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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stratégies d'apprentissage des sinogrammes chez les étudiants francophones / A study on the chinese character learning strategies of french students

Li, Jing 29 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans les domaines de l’acquisition et de la didactique des langues étrangères. Sa nature est quantitative et descriptive. Elle porte sur les stratégies d’apprentissage des sinogrammes par des étudiants francophones dans un environnement instructif. L'objectif, dans un premier temps, est de connaître les stratégies spécifiques employées par les étudiants francophones pour apprendre les sinogrammes et de savoir si les stratégies employées dépendent du niveau de connaissance de la langue, du sexe, de l’âge et du style d'apprentissage.Le questionnaire, nommé SILCC (Strategy Inventory of Learning Chinese Character), que nous avons conçu dans cette étude a pour but d'observer les stratégies utilisées, puis les données sont analysées à l'aide de méthodes statistiques inférentielles. Le deuxième objectif est d’appliquer les résultats à la didactique du chinois langue étrangère. En fonction des résultats obtenus, des modèles de formation aux stratégies d’apprentissage et leur intégration dans les matériaux pédagogiques sont ensuite proposés. / This thesis is in the field of acquisition and teaching foreign language. It covers learning strategies of Chinese characters by French students in an instructional environment. The nature of this study is quantitative and descriptive. The first objective is to know which strategies are used by French students to learn Chinese characters and how those strategies are correlated with the student’s Chinese level, the student’s gender, the age and the learning style. A questionnaire, called SILCC (Strategy Inventory of Learning Chinese Character), has been designed in this study to analyze those strategies. The output data are analyzed using inferential statistical methods. The second objective is to apply the results for teaching activities and to propose a model of training strategies that can be used in academic materials.

臺北區公立高中學生學習策略、學業興趣及性向與英、數兩科學業成就之關係 / The relation between the academic achievements in English and Mathematics and the learning strategy,interest,and scholastic aptitude of students in Taipei area public senior high school

陳怡君, Chin, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的係探討高中生學習策略、學業興趣與學業性向對英文科及數學科學業成就的影響,並根據研究結果,提出具體建議供學習輔導之參考。   本研究採分層隨機抽樣方式抽取國立師大附中、臺北市立中山女中、成功高中、景美女中、中正高中、復興高中、臺灣省立板橋高中、新莊高中等八所臺北區公立高中高一共十五班學生為研究對象,總計有效樣本數為509人。所用研究工具計有「中小學學習及讀書策略量表」、「高中生英文及數學科學習興趣問卷」及「高中系列學業性向測驗」等。研究所得資料,以皮爾遜積差相關、單因子多變量變異數分析、二因子多變量變異數分析、多元迴歸分析、區別分析等統計方法進行處理。   綜合本研究結果如下:   一、高中生學習策略、學業興趣與學業性向的情形   1.高中學生不論在學習策略、學業興趣或學業性向之得分,均接近常態分配,而多數學生在學習策略的運用不盡理想,尤以時間管理為最;在英文科學習興趣問卷之得分較偏向高分,數學科學習興趣問卷之得分則偏向低分;高中系列學業性向測驗的得分較集中在高分,且語文推理略高於數量比較。   2.高中男女學生在學習策略上有差異,男生在自我效能、批判思考與導向學習的策略運用優於女生,在考試焦慮方面也高於女生,其他學習策略則沒有差異。   3.高中男女學生在英文科與數學科學習興趣上有差異,女生在英文內容與應用、欣賞與閱讀英文作品的興趣高於男生,在英文的深究興趣方面,則男女生沒有顯著的不同;男生在數學課程內容、數學思考方式與工作的興趣高於女生,在數學解題方式的興趣方面,則男女生沒有顯著的不同。   4.高中男女學生在學業性向上有顯著差異,在語文推理方面女生優於男生,在數量比較方面則男生優於女生。   二、學習策略與學業成就之關係   1.英文科學業成就與教育評價、時間管理、努力與堅持、專心等學習策略達顯著正相關,與批判思考的學習策略則呈顯著負相關。   2.數學科學業成就與重複溫習、監控策略、調整策略、時間管理、努力與堅持、專心、社會互動等學習策略達顯著正相關。   3.影響英文科與數學科學業成就的學習策略不同,監控、調整等後設認知策略與數學科學業成就有關連。   4.學習策略中時間管理、努力與堅持、專心的運用,影響英文科高、低學業成就,且高分組均優於低分組。   5.學習策略中內在酬賞、監控策略、調整策略、時間管理、努力與堅持、專心的運用,影響數學科高、低學業成就,除內在酬賞是高分組優於中分組外,均是高分組優於低分組。   6.英文科、數學科學業成就之高低不受性別因素之影響而在學習策略上有所差異。   7.學習策略對數學科學業成就的預測力略高於英文科,然而對二者的預測力均相當有限(8.37>6.29%)。   三、學業與趣與學業成就之關係   1.在英文科學習興趣中,英文內容與應用、欣賞與閱讀英文作品及英文興趣總分均和英文科學業成就達顯著正相關;數學科學習興趣三個因素(數學課程內容、數學思考方式與工作、數學解題方式)與數學科學業成就的相關,都達.01的顯著水準。   2.英文科高、低學業成就組在英文內容與應用的興趣及欣賞與閱讀英文作品的興趣方面,高分組高於低分組,且英文科學業成就之高低不受性別因素之影響而在英文科學習興趣上有所差異。   3.數學科高、低學業成就組在數學課程內容、數學思考方式與工作及數學解題方式的興趣均是高分組高於低分組,且數學科學業成就之高低受性別影響,除數學科學業成就高分組中女生在數學解題方式的興趣高於男生外,其餘均是男生高於女生。   4.英文科學習興趣,能預測英文科學業成就的12.64%;數學科學習興趣,能預測數學科學業成就的12.81%。   四、學業性向與學業成就之關係   1.英文科學業成就不受學業性向影響,數學科學業成就受數量比較學業性向影響,數量比較得分愈高,數學科學業成就愈高。   2.學業性向不是預測英文科學業成就的主要因素,語文推理、數量比較,兩者能預測數學科學業成就的12.47%。   五、學習策略、學業興趣、學業性向對學業成就的預測   1.對英文科學業成就的預測力,英文科學習興趣高於學習策略;對數學科學業成就的預測力,數學科學習興趣高於學業性向,學業性向高於學習策略。   2.英文科學習興趣、學習策略可顯著區分英文科學業成就的高分組與低分組;數學科學習興趣、學業性向、學習策略可顯著區分數學科學業成就的高分組與低分組。   最後,根據研究結果,提出在教育與輔導及未來研究方面的相關建議。

Las funciones de las imágenes de los libros de texto en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera : Un estudio sobre el uso de la imagen y de las actitudes sobre su uso como estrategia didáctica en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje en la escuela sueca / Functions of textbook images in Spanish education as a foreign language : A study about the use of the image and the attitudes about its use as a didactic strategy in the teaching - learning process in the Swedish school.

Björn, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

"MAN TAR DET SOM DET KOMMER" : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares och gymnasieelevers arbete och uppfattning kring begreppet metakognition

Inggårde, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Syftet är att undersöka och problematisera begreppet metakognition i gymnasieundervisning och avser besvara följande forskningsfrågor: Hur förhåller sig gymnasielärare till, och hanterar, begreppet metakognition i undervisningen? Vilken medvetenhet har gymnasieelever om begreppet metakognition och hur avspeglas det i deras lärande? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna användes lärar- och elevintervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor och observationer. Undersökningen genomfördes i en mellanstor stad i Sverige på en gymnasieskola där informanterna gick andra året på ett yrkesprogram. Två klasser observerades vid sammanlagt fyra olika tillfällen i tre olika ämnen och med fyra olika lärare. Därefter intervjuades 8 elever á tre grupper och slutligen lärarna. Resultatet visade att lärarna delvis arbetade medvetet kring att utveckla elevers metakognitiva förmågor. Lärare upplevde att elever hade en bristande metakognitiv förmåga, något som bekräftades både av observationerna och av eleverna själva: "Man tar det som det kommer". Min slutsats är att mer kunskap, framför allt, om hur lärare kan förstå begreppet är nödvändigt om också elever ska kunna utveckla sin metakognitiva förmåga på ett framgångsrikt sätt.

Les stratégies d’apprentissage chez les apprenants du FLE en milieu universitaire irakien : étude multifactorielle qualitative et quantitative à partir de questionnaires, d’entretiens et d’observations / Learning strategies of learners of FFL in Iraqi universities : qualitative and quantitative multifactorial study based on questionnaires, interviews and observations

Bali, Wadeea Younus Daham 11 March 2016 (has links)
Chacun a sa propre façon d'apprendre. Une particularité vient de multiples différences. Chaque différence engendre une différence. L’utilisation des stratégies d'apprentissage est un type de différences. Notre étude explore les stratégies utilisées par l’apprenant irakien du FLE. Trois principaux objectifs sont poursuivis. Le premier objectif vise à attirer l'attention sur la notion de stratégie et son rôle déterminant dans la réussite scolaire. Le deuxième objectif vise à amorcer un modèle pédagogique pour l'apprentissage des stratégies. À cette fin, le troisième et dernier objectif vise à déterminer quelles sont les stratégies les plus et les moins utilisées par l’apprenant irakien et si leur utilisation est influencée par certaines variables individuelles et situationnelles. Les données quantitatives sont obtenues à l'aide de deux questionnaires différents. Les données qualitatives sont obtenues à l'aide d’entretiens et d'observations. L'analyse des données quantitatives a montré (1) une différence significative dans le nombre et la fréquence d’utilisation des stratégies, (2) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le sexe, (3) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le niveau de compétence linguistique, (4) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la scolarité antérieure (5) une différence significative entre l’utilisation des stratégies et la méthode d’enseignement, (6) aucune différence significative n’a été décelée entre l’utilisation des stratégies et le stage linguistique. Elle a montré aussi que les enseignants (1) connaissent peu les stratégies, (2) ne savent pas comment les enseigner, (3) considèrent les stratégies comme une méthode d'apprentissage, (4) ont besoin d'être initiés à la psychologie de l'éducation, (5) souffrent de l'absence d'un cadre commun de référence pour les stratégies. L’analyse des données qualitatives a montré qu’un peu moins de la moitié des apprenants s'intéresse aux stratégies de planification, d’organisation et d'autocontrôle, les autres ne les envisagent pas, croient qu’il vaut mieux les confier à l’enseignant. La majorité d'entre eux préfèrent se reposer sur le savoir de leur enseignant que recourir au concept d'auto-apprentissage. Plus de la moitié des apprenants s'engage à utiliser les stratégies d’auto-évaluation visant à mesurer l'efficacité. Ce choix s’explique par le climat de compétition et l'intensité des examens qui poussent les apprenants à faire le suivi et à donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes. / We all have our own ways of learning. This peculiarity comes from many differences. Each difference creates a difference. The use of learning strategies constitutes a type of differences. Our study aimed to explore the learning strategies employed by Iraqi learners of French as a foreign language. Three main purposes are pursued. The first purpose is to draw attention to the concept of strategy in order to take full advantage of these tools to learn French. The second purpose is to develop a method for teaching and learning strategies. To that end, the third and final purpose is to determine the most and the least frequent strategies and whether their use is influenced by some individual and situational variables. The quantitative data was collected using two different questionnaires. The qualitative data was collected using interviews and classroom observations. Analysis of data received from quantitative methods showed that there was (1) statistically significant difference between strategy groups, (2) statistically significant difference between strategy use and sex, (3) statistically significant difference between strategy use and language proficiency level, (4) statistically significant difference between strategy use and antecedent academic, (5) statistically significant difference between strategy use and teaching method, (6) no statistically significant relationship between strategy use and language training. It also showed that professors (1) know little about the strategies, (2) have no idea about its teaching, (3) see the learning strategies as a learning method, (4) didn't have a scientific base in educational psychology, (5) suffer from the lack of a common base for strategies. Analysis of data received from qualitative methods showed that a little less than half of learners use management, planning and self-monitoring strategies, while others entrust it to teacher or institution. The most of the students prefer to receive knowledge from their professors rather than engaged in self-directed learning. More than half of learners use self-evaluation strategies to measure self-efficacy. This choice work well with the environmental competition and the relative intensity of tests.

O Logbook como procedimento de ensino e de aprendizagem: acrescentando sabor e cor ao ensino médico asséptico e branco / The logbook as teaching and learning procedure: adding flavor and color to medical education aseptic and white

Araújo, Ana Teresa Silva Maia de 10 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jakeline Ortega (jakortega@unoeste.br) on 2016-09-06T20:06:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA TERESA DISSERTACAO publicacao BDTD mar_2016.pdf: 2857425 bytes, checksum: 9a91d73aeb94da0e22e833edfb684505 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T20:06:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA TERESA DISSERTACAO publicacao BDTD mar_2016.pdf: 2857425 bytes, checksum: 9a91d73aeb94da0e22e833edfb684505 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-10 / The discomfort caused by the contradictions between medical education and health work, opened the "secret door" by which usually starts the pedagogical reflection in the University: the questioning of the teaching work. Such considerations led the author of this research to experience a new archetype for the developed teaching a medical school stage at the Oeste Paulista University (UNOESTE). In essence, the experience focused on the use of the logbook to the development and learning record and wealth of first impressions about its use (observed by the teacher and verbalized by the students), associated with the interest of other teachers in their construct it raised the desire to investigate this phenomenon. Therefore this research began to be developed in the Master's program in Education of the Oeste Paulista University in order to analyze the academic and social relevance of the logbook as teaching and learning procedure and more specifically, to characterize the constituent principles of the logbook, unveiling its potential to the process of teaching and learning and identify possible weaknesses in its implementation / execution. The choice of a qualitative approach of phenomenological nature of action- research type became natural, wherein the scenario of the research was to own classroom and demonstrations were studied in the logic of the involved subjects (53 students and the mediator teacher, who is the participating researcher). The data from a questionnaire with students impressions about the phenomenon, from the analysis of produced documents by the students and from teacher observation, categorized according to content analysis from Bardin, the logbook had substantiated its significance as a “hybrid” teaching and learning procedure seated in the precepts of active methodology, teaching and learning collaborative, endowed with academic magnitude (process of teaching and learning is dialogic, contextualized, reflective, developed in a warm educational way in a relatively short time) and also social (students with real experience of the working world in health, seizing reality in a critical perspective of knowledge and events). These results qualify the logbook as an interesting methodological option for a training process that understands the medical function as a social phenomenon that seeks to safeguard the life preserving the human of life. / O desconforto gerado com as contradições entre a formação médica e o trabalho em saúde, abriu a “porta secreta” pela qual costuma se iniciar a reflexão pedagógica na Universidade: o questionamento sobre o trabalho docente. Tais reflexões levaram a autora dessa pesquisa a experenciar um novo arquétipo para o ensino desenvolvido num estágio do Curso de Medicina da Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE). Em essência, a experiência centrou-se no uso do logbook para o desenvolvimento e registro do aprendizado e a riqueza das impressões primeiras sobre o seu uso (observadas pelo docente e verbalizadas pelos discentes), associada ao interesse de outros docentes no seu construto, suscitaram o desejo de investigar esse fenômeno. Assim, teve início a presente pesquisa desenvolvida no programa de Mestrado em Educação da Universidade do Oeste Paulista objetivando analisar a relevância acadêmica e social do logbook como procedimento de ensino e de aprendizagem e mais especificamente, de caracterizar os seus princípios constitutivos, desvelar as suas potencialidades para o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e verificar possíveis fragilidades na sua implantação/execução. A escolha da abordagem qualitativa de cunho fenomenológico do tipo pesquisa-ação tornou-se natural, dado que o cenário da investigação foi a própria sala de aula e as manifestações foram estudadas na lógica dos sujeitos envolvidos (53 estudantes e o docente mediador, que é a pesquisadora participante). Os dados oriundos de um questionário com as impressões discentes sobre o fenômeno, da análise dos documentos produzidos pelos estudantes e da observação docente, categorizados à luz da análise de conteúdos de Bardin, consubstanciaram a significação do logbook como um procedimento de ensino e aprendizagem “híbrido”, assentado nos preceitos da metodologia ativa, colaborativa de ensino e aprendizagem, dotada de relevância acadêmica (processo de ensino e de aprendizagem dialógico, contextualizado, reflexivo, desenvolvido num clima pedagógico acolhedor, em um tempo relativamente curto) e também social (discentes com vivência real do mundo do trabalho em saúde, apreendendo a realidade numa perspectiva crítica dos conhecimentos e acontecimentos). Esses resultados o credenciam como uma opção metodológica interessante para um processo formativo que entende a função médica como um fenômeno social que busca salvaguardar a vida preservando o humano da vida.

The challenges of implementing and sustaining an adult and vocational education curriculum on an isolated island

Bermant, David 25 April 2012 (has links)
The island of Cascara is a dependent overseas territory of a European metropole. Access to the island is currently only by sea though there are plans to construct an airport. To prepare the island for the economic-related activities that will arise from air access, an Adult and Vocational Education Strategy was developed. This Strategy paved the way for the establishment of the island’s Adult and Vocational Education Service and informed the contents of the curriculum it provided. The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges associated with implementing and sustaining the curriculum on this isolated island. In order to do this, the study examined the curriculum on offer; its current state of implementation and its associated challenges within the Adult and Vocational Education Service; it also investigated the extent to which the current curriculum met the needs of the island by aiding workforce development to support economic growth; and finally, it explored the challenges relating to the sustainability of the Adult and Vocational Education Service in providing a relevant vocational curriculum. A qualitative research approach was adopted using case study methodology. The purposive research sample comprised stakeholders across the public and private sectors at various levels. Qualitative research elicitation instruments were employed to gather data. These included questionnaires, unstructured, semi-structured and focus group interviews. In addition to these instruments, various official documents were analysed and the island’s local print and audio media were used to gather data. The research findings indicated that there needs to be more integration of resources (human, physical and financial) in the provision of adult and vocational learning. The data also showed that the integration of available resources has the potential to aid in more sustainable and meaningful learning that will benefit both the individuals and the economy. The data further suggested that a collaborative approach should aid in stabilising and expanding the provision of adult learning on the island. The need to improve the provision of distance learning opportunities with more internationally accredited courses being offered locally; the need for quality in the provision of learning to be formalised; and the need for the curriculum and staffing structures of the Adult and Vocational Education Service to be reconsidered were also highlighted. The research findings have already begun to serve as the basis for addressing the priorities of the Adult and Vocational Education Service on the island. By informing future learning policy and the contents of the curriculum on offer, the research findings could also potentially benefit the provision of adult and vocational education on other islands, small states and rural communities with limited human and financial resources. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Education Management and Policy Studies / Unrestricted

The mediating role of learning styles and strategies in the relationship between cognitive ability and academic performance

Robertson, Claire Michael 06 December 2012 (has links)
Cognitive ability has a strong and important relationship with academic performance. Numerous factors, however, affect a student’s performance, including among others; learning style, or the way in which students typically receive and process information, and learning strategies, or the level at which students approach learning and studying. Current studies are, however, divided in their findings regarding the relationship between learning styles and strategies and academic performance as well as the mediatory role they may play. The study sought to investigate the role of students’ learning styles and strategies in the relationship between cognitive ability and academic performance, in order to advance an understanding of the role that they play in this relationship. The study was conducted using a correlational research design within a cognitive psychology framework. Using convenience sampling, a total of 172 university students completed cognitive tests (Raven's Progressive Matrices and the Letter-N-Back) and a learning style and strategy survey. Structural equation modelling (SEM), specifically path analysis in combination with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), was then used to test relationships between constructs. Results from the first model suggest that higher cognitive abilities and the use of rehearsal (the surface learning strategy) each play a unique role in predicting academic performance (÷2 (67, N = 172) = 145.31, p < .001). It, in additio, seems as if various components of learning style and strategy do not predict academic performance at all. A refined model of the relationship between constructs confirmed this (÷2 (64, N = 172) = 70.51, p < .05). Learning styles along with the deep and metacognitive learning strategies were found to have no meaningful relation with academic performance. Cognitive abilities and rehearsal however were key predictors of performance. Mediation analysis further identified rehearsal as a mediator in the relationship between cognitive ability and academic performance (÷2 (65, N = 172) = 74.10, p >.05). Results show that cognitive ability indirectly affects academic performance through the surface learning strategy rehearsal). Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Psychology / unrestricted

Identifying How Successful Vocabulary-Learning Strategies Affect Reading Comprehension among Intermediate Learners of Mandarin Chinese

Jia, Hongyi 14 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The Chinese language has become an increasingly important Asian language for American students and more and more of them have a desire to learn it. The problems and the difficulties that Chinese foreign language (CFL) learners have when they try to use their knowledge of new vocabulary in reading comprehension are apparent. Previous studies have described some aspects that may influence reading comprehension and have indicated that Chinese is a relatively difficult language for native speakers of American English, but there are few studies that have focused on improving CFL learners' Chinese reading comprehension. This study investigates the effect of pre-learning vocabulary and contextualized word learning strategies on Chinese reading comprehension. The purpose of this study is to examine whether pre-learning vocabulary and contextualized word learning positively affect CFL learners' reading comprehension. The results show that pre-learning vocabulary does not have a positive effect on Chinese reading comprehension and that although contextualized word learning positively affects CFL learners' reading comprehension the effect is not significant. This study also gives relative analysis.

成就目標與學習行為的關係 / The Relationship of Achievement Goals and Learning Behaviors

李仁豪, Ren-Hau Li Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究主要目的在於: 一、探討成就目標理論最新的發展趨勢。 二、探討考試焦慮在自我調節的學習策略中的內涵意義。 三、探討成就目標、學習策略、考試焦慮三者對學業表現的影響。 四、建構出成就目標、學習策略、考試焦慮、學業表現四者間的因果模式。 五、歸納研究結果,做為老師教學與輔導之參考,並對未來相關研究提出建議。 本研究採問卷調查方式,以多階段叢集抽樣方式進行,分別在全省北中南東四區各抽取3至4個縣市,每個縣市再隨機抽取一個學校,共抽得14個學校,每個學校再隨機抽取國一、國二、國三各一班,共計樣本1332人。調查工具有三,其一為Elliot & McGregor(2001)編製的「成就目標量表」、其二為改編自吳靜吉、程炳林(民81)修訂Pintrich, Smith, & McKeachie(1989)所編的「激勵的學習策略量表」(MSLQ)而成的「學習策略量表」、其三為余民寧(民92)所編製的「考試焦慮量表」。調查所得資料以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元回歸分析、典型相關分析及結構方程模式SEM加以處理。 本研究得到以下結論: 一、國中生具有多種成就目標,教師需妥善引導。 二、國中生情緒調節能力稍弱,而以男生、高年級、北部學生最差。 三、認知焦慮較情緒焦慮對數學成績的影響力大,女生尤其較男生具有更高的認知焦慮。但是情緒焦慮對一年級的影響較其他年級大。 四、國中一年級學生相對於其他年級有較多的目標導向及較高的情緒焦慮,而在認知焦慮上各年級無差異。 五、在四種成就目標上,都是高焦慮組較高。在學習策略上,高焦慮組在一般認知、資源經營策略上較高,但在情緒調節上則以低焦慮組較高。在數學成績的比較上,低焦慮組較高。 六、對數學成績最具預測效果的因素有四:趨向精熟目標、認知評價過程及資源經營策略、考試焦慮中的認知焦慮。 七、逃避精熟目標、認知焦慮、情緒調節三者關係密切 八、考試焦慮與學習策略間具負向回饋圈特性,可以解釋兩者間無關的事實。 九、成就目標與學習行為的關係模式經修正後可適配,但模式不夠精簡。 最後,根據研究結果提出各項建議,以供教學實務上及未來研究參考。 關鍵詞:成就目標、學習策略、考試焦慮、情緒調節、結構方程模式 / The Relationship of Achievement Goals and Learning Behaviors Abstract The purpose of the present research is to: 一、discuss the recent development trends of achievement goals theory. 二、discuss the implication of test anxiety in self-regulatory learning strategy. 三、discuss the influence of achievement goals, learning strategies, and test anxiety on academic performance 四、construct the structure equation model (SEM) among achievement goals, learning strategies, test anxiety, and academic performance 五、induce the outcomes of the present research to submit a little suggestion as reference to teaching, guidance, and future related research The present research adopted a questionnaire survey in multiple-staged cluster sampling. First of all, sampling 3~4 cities or counties for each of four regions in Taiwan (including the north, the central, the south, and the east regions of the country). Then one junior high school was sampled for each cities and counties mentioned above. Finally, 14 schools were sampled. For each of those schools, one class of each grade was sampled, yielding a total of 1332 junior high school students. The tools of the present questionnaire survey were three. The first one was “achievement goals inventory” made by Elliot & McGregor (2001). Another one was “motivated strategies for learning questionnaire” (MSLQ) made by Pintrich, Smith, & McKeachie (1989), but the present research use its Chinese version revised by Wu & Cherng (1992). The other was “test anxiety inventory” made by Yu (2003). The raw data collected after the survey was handled with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, canonic correlation and structure equation model (SEM). The conclusions of the present research are: 一、Junior high school students have multiple achievement goals, so teachers have to guide them carefully. 二、In contrast to the other three learning strategies, junior high school students have weaker emotion regulation strategy, specifically, male, senior, and the north junior high school students were the weakest. 三、Cognitive test anxiety has more influence on math than what the emotionality component does. Females have higher cognitive test anxiety than male, and emotionality component has more influence on juniors than the others. 四、In contrast to the other two grades, juniors have more diverse achievement goals and higher emotionality component, however, there is no difference of cognitive test anxiety among three grades. 五、Regarding the comparison between high and low test anxiety groups, the high one scored higher in multiple achievement goals, and general cognition, resource management of the learning strategies, but scored lower in emotion regulation of the learning strategies and math. 六、The best effect predictors of math scores were mastery-approach achievement goal, and cognitive appraisal process, resource management of the learning strategies, cognitive test anxiety. 七、Mastery-avoidance achievement goal, cognitive test anxiety, and emotion regulation of the learning strategies were closely related. 八、There is a negative feedback loop between test anxiety and learning strategy, which explains the low correlation between test anxiety and learning strategy. 九、SEM for the relationship of achievement goals and learning behaviors can fit the raw data collected well after modification by modification index, but the model is not parsimonious enough. Finally, according to the outcome, the present research submits a little suggestion for future research, and gives some advice for the practice of teaching. Key words: achievement goals, learning strategy, test anxiety, emotion regulation, structure equation model

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