bauman, especially on his use of concepts as fluidity, ethics, velocity, disengagement and fear.
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Revisiting Jane Austin : a reading of Karen Joy Fowler's The Jane Austen Book ClubMüller, Luciane Oliveira January 2014 (has links)
Quanto mais nostálgicas e românticas se tornam as noções que apresentam sobre mundo idealizado de Austen, mais claramente podemos perceber as carências que fazem com que assim o percebam. Portanto, o objetivo desta tese é apresentar uma leitura de The Jane Austen Book Club através da aproximação com a obra de Austen, e assim entender o que as personagens de Fowler estão procurando, e por quê. A premissa é que essa busca revela muito a respeito do mundo contemporâneo. No âmbito da literatura, tomando Austen e Fowler como autoras que revelam os protocolos de leitura de suas épocas, espero explicitar algumas das razões do fascínio exercido por Austen sobre o leitor de hoje. Para tanto, utilizo como apoio teórico o contraste entre os conceitos de modernidade sólida e modernidade líquida propostos por Zygmunt Bauman, especialmente em relação às considerações sobre os termos fluidez, ética, velocidade, desimpedimento e medo. / Almost two hundred years separate Karen Joy Fowler from Jane Austen. The latter is a great English literary icon, author to six of the best treasured novels in English literature, admired for her style, wit and subtlety in the delineation of her characters and their social relations. The former is a contemporary awarded American Sci-fi and Fantasy writer, author to the novel The Jane Austen Book Club, which is the corpus of the present dissertation. In spite of the wide distance in time, subject matter, and even in literary stature that separates them, both authors are deeply involved in the investigation of human nature and human bonds. The Jane Austen Book Club not only pays homage to Jane Austen, it also offers a rich contrast between life as it was, in the 18th Century, in Austen’s rural England, and as it is now, in Fowler’s present-day sunny California. In Fowler’s novel we meet six interesting characters who undergo different kinds of personal crises. They form a book club and meet monthly, during half a year. In each meeting, they discuss one of Jane Austen´s novels. Each of them is in charge of leading the discussion on one of the novels. Fowler’s book is divided in six chapters, respectively: Jocelyn with Emma, Allegra with Sense and Sensibility, Prudie with Mansfield Park, Grigg with Northanger Abbey, Bernadette with Pride and Prejudice, and Sylvia with Persuasion. The way they interact with their assigned novels tells much not only about them and their circumstances, but also about the world in which they live. The more nostalgic and romantic their notion of Austen’s idealized past becomes, the clearer we can identify the circumstances in present-day life that provoke such reactions. The aim of this dissertation is to present a reading of The Jane Austen Book Club through an approximation with Austen’s work, so as to understand what Fowler’s characters are looking for, and why. The premise is that their quest tells about the world we live in nowadays, and about the difficulties we have in dealing with personal relations. To approach the contrast between the solid fictional world of Jane Austen and the liquid fictional world of Karen Joy Fowler, I rely on the theories presented by Zygmunt Bauman, especially on his use of concepts as fluidity, ethics, velocity, disengagement and fear.
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Touchable matters:reconfiguring sustainable change through participatory design, education, and everyday engagement for non-violencePihkala, S. (Suvi) 27 March 2018 (has links)
Sustainability is a catchword for contemporary concerns of environmental and societal vulnerability. Scholars, policymakers, designers, and educators alike find themselves knotted increasingly within fabrics of sustainability, approached as an object of concern in education and technoscientific projects. In relation, scholars drawing from posthuman and new materialist thinking have begun to re-imagine sustainability. Considering human subjectivity as part of the world in its ongoing, reiterative becoming has introduced new possibilities to rethink responsibility in and for sustainable change.
This research is rooted in my engaged practices of participatory design and education on violence, violence prevention, and non-violence, which form the empirical research terrain of this study. This dissertation includes four articles that inquire into the practices in question by exploring possibilities for nurturing non-violence—and by scrutinising responsible participatory practices in design.
This synopsis re-engages with the results presented in the articles mentioned and participates in calls to rethink sustainability. In order to reconsider sustainability in and for practices of sustainable change, I develop theoretical thinking based on response-ability and touch, as discussed by Karen Barad and Donna Haraway. Through a diffractive, affirmative engagement with sustainability in the engaged practices of change-making, I aim to unfold the affordances of feminist (new) materialist renegotiations of ethics and responsibility, in order to inform responsible participatory practices of change-making and, in particular, change towards non-violence.
This research offers insight into the intricate ways sustainability reconfigures in and through practices of change-making in participatory design, education, and everyday engagements for non-violence. I begin by proposing a thinking and practice of response-able engagement. Then, through the idea of touchable matters, I foreground how the co-constituted conditions of ethically sustainable response become reconfigured in the designerly, the researcherly, the pedagogical, and other everyday practices, challenging for a shift to a new mode of entangled response-ability for sustainable change and towards non-violence. / Tiivistelmä
Kestävyys on aikaamme läpileikkaava, sosiaalisiin ja ekologisiin epäkohtiin tarttuva haaste, joka yhdistää tutkijoita ja muita toimijoita moninaisina jaetun huolen ja interventioiden kohteina myös koulutuksellisissa ja teknotieteellisissä projekteissa. Posthumanistinen ja uusmaterialistinen ajattelu on haastanut ymmärryksiä kestävyydestä asettamalla inhimillisen toimijuuden erottamattomaksi osaksi maailman jatkuvia tulemisen ja tuottumisen prosesseja. Painopiste kestävyyden, muutoksen ja niihin liittyvien vastuullisuuksien tarkastelussa on siirtynyt arkisten käytänteiden moniulotteisiin kietoutuneisuuksiin.
Väitöstutkimukseni sisältää neljä artikkelia, jotka perustuvat kahteen empiiriseen kokonaisuuteen. Työni aineisto on tuotettu tutkimalla työpaikkakiusaamiseen liittyvän osallistuvan suunnittelun vastuullisia käytänteitä sekä väkivaltaa, väkivallan ehkäisemistä ja väkivallattomuutta käsittelevää akateemista koulutusta. Väitöskirjaan sisältyvissä artikkeleissa olen tarkastellut pyrkimyksiä kohti väkivallattomuutta sekä muutokseen sitoutuneita ja siihen moninaisesti kietoutuvia käytänteitä. Työni yhteenveto-osassa työstän artikkeleissa esitettyjä osallistumista, refleksiivisyyttä, välittämistä ja väkivallattomuutta käsitteleviä tuloksia diffraktiivisesti. Työstämisen teoreettis-käsitteellisenä kumppanina toimivat Karen Baradin ja Donna Harawayn kosketusta ja vastuullisuutta käsittelevät keskustelut. Yhteenvedon tavoitteena on tarkastella feministisen (uus)materialistisen ajattelun mahdollisuuksia tuottaa uutta ymmärrystä kestävyydestä osana vastuullisia osallistuvia toimintatapoja muutoksen – ja erityisesti väkivallattomuuteen pyrkivän muutoksen – jokapäiväisissä käytänteissä.
Kestävän muutoksen ja väkivallattomuuden mahdollisuudet tuottuvat osallistuvan suunnittelun, koulutuksen ja arjen käytänteissä moninaisin tavoin. Vastuullisuutta tarkastellessani esitän ajatuksen ”koskettavista kudelmista”, mikä kutsuu tunnistamaan, kuinka eettisen kestävyyden ja suhteisuuden mahdollisuudet ”kanssatuottuvat” arkisissa kohtaamisissa. Samalla se haastaa rakentamaan uudenlaista, tähän eettis-ontologiseen kietoutuneisuuteen sitoutunutta vastuullisuutta jokapäiväisissä suunnittelun, tutkimuksen, koulutuksen ja arjen pyrkimyksissä kohti kestävää muutosta ja väkivallattomuutta.
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Revisiting Jane Austin : a reading of Karen Joy Fowler's The Jane Austen Book ClubMüller, Luciane Oliveira January 2014 (has links)
Quanto mais nostálgicas e românticas se tornam as noções que apresentam sobre mundo idealizado de Austen, mais claramente podemos perceber as carências que fazem com que assim o percebam. Portanto, o objetivo desta tese é apresentar uma leitura de The Jane Austen Book Club através da aproximação com a obra de Austen, e assim entender o que as personagens de Fowler estão procurando, e por quê. A premissa é que essa busca revela muito a respeito do mundo contemporâneo. No âmbito da literatura, tomando Austen e Fowler como autoras que revelam os protocolos de leitura de suas épocas, espero explicitar algumas das razões do fascínio exercido por Austen sobre o leitor de hoje. Para tanto, utilizo como apoio teórico o contraste entre os conceitos de modernidade sólida e modernidade líquida propostos por Zygmunt Bauman, especialmente em relação às considerações sobre os termos fluidez, ética, velocidade, desimpedimento e medo. / Almost two hundred years separate Karen Joy Fowler from Jane Austen. The latter is a great English literary icon, author to six of the best treasured novels in English literature, admired for her style, wit and subtlety in the delineation of her characters and their social relations. The former is a contemporary awarded American Sci-fi and Fantasy writer, author to the novel The Jane Austen Book Club, which is the corpus of the present dissertation. In spite of the wide distance in time, subject matter, and even in literary stature that separates them, both authors are deeply involved in the investigation of human nature and human bonds. The Jane Austen Book Club not only pays homage to Jane Austen, it also offers a rich contrast between life as it was, in the 18th Century, in Austen’s rural England, and as it is now, in Fowler’s present-day sunny California. In Fowler’s novel we meet six interesting characters who undergo different kinds of personal crises. They form a book club and meet monthly, during half a year. In each meeting, they discuss one of Jane Austen´s novels. Each of them is in charge of leading the discussion on one of the novels. Fowler’s book is divided in six chapters, respectively: Jocelyn with Emma, Allegra with Sense and Sensibility, Prudie with Mansfield Park, Grigg with Northanger Abbey, Bernadette with Pride and Prejudice, and Sylvia with Persuasion. The way they interact with their assigned novels tells much not only about them and their circumstances, but also about the world in which they live. The more nostalgic and romantic their notion of Austen’s idealized past becomes, the clearer we can identify the circumstances in present-day life that provoke such reactions. The aim of this dissertation is to present a reading of The Jane Austen Book Club through an approximation with Austen’s work, so as to understand what Fowler’s characters are looking for, and why. The premise is that their quest tells about the world we live in nowadays, and about the difficulties we have in dealing with personal relations. To approach the contrast between the solid fictional world of Jane Austen and the liquid fictional world of Karen Joy Fowler, I rely on the theories presented by Zygmunt Bauman, especially on his use of concepts as fluidity, ethics, velocity, disengagement and fear.
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Animalized Women in Classical and Contemporary LiteratureDay, Margaret Louise January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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United States counter-narcotics policies towards Burma, and how the illegal myanmar regime is manipulating those policies to commit ethnic genocide.Hochstedler, Robert. 06 1900 (has links)
US counter-narcotic policies towards Burma have possessed a singular-focus. In other words, they have been based on the traditional bilateral triumvirate strategies of eradication, education, and interdiction. Eradicate the crops used to produce illicit narcotics, interdict the flow of illicit drug traffickers, and educate the general population on the dangers of continual drug usage. In the country of Burma though, there are other US policies which also have a singular focus, which have undermined the effectiveness of these policies. Since the Burmese military regime's brutal suppression of the pro-democracy movement in 1988, the US has severed all economic relations with the country. The Burmese economy, which was already far from stable, fell into a downward spiral as a result of these US-led policies. This did not result in a democratic transition. Over seventeen years since these economic sanctions have been in place, the US has not achieved a peaceful regime change in Burma. Furthermore, the attempts to remove the significant flow of illicit narcotics from the country have failed as well. The reason these two singular-oriented policies have failed is that they are targeted at a country much more complex than these strategies have been designed to handle. First of all, there are 135 ethnicities in Burma, while only a small portion of the Burman population maintains political and economic control. Although this would result in ineffective policies with little collateral impact, the ruling Tatmadaw regime has manipulated these policies to commit ethnic genocide upon the ethnic minorities within their territory. Unless a re-assessment of these policies is undertaken by the US and its allies, the only result of their policies will be the elimination of millions of ethnic minorities in this totalitarian state. Therefore, the US must re-assess its position of isolating the Myanmar regime, and focus on a policy of engagement. Only if a structured and progressive incentive policy of economic development is created in conjunction with the regime, can the separate triumvirate policies of counter-narcotics against the ethnic minorities in Burma become effective. / US Navy (USN) author.
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Afrikaanse liedtekste in konteks : die liedtekste van Bok van Blerk, Fokofpolisiekar, the Buckfever Underground en Karen ZoidNell, Wendy Desre 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie is om op die liedtekste van die kunstenaars, Bok van Blerk, Fokofpolisiekar, The Buckfever Underground (en Toast Coetzer) en Karen Zoid te fokus en om te bepaal wat hulle funksie in die eietydse Afrikaanse kultuurlandskap is, en wat hulle rol in die definiëring van kulturele identiteit is. In hierdie studie sal daar ook klem gelê word op die sosiopolitieke faktore wat tot die opbloei van die Afrikaanse musiekbedryf gelei het. Deur die analise van dié kunstenaars se lirieke, sal ek vasstel of hulle wel betekenisvolle werk van literêre gehalte lewer. Ek het spesifiek hierdie musikante gekies omdat hulle jong eietydse musikante is. / The purpose of this study is to focus on the song texts of artists, Karen Zoid, Fokofpolisiekar, The Buckfever Underground (and Toast Coetzer) and Bok van Blerk and to determine their function in today’s cultural reality, and whether these musicians and their music have an influence on today’s youth and their search for a Cultural Identity. This study will also focus on the socio-political factors that led to the rise of the Afrikaans Music Industry. By analyzing these artists’ lyrics, I want to determine whether they are significant works of literary quality. These musicians were chosen because they are regarded as young contemporary musicians. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)
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Afrikaanse liedtekste in konteks : die liedtekste van Bok van Blerk, Fokofpolisiekar, the Buckfever Underground en Karen ZoidNell, Wendy Desre 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie is om op die liedtekste van die kunstenaars, Bok van Blerk, Fokofpolisiekar, The Buckfever Underground (en Toast Coetzer) en Karen Zoid te fokus en om te bepaal wat hulle funksie in die eietydse Afrikaanse kultuurlandskap is, en wat hulle rol in die definiëring van kulturele identiteit is. In hierdie studie sal daar ook klem gelê word op die sosiopolitieke faktore wat tot die opbloei van die Afrikaanse musiekbedryf gelei het. Deur die analise van dié kunstenaars se lirieke, sal ek vasstel of hulle wel betekenisvolle werk van literêre gehalte lewer. Ek het spesifiek hierdie musikante gekies omdat hulle jong eietydse musikante is. / The purpose of this study is to focus on the song texts of artists, Karen Zoid, Fokofpolisiekar, The Buckfever Underground (and Toast Coetzer) and Bok van Blerk and to determine their function in today’s cultural reality, and whether these musicians and their music have an influence on today’s youth and their search for a Cultural Identity. This study will also focus on the socio-political factors that led to the rise of the Afrikaans Music Industry. By analyzing these artists’ lyrics, I want to determine whether they are significant works of literary quality. These musicians were chosen because they are regarded as young contemporary musicians. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)
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Ordlöv och barrbokstäver : Mening och materialitet i fyra bilderböcker från 00- och 10-tal / Word Leaves and Needle Letters : Meaning and Materiality in Four Picture Books from the 00s and 10sNordgren, Sarah January 2020 (has links)
This essay aims to understand how meaning and materiality work in four picture books from the 00s and 10s; Gittan och gråvargarna by Pija Lindenbaum, I skogen by Eva Lindström, Vem ser Dim? by Maria Nilsson Thore and Vi blåste bort ibland by Viveka Sjögren. The essay uses two theoretical works about picture books: Bilderbokens pusselbitar by Maria Nikolajeva and Modernismens bilder – Den moderna bilderboken i Norden by Elina Druker. Questions to lead the analysis are: How can text and picture be understood as materiality? How can meaning be understood as a material-discursive phenomenon? How can reading and meaning be understood as performative processes? The chapter “Diffractions: Differences, Contingencies, and Entanglements That Matter” from Karen Barad’s book Meeting the Universe Halfway – Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning provides help to understand diffraction as a metaphor and methodological attitude. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s understanding of knowledge as performative in the book Touching Feeling – Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity is used to understand the picture book as an act of knowledge and meaning, and reading as a performative process where human involvement cannot be overlooked. The essay problematizes the theoretical texts about picture books by taking on different parts of the picture book’s form and drawing examples from the four chosen picture books. Parts that are examined are divisions of signs in semiotics (and in the picture book theory), the picture book’s limits between for instance framework and content, fiction and reality, and book and reader, mimesis and the analytical problems with looking for truth, the impact of the picture book’s size and shape, and lastly illustration techniques and the influence that illustrator, materiality and reader have on the book. The essay shows how different involvements affect the meaning that is created in the picture book, how solid delimitations of different kinds can be problematic, and how words such as picture, text, paratext and content should be treated gently and consciously. Different ways of breaking with methods and thoughts of habit are presented, for instance by using Barad’s concept of diffraction. The essay ends by emphasizing the complexity that follows meaning, materiality and reading, the responsibility it demands of us and how picture book theory sometimes simplifies analysis. This essay stresses the importance of questioning how the methods and words we use affect what is possible to understand, but not in the sense that we should read in a paranoid and closed way, but rather open minded and with room for failures, reconsiderations and other ways forward. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå hur mening och materialitet hänger ihop i fyra bilderböcker från 00- och 10-tal; Gittan och gråvargarna av Pija Lindenbaum, I skogen av Eva Lindström, Vem ser Dim? av Maria Nilsson Thore och Vi blåste bort ibland av Viveka Sjögren. Uppsatsen går i dialog med de bilderboksteoretiska verken Bilderbokens pusselbitar av Maria Nikolajeva och Modernismens bilder – Den moderna bilderboken i Norden av Elina Druker. Frågor för att leda undersökningen är som följer: På vilket sätt är text och bild materialitet? Hur kan mening förstås som materiellt-diskursivt fenomen i bilderböckerna? Hur kan läsning och mening förstås som performativa processer? Avsnittet ”Diffractions: Differences, Contingencies, and Entanglements That Matter” ur Karen Barads verk Meeting the Universe Halfway – Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning fungerar som hjälp för att förstå diffraktion som metafor och metodologisk hållning. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwicks förståelse av kunskap som performativ i verket Touching Feeling – Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity används för att förstå bilderboken som ett görande, och läsningen som en performativ process där mänsklig inblandning inte kan förbises. Uppsatsen problematiserar de bilderboksteoretiska verken genom att ta sig an olika aspekter av bilderbokens form samt exemplifiera detta med hjälp av det skönlitterära materialet. Områden som vidrörs är semiotikens (och bilderboksteoretikernas) indelning av tecken, bilderbokens gränser mellan bland annat ramar och innehåll, fiktion och verklighet samt verk och läsare, mimesis och sanningssökandets analytiska problem, bilderbokens påverkan av storlek och format, samt slutligen illustrationstekniker och den inverkan illustratör, materialitet och läsare har på verket. Uppsatsen visar på hur olika inblandningar påverkar den mening som skapas i bilderboken, hur fasta gränsdragningar av olika slag kan anses problematiska, samt hur begrepp som till exempel bild, text, paratext och innehåll bör behandlas varsamt och medvetet. Olika sätt att komma runt upptrampade metodologiska tillvägagångssätt och tankespår presenteras, bland annat med hjälp av Barads diffraktionsbegrepp. Uppsatsen avslutas med att betona den komplexitet som följer med mening, materialitet och läsning, det ansvar detta avkräver oss och hur bilderboksteorin ibland fungerar förenklande i analyser. Denna uppsats lyfter vikten av att ifrågasätta vad de metoder och ord vi använder egentligen gör med vad som är möjligt att förstå, men inte i den mening att vi bör läsa misstänksamt och stängt, utan snarare öppensinnat och med utrymme för misslyckanden, omprövningar och andra vägar vidare.
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South africa's axial religious transformation: the utilization of the axial Hebrew prophets' response models in the revision of South Africa's maladaptive pre-axial response modelsKrawitz, Lilian 31 March 2007 (has links)
This study searches for the origin and history of the concept of individual accountability and the reason for its absence in the African Traditional Religion framework. This search begins in the Axial Age (800-200 BCE), and discusses ancient Israel's Axial Age and its Axial Hebrew prophets' response models. The study tracks the introduction of Axial ideals to South Africa, via Christianity since 1826, and examines the Xhosa prophets' response models to their Axial context. The Social Christians attempts to impart Axial ideals during the period of segregation and the Tuskegeean response model are also examined. The similarities between ancient Israel and South Africa as revealed by Biblical archaeology, underlie this study's call for the utilisation of the power of religions such as Christianity, and of South Africa's religious elite, to rapidly alter current maladaptive beliefs within the African Traditional religious framework that impedes Africans' ability to adopt individual accountability. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. A. (Biblical Archaeolgy)
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