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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sökt och funnen: Den ideala ledaren : Ledarförmågor för att hantera utmaningar i praktiken / Searched and Found: The Ideal Leader

Bäck, Li, Eriksson, Moa, Victorin, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Frågeställning: Vilka ledarförmågor tillämpar ledare för att möta några av de utmaningar som de ställs inför i praktiken? Syfte:  Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och beskriva vilka ledarförmågor som används av ledare i praktiken för att möta och hantera de utmaningar som uppstår inom organisationer. Genom att analysera och jämföra olika teoretiska perspektiv på ledarskap med ledarnas egna uppfattningar och erfarenheter, avser studien att bidra till en mer realistisk och användbar förståelse av vilka ledarförmågor som är efterfrågade och effektiva i dagens arbetsliv. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ dagboksstudie, där deltagarna antecknade dagliga reflektioner kring ledarskapets utmaningar. Utifrån dagboksanteckningarna hölls semistrukturerade intervjuer för att kunna identifiera och analysera vilka förmågor som deltagarna använder för att hantera dessa utmaningar.   Slutsats: Ledarförmågorna som har identifierats är; kommunikativ, närvarande, beslutsfattande och strukturerande. Ledarna har använt kommunikativa färdigheter för att hantera missförstånd och bygga starka teamrelationer   genom öppen och anpassningsbar kommunikation. De har visat vikten av fysisk och mental närvaro för att bygga förtroende och snabbt lösa problem. Vidare har deras beslutsfattande förmåga hjälpt dem navigera genom osäkerhet och fatta strategiska beslut under press. Slutligen har de strukturerat arbetsprocesser och delegerat ansvar effektivt för att hantera komplexa projekt och arbetsbelastningar. Genom att syntetisera dessa förmågor framträder en bild av en ideal ledare som är dynamisk och anpassningsbar, som skapar en miljö av öppen kommunikation, tillit och strukturerad effektivitet. Dessa ledarförmågor är universella och kan anpassas för att möta specifika behov i olika organisatoriska miljöer, vilket resulterar i långsiktig framgång. / Research question: Which leadership skills do leaders apply to address some of the challenges they face in practice? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and describe which leadership skills are used by leaders in practice to meet and manage the challenges that arise within organizations. By analyzing and comparing various theoretical perspectives on leadership with the leaders' own perceptions and experiences, the study aims to contribute to a more realistic and useful  understanding of which leadership skills are in demand and effective in today's working life.  Method:  The study is based on a qualitative diary study, where the participants noted   down daily reflections on the challenges of leadership. Based on the diary notes, semi-structured interviews were held in order to identify and analyze which skills the participants use to deal with these challenges. Conclusion: The leadership skills that have been identified are communicative, present, ability to make decisions and structured. The leaders have used communication skills to manage misunderstandings and build strong team relationships through open and adaptive communication. They have shown the importance of physical and mental presence in building trust and quickly solving problems. Furthermore, their decision-making skills have helped them navigate through uncertainty and make strategic decisions under pressure. Finally, they have structured work processes and delegated responsibilities effectively to manage complex projects and workloads. By synthesizing these skills, an impression of an ideal leader emerges that is dynamic and adaptable, and creates an environment of open communication, trust, and structured effectiveness. These leadership skills are universal and can be adapted to meet specific needs in different organizational settings, resulting in long-term success.

Die verband tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses

Badenhorst, Dina Carolina 30 November 2004 (has links)
The primary aim of this research was to determine whether there is a relation between locus of control, transformational leadership and management success. One hundred and one shift overseers completed selfevaluation questionnaires on locus of control and transformational leadership. Thereafter, in turn, the managers completed evaluation questionnaires on the work performance of the shift overseers. The Pearson correlation coefficient showed statistically significant interrelations between internal locus of control, autonomy and transformational leadership. The three scales of management success also showed a strong positive correlation. Canonical correlations indicated that only one variant could be interpreted and that high internal control and high autonomy are associated with high transformational leadership and laissez faire leadership style. According to the literature overview, a positive relation exists between internal locus of control, transformational leadership and management success as well as organisational performance. An attempt is made to account for these diverse findings in terms of the relevance of a performance model within an organisational context. / Die primere doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om te bepaalof daar 'n verband is tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses. Eenhonderd en een skoftoesighouers het selfbeoordelings-vraelyste oor lokus van beheer en transformasionele leierskap voltooi. Daarna het die bestuurders beoordelingsvraelyste oor die skoftoesighouers se werksprestasie voltooi. Die Pearson korrelasietoets het getoon dat daar statisties beduidende verbande is tussen interne lokus van beheer, outonomie en transformasionele leierskap. Die drie skate van bestuursukses het onderling sterk positief gekorrelleer. Kanoniese korrelasies het aangedui dat slegs een variaat interpreteer kan word en dat hoe interne beheer en hoe outonomie geassosieer is met hoe transformasionele leierskap en lae laissez faire-leierskapstyl. Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar 'n positiewe verband is tussen interne lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses asook organisasie-prestasie. Verklarings vir hierdie teenstellende bevindings word gegee aan die hand van die relevansie van 'n prestasiemodel binne 'n organisasiekonteks. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A school leadership perspective on the role of emotional intelligence in the development of secondary school student leaders

Moosa, Shehnaz Omar 11 1900 (has links)
is imperative for the South African education system to produce youth who are empowered to grow to be leaders of integrity and courage. Student leaders (prefects) face an enormous challenge in trying to persuade peers to be motivated and self-disciplined. The student leaders need to understand themselves as well as their peers in order to make considered responses to their peers. The level of emotional intelligence of student leaders will determine the effectiveness of their response to fellow students (learners) and allow them to fulfil their leadership responsibilities effectively. Emotional intelligence leadership (EIL) profiles were obtained from an emotional intelligence leadership questionnaire, followed by semi-structured interviews which explored the role of emotional intelligence in student leadership. These research techniques allowed the researcher to gain insight into each student leader’s level of emotional functioning as well as to identify emotional intelligence leadership skills that needed to be developed further. The importance of providing training and opportunities to practise leadership skills at school was emphasized. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

The principal as curriculum leader during a time of educational change

October, Sybill Gertrude 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / After the election of the new democratic government in April 1994, bold steps were taken to transform the South African education dispensation, seeking for an appropriate approach to address the educational imbalances of the past. The immense disparity in the provision of education for the vast majority of South Africans was the main reason for educational change. Curriculum reform/educational change emerged as the key focus in restructuring the educational system. A qualitative research design, guided by an interpretive research paradigm, was employed to answer the research question which would be integrated with the aim of the study in a logical way. The aim of the study was to explore how principals experienced their new roles and responsibilities as curriculum leaders and managers in a changing educational system. Data was generated by means of semistructured questions to provide rich descriptions and explanations of how principals experienced educational change in their particular contexts. The literature review revealed that during educational change principals are faced with the challenge to create a climate for change through their particular style of leadership and management, acting as key agents for initiating the desired change, or leading the way as agents of change. Principals, as curriculum leaders, have an important role to play in setting the tone to provide direction, executing their roles as both curriculum leaders and managers and building democratic schools. To keep up and cope effectively with the constant and rapid educational change, principals are also urged to demonstrate positive, supporting leadership and professionalism, and to acquire new learning and thinking skills to manage change. Moreover, by developing a better understanding of change, the principal will be able to give effective direction and empower their staff, guiding and supporting them in the process of accepting change. While leadership skills are essential for providing effective leadership, the leader must also possess a sense of purpose and direction. The challenge is to develop leaders’ sensitivity and knowledge so that they will know when to be directive and when to act within a collaborative framework, or to delegate responsibility to others. The research findings indicated that principals do fulfil their new roles and responsibilities as educational leaders during educational change, but the challenge is to identify adequate approaches and to enhance their professional and personal growth and development. The study concludes by pointing out that although principals perform their roles and meet their responsibilities as curriculum leaders, they still require additional support to execute certain aspects of their duties.

Sėkmingos kaimo turizmo vadybos principai - atvejų analizė Lietuvoje / Successful rural tourism management principles – Lithuania‘s case analysis

Dulko, Ana 20 January 2009 (has links)
Tarptautinio turizmo administravimo baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes pastaraisiais metais kaimo turizmas tapo viena labiausiai plėtojamų veiklų kaime. Kadangi kaimo turizmo rinkoje yra susiduriama su didelę konkurenciją, norint sėkmingai plėtoti sodybos veiklą, tampa aktualu ieškoti naujų, patobulintų vadybos principų. Darbe pabrėžiama, kad sėkminga kaimo turizmo vadyba priklauso nuo atskleistų vadybos principų suderinamumo ir poveikio kryptingumo, kur svarbiausias veiksnys yra savininko autentiškumas, meistriškumas ir sugebėjimai viską sujungti į vieną visumą. Norint pasiekti sėkmės kaimo turizmo versle, reikėtų vadovautis pagrindiniu principu, kuris teigia, kad į kiekvieną žmogų reikia žiūrėti kaip į tikslą savyje, o ne tik kaip priemonę savo tikslams pasiekti. Darbo tyrimo objektas yra kaimo turizmo sėkmingi vadybos principai Darbo tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti taikomų sėkmingos vadybos principų svarbą sodybos veikloje, bei pateikti pasiūlymus vadybos tobulinimui. Darbe iškelta problema, kad egzistuoja sodybos šeimininkų patirties stoka kaimo turizmo versle, nepakanka informacijos, o tai sąlygoja netinkamų vadybos principų pasirinkimą. Magistro baigiamasis darbas susideda iš keturių pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoji – kaimo turizmo sėkmingos vadybos principams nustatyti, teoriniu pagrindu, atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė. Antroji – metodologinė dalis, kur aprašoma kaip vyks tyrimas. Trečioji – tiriamoji dalis, kur anketinės apklausos metodu ištirta aukščiausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of international tourism administration master thesis is of current interest as rural tourism has become one of the most rapidly growing rural activities in recent years. As the rural tourism market faces a strong competition it becomes important to find new, improved management principles in order to successfully develop the homestead activities. The final paper stresses that the successful rural tourism management depends on the coherence of disclosed management principles and impact orientation where the most important factor is the authenticity, excellence of the owner and his ability to merge everything. The basic principle - any person should be seen as a goal itself, but not as means to reach another person’s aims - must be followed if one wants to achieve success in the rural tourism business. Successful rural tourism management principles are described as the object of the research. The target of the research is to estimate successful management principles importance for homestead activities as well as to submit proposals for the management improvement. The problem of the farmstead owners’ lack of experience in the rural tourism business is discussed in the final work homestead. Insufficient information leads to the improper management principles choice. Master's final research paper consists of four main parts. To define successful rural tourism management principles, scientific theoretic literature analysis is provided in the first part. The second part... [to full text]

Die verband tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses

Badenhorst, Dina Carolina 30 November 2004 (has links)
The primary aim of this research was to determine whether there is a relation between locus of control, transformational leadership and management success. One hundred and one shift overseers completed selfevaluation questionnaires on locus of control and transformational leadership. Thereafter, in turn, the managers completed evaluation questionnaires on the work performance of the shift overseers. The Pearson correlation coefficient showed statistically significant interrelations between internal locus of control, autonomy and transformational leadership. The three scales of management success also showed a strong positive correlation. Canonical correlations indicated that only one variant could be interpreted and that high internal control and high autonomy are associated with high transformational leadership and laissez faire leadership style. According to the literature overview, a positive relation exists between internal locus of control, transformational leadership and management success as well as organisational performance. An attempt is made to account for these diverse findings in terms of the relevance of a performance model within an organisational context. / Die primere doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om te bepaalof daar 'n verband is tussen lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses. Eenhonderd en een skoftoesighouers het selfbeoordelings-vraelyste oor lokus van beheer en transformasionele leierskap voltooi. Daarna het die bestuurders beoordelingsvraelyste oor die skoftoesighouers se werksprestasie voltooi. Die Pearson korrelasietoets het getoon dat daar statisties beduidende verbande is tussen interne lokus van beheer, outonomie en transformasionele leierskap. Die drie skate van bestuursukses het onderling sterk positief gekorrelleer. Kanoniese korrelasies het aangedui dat slegs een variaat interpreteer kan word en dat hoe interne beheer en hoe outonomie geassosieer is met hoe transformasionele leierskap en lae laissez faire-leierskapstyl. Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar 'n positiewe verband is tussen interne lokus van beheer, transformasionele leierskap en bestuursukses asook organisasie-prestasie. Verklarings vir hierdie teenstellende bevindings word gegee aan die hand van die relevansie van 'n prestasiemodel binne 'n organisasiekonteks. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A school leadership perspective on the role of emotional intelligence in the development of secondary school student leaders

Moosa, Shehnaz Omar 11 1900 (has links)
is imperative for the South African education system to produce youth who are empowered to grow to be leaders of integrity and courage. Student leaders (prefects) face an enormous challenge in trying to persuade peers to be motivated and self-disciplined. The student leaders need to understand themselves as well as their peers in order to make considered responses to their peers. The level of emotional intelligence of student leaders will determine the effectiveness of their response to fellow students (learners) and allow them to fulfil their leadership responsibilities effectively. Emotional intelligence leadership (EIL) profiles were obtained from an emotional intelligence leadership questionnaire, followed by semi-structured interviews which explored the role of emotional intelligence in student leadership. These research techniques allowed the researcher to gain insight into each student leader’s level of emotional functioning as well as to identify emotional intelligence leadership skills that needed to be developed further. The importance of providing training and opportunities to practise leadership skills at school was emphasized. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

“Att inte reflektera och inte ta åt sig av feedback är ett recept för att inte utvecklas” : Berättelser och lärdomar från ledarnas verklighet

Wendt, Josephine, Sandberg Magnusson, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka och skapa förståelse kring processerna för hur ledare lär sig vara ledare. Studien har som ambition att undersöka vad ledarna har lärt sig och hur dessa lärprocesser skett i ledarnas vardag. Nio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med etablerade ledare inom olika branscher. En tematisk analys skildrade hur erfarenheter genom handlande i vardagen tillsammans med reflektion var de främsta processerna som ansetts avgörande för hur ledarna lärt sig vara ledare. Dessutom har villkor som viljan att leda och viljan att lära haft en central roll. Resultatet visade att förmågor som studien tolkar som mer mjuka värden har utvecklats över tid hos ledarna. Ledarna indikerar att personlig mognad, erfarenhet, reflektion och en vilja att lära varit bidragande till deras lärande och utveckling. / The purpose of the study is to investigate and create an understanding of the processes by which leaders learn to be leaders. The study also aims to examine what the leaders have learned and how these learning processes have occurred in the leaders' everyday lives. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with established leaders in various industries. A thematic analysis depicted how experiences through actions in everyday life together with reflection were the main processes considered decisive for how the leaders learned to be leaders. In addition, conditions such as the will to lead and the will to learn have played a central role. The result showed that abilities that the study interprets as softer values have developed over time in the leaders. The leaders indicate that personal maturity, experience, reflection and a willingness to learn contributed to their learning and development.

Leierskapontwikkeling in klein landelike gemeentes van die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider-Afrika

Du Preez, Johannes Lodewickes Christoffel 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The URCSA's synod of Northern Transvaal consists of 128 congregations of which 48 are at present without a minister. Of the 48 congregations, 23 are small rural congregations. This does not include the numerous ward churches of large rural congregations that are in essence also small congregations. The URCSA has two historical legacies; namely, material poverty and the Presbyterian form of church governance known as the tipple office-bearers' doctrine (manus triplex) with a built-in hierarchy that affords pastors a prominent leadership role in congregations. The assumption can thus be made that each congregation should have a church council and pastor. As small rural congregations cannot afford the expense of their own minister, they therefore have to cope without one. Against this background one must understand the importance of elders in small rural congregations of the URCSA where the role of pastor is assumed and performed by elders, yet without any official training. This compels the church to probe alternative ways to become a pastor. The former DRMC and DRCA subscribed to an ecclesiastical practise whereby proven church leaders could be admitted as pastors on the grounds of their unique spiritual gifts. This practise has been accepted by the general synod of the URCSA. It is clear from this empirical study that the top leadership of the URCSA should adapt this accepted practise to accommodate the situation of the rural congregations. The possible synthesis of the apprentice, in-service-training, and tent-making models as general models for ministerial training amongst Protestants in the past, could pave the way for an adapted Pauline tent-maker model that will lead to the admittance of proven local church leaders as pastors in the URCSA's rural ward churches and small congregations. The prevailing situation of the rural church necessitates this mode of ministry as a supplementary alternative to the existing training of ministers. As it addresses a critical situation, it does not stand in opposition to the full-time ministry or the thorough theological training of especially the younger people. What does emerge from the context of the rural church, is the need for both modes of ministry. / Practical Theology / D.Th.

Nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung / Sustainable Competency Development – Concepts, Guiding Principles and Experiences in Qualifying Young Scientists at Saxon Universities

13 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Mit diesem Buch werden zum einen die Tagung der Kompetenzschulen an sächsischen Hochschulen, die am 30. Mai 2013 mit dem Thema „Nachhaltigkeit – Eine Leitidee in der Weiterbildung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses“ an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg stattfand, und zum anderen die Projektergebnisse der sächsischen ESF-geförderten Kompetenzschulen dokumentiert. Die zentrale Diskussionsfrage lautet, in welcher Form eine nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses an sächsischen Hochschulen erfolgen kann. Dabei wird der Begriff der nachhaltigen Kompetenzentwicklung unter zwei unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten erörtert: Wie können wichtige Schlüsselkompetenzen bei Promovierenden nachhaltig, im Sinne von beruflich zukünftig relevant und anwendbar entwickelt werden? Und wie können darüber hinaus Kompetenzen entwickelt werden, die zu einem ökologisch, ökonomisch bzw. sozial nachhaltigen Handeln anregen? Im Kontext dieser zwei Fragestellungen wird die Rolle der sächsischen Kompetenzschulen diskutiert, deren Ziel in einer über die fachliche Qualifizierung hinausgehenden Kompetenzentwicklung in den Bereichen arbeitsmarktrelevanter Schlüssel- und Führungskompetenzen liegt. Dazu geben sechs geförderte Kompetenzschulprojekte Einblick in ihre strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen, inhaltlichen Schwerpunktsetzungen sowie Best-Practice-Erfahrungen, welche jeweils eine nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung für die Promovierenden an der entsprechenden Hochschule fördern sollen. Des Weiteren berichten Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden über ihre Erfahrungen in Bezug auf ihre persönliche Weiterentwicklung und beurteilen die Angebote der Kompetenzschulen aus ihrer jeweils individuellen Perspektive. Eingebettet wird die Rolle der Kompetenzschulen dabei in die Diskussion der Fragestellung, welche Kompetenzen Promovierende benötigen, um „fit“ für die Zukunft zu sein. Dabei wird neben den zentralen Schlüsselqualifikationen auch die Bedeutung solcher Kompetenzen erörtert, die ein ökologisch, ökonomisch sowie sozial nachhaltiges Handeln ermöglichen. / This book summarizes the key outcomes of a conference on „Sustainability as a guiding principle in qualifying young scientists“. In May 2013 the conference was held at TU Bergakademie Freiberg as a joint event of all Competence Schools in Saxony. It also documents the overall project results achieved within these six Saxon Competence Schools, which are funded by the European Social Fund. The central question being discussed is how young scientists’ skills can be developed sustainably at Saxon universities. The term “sustainable competency development” is used to refer to two different aspects: (1) How can key competencies that are important for young scientists be developed in a sustainable manner? Sustainable is here understood as relevant and practically-oriented with regard to young scientists’ future professional life and career. And (2) how can young scientists be enabled to act ecologically, economically as well as socially sustainable? Referring to these two questions the role of Saxon Competence Schools is being discussed which aim at qualifying young scientists in skills that are particularly relevant for the labour market – key and leadership competencies – apart from their expert qualification. For this purpose six funded Competence Schools deliver insights into their structural conditions and their main focusses as well as their best-practice experiences that are meant to enable a sustainable competency development for young scientists at their universities. Furthermore doctoral candidates report on their experiences regarding their personal development and evaluate the competence schools’ offers based on their individual perspective. The role of Competence Schools is additionally discussed concerning the question, which skills young scientists need in order to be well-prepared for future challenges. This question not only focuses on key competencies, but also on the importance of those competencies that enable young scientists to act in an ecologically, economically as well as socially sustainable way.

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