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”Vissa är vana och andra upplever en obehaglig jargong” : Idrottslärares syn och hantering av kränkande behandlingar mellan eleverNorlin, Martina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrunden är bekräftelsen ifrån kvalitetsgranskningar att kränkande behandlingar sker mellan elever inom undervisningen i idrott och hälsa. Ämnesspecifikt inriktad forskning på internationell forskningsnivå är få till antal, vilket skapar grunden och motivet till genomförandet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka idrottslärares syn på förekomsten av kränkande behandling elever emellan samt hur idrottslärare arbetar för att förebygga och hantera kränkande behandlingar under grundskolans undervisning i idrott och hälsa. • I vilka undervisningssituationer upplever idrottslärare att kränkande behandling sker mellan elever? • Hur förebygger och hanterar idrottslärare kränkande behandlingar mellan elever i undervisningssituationer? Med kvalitativ forskningsmetod, genom semistrukturerade intervjuer har 6 idrottslärare berättat om sin upplevda undervisningssituation. Cohens konfliktpyramid är den teoretiska infallsvinkeln i analysen av frågeställning två. Resultatet bekräftar att verbala, fysiska och psykiska kränkningar sker mellan elever i flera situationer i anslutning till och i undervisningen av idrott och hälsa. Viss skillnad sett ur ett genusperspektiv av elevers utförande är funnet. Idrottslärarna tycks dock ha en hög benägenhet att agera mot kränkningar samtidigt som de medvetet anpassar och genomför insatser i ett förebyggande syfte samt använder olika hanteringsmetoder. Ett fortlöpande värdegrundsarbete är viktigt och att idrottslärare utvecklar sin undervisning genom didaktiska överväganden minimeras risken för kränkande behandlingar mellan elever.
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Tillmälen utan neutrala motparter / Slurs Without Neutral CounterpartsIsak, Bengtsson January 2024 (has links)
Slurs are offensive words used about people on account of them belonging to certain groups,for example based on gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity. The topic of slurs has interestedphilosophers of language recently, and there are several theories trying to explain them. Mostassume that slurs have Neutral Counterparts, non-offensive words that can be used more or lesssynonymously with certain slurs. In this thesis I attempt to construct a theory of slurs withoutneutral counterparts. First, I give a background where I explain extension, content and neutralcounterparts. Then I describe popular theories about how slurs offend. After that I summarizeAlice Damirjian’s critique against neutral counterparts in her article “Rethinking slurs”. Againstthis background I explain my theory of slurs; slurs lack neutral counterparts, and they refer toentirely different classes than so called “neutral counterparts” do. Instead, slurs refer nonphysical sociocultural constructions, while “Neutral counterparts” refer to physical people.While the relation between slurs and “neutral counterparts” is non-semantic, it is pragmatic;there is a widespread misconception that slurs and “neutral counterparts” are more or lesssynonymous. Slurs offend since their sociocultural constructions are associated withstereotypes that are attributed to the people that their so called “neutral counterparts” refer to.After I explain my theory I respond to counterarguments, and the thesis is concluded with asummary.
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"Gymnasietiden är en seriös tid..." : Värdegrundsarbete sett ur elevperspektiv / The time in upper secondary school is a serius time : Students´ perspective on the work whit the basic valuesPersson, Elisabeth, Jukovic, Amela January 2009 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of this study was to examine if there were any difference between two different upper secondary schools with regard to the schools' work with the basic values.</p><p> Our supposition was that if there were differences between the schools basic values work then it could be observed that the school that works more with the basic values has also more students expressed as a percentage who leave the school with final grades within four years.</p><p> We have chosen to work with the qualitative method and made group interviews as well as individual interviews with six persons.</p><p> We came to the conclusion that one of the schools worked with the basic values continuously while the other school had the intention to do it but according to our interpretation the school didn't do it. It also appeared that one of the schools had more students who finished school with final grades.</p><p> The result that we have got showed that there is a difference between these two schools in the basic values work and that the school that worked with this continuously has also bigger amount of students with final grades.</p><p> During work on this study we discovered other issues that we hope someone else can answer in the future.</p>
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Handlingsprogram mot kränkande behandling : Rektorns ansvar och handlingsprogrammens utformning / An insulting treatment intervention programme : The principals responsibilty and the variation between the programmesRask, Lina, Waldebring, Marie January 2006 (has links)
<p>Vi har undersökt rektorns ansvar för framtagning, uppföljning och utvärdering av handlingsprogram mot krän-kande behandling samt variationen i handlingsprogrammens innehåll och struktur. Vi har genomfört en telefon-intervjuenkät med rektorer från Sveriges län och en dokumentanalys av sex handlingsprogram. I vår undersök-ning har vi observerat att majoriteten av rektorerna är engagerade i att arbeta fram skolans handlingsprogram men att de i uppföljningen och utvärderingsarbetet inte är lika delaktiga. Utifrån litteratur samt våra undersök-ningar har vi även uppmärksammat en problematik kring hur skolorna tolkar begreppen kränkande behandling och mobbning, samt hur de rubricerar handlingsprogrammen. Vi ser dock inget samband mellan rubriksättning-en och innehållet i handlingsprogrammet. Undersökningsmaterialet visar en tydlig variation av vad skolorna tar upp i sina handlingsprogram.</p>
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Hur ser verkligheten ut? : En studie av olika människors syn på och tankar om diskriminering och annan kränkande behandlingLidbäck, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>On the 1st April 2006 a new legislation came into effect in Sweden; The Prohibiting</p><p>Discrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and Pupils Act (2006:67). The</p><p>Act is applicable to education and other activities referred to in the Education Act</p><p>(1985:1100). This dissertation aims to examine how teachers work to combat</p><p>discrimination, and establishes whether headmasters and teachers have changed their work procedures since the law came into force.</p><p>In order to seek the answers to my questions I have conducted 8 qualitative interviews with headmasters and teachers from two schools in a community outside Karlstad, with both schools comprising of students from pre-school until year 6.</p><p>Discrimination is not a new phenomenon in schools, but neither is the fact that it is the</p><p>schools’ responsibility to work against discrimination. Discrimination is still taking place,</p><p>despite discrimination laws being clearly stated within the Education Act (1985:1100) and</p><p>the school curriculum. The teachers I have interviewed maintain that they are actively</p><p>working in a preventative manner with these issues, but they still believe that much more</p><p>can be done and would like to see an agreed, common work procedure. Despite the new</p><p>legislation, none of the people I have spoken to change the way they work. They are,</p><p>however, feeling positive towards the new legislation and believe as well as hope, that it</p><p>will bring results. Most education workers agree that the school has the primary</p><p>responsibility of preventing discrimination and strongly believe that individual teachers</p><p>have the power to influence their pupils.</p>
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"Gymnasietiden är en seriös tid..." : Värdegrundsarbete sett ur elevperspektiv / The time in upper secondary school is a serius time : Students´ perspective on the work whit the basic valuesPersson, Elisabeth, Jukovic, Amela January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this study was to examine if there were any difference between two different upper secondary schools with regard to the schools' work with the basic values. Our supposition was that if there were differences between the schools basic values work then it could be observed that the school that works more with the basic values has also more students expressed as a percentage who leave the school with final grades within four years. We have chosen to work with the qualitative method and made group interviews as well as individual interviews with six persons. We came to the conclusion that one of the schools worked with the basic values continuously while the other school had the intention to do it but according to our interpretation the school didn't do it. It also appeared that one of the schools had more students who finished school with final grades. The result that we have got showed that there is a difference between these two schools in the basic values work and that the school that worked with this continuously has also bigger amount of students with final grades. During work on this study we discovered other issues that we hope someone else can answer in the future.
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Handlingsprogram mot kränkande behandling : Rektorns ansvar och handlingsprogrammens utformning / An insulting treatment intervention programme : The principals responsibilty and the variation between the programmesRask, Lina, Waldebring, Marie January 2006 (has links)
Vi har undersökt rektorns ansvar för framtagning, uppföljning och utvärdering av handlingsprogram mot krän-kande behandling samt variationen i handlingsprogrammens innehåll och struktur. Vi har genomfört en telefon-intervjuenkät med rektorer från Sveriges län och en dokumentanalys av sex handlingsprogram. I vår undersök-ning har vi observerat att majoriteten av rektorerna är engagerade i att arbeta fram skolans handlingsprogram men att de i uppföljningen och utvärderingsarbetet inte är lika delaktiga. Utifrån litteratur samt våra undersök-ningar har vi även uppmärksammat en problematik kring hur skolorna tolkar begreppen kränkande behandling och mobbning, samt hur de rubricerar handlingsprogrammen. Vi ser dock inget samband mellan rubriksättning-en och innehållet i handlingsprogrammet. Undersökningsmaterialet visar en tydlig variation av vad skolorna tar upp i sina handlingsprogram.
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Förebyggande arbete mot mobbning : Lärares erfarenhet av styrkor och svagheter i arbetet med metoderna Friends och Mombus / Preventive work against bully : Teachers’ conceptions of strengths and weaknesses in their activities with support from the methods Friends and MomAlmqvist, Maria, Danielsson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how six teachers, who work in two different schools, assess the methods Friends and Mombus in terms of bullying prevention. The Curriculum for elementary school (Lpo 94) emphasizes that it is the employees of schools who carry the main responsibility for preventing bullying among pupils. One of the main results of this study is that teachers, in addition to their work with Friends or Mombus, also need to use alternative methods to prevent bullying. Examples of these alternative methods include “Emotional Intelligence” as well as “friendship massage”. The result section also stresses the importance of anti-bullying teams when it comes to preventing harassments. At present there are no studies which have evaluated the results the Friends and Mombus methods have achieved. Since the methods are used in many schools in Sweden, the lack of evaluations is noteworthy. This study ends with a discussion on the complexity of bullying prevention. Further research is needed to clarify the results of different anti- bullying methods. / Syftet med studien var att ta del av lärares resonemang kring arbetet med att motverka mobbning på två grundskolor för att analysera och beskriva det upplevda stödet som metoderna Friends respektive Mombus ger i det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning. I Läroplan för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet (Lpo 94) lyfts att det är personal på skolan som bär ansvar för att förebygga kränkande behandlingar eller mobbning bland eleverna. I den kvalitativa studiens resultat påvisas det att lärarna som arbetar med Friends respektive Mombus behöver arbeta med flera andra arbetssätt för att förebygga mobbning. Andra arbetssätt som lärarna använder sig av i den dagliga verksamheten är till exempel EQ och kompismassage. I resultatet framhålls därtill det stöd lärarna erhålls från Mobbningsteamen på sina respektive skolor för att motverka alla former av kränkande behandling. Det finns inga utvärderingar gjorda kring vilket resultat metoderna Friends och Mombus ger i det preventiva arbetet mot mobbning vilket kan tyckas anmärkningsvärt eftersom båda metoderna praktiseras på många skolor i Sverige. Studiens avslutande diskussion belyser att arbetet med att förebygga mobbning är komplext och att det krävs mer forskning samt utvärderingar kring olika antimobbningsmetoder och deras resultat när det gäller att förebygga kränkande behandling samt mobbning.
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Förebyggande arbete mot mobbning : Lärares erfarenhet av styrkor och svagheter i arbetet med metoderna Friends och Mombus / Preventive work against bully : Teachers’ conceptions of strengths and weaknesses in their activities with support from the methods Friends and MomAlmqvist, Maria, Danielsson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to examine how six teachers, who work in two different schools, assess the methods Friends and Mombus in terms of bullying prevention. The Curriculum for elementary school (Lpo 94) emphasizes that it is the employees of schools who carry the main responsibility for preventing bullying among pupils. One of the main results of this study is that teachers, in addition to their work with Friends or Mombus, also need to use alternative methods to prevent bullying. Examples of these alternative methods include “Emotional Intelligence” as well as “friendship massage”. The result section also stresses the importance of anti-bullying teams when it comes to preventing harassments. At present there are no studies which have evaluated the results the Friends and Mombus methods have achieved. Since the methods are used in many schools in Sweden, the lack of evaluations is noteworthy. This study ends with a discussion on the complexity of bullying prevention. Further research is needed to clarify the results of different anti- bullying methods.</p> / <p>Syftet med studien var att ta del av lärares resonemang kring arbetet med att motverka mobbning på två grundskolor för att analysera och beskriva det upplevda stödet som metoderna Friends respektive Mombus ger i det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning. I Läroplan för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet (Lpo 94) lyfts att det är personal på skolan som bär ansvar för att förebygga kränkande behandlingar eller mobbning bland eleverna. I den kvalitativa studiens resultat påvisas det att lärarna som arbetar med Friends respektive Mombus behöver arbeta med flera andra arbetssätt för att förebygga mobbning. Andra arbetssätt som lärarna använder sig av i den dagliga verksamheten är till exempel EQ och kompismassage. I resultatet framhålls därtill det stöd lärarna erhålls från Mobbningsteamen på sina respektive skolor för att motverka alla former av kränkande behandling. Det finns inga utvärderingar gjorda kring vilket resultat metoderna Friends och Mombus ger i det preventiva arbetet mot mobbning vilket kan tyckas anmärkningsvärt eftersom båda metoderna praktiseras på många skolor i Sverige. Studiens avslutande diskussion belyser att arbetet med att förebygga mobbning är komplext och att det krävs mer forskning samt utvärderingar kring olika antimobbningsmetoder och deras resultat när det gäller att förebygga kränkande behandling samt mobbning.</p>
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Hur ser verkligheten ut? : En studie av olika människors syn på och tankar om diskriminering och annan kränkande behandlingLidbäck, Anna January 2007 (has links)
On the 1st April 2006 a new legislation came into effect in Sweden; The Prohibiting Discrimination and Other Degrading Treatment of Children and Pupils Act (2006:67). The Act is applicable to education and other activities referred to in the Education Act (1985:1100). This dissertation aims to examine how teachers work to combat discrimination, and establishes whether headmasters and teachers have changed their work procedures since the law came into force. In order to seek the answers to my questions I have conducted 8 qualitative interviews with headmasters and teachers from two schools in a community outside Karlstad, with both schools comprising of students from pre-school until year 6. Discrimination is not a new phenomenon in schools, but neither is the fact that it is the schools’ responsibility to work against discrimination. Discrimination is still taking place, despite discrimination laws being clearly stated within the Education Act (1985:1100) and the school curriculum. The teachers I have interviewed maintain that they are actively working in a preventative manner with these issues, but they still believe that much more can be done and would like to see an agreed, common work procedure. Despite the new legislation, none of the people I have spoken to change the way they work. They are, however, feeling positive towards the new legislation and believe as well as hope, that it will bring results. Most education workers agree that the school has the primary responsibility of preventing discrimination and strongly believe that individual teachers have the power to influence their pupils.
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