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This thesis was rendered for the client HAGS Aneby AB that is a global leader in playground equipment. The goal of this project was to develop a seesaw that is available for children aged 5-12 years; both with and without disabilities. The project has aimed to develop a seesaw that fits everyone in the target group without looking specially adapted. Children with disabilities have difficulty using today's seesaws because they consist of only a seat and a handle on each side. It requires that the user has strong arms and legs and can sit up without support. HAGS Aneby AB would like to change this. To gain knowledge of the target group and on the different types of disabilities information was sought for on the internet including the RBU's and UNICEF's websites. During implementation several concepts was developed and screened off to finally get the final result. Methods such as QFD, feasibility assessment and Go/No-Go-screening have been implemented. The instructions in the safety standard EN 1176 has been closely followed in the development of the seesaw. The final concept shows a broad seat with handles, seat backs and footrests on each side of a central section that is in the form of a U. On the sides of the seats there is a high lateral support, to lean against, and a low lateral support. Entry and exit will happen on the side where the low lateral support is situated. Rubber buds are placed on the back of the seats and on the outside of the high lateral support, so that an assistant could be able to assist with entry and exit and also to provide extra speed in use. A rubber suspension unit, that makes the seesaw move, restricts the movement to ± 30˚. In order to stimulate the senses, such as vision and hearing, a ballgame was placed in the middle part of the platform.
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Safe Sleeping PositionHåkansson, Pontus, Knutsson, David January 2007 (has links)
Project Safe Sleeping Position (SSP) contains all parts in a product development phase. The project comprises the whole cycle from idea to a complete product where all aspects are included. The scope is to develop an innovative solution for a common known problem and work with all parts within the man-machine-way. The result is an inflatable product which secures a child in the correct way for the seatbelt to work properly in the rearseat of a car. Ergonomics, technical extent, usability, design, construction, product solutions and market potential are some of all parts witch the project includes. The targetgroup for the project is children 4 to 12 years old, but there is a great potential for a further development to provide a solution for adults. Signed project managers are commissioned by Volvo Car Corporation (VCC), a large car manufacturer with the whole world as the market. This sets requirements to the product to be adaptable to all markets without cutting down on usability. Except the assigner, the project comprises several partners, both companies, independent organizations and students at Halmstad University.
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Radical Hotel : En affärsplanThunholm, Mattias, Boström, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
Vi åsyftar att undersöka möjligheterna att starta upp och driva det mindre hotellet. Vi vill med denna affärsplan undersöka marknaden och upptäcka eventuella brister i idén före den blir verklighet. Frågeställning: Hur etableras och drivs det mindre hotellet på ett framgångsrikt sätt? Vi har gjort en kvalitativ fallstudie på tre hotellföretag och använts oss av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med berörda personer på de tre olika hotellen. Teorin har insamlats genom relevant litteratur inom ekonomi och marknadsföring samt via elektroniska källor. Vi har visat på att det finns goda möjligheter att skapa en hotellverksamhet i en stad som Göteborg. Dock under vissa förutsättningar; att vi får tag i en lokal som passar våra behov samt att vi får en omsättningsbaserad hyra så vi slipper tunga investeringskostnader.
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Konceptförslag till förarmiljö : Formspråk och utvalda reglage i estetisk och kognitiv ergonomisk tappning / Concept proposal for driving environment : Design language and selected controls in an aesthetic and cognitive ergonomic draughtTågerud, Jonatan January 2015 (has links)
Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt som behandlar hur problemen kring en förarmiljös formspråk, reglage och kombinationen av dessa i högre grad kan utformas på ett kognitivtergonomiskt och estetiskt vis med anknytning till varumärke. I projektet utfördes en omfattande studie över nutidens förarmiljöer där flera tydliga trender upptäcktes. I parallellkurs utfördes ett kognitiv ergonomiskt praktikfall tillsammans med litteratur som förankrat arbetet i att forma tekniken efter människan. Sedan har projektet fördjupat i estetiska principer och olika studier kring förarmiljöer behandlas. Konceptframtagningen bestod av tre faser. Där det initialt togs fram en mängd övergripande formspråk. Sedan lades de åt sidan för att utforma manöverdon. Slutligen kombinerades resulterande formspråk med manöverdon till en helhet och ett slutkoncept valdes ur dem. Projektet leder fram till ett konceptförslag genom formspråk, ratt och mittreglage till förarmiljön. Konceptförslag med återkoppling till varumärket, målgrupp, kognitiv ergonomi och estetik. / A product development project that deal with the problem of how a driver environment's design language, controls, and the combination of these to a greater extent can be designed in a cognitive ergonomic and aesthetic way related to the brand. The project was carried out a comprehensive study of contemporary operator environments where several clear trends were detected. In parallel course was conducted a cognitive ergonomic case study together with literature that secured the work in shaping technology for humans. The project has immersed in the aesthetic principles and various studies on driver environments have been treated. The development concept consisted of three phases. Initially a wide range of comprehensive design language was developed. Then they were put aside to design the actuators. Finally the resulting design with actuators combined into a whole which an end concept was chosen from. The project leads to design documentation through form-language, steering wheel and center controls for a driving environment. Design documentation with feedback to the brand, audience, cognitive ergonomics and aesthetics.
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Hur en tunn väv kan skapa mening i en outsäglig tomhetMalmström, Mona January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur mening kan skapas utifrån en upplevelse av den amerikanska konstnären Robert Irwins verk, Scrim Veil – Black Rectangle – Natural Light, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, när det uppfördes på Whitney Museum 2013. Åtta recensioner bildar underlag för undersökningen där de partier som på något sätt hanterar hur recensenterna skapar mening av verket valts ut för närläsning. Metoden som använts för textselektion utgår från Mieke Bals koncept som Bal förklarar som ett alternativ till metod i sin bok Travelling Concepts. Uppsatsen tar teoretiskt spjärn mot Ludwig Wittgensteins begrepp språkspel och duckrabbit, (aspektväxling) som de beskrivits i Filosofiska undersökningar, publicerad 1953, samt gestalten som bildar figur-grund, en inom gestaltpsykologin utvecklad perceptionsteori. Uppsatsen visar på att mening har skapats av verket genom att det framträder, det förvandlar sig till en händelse, något som Rudolf Arnheim beskriver som An event in space, i sin bok Art and Visual Perception – A Psychology of the Creative Eye från 1954. Uppsatsen visar också på hur förförståelse genom bild eller text med stor sannolikhet påverkar upplevelsen av ett verk. Samtidigt är det svårt att avgöra om denna förståelse, med hänseende till uppsatsens material, är något som skapats innan verket upplevts eller är något som recensenten tagit till sig och adderat i samband med att recensionen skrivits. Två recensioner tenderar att ställa sig i vägen för det verk som de är tänkta att beskriva.
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Radical Hotel : En affärsplanThunholm, Mattias, Boström, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vi åsyftar att undersöka möjligheterna att starta upp och driva det mindre hotellet. Vi vill med denna affärsplan undersöka marknaden och upptäcka eventuella brister i idén före den blir verklighet.</p><p>Frågeställning: Hur etableras och drivs det mindre hotellet på ett framgångsrikt sätt?</p><p>Vi har gjort en kvalitativ fallstudie på tre hotellföretag och använts oss av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med berörda personer på de tre olika hotellen. Teorin har insamlats genom relevant litteratur inom ekonomi och marknadsföring samt via elektroniska källor.</p><p>Vi har visat på att det finns goda möjligheter att skapa en hotellverksamhet i en stad som Göteborg. Dock under vissa förutsättningar; att vi får tag i en lokal som passar våra behov samt att vi får en omsättningsbaserad hyra så vi slipper tunga investeringskostnader.</p>
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Zavádění konceptu Bazální stimulace na chirurgické oddělení / Introducing the concept of basal stimulation in the surgical departmentFRÜHAUFOVÁ, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The concept of basal stimulation is currently one of the most popular concepts in nursing care. Basal stimulation is intended for people with changes in perception and communication. The aim of this thesis was to map the use of basal stimulation in the surgical department of the district hospital of South Bohemia. Furthermore, I investigated the possibilities of using this concept for restless patients hospitalized in a standard surgical ward. The last goal was to determine whether basal stimulation effects medical treatment. The topic of the thesis was researched using expert sources. The research part uses methods of qualitative research. The research was conducted in four phases. The research showed that respondents have little knowledge of the concept of basal stimulation, but showed interest in it during the implementation its elements. The surgical ward, where the research has been conducted, currently does not use any elements of basal stimulation, nor is it being used in the hospital itself. During the research in the surgical ward, only two elements of the basal stimulation were implemented, the application of which is summarized in the tables showing the results of stimulation in the individual case reports. Patients showed both verbally and nonverbally increased levels of well-being, peacefulness, relief and comfort during stimulation. Nurses who participated in the research and monitored the patients also held this view. The third focus of the research did not provide unambiguous data. I focused only on the treatment of pain, the area in which the data obtained proved to be insufficient. It would be appropriate to expand the scope of the study in this respect, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
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Promotion of regional development in South Africa through increasing level of cyber securityHaas, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Topic of this diploma thesis is focused on cyber security situation in African Union particularly in South Africa looking and analyzing the legislative background of African Union and South Africa after introduction of African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection. Legal background supported on continental level and governmental level should point on importance of this topic and encourage states bodies for action. Analysis and comments on legal aspects, suggestions and regulations introduced in the Convention together with practical examples from global environment and South Africa as well will point on opportunities in regional development consiting in this topic. In suggestion part is proposed Cyber Security Concept that is transferring general articles from African Union Convention into short guide with comments on ratified content by Member States of African Union, reviewing those points wirh our related topic and filling up missing parts based on experiences from European Union.
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Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě (práce je součástí rozsáhlejšího výzkumného projektu "Morfologické uvědomění u dyslektiků") / Self-concept and sociometrical position in children with learning disabilitiesNOVOTNÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Target od the thesis is to explore the area of social consequences of specific learning disabilities. Specific learning disabilities have undoubtedly impact on academic performance and overall results in the context of school education. Their influence is much wider and we can say that it provides individuals with a specific learning disabilities a negative personal and social consequences. I established the following two hypotheses: I suppose that a group of children with specific learning disabilities will be marked selfconcept lower compared to the control group. I suppose that a group of children with specific learning disabilities will be marked by impaired sociometric position in the classroom compared to the control group. In the theoretical part of the thesis is contained explanations of basic concepts related to learning disabilities. Individual chapters are devoted to specific disorders in general and specifically dyslexia, its causes, incidence, manifestations, and reeducation. The other specific learning disabilities are mentioned in addition to dyslexia. In the second half of the theoretical section, I focus on pupil with dyslexia and his subjective complaints, parents and teachers of pupil with dyslexia, and the consequences of school failure and dyslexia on the individual's life. Practical part of the thesis processes with the research conducted among 24 elementary school students. Research using a variety of test methods for evaluating the impacts and consequences of specific learning disabilities on student self-concept and sociometric position in the classroom. Above 24 pupils were divided into two groups - experimental and control groups, which are compared among themselves.
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Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě / Self-concept and sociometrical position in children with learning disabilitiesŘÍHOVÁ, Miloslava January 2012 (has links)
The issues of specific learning disabilities and their influence on children?s personality and his position in society has not been much explored yet. The aim of this diploma thesis is to identify the influence of learning disabilities on children?s self-concept, find out how the child is influenced by learning disabilities and how he is able to cope with this problem himself. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the issue and the basic concepts. The practical part presents the results of my own research in elementary schools. The results have been obtained by application of different testing methods, like tests and questionnaires. Information from school, family and personal surroundings of the children have also been used. My own experience with teaching children with learning disabilities during my teaching practice is mentioned too.
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