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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors related to technology implementation of K-12 principals and teachers.

Moses, Rhonda René 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between principals' leadership styles and principals'/teachers' implementation of technology. The Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptability Description (LEAD) Self was used to identify the primary and secondary leadership styles of principals. The Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi) Questionnaire was used to identify the level of technology implementation (LoTi), personal computer use (PCU) and current instructional practice (CIP) scores for both teachers and principals. Data collected from 390 K-12 teachers and 22 principals of three large suburban districts in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex was included in data analysis. The findings suggest that differing leadership styles do play a role in the LoTi, PCU, and CIP scores among teachers. Based on descriptive statistics it was determined that teachers with "participating" principals had higher mean LoTi and PCU scores than those with "telling" and "selling" principals. The difference in the mean PCU scores was statistically significant (p<.05) for teachers with "selling" and "participating" principals. Results also showed there was a statistical significance (p<.05) in the mean PCU and CIP scores of teachers working for principals with weak and high adaptability. Due to the low number of principals participating in this study, there is a need to conduct the same research using a larger more diverse sample of principals. The majority of principals in this study had either a primary leadership style of "participating" and a secondary leadership style of "selling" or vice versa. A larger population of principals would hopefully allow for the study of additional leadership styles and their effect on teacher use and implementation of technology.

Ledarskap inom sjöfarten : En studie om framtida befäls syn på ledarskap

Nilsson, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vilken typ av ledarskapsstil avgångsstudenter från det fyraåriga sjökaptensprogrammet i Kalmar anser att ett bra fartygsbefäl bör besitta, och undersöka hur det överensstämmer med vad för typ av ledarskapsstilar ett rederier söker hos sina befäl. Metoden som användes för denna studie var kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av sjöbefälsstudenterna är eniga om att ett bra fartygsbefäl skall ha ett öppet ledarskap där man behandlar sina medarbetare jämlikt och kan ta emot kritik. Det är samtidigt viktigt att kunna sätta ner foten och visa vem som har befälet vid beslutsfattande. Rederierna beskriver att det ledarskap dom söker hos sina befäl skall vara ett tydligt men anpassningsbart ledarskap, med olika typer av ledarskap vid olika tillfällen. / This study aims to find out which style of leadership graduating students from the four- year Nautical Science Programme in Kalmar believe that a good ship officer should possess, and examine how it corresponds to the style of leadership a shipping company seeks from its officers. When the interviews were completed, the interview results were analyzed and compared with the theories of leadership. The results showed that the majority of the students agree to that a good ship officer should have an open leadership where you treat your employees equally and can receive criticism. Simultaneously, it is important to be able to show who is in charge of decision-making. The shipping companies describe that the leadership they seek from their officers must be a distinctly but adaptable leadership, with different types of leadership at different times.

The effect of leadership on the innovation and organizational performance of employees : A survey within technical sector companies

Fonias, Efstratios, Rocklind, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Background: At present, the level of globalisation in technological companies requires them to incorporate innovation to retain their position and move forward and grow. In this direction, a successful leader can prove beneficial in order to help the company evolve and flourish. A leader capable of boosting an innovative spirit among the employees and motivate them to strive for the welfare of the organisation can result in increased organisational performance. This terms are not separate from each other. Leadership, employee motivation, innovative spirit and organisational performance are interconnected and they constitute key elements for ensuring the positive future of every company.Objectives: The present study aims at investigating whether and how participative leadership and transactional leadership can affect the innovation and motivation of employees and by extension whether they can affect the organisational performance. Methodology: This thesis utilises a quantitative approach for data collection and data analysis. A structural equation model (SEM) has been created for the investigation. Employees of tech companies in Sweden and Belgium have been requested to answer an online questionnaire using Google forms. The employees of the companies hold different positions, educational backgrounds and professional experience. A total of 200 answers has been collected and analysed using STATA software both quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: The results of the present study showed that there is a strong relationship with transactional leader with regards to stimulating the motivation of employees along with their innovative spirit. This can by extension result in improving organisational performance. Conclusions: The thesis showed that a common leadership style in tech companies, transactional leadership, can contribute in engaging employees to demonstrate a rather innovative attitude, be motivated and improve significantly organisational performance. The effect of transactional leadership needs to be directed through goals and rewards that increase motivation and innovation to have a positive impact on organisational performance, wrong goals and rewards can instead be seen as having a negative impact. Recommendations for future research: Future work could be focused on applying the present model in different sectors and industries. In addition, different leadership styles could be examined that are more fitting to the industry under investigation. Finally, applying the current model in different or broader sample or adding different constructs could be a rather interesting starting point for future research.

Hållbarhet och hållbart ledarskap inom två svenska kommuner : Hur arbetar två svenska kommuner med hållbarhet inom perspektiven miljö, socialt och ekonomiskt?

Skyman, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning  Titel: Hållbarhet och hållbart ledarskap inom två svenska kommuner Ämne: Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi inriktning ledarskap, 15 hp Författare: Jacob Skyman Nyckelord: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Leadership, Sustainable Leadership styles, CSR accountability, Sustainability, Offentlig sektor, Hållbart ledarskap.  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra, beskriva hur två kommuner arbetar med hållbarhet utifrån miljö, socialt, ekonomiskt, därefter konkretisera eventuella skillnader och likheter mellan det hållbara ledarskapet. Metod: Denna studie har genomförts som en kvalitativ forskningsstudie. Författaren skriver studien utifrån en subjektiv världsbild och ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Studien har en abduktiv forskningsansats. Empirin har insamlats genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och litteraturstudien grundade sig i att samla in teori från forskningsstudier.  Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att kommunerna arbetar på likartat sätt med frågan om hållbarhet inom de tre perspektiven. Kommunerna gör övergripande handslag inom den styrande politiska sektorn och arbetar långsiktigt. Kommunerna har liknande storlek utifrån befolkningsmängd, näringsliv, möjlighet till högre utbildning och fungerar som mindre regionala nav. Sammantaget kan detta innebära att andra kommuner av samma storlek kan antas ha liknande struktur för arbetet med hållbarhet och hållbart ledarskap. De kommunala bolagen som undersöktes i respektive kommun agerar på olika sätt. Det undersökta kommunala bolaget i Halmstad handlar mycket utifrån egna principer kring hållbarhet. Däremot agerar detundersökta bolaget i Kristianstad utifrån de hållbarhetspolicys som sätts centralt inom kommunen. Det finns även flertal likheter i det hållbara ledarskapet mellan kommunerna.Utifrån hållbarhetsegenskaperna menar samtliga respondenter att positivitet är en av de viktigaste egenskaperna.

Leadership in times of terrorism threat : An Analysis of George W. Bush’s and Barack Obama’s leadership qualities concerning counterterrorism

Stier, Luisa January 2020 (has links)
While the US-presidency comprises the most powerful office of leadership in the world and has also been investigated at various angles in personal, biographical approaches as well as comparative studies, this research paper specifically lays focus and compares the two presidencies of President Bush and President Obama in regard of their leadership qualities and counter-terrorism strategies. Because counterterrorism seems to be a good example of how presidents perform crises-management and because the subject by itself is critical in the perspective of human rights and security concerns, the research paper has chosen to focus on President Bush and President Obama who are known to have chosen different routes and strategies in countering terrorism. However, when comparing the two presidents’ leadership qualities regarding their counter-terrorism strategies, this paper concludes that on this matter the strategies of the two presidents were not quite so different as expected and a possible path of continuity runs through this realm of US-foreign affairs and presidents’ leadership decisions.

Ledares egenskaper för ett framgångsrikt resultat : En studie om män och kvinnor i ledarroller / Leaders’ qualities for a successful result : A study of men and women in leadership roles

Vänelid, Victor, Waltin, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Den ökande jämställdheten i samhället har medfört förändringar i ledande positioner. Detta har skapat en osäkerhet inför ett främmande ledarskap där manligt ledarskap tidigare varit norm. Frågan har därför väckts om vilka skillnader som finns mellan manliga och kvinnliga ledare samt hur dessa grupper ställs mot varandra. Forskningen har inte nått koncensus i frågan huruvida det finns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor som ledare. Detta har skapat en möjlighet att bidra till ämnet vilket underbyggs av samtida forskare som förklarar att det behövs ytterligare forskning inom området kön och ledarskap för att utveckla förståelsen.  Kärnan i ledarskap i organisationer ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv är att skapa förutsättningar för att gemensamt uppnå mål. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur ledarskap hos män och kvinnor tar sig uttryck förklarat med hjälp av olika ledarstilars egenskaper för att uppnå ett framgångsrikt resultat. Tidigare forskning om ledarskap hos män och kvinnor i kombination med teoretiska modeller om ledarstilar har använts för att uppnå syftet. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med ledare inom ett privat vinstdrivande detaljhandelsföretag samlades empiri in för att svara på de forskningsfrågor som formulerats utifrån syftet. Data från intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och kodades utifrån forskningsfrågorna. Utöver teman förankrade i forskningsfrågorna framkom även andra teman som relaterats till företagsekonomi och med hjälp av grundad teori kodades innehållet. Resultatet visade bland annat att informanternas ledarskap tog sig uttryck genom ledarstilarna demokratiskt, tranformativt, karismatiskt och situationsanpassat ledarskap. Utöver dessa analyserades informanternas svar i relation till ett flertal andra ledarstilars egenskaper, men en reflektion var att verksamhetens sätt att organisera sig skulle kunna påverka vilka ledaregenskaper som kommer till uttryck. Till skillnad från delar av den tidigare forskning som använts till underlag för studien påvisade resultatet inte några skillnader mellan manliga och kvinnliga informanter i deras ledaregenskaper. Utifrån de undersökta ledarstilarna går det att dra slutsatser om vilka egenskaper som kan anses fördelaktiga för ett framgångsrikt ledarskap. Slutsatsen av undersökningen visade att egenskaperna: Involverande, relationsorienterad, utmanande och att vara flexibel i sitt ledarskap är mest fördelaktiga för att uppnå ett framgångsrikt resultat. / The increasing gender equality in society has led to changes in leadership. This has created uncertainty regarding unfamiliar leadership where male leadership previously has been the norm. The question has therefore been raised about the differences between male and female leaders as well as how these groups are set against each other. Research has not yet reached consensus on the question of whether there are differences between men and women as leaders. This has created an opportunity to contribute to the subject, which is supported by contemporary researchers who explain that further research in the field of gender and leadership is needed to develop understanding. The essence of leadership in organizations from a business economics perspective is to create the conditions for cooperatively achieving goals. The purpose of the study is to understand how leadership of men and women is expressed using the characteristics of different leadership styles to achieve successful results. Previous research on leadership of men and women in combination with theoretical models of leadership styles has been used to achieve the purpose. Through qualitative interviews with leaders within a private for-profit retail company, empirical data was collected to answer the research questions formulated based on the purpose. The data from the interviews were analyzed with the help of a qualitative content analysis and coded based on the research questions. In addition to themes rooted in the research questions, there were also other themes related to business administration and with the help of grounded theory theses where also coded. The results showed, among other things, that the informants' leadership was expressed through the leadership styles democratic, transformative, charismatic, and situational leadership model. In addition to these, the informants' answers were analyzed in relation to several other leadership style characteristics, but a reflection was that the business's way of organizing itself could affect which leadership qualities are expressed. Unlike parts of the previous research used as a basis for the study, the results did not show any differences between male and female informants in their leadership characteristics. The conclusion of the study showed that the qualities: Engaging, relationship-oriented, challenging and being flexible in their leadership are most favorable to achieve successful results.

Football coaches’ awareness and implementation of team dynamics

Kaprálková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
AbstractTitle:Football coaches’ awareness and implementation of team dynamicsObjectives: This research aims to explore, based on the in-depth interviews with Czech male football coaches, how the football coaches work with team dynamics and its principles, during recruitment/transfers, training process, and specific situations, and potentially ascertain what are the obstacles for the team dynamics principles implementation.Methods:The primary method used in this research is the qualitative method of semistructured in-depth interviews. Research is focused on the population of male Czech football coaches with at least half a year of experience. The research sample consists of 7 respondents. The data are proceeded according to GDPR and anonymized. For the data interpretation, the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is used. Results:The respondents are aware of team cohesion, climate, and synergy and understand the importance of team dynamics in general. If it is possible, the coaches look at the players' psychological characteristics and consider them in relation to the rest of the team and even their potential behavior. The coaches’ behavior and interventions differ based on the situation. However, they tend not to intervene much, and they also don't use almost any analytical tools in terms of team dynamics. That can be caused by many factors such as they perceived the team dynamics as part of psychology, which according to this research, might be perceived as a tool for problem treatment, not as a preventive tool. There are also some structural barriers such as unclear club concept, unclear competency among the responsible, not enough emphasis on team dynamics during the licenses education and players’ agents pressure, as well as language barrier, which seems to prevent successful implementation of foreign players. The respondents tend to rationalize some of the problems. Keywords:cohesion, team climate, synergy, competencies, recruitment, training process, leadership styles, systematical obstacles, barriers

Företagsledarens roll vid riskhantering i en tjänstefierad organisation. / The company manager’s risk management role in a service-based organization.

Eskilstorp, Johanna, Widman, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Background and problem More and more companies are now developing from only delivering a single product to now also deliver services. These transformations into servitization bring both risks and benefits to companies making the transition. The benefits of servitization is a well-defined area in the academic literature. A few identified authors describe a gap in the literature around risk management of servitization, with special emphasis on how the role of leaders is important for servitization risk management. The study is based on the problematization of how leaders handle and act when incurring the risk that may arise in the implementation of service logic. Aim The purpose of this study is to investigate how business leaders within finance, strategy, and organizational development manage the risks associated with servitization in manufacturing companies. Method and Theory The theoretical framework is based on the current academic literature on risk management and leadership. The theory is based on two essential areas, risk management strategies and leadership styles. Where it provides a basic understanding of the subject and focuses on six main strategies and three essential leadership styles to manage the risks that may arise with servitization. Our conclusions have been reached by performing a qualitative study. The data collection was conducted through nine semi-structured interviews from seven different manufacturing companies. The data has been analyzed through thematic analysis which forms the basis for the study's conclusions. Findings The findings show that the risks that are identified in the study are categorized into five types, business risk, quality and competence, short-term customer relationship, brand, and culture. The result also shows that the most commonly used leadership style is participatory and relationship-based leadership style. The main risk management strategy was focused on the risks facing the sales team at the company and managing the customer relationship. The conclusion, therefore, justifies that participation- and relationship-oriented leadership is the most prevalent leadership, where all types of risk management strategies are represented. Educational- and integrative risk management strategies are most prevalent in all three leadership styles and are used to manage the greatest risk. / Bakgrund och problemdiskussion Att övergå från att vara ett produktbaserat företag till att även erhålla tjänster har en alltmer framträdande roll i samhället. Fördelarna med tjänstefiering finns representerade i litteraturen och är ett väl omskrivet område. Vissa av litteraturens författare skriver att de finner en saknad vid riskhantering av tjänstefiering, med särskild vikt för hur ledarnas roll är betydandeför tjänstefieringens riskhantering. Studien grundas i problematiseringen kring hur ledarna hanterar och agerar vid de risker som kan att uppstå vid en implementering av tjänstelogik. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur företagsledare med uppgifter inom ekonomi, strategi eller organisationsutveckling hanterar risk vid tjänstefiering i tillverkande företag. Metod och teori Det teoretiska ramverket utformas efter en övergripande bild av riskhantering och ledarskap. Teorin utgår ifrån två väsentliga aspekter, riskhanteringsstrategier och ledarskapsstilar. Där en grundläggande förståelse inom ämnet delges, vilken inriktar sig på sex huvudsakliga strategier och tre väsentliga ledarskapsstilar för att hantera riskerna som kan uppstå vid en tjänstefiering. Studien genomförs med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Datainsamlingen harutförts genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer i sju tillverkande företag. Datamaterialet haranalyserats genom tematisk analys vilket vidare ligger till grund för studiens slutsatser. Resultat Studiens resultat visar på att de risker som identifierats kan kategoriseras till fem typer, affärsrisk, kvalité och kompetens, kortsiktig kundrelation, varumärke och kultur. Resultatet påvisar även att den ledarstil som används mest är deltagande- och relationsbaserad ledarstil. Den främsta riskhanteringsstrategin framgick till att vara inriktad på de risker som säljteamet på företaget står inför samt hur kundrelationer hanteras. Slutsatsen motiveras därför till attdeltagande- och relationsorienterat ledarskap är det mest förekommande ledarskapet, där allatyper av riskhanteringsstrategier är representerade. Utbildande- och integreranderiskhanteringsstrategier är mest förekommande i alla tre ledarskapsstilar och används för att hantera de största riskerna.

Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover in the Hotel Industry

Cronin, Brendan 01 January 2018 (has links)
Hotel leaders face reduced profitability because of high employee turnover. Using Herzberg's 2-factor theory as the conceptual framework, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that some hotel human resources managers used to reduce employee turnover. Data were collected from 5 hotel human resources managers in Massachusetts through face-to-face, semistructured interviews and a review of company documents. Data analysis using Yin's 5-step process of compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and developing data-based conclusions resulted in 3 emergent themes: a retention strategy, a compensation strategy, and a training and development strategy. The findings indicated that the employee recruitment process, fair employee compensation and benefits, a focus on employee development, and recognition and appreciation of employees were pivotal strategies human resources managers used to reduce employee turnover. The findings may be valuable to hotel general managers, human resources managers, authors of training manuals, and hiring managers for creating strategies to reduce employee turnover. The implications for positive social change include the potential for hotel general managers to lower unemployment rates and improve the quality of life for the local community through lower employee turnover.

Framgångsfaktorer för ledare inom äldreomsorgen i relation till medarbetares arbetstillfredsställelse : En kvantitativ studie ur medarbetarnas perspektiv

Drake af Hagelsrum, Louise, Olsson, Josefina January 2023 (has links)
Kommunal äldreomsorg står inför utmaningar kommande år. Prognoser pekar på att det kommer råda personalbrist med ett ökat behov av undersköterskor och vårdbiträden inom äldreomsorgen till följd av fler äldre i behov av stöd och omsorg. För att behålla kompetent personal och skapa en hälsosam arbetsplats där medarbetare upplever god arbetstillfredsställelse kan ledarskapet spela en viktig roll. Syftet med vår studie är att kartlägga vilka egenskaper som anses fördelaktiga för en ledare att besitta utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv. Datamaterialet grundas på enkätsvar från totalt 128 respondenter (106 medarbetare, 22 chefer). Resultatet analyseras utifrån arbetstillfredsställelse och ledarstilar som teoretiskt ramverk samt tidigare forskning. Resultatet visar att ledarstilen som tenderar att verka övervägande positivt ur medarbetarnas perspektiv var den transaktionella ledarstilen. Däremot visar resultatet att cheferna övervägande skattar sig som transformativa med en tro om hög arbetstillfredsställelse hos medarbetarna. Resultatet från cheferna visar dessutom att den transaktionella ledarstilen har ett positivt samband med skattad arbetstillfredsställelse. Utöver det visade resultatet att fler medarbetare hade en större vilja att avsluta sin anställning om chefen var kvinna. Studiens slutsats är att det transaktionella ledarskapet är att föredra ur ett medarbetarperspektiv där fokus är på straff och belöning. Utöver det indikerar resultatet att en framgångsfaktor inom äldreomsorgen är att rekrytera manliga chefer för att behålla medarbetare. Till sist har en tydlig invändning mot ledarstilen laissez-faire i relation till arbetstillfredsställelse kunnat presenteras utifrån såväl medarbetare som chefer inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen. / Elderly care in Sweden faces challenges in the coming years. Forecasts indicate that there will be a shortage of staff in elderly care as a result of more older people in need of support. In order to retain competent staff and create a healthy workplace, where employees experience good job satisfaction, leadership can act as an important part. The purpose of this study is to map qualities considered advantageous for a leader to possess from an employee perspective. The data material is based on survey responses from a total of 128 respondents (106 employees, 22 managers). The results are analyzed based on job satisfaction and leadership styles as a theoretical framework as well as previous research. The results show that the leadership style, which tends to seem predominantly positive from the perspective of the employees, was the transactional leadership style. However, the results show that managers predominantly rate themselves as transformative with a belief in high job satisfaction among employees. The results from the managers also show that the transactional leadership style has a positive correlation with estimated job satisfaction. In addition, the results regarding employees' willingness to resign (turnover) and whether their manager was a woman or a man was distinctive. The results showed that more employees had a greater willingness to terminate their employment if the manager was a woman. The study's conclusion is that transactional leadership is preferable from an employee perspective where the focus is on punishment and reward. In addition to that, the result indicates that a success factor in elderly care is to recruit male managers to retain employees. Finally, a clear objection to the leadership style of Laissez-Faire in relation to job satisfaction could be presented from the perspective of both employees and managers in municipal elderly care.

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