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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas decentralizacijos sąlygomis / Teachers‘ qualification improvement under decentralized conditions

Bakšienė, Jolanta 02 July 2010 (has links)
Decentralizavus pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemą kvalifikacijos tobulinimo paslaugos tapo labiau prieinamos regionuose. Šiuo metu veikiančios teisinės normos sudaro sąlygas vertinti ir stebėti kvalifikacijos tobulinimo renginių kokybę, tačiau taip pat labai svarbu analizuoti, kokius pokyčius pastebi kvalifikacijos renginių dalyviai, kaip jiems pavyksta pritaikyti praktikoje įgytas žinias ar gebėjimus, kur ir kokias žinias, gebėjimus norėtų tobulinti bei kokias kompetencijas plėtoti, ar ir kokią įtaką kvalifikacijos tobulinimas daro ugdymo proceso kaitai bei mokyklos veiklos tobulinimui. Todėl labai svarbu išsiaiškinti kvalifikacijos tobulinimo renginių kokybę ir įtaką kasdieniniam mokytojų, mokyklų vadovų darbui. Todėl svarbiausia šio tyrimo problema – išsiaiškinti, kokie įvyko pokyčiai nuo decentralizacijos pradžios iki šiol, kaip decentralizuota pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistema įtakoja kvalifikacijos tobulinimo efektyvumą. Šio darbo objektas – pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas decentralizacijos sąlygomis. Darbo tikslas yra ištirti, kaip pakito pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas decentralizacijos sąlygomis. Darbe atskleidžiama pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo decentralizacijos sąlygomis samprata, aptariami teisiniai dokumentai, reglamentuojantys pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimą, nagrinėjama pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo organizavimo patirtis Vakarų Europos šalyse. Darbe naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: literatūros analizė, kiekybinis tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Having decentralized the teachers’ qualification improvement system, the qualification improvement service has become more accessible in regions. It is very important to analyze the changes the participants of the qualification events distinguish, how the new knowledge and skills are applied, where and what they would like to improve, what competences they would like to develop and what influence it has on the education process. Thus, the main problem of the research is to find out what has changed since the beginning of the decentralization and how the decentralized teachers’ qualification improvement system influences the effectiveness of the qualification improvement. The object is teachers’ qualification improvement under decentralized conditions. The aim is to find out how the teachers’ qualification improvement has changed under decentralized conditions. The concept of qualification improvement is analyzed; legal documents regulating the qualification improvement are discussed and experience in Western Europe is analyzed. The following methods were used: the analysis of literature, quantitative research method and questionnaire. The research was carried out using the method of questionnaire among the school managers and teachers of Anyksciai district chosen accidentally. The total number of the respondents is 217 (196 teachers and 21 school managers). To sum up, it can be stated that the respondents are positive about the decentralization – the evaluation of 57% of... [to full text]

Valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos vystymo edukologiniai veiksniai / Educological factors of the civil servants training system development

Sakalinskaitė, Inga 04 September 2008 (has links)
Daugelis autorių aptardami valstybės tarnautojų mokymo bei kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemą labiau gilinasi į valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimą įtakojančius finansinius, teisinius veiksnius. Todėl šiame darbe siekiama nustatyti valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos vystymo edukologinius veiksnius. Atlikta literatūros šaltinių analizė, apibūdinta valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistema, jos elementai ir funkcijos, nustatyti sistemos vystymo veiksniai. Norint išsiaiškinti valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemos vystymo edukologinius poreikius atlikta valstybės tarnautojų anketinė apklausa bei atliktas interviu su kvalifikacijos tobulinimo institucijų vadovais. Apklausti 78 valstybės tarnautojai ir 6 mokymus valstybės tarnautojams mokymus organizuojančių institucijų vadovai. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad valstybės tarnautojų mokymo ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistema nėra labai efektyvi ir nesukuria pakankamų edukologinių prielaidų valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo proceso vystymuisi. / Educological factors of the civil servants training system are not much analysed. Various authors analyses influence of the financial, juridical factors for the civil servants training system. Therefore the point of this research is to estimate educological factors of the civil training system. In this research the are described the elements and functions of the civil servants training system. The factors or the civil servants training system are also described. To establish the educological requirements of the civil servants training system development was caried out a survey of the civil servants and was done the interview with managers of the civil servants training intitutions. In this research took part 78 civil servants and 6 managers of the civil servants training institutions. The survey showed that the civil servants training system is not very effective and don‘t create enuogh educological assumptions for the the development of civil servants training process.

Mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimas Vilniaus mieste ir Širvintų rajone / Teachers education in Vilnius city and Širvintos district

Kliukienė, Dalia 24 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo ypatumai Vilniaus mieste ir Širvintų rajone. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti ir palyginti mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo ypatumus Vilniaus mieste ir Širvintų rajone. Tyrimo objektas - mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimas. Darbo metodai – teoriniai: mokslinės literatūros bei švietimą reglamentuojančių dokumentų analizė; diagnostiniai: anketinė apklausa. Darbe analizuojama teorinė mokytojų kėlimo kvalifikacijos medžiaga: pateikiama kvalifikacinių kategorijų samprata, naujųjų mokytojų atestacijos nuostatų palyginimas su senaisiais, nagrinėjamos kompetencijos, bei jų reikšmė mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimui. Pateikiama teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimą bei su juo susijusių procesų apžvalga, institucinė struktūra, atsakinga už kvalifikacijos kėlimą bei jų indėlis į kvalifikacijos kėlimo procesą. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į naująjį 2007 metais rugpjūčio 3 dieną priimtą Europos Bendrijų Komisijos komunikatą Tarybai ir Europos Parlamentui „Dėl mokytojų rengimo kokybės gerinimo“, taip pat apžvelgiamas mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimas Europos Sąjungos šalyse, pateikiami apibendrinti tyrimų rezultatai, kuriais pagrįstas naujojo komunikato priėmimas. Praktiniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad mokytojai kvalifikacijos kėlimą traktuoja kaip labai svarbų ir rimtą savo profesijos sudėtinę dalį; mokytojai daugiausia informacijos apie kvalifikacijos kėlimą sulaukia iš mokyklos administracijos arba kolegų; ryški... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis analyses teacher’s educational aspects in Vilnius city and Širvintos district. The aim of the paper is to analyze and compare educational aspects in Vilnius city and Širvintos district. Object of the research – teachers’ education. Work methods - theoretical: analysis of education regulative documents and scientific literature review; diagnostic: questionnaire survey. Paper analyzes theoretical aspects of teachers’ education: content of qualifying category is given, comparing of new and old teachers certification system is discusses, competency and its meaning for teacher’s education is also presented. Legislative of teachers’ education is presented as well as institutional structure and its implication on the educational process. New Communication from the commission to the council and the European parliament „Improving the quality of teacher education” brought on 2007-08-03 is pointed out. Also teachers’ educational systems in ES are presented. Practical research pointed out that education is being handled as being very important part of profession by teachers; main information about education is released from school administration or colleagues; bigger part of teachers pointed out that self-education is not being used very often; teachers feels lack of possibilities to raise their qualification in foreign countries; among all of the respondents negative approach onto refresher courses preponderated.

Personalo ugdymas įvairaus tipo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / The training of the staff at different schools of general training

Skliaustytė, Beata 03 January 2007 (has links)
SUMMARY Modern dynamic society constantly raises new requiremant towards existing education systems. One of the most important factors determining the implementation of alteration are both the readiness of a teacher to alter and rise of shoolmasters qualification, that is the understanding of a new role, permanent training, the ability to think, interpret and find the most proper decisions solo. In this work is analyzed the problem: What reasons determine the involvement of schoolmasters in qualification improvement events? The purpose of the work is to analyze the training of staff in at different schools of general training. To reach this purpose the following tasks are projected: 1) to fulfill the analysis of literature sources studying the training of staff; 2) to unfold the attitude of school administration towards staff training; 3) to unfold teachers attitude towards staff training. Fulfilling practical research the aim is either to deny or to confirm the hypothesis that teacher take part in qualification improvement event stimulated with their inner motivation of qualification improvement. The objects of the research are gymnasium, secondary, common and primary schools and their teachers and heads. The research has been fulfilled with the help of questionnaires and interviews. The work consist of the following parts: content, preface, 3 chapters, conclusions and offers, the list of literature and annotation. In the first chapter the analysis of literature sources... [to full text]

Šiaulių miesto pradinio ugdymo pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo empirinis tyrimas „mokymosi visą gyvenimą“ strategijos įgyvendinimo kontekste / The empirical research of qualification refinement of Šiauliai town primary education pedagogues in the implementation context of „lifelong learning“ strateg

Borusevičiūtė, Ineta 02 September 2010 (has links)
Dėl globalizacijos, informacinių technologijų plėtros, pasikeitusios šalies ekonomikos, politikos, švietimo, bei didėjančių visuomenės poreikių mokymasis visą gyvenimą tampa pagrindinis iššūkis švietimui. Vis labiau akcentuojama būtinybė kelti mokymo kokybę, kurios pagrindinis veiksnys - nuolatinio tobulinimo ir atnaujinimo reikalaujanti pedagogų kvalifikacija. Kadangi mažų vaikų specifika reikalauja ypatingų pradinių klasių pedagogo kompetencijų, pedagogas negali sustoti vietoje, jis turi nuolatos tobulėti, atnaujinti savo žinias, gebėjimus, plėtoti studijų metu įgytas kompetencijas, kas šiame darbe bus suprantama kaip nuolatinis formalus kvalifikacijos kėlimo procesas. / Due to globalization, information technology development, changes in the economics, politics, education, and the growing needs of society, lifelong learning becomes a key challenge for education. There is more emphasis on the need to raise the quality of teaching, the main factor - the continuing improvement and upgrading requiring qualification of pedagogues. Since the specificity of small children require special primary school pedagogue competence, the pedagogue can not stand in the place, it must continually improve, update their knowledge, skills, develop expertise acquired during their studies, what this work will be understood as a continuous process of formal training. Because the specificity of small children require special primary school pedagogue competence, the pedagogue can not stand in the place, it must continually improve, update their knowledge, skills, develop expertise acquired during their studies, what in this work will be understood as a continuous formal process of qualification refinement. Research object - qualification refinement of primary education in the implementation context of „lifelong learning“ strategy.

Socialinių darbuotojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas: prielaidos ir galimybės / Presumptions and possibilities of qualification development of social workers

Juodkaitė, Skaidrė 08 June 2006 (has links)
Social work is one of the newest profession activities (into the register of professions was entered in 2005 year) in Lithuania. Changes that are going on in society motivate the social workers to search for the partners, work in team with other institutions so that the societies would solve the problems that arise. It is very important to coordinate theoretical knowledge with practise, because it is impossible without theoretical knowledge to stimulate development changes of social work, especially in the area of social services. The clients request not only for the quality full services, but also for the polite behaviour, which is not possible to reach without a high professional level. Aim of the work is to analyze presumptions and possibilities of qualification development of social workers. Tasks of the research: 1. To describe specifics of profession of social work, 2. To discuss about the presumptions of qualification development of social workers, 3. To reveal legal, organizational and individual possibilities of qualification development of social workers, 4. To analyze presumptions and possibilities of social development of social workers, who work in territory of Utena district? The theoretical part of the work deals with specificity of a social work profession (history of social work rise, connection between theory and practise, development in Lithuania). There are discussed presumptions of qualification development of social workers (demands of informative... [to full text]

Auditorių nuomonės apie veiklos audito kokybės problemas veiklos audito procese tyrimas / Investigation of performance audit quality problems in performance audit process according to the auditors

Burlėgaitė, Rasa 08 January 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti auditorių nuomonę apie veiklos audito kokybės problemas veiklos audito procese ir pateikti pasiūlymus dėl veiklos audito proceso tobulinimo. Darbui buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: 1) Atlikti valdymo kokybės vertinimo teorinę analizę. 2) Išnagrinėti veiklos audito ypatumus. 3) Empirinio tyrimo pagalba identifikuoti Lietuvos veiklos audito specifika. 4) Nustatyti audito metodologijos (vadovo) naudojimo efektyvumą. 5) Suformuluoti veiklos audito proceso tobulinimo pasiūlymus. Darbo hipotezė - pagrindinė auditorių veiklos problema yra audito apimtis ir metodologijos stoka. / The study has an objective to analyze the opinions of auditors about performance audit quality problems in performance audit process and to offer suggestions in improvement of performance audit process. This study has few tasks: 1) to make a theoretical analysis of evaluation of possession quality; 2) to analyze the peculiarities of performance audit; 3) to identify empirically the specifics of Lithuanian performance audit; 4) to determine the effectiveness of audit methodology (guideline) usage; 5) to formulate suggestions in improvement of performance audit process. The study has a hypothesis – according to the auditors, the extent of audit and imperfections of methodology negatively influence over the process of performance audit. The master's degree study consists of three parts. The evaluation of the possession quality is analyzed, the problems of possession quality in organization's activity are discussed in the first part of the study. The specifics of performance audit are analyzed in the second part of this study. The results of this empirical study are presented in the third part. The results and recommendations are presented at the end of this study. Concluding this study, the majority investigators institutions activity management interpret this as an internal managemental behavior model, describing some sort of institutional quality, normative, relation, tradition and contact manner totality. Performance audit – the opportunity to conform the organizational... [to full text]

Ugdymo organizavimo tobulinimas muzikos mokyklose / The Development of Education at Music Schools

Mateikienė, Nijolė 25 May 2005 (has links)
The opportunity of development of education at Music Schools is analyzed in the Master’s Paper. The main purpose is to achieve the improved education programs. The key questions and answers are presented in this paper: why do the students attend the music school, does the education organized by the music school reflect the requirements, interests of the students and a question of expressiveness. To solve this pedagogical problem, the hypothesis has been presented- the musical education of music school students is more effective if the offered programs and the achievements of the students are combined. Also the requests of the students are important and as a result, different types of learning and teaching methods have been chosen to improve the education process. The research subject- the means to organize the education process at music schools. The aim of the research work- to investigate and evaluate the possibility to develop the education process at music schools. To achieve the goal, the following research tasks have been presented: 1) to investigate the problems while organizing the education of music schools; 2) to clear out the efficiency of the proposed programs while meeting the needs and interests of the students; 3) to examine the position of the parents, teachers and students’ about the possibilities to organize the education of the music schools. The questionnaires and pedagogical observation, used during the research work, enabled to affect the analysis of... [to full text]

Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnybos konsultantų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikių studija / Study on needs of in – service training of Advisers in Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory service

Račkienė, Ona 30 May 2005 (has links)
Final theses of Master Degree studies 68 pages, 23 illustrations, 10 tables, 43 literature sources, 13 affixes, Lithuanian language. The object of study – advisers of Lithuanian Lithuanian Agricultural advisory service. The area of study – Needs of professional development. The aim of study – Having analysed advisers needs of in-service training to work out a model of agricultural advisers in-service training. The objectives: 1. Analyse in-service training theoretical and practical aspects in Lithuania and abroad. 2. Conducting surveys to analyse in-service training theoretical and practical aspects in Lithuania and abroad. 3. Identify advisors‘ needs and requests for the programmes of in-service training. 4. Produce standards and requirements for advisors to qualify. Methods of study: analysis and summary of literature, systematization and analysis of primary and secondary data, generalisation, comparison of practical experience, calculation and patterning. After studying scientific literature and examining aspects of advisers in-service training in Lithuania and abroad and carrying out the analysis of survey conducted the standards and requirements for advisors to qualify were produced and the model for in-service training was carried out.

Mokytojų perkvalifikavimas valstybinės švietimo strategijos kontekste / Teachers re-skilling in the context of national education strategy

Romeiko, Alicija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Dabarties Lietuvoje vykstant švietimo reformai, mokytojų rengimas, kvalifikacijos tobulinimas ir perkvalifikavimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių uždavinių. Šiandieniniam mokytojui tobulėjimui nėra ribų, tobulintis gali kvalifikacijos tobulinimo kursuose, seminaruose, užsienio stažuotėse, tęstinėse studijose ir aišku, persikvalifikuojant. Pedagogų perkvalifikavimas yra viena iš kvalifikacijos tobulinimo krypčių. Perkvalifikavimas suteikia galimybę įgyti papildomą profesiją, tobulinti įgytus gebėjimus tuo pat metu juos jungti su naujai gautomis žiniomis, dalytis pedagogine patirtimi su kolegomis bei siekti aukštesnės kvalifikacijos. Perkvalifikavimas suvokiamas kaip papildomas mokymasis, per kurį, mokytojas gali įgyti naują diplomą ir pakeisti kryptį profesijos viduje. Tyrimu siekta nustatyti, kaip vyksta mokytojų perkvalifikavimas, kokia yra mokytojų perkvalifikavimo patirtis, išryškinti mokyklos vadovo vaidmenį persikvalifikuojant. Siekta išsiaiškinti, kodėl mokytojai persikvalifikuoja, ar vertina perkvalifikavimo studijas, kaip jų profesinės veiklos sudedamąją dalį, koks jų po��iūris į nuolatinį mokymąsi ir kaip tobulina savo kvalifikaciją, kiek perkvalifikavimas atitinka mokytojų poreikius ir valstybinę švietimo strategiją. / In present Lithuania in pursuance of the reform of education teachers training, in- service training, re-skilling is one of the biggest tasks. A modern-day teacher can improve himself in many ways: clinic, seminars, foreign probationary, continual study or re-skilling. Schoolmasters re-skilling is a trend of the qualification in-service training. Re-skilling gives an opportunity to get a new profession, improve acquired abilities, link them with new knowledge, interchange pedagogical experience and seek the superior qualification. Re-skilling is an additional learning, it is the way of getting a new diploma and changing a direction inside profession. The main intention of the research was to estimate the experience in re-skilling teachers and to ascertain the school head’s role in this process. It’s important to find out why do teachers retrain, do they value retrain study as a component of their work, what is their attitude towards permanent learning, how do they improve their qualification and does re-killing conforms to the teachers demands at the strategy of national education.

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