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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur kommunikation främjas av lärare i undervisningen i engelska

Garo, Alee, Norberg, Linda January 2019 (has links)
I det sociokulturella perspektivet som vi har utgått ifrån är synsättet på lärandet att det utvecklas i sociala sammanhang där kommunikation är en central del. Lärandet sker i samspel mellan individer där en genom stöttning och vägledning utvecklar nuvarande kunskaper. I detta arbete har vi beskrivit arbetsmetoder som lärare använder sig av i sin undervisning för att främja kommunikationen i klassrummet. Eftersom kommunikation är en central del i det sociokulturella perspektivet blir detta en lämplig teori att utgå ifrån. Motivation och språkligt självförtroende är grundpelare för att främja kommunikativ interaktion i undervisningen. Dessa komponenter är av betydelse för att lära ett nytt språk eftersom kommunikation gynnar andraspråksinlärning, där målet är att kunna tala det nya språket. I arbetet intervjuades fem lärare där det framkom att komponenter som motivation, språkligt självförtroende och val av arbetssätt är alla centrala för att främja kommunikation. Enligt lärarna är par- och grupparbete nödvändigt eftersom elever lär sig ett nytt språk genom interaktion. / The sociocultural perspective, this essay theory, approach of learning is that it develops in social contexts where communication is a central part. Learning takes place in interaction between individuals where, through support and guiding, one develops current knowledge. In this essay, we have described methods that teachers use in their teaching to encourage communication in the classroom. Because communication is a central part of the sociocultural perspective, it is therefore an appropriate theory to use. When establishing communicative interaction, motivation and linguistic self-confidence are among the pillars. These components are important when learning a new language because communication favors language learning, where the goal is to be able to speak the new language. In this essay, we interviewed five teachers where it emerged that components such as motivation, linguistic self-confidence and choice of methods are all central parts to encourage communication. According to the teachers, pair-and group work is necessary for students because in order to learn a new language, you need to interact.

UNGA VUXNAS PERSPEKTIV PÅ PSYKISK OHÄLSA : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas kunskaper om psykisk ohälsa

Lundin-Emanuelsson, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande folkhälsoproblem som orsakar nedsatt välbefinnande och försämrad livskvalité. Vanliga tillstånd av psykisk ohälsa är depressioner och ångestsyndrom. Unga vuxna är en utsatt grupp där den psykiska ohälsan fortsätter att breda ut sig hos. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad unga vuxna vet om orsakerna till psykisk ohälsa och vad det finns för stöd att få. En kvalitativ metod användes för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Datainsamlingen skedde med semistrukturerade intervjuer och ett målinriktat urval användes för att rekrytera intervjupersoner som utgjordes av sex unga vuxna mellan 20–29 år som var antingen studerande eller yrkesverksamma. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att psykisk ohälsa kännetecknas av förlorad meningsfullhet, negativa tankar och kan yttra sig i försämrad koncentrationsförmåga som medför prestationssvårigheter. Det befintliga stödet vid psykisk ohälsa uppfattades otillräckligt med för långa väntetider och behov av andra insatser än medicinering. Orsaker till psykisk ohälsa uppfattas vara om individen upplevt ett trauma eller ställer för höga krav på sig själv. I resultatet framkom att individer jämför sig via sociala medier och i strävan efter kroppsideal och ett perfekt liv. Studien tyder på att sociala medier har bidragit till ökningen av psykisk ohälsa.

Undervisning "ett nytt ord på någonting vi redan har gjort", eller? : En ramfaktorteoretisk studie gällande undervisning i förskolan

Nilsson, Lisa, Wolcher Nyh, Anneli January 2019 (has links)
Första juli 2019 träder en ny läroplan för förskolan i kraft där undervisningen är ett av de begrepp som tillkommit. Begreppet undervisning bidrar till ett ökat krav på pedagoger och blir därmed relevant att undersöka och koppla till förskollärarna, då det är de som ska ansvara för undervisningen och att den bedrivs. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förskollärares attityder till undervisning och vilka faktorer förskollärare uppfattar som betydelsefulla för deras möjlighet att bedriva undervisning i förskolan. Samt att ta del av om de uppfattade faktorerna ger möjlighet, eller inte ger möjlighet, att bedriva undervisning i förskolan. Forskningsfrågorna som besvarats är: Vilka attityder framkommer i förskollärares tal om undervisning i förskolan? Vilka uppfattade faktorer är betydelsefulla för förskollärares möjlighet att bedriva undervisning i förskolan? Studiens vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkt var läroplansteori med en ramfaktorteoretisk inriktning med inre- och yttre ramar som analysbegrepp. Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade-intervjuer med sex förskollärare. Resultatet visade attförskollärare har olika attityder gällande undervisning i förskolan. Det framkommer en attityd gällande att undervisning i förskolan behöver vara planerat med ett medvetet innehåll och syfte. Den andra attityden som framkom var att förskollärarna ansåg att undervisning är något som sker under hela dagen och kan uppstå även i spontana situationer. Resultatet visade även att kategorierna för ramfaktorer mynnade ut i ett flertal andra faktorer som förskollärare uppfattade gav möjlighet, eller inte gav möjlighet för undervisning i förskolan. Studiens slutsats blev att undervisning i förskolan uppfattas på olika sätt av förskollärare då undervisning som begrepp ej är definierat på en konstitutionell nivå, mer än att det är en målstyrd process. Denna svaga definition av vad undervisning i förskolan innebär medför lokala olikheter inom den förskolepedagogiska verksamheten, vilket kan påverka vilka faktorer som anses avgörande för förskollärarnas möjlighet att bedriva undervisning i förskolan.

Old Habits in a New World? E-book management techniques at an academic library

Konrad, Katherine January 2013 (has links)
As interest in the e-book market grows, both academic libraries and researchers strive to understand developing trends amongst patrons. The academic library is one venue where improvised measures in e-book collection management can freely abound. Recent studies have focused on establishing formalized management techniques. This study explores the e-book collection management techniques in use lens of Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory. Analysis revealed that library staff employ e-book collection management techniques that are both similar and dissimilar to those used in print book management. This study investigates both similarities and differences using Bourdieu’s field and habitus to enable explanation of relevant management choices. Analysis showed that librarians in both similar and different subject libraries employ both unique and complementary techniques to e-book collection management. Further inquiry shows possible connections between a librarian’s habitus and their subsequent approach to e-book management. / Program: Masterprogram: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Digitala bibliotek och informationstjänster

Vad spelar vi för roll? En studie om bibliotekariers syn på utvecklingen inom biblioteksfältet och sin egen yrkesroll vid svenska bibliotek / Which role do we play? A study about librarians' views on the development in the library field and their own professional role in Swedish public libraries

Hasselkvist, Jerker, Ståhl, Sven January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to gain deeper knowledge about how librarians in public libraries in Sweden view theirprofessional role with regard to the last decades of change in the library field. Especially concerning the technical evolution and towards a higher user orientation and market mindset, and in which ways this has influenced the librarians everyday working tasks. A particular focus has been placed towards the reference transaction, the use of computers and e-media, and the stock development. We believe that there currently is a changeover, from the libraries traditional line of function, towards them as more of service institutions.The method used in this study for answering the research questions and to gather empirical information is semi-structuredinterviews. The division is three more experienced librarians, with twenty years or more from the field, and three newlygraduated with less than five years as active librarians. We seek to compare if there are any differences in views between these two categories. The theory used for analyzing the results is Anders Ørom’sabout different librarian identities together with Trine Schreiber’s development of the model. Conclusions drawn from this study are that there is a similarview on the librarianship; the traditional role and the information intermediate roles has earlier been considered incompatible. Now they seem to come together in a “traditional tasks in new packaging”-thinking. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Bland Bokbaciller och Vingklippta Änglar : En kvalitativ studie kring bestånd och beståndsarbete på fem sjukhusbiblioteks barn- och ungdomsavdelningar / A qualitative study on collection and collection management at five hospital libraries’ children and youth sections

Elfving, Johan, Engman Fingal, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to examine the collection management at five different hospital libraries´ children and youth’s section to discern different roles of the collections. We made qualitative interviews with five hospital librarians. The purpose was also to see how the collection development affected the different roles of the collections. We used two theories. One involves six dimensions of collection development and the other involves the purposes of collections which are divided in to four different roles. The hospital librarians had the users in mind when working with the collections. The users have different needs, not only because they are children and young people but also because they are patients. We could see that many different circumstances had an impact on the collection development, such as limited and narrow spaces, short treatment times for patients and low circulation on children and youth material. The three roles we could distinguish were the Dispensing role, the Advisory role and the Symbolic role. The librarians tried to have a diverse range of materials to satisfy the different needs. The librarians made certain collections visible by different headlines that would appeal to the users. We could see that materials with medical substance were prioritized in many ways. This material is important for both patients and the medical staff. Medical material also justified the patient hospital libraries existence in times when the medical libraries get more and more space. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Vi kanske skulle tuffa till oss lite på biblioteket! : Konstutställningar på folkbibliotek, en del av bibliotekens funktion som offentliga rum? / Art exhibitions in public libraries : part of the libraries function as public sphere?

Eriksson, Linnéa January 2008 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis examines the ideas behind the phenomenon art exhibitions in public libraries. My interest is to see if and how the art exhibitions can support the libraries in being a public sphere in Jürgen Habermas’ sense, open for all citizens and their opinions. My study therefore has two purposes. The first is to find out which arguments and ideas that are used to motivate the activity. The second purpose is to see if and how the arguments and ideas can be related to Habermas’ theories about the public sphere. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians who are responsible for the art exhibitions in four libraries, located in three Swedish municipalities; Borås, Kinna and Malmö. The concepts by Jürgen Habermas are used to make sense of the information I got from the interviews. The results show that art exhibitions in the public libraries are seen as having a democratic, pedagogical and informational function. It can be seen as supporting the public libraries role as public sphere by creating meetings and room for the citizens to express themselves. But the function of the exhibitions differs between the four libraries because the art exhibition activity depends on the values of one single person. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Biblioteket som integrerande resurs i samhället. En exemplifiering med målgruppen romer / Library as an integrating resource in the society. An exemplification with the Roma people as a target group

Carlsson, Malin January 2011 (has links)
This essay is about how the library can make a difference inintegrating the minority Roma people into the Swedish society.Roma people have been subjected to persecution anddiscrimination for a long time. In this essay, I examine theactivities, functions and capabilities of libraries that can have apositive effect for the integration of the Roma people. Myquestions are: How can libraries reach out to the Roma people andwhat function do the library have for the integration of the Romapeople? I have used Marianne Anderssons and Dorte Skot-Hansens theory the four functions of the library – the culutralcenter, the knowledge center, the information center and the socialcenter. Based on this theory, I have interpreted and analyzed thematerial that I have gathered through interviews and literaturestudies such as thesis, dissertations, repors and parliamentdocuments. The results of my studies show a predominance of twoof the four library functions – the cultural center and theknowledge center. It was largely about literature, learning andknowledge. Some informants associated the library only withbooks and silence, which can be a result of how the librarypromote itself. As the four functions overlap, activities can oftenbe interpreted from several angles. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Biblioteksprofiler : kvalitativa fallstudier på tre folkbibliotek / Library profiles : qualitative case-studies on three public libraries

Friberg Arvesved, Therése January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the roles ofthree different public libraries in three differentcommunities. In order to get some answers about the roles ofthe public libraries I have used the following questions: Howis the local cultural policy formulated? How is the locallibrary structured? What or which profiles has the publiclibraries in the three communities?I have made three qualitative case-studies in three differentcommunities. These three communities are somewhatlocated in the same area in order to identify any cooperationbetween them. The communities differ in sizes so that thereis a possibility to identify if the roles of the public librarydiffer according to population.I have used an analysis model created by MarianneAndersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen as my theoretical base.The model categorises the function of the public library infour different, yet overlapping centres; as a cultural centre,as a knowledge centre, as an information centre and as asocial centre.The analytical findings show that each of the three differentpublic libraries can be identified with all four functions ofthe theoretical model, however in different degrees. The firstlibrary is more distinct as a cultural centre, the second libraryis most distinct as a knowledge centre and the third is mostdistinct as a social centre. The libraries have got differentnumbers of cooperative partners. Cooperation is viewed asimportant by all three libraries, mostly by the economicaland inspirational contributions they provide. Cooperationalso makes the libraries more visible in their respective localcommunities. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Antropologins informationsvärldar : En biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig studie kring socialantropologer och etnografiska fältarbeten.

Fridholm, Axel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine information behavioursamongst a group of social anthropologists. The thesis alsohas a special focus on issues concerning information andinformation behaviour during periods of ethnographicfieldwork. As a empirical foundation for this studyinterviews where made between may – september in 2011with seven social anthropologists active at a swedishuniversity. The results from the conducted interviews areanalysed with the theoretical framework of the informationbehaviour theory as presented by T.D Wilson. Furthermorethe concept of “information worlds” by Paul T. Jeager andGary Burnett is another theoretical viewpoint in this thesis.Results in this study shows that the social anthropologistsduring periods of ethnographic fieldwork, in addition to theempirical data gathering process by participant observationand similar methods, actively search for relevant informationin other information sources. These types of informationseeking amongst the social anthropologists in this studyshows strong connections to the intervening variablespresented in T.D Wilson´s models of information behaviour.Overall the study shows that it´s possible to observe anotable change in the information behaviour amongst thesocial anthropologists during ethnographic fieldwork. Theempirical data collection presents by natural reasons a bigtime consuming part of the fieldwork. But the study alsoreveals different perceptions and views amongst the socialanthropologists on issues concerning searching and usingdifferent types of information sources, and especially issuesconcerning theoretical literature and likewise duringfieldwork. / Program: Bibliotekarie

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