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Podnikatelský koncept ubytovacího zařízení venkovské turistiky v oblasti Strakonicko / The business concept of rural tourism accommodation in area StrakonickoMELANOVÁ, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to design a business concept of rural tourism accommodation in Strakonice. The concept was designed based on information obtained from a questionnaire survey directed inquiry, guided interview and a thorough situational analysis, analysis of customers, competitors and suppliers. The data thus obtained was proposed business concept of romantic country house Na Paloučku.
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Podnikatelský koncept využití železniční tratě 193 pro cestovní ruch / The business concept of the railway line 193 for tourismVOVSOVÁ, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to design a business concept use railways 193rd The concept was designed based on information obtained from the questionnaire survey, structured interviews and a thorough situational analysis, analysis of customers and competitors. Based on this data, it was suggested several options how the track could be used for tourism development.
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Koncept SMART cities v České republice: východiska, dosavadní zkušenosti a aplikace / The SMART cities concept: starting points, past experience and applicationsBÁRTOVÁ, Silvie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the Smart Cities concept in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to get an overview of foreigner and Czech cities that are successful in implementing the Smart Cities concept. The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the possibility of applying Smart Cities principles in a city České Budějovice. The thesis is based on a study of scientific literature, strategic or conceptual documents and the examples of "best practice". The draft of Smart City concept České Budějovice results from the questionnaire survey and the conducted interviews.
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Problematika sebereflexe v románu 20. století / Problems of Self-Reflection in the Novel of 20th Century.KOUDELKOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problems of the self-reflection in the prose of the 20th century. At first there are described the techniques of the narration, which appeared in the 20th century. Then there are defined the general signs of the self-reflection and the influence of social situation on the increase of the self-reflection. In the next section the work involves the analysis of the novel Život a názory blahorodého pana Tristrama Shandyho. The conception of the self-reflection is defined on this piece. In the last part of the work the self-reflection is showed on Czech prose of the 20th century.
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Studie optimalizace Work Flow za použití nástrojů štíhlé výroby / Work Flow Optimization Study of Using the Tools of Lean ProductionPalečková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of internal communication channels in implementing lean concepts in the production company . As part of the assessment of the current situation and a proposal to eliminate or critical bottlenecks . It contains basic concepts of lean concepts and characteristics of internal communication. In the analytical part , on the basis of theoretical knowledge described the current situation in society, both in the administrative as well as in the manufacturing sector . In the final part are suggested solutions to improve internal communications when implementing a lean approach .
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Filozofické možnosti otázky po osobní identitě / Philosophical possibilities of question of personal identityEndrle, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
(in English): The topic of this thesis is the problem of personal identity. Its aim is to develop alternative approach to this question. To achieve this, the following course is choosen. Firstly, three most important assumptions are exposed. These assumptions steer debate about this topic in analytic philosophy and are regarded as main cause of its difficulties. These suppositions are - the ontological conception of identity, logical dissociability of mind and body and the method of thought experiment. Essential part of following thesis can be taken as proposal of technique that can overcome these assumptions and problems they cause. This attempt begins at the end of first part with development of general criticism of ontological conception of identity and with presentation of epistemic conception of identity. The second and crucial part deals with the theory of conceptual system. This theory provides a basis for alternative approach to question of personal identity. It will block the logical dissociability of criterions of personal identity - the dissociability of mind/consciousness and living body. It will also serve as fundament for epistemic conception of identity. Finaly, it is used for tracing the origin of concept "person". It will be shown that the concept of person descends from the...
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Truster till förskeppet på NGU/A26 : Dimensionering och konceptgenerering / Thruster for NGU/A26 : Dimensioning and concept generationRiddervold Sandberg, Emil, Lindblom, Markus January 2017 (has links)
This thesis work has been conducted on the behalf of the Swedish Defense Material Administration, which by directive from the Swedish Armed Forces has procured two new submarines of type A26 for delivery in 2024. For certain operations A26 will need to be able to be dynamically positioned in water currents of various speeds. For this, it is estimated that there is a need for some type of thruster in the ship’s forebody. Such a solution has never previously been implemented on a Swedish submarine, and it is therefore necessary to conduct preliminary studies to calculate the resulting forces, powers and dimensions, as well as generate conceptual suggestions for the design of such a system. The main objective of the project is to generate one or more conceptual proposals for the Swedish Defense Material Administration. The eligibility of the proposals should be based on the acquired specified requirements. An initial wide-ranging study has been performed to identify the types, sizes and installation solutions of already existing thrusters and their principle function. During the initial study, the materials, machine elements and components suitable for the given application were also examined. In order to determine for which flow angles and speeds the system is able to position the submarine, simplified power and torque calculations have been made. These should be seen as a valid basis for general approximations regarding the positioning ability of the concepts although further development of the concepts requires more detailed calculations to be made. During the concept generation, it was determined which type of thruster is best suited for the application. Subsequently, a number of simple, function-modeled suggestions were generated to evaluate possible ways of integrations. Two of these proposals were later selected for final detail modeling. The final choices of both thruster type and concepts have been based on listed set of advantages and disadvantages, which were then, evaluated using decision matrices. The results of the calculations that have been carried out shows that it is possible to dynamically position the submarine using a thruster system. This is under the presumption of the rudders being able to contribute with transverse force generation. A thruster is also found to be able to position the submarine with transverse forces only, implying that the only argument for using a, in the horizontal plane, rotatable thruster is the “limp-home” function. Two particularly detailed conceptual proposals have been modeled; one that strictly complies with the specified volume requirement and one which, with certain adaptation to the internal geometry of the ships forebody, goes beyond the volume restriction. Both concepts are considered to be principally and technically feasible, with reservations of some specific solutions. The definitive concepts are meant to serve as a basis for possible further development of the systems. The designed models and the calculations underlying these are all of a generic nature. They are fully adequate as a basis for this project but should not be seen as representative of the A26 in its entirety.
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Systém odměňování zaměstnanců / Employee Remuneration SystemBatistová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Master´s thesis is focused on the system of employees´ remuneration in the organization. This system is analyzed on the basis of total reward concept, which is described in the theoretical part. Main aim of the thesis is to give suggestions for optimization of current remuneration system or create new system of remuneration, which increases employees´ motivation and performance. This aim is fulfilled based on the internal data analysis, interview with managers and survey. Current remuneration system in the organization provides possibilities for improvement, especially within payroll system and areas of employees´ development and education.
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"Ja, jag är tjock. Och?" : En kvalitativ undersökning av kvinnors upplevelser av att vara tjock i samtida SverigeFranzén, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Hälsodiskursen i dagens Sverige kretsar till stor del kring kroppsligt utseende, där en smal kropp är det normativa. Ansvaret för kroppen läggs på individen och de personer som inte följer normen kommer märka av detta på olika sätt i sitt liv. Allt från att de blir särbehandlade i klädaffärer till att bli nekad jobb på grund av att du är tjock. Denna uppsats syftar till att genom antropologiska metoder och queer fenomenologi utforska självidentifierade tjocka kvinnors upplevda verklighet av att vara tjock i ett samhälle som framhåller den smala kroppen, och på så sätt ställa sig kritisk till den befintliga hälsodiskursen i Sverige. Vidare lyfts porträtteringen av den tjocka kvinnokroppen i det offentliga rummet, exempelvis genom tidningar inom välmående och hälsa, och hur tjocka personer kan bli bemötta i offentliga rummet. Uppsatsen bygger främst på intervjuer med fyra självidentifierade tjocka kvinnor och det är dessa intervjuer som ligger till grund för analysen. Det huvudsakliga resultatet pekar på att den upplevda verkligheten som tjock är lika varierad som antal tjocka personer, men gemensamt är att alla har behövt förhålla sig till det offentliga rummets porträttering och behandling av den tjocka kroppen. Det sker genom en rad olika praktiker och mentala tankemönster vilka har fått jobbas fram av individen själv. Vidare visar resultatet att den tjocka kvinnokroppen fortfarande endast får ta en liten plats i magasin inom kategorin hälsa och välmående. När en tjock kropp finns med i tidningarna porträtteras den i bästa fall som neutral och i annat fall som ett mellanstadie där det klargörs att alla kan och borde ha en smal kropp för att vara hälsosam, ett påstående som kan kontrasteras med intervjupersonernas upplevelser av att må fysiskt och psykiskt bra oavsett kroppsstorlek.
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Design 3D tiskárny / Design of 3D PrinterChrástek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on design of stereolithography 3D printer, which includes new technology and innovations to achive larger workspace and easy and comfortable manipulation. Great part of thesis is focused on shaping and aesthetic effect with respect of functional, safety, ergonomic and technical claims.
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