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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementering av SBAR- vägen till gemensamt lärande : Studie av implementering av SBAR på en kardiologisk vårdavdelning

Korszunowa, Alicja January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bristande kommunikation och informationsöverföring är huvudorsaken till upp-komsten av vårdskador i hälso- och sjukvården. Komplexiteten i hälso- och sjukvårds organisat-ion i kombination med den mänskliga faktorn ställer krav på struktur i kommunikationen med hjälp av standardisering. En utmaning för hälso- och sjukvården är att implementera och studera standardiserade kommunikationsmetoder och studera effekten på patientsäkerhet och arbets-miljö. SBAR (Situation-Bakgrund-Aktuell Status-Rekommendation) är en kunskapsbaserad kommunikationsmetod, utvecklad för överföring av kritisk information i komplexa arbetssituat-ioner. Metoden hjälper till att skapa den struktur och förutsägbarhet som krävs för effektiv kommunikation i komplexa arbetssituationer såväl under normala förhållanden som under stress. Syfte: Att studera implementering av SBAR på en kardiologisk vårdavdelning med fokus på stra-tegier som kan underlätta processen. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med analytisk ansats. Den baseras på tio intervjuer med sjuksköterskor och läkare som arbetar på vårdavdelningen. Dessutom har en kvantitativ basundersökning om samarbets- och säkerhetsklimatet (enligt Safety Attitude Questionnaire) och kommunikationen genomförts under implementeringen, mars 2011-december 2011. Resultat: På vårdavdelningen har ca 95 % av sjuksköterskor och ca 70 % av läkare har fått ut-bildning i SBAR och flertalet av dessa har fått repetitionsutbildning. Sjuksköterskorna upplever en förbättring i den intraprofessionella kommunikationen efter att SBAR implementerats. Sjuk-sköterskorna beskriver att kommunikationen efter implementeringen följer SBAR strukturen i högre utsträckning, den är saklig och mer avgränsad samt innehåller i högre omfattning än tidi-gare en planering för och uppföljning av patientens vård. Endast enstaka läkare anger att de an-vänder SBAR i den intra- och interprofessionella kommunikationen. I den kvalitativa studien har såväl strategier som underlättar implementeringen av SBAR som fallgropar identifierats och beskrivits. De strategier som identifierats handlar om bl.a. ledningsan-svar, definiering av ansvar och roller i vård-teamet, skapande av mötesstrukturer för tvärprofess-ionellt samarbete, kommunikation och helhetssyn, identifiering och förebyggande av hierarkiska strukturer och introducering av förbättringskunskap i projektets genomförande. De fallgropar som identifierats har att göra med bristande föranalys, otydliga uppdrag, brister i resurser som metodstöd och tid, bemötande av kritiska röster, bristande läkarmedverkan, yttre påverkans fak-torer. Resultaten av den kvantitativa enkätundersökningen visade att det inte finns några skillna-der mellan läkarnas och sjuksköterskornas uppfattning om säkerhetsklimat eller samarrbete och kommunikation med den egna arbetsgruppen. Däremot finns det signifikanta skillnader mellan läkare och sjuksköterskor beträffande det gemensamma samarbetet och kommunikationen där sjuksköterskor uppfattar samarbetet och kommunikationen som mindre väl fungerande (Bilaga 1-3) Diskussion: Implementeringsprocessen visat sig vara kunskaps- och meningsskapande genom den ovan beskrivna analytiska ansatsen. Resultaten visar att implementeringen av SBAR behöver kompletteras med flera andra åtgärder som kan bidra till att skapa förutsättningar för ökat tvär-professionellt samarbete och kommunikation. Studien bekräftar det kommunikationsgap som finns mellan sjuksköterskor och läkare och behovet av förståelse för varandras olika roller och ansvar för att kunna skapa en helhetssyn med fokus på patienten i vården. Identifiering och före-byggande av de hierarkiska strukturer samt tydliggörande av innebörden i ledarskapet i vårdtea-met har visat sig vara avgörande. Implementering av SBAR är en satsning på en av de viktigaste patientsäkerhetsfrågorna och kräver tydlig och engagerat ledning. / Background: Poor professional communication and information transfer are main causes for medical error in the health care systems. The complexity in health care organisations in combina-tion with human factors issues raises a demand for structured and standardised communication. One challenge is to implement standardised communication models and study its effect on pa-tient safety and working conditions. SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommen-dation) is a knowledge based communication model, developed to transfer critical information in complex work environments, both in normal and stressful conditions. Aim: To study implementation of SBAR on a Cardiology ward with focus on strategies that could facilitate the process. Method: Ten qualitative interviews with members of staff during the implementation process and quantitative data (130 anonymous questionnaires among staff, Safety Attitude Questionnaire, SAQ, during the implementation of SBAR have been collected (March- December 2011) Results: 95 % of the nurses and 70 % of the physicians have received SBAR education. In the interviews, the nurses describe an improved intra-professional communication after the imple-mentation of SBAR. The nurses also describe the communication to be more focused on the patients’ care, follow the SBAR process. However, only a few physicians explain that they are using SBAR in the intra- and/or inter professional communication. Strategies (leadership, role definitions within the team, structure for multi-professional cooperation, identification and prevention of hierarchical structures and introduc-tion of improvement knowledge) and hinders (limited clinical analyses before the project, unclear assignment, limited resources e.g. time and methodology, handling critical voices, limited input from physicians and external impact factors) for implementation of the SBAR model were identi-fied. The response rate for the baseline SAQ questionnaire was 94 % among nurses and 69% among physicians. No differences were found in nurses and physicians’ attitudes on safety climate and teamwork within their own groups. Some significant differences however were found concerning cooperation and communication between the two groups; nurses were less satisfied with cooperation and communication compared to the level of satisfaction in the group of physi-cians. Discussion: The implementation process has been meaningful in regards to an increase in knowledge trough the analytic outlook of the study. The result indicates that the actual imple-menting of SBAR requires further steps to create optimal conditions to achieve better results in communication and collaboration in cross-professional teams. The study confirms the communi-cation gap that exist between doctors and nurses and highlights the need for a better understand-ing of each other`s roles and responsibilities, in order to achieve an integral patient-centred ap-proach. It is crucial to identify and to prevent existing structures of hierarchy and to clarify the meaning of leadership within the team. The process of implementing SBAR is an effort to ad-dress one of the most important issues in patient safety and requires firm and committed leader-ship.

Estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan : Att använda sig av pedagogisk dokumentation för att synliggöra barns lärande i bild, dans och musik

Mossbrant, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to find how to work with pedagogical documentation with the aesthetic subjects of dance, music and visual arts. The study also aims to investigate how teachers themselves believe that documentation of these subjects make visible the children’s learning processes. Also to explore if there are any differences in how teachers document the various subjects, and if so, how they can learn from each other to develop the work with pedagogical documentation. I have chosen to use qualitative interviews with a selection of three pre-school teachers who have been working with either dance, music or visual arts. The results show that preschool teachers consider themselves good at documenting, but that the use of pedagogical documentation are not as frequently used. By using pedagogical documentation one can visualize the children's learning in a way that is clear to the children, the teachers and for parents. They do not believe that there are any differences in documenting dance, music or visual arts. They use the same method to document everything they do in their everyday life and do not distinguish the different activities. / Syftet är att undersöka hur pedagoger i förskolan arbetar med pedagogisk dokumentation för att synliggöra barnens lärprocesser i de estetiska ämnena bild, dans och musik. Samt att se om det finns några skillnader på hur pedagogerna dokumenterar de olika ämnena och om man i så fall kan lära av varandra för att utveckla arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation. Jag har valt att använda mig av kvalitativa intervjuer, med ett urval på tre förskollärare som har varit inriktade på antingen bild, dans och musik. Resultatet visar på att pedagogisk dokumentation är ett viktigt verktyg för att synliggöra barns lärande, på ett sätt som blir tydligt både för barnen, pedagogerna och inte minst för föräldrarna. De intervjuade förskollärarna anser sig duktiga på att dokumentera, men undersökningen visar att användningen av pedagogisk dokumentation inte är lika frekvent. De anser inte heller att det finns någon skillnad i att dokumentera bild, dans och musik. Man använder sig av samma sätt att dokumentera i allt man gör i vardagen och särskiljer inte på olika aktiviteter.

Lärande genom estetiska lärprocesser : Konstnärlighet som metod i Waldorfskolan - en etnografisk fältstudie

Rehn, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
In this essay we study the practice of teaching and learning through aesthetic learning processes in a Waldorf School. Through an ethnographic field study three Waldorf teachers have been interviewed about their views regarding in what ways aesthetic learning processes are present in their teaching and how learning through these processes is being carried out practically. For the study a specific class has been observed during three days in a Waldorf School in Stockholm to examine how the aesthetic learning processes are being performed in practice. Through the study we have reached the conclusion that in this particular Waldorf School teaching is being performed artistically and through aesthetic approaches and perspectives. This way of teaching is being carried out not only in the aesthetic subjects but also in the theoretic. The results of the study show that aesthetic learning processes are present in almost all of the subjects in this Waldorf School.

From Rural Gift to Urban Commodity : Traditional Medicinal Knowledge and Socio-spatial Transformation in the Eastern Lake Victoria Region

Anne, Ouma January 2013 (has links)
As we celebrate all the dynamic and dramatic improvements in human health care in the 21st century, life in much of Africa begins with and is sustained with the support of traditional medicinal knowledge. Research on traditional medicinal knowledge (TMK) is extensive, but rather few studies have been written about Traditional Healers' (THs') own perceptions about TMK and practices in relation to changing societal dynamics. The aim of this thesis is to examine how THs perceive on going socio-spatial transformation, including contemporary processes of urbanization, migration, commercialization and commodification of TMK, as well as changing dynamics of learning and knowledge systems between generations and genders and how these affect their medicinal healing practices in time and space. The thesis consists of four main empirical chapters, which derive from different data sources including literature, documentation review and qualitative interview material. The findings in this thesis can be summarised as follows: First that TMK today exists side by side with modern health systems, in what are seen as complex patterns of medical pluralism that provide evidence of an evolving role the TH plays in primary health care, in the rural and urban space. Youthful migrating population dynamics that are linked to historical processes, have effectively carved an emerging cross-sectoral role of the TH in the formal space. Secondly the developing legislation on IPR and ABS in parallel with the representation of an earlier official formal governance around TMK in Tanzania; and the difference in the sectors where TMK is anchored in the two contexts, could have paved way to some earlier collaborative mechanisms, that today provide space to enable a more natural engagement between formal and informal organizations involved in the governance of TMK in Tanzania. Thirdly, the practical ways in which TMK learning processes, which are characterized by learning systems in place, being sent and visiting sacred places that are lived by an apprentice over a number of years, have increasingly come under pressure. Fourthly the thesis shows approaches by THs, encouraging the youth to access conventional medicinal education followed by, or in parallel with TMK learned through traditional pedagogies employed by the THs themselves. The youth’s keen interest in learning TMK is seen to increase when they view improved livelihood possibilities due to the commercialization of medicinal plants. The future of TMK learning processes may be limited unless incentives are put in place for the youth regarding their future livelihoods. Fifth, gendered and generational dimensions suggest that older and some younger female THs reemphasize the values of the gift and TMK in a climate of increased commodification and commercialization of TMK, where TMK increasingly meets neoliberal processes, engaging an alternative paradigm than the gift economy, where a predominance of male TH’s in the urban space and places, increasingly define the diversification of the TMK livelihoods. The gift provided by a higher power and which is embedded in a particular cosmological view, to be used as a social service to help the community, is increasingly evolving as an emerging tested force in a changing ideological climate, with an increasing awareness of commodification, commercialization, IPR and ABS issues surrounding TMK. It implies awareness in relation to the increased benefits of commoditized and commercialized medicinal plant knowledge (which THs hold) for other individuals and institutions. The TH profession and TMK is seen as entering a contested IPR/ABS arena at a time when increasingly socio-spatial transformations are modifying its role from that of a gift to an owned commodity. However while the practice of TMK has changed over time and space, presenting new challenges as well as opportunities, it is also seen as a threat that anyone today can sell and market TMK products.

"Klicka där!" : En studie om bildundervisning med datorer / “Click there!” : A study about art education with computers

Björck, Catrine January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the teacher’s role when pupils are using computers to create their art work. Working with computers raises new questions for teachers and pupils. Working with digital technology requires teachers to develop new pedagogical, educational and classroom-oriented strategies. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate these strategies and what kinds of challenges and questions arise from them. I investigate how teachers at the senior level of compulsory school conduct education and learning in teaching situations when digital visual work is in focus.  The theory I use is Discourse Psychology combined with Bakhtin’s theory of dialogue and learning.  The Discourse Psychology approach stresses context and the idea that people construct knowledge of the world in dialogue with others. The concept of interaction is used in the study and includes how teacher and pupil interact with the use of verbal language and gestures, where the computer also can be an actor. The method consists of interviews and observation, documentation using a small video camera attached to the teacher as well as by taking notes in the classroom. When digital technology is a part of education, teachers need to have good understanding not only of handling the technology but also deciding in what way they would like to use and work with computers in education. The research contributes to an understanding of art education with computers and the conditions in school when working with digital technology.

Fyra studerandes ideal och resurser på grundutbildningen i psykoterapi / Psychotherapy Trainees About Ideals and Resources During Their Studies

Jarl-Åberg, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker egna resurser och ideal som fyra studerande på den grundläggande utbildningen i psykoterapi vid Sankt Lukas utbildningsinstitut ger uttryck för. Vidare intresserar sig studien för hur de fyra studerandes uttryckta resurser och ideal överensstämmer med CER-modellen av Skovholt och Rønnestad. CER-modellen beskriver vad som gör en psykoterapeut framgångsrik, en så kallad master therapist. Undersökningsmaterialet består av åtta intervjuer som ingår i ett forskningsprojekt som är ett samarbete mellan Sankt Lukas utbildningsinstitut och Psykologiska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet och som fokuserar på frågan: Vad händer med studenter under en psykoterapi- och psykoterapeututbildning? Materialet har bearbetats enligt en deskriptiv metod och har sedan prövats mot CER-modellens kriterier. Resultatet visar på flera uttryckta ideal och resurser som på ett påtagligt vis överensstämmer med kriterierna i CER-modellen. De ideal som tydligast framträder handlar om viljan att lära, att växa som människa, att bli medveten om den egna personen samt att kunna förhålla sig på ett realistiskt sätt till gränssättningar. Resultatet i denna studie visar på en samstämmighet både med tidigare forskning kring vad som anses vara verksamt i psykoterapi och visar på överensstämmelser med CER-modellen och kan med fördel användas av utbildningsinstitut för att aktivt arbeta med att definiera ideal och sammanhang för sina studerande också i syfte att bjuda in till en kritisk diskussion inom professionsgemenskapen om vad dess ideal rymmer och vad de förbiser. / This paper examines the personal resources and ideals expressed by four students at the basic psychotherapy training at the Sankt Lukas institute. Furthermore, the study deals with the correspondence between the expressed resources and ideals of the four students and the CER model by Skovholt and Rønnestad. The CER model describes what it is that makes a psychotherapist successful, a so-called master therapist. The research material consists of eight interviews that are part of a research project, a collaboration between the Sankt Lukas institute and the Department of psychology at Stockholm University, and focuses on the question: What happens to students during psychotherapy and psychotherapist training? The material has been processed in accordance with a descriptive method and then tested against the criteria of the CER model. The result shows several expressed ideals and resources that correspond substantially with the CER model criteria. The ideals that show up most prominently deal with the desire to learn, to grow as a human being, to become aware of oneself, and to be able to realistically relate to the definition of boundaries. The result in this study indicates a concurrence both with previous research on what is considered to be efficient in psychotherapy and with the CER model, and it may very well be used by educational/training institutes in order to actively promote the defining of ideals and contexts to their students, thus also inviting a critical discussion within the professional community on the content of these ideals and what they may overlook.

Lärande i en traditionstung kontext : Om psykoanalytiker som lär gemensamt i samband med utvecklandet av en metod för behandling av spädbarn och föräldrar / Learning in a tradition-laden context : A study of psychoanalysts engaging in shared learning in the development of a method of treatment for infants and parents

Bertell, Ida January 2013 (has links)
Denna avhandling inom arbetslivspedagogik syftar till att bidra med kunskap om villkor för gemensamma lärprocesser då ny kunskap utvecklas i en traditionstung kontext. Studien handlar om en grupp psykoanalytiker som utvecklar en ny behandlingsmetod, sk. spädbarnsanalys, för att arbeta med spädbarn och deras föräldrar. Studien handlar om professionella yrkesutövare i privat praktik, där verksamheten är av sådan art att de professionella aktörerna inte kan se varandra i handling, något som tidigare studier funnit vara av betydelse för kollektivt lärande. I avhandlingen studeras villkor för lärprocesser med en konstruktivistisk och handlingsteoretisk utgångspunkt, en utgångspunkt är också att den kontext lärandet sker inom är central för de lärprocesser som uppstår. Detta är en fallstudie och det empiriska materialet har samlats in mellan 2006 och 2012 och består främst av 17 transkriberade kvalitativa intervjuer med psykoanalytiker med spädbarnsinriktning, alla tillhörande samma grupp. Starka traditioner förs vidare inom den psykoanalytiska miljön genom en lång och formande utbildning. I arbetet med att utveckla en metod för att arbeta med spädbarn uppstår en spänning mellan det traditionstunga och det nydanande som får betydelse för gemensamma lärprocesser. Gruppen genomgår fyra olika faser, i vilka villkoren för lärande skiljer sig åt. De enskilda erfarenheterna av att arbeta kliniskt med metoden skaver mot vad man till en början tänkt sig att metoden ska innebära. I ett gemensamt sammanhang diskuteras och förändras successivt synen på olika aspekter av metoden: hur man ska fokusera i den kliniska verksamheten, vilken frekvens behandlingen ska ha och hur man förhåller sig till att vara rådgivande. Förstahandsarena respektive andrahandsarena föreslås som begrepp för att förstå relationen mellan den kliniska verksamheten (förstahandsarenan) och seminariearenan (andrahandsarenan). Då metoden får olika mening och innebörd på förstahands- och andrahandsarenan leder det till att dilemman uppstår som behöver hanteras och som triggar igång lärprocesser. Kollektiva lärprocesser bidrar till att metoden och sättet att arbeta utvecklas. / This thesis on working life education aims to contribute knowledge about the conditions for shared learning processes when new knowledge is developed in a tradition-laden context. The study is about a group of psychoanalysts who are developing a new treatment method, “infant psychoanalysis”, for working with infants and their parents. It deals with professionals in private practice, where the professionals involved are unable to see one another in action, an aspect which previous studies have found to be of significance for collective learning. The thesis examines the conditions for learning processes from a constructivist and action theory perspective. The context in which the learning takes place is seen as central to the learning processes that arise. This is a case study; the empirical material has been gathered over the period 2006 to 2012 consisting primarily of 17 transcribed qualitative interviews with psychoanalysts specializing in infant psychoanalysis. Strong traditions are passed down in the psychoanalytical environment. In developing a method of working with infants there is a tension between tradition and recreation which affects shared learning processes. The group undergoes four phases, each with different conditions for learning. The individual experiences of working clinically with the method are at times dissonant with initial preconceptions of the method. In the shared context, the views of different aspects of the method are successively discussed and changed: how to focus in clinical practice, what the frequency of the treatment should be and what approach to take. “Primary arena” and “secondary arena” are proposed as concepts to understand the relationship between the clinical practice (primary arena) and the seminar arena (secondary arena). The method has different meaning in the primary and secondary arenas, which causes dilemmas that triggers learning processes. Collective learning processes enable the development of the method.

Ensino fundamental de nove anos: a docência em escolas da rede municipal de São Carlos

Moraes, Alessandra Cardoso de 30 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4403.pdf: 4610571 bytes, checksum: 62d1614ef9a0349ad3993fc7da58439b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-30 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / The research deals with the learning processes and the professional development of coordinators and teachers who work in the first year of elementary school considering the expansion of basic education to nine years. The admission of six year old children in compulsory education possibly involves changes in the organization of the pedagogical work developed in the classroom by teachers, as well as some adjustment in the curriculum to meet the specific needs of the newly arriving six year olds. It also requires continued learning programs for teachers, administrators and all other education professionals, which should be guaranteed by the school system. The changes required for the expansion of basic education to nine years as well as for the admission of six year olds at this stage can lead to destabilization, uncertainty and the search for new knowledge about the specific nature, characteristics and needs of six year olds. Thus, this research seeks to understand the ways in which teachers of the first year of elementary school in the Municipality of São Carlos design, develop and implement the policy of extending compulsory education, considering its demands and direct influence on the school and its students. It is important to point out that some aspects of the study are related to what the educational literature says about the learning processes and the professional development of teachers, as well as to what it refers to the expansion of basic education to nine years and the curricular reforms proposed for the first year of basic education. Document analysis, questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection, aiming to understand the conception of the teachers participating in the study about their experiences: the policy in place, participation in continued education programs, the contents to be taught, the encountered difficulties and other aspects that directly influence their perspective on teaching in the first year of basic education. From the analyzed data it is possible to note that this reform involves aspects beyond the implementation of the last policy or guideline adopted by MEC (Ministry of Education), considering a necessary change in both classroom and school cultures. Fear, insecurity and apprehension stemming from the initial expectations of working with six year old children may be justified by the fact that the concept of change is directly associated with rethinking, (re) configuring, (re) organizing the teacher know-how. In this perspective, collective actions aiming to overcome the practical problems encountered in teacher know-how are noteworthy, given that the meaning of change is tied to what those involved can come to understand about what must change and how to do it. / A pesquisa trata do processo de desenvolvimento profissional e aprendizagem docente de coordenadoras e professores/as que atuam no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental frente à ampliação do ensino fundamental para nove anos. O ingresso da criança de seis anos no ensino obrigatório possivelmente implica em mudanças na organização do trabalho pedagógico desenvolvido em sala de aula pelas professoras e adequações no currículo a fim de atender as necessidades específicas dos novos ingressantes, crianças de seis anos. Exige, ainda, dos sistemas de ensino providências para garantir a formação continuada de docentes, gestores e demais profissionais da educação. As mudanças necessárias à ampliação do ensino fundamental para nove anos e, portanto, necessárias ao ingresso das crianças de seis anos nessa etapa de ensino, podem gerar desestabilizações, incertezas e a busca de novos conhecimentos sobre as especificidades, características e necessidades das crianças de seis anos. Assim, esta investigação procura compreender de que maneiras os/as professores/as do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental em escolas da rede municipal de São Carlos, concebem, desenvolvem e implementam a política de ampliação do ensino obrigatório, tendo em vista suas demandas e sua influência direta sobre a escola e seus alunos. É relevante ressaltar que alguns aspectos do estudo estão relacionados ao que a literatura educacional enfoca sobre a aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento profissional docente, bem como ao que se referem à ampliação do ensino fundamental para nove anos e reformas curriculares propostas para o primeiro ano deste nível de ensino. Para a coleta de dados foram realizadas análise documental, questionários e entrevistas para compreender a concepção das professoras participantes do estudo sobre os processos vividos: a política implantada, a formação continuada recebida, os conteúdos a serem ensinados, as dificuldades encontradas e outros aspectos que sob sua perspectiva influenciam diretamente o ensino no primeiro ano. A partir dos dados obtidos é possível notar que para os participantes, esta reforma envolve aspectos para além da implementação da última política ou diretriz adotada pelo MEC, antes significa mudar as culturas das salas de aula e das escolas. O medo, a insegurança, a apreensão inicial originadas da expectativa de trabalhar com crianças de seis anos podem justificar-se pelo fato do conceito de mudança estar atrelado ao repensar, (re)configurar, (re)organizar o saber fazer docente. Nesta perspectiva, a ação coletiva na superação dos problemas práticos encontrados no fazer docente merece destaque, tendo em vista que o significado da mudança está na maneira como os envolvidos podem vir a entender o que deve mudar e como fazê-lo.

Fysisk aktivitet i förskolan : En studie om estetiska lärprocesser och fysisk aktivitet i förskolan samt pedagogernas inställning till den. / Physical activity in pre-school : A study of aesthetic learning processes, physical activity and teachers’ views of these in pre-school.

Larsson, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to research what kind of physical activities takes place in pre-school, and teachers views and thoughts of physical activity in combination with aestethic learningprocesses. The study endeavors to show how aesthetic learning processes can be combined with physical activity and be used as a tool to teach other subjects, such as, math, science and aesthetic subjects. I specifically investigate how you can combine a physical activity with a creative process and play to make the learning process fun and developing for the children. The study was made with qualitative interviews with six pre-school teachers from three different communal pre-schools in Karlstad, Sweden. My result shows that the teachers think that physical activity is very important for the children and their health and also their motor and coordination, but that they rarely plan or in some cases never plan a physical activity because their opinion is that the physical activity takes place in the children’s spontaneous play. The result of my study also shows that teachers that have a personal interest in physical activity had more planned physical activities than the teachers that had a little or no personal interest in physical activity. / Jag kommer i min studie undersöka vilka tankar pedagogerna har om fysisk aktivitet i förskolan samt hur pedagogerna resonerar kring fysisk aktivitet i relation till estetiska lärprocesser. Jag undersöker särskilt hur fysisk aktivitet kan vara kopplat till kreativitet och lek, vilken betydelse pedagogernas roll får för att stimulera barnens sinnliga förmågor och hur det på ett kreativt sätt kan ske ett utvecklande och lustfyllt lärande. Anledningen till att jag valt att studera fysisk aktivitet i relation till estetiska lärprocesser är för att jag tror att vi med stor fördel kan använda oss av estetiska lärprocesser som ett verktyg för att lära ut ämnen som vi inte ser som klassiska, estetiska ämnen, till exempel matematik och naturvetenskapliga ämnen, barnen behöver då ledas pedagogiskt. Studien bygger på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex förskollärare på tre förskolor i Karlstad kommun. I resultatet framkom att pedagogerna anser att fysisk aktivitet är viktigt för att främja hälsan och barnens grovmotorik och koordination, men att det sällan sker planerade och ledda fysiska aktiviteter, den fysiska aktiviteten sker istället i barnens spontana och fria lek.

Processos intersubjetivos na composição musical de crianças : um estudo sobre a aprendizagem criativa / Intersubjective processes in children's music composition: a study about creative learning

Beineke, Viviane January 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa está situada no campo das pesquisas sobre a aprendizagem criativa, conceito emergente nas áreas de Educação e de Educação Musical que focaliza o desenvolvimento da criatividade de crianças e jovens em situação de aprendizagem. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar como as dimensões da aprendizagem criativa se articulam em atividades de composição musical no contexto do ensino de música na Educação Básica. O referencial teórico foi elaborado com base em dois eixos: as perspectivas das crianças e do professor sobre a aprendizagem criativa. O primeiro eixo, construído segundo o modelo sistêmico de Csikszentmihalyi, revisto através de pesquisas e questionamentos da área de educação musical sobre as práticas e as concepções musicais das crianças, focaliza três dimensões da criatividade: o domínio - ideias de música das crianças; o campo - a comunidade em sala de aula e o indivíduo - contribuições individuais e coletivas. O segundo eixo - perspectiva do professor na aprendizagem criativa - enfoca o papel do professor na construção das relações sociais em aula e as dimensões que caracterizam o ensino criativo: as relações sociais em sala de aula, o engajamento dos interesses dos alunos e a valorização das suas contribuições em atividades de composição musical. O método consistiu em um estudo de caso realizado em aulas de música de uma turma da 2ª série do ensino fundamental. A coleta de dados incluiu: (1) observação e registro em vídeo de dois conjuntos de atividades de composição musical na turma participante, (2) grupos focais com os alunos e (3) entrevistas semiestruturadas e entrevistas de reflexão com vídeo com a professora de música da turma. Os resultados revelam que as dimensões da aprendizagem criativa se articulam nas atividades de composição em grupo, apresentação e crítica musical das produções dos alunos, em um ciclo que aciona processos de estabilização e desestabilização de ideias de música construídas intersubjetivamente em sala de aula. Participando das aulas como compositores, intérpretes e audiência crítica, as crianças constroem sua identidade no grupo e tornam-se agentes da própria aprendizagem, construindo coletivamente o conhecimento que sustenta as suas ideias de música, constantemente revistas, atualizadas e ampliadas pelas suas experiências musicais e reflexivas. Ao professor, cabe proporcionar condições para que se crie esse ambiente de relações sociais positivas, de comprometimento com os processos de aprendizagem do grupo, de colaboração mútua, de engajamento de interesses e de valorização das contribuições das crianças em aula. Ao longo do tempo, essas formas de participação social configuram a constituição de uma comunidade de prática musical engajada e comprometida no processo de negociação e significação dessas práticas, compartilhando maneiras de fazer e pensar música que sustentam a aprendizagem criativa. / The following research it is based on studies about creative learning, an emergent concept in the Education and Music Education areas, which focuses on the development of creativity on children during learning situation. The aim of the research was to investigate how the creative learning dimension articulates itself on musical composition activities in the primary musical education teaching context. The theoretical framework was build to encompass the children and teacher's perspectives on creative learning. The first one was built on Csikszentmihalyi's systems view of creativity, and reviewed through some researches about practices and children musical concepts focusing on three creative dimensions: the domain - children music ideas; the field - the school's community and the individual - collective and individual background. The second point of view about teacher's perspectives on creative learning focused the teacher's role in the social relationships in class and the dimensions that characterize the creative teaching: the relationships in the classroom, the students' commitment interests and the value of their contribution on musical composition activities. The method consisted on a case study carried out in a 2nd grade primary musical class. The data collection involved: (1) observation and video recording of two blocks of activities during musical composition in the participant class, (2) focused groups with students and (3) semi-structured and reflection interviews using video recordings with the participant class teacher. The results show that the dimensions of creative learning articulate themselves in the composition activities in group, musical presentation and critic on students' productions; in a cycle that starts the stabilization and investigates how the creative learning dimension articulates itself on musical composition activities in the primary musical education teaching context and stabilization of music ideas intersubjectively built in the classroom. Participating in the classes as composers, performers, and critical audience, the children build their identity in the group and become agent of their own learning, building the knowledge collectively that sustains their music ideas, which are revised and enlarged constantly by their musical reflective experiences. It is up to teacher to create the conditions to build an environment of social positive relations of groups learning processes, the commitment in mutual collaboration, interest and valuing the children contributions in class. As time goes on, these social participation ways represent the constitution of a committed community of musical practice and in the negotiation and meaning process of this practice, sharing ways to do and think music that sustains creative learning.

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