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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從創新觀點檢視創作共享機制與著作權保護及知識分享擴散之關係 / Creative Commons and Its Relationship with Copyright Protection and Knowledge Sharing Distribution ~from an Innovation Perspective~

盧文祥, Lu,Wen-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
著作肩負著人類對文化傳承、藝術發揚及知識分享的重責大任,影響深遠,自應創造因誘因加以鼓勵並給予適當的法律保障;惟現代著作權法保護創作人的思維均藉由「創作完成自動保護」的途徑,賦予創作人各種著作人格權及著作財產權,一改往昔仍須藉由註冊審查或登記列冊方能享有著作權的傳統作法。然而,任何偉大的著作,其價值乃貴在廣為利用方能源遠流傳,前述各類創作人是否分享或放棄著作權之意願,由法律自動保留全部權利(all rights reserved)的預設(default)立場,使得利用人在利用著作或接續創作的平台受到重重的限制,除了能符合較抽象的「合理使用」範疇以外,利用著作前均須依法取得權利人之同意或授權方能免除因此所生侵權責任。 對於一向主張著作應視為公共財的自由派學者,前述加諸廣大利用人動輒得咎的法律限制,顯然會認為對於知識分享擴散造成阻礙的結果無法忍受,於是美國史丹福大學Lawrence Lessig教授即於2002年間號召有識之士,倡導「Creative Commons」(本研究稱為「創作共享」)之運動,藉由「保留部分著作權」(some rights reserved)的理念,設計鬆綁著作權法以釋出著作權的機制,現正積極在世界各國間推廣中。 本研究即針對上述理念之興起,思考此一創新機制與知識分享擴散及著作權保護間有無相關,並試圖找出可能直接影響機制之關鍵因素提供建言。在第一章部分,除敍明研究動機、目的、範圍、限制外,更直指本研究之問題所在及預期之貢獻;第二章即針對研究主題,包括過去對著作權保護、創作共享機制、知識分享擴散及制度創新的研究進行文獻探討,第三章則對研究核心創作共享機制具體實踐之契約條款予以法律剖析檢驗,並釋疑部分易為外界混淆或誤解之觀念;第四章則詳細闡明研究方法後,設定各個命題及假設,並各賦予操作化定義,落實為問卷調查之問題及選項,第五章則以立意取向調查方式發放及回收共547份有效問卷,並以11.0版SPSS軟體執行問卷數據分析並進而出各項判讀,印證前述命題及假設相關程度,另從管理意涵賦予各項解讀之詮釋;第六章則藉由坊間已先後運行的四個類似創作共享機制的個案,將前述檢驗的內外因素、體質因素、驅動因素等研究構面逐一比較,第七章即就研究成果列出結論並提出後續研究之建議以供來者繼續接棒發揚。 / Creative work carries the responsibilities of cultural inheritance, artistic manifestation, and knowledge sharing; its influences are far reaching and the work ought to be encouraged and properly protected by law. In contrast to traditional copyright laws, whereby protection was given only after registration or examination, current copyright laws give protection to creative work upon its completion, and provide the creator with all kinds of moral integrity rights and copyrights. However, the value of a masterpiece lies in its widespread use, and the current legal system gives the creator, by default, all rights to reserve their intention to share or forfeit their copyrights. From the user’s standpoint, this protective system means limitations and restrictions in using creative work or in continuing creative platform—requiring the user to obtain agreement or license from the rights owner for any use of the work outside the scope of “fair use.” Liberal scholars who believe creative work ought to be public property find these legal restrictions on users and limitations on the proliferation of knowledge sharing intolerable. In 2002, under the appeal of Stanford’s Professor Lawrence Lessig, the movement for Creative Commons was begun. Under this model, relaxation of copyrights with some rights reserved is called for, and this idea is being widely promoted throughout the world. This study focuses on the development of this new ideology and examines its relationship with the proliferation of knowledge sharing and copyrights protection, and further inspects the key factors that may directly influence this new mechanism as well as provides necessary suggestions. Chapter One explains the motivation, purpose, scope, and limitation of this study as well as pointing out the problems and expectations of this study. Chapter Two focuses on the main theme of this study, including empirical studies on past copyright protections, creative commons mechanism, proliferation of knowledge sharing and innovation of its system. Chapter Three examines the legal aspects of the creative commons licensing agreement and clarifies the parts that are confusing or can be easily misunderstood. Chapter Four explains the research approach and sets up theories for each topic, and defines the procedures for selecting questions for the survey. Chapter Five analyzes the 547 valid surveys, which were distributed using the conceptual approach, using v.11.0 of SPSS against the topic and theories set forth in the previous chapter, and interpret each item in the survey via management connotation. Chapter Six compares four existing mechanisms similar to the creative commons model in terms internal and external factors, physical factors, and driving factors. Chapter Seven discusses the results of this study and states suggestions for subsequent research.

Competitive, Neutral, or Cooperative Outcome Interdependence? - Consequences on the Behavioral and Perceptional Level / Kompetitiver, neutraler oder kooperativer Anreizzusammenhang? - Konsequenzen auf dem Verhaltens- und Wahrnehmungslevel

Belz, Michael 17 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之研究-以台北市幼稚園為例 / A study of relationships among organizational innovative climate of kindergartens, teachers’ knowledge sharing and innovative teaching

劉華鈴, Liu, Hua Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為對創新教學行為之影響以及三者之關係。首先瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之現況;其次,探討幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之相關性;最後,以多元迴歸分析幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為對創新教學行為之預測力,以及探討學校組織創新氣氛是否透過知識分享行為此中介變項影響教師創新教學行為。 本研究以台北市公私立幼稚園教師為研究對象,以「校園創新氣氛量表」,以及修改之「知識分享行為量表」與「創意教學行為量表」為研究工具,有效樣本為272份,資料回收後分別以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析,以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究獲致之結論如下: 1. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 2. 知識分享行為與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 3. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為達顯著正相關。 4. 學校組織創新氣氛的「工作條件」跟「學習成長」面向可以有效預測教師的 創新教學行為。 5. 知識分享行為的「行動示範」、「知識共構」可有效預測教師創新教學行為。 6. 就學校組織創新氣氛、知識分享行為對創新教學行為的整體模式而言,學校 組織創新氣氛中的「工作條件」可透過知識分享行為中的「行動示範」與「知識共構」此兩個中介變項預測幼稚園教師的創新教學行為。 最後,研究者根據研究結論針對幼稚園組織與幼稚園教師,以及未來研究提出具體建議,以期對未來幼稚園實行創新教學及相關後續研究有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study were as following: First of all, understand the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. Second, understand the relationships among these three variables. Third, explore the predictive power of the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. This study adopts the survey method by questionnaire. This study included 272 kindergarten teachers in Taipei city, Taiwan. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive Statistics, Factor analysis, Cronbach α coefficient analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and Regression through SPSS18.0. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and creative teaching. 2. The relationships between teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and creative teaching were positive. 3. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior. 4. Job Conditions and Professional Learning can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 5. Action Demonstration and Knowledge Building can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 6. It appeared that knowledge sharing plays mediating roles among organizational innovative climate and innovative teaching.

Accelerating Global Product Innovation through Cross-cultural Collaboration : Organizational Mechanisms that Influence Knowledge-sharing within the MNC / L’innovation globale et la collaboration interculturelle : les mécanismes organisationnels qui déterminent le partage du savoir dans les entreprises multinationales

Jensen, Karina 04 June 2012 (has links)
La mondialisation, l’introduction d’un produit sur le marché, l’adaptation au consommateur représentent des défis permanents pour réussir l’innovation sur le marché à travers les cultures. Un environnement commercial interculturel et interconnecté a créé une demande croissante pour le partage des connaissances dans les entreprises multinationales (EMN). L’incapacité des membres d’une équipe dispersés géographiquement à partager et communiquer efficacement les idées et solutions peut entraîner un manque d’innovation des produits, un retard dans leur introduction, et réduire les ventes et opportunités de marchés. Cela nécessite de la part des dirigeants d’optimiser les connaissances interculturelles de l’équipe afin d’améliorer le design et la livraison de solutions innovantes pour les clients à l’échelle mondiale. Par conséquent cette thèse cherche à examiner et identifier les mécanismes organisationnels qui favorisent la collaboration interculturelle et le partage de connaissances au sein d’équipes dispersées géographiquement, dans l’élaboration d’un processus d’innovation (du front end of innovation). Cette thèse se base sur l’approche par les ressources et par les connaissances de la firme, où les pratiques cognitives et sociales intégrées jouent un rôle important pour l’innovation. A travers une recherche qualitative j’examinerai les mécanismes organisationnels qui influencent les interactions entre le responsable de projet et l’équipe interculturelle durant les lancements globaux de produit, de la conception du produit jusqu’à sa mise sur le marché. Dans la mesure où il y a peu de recherche empirique sur la collaboration interculturelle et l’innovation globale, c’est une opportunité considérable de contribuer à la recherche en management de l’innovation, et d’aider des organisations à développer leurs capacités de partage de connaissances, véritable avantage concurrentiel dans la conception et l’introduction de nouveaux produits sur les marchés internationaux. L’objectif de cette thèse et d’étudier et démontrer comment les EMN peuvent faciliter le processus de collaboration interculturelle afin de concevoir et de mettre en oeuvre efficacement des stratégies d’innovation pour de nouveaux produits. Cette recherche vise à développer un cadre et un modèle théorique pour la collaboration des équipes interculturelles en répondant à la question suivante : Comment les EMN optimisent la collaboration des équipes interculturelles afin d’améliorer le planning et la mise en oeuvre de stratégie globale d’innovation ? Ceci répond aux besoins des organisations de partager les connaissances du marché local entre les équipes interculturelles afin d’accélérer la réactivité aux opportunités du marché à l’international. / Globalization, time to market, and customer responsiveness present continuous challenges for achieving market innovation across cultures. A cross-cultural and networked business environment has created increased demand for knowledge-sharing within the multinational corporation (MNC). The inability of geographically distributed team members to effectively share and communicate ideas and solutions can result in a lack of product innovation, delayed product introductions, and reduced sales and market opportunities. This requires managers to leverage cross-cultural team knowledge in order to improve the design and delivery of innovative customer solutions worldwide. This dissertation thus intends to examine and identify organizational mechanisms that facilitate cross-cultural collaboration and knowledge-sharing for geographically distributed teams responsible for the front end of innovation.The resource-based and knowledge-based views of the firm inform this dissertation where integrated cognitive and social practices serve an important role for innovation. Through qualitative research, I will examine organizational mechanisms that influence interactions between the project leader and the geographically distributed team during global product launches, from product concept to market introduction. Since there is a lack of empirical research conducted with organizations on cross-cultural collaboration and global innovation, there is a significant opportunity to advance research within innovation management while assisting organizations in the development of knowledge-sharing capabilities that serve as competitive advantage in conceiving and introducing new products to international markets.The purpose of this dissertation research is to investigate and demonstrate how MNCs can facilitate the cross-cultural collaboration process in order to effectively conceive and execute innovation strategies for new products. The research intends to develop a framework and model for cross-cultural team collaboration in exploring and responding to the following research question: How can MNCs optimize cross-cultural team collaboration in order to strengthen the planning and execution of global innovation strategies? This research responds to organizational needs for sharing knowledge amongst cross-cultural teams in order to accelerate responsiveness to international market opportunities.

A new framework for a technological perspective of knowledge management

Botha, Antonie Christoffel 26 June 2008 (has links)
Rapid change is a defining characteristic of our modern society. This has huge impact on society, governments, and businesses. Businesses are forced to fundamentally transform themselves to survive in a challenging economy. Transformation implies change in the way business is conducted, in the way people perform their contribution to the organisation, and in the way the organisation perceives and manages its vital assets – which increasingly are built around the key assets of intellectual capital and knowledge. The latest management tool and realisation of how to respond to the challenges of the economy in the new millennium, is the idea of "knowledge management" (KM). In this study we have focused on synthesising the many confusing points of view about the subject area, such as: <ul><li> a. different focus points or perspectives; </li><li> b. different definitions and positioning of the subject; as well as</li><li> c. a bewildering number of definitions of what knowledge is and what KM entails.</li></ul> There exists a too blurred distinction in popular-magazine-like sources about this area between subjects and concepts such as: knowledge versus information versus data; the difference between information management and knowledge management; tools available to tackle the issues in this field of study and practice; and the role technology plays versus the huge hype from some journalists and within the vendor community. Today there appears to be a lack of a coherent set of frameworks to abstract, comprehend, and explain this subject area; let alone to build successful systems and technologies with which to apply KM. The study is comprised of two major parts:<ul><li> 1. In the first part the study investigates the concepts, elements, drivers, and challenges related to KM. A set of models for comprehending these issues and notions is contributed as we considered intellectual capital, organizational learning, communities of practice, and best practices. </li><li> 2. The second part focuses on the technology perspective of KM. Although KM is primarily concerned with non-technical issues this study concentrates on the technical issues and challenges. A new technology framework for KM is proposed to position and relate the different KM technologies as well as the two key applications of KM, namely knowledge portals and knowledge discovery (including text mining). </li></ul> It is concluded that KM and related concepts and notions need to be understood firmly as well as effectively positioned and employed to support the modern business organisation in its quest to survive and grow. The main thesis is that KM technology is a necessary but insufficient prerequisite and a key enabler for successful KM in a rapidly changing business environment. / Thesis (PhD (Computer Science))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Knowledge management application in township schools : a case study of Emalahleni Circuit 1, 2 and 3

Nkambule, Bongani Innocent 02 November 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / The looming transition from the industrial era to the technologically driven knowledge era has implications for the practice of Knowledge Management (KM) for all organisations across various employment sectors. My awareness of the paucity of empirical accounts documenting how schools, particularly those situated in townships, apply KM exacerbated the need for a social inquiry to determine the extent to which the selected schools leverage KM in their operations. This study was conducted in three education circuits of Emalahleni, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. The qualitative study to investigate KM application in township schools largely drew on the theoretical lenses of Wenger’s (1991) Communities of Practice (CoP), and Rodrigues and Pai’s (2005) Eight Dimensions of KM Enablers and Activators, supplemented by home-grown epistemologies of Ubuntu and Batho Pele Principles. Designed as a case study, the study employed semi-structured interviews to gather data. Responses were solicited from twenty participants comprising of teachers, Heads of Department (HODs), administrative clerks and principals in their varying capacities of knowledge work. Document analysis was done for purposes of triangulation. The study found that, despite a myriad of constraints, the selected schools apply KM sufficiently but not efficiently to meet their constitutional mandate of providing an educational service to learners. In two of the schools where principals practised laissez-faire and transactional leadership styles respectively, organisational cultures were characterised by one-way communication, limited knowledge sharing platforms, dissonance between subordinate staff and School Management Teams (SMTs). In the third school whose principal practised a democratic leadership style, the organisational climate was conducive for knowledge sharing and knowledge creation transactions among subordinate staff and the SMT. However, teachers of this school expressed the need to re-energise the formation of CoPs. In the midst of the cited constraints, personnel’s inclination to do their jobs and their adherence to the gazetted performance standards were found to be major propellants of KM application. The study also indicated that principals’ leadership determines the efficiency of KM application. The main recommendation thereof was that principals must begin to pay equal attention to the knowledge shared by both the subordinate staff and the SMT. / Ushintsho oluzinze kumontho wezezimboni kufikela kumnotho ozinse kwezobuqepheshe lunethmelela engagwemeki kwindlele izinkampani zikahulumeni kanye nezangasese zisebenzisa ngakhona izinhlelo zokuthulwa, zokwakhiwa kanye nokutholakala kolwazi mapheqelezi i Knowledge Management (KM). Ngemva kokuqaphela kwami ukuthi kunokwentula kolwazi olujulile ologxile kusayensi, mayelana nedlela izikole ikakhulukazi ezaseMalokishini zisebenzisa ngakhona i KM kuzinhlelo zazo zangemihla nge mihla; ngakho ke ngiye ngabona kungumqondo ophusile ukuba ngi phenye ngaloludaba. Ngiye ngagxila ukwazi kabanzi ngezikole ezintathu engizikhethile ngaphansi komnyango wezumfundo ehhovisini lasesigodini saseMalahleni esifindazweni saseMpumalanga eNingizimu Afrika. Loluphenyo oluzinze kwi qualitative method lisebenzise umbono ka Wenger (1991) owaziwa ngokuthi yi Communities of Practice (CoPs), kanye nombono ka Rodrigues and Pai (2005) obizwa nge Eight Dimensions of KM Enablers and Activators. Kanti futhi, Ubuntu ne Batho Pele, zasetshenziswa ukusekela lemibono emibili ephothulwiwe. Abasebenzi ababandakanyaka kulolu phenyo bangama shumi ambili emikhakheni ehlukahlukene ezikolweni njengo thisela nabaphathi babo, omabhalane kanye nabo thishanhloko. Ukuthola ubufakazi obungangabazeki ngiye nga qathanisa ulwazi oluphume kwimibono yabasebenzi nalena etholakale emaphepheni amumethe ulwazi mayelana nezinhlelo ze KM kuzo zontathu izikole. Ngaphandle kwezinselelo ezimbadlwana, akungabazekanga ukuba zontathu izikole zinazo izinhlelo ze KM. Futhi kuye kwabonakala ukuthi lezikole zihambisana nemiqathango yomthetho sisekelo wokuhlinzeka ngemfundo. Esikolweni sokuqala uthishanhloko wakhona utholakale esebenzisa ubuholi be-Leissez-faire. Kanti esikolweni sesibili uthishanhloko wakhona utholakale esebenzisa ubuholi be transactional. Kuzo zombili lezikole kusobala ukuthi kunezinselela ezinemithelela engamihle kahle ekwabiweni kolwazi kanye nase kusungulweni kwama qembu wokwakha ulwazi phakathi kwabasebenzi abangenazikhundla nalobo abanezikhundla. Abasebenzi abanganazikhundla ikakhulukazi othishela nabomabhalane baye bazwakalise isikhalo sabo sokungabandakanywa uma izinqumo zezinhlelo ze KM zithathwa. Kanti esikoweni sesithathu lapho uthishanhloko wakhona ebesebenzisa ubuholi bentando yeningi (noma i democratic leadership), kuye kwabonakala ngaphandle kwamathandabuzwa ukuthi abasebenzi abangenazikhundla kanye nabanazo, basebezisana ngokukhulu ukuhloniphana. Yigakho ke isimo salesi sikole sikulungele ukwakhiwa kanye nokwabelwana kolwazi phakathi kwabobonke abasebenzi. Yize noma izinhlelo eziningi ze KM zihamba ngomumu kulesisikole, kodwa othishela bakhona bayebanxusa ukuba kubuye kukhushulwe izinga lokusungula amaqembu wokwabelana nokwakhiwa kolwazi ngaphakathi kwabasebenzi. Kusobala ukuthi ikhono kanye nokuzimisle kwabasebezi emisebenzini yabo linemithelela ethize kwizinhlelo ze KM. Nobuholi bothishanhloko bunemithelela ethize ekuthuthukisweni kwezinhlelo ze KM. Othishanhloko bayacetshiswa ukuthi bamukele ngesasasa elikhulu imibono kwinhangothi zombili zabasebezi, bayeke ukubuka ulwazi oluphuma ohlangothini lwalabo abanezikhundla kuphela. / Die dreigende oorgang vanaf die industriële era na die tegnologies-gedrewe kennis era het implikasies vir die praktyk van Kennisbestuur vir alle organisasies oor verskeie indiensnemingsektore. My bewustheid van die stilte van empiriese rekeninge wat dokumenteer hoe skole, veral dié wat in townships geleë is, pas toe dat Kennis bestuur die behoefte aan 'n maatskaplike ondersoek vererger om die mate waarin die geselekteerde skole-hefboom Kennis bestuur in hul operasie gebruik, te bepaal. Hierdie studie is gedoen in drie bane van Emalahleni, Mpumalanga Provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Die kwalifitiewe studie om kennisbestuur in lokasie skole te ondersoek, het grootliks getrek op die teoretiese lense van Wenger se (1991) Gemeenskappe van Praktyk (CoP), en Rodrigues en Pai's (2005) Agt Dimensies van Kennisbestuur-instaatstellers en Aanwysers, aangevul deur tuisgroei-epistemologieë van Ubuntu en Batho Pele beginsels. Die studie het semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gebruik om data in te samel. Reaksies is van twintig deelnemers in hulle wisselende vermoëns van kenniswerk versoek. Dokumentanalise is vir doeleindes van driehoeking gedoen. Ten spyte van 'n magdom beperkings het die studie bevind dat die gekose skool Kennisbestuur voldoende toepas, maar nie doeltreffend om hul grondwetlike mandaat te ontmoet om 'n opvoedkundige diens aan leerders te lewer nie. In twee van die skole waar skoolhoofde laissez-billike en transaksionele leierskapstyle onderskeidelik beoefen het, is organisatoriese kulture gekenmerk deur eenrigtingkommunikasie, beperkte kennisverdelingsplatforms, besluitneming tussen ondergeskikte personeel en skoolbestuurspanne (SMT's). In die derde skool wie se skoolhoof 'n demokratiese leierskapstyl beoefen het, was organisatoriese klimaat bevorderlik vir kennisverdeling en kennisskeppingstransaksies onder ondergeskikte personeel en die SMT. Te midde van die aangehaalde beperkings is personeel se neiging om hul nakoming van die prestasiestandaarde te doen, bevind dat groot skroewe van Kennisbestuur aansoek is. Die studie het ook aangedui dat skoolhoofde se leierskap die doeltreffendheid van Kennisbestuursaansoek bepaal. Die aanbeveling daarvan was dat skoolhoofde moet begin om die kennis wat kom uit lae arbeidsmag op dieselfde vlak te waardeer dat hulle die kennis wat van KMO's kom, waardeer. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Phil. (Education Management)

The impact of the construction of self and other on knowledge transfer between Saudi Arabian and South African engineers

Woodborne, Monique 01 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with what is happening within a mentorship interaction between engineers aimed at knowledge transfer. The practice of knowledge transfer is contextualised within the knowledge economy that ideologically positions Western economies as knowledge holders and advanced, while positioning developing countries as knowledge deficient and backwards. The prevailing literature regards knowledge transfer as difficult to achieve and is primarily focused on factors that hinder its success, looking to causal relational factors between and within the participants, in particular the qualities of knowledge receivers. Constructing the relationship and the individuals engaged in knowledge transfer as problematic brings about certain types of relations between individuals and between groups. These bring into play the positioning of role players within knowledge transfer that is not neutral, creating asymmetrical power relations and impacting identity construction. Studies in knowledge transfer have examined the factors that inhibit successful knowledge transfer extensively and do not consider its discursive context or considerations of power relations. Based on the assumption that discourse produces social practices and individual identities within social, historical and cultural contexts, this study adopted a social constructionist perspective and suggests that the ways in which identities are constructed in a mentorship interaction affect how participants experience and make sense of their worlds, which has implications for the practice of knowledge transfer. Viewing power as embedded in relations, a Foucauldian Discourse Analysis was conducted of discursive constructions generated from 17 interviews of participants engaged in a multinational knowledge transfer project between South African and Saudi Arabian engineers. The analysis showed that the construction of self and other does have an impact on knowledge transfer between Saudi Arabian and South African engineers. The multiple identity constructions of the participants within the knowledge transfer relationship were resourced from dominant discourses that reveal different meanings attributed to the participants’ mentorship experience and showed the systematic setting up of self and other within unequal power relations that favour the self. The study suggests that deeper consideration should be given to the effects of othering and power within social interactions between individuals located in divergent contexts such as those that characterise knowledge transfer. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Consulting Psychology)

Comparison between email and twitter as knowledge platforms in small South African businesses located in the Western Cape

Heyns, Wiaan 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to shed more light on an aspect identified as a gap in knowledge in the literature; the use of a social networking service as knowledge sharing platform. More specifically, this research sets out to establish if the social networking service Twitter could be used as knowledge-sharing platform in small South African businesses in the Western Cape. A mixed method research design is used. This includes gathering data through questionnaires as well as conducting semi-structured interviews for case study participants. The sample comprises 122 questionnaire participants together with 14 semi-structured interview participants across three small businesses located in the Western Cape Province. Although it is apparent from the study conducted that small businesses are not yet willing to forego traditional platforms such as Email to use Twitter exclusively as a knowledge sharing tool, the researcher proposes a case for using Twitter, which he believes, could take the most advantage of the functions Twitter brings to a small business operation. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Corporate Social Networks within the Financial Sector : A tool to enhance unity and knowledge sharing / Företagsbaserade Sociala Nätverk inom Finansbranchen : Ett verktyg för att förbättra samhörigheten och kunskapsspridningen

Janghede, Simon, Bradka, David January 2013 (has links)
This study has been conducted with Sirius International as a case company. The investigation has revolved around the weaknesses Sirius, along with the authors, have identified concerning the international collaboration and communication. It was later shown that these problems were based on a low sense of unity in the organization as a result of the lack of knowledge sharing, knowledge management, and spread of organization related information. It was decided to evaluate whether a corporate social network (CSN) could assist in these problems and if so, decide what system would be the most appropriate in regards to the internal needs and requirements at Sirius. The major challenges brought on with an implementation of a CSN, and how to face these, were investigated as a part of the evaluation whether a CSN would be appropriate for Sirius or not. The study showed that a CSN was an appropriate choice for Sirius in order to improve the international communication, collaboration, and unity. The most suitable choice was determined to be Yammer, as it best suited the internal requirements and needs. Along with these results, the largest challenge with an implementation and future use of the system was user acceptance and overall usage of the system. If the CSN is not used, none of the visions, goals, or purposes will be fulfilled. / Denna studie har gjorts med Sirius International som case-företag. Undersökningen har kretsat kring svagheterna som Sirius, tillsammans med författarna har identifierat kring det internationella samarbetet och kommunikationen. Det visade sig senare att dessa problem var grundade i en låg känsla av samhörighet i organisationen och att detta var ett resultat av den låga nivån av kunskapsspridning, kunskapshantering och spridning av organisationsrelaterad information. Beslutet togs att undersöka huruvida ett företags-baserat socialt nätverk kunde hjälpa vid dessa problem och, om fallet var sådant, komma fram till vilket socialt nätverk som skulle vara mest lämpat vid avseende på de interna behoven och kraven från Sirius. Vid undersökningen om huruvida ett socialt nätverk var lämpligt för Sirius gjordes också en undersökning för att identifiera de största utmaningarna med en implementation av ett socialt nätverk och hur dessa skall bemötas och övervinnas. Studien visade att ett företagsbaserat socialt nätverk var ett lämpligt val för att överkomma problemen i Sirius och förbättra den internationella kommunikationen, samarbetet och samhörigheten. Det lämpligaste sociala nätverket för Sirius blev Yammer som bäst täckte de interna behoven och kraven hos Sirius. Tillsammans med dessa resultat visade undersökningen att den största utmaningen med en implementation och framtida nyttjande av systemet var användaracceptans och generell användning av systemet. Om ett socialt nätverk inte används så kan inga av visionerna, målen eller syftena med systemet infrias.

Knowledge sharing among staff at Delta State University Library Abraka for improved service provision

Izu, Lydia Osarugue 11 1900 (has links)
Academic libraries are an integral part of higher educational institutions in Nigeria in order for them to achieve their mission of national development. Knowledge sharing has become a survival kit for academic libraries to improve service provision and remain relevant in today’s information world. This study explores the roles of knowledge sharing among staff at the Delta State University (DELSU) library, Abraka for improved service provision and also suggests strategies to enhance knowledge sharing among staff for improved service provision. The theory of organisational knowledge creation (SECI) and the Social Exchange Theory (SET) underpinned this study. The study adopted a mixed method research approach and case study research design. While questionnaires were the main data collection instruments, interviews were the supplementary instruments. The entire staff at the DELSU library, Abraka was the target population for this study. A census was taken on the entire staff of the library to collect data using the questionnaires while the heads of the different library sections were purposively sampled for the collection of data through interviews. The quantitative data collected using questionnaires was analysed with the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software and the results were presented in tables and simple descriptive statistics. The interview data was analysed and interpreted using thematic analysis and was presented in predetermined themes according to the research objectives. A total of 60 out of the 63 copies of the questionnaire administered were retrieved and interviews were conducted on all seven participants sampled. The study revealed that knowledge sharing among staff members play an important role in improving service provision in the library in terms of the provision of accurate and in time services, learning best library practices, avoidance of mistake repetition and solving problems encountered on the job. However, knowledge sharing is not formalised in the library. Therefore, effective knowledge sharing for service provision has not been achieved. The greatest barriers to knowledge sharing for improved service provision in the library are the lack of a knowledge sharing culture, information and communication technological tools and infrastructures and motivation as well as the inferiority and superiority complex among staff. The greatest motivation for the library staff to share knowledge is to improve service provision. The study suggests strategies to encourage knowledge sharing among the staff members in order to improve service provision. These strategies include an adequate reward system, as well as a continuous awareness and appraisal of knowledge sharing. / Information Science / M. Inf.

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