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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bilden av kvinnan i svenska nationalistiska rörelser : En semiotisk bild- och idéanalys / The image of women in Swedish nationalist movements : A semiotic analysis of images and ideas

Löf, Stina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine which notions of women exist within three different nationalist parties by analyzing how women are visually represented for political purposes. The aim is also to examine how these notions relate to a nationalist cultural policy. A semiotic analysis as well as a contextual idea analysis using ideal types was implemented in order to distinguish different notions of women in the material. The result shows five different representations of women, which can be summarized as two dominant notions. “The good woman” represents the nation and is depicted as natural, attractive, domesticated, warm, feminine, heterosexual and in need of protection. “The bad woman” does not represent the nation and is depicted as unattractive, cold, selfish, rebellious and queer. Given the nation-building purpose of the nationalist culture policy, these notions of women could entail a restriction of women’s cultural expressions as a consequence.

Mellersta skiktet i musiklivets pyramid : En studie av produktions- och resurscentrum för populärmusik

Bergdahl, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
Under de senaste tio åren har det uppkommit ett antal organisationer som säger sig verka för att artister inom populärmusikgenrerna skall få större möjligheter att utvecklas och ta nästa steg i sina karriärer. Med utgångspunkt i denna utveckling var studiens syfte att undersöka hur produktions- och resurscentrum för populärmusik utformas och upprätthålls samt hur deras arbete påverkar villkoren för- och skepnaden av musikerkarriärer inom populärmusikgenrerna. Detta fullföljdes med en fallstudie av de två organisationerna Dalapop och BD Pop. Som datainsamlingsmetod för undersökningen har djupintervjuer genomförts med ett flertal aktörer inom det regionala musiklivet i Norrbotten och Dalarna, som på ett eller annat sätt har haft kopplingar till dessa organisationer. Undersökningens övergripande resultat pekade på att produktions- och resurscentrum har möjlighet att utformas när det finns kompetenta pådrivare och politiker som brinner för kultur och musik. Viktigt var också en hållbar och långsiktig finansiering med satsningar både från näringslivet och kulturpolitiken. Dalapop och BD Pop påverkade karriärer inom populärmusikgenrerna på ett fördelaktigt sätt genom att de bidrog med ekonomiskt- och personellt stöd samt marknadsföring, samtidigt som de förberedde och hjälpte artister vidare i sina karriärer. Möjligheterna att slå igenom på den nationella och internationella musikbranschen ökade på så sätt avsevärt. Utöver detta utjämnade dessa aktörer även musikbranschen på ett geografiskt plan, mellan populärmusikaktörer i olika delar av landet. Studien har bidragit med kunskap om hur dessa produktions- och resurscentrum påverkar musikerkarriärer inom populärmusikgenrerna samt hur dessa organisationer på olika sätt omformar det svenska musiklivet.

Bibliotek i tunnelbanan : en ideologisk analys / Subway libraries : an ideological study

Fant, Paula January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the reason behind thedecision to open libraries at subway stations in Stockholm.The theoretical framework for the study is Douglas Raber´s threeideologies, social activism, conservative response and populistinitiative. The study includes interviews with librarians and apolitician responsible for the service and documents with plansfor the Public Libraries development during the period. Theempirical material was examined with an idea- and ideologicalanalysis.The conclusion is that the concept of the subway libraries consistsof a combination of the three ideologies but the most evidentare those of populist initiative and social activism.The reason for opening libraries at subway stations is to makethe libraries more easily accessible, to attract new visitors and tomake the Public Libraries service more visible. These smalllibraries have a function as a market place for the Public Librariesand as a meeting place in the city. / Program: Bibliotekarie

En studie av fyra kommuners måldokument gällande den offentliga kulturverksamheten med fokus på biblioteksverksamheten / A study of four municipalities’ local cultural policy documents with focus on the library activity

Ferm, Kerstin January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to explore local cultural policy documents in some municipalities in the geographical region of Västra Götaland. Do the municipalities have these kinds of documents for their local cultural activities, and how are they designed? These are questions which the study has focused on. The study has been concentrated on the library activity in the local cultural policy documents. The research has been a comparative one. Four municipalities have been chosen and their local cultural policy documents have been explored. The method which has been used is above all a qualitative text analysis. In addition, the method has included Björn Rombach’s definitions of aims and keywords collected from the Swedish national cultural political aims. The study contains a presentation and background, concerning the four municipalities. The purpose of this was to get a deeper understanding of what kind of municipalities participating in the research. The study has exhibited that the chosen municipalities have local cultural policy documents, but they are of various quality and in different forms. The most of the local cultural policy documents in this research are similar to the Swedish national cultural political aims from 1996. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Det vi bevarar och brukar : om kulturarv i Svenska Offentliga Utredningar 1997-2004. / The things we keep and use : cultural heritage in government official reports 1997-2004.

Kinman, Sarah January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine the use of the concept cultural heritage in Swedish governmental cultural policy. Ten official reports, reaching over a time period of seven years (1997-2004) are examined in the following way: What is cultural heritage? What functions/ values does the cultural heritage have? Whose heritage is a cultural heritage? With some simplification you can say that there are two different views on cultural heritage in the documents. The most common way to refer to cultural heritage is a category of chosen historical objects whose preservation is motivated by their function as sources of information and knowledge about the history and development of the Swedish society. It also constitutes continuity, context and belonging. This heritage is equally valuable to all people and its relation to different ethnical and social groups is not brought up for discussion in the documents. At the other end of the scale cultural heritage is in a few documents regarded as a pluralistic collection of heritages. Anything can be cultural heritage if someone claims that it is so. Every group and every individual have the right to a cultural heritage of their own. It is therefore important to give special attention to the heritage of marginal groups, who have often been left out in the traditional historical writing. In these documents cultural heritage is not just a historical matter, but also something that is being created at the present time. It is a source of knowledge, but also a democratic tool. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Den kulturpolitiska forskningens intellektuella bas och inriktningar : En författarcociteringsanalys av artiklar publicerade i International Journal of Cultural Policy 2002-2007 / The intellectual base and research approaches of cultural policy studies : An author cocitation analysis of articles published in International Journal of Cultural Policy 2002-2007

Jönsson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to map the intellectual base, and identify the general research interests, of Cultural Policy studies. In addition to this the thesis also aims to trace the uses of theoretical and conceptual approaches within the identified research interests. This is done by analysing citations from 130 articles published in the leading scientific journal International Journal of Cultural Policy between the years 2002-2007 using the bibliometric method author cocitation analysis (ACA). The results of the ACA confirm the overall notion that the research field of cultural policy studies is an ambiguous one, even when it’s studied with a quantitative method specialised in uncovering hidden structures within a given field as ACA. Theoretical and conceptual approaches proved, with the sole exception to the concept of policy, very difficult to discover by only using ACA. Five general research interests in Cultural Policy studies have been identified from the MDS-map created trough the ACA; these are:o Cultural/Creative industries.o Cultural planning, cultural cities.o Traditional cultural policy (British).o Traditional cultural policy (French).o Democracy, public sphere and culture. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Bevarande och tillgängliggörande av raritetssamlingar i Serbien. Ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv på ett land i förändring / Preservation of and access to old and rare book collections in Serbia. A cultural policy perspective on a country in transition

Catenaro, Giuseppina January 2011 (has links)
This paper aims to analyze how preservation of and access to old and rare book collections are organized in public libraries in Serbia. The paper is based on an analysis of documents, a survey and qualitative interviews with librarians in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Serbia is a country that has experienced violent historical periods with far-reaching consequences for its old and rare book collections. The interpretative background refers to documents about cultural policy in Europe and in Serbia. Serbia is a country in transition which aims to join the European Union. As a consequence, the government has an ambition to harmonize its legislation and cultural policy to EU standards. Old and rare book collections are primarily preserved at the National Library of Serbia, at the Belgrade University Library and at the Matica Srpska Library in Novi Sad. In addition to this, the Serbian Orthodox Patriarchate Library in Belgrade has many old and rare books and manuscripts, but it is not userfriendly. Digitization is a method used to both preserve and make accessible old and rare books, but it is still developed only to a limited degree. The National Library of Serbia is the pioneer of digitization in the country and it is the institution vested with responsibility for the preservation of cultural goods. The National Library has the ambition to become a portal of cultural heritage in the country. The paper concludes that the historical, political and cultural development in the country in a decisive way has influenced Serbia’s different book collections. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Samtalet om biblioteksutvecklingen i Falkenbergs kommun / Library development discourse in the municipality of Falkenberg

Smedeby, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
The municipality of Falkenberg is a result of a unification of several smaller municipalities in 1971, each one with a small library. This left Falkenberg with an unusual large amount of smaller branch libraries. The object of this thesis is to describe and try to understand the political conflicts that have erupted during the period 1971-1994. Through a case study containing press clippings from the local newspaper, different reports, political meeting protocols, a historical background of the library and a study of library specific norms and regulations I can create an image of the heated debate. The participants in this debate can be divided into politicians and civil servants and the conflict circles round the fact that from an economical perspective, there is not enough budget to keep all the small, local libraries. There is a noticeable rift between the librarian and the politician opinions, but also within the group of libraryworkers, depending on where they are stationed, the head library or a branch library. Through different theoretical approaches; economical, organizational and linguistic, I try to understand why the situation has been almost static during the thirteen years I investigate in the case. The answer might lie in how the participants are protecting their preserves, by proving their political or professional identity through language. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Ett nytt stadsbibliotek i Stockholm : En diskursanalys bakom visionen för ett nytt folkbibliotek / A new town library in Stockholm : A discourse analyse concerning the vision behind a new public library

Hemström, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to examine and analyze the discourse concerning a new public library in Stockholm. The paper further discusses how this discourse corresponds with what is written about public libraries in a number of national and international documents. To do this I have utilized the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe. By using some of their instruments I have established the discourse around a number of keywords. I then use these keywords to see if and how they appear in the documents. My conclusion is that this discourse is concerned with the library as a center of knowledge and that the individual user is of particular interest. By comparing the discourse with what is sad in the documents I found many similarities. The documents portray the public library as a center of knowledge as well, but they also put forward there quality as a cultural center. Further the documents do not show the same interest in the individual user. Hence the discourse concerning the new public library in Stockholm points to a somewhat different view on the role of the public library. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Folkbiblioteket som socialt rum : en undersökning av biblioteken i två mindre kommuner / The public library as social space : an investigation of two small town libraries

Särg, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate and increase the understanding of a present function of today´s public library, namely the function of meeting place; here called the social function or social space. Two small town libraries are included in the study, and the questions examined are:How is this function described at the two libraries and what similarities and differences are there between the two? How can one describe the relation between how the library as social space is described in research and at the libraries? The theoretical framework used in examining these questions, consists of three different discourses in culture policy (the discourse of state, market and civil society) and theories on civil society and the public library. A summary of current research makes visible eight different aspects of the public library as a social space. These aspects functions as parts of the theoretical framework as well. When put in relation to the material from the two small town libraries, the following aspects emerge as dominant: the library as a ”third place”, the library as a low-intensive meetingplace, the library as a space for inclusiveness and belongingness – and in a perhaps slightly more indirect way also the library as a space for civic librarianship (in a Swedish sense) and learning aspects. The ways in which the library as social space is described can to a relatively large extent be related to a communicative discourse or civil society, although in some aspects also to the state and market discourses.

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