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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barthélemy Faujas de Saint-Fond, parcours d’un homme de science mondain au tournant des Lumières (1741-1819) / Barthélemy Faujas de Saint-Fond, journey of a socialite science man at the enlightment turn (1741-1819)

Comparato, Guillaume 07 December 2018 (has links)
L’Europe de la fin du XVIIIe siècle et du début du XIXe siècle est un espace de mouvements et d’échanges de savoirs. En cette période, de nombreux savants parcouraient l’espace européen pour découvrir de nouveaux horizons et faire l’expérience du voyage. Un rite de passage presque obligatoire que le chevalier de Jaucourt, dans l’Encyclopédie, jugeait nécessaire. Les savants alors commençaient à élaborer de nouveaux savoirs et peu à peu à se spécialiser. Mais de son côté la vie littéraire était en train de passer des Lumières au Romantisme et certains de ces savants préféraient encore se définir comme des lettrés plutôt que comme des scientifiques.Dans cet espace et dans ce temps de transitions, nous nous arrêterons sur un homme qui rêve de sciences, de voyages et de gloire. Il s’agit du géologue drômois Faujas de Saint-Fond, né à Montélimar en 1741 et mort en 1819 à Saint-Fond, non loin de Loriol. Ce Dauphinois, formé à Lyon, puis Avocat à Grenoble et Juge de 1ère instance à Montélimar devient dans les années 1780 un des minéralogistes les plus en vue de la capitale. Disciple de Buffon - qui est alors le maître incontesté de l’Histoire naturelle de l’époque – et ami de l’Isérois Dolomieu, il gravit peu à peu les échelons du monde scientifique. / Europe of the end of the XVIIIth century and of the beginning of the XIXth century is a space of movements and exchanges of knowledges. In this period, numerous scholars crossed the European space to discover new horizons and experience the journey. An almost compulsory rite of passage which the knight of Jaucourt, in the Encyclopedia, considered necessary. The scholars then began to elaborate new knowledges and little by little to specialize. But from his/her part the literary life was crossing Lights in the romanticism and some of these scholars again preferred to define themselves as men of letters rather than as scientists.In this space and in this time of transitions we shall arrest on a man who dreams about sciences, about journeys and about glory. It is about the geologist drômois Faujas de Saint-Fons, born in Montélimar in 1741 and died in 1819 to Saint-Fons, not far from Loriol. It Dauphiné,,formed in Lyon, then Lawyer in Grenoble and Judge of 1re authority to Montélimar,one of the foremost mineralogists of the capital becomes in the 1780s. Follower of Buffon - Who is then the undisputed master of the Natural History of period - and friend of the isérois Dolomieu, he climbs little by little the levels of the scientific world.

Investigações no campo da programação semafórica / Research on the signal programming field

Isabela Aparecida Fornaciari 29 October 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho são investigados alguns aspectos relacionados com a programação de tempos de semáforos isolados. A seguir são comentados os principais resultados obtidos. Os valores obtidos na cidade de São Carlos são os seguintes: tempo médio total (no início e no final) perdido no verde mais amarelo por fase veicular nos semáforos igual a 3,12 s (interseção em nível e fluxo sem conversão); velocidade média dos pedestres na travessia em semáforos igual a 1,28 m/s e velocidade correspondente ao 85 percentil igual a 1,00 m/s. Com exceção de alguns casos especiais, os valores do atraso fornecidos pelos métodos: Webster, HCM-2000, Simulador Integration e Simulador Corsim são da mesma magnitude e, portanto, perfeitamente viáveis de serem utilizados nos estudos práticos. Na determinação dos tempos que compõem a fase destinada à travessia de pedestres em semáforos, os métodos Ferraz e MUTCD são mais indicados que os métodos Webster/Denatran e CET-SP, uma vez que proporcionam adequada segurança sem \"assustar\" os pedestres e com o mínimo de prejuízo à capacidade do fluxo veicular. O emprego de fase exclusiva para pedestres em semáforos com duas fases veiculares leva aos seguintes acréscimos aproximados nos valores do atraso médio dos veículos: 40% para fluxos veiculares até 1000 v/h, 25% para fluxos veiculares da ordem de 1100 v/h e 20% para fluxos veiculares da ordem de 1200 v/h. / In this research some aspects related to time programming of single traffic lights are investigated. The main results are commented as follows. The values obtained in the city of São Carlos are: total average lost time (in the beginning and in the end) in the green and yellow phases in each vehicular signal phase equal to 3.12 s (level intersection and flow without conversion), pedestrians average speed on the traffic lights crossing equal to 1.28 m/s and speed corresponding to the 85º percentile equal to 1.00 m/s. Except for some special cases, the values of the delay provided by the Webster, HCM-2000, Simulator Integration and Simulator Corsim methods are of the same magnitude and, therefore, they are perfectly feasible to use in practical studies. In determining the periods of the pedestrian crossing stage for the traffic signals, the Ferraz and MUTCD methods are more indicated than the Webster/Denatran and CET-SP methods, since they provide appropriate safety without \"scaring\" the pedestrians and with minimal damage to the vehicular flow capacity. The use of exclusive pedestrian phase at two vehicular stage signals leads to the following approximate increases in the values of the vehicles average delay: 40% to vehicle flow up to 1000 v/h, 25% for vehicle flow about 1100 v/h, and 20% for vehicle flow about 1200 v/h. In this research some aspects related to time programming of single traffic lights are investigated.

Control of large scale traffic network / Contrôle de vaste réseau de trafic

Grandinetti, Pietro 11 September 2017 (has links)
La thèse concerne le contrôle de feux tricolores dans de larges réseaux urbains. Le point de départ est l’étude d’un modèle macroscopique se basant sur le Cell Transmission model. Nous avons formulé une version du modèle intégrant les feux tricolores à sa dynamique. De plus, nous avons introduit deux simplifications à ce modèle orientées vers la conception des techniques de contrôle ; la première se base sur la théorie de la moyenne et considère le pourcentage de vert des feux tricolores, la seconde décrit les trajectoires des feux tricolores en utilisant les instants d’activation et de désactivation d’un signal binaire. Nous utilisons des simulations numériques pour valider les modèles en les comparant avec le Cell Transmisson model intégrant les feux tricolores, ainsi que des simulations microscopiques (avec le logiciel Aimsun) afin de valider les mêmes modèles en les comparant cette fois-ci à un comportement réaliste des véhicules.Nous proposons deux techniques de contrôle à partir des deux modèles mentionnés ci-dessus. Le premier, qui utilise le modèle moyen de transmission de véhicules, considère les pourcentages de vert des feux tricolores comme variables contrôlées, et il est formulé comme un problème d'optimisation des mesures de trafic standards. Nous analysons un tel problème et nous montrons que cela équivaut à un problème d'optimisation convexe, afin d'assurer son efficacité de calcul. Nous analysons sa performance par rapport à un best-practice control à la fois dans des simulations MatLab, et dans des simulations microscopiques, avec un modèle Aimsun qui reproduit une grande partie de Grenoble, en France. La deuxième approche proposée est un problème d'optimisation dans lequel les variables contrôlées sont les instants d'activation et de désactivation de chaque feu tricolore. Nous utilisons la technique de modélisation Big-M dans le but de formuler un tel problème comme un programme linéaire avec variables entières, et nous montrons par des simulations numériques que l’expressivité de cette optimisation conduit à des améliorations de la dynamique du trafic, au prix de l'efficacité de calcul.Pour poursuivre la scalabilité des techniques de contrôle proposées nous développons deux algorithmes itératifs pour le problème de contrôle des feux de signalisation. Le premier, basé sur l'optimisation convexe mentionnée ci-dessus, utilise la technique dual descent et nous prouvons qu’il est optimal, i.e., il donne la même solution que l'optimisation centralisée. Le second, basé sur le problème d’optimisation entier susmentionné, est un algorithme sous-optimal qui mène à des améliorations substantielles par rapport au problème centralisé connexe, concernant l'efficacité de calcul. Nous analysons par des simulations numériques la vitesse de convergence des algorithmes itératifs, leur charge de calcul et leurs performances en matière de mesure du trafic.La thèse est conclue avec une étude de l'algorithme de contrôle des feux de circulation qui est utilisé dans plusieurs grandes intersections dans Grenoble. Nous présentons le principe de fonctionnement d'un tel algorithme, en détaillant les différences technologiques et méthodologiques par rapport aux approches proposées. Nous créons dans Aimsun le scénario représentant la partie intéressée de la ville, en reproduisant également l'algorithme de contrôle et en comparant ses performances avec celles de l'une de nos approches sur le même scénario. / The thesis focuses on traffic lights control in large scale urban networks. It starts off with a study of macroscopic modeling based on the Cell Transmission model. We formulate a signalized version of such a model in order to include traffic lights’ description into the dynamics. Moreover, we introduce two simplifications of the signalized model towards control design, one that is based on the average theory and considers duty cycles of traffic lights, and a second one that describes traffic lights trajectories with the time instants of the rising and falling edges of a binary signals. We use numerical simulations to validate the models with respect to the signalized Cell Transmission model, and microsimulations (with the software Aimsun), to validate the same model with respect to realistic vehicles’ behavior.We propose two control algorithms based on the two models above mentioned. The first one, that uses the average Cell Transmission model, considers traffic lights’ duty cycles as controlled variables and it is formulated as an optimization problem of standard traffic measures. We analyze such a problem and we show that it is equivalent to a convex optimization problem, so ensuring its computational efficiency. We analyze its performance with respect to a best-practice control scheme both in MatLab simulations and in Aimsun simulations that emulate a large portion of Grenoble, France. The second proposed approach is an optimization problem in which the decision variables are the activation and deactivation time instants of every traffic lights. We employ the Big-M modeling technique to reformulate such a problem as a mixed integer linear program, and we show via numerical simulations that the expressivity of it can lead to improvements of the traffic dynamics, at the price of the computational efficiency of the control scheme.To pursue the scalability of the proposed control techniques we develop two iterative distributed approaches to the traffic lights control problem. The first, based on the convex optimization above mentioned, uses the dual descent technique and its provably optimal, that is, it gives the same solution of the centralized optimization. The second, based on the mixed integer problem aforesaid, is a suboptimal algorithm that leads to substantial improvements by means of the computational efficiency with respect to the related centralized problem. We analyze via numerical simulations the convergence speed of the iterative algorithms, their computational burden and their performance regarding traffic metrics.The thesis is concluded with a study of the traffic lights control algorithm that is employed in several large intersections in Grenoble. We present the working principle of such an algorithm, detailing technological and methodological differences with our proposed approaches. We create into Aimsun the scenario representing the related part of the city, also reproducing the control algorithm and comparing its performance with the ones given by one of our approaches on the same scenario.

“In my fiction I never say anything which is not absolutely true”: Reassessing Constance Fenimore Woolson’s Literary Realism

Hemm, Ashley N 18 December 2015 (has links)
Despite her immense popularity in the nineteenth century, Constance Fenimore Woolson's reputation dwindled substantially in the decades which followed. While her works have been rediscovered over the past thirty years, they are often categorized as regionalist writing or, in the case of her penultimate novel, Jupiter Lights, melodrama. What many fail to consider, however, is that Woolson very much considered herself a realist author, and may have been remembered as such were it not for the influence of William Dean Howells and his peers, whose very narrow parameters for literary realism excluded Woolson, among others. Unfortunately, those parameters are still with us today, and exclude many authors whose realities do not conform to Howells’s original scope. In this thesis, I examine the biographical and historical context for Woolson’s lesser-known works, arguing that they demonstrate a type of empathetic realism which must not be ignored by current scholars of American literature.

Sverige vs Danmark : En jämförelse av läsundervisningen i årskurs ett på båda sidor av sundet

Mira, Kryhl, Meijer, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en komparativ studie om läsundervisningen i två klasser i Sverige och Danmark. Den danska läroplanen, Fælles Mål, 2009, har tydligare riktlinjer angående läsning, vilken vi har jämfört med den svenska läroplanen, Lgr11. Två rapporter om elevers läskunnighet sammanfattas i uppsatsen. Delar av rapporterna har lyfts då vi anser att dessa är betydelsefulla för elevers läsning. Till exempel har vi redogjort för betydelsen av olika läsmaterial och individuell läsning. Syftet med studien har varit att göra jämförelser i läsundervisningen och läroplanerna. För att kunna jämföra läsundervisningen beslutade vi oss för att genomföra observationer och därefter samtal med lärare i Sverige och Danmark. Resultatet är att läsundervisningen bedrivs i stort sett likartat på båda skolorna. Skillnaden vi sett kan likväl finnas mellan skolor i Sverige och vise versa i Danmark. Resultatet hade troligtvis sett annorlunda ut om urvalet varit större. Dock är läsundervisningen av största prioritet, oavsett om den bedrivs i Sverige eller Danmark. Som bisyfte har vi tagit reda på om det finns någon kännedom om rapporterna Northern Lights on PISA 2006 och PIRLS 2006. Kunskapen om rapporterna är vag hos båda lärarna i undersökningen.


Andrus, Ryan Charles 17 September 2013 (has links)
LAMBDA was an exploration of science and art in two components: a performance-lecture and an art installation. This project asserted that performance and art are effective methods of delivering scientific information to a general audience. The first component was a solo performance-lecture that used lights, projection, costumes, props, and sound in a hybrid classroom space. The performance-lecture covered the topics of light, the Aurora Borealis, gravitational lensing, and the cosmic microwave background. The art installation used light emitting objects to visually represent the gravitational disturbances that exist within a section of space-time. / text

歩行者の交差点における信号無視行動とその態度との関連について: 公的・私的自己意識も踏まえて

北折, 充隆, Kitaori, Mitsutaka 27 December 1999 (has links)

Reappraisal of geophysical phenomena and associated portents in the classical world

Maxwell Miller Unknown Date (has links)
ABSTRACT Many unusual phenomena in nature were recorded from the regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea from the second millennium BC up to AD 600. The ancient sources interpreted these as prodigies, messages from the gods, but rarely discussed their causes. Numerous reports of these portents were viewed as the illusions of eyewitnesses or the fabrications of ancient literary sources. Many modern authors have interpreted these portents as fabulous, or as astronomical or meteorological events. This thesis examines the portents that occur in the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere and proposes that many are geophysical phenomena caused by tectonic activity, in particular earthquakes and volcanoes. Modern research on these incidents is examined to identify characteristics and causes, and texts from ancient philosophers and natural historians are investigated to see whether they were aware of these natural occurrences and if so, how they were produced. Portents that possess the characteristics of seismically-induced lights, cloud, fog, storms, anomalous animal behaviour, noises, and hydrological changes are collated in order to discuss individual events. Where possible, ancient examples are compared with modern well-documented episodes with the same features. In a majority of cases, these events have recurred in the same locations at later times. The proposal that many of these phenomena are caused by seismic activity offers an alternative to the suggestions of many modern scholars, who ascribe many of the luminous events to lightning, meteors or comets and some sonics to exploding meteors or thunderstorms. This reappraisal of the ancient portents vindicates the seemingly fantastic reports that occur in the ancient texts, especially some of the poetic or religious sources, and rehabilitates the reputation of the authors who have documented these events. In the process it also adds to the catalogue of geophysical phenomena caused by earthquakes in the classical world.

AS LUZES DA COMUNICAÇÃO NA ERA DO ESPETÁCULO: Olhares em tempo de novas interações midiáticas / The lights of communication the era of espetacle: looks at time of new interactions media

Jorge, João Leandre 02 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:29:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JLeandre Jorge.pdf: 1438924 bytes, checksum: 3f93dacbb425dcf3f9229d9efb728893 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-02 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The study propounds a theoric reflexion about the images of the era of spectacle and its connection with the communication. The systematization of the bibliographical research about the theory of society of spectacle em Guy Debord considering the affairs that happen of the excess of lights in the production of images called by the research by the means of terms lights of the communication and pointed as one of the bases of lack of communication. The work punctuate the evolution of theories of communication in one rereading of the notion of the society of spectacle to come to the light of the new interations of the Media. The research explore the social connexion and the image in the imaginary dimension na study the myth in the communicable context. The effort of the research treats the myth of the spectacle like the inverse of the myth of the Platão s cave where the cave would be its own spectacle, places of many lights, places of the lack of communication. The reflexion based on semiology faces with new challenges in the theoric mapping and in the analysis of these new ways of the culture of the spectacle and the society and how can they carry other ways in this connection between communication and its connection with the Media. Finally, the research works the possibility of the practice of alterity in the human connexions by the light of the communication. / O estudo propõe uma reflexão teórica sobre a produção de imagens na era do espetáculo e sua relação com a comunicação. A sistematização da pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a teoria da Sociedade do Espetáculo em Guy Debord leva em conta as questões que decorrem do excesso de luz na produção de imagens, tratada por esta pesquisa por meio do termo luzes da comunicação e apontada como uma das bases da incomunicação. O trabalho pontua a evolução das teorias da comunicação em uma releitura da noção de Sociedade do Espetáculo à luz das novas interações midiáticas. A pesquisa explora as relações sociais e a imagem na dimensão do imaginário e estuda o mito no contexto comunicacional. O esforço da pesquisa trata o mito do espetáculo como o inverso do mito da caverna de Platão onde a caverna seria o próprio espetáculo, lugar das muitas luzes, lugar da incomunicabilidade. A reflexão se depara com novos desafios no mapeamento teórico e na análise dessas novas formas de cultura do espetáculo e de sociedade e de como elas podem conter outras formas de poder nessa relação entre comunicação e suas conexões midiáticas. Por fim, a pesquisa trabalha a possibilidade da prática de alteridade nas relações humanas pela luz da comunicação.

Influência de características de equipamentos fotoativadores e tempos de fotoativação na polimerização de resinas compostas bulk fill / Influence of characteristics of light curing units and photoactivation times on the polymerization of bulk fill composite resins

Carlos Alberto Kenji Shimokawa 12 June 2017 (has links)
Os equipamentos fotoativadores apresentam diferentes características e elas podem influenciar na polimerização de restaurações em resina composta. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as características de quatro equipamentos fotoativadores e verificar sua influência na polimerização de duas resinas compostas bulk fill. Os equipamentos fotoativadores Bluephase 20i (Ivoclar Vivadent), Celalux 3 (Voco), Elipar DeepCure-S (3M ESPE) e Valo Grand (Ultradent) foram avaliados quanto ao diâmetro da ponteira, à potência, à irradiância, ao espectro de emissão e ao perfil do feixe de luz, e utilizados na fotoativação das resinas compostas Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative - A2 (3M ESPE) e Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill - IVA (Ivoclar Vivadent). Matrizes de Delrin® brancas foram utilizadas para confecção de espécimes de 12 mm de diâmetro e 4 mm de espessura, sendo a dureza nas superfícies de topo e fundo desses espécimes avaliadas com 97 endentações por superfície, no centro e em todas as direções. Uma matriz de dente foi confeccionada para a avaliação da dureza transversal de restaurações de 12 mm de largura e 4 mm de profundidade, sendo feitas endentações no centro e nas regiões mesial e distal (4,5 mm do centro), a cada 0,5 mm de profundidade. Após os ensaios de microdureza, os espécimes foram imersos em Tetrahidrofurano por 24 horas. A transmissão de luz através dos espécimes também foi avaliada. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente com testes de ANOVA e Tukey, com nível de significância de 5%, e teste t. Os valores de dureza mensurados nos espécimes confeccionados com auxilio das matrizes de Delrin® mostram que os fatores resina composta e superfície mensurada exercem influência sobre os resultados (p<0,05). A interação entre o fator equipamento fotoativador e a região das endentações também influenciou os resultados, sendo que o uso do Valo Grand não resultou em diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os valores mensurados no centro e na região externa (p>=0,05). Quando o Celalux 3 foi utilizado, houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os valores obtidos nas regiões central e externa (p<0,05). Os resultados de dureza mensurados nos espécimes confeccionados com a matriz feita com uso de dente humano mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre 10 e 20 segundos de fotoativação (p<0,05). O fator resina composta também exerceu influência sobre os resultados. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o centro e as regiões mesial e distal quando todos os equipamentos fotoativadores foram utilizados (p<0,05). Também foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os valores obtidos nas caixas mesial e distal dos espécimes (p<0,05). Os resultados de transmissão de luz mostraram que pouca luz violeta chega ao fundo dos espécimes e a posição e o tamanho da ponteira dos equipamentos fotoativadores influenciam na irradiância da luz que chega no fundo das caixas proximais de restaurações MOD. Os equipamentos fotoativadores apresentaram diferenças, sendo que elas, associadas à diferentes protocolos de fotoativação, influenciaram na dureza de restaurações confeccionadas com resinas compostas bulk fill. / Light curing units can present different characteristics and they can influence the polymerization of composite resin restorations. The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of four light curing units and verify their influence on the polymerization of two bulk fill composite resins. The light curing units Bluephase 20i (Ivoclar Vivadent), Celalux 3 (Voco), Elipar DeepCure-S (3M ESPE) and Valo Grand (Ultradent) were analyzed regarding their tip diameter, radiant power, irradiance, emission spectrum and light beam profile, and used for the photoactivation of the composite resins Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative - A2 (3M ESPE) and Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill - IVA (Ivoclar Vivadent). White Delrin® matrices were used for the confection of 12 mm diameter and 4 mm depth specimens, being their hardness measured at the top and bottom surfaces, with 97 indents per surface, at the center and all the directions. One matrix, made using human tooth, was used for the confection of 12mm wide and 4 mm depth restorations, in which the transversal hardness was measured. Indents were made at the center and the mesial and distal regions (4,5 mm from the center) of the restorations, at every 0,5 mm in depth. After the microhardness tests, the specimens were immersed in Tetrahydrofuran for 24 hours. The light transmission through the specimens was also analyzed. The obtained data was statistically analyzed with the ANOVA and Tukey tests, with a 5% significance level, and t test. The hardness values measured at the specimen made with the Delrin® matrices showed that the factors composite resin and surface influenced the results (p<0,05). The interaction between the light curing unit and the region of the indents also influenced the results, when the Valo Grand was used, there was no statistically significant difference between center and the external regions (p>=0,05). When the Celalux 3 was used, there was a statistically significant difference between the central and external regions (p<0,05). The hardness results obtained with the specimen made using the matrix of human tooth showed statistically significant differences between the 10 and 20 second photoactivation times (p<0,05). The factor composite resin also influenced the results. There was a statistically significant difference between the center and the mesial and distal regions when all the light curing units were used (p<0,05). There was also a statistically significant difference between the values measured on the mesial and distal boxes of the specimen (p<0,05). The light transmission results showed that little violet light reaches the bottom of the specimens and the position and the light curing unit\'s tip diameters influence the irradiance of light that reaches the bottom of the proximal boxes of MOD restorations. The light curing units showed different characteristics and they, associated to different photoativation protocols, influence the hardness of bulk fill composite resin restorations.

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