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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Esta pesquisa se insere dentro da área do Design Didático, tendo sido realizada no Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos - INES, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e teve por objetivo investigar a utilização de histórias interativas, no caso, o Role Playing Game, como estímulo a aquisição da língua portuguesa oral e escrita, por crianças portadoras de deficiência auditiva. Esta pesquisa incluiu um trabalho de campo em sala de aula e objetivou criar um artefato de Design para utilização neste espaço com o propósito de estimular a aprendizagem dos alunos. / [en] This research falls within the area of Teach and Learn Design, was made in the National Institute for the Education of the Deaf - INES, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and its objective was to investigate the use of interactive stories, in this case, Role Playing Game, as a way to stimulate the acquisition of the written and oral Portuguese language by children bearing hearing disabilities. This research included field work in classrooms and intended to create a Design artifact to be used in this environment with the purpose of stimulating the students' learning skills.

Aulas práticas em ciências como auxílio à aprendizagem : um estudo com alunos do ensino fundamental

Guedes, Cícera Alves January 2016 (has links)
No contexto atual, o ensino de ciências favorece a construção de conteúdo, o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências próprias para a formação da cidadania. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho fundamente-se na observação por uma prévia teorização em sala, possibilitando despertar no educando o senso de responsabilidade para uma futura intervenção e transformação do seu meio. A pesquisa aborda as contribuições da aula de campo parceira na construção do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos educandos. O trabalho é resultado de questionários aplicados a 5 professores (3 do Fundamental I e 2 Fundamental II) e, 56 alunos do Fundamental I 5º ano. Os dados mostraram que os professores consideram a aula de campo uma boa estratégia metodológica no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Destarte, através dos questionários aplicados, antes da aula prática na área de Caatinga, os alunos assinalaram duas ou mais opções negativas, demonstrando senso comum e mostrando noções estereotipado da mesma a partir do conhecimento dela pelos meios de comunicação. Entretanto, após a aula de campo, as opções assinaladas diminuíram consideravelmente, alguns continuam com a ideia de que não gostariam de morar na Caatinga, demonstrando que os mesmos não se veem como parte integrante desse ambiente e, infelizmente uma aula de campo não é suficiente para desmistificar essa visão pré-concebida Assim, há a necessidade de a aula prática (de campo) sobre os ecossistemas locais deixem de ser um momento pontual, e venha a fazer parte, algum dia, regularmente do ensino nas escolas do município do Crato- Ceará, levando os educandos dessa região, desde o Ensino Fundamental a compreender a importância da Caatinga para poder viver melhor nela e com ela. Esse é um problema que só poderá ser resolvido pelo poder público. Desta forma, notou-se um ganho no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, além de um aumento da autoestima dos educandos a partir da comparação dos desenhos por eles realizados para representar a caatinga. Portanto, o referido trabalho pretende contribuir como elemento formador dos futuros pesquisadores da área ou aqueles que pretende transformar suas aulas mais dinâmicas e produtivas. / In the current context, the teaching of Science favors the construction of the subject, the development of skills and proper competences to the formation of citizenship. In this perspective, the work has its fundament in the observation for a previous theory in class, allowing the awakening of a sense of responsibility in the learner for a future intervention and transformation of his environment. The work discusses the contributions of a practical field class, as a partner in the construction of a teaching process and student learning. The work is a result of questionnaires applied to 5 teachers (3 from Elementary School and 2 from Middle School and to 56 students from 5th grade). The data shows that teachers consider practical outdoor class a good strategy in the process of teaching and learning. Thus, by the questionnaires applied before the practical field class in the Caatinga Biome area, the students pointed out two or more negative options, demonstrating common sense and showing stereotyped notions of it based on their knowledge of the media. However, after the field lesson, the options indicated have decreased considerably, some continue with the idea that they would not like to live in the Caatinga, demonstrating that they do not see themselves as an integral part of this environment and, unfortunately, a field class is not enough to demystify this preconceived vision Thus, there is a need for a practical (field) class on local ecosystems stop being an occasional moment, and becoming a regular part of teaching in schools in Crato-Ceará, taking students from that region, since Elementary School, to understand the importance of the Caatinga in order to live better in it and with it. This is a problem that can only be solved by the governement. In this way, a gain was observed in the teaching and learning process, as well as an increase in the students' self-esteem, based on the comparison of the drawings they made to represent the Caatinga. Therefore, this work intends to contribute as a formative element of the future researchers of the area or those who intend to transform their classes in more dynamic and productive ones.

Os impactos do uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação durante a ressocialização de sujeitos adictos em álcool e drogas em vulnerabilidade social através da qualificação para o trabalho / The impacts of the use of information technologies and communication in the rehabilitation of individuals addicted to alcohol and drugs against social vulnerability through the qualification for the job

Albuquerque, Rodney Cezar de January 2012 (has links)
Considerando o crescente problema de saúde pública relacionado à dependência química em crack e à proliferação de locais conhecidos no Brasil como cracolândias, esta tese visa estudar o impacto do uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no processo de ressocialização, especificamente através do desenvolvimento de um exclusivo objeto de aprendizagem, aplicado em uma comunidade terapêutica, com um grupo de toxicômanos em álcool e drogas em vulnerabilidade social. O presente trabalho objetiva identificar se, ao manipularem tal software, os drogadictos são capazes de apontar alguma diferença significativa entre as características do modelo proposto, levando em consideração que sua interface foi construída com a apropriação de valores apontados como relevantes durante entrevistas, tanto pelos adictos em recuperação, quanto pelos demais profissionais, em uma investigação-piloto realizada no Rio Grande do Sul. Em São Paulo, após a construção do objeto de aprendizagem, construído no modelo OASIS – Objeto de Aprendizagem Significativa de Informação para Sociedade, durante diferentes meses e com um novo grupo de voluntários, foram propostas e testadas hipóteses relacionadas à percepção dos sujeitos sobre os elementos que compõem este objeto de aprendizagem. Por fim, espera-se que a experiência possa despertar novas pesquisas nesta temática para que a aplicação das orientações contidas na construção desse software possa ser expandida. / Given the growing public health problem related to crack addiction, and the proliferation of places known in Brazil as “Cracolândias”, this thesis proposes to study the impact of the use of information and communication technologies, specifically through the development of an exclusive learning object during the process of rehabilitation in a therapeutic community - a group of addicts in drug and alcohol in social vulnerability through training to work – making use of professional education videos. Thus, this study aims to determine if, when manipulating such software, drug addicts are able to point, or not, any significant difference between the characteristics of the proposed model, considering that its interface was built upon values considered relevant during the interviews, both by recovering addicts as well as by other professionals in a research pilot in Rio Grande do Sul. After construction of the learning object, the research continued in São Paulo for several months with a new group of volunteers. This research proposes and tests hypotheses related to the perception of the subjects on the elements that make up this learning object model built in OASIS - Significant Learning Objects for Information Society. Finally, it is expected that this experience may trigger new research related to this issue, in which the application of the guidelines contained in the construction of such software can be expanded.

Alunos e professores fazendo geografia : a rede ressignificando informações

Goulart, Ligia Beatriz January 2011 (has links)
A tese analisa como a Pedagogia de Projetos interfere na aprendizagem dos alunos e da professora e nas práticas pedagógicas de Geografia. Nesse trabalho, utilizo a metáfora da organização de um projeto para construir a pesquisa. Inicio construindo a mobilização em um capítulo em que explico o sentido de escolher o portfólio como instrumento para coleta de dados e encaminho a discussão dos referenciais teóricos a partir dos quais fundamentei o estudo − as ideias de Hernandez, Levy, Maturana, Villas Boas, Callai e Cavalcanti. Em seguida, examino a prática do trabalho com Pedagogia de Projetos e as desestabilizações que esse trabalho produziu em minhas certezas, destacando a leitura e escrita como inibidores do ensinar Geografia, as fragilidades pedagógicas camufladas pela indisciplina e os questionamentos sobre ensinar ou aprender a Geografia. Ainda nesse capítulo, destaco a Pedagogia de Projetos e suas articulações com a Geografia, bem como as aprendizagens produzidas no movimento das interações com os portfólios dos alunos e os bilhetes da professora. No capítulo final, estabeleço uma conversa com os pensamentos que me produziram, para examinar os deslocamentos pedagógicos gerados pelos projetos de pesquisa, às vezes impulsionando, outras vezes inibindo as ações do professor. O caminho dessa investigação não se constituiu de forma linear. Como na lógica dos projetos de pesquisa, foram construídas redes, exibidas no emaranhado de idas e vindas que articularam os achados coletados nos diferentes instrumentos: portfólios dos alunos e da professora pesquisadora, cadernos informais de registro de conversas com colegas e outros professores, relatórios de pesquisa dos alunos e os planejamentos, tanto da proposta, quanto das aulas. A execução da Pedagogia de Projetos gerou deslocamentos em dois sentidos: aqueles que pontuaram sua validade e alcance em relação à contemporaneidade e os que criaram desestabilizações à efetivação da proposta, imobilizando algumas ações. Esses deslocamentos produziram três eixos que merecem ser destacados como aprendizagens emanadas da pesquisa: a formação, o ensinar e aprender Geografia e as práticas contemporâneas. Os escritos no portfólio produziram um processo reflexivo importante para reorganizar as ações pedagógicas, compreender as atitudes dos alunos, repensar minhas certezas em relação à Pedagogia de Projetos e estabelecer estratégias de atuação na escola, definindo avanços e recuos. / This thesis analyzes the way that Project Pedagogy interferes in both students‟ and a teacher‟s learning as well as in the pedagogical practices in Geography. In this work, I used the metaphor of the organization of a project to construct the research. I started constructing mobilization, in a chapter that explains the meaning of choosing the portfolio as an instrument for data collection, and discusses the theoretical references on which I grounded this study, i.e. ideas by Hernandez, Levy, Maturana, Villas Boas, Callai and Cavalcanti. Next, I examined the practice of working with Project Pedagogy and the destabilizations it caused in my certainties. I highlighted both reading and writing as inhibitors of Geography teaching, the pedagogical fragilities camouflaged by indiscipline, and questionings about teaching or learning Geography. Still in this chapter, I highlighted the work with projects and its articulations with Geography, as well as learning produced through the interactions with the students‟ portfolios and the teacher‟s notes. In the final chapter, I established a conversation with the thoughts that produced me, in order to examine the pedagogical displacements generated by the projects, sometimes stimulating, sometimes inhibiting the teacher‟s actions. The path of this investigation was not linearly traced. As with the project logic, networks were built, exhibited in a web of movements forward and backward that articulated the findings obtained through different instruments: students‟ and researcher-teacher‟s portfolios, informal notebooks where conversations with classmates and other teachers were recorded, students‟ research reports, and plans of both the proposal and classes. The practice of project pedagogy caused displacements in two senses: those that claimed its validity and reach in relation to contemporaneity, and those that generated destabilizations in the proposal, thus immobilizing some actions. These displacements produced three axes that are worth mentioning as learning stemming from the research: education; teaching and learning geography; and contemporary practices. The portfolio writings produced an important reflexive process to reorganize pedagogical actions, understand students‟ attitudes, rethink my certainties in relation to the project pedagogy, and establish strategies for action at school, by defining advances and drawbacks.

Os impactos do uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação durante a ressocialização de sujeitos adictos em álcool e drogas em vulnerabilidade social através da qualificação para o trabalho / The impacts of the use of information technologies and communication in the rehabilitation of individuals addicted to alcohol and drugs against social vulnerability through the qualification for the job

Albuquerque, Rodney Cezar de January 2012 (has links)
Considerando o crescente problema de saúde pública relacionado à dependência química em crack e à proliferação de locais conhecidos no Brasil como cracolândias, esta tese visa estudar o impacto do uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no processo de ressocialização, especificamente através do desenvolvimento de um exclusivo objeto de aprendizagem, aplicado em uma comunidade terapêutica, com um grupo de toxicômanos em álcool e drogas em vulnerabilidade social. O presente trabalho objetiva identificar se, ao manipularem tal software, os drogadictos são capazes de apontar alguma diferença significativa entre as características do modelo proposto, levando em consideração que sua interface foi construída com a apropriação de valores apontados como relevantes durante entrevistas, tanto pelos adictos em recuperação, quanto pelos demais profissionais, em uma investigação-piloto realizada no Rio Grande do Sul. Em São Paulo, após a construção do objeto de aprendizagem, construído no modelo OASIS – Objeto de Aprendizagem Significativa de Informação para Sociedade, durante diferentes meses e com um novo grupo de voluntários, foram propostas e testadas hipóteses relacionadas à percepção dos sujeitos sobre os elementos que compõem este objeto de aprendizagem. Por fim, espera-se que a experiência possa despertar novas pesquisas nesta temática para que a aplicação das orientações contidas na construção desse software possa ser expandida. / Given the growing public health problem related to crack addiction, and the proliferation of places known in Brazil as “Cracolândias”, this thesis proposes to study the impact of the use of information and communication technologies, specifically through the development of an exclusive learning object during the process of rehabilitation in a therapeutic community - a group of addicts in drug and alcohol in social vulnerability through training to work – making use of professional education videos. Thus, this study aims to determine if, when manipulating such software, drug addicts are able to point, or not, any significant difference between the characteristics of the proposed model, considering that its interface was built upon values considered relevant during the interviews, both by recovering addicts as well as by other professionals in a research pilot in Rio Grande do Sul. After construction of the learning object, the research continued in São Paulo for several months with a new group of volunteers. This research proposes and tests hypotheses related to the perception of the subjects on the elements that make up this learning object model built in OASIS - Significant Learning Objects for Information Society. Finally, it is expected that this experience may trigger new research related to this issue, in which the application of the guidelines contained in the construction of such software can be expanded.

EducaÃÃo de Jovens e Adultos: o aprender a aprender e a prÃtica pedagÃgica de professores na Rede Municipal de Ensino de JoÃo Pessoa / Youth and adult education: learning to learn and the pedagogical practice teaching in Municipal School System of JoÃo Pessoa

Josà Barbosa da Silva 30 November 2007 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O tema central deste trabalho à o conceito e a prÃtica do aprender a aprender na EducaÃÃo de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), procedendo-se à investigaÃÃo, à anÃlise e à descriÃÃo do modo de como esse processo à compreendido e vivenciado pelas docentes e pelos estudantes, da alfabetizaÃÃo à quarta sÃrie, em escolas municipais que atuam na EJA. Dada a complexidade do tema, este estudo apoia-se numa base metodolÃgica multirreferencial, valorizando tanto os conhecimentos sistematizados por autores de diversas linhas de pensamento e Ãreas cientÃficas - Psicologia, Pedagogia, Sociologia, Filosofia, HistÃria -, como os dos sujeitos pesquisados - professores e alunos da EJA -, situados em suas circunstÃncias de vida e de aprendizagem. Os dados revelam que o aprender a aprender, na prÃtica das escolas municipais, mescla as necessidades particulares de cada professora, as convicÃÃes pedagÃgicas delas, as improvisaÃÃes que se fazem necessÃrias para o ajuste das aulas na realidade da EJA, o que foi deliberadamente ensinado e o que foi descoberto pelos alunos e alunas na e fora da escola. As contribuiÃÃes teÃricas das ciÃncias podem atuar como auxiliares dos educadores nesse processo, mas nÃo lhe oferecem receitas a seguir. Como conclusÃo, esta pesquisa apresenta que o aprender a aprender nÃo seguiu nem segue um Ãnico mÃtodo que possa ser sistematicamente descrito e reproduzido. Toda informaÃÃo que chega ao indivÃduo ajuda-o no traÃado de sua aprendizagem. Fora da escola essa prÃtica à corrente vivida por todas as pessoas, desde o nascimento. / The theme of this paper is the concept and practice of learning to learn for Youth and Adults Education (EJA), carrying out research, analysis and description of the method of how this process is understood and experienced by teachers and students of literacy to fourth grade in public schools that operate in Youth and Adults Education (EJA), Given the complexity of the issue, this study is based on a methodological multi-referenced basis for, highlighting both the knowledge documented by authors from various schools of thought and science - Psychology, Education, Sociology, Philosophy, History â and that of research subjects, teachers and students of adult education as located in their circumstances of life and learning. The data shows that learning to learn in municipal schools practice combines the needs of each teacher, their teaching beliefs, and the improvisations that are necessary to fit the classes in the reality of adult education, which was deliberately taught and which was discovered by pupils and students in and out of school. The theoretical contributions of the sciences can act as auxiliaries to educators in this process, but does not offer recipes to follow. In conclusion, this research shows that learning to learn has not and does not follow a single method that can be systematically described and reproduced. Any and all information that reaches the student helps their learning. Both in and outside of the school this practice is the wide experience of all people,from birth.

Interesse de saber: um estudo com adolescente do ensino médio

Nicole Crochick 15 April 2011 (has links)
Um dos problemas da educação na atualidade é a falta de interesse demonstrada pelos alunos de ensino médio em relação aos conteúdos transmitidos pela escola. Muitos desses alunos sobretudo os mais ricos parecem perceber a escola predominantemente como um meio para obter a aprovação no vestibular e, posteriormente, a inserção no mercado de trabalho. Não demonstram, porém, vontade de saber; não vêem sentido em aprender e incorporar a cultura desenvolvida pela humanidade e transmitida pela escola. Assim, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar o que leva estudantes do ensino médio de colégios particulares a se interessar pelo saber. Uma das respostas, proveniente da psicanálise, sugere que um aluno interessado pelo saber é aquele que se encontrou com o desejo de saber de um professor e constituiu, a partir dele, seu próprio desejo. Para procurar investigar esse interesse, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com doze alunos de uma sala de aula do segundo ano do ensino médio de uma escola particular de São Paulo, que atende uma clientela de alto poder aquisitivo. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que os pais e as figuras de autoridade tiveram um papel preponderante na determinação e no direcionamento do interesse de saber da maioria dos adolescentes pesquisados, assim como a consistência e o domínio do saber que transmitem. Os resultados indicam também que a falta de interesse que muitos demonstraram é relacionado por eles com o que julgam ser um pequeno espaço de fala e de discussão de ideias oferecido aos alunos pela escola. Relaciona-se ainda com a não valorização, por parte dos alunos, do conhecimento acumulado pela cultura / One of the problems in Education nowadays is the lack of interest from high school students in the content given by the school. Most of these students, mainly the richest ones, seem to perceive the school as a way to obtain approval in vestibular, and further, to be inserted in the labor market. Thus, they dont demonstrate desire for knowledge; and dont seem to understand why they should learn and incorporate the culture developed by the mankind, and transmitted by the school. Therefore, this research has the purpose to understand which leads high school students in private schools to be interested in learning. One of the answers, provided by the Psychoanalysis, suggests that a student interested in learning is the one who met a teachers desire for knowledge, and constituted from it, its own desire. To investigate this issue, semi-structured interviews were executed with twelve students from a second year high school class in a private school from Sao Paulo, attending a high end clientele. The research results indicate that parents and authority figures have had a preponderant role in determining and directing the interest in knowledge of the majority of the researched teenagers, as well as the consistency and domain of knowledge they transmit. The results also shows that the lack of interest demonstrated by many students is related to the little space they believe is provided by the school to students, dedicated to ideas discussions and talking. Still, it is also related to the students diminishment of the knowledge accumulated by the culture

Reading strategies and learning outcomes

Augstein, E. S. January 1971 (has links)
The project was concerned with action research aimed at improving the range and effectiveness of reading-to-learn. Students (Advanced Level and Undergraduates) report reading-to-learn problems but they are only vaguely aware of the cognitive organisation (intuitive tactics and strategy) which underlies and structures their reading behaviour. The research emphasis was therefore primarily learner oriented. 2. This approach clarified such issues as: (i) Learner interpretation of instructional directives to learn for specific tasks. (ii) Learner methods of translating the task definition into an operational plan for reading. (iii) The systematic relationship between the tactics and strategies of reading (the time-structure of reading behaviour), and the variety of reading outcomes, within sentence, paragraph and chapter sized texts. (iv) Training procedures (incorporating feedback of performance) by which a student can explore now tactics of reading-for-learning. 3. This approach has required the development of three now techniques: a) A method for recording reading behaviour. b) A method by which the ‘structure of a text’ can be systematically described. c) A system of training procedures for encouraging students to develop more effective methods of reading-for-learning. 4. The empirical data showed that there were two related aspects in developing more effective reading-for-learning; the first was to develop a clearer definition of instructional directives and the second was the ability to translate these into effective operational plans. As a result of individual differences in cognitive structure and skill, students differ in their operational task definition in relation to specific learning outcomes. The plans of a 'beginner' or an 'expert' may bring about the same outcome but they differ considerably. Students also differ in their training needs within a training procedure for reading-to-learn effectively. This emphasises the need to level a hierarchically organised learner-controlled programme of self-diagnosis and training. 5. The theoretical outcome of the research was a tentative model of the student learning by reading. This model is based on the concept of a dynamic interaction between the learner's cognitive structure and skill, the learner's task definition and how this becomes operational, and the syntactic and semantic structure of the text. The model can be considered as a hierarchically organised multi-level description of the reading process. The reading strategy formed of the tactics and the learning outcome, represent the observables of this interaction. The model was influenced by the theories of J. Bruner, G. Miller, N. Chomsky and R. Gagné. 6. The research was directed towards the identification of strategies and outcomes of reading-to-learn, with the double aim of investigating these areas and training students to increase their skill; both these aims were in line with endeavours to increase self-organisation and individual autonomy in learning. 7. Whilst the goals of the research were largely achieved, the results have illuminated a number of practical and theoretical issues that need further investigation.

Design and conversational evaluation of an information technology learning environment based on self-organised-learning

Coombs, Steven John January 1996 (has links)
From 1990 to 1993 I was engaged as the Information Technology (IT) Workshop manager at Mid-Cornwall College, St. Austell. My mission during this period was to develop a new kind of IT learning environment. The main purpose was - and continues to be - to provide for mixed 'open-access’ student targets wishing to pursue generic IT activities and gain commensurate vocational qualifications. This Open-Learning (OL) environment provides on-the-job curriculum development of IT learning support systems, through a Flexible Learning (FL) management policy. An action research approach based on S-O-L provides both the methodology and technology for implementing a learning organisation. A key objective was institutional change towards the learning management policy of IT, through appropriate deployment of staffing and courseware resources to enable the practice of student centred learning. Another aim was to integrate and mix all target groups of learners together in the same domain, i. e. school leavers with adult returners for the achievement of a cost-effective, well-co-ordinated and productive learning environment. My action research applied the Centre for the Study of Human Learning's (CSHL's) ideas and tools towards the development of the IT Workshop's learning policy. I have sought to make the connection between FL delivery of the generic IT curriculum and the SOL approach towards individual and organisational learning. This came about from the link between the FL philosophy of learner-centred activity and the SOL philosophy of empowering individuals via Learning Conversations. S-O-L'Systems-7' was adopted as a conversational tool for developing the educational roles and practices of the IT Workshop. This influenced my college to make essential environmental changes to the workshop in order to develop these activities. The project also used the Personal Learning Contract (PLC) to manage and enable the 'learning-to-learn' activities of individual IT learners. With the PLC as the central tool for implementing Learning Conversations, there evolved the idea of 'Group Learning Contracts' (GLCs). This led to the practical development of 'Learning Plans' (LPs), such that IT flexible modules could be transferred to the autonomy of the learner. Evaluations from this project included sample case-study evidences of Learning Conversations obtained from individual IT case-load students. Repertory grid feedback conversations of learning experienced by individual staff members taking part in the project were also obtained. Questionnaire results from IT learners was used as another method of feedback, and conversationally evaluated using factor analysis and 'talkback' records. All the action research qualitative evidences were finally analysed using conversational techniques, leading to the overall project 'findings'.

School-Based Concussion Management: Implementation Characteristics of Student Services Personnel

Garofano, Jeffrey 05 November 2015 (has links)
Concussion is an injury that disproportionately affects children and adolescents and has the potential to negatively impact school performance. Currently, a significant proportion of youth with concussion go unreported due to a lack of effective concussion surveillance procedures. Additionally, many individuals who have daily contact with youth (e.g., parents, teachers) lack training in how to assess or manage a concussion. Schools may be the ideal setting to address both of these problems as they have a high level of access to students and employ personnel (e.g., school psychologists, nurses, social workers, counselors) with experience in assessment and intervention. What is not known is how to best design a school-based concussion management (SBCM) procedure in order to facilitate concussion surveillance and management. Accordingly, the overall purpose of this study was to identify and describe factors (i.e., provider implementation characteristics, concussion referral communication) which may inform the design and implementation of SBCM programming. Examining the relationship between relevant SBCM outcomes and factors associated with strong school programming may help build the foundation for future SBCM procedures. Factors that influence program fidelity and outcomes are called school programming implementation characteristics and they reside at multiple levels (i.e., community, school, climate, program, provider) and are positively related to successful outcomes across varied programming. This exploratory study which utilized secondary analysis of existing data focused on the provider level with the primary aim of identifying and describing student services personnel (SSP; n = 144) implementation characteristics. Indicators of provider implementation characteristics consisted of their beliefs, training, and experiences in order to quantify how these characteristics predict perceptions of the impact of concussion on academics, perception of current informal procedures, and the number of students with concussions served. The independent variables primarily under investigation in this study (role, career experience, recent concussion experience, and training subscale) align with empirically supported personnel implementation characteristics. The second aim of this study was to explore pre-existing communication patterns between SSP utilizing the independent variable referral source. It is of note that the school district from which the data were collected had no formal SBCM programming; therefore, all SSP implementation characteristics examined were viewed as baseline characteristics. Results indicated that as all SSP groups (i.e., school psychologists, nurses, counselors, social workers) perceive a need for SBCM as indicated by dissatisfaction with current procedures and agreement that concussion can negatively impact student performance. Although all groups indicated that they did not believe current concussion procedures to be effective, school psychologists and nurses reported the highest levels of dissatisfaction Additionally, nurses were found to have the highest levels of training in concussion assessment and management, and received significantly more concussion referrals per year when compare to the other SSP. These findings suggest that nurses may be effective in delivering concussion related service and establishing effective concussion surveillance procedures. Although more research is needed, this study represents the first step in bridging the gap between experimental concussion research and the successful delivery of these innovations through SBCM programming in order to help students recover from a concussion.

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