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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AAV-based gene therapy for axonal regeneration in a rat model of rubrospinal tract lesion

Challagundla, Malleswari 07 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Tělesná příprava k vojenské části talentových přijímacích zkoušek na VO FTVS UK / Physical preparation for military part of talent entrance exams at Military Department of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Pros, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
TITLE OF THE WORK Physical preparation for the military part of the talent exam at Military Department of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Prague. DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM It is necessary to pass the special physical exam to be admitted for studying at Military Department. The content of this exam is significantly different from other physical activities and the preparation for it may cause several problems to the candidates. MAIN GOALS The main goal of this diploma thesis is to create a package of the exercises used for improving technical and fitness part of the performance primarily in the military part of physical exam. PLAN OF PROCESSING After extensive research of the available documents the package of the exercises will be created. RESULTS Based on studying of necessary literature and using the theoretical methods the package of the exercises has been successfully created. KEYWORDS Army physical fitness, Rope ladder climbing, Load carrying, Special physical preparation, Talent test, Czech Armed Forces.

När hjulen slutat snurra : Hur principer för hållbar utveckling appliceras i tillsyn och tillståndsprocesserna för småskaliga vattenkraftverk

Jonsson, Carl January 2016 (has links)
Småskaliga vattenkraftverk har varit en viktig del för landsbygden på många platser runt om i Värmland under en lång tid. Men vad som en gång var en vital del för landsbygdens utveckling är idag något som hotar de naturliga bestånden av fisk och vattenlevande fauna. Småskaliga kraftverk som inte är miljöanpassade står ofta i vägen för att ett vattendrag ska kunna uppnå god ekologisk status enligt EU:s miljömål. Detta görs för att skapa en hållbar utveckling för en hållbar framtid. Men att miljöanpassa ett kraftverk är en process som är mycket utmanande, tidskrävande och dyr för de enskilda kraftverksägarna. Bara processen kan kosta över hundra tusen kronor och då är inte kostnaderna för miljöanpassningarna inräknade. Miljöanpassningarna som ofta utgörs av konstruerandet av fiskvandringsvägar kan uppnå kostnader på flera miljoner kr. Om inte kraftverksägaren kan, vill eller tillåts tillståndsprövas hotas verksamheten av utrivning vilket även det resulterar i dyra kostnader och eventuellt polisanmälan för verksamhetsägaren. Hur än ägarna gör så är de ovilligt satta i situationer där de på ett och ett annat sätt kommer förlora stora summor och utsättas för psykiskt påfrestande processer. Denna uppsats ämnar att kritiskt granska just hur de ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala principerna i hållbar utveckling vägs mot varandra i tillsyn och tillståndsprocesserna gällande småskaliga vattenkraftverk i Värmland. / Small scale hydropower stations have been a vital part for the rural areas in Värmland, Sweden for a long time. But what once was a vital part for the rural development in the areas is today threatening the natural habitats and species in the rivers. Small scale hydropower stations that are not environmentally adapted often hinder the streams they are in to achieve good ecological status according to the environmental goals set forth by the European Union. This is done so that sustainable development and a sustainable future can be set in motion. But to adapt a small scale hydropower station is no easy feat. It's a highly challenging, expensive and time demanding for the individual owners. The process itself can cost up to several hundreds of thousands in Swedish crowns, and that's without counting the environmental adaptations that might be installed. Fish ladders are often the preferred choice and the cost of constructing one could cost several millions of Swedish crowns. if the owner of the power plant is unable, not willing or not allowed to have his/hers power plant authorized the dam risks being torn down and the owner risk getting charged with criminal activity. Whatever the owners choose to act they are stuck in between a rock and a hard place. They are forced to pay huge sums regardless of the outcome not to speak of the mental strain the processes places upon the owners. This essay aims to critically review how the ecological, economic and social principles of sustainable development are weighed against one another in the oversight process and the permission process regarding small scale hydropower stations.

Designens hållbarhetskraft : En kvalitativ studie om design och hållbarhet inom produktutveckling av dagligvaror / Design your way to sustainability : A qualitative study about design and sustainability within the product development of Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Carlsson, Priscilla, Nikkhooye Panahi, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Hållbarhet värderas allt högre utav konsumenter och allt fler företag satsar på ett utökat hållbarhetsarbete. Detta innebär att företag borde utveckla sitt hållbarhetsarbete för att bli eller fortsätta att vara konkurrenskraftiga. Konsumtionen av livsmedel står för 25 % av hushållens klimatpåverkan. Inom dagligvaruindustrin finns därmed en stor potential för förbättring. För ett utvecklat hållbarhetsarbete krävs innovativa lösningar. Design som process har visat sig kunnabidra med detta. Dock har studier visat på att trots att företag värderar design högt så implementeras det inte i samma utsträckning. Potentialen som design innehar riskerar därmed att gå förlorad av aktörerna på marknaden. Uppsatsen ämnar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att design skall implementeras för att utveckla hållbara produkter inom dagligvaruindustrin. Studien är en multipel fallstudie med en kvalitativ ansats. Tre intervjuer har genomförts med europeiska företag som verkar på den svenska dagligvaru- och livsmedelsmarknaden. Studien visade på vikten av att företag genomsyras av hållbarhet och har en hög förståelse fördesign. Det är av vikt att såväl design som hållbarhet implementeras i början av produktutvecklingsprocessen som även kallas för Front-End. / Sustainability is increasingly valued by consumers and more companies are expanding the incorporation of sustainability in their work. This means companies should develop the incorporation of sustainability in their work to stay or become competitive on the market. The consuming of groceries accounts for 25 % of the households climate influence. Within the fast moving consumer goods industry there is therefore a potential of improvement. To develop the incorporation of sustainability in a company requires innovative solutions. Design as a process has been able to contribute with exactly this. Although, studies have shown that even though companies value design highly it is not implemented to the same extent. The potential that design possesses is therefore at risk of being lost by the actors of the market. The thesis intends to explore which factors that are important for design to be implemented to develop sustainable products in the fast moving consumer goods industry. The study is a multiple case study with a qualitative approach. Three interviews have beenmade with european companies that are active on the swedish fast moving consumer goodsindustry market. The study showed that it is of importance for a company to be permeated by sustainability andto have a high understanding of design. Furthermore, it is of importance that design as well assustainability is implemented in the beginning of the product development process that is also known as Front-End.

Técnica experimental para quantificar a eficiência de distribuidores de líquidos industriais do tipo tubos perfurados paralelos. / Liquid aspersion effuciency quantification experiment: application in ladder type distributors.

Moraes, Marlene Silva de 07 July 2008 (has links)
O presente texto descreve um método experimental simples para comparar a eficiência de distribuidores de líquido empregados nas indústrias de tratamento de minérios em lavadores, classificadores e moinhos e nas indústrias de processos químicos. A técnica consiste basicamente em analisar a dispersão pelo desvio padrão da massa do líquido coletado em tubos verticais dispostos em arranjo quadrático colocados abaixo do distribuidor. Como exemplo de aplicação, empregouse para a coleta da massa de líquido uma unidade piloto, montada no Laboratório de Engenharia Química da Universidade Santa Cecília em Santos, com um banco de 21 tubos verticais de 52 mm de diâmetro interno e 800 mm de comprimento. Uma manta acrílica que não dispersa o líquido com 50 mm de espessura foi fixada entre o distribuidor e o banco de tubos para evitar respingos. Foram realizados ensaios com nove distribuidores do tipo espinha de peixe de 4 tubos paralelos cada, para uma coluna piloto com 400 mm de diâmetro. A literatura é discordante no que concerne aos parâmetros de projeto e eficiência destes distribuidores. Variaram-se o número (n) de orifícios (95, 127 e 159 furos/m2, 12, 16 e 20 furos por distribuidor) o diâmetro (d) dos orifícios (2, 3 e 4 mm) e as vazões de entrada indicadas por rotâmetro nos distribuidores (q) de 1,2; 1,4 e 1,6 m3/h. A melhor eficiência de espalhamento pelo menor desvio padrão (0,302) foi obtida com n de 159 furos/m2, d de 2 mm e q de 1,4 m3/h indicando as limitações dos parâmetros de projeto da literatura. A pressão (p), na entrada do distribuidor para esta condição, foi de apenas 0,51 kgf/cm2. A relação adimensional entre a área da seção do tubo de alimentação e a somatória da área dos furos foi de 5,81, a vazão volumétrica total por unidade de área da seção da coluna para esta melhor condição foi de 11,32 m3/(h.m2) e a velocidade média (v) em cada orifício foi de 6,31 m/s. Portanto, o método proposto permite comparar e quantificar a eficiência de distribuidores além de demonstrar a não validade de alguns parâmetros de projeto recomendados pela literatura. / The current text describes a simple experimental method in order to compare the efficiency of the liquid distributors applied at the ore treatment industries in washers, classifiers and mills as well as at the chemical processing industries. The technique basically consist of analyzing the dispersion through the standard deviation of the liquid mass which was collected in vertical pipes placed in a square way under the distributor. As an example of us usage, it has been applied a pilot scale for collecting the liquid mass, installed at the Santa Cecília Universitys Chemical Engineering Laboratory in Santos, with a setting of 21 vertical tubes measuring 52 mm in internal diameter and 800 mm in length. A 50 mm thick acrylic blanket was fixed between the distributor and the pipe setting in order to avoid splashes. Some experiments have been made with a ladder-tipe distributors containing 4 parallel tubes each, for a pilot column of 400 mm in diameter. The literature shows disagreement regarding the characteristics of the project and the efficiency of the distributors. The number of holes has varied (n) 95, 127 and 159 holes/m2; 12, 16 and 20 holes for distributor, the diameter of the holes (d) 2, 3 and 4 mm and the flow of entrance in the distributors (q) of 1,2; 1,4 and 1,6 m3/h. The best efficiency of splashing of the lowest deviation pattern (0,302) was achieved with n of 159 holes/m2, d of 2 mm and q of 1,4 m3/h showing the limitation of characteristics of the project literature. The pressure (p), for this condition in the distributor entrance, was only 0,51 kgf/cm2. The measuring relation between the area of the section of the feeding pipe and the addition of the area of the roles was 5,81, the total volume of the out flow for unit of the area of the column section for this better condition was 11,32 m3/(h m2) and the average speed (v), in each hole was 6,31 m/s. Finally, the indicated method permits the comparison and quantification of the efficiency of the distributors, besides showing that some of the project concepts are not valid and the literature does not recommend them.

Konstruktion av steghållare till brandbilar / Construction of ladder holder for fire engines

Svanström, Joel, Muschke, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
High demands are set on all equipment used in emergency service work, where small margins can be the distinguishing factor between life and death during a rescue operation. It is important that tools such as ladders quickly and easily can be dismounted from a vehicle and still satisfy the regulatory requirements for securing loads during transport. The existing solution for getting ladders down from the roof of a fire engine requires a large manual effort from the user in an ergonomically unsound posture. In this degree project a new ladder holder is developed with focus on the user to solve the ergonomic problems and at the same time create a more compact design that can be adapted to several different types of ladders. After an initial pre-study with user-interviews and measurement of forces and distances a set of requirements was formulated that came to govern the project's direction. Creative methods were used to generate concepts that improved the function and through design solutions, calculations and testing in CAD a base for manufacturing of a new product was created. The result is a completely new type of ladder holder that minimizes the user's manual effort and simplifies the securing of ladders in the holder. Measures have been taken to reduce material usage and manufacturing cost, while aiming for reliability and durability. Further development and construction of physical prototypes is needed before the new ladder holder can go into production. / Höga krav ställs på all utrustning som används vid räddningstjänstens arbete, då små marginaler kan vara skillnaden mellan liv och död under en utryckning vid olycka. Det är viktigt att verktyg såsom stegar snabbt och enkelt kan monteras av från ett fordon och samtidigt uppfyller lagkrav för säkring av last under färd. Den existerande lösningen för att få ned stegar från taket på en brandbil kräver en stor manuell kraftansträngning från användaren i en oergonomisk arbetsställning. I detta examensarbete utvecklas en ny steghållare med användaren i fokus för att lösa de ergonomiska problemen och samtidigt skapa en mer kompakt konstruktion som kan anpassas till flera olika typer av stegar. Efter en inledande förstudie med användarintervjuer och mätning av krafter och avstånd formulerades en kravspecifikation som kom att styra projektets inriktning. Kreativa metoder användes för att generera koncept som förbättrade funktionen och via konstruktionslösningar, beräkningar och tester i CAD skapades ett tillverkningsunderlag för en ny produkt. Resultatet är en helt ny typ av steghållare som minimerar användarens manuella kraft-ansträngning och förenklar låsningen av stegarna i hållaren. Åtgärder har tagits för att minska materialåtgång och tillverkningskostnad samtidigt som pålitlighet och hållfasthet har eftersträvats. Mer utveckling och konstruktion av fysiska prototyper är nödvändig innan den nya steghållaren kan gå i produktion.

Konstruktion av steghållare till brandbilar / Construction of ladder holder for fire engines

Svanström, Joel, Muschke, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p>High demands are set on all equipment used in emergency service work, where small margins can be the distinguishing factor between life and death during a rescue operation. It is important that tools such as ladders quickly and easily can be dismounted from a vehicle and still satisfy the regulatory requirements for securing loads during transport. The existing solution for getting ladders down from the roof of a fire engine requires a large manual effort from the user in an ergonomically unsound posture.</p><p>In this degree project a new ladder holder is developed with focus on the user to solve the ergonomic problems and at the same time create a more compact design that can be adapted to several different types of ladders. After an initial pre-study with user-interviews and measurement of forces and distances a set of requirements was formulated that came to govern the project's direction. Creative methods were used to generate concepts that improved the function and through design solutions, calculations and testing in CAD a base for manufacturing of a new product was created.</p><p>The result is a completely new type of ladder holder that minimizes the user's manual effort and simplifies the securing of ladders in the holder. Measures have been taken to reduce material usage and manufacturing cost, while aiming for reliability and durability. Further development and construction of physical prototypes is needed before the new ladder holder can go into production.</p> / <p>Höga krav ställs på all utrustning som används vid räddningstjänstens arbete, då små marginaler kan vara skillnaden mellan liv och död under en utryckning vid olycka. Det är viktigt att verktyg såsom stegar snabbt och enkelt kan monteras av från ett fordon och samtidigt uppfyller lagkrav för säkring av last under färd. Den existerande lösningen för att få ned stegar från taket på en brandbil kräver en stor manuell kraftansträngning från användaren i en oergonomisk arbetsställning.</p><p>I detta examensarbete utvecklas en ny steghållare med användaren i fokus för att lösa de ergonomiska problemen och samtidigt skapa en mer kompakt konstruktion som kan anpassas till flera olika typer av stegar. Efter en inledande förstudie med användarintervjuer och mätning av krafter och avstånd formulerades en kravspecifikation som kom att styra projektets inriktning. Kreativa metoder användes för att generera koncept som förbättrade funktionen och via konstruktionslösningar, beräkningar och tester i CAD skapades ett tillverkningsunderlag för en ny produkt.</p><p>Resultatet är en helt ny typ av steghållare som minimerar användarens manuella kraft-ansträngning och förenklar låsningen av stegarna i hållaren. Åtgärder har tagits för att minska materialåtgång och tillverkningskostnad samtidigt som pålitlighet och hållfasthet har eftersträvats. Mer utveckling och konstruktion av fysiska prototyper är nödvändig innan den nya steghållaren kan gå i produktion.</p>

Enzyme selectivity as a tool in analytical chemistry

Hamberg, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>Enzymes are useful tools as specific analytical reagents. Two different analysis methods were developed for use in the separate fields of protein science and organic synthesis. Both methods rely on the substrate specificity of enzymes. Enzyme catalysis and substrate specificity is described and put in context with each of the two developed methods.</p><p>In <strong>paper I </strong>a method for C-terminal peptide sequencing was developed based on conventional Carboxypeptidase Y digestion combined with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. An alternative nucleophile was used to obtain a stable peptide ladder and improve sequence coverage.</p><p>In paper<strong> II </strong>and <strong>III</strong>, three different enzymes were used for rapid analysis of enantiomeric excess and conversion of O-acylated cyanohydrins synthesized by a defined protocol. Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase,<em> Candida antarctica</em> lipase<strong> </strong>B<strong> </strong>and pig liver esterase were sequentially added to a solution containing the O-acylated cyanohydrin. Each enzyme caused a drop in absorbance from oxidation of NADH to NAD<sup>+</sup>. The conversion and enantiomeric excess of the sample could be calculated from the relative differences in absorbance.</p>

Peer Support Groups For Substance Misuse: Understanding Engagement With the Group

Sotskova, Alina 25 August 2014 (has links)
Peer support groups (PSGs) for addiction recovery are the most common source for aftercare services once professional treatment has ended (Cloud, Rowan, Wulff, & Golder, 2007), and a significant number of individuals who seek help for a substance-related problem only seek that help from peer support organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (White, 2010). In the last two decades, a different, more secular culture of “recovery” from self-defined problematic substance has led to the emergence of new PSGs (White, 2009). However, very few research studies to date have examined how more recent, typically secular, PSGs work, what aspects of them attract participants, and what participants find helpful about the group. Further, very little is known whether theories that have been applied to clinical treatment, such as the Stages of Change model, relate to the peer support environment. LifeRing is a secular PSG that views substance misuse as a learned habit that can be changed through taking responsibility for one’s actions and actively engaging with peers (Nicolaus, 2009). A particularly relevant model to LifeRing is Stages of Change, because LifeRing encourages personal responsibility and choice, does not prescribe any specific steps, and encourages individuals to build their own recovery plan that can help them stay motivated in recovery (Nicolaus, 2009). The current study examined data from 50 participants that attend LifeRing meetings on Vancouver Island. The results were not consistent with the Stages of Change framework. 4 Specifically, readiness to change and active group participation did not predict group engagement outcomes. Analysis of open-ended follow-up questions indicate that group cohesion and match in beliefs were significantly associated with greater active group participation and convenor alliance was significantly associated with group satisfaction, paralleling findings on the topic in the psychotherapy literature. Information from qualitative follow-up questions regarding helpful and unhelpful aspects of LifeRing are also discussed. / Graduate / avsotskova@gmail.com

High-field electron spin resonance in low-dimensional spin systems

Ozerov, Mykhaylo 14 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Due to recent progress in theory and the growing number of physical realizations, low-dimensional quantum magnets continue to receive a considerable amount of attention. They serve as model systems for investigating numerous physical phenomena in spin systems with cooperative ground states, including the field-induced evolution of the ground-state properties and the corresponding rearrangement of their low-energy excitation spectra. This work is devoted to systematic studies of recently synthesized low-dimensional quantum spin systems by means of multi-frequency high-field electron spin resonance (ESR) investigations. In the spin- 1/2 chain compound (C6H9N2)CuCl3 [known as (6MAP)CuCl3] the striking incompatibility with a simple uniform S = 1/2 Heisenberg chain model employed previously is revealed. The observed ESR mode is explained in terms of a recently developed theory, revealing the important role of the alternation and next-nearest-neighbor interactions in this compound. The excitations spectrum in copper pyrimidine dinitrate [PM·Cu(NO3)2(H2O)2]n, an S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain material with alternating g-tensor and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, is probed in magnetic fields up to 63 T. To study the high field behavior of the field-induced energy gap in this material, a multi-frequency pulsed-field ESR spectrometer is built. Pronounced changes in the frequency-field dependence of the magnetic excitations are observed in the vicinity of the saturation field, B ∼ Bs = 48.5 T. ESR results clearly indicate a transition from the soliton-breather to a spin-polarized state with magnons as elementary excitations. Experimental data are compared with results of density matrix renormalization group calculations; excellent agreement is found. ESR studies of the spin-ladder material (C5H12N)2CuBr4 (known as BPCB) completes the determination of the full spin Hamiltonian of this compound. ESR results provide a direct evidence for a pronounced anisotropy in this compound, that is in contrast to fully isotropic spin-ladder model employed previously for BPCB. Our observations can be of particular importance for describing the rich temperature-field phase diagram of this material. The frequency-field diagram of magnetic excitations in the quasi-two dimensional S = 1/2 compound [Cu(C4H4N2)2(HF2)]PF6 in the AFM-ordered state is studied. The AFM gap is observed directly. Using high-field magnetization and ESR results, parameters of the effective spin-Hamiltonian (exchange interaction, anisotropy and g-factor) are obtained and compared with those estimated from thermodynamic properties of this compound.

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