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Desenvolvimento de sistemas micro e nanoestruturados de quitosana/MDI para aplica??es cosm?ticasCosta Neto, Bento Pereira da 05 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Currently, studies in the area of polymeric microcapsules and nanocapsules and controlled release are considerably advanced. This work aims the study and development of microcapsules and nanocapsules from Chitosan/MDI, using a new technique of interfacial polycondensation combined to spontaneous emulsification, for encapsulation of BZ-3. It was firstly elaborated an experimental design of 23 of the
particle in white without the presence of BZ-3 and Miglyol, where the variables were the concentrations of MDI, chitosan and solvent. Starting from the data supplied by the
experimental design was chosen the experiment with smaller particle diameter and only added like this BZ-3 and Miglyol.
The suspension containing concentrations of 6.25 mg/mL, 12.5 mg/mL, 18.75 mg/mL, 25 mg/mL of BZ-3 were prepared, nevertheless, during the storage time, these formulations presented drug precipitates in the suspensions of 18.75 mg/mL and 25 mg/mL of BZ-3. This apparition of precipitate was attributed to the diffusion of BZ-3 for the aqueous phase without any encapsulation, suggesting so the use of the smaller concentrations of the BZ-3. The suspension containing 6.25mg/mL of BZ3 presented average size of 1.47μm, zeta potential of 61 mV, pH 5.64 and this sample showed an amount of BZ-3 and drug entrapment of 100 %. The suspension containing 12.5mg/mL of BZ-3 presented average size of 1.76μm, zeta potential of 47.4 mV, pH 5.71 and this sample showed an amount of BZ-3 and drug entrapment of 100 %. Then, showing such important characteristics, these two formulations were chosen for futher continuity to the study. These formulations were also characterized by the morphology, FTIR, stability for Turbiscan, DSC and a study of controlled release of the BZ-3 was elaborated in different receiving means / O presente trabalho visou o estudo e desenvolvimento de um sistema micro e nanoestruturado de quitosana reticulada por diisocianato, pela t?cnica de policondensa??o interfacial combinada com emulsifica??o espont?nea, para
encapsula??o de benzofenona-3 (BZ-3), um filtro solar qu?mico. Foi elaborado primeiramente um planejamento experimental de 23 para desenvolvimento da formula??o de part?culas de quitosana e MDI (4,4 -difenil metano diisocianato), onde as vari?veis foram ?s concentra??es de MDI, de quitosana e do solvente. A partir dos dados fornecidos pelo planejamento experimental, optou-se pelas condi??es de processo e formula??o capazes de gerar o menor di?metro de part?cula. O estudo prosseguiu com
a incorpora??o de BZ-3 e Miglyol (n?cleo das c?psulas formadas). Suspens?es de nanoc?psulas com concentra??es de 6,25 mg/mL, 12,5 mg/mL, 18,75 mg/mL e 25 mg/mL de BZ-3 foram preparadas, por?m durante o per?odo de armazenamento ocorreu o aparecimento de precipitados cristalinos, nas suspens?es de 18,75 mg/mL e 25 mg/mL
de BZ-3. Este aparecimento de precipitados cristalinos foi atribu?do ? difus?o da BZ-3 para a fase aquosa n?o ocorrendo sua encapsula??o. A suspens?o contendo 6,25 mg/mL de BZ-3 apresentou di?metro m?dio de 1,47μm, potencial zeta de 61 mV, pH de 5,64 e teor de encapsula??o pr?ximos a 100 %. A suspens?o contendo 12,5mg/mL de BZ-3 apresentou di?metro m?dio de 1,76μm, potencial zeta de 47,4mV, pH 5,71 e teor de encapsula??o pr?ximos a 100 % e foi selecionada juntamente com a de 6,25 mg/mL para a continuidade do estudo. Estas formula??es foram caracterizadas tamb?m pela
morfologia, turbidimetria, espectroscopia de absor??o na regi?o do infravermelho, DSC e foi elaborado um estudo de libera??o controlada do f?rmaco em diferentes meios
receptores. Em conclus?o, o conjunto dos resultados obtidos demonstra que estas formula??es s?o sistemas promissores para a aplica??o cut?nea de filtros solares
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Složená adjektiva v dílech obrozenských autorů / Compound adjectives in the works written during the National RevivalŽIŠKOVÁ, Dana January 2008 (has links)
The topic of this thesis covers the field of word-formation processes and describes the word-formation creativity of second revival generation authors, in particular compound adjectives. The poetry collections of selected second revival generation authors (F. L. Čelakovský, J. K. Chmelenský, J. V. Kamarýt and M. M. Z. Polák) are the source for compound adjectives research. The monograph of Dušan Šlosar Česká kompozita diachronně/Czech Compounds in Diachronic aspect (1999) is the source of methodology for this research. We have worked with terms: compound adjectives, compounding, derivative compounding, linking word, first and second part of a compound. The research target of this thesis is to classify the compound adjectives, to assess the meaning and use of compounds in text, to consider their communicative significance and to observe the frequency of compounds in the text of the authors.
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Incorporacao e liberacao de resveratrol em hidrogeis polimericos / Resveratrol immobilization and release in polymeric hydrogelsMOMESSO, ROBERTA G.R.A.P. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Resveratrol (3, 4, 5-trihidroxiestilbeno) é um polifenol produzido por uma grande variedade de plantas em resposta ao estresse e encontrado predominantemente em cascas de uvas. Este princípio ativo apresenta vários benefícios à saúde, como a capacidade antioxidante, relacionada à prevenção de diversos tipos de câncer e do envelhecimento precoce da pele. No entanto, apresenta baixa biodisponibilidade quando administrado por via oral, o que torna interessante sua aplicação tópica. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a incorporação de resveratrol em hidrogéis poliméricos para obtenção de um sistema de liberação utilizado topicamente contra o desenvolvimento de desordens cutâneas, como o envelhecimento cutâneo e o câncer de pele. As matrizes poliméricas compostas por poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona) (PVP), poli(etileno glicol) (PEG) e ágar ou PVP e propano-1,2,3-triol (glicerina) e irradiadas a 20 kGy foram caracterizadas pelos ensaios de fração gel e intumescimento; sua biocompatibilidade preliminar foi avaliada in vitro por meio do ensaio de citotoxicidade utilizando o método de incorporação do vermelho neutro. Devido à baixa solubilidade do resveratrol em água, verificou-se o efeito da adição de 2% de etanol às matrizes. Todas as matrizes estudadas, contendo ou não álcool, apresentaram alto grau de reticulação, capacidade de intumescimento e não apresentaram toxicidade em ensaio preliminar de biocompatibilidade. Os dispositivos foram obtidos pela incorporação de resveratrol nas matrizes poliméricas, realizada de forma direta e indireta, ou seja, antes e após irradiação, respectivamente. Os dispositivos obtidos pelo método direto foram submetidos aos ensaios de fração gel, intumescimento e citotoxicidade e apresentaram-se semelhantes às respectivas matrizes. Os dispositivos contendo 0,05% de resveratrol obtidos pelo método direto e os dispositivos contendo 0,1% de resveratrol obtidos pelo método indireto foram submetidos ao ensaio de cinética de liberação durante 24 h. A quantificação do resveratrol liberado foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC). Apenas os dispositivos obtidos pelo método indireto apresentaram capacidade de liberar o resveratrol incorporado, que apresentou capacidade antioxidante após liberação. / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Desenvolvimento de uma membrana nanoestruturada à base de poliacrilamida para veiculação de proteínas / Radio-synthesized polyacrylamide nanostructured hydrogels for proteins releaseFERRAZ, CAROLINE C. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Hidrogéis são membranas formadas pela reticulação de cadeias poliméricas, empregados na área farmacêutica como produtos biomédicos. Dentre os principais polímeros selecionados para a síntese de hidrogéis, destaca-se a poliacrilamida (PAAM) devido às suas propriedades como hidrofilicidade e alto grau de intumescimento. Proteínas terapêuticas e enzimas são veiculadas em hidrogéis como carreadores de fármaco ou como dispositivos para tratamento de feridas e escaras na pele. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a síntese de uma membrana à base de PAAM favorável para veiculação de proteínas. As proteínas empregadas foram papaína e albumina de soro bovino (BSA) e as etapas do processo englobaram síntese da membrana, adição das proteínas no sistema, irradiação em condições específicas e caracterização da membrana. Ao utilizar temperaturas criogênicas na síntese e na irradiação das amostras, houve predomínio de reticulação da cadeia polimérica, fato que não ocorria em temperatura ambiente. As membranas foram obtidas com incorporação dos ativos na concentração de 0,2 a 1% (p/p), obtendo-se concentração de PAAM entre 4% a 10% (p/p), as quais receberam irradiação com raios gama provenientes de uma fonte 60Co, na dose de 25 kGy. Nas condições realizadas, as membranas não apresentaram citotoxicidade nem adesão celular, o perfil de liberação das proteínas foi adequado, a papaína manteve sua bioatividade preservada apesar do decaimento biológico e, segundo estudos de carga das moléculas, a membrana possui maior afinidade com a papaína, liberando-a mais lentamente. Desta forma, o método proposto e as membranas obtidas foram apropriados para a obtenção de um biomaterial. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Hidrógeis poliméricos com nanopartículas de prata para aplicações médicas / Polymeric hydrogels with silver nanoparticles for medical applicationsALCANTARA, MARA T.S. 03 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-03-03T10:48:26Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T10:48:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O desenvolvimento de novos procedimentos e tecnologias tem proporcionado um grande avanço no tratamento de feridas e queimaduras, melhorando a qualidade de vida das vítimas e reduzindo as taxas de mortalidade de pessoas com queimaduras graves. Entretanto as complicações infecciosas continuam sendo um desafio e uma das principais causas de óbito de queimados. Por outro lado, em todo o mundo tem-se observado um crescente interesse no uso de hidrogéis para aplicação como curativos para queimaduras, ferimentos e úlceras de pele, tendo em vista que são capazes de absorver exsudatos, ajudam na cicatrização e proporcionam conforto ao paciente, uma vez que favorecem o alívio da dor. Além disso, os hidrogéis também podem ser aplicados como matrizes para sistemas de liberação controlada de princípios ativos e agentes antimicrobianos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as propriedades mecânicas e físico-químicas de hidrogéis compostos por blendas formadas por Poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona)/ Polietilenoglicol/ ágar (PVP/PEG/ágar), Poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona)/ glicerol/ ágar (PVP/glicerol/ágar); Poli(álcool vinílico)/ kappa-carragena/ ágar (PVA/KC/ágar), reticuladas por radiação ionizante. Para a preparação das blendas, utilizou-se planejamento de misturas como ferramenta, oferecendo assim subsídios a futuros desenvolvimentos de novos hidrogéis, que possam ser usados como curativos e como matrizes poliméricas para liberação de ativos hidrofílicos e lipofílicos. Foram otimizadas três formulações e sintetizadas seis, três das quais hidrogéis nanocompósitos de prata. As nanopartículas de prata (NPAg) foram sintetizadas, in situ, por radiação gama, sem uso de catalisadores ou outro reagente para obtenção de curativo mais puro e com ação antimicrobiana. A caracterização físico-química dos hidrogéis foi obtida por análises de fração gel, intumescimento, ensaios de tração e perfuração, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia na região do ultravioleta-visível (UV-vis). Também foi avaliada a atividade antimicrobiana dos hidrogéis e realizado estudo de citotoxicidade in vitro. O planejamento de misturas apresentou modelos confiáveis para os resultados de fração gel e intumescimento, porém, para as propriedades mecânicas, os resultados devem ser vistos com cautela. O uso da radiação se mostrou eficaz para a síntese de NPAg in situ nas blendas estudadas. Os resultados sugerem que os hidrogéis sintetizados não liberaram NPAg, porém os hidrogéis de PVP apresentaram atividade bactericida para S. aureus e P. Aeruginosa, enquanto que o hidrogel de PVA apresentou atividade bactericida para P. aeruginosa e atividade bacteriostática para S. aureus, sendo essa atividade pelo contato direto. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Fatty acids as a source of original aliphatic polycarbonate materials / Les acides gras comme source de matériaux polycarbonates aliphatiques originauxDurand, Pierre-Luc 27 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la valorisation de dérivés d’acides gras dans l’objectif d’élaborer des matériaux polycarbonates aliphatiques (PCAs) bio-sourcés originaux. Dans cette optique, deux plateformes de carbonates cycliques à 6 chaînons (6CCs) ont été synthétisés en utilisant des voies d’accès impliquant soit la formation d’un intermédiaire de type malonate ou un couplage entre un acide gras et le 2-amino-1,3-propanediol. La polymérisation par ouverture de cycle de ces monomères a été étudiée. La première plateforme de 6CCs a été polymérisée en présence de Sn(Oct)2 comme catalyseur, donnant accès à des polycarbonates de faible Tg allant de -61°C jusqu’à-26°C du fait de longues chaines latérales pendantes. La polymérisation de la seconde plateforme de6CCs a été effectuée de manière contrôlée en utilisant un système catalytique composé de la DBU et d’une thio-urée. Tirant profit de ces polycarbonates aliphatiques bio-sourcés linéaires porteurs d’insaturations, des matériaux originaux réticulés ont été synthétisés. Plusieurs méthodes de réticulation ont été testées telles que le couplage thiol-ène irréversible, la réaction de Diels-Alder thermo-réversible et la cyclo-addition photo-réversible [2+2] entre deux groupements cinnamate.Ainsi, des PCAs réticulés issus d’acides gras ont été synthétisés et caractérisés; ces derniers possèdent des propriétés physico-chimiques modulables selon la nature des monomères de départ etla densité de réticulation des réseaux. / Fatty acids were derivatized with the objective to design bio-based aliphatic polycarbonate(APC) materials. To that purpose, two platforms of lipidic 6-membered cyclic carbonates were prepared following synthetic routes either involving the ring-closure of a malonate intermediate or the coupling reaction between a fatty acid and 2-amino-1,3-propanediol. The ring-openingpolymerization (ROP) of these cyclic carbonates was next investigated. The first platform of 6CCswas polymerized in the presence of Sn(Oct)2 as catalyst, yielding low Tg aliphatic polycarbonates ranging from -61°C to -26°C with respect to the size of the pendant aliphatic side chains. The polymerization of the second lipidic 6CC platform was performed in a controlled fashion using DBU/Schreiner thiourea as catalytic system. Taking advantage of the presence of unsaturation functions on the linear bio-based APCs, cross-linked polycarbonate materials were then prepared.Several cross-linking methods were tested such as the irreversible thiol-ene coupling, the thermoreversible Diels-Alder reaction and the photo-reversible [2+2] cyclo-addition reaction between two cinnamate moieties. Fatty acid-based cross-linked APCs were thus designed and characterized; the latter exhibit tunable physico-chemical properties as a function of the monomer structure and the cross-linking density.
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Apolipoprotein E isoform specific differences on their tertiary structure and on their interaction with amyloid-β peptide: Structural and dynamics studies by cross-linking mass spectrometry and in silico modelingMohammadi, Azadeh 07 September 2017 (has links)
La maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) est un désordre neuro-dégénératif chronique fatal et la forme la plus répandue des démences chez l’adulte qui touchent plus de 28 millions de personnes dans le monde. En absence de traitement pour les démences neurodégénérative dont la maladie d’Alzheimer, le coût de celles-ci est estimé à 1 trillion d’USD en 2018 ce qui représente des enjeux économiques et sociétaux majeurs au niveau national et mondial. La MA est une forme d’amylose qui est caractérisée par l’agrégation du peptide amyloïde beta (Aβ) dans le cerveau des patients. Le facteur de risque génétique principal de la forme tardive (après 65 ans) de cette maladie est l’isoforme E4 de l’apolipoprotéine E (apoE) qui intervient dans le transport et le métabolisme des lipides et interagit avec le peptide Aβ. La modulation de la structure des isoformes d’apoE et de leur interaction avec l’Aβ apparaît comme une cible prometteuse dans la conception rationnelle de thérapies de la maladie. Celle-ci nécessite néanmoins une compréhension approfondie des propriétés structurales et dynamiques des deux partenaires moléculaires. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié la structure de trois isoformes (E2, E3 et E4) de l’apoE par différentes techniques de biologie structurale et principalement par la réticulation chimique couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (CXMS) quantitative et par la bioinformatique structurale. Ces données complémentées par la spectroscopie infrarouge ont permis de construire des modèles structuraux de l’apoE2, E3 et E4. Nous avons mis en évidence l’interaction des domaines N- et C-terminal et la présence de multiples conformations de l’apoE chez les trois isoformes. Nos données suggèrent un équilibre entre deux principales conformations de l’apoE dont la population relative diffère entre les trois isoformes. Nous proposons les interfaces à cibler dans le cadre de thérapie visant à moduler les propriétés structurales des isoformes de l’apoE.Nous avons également mis en évidence que chaque isoforme d’apoE (E2, E3 et E4) interfère avec l’agrégation d’Aβ. Le peptide interagit avec les deux domaines N- et C- terminal de l’apoE. L’étude quantitative de l’interaction par CXMS a révélé des différences entre les cross-links formés en présence des isoformes. La modélisation du complexe apoE-Aβ a permis de mettre en évidence les interfaces impliquées dans l’interaction. Celle-ci possède une composante hydrophobe et électrostatique qui diffère chez les isoformes d’apoE. Nous proposons un mécanisme de l’interaction apoE-Aβ qui est initié par les propriétés hydrophobes des deux partenaires et qui est stabilisé par la suite via des contacts électrostatiques. Par ailleurs, une étude permettant d’explorer le potentiel de la nouvelle chimie de réticulation des résidues acides de protéine dans des applications en protéomique structurale a été effectuée. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Theory and validity evidence for a large-scale test for selection to higher educationWedman, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
Validity is a crucial part of all forms of measurement, and especially in instruments that are high-stakes to the test takers. The aim of this thesis was to examine theory and validity evidence for a recently revised large-scale instrument used for selection to higher education in Sweden, the Swedish Scholastic Assessment Test (SweSAT), as well as identify threats to its validity. Previous versions of the SweSAT have been intensely studied but when it was revised in 2011, further research was needed to strengthen the validity arguments for the test. The validity approach suggested in the most recent version of the Standards for education and psychological testing, in which the theoretical basis and five sources of validity evidence are the key aspects of validity, was adopted in this thesis. The four studies that are presented in this thesis focus on different aspects of the SweSAT, including theory, score reporting, item functioning and linking of test forms. These studies examine validity evidence from four of the five sources of validity: evidence based on test content, response processes, internal structure and consequences of testing. The results from the thesis as a whole show that there is validity evidence that supports some of the validity arguments for the intended interpretations and uses of SweSAT scores, and that there are potential threats to validity that require further attention. Empirical evidence supports the two-dimensional structure of the construct scholastic proficiency, but the construct requires a more thorough definition in order to better examine validity evidence based on content and consequences for test takers. Section scores provide more information about test takers' strengths and weaknesses than what is already provided by the total score and can therefore be reported, but subtest scores do not provide additional information and should not be reported. All four quantitative subtests, as well as the Swedish reading comprehension subtest, are essentially free of differential item functioning (DIF) but there is moderate DIF that could be bias in two of the four verbal subtests. Finally, the equating procedure, although it appears to be appropriate, needs to be examined further in order to determine whether it is the best practice available or not for the SweSAT. Some of the results in this thesis are specific to the SweSAT because only SweSAT data was used but the design of the studies and the methods that were applied serve as practical examples of validating a test and are therefore likely useful to different populations of people involved in test development, test use and psychometric research. Suggestions for further research include: (1) a study to create a more clear and elaborate definition of the construct, scholastic proficiency; (2) a large and empirically focused study of subscore value in the SweSAT using repeat test takers and applying Haberman’s method along with recently proposed effect size measures; (3) a cross-validation DIF-study using more recently administered test forms; (4) a study that examines the causes for the recurring score differences between women and men on the SweSAT; and (5) a study that re-examines the best practice for equating the current version of the SweSAT, using simulated data in addition to empirical data.
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Navigating between pressures andaccountabilities : Local civil society organization's approaches and challenges to link-ing relief, rehabilitation, and development in MalawiJohansson, Cornelia January 2017 (has links)
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world and suffers from recurring disasters but no ongoing conflicts. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working there must therefore take relief, rehabilitation, and development into account as shifting between these stages is the reality of the rights-holders. What approaches that should be used while doing this is unique in each context. The aid structure is however clearly divided between those working with relief and those working with development, and even though the conceptual development suggest that the aid structure should join there has been no change towards this. At the same time Result Based Management (RBM) as a principle for aid effectiveness has been heavily criticized for focusing on short term results, among others. This qualitative study has contributed to closing two research gaps; in identifying that Disaster Risk Reduction, Human Rights Based Approach, economic empowerment, and sustainable relief interventions are the approaches that CSOs in Malawi tend to focus on when working close to a community where there is a need to link relief, rehabilitation, and development (LRRD); and in identifying that not only can the pressure from a divided aid structure be blamed for the challenges facing CSOs implementing LRRD approaches, but RBM is also a contributing part. This results in CSOs being torn between accountability issues towards donors and staying legitimate towards rights-holders and that because of these challenges they cannot live up to their potential and provide the most effective aid. / Malawi är ett av de fattigaste länderna i världen och lider av återkommande katastrofer men inga pågående konflikter. Perioder av humanitära katastrofer, återuppbyggnad, och utveckling, skiftar och växlar fram och tillbaka i olika stadier och eftersom det är rättighetsbärarnas verklighet så är det också något civilsamhällsorganisationer som arbetar med olika typer av utvecklingssamarbete måste ta hänsyn till att. Vilka metoder som bör användas när organisationer arbetar i detta klimat är unikt för varje kontext. Biståndet är emellertid tydligt uppdelad mellan de som arbetar med humanitärt arbete och de som arbetar med utveckling, och trots att den konceptuella utvecklingen föreslår att biståndet bör kopplas samman så har det inte skett någon strukturell förändring. Samtidigt har resultatbaserat arbete som är en princip för biståndseffektivitet starkt kritiserats, bland annat för att det fokuseras för mycket på kortsiktiga resultat. Denna intervjubaserade studie har bidragit till att minska två forskningsgap; genom att identifiera att katastrofförebyggande arbete, rättighetsbaserat arbete, ekonomisk empowerment, och hållbara humanitära insatser som de tillvägagångssätt som civilsamhällesorganisationer i Malawi tenderar att fokusera på när de arbetar nära ett samhälle där det finns ett behov av att koppla samman humanitärt arbete med rehabilitering och utveckling (LRRD); och genom att identifiera att det inte bara är trycket från en uppdelad biståndsstruktur som förklarar de utmaningar som organisationer står inför när d arbetar med LRRD utan att resultatbaserat arbete också är en bidragande del. Lokala civilsamhällesorganisationer balanserar mellan ansvaret de har mot gentemot givare och legitimiteten de måste ha gentemot rättighetsinnehavare. I slutändan kan de på grund av dessa utmaningar inte leva upp till sin potential och tillhandahålla det mest effektiva stödet.
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Etude expérimentale de capsules dans un écoulement confiné / Experimental study of capsules into confined flowsGubspun, Jonathan 19 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier expérimentalement les deformations de microcapsules dans un écoulement confiné. Les microcapsules sont composées d’albumine du sérum humain avec des concentrations de 5 à 20 [g/100mL]. Leur taille varie de 50 à 1000 [μm]. Les capsules sont injectées dans des écoulements de Poiseuille produits dans des canaux microfluidiques présentant deux sections différentes : circulaire ou carrée.La mesure des caractéristiques géométriques de microcapsules déformées couplée à des simulations numériques mène à la détermination du module de cisaillement surfacique. Cette caractéristique mécanique augmente fortement tant avec la taille qu’avec la concentration en protéine de la capsule, et plus précisément avec le produit de ces deux paramètres.Le fluide est ensemencé avec des microparticules pour mesurer l’écoulement induit par une capsule dans un capillaire cylindrique par la méthode de la vélocimétrie par suivi de particules. Les zones de recirculation et de perturbation sont alors déduites et comparées avec la simulation numérique d’un objet rigide dans un capillaire et présentant le profil donné par les expériences. Finalement un système original de visualisation optique est consacré à l’observation simultanée de la vue de côté et de la vue de face des capsules pour obtenir sa forme entière. Ceux-ci révèlent l’existence des plis tout autour de la membrane des capsules. Le seuil de formation et l’évolution de ces plis sont étudiés en fonction de la vitesse, de la taille et du confinement, dans des canaux de section circulaire ou carrée. / The objective of this thesis is to study experimentally microcapsule deformations in confined flows. The microcapsules are made of cross-linked proteins, the human serum albumin (HSA) with concentrations from 5 to 20 [g/100mL]. Their size vary from 50 to 1000 [μm]. Capsules are injected in Poiseuille flows generated within microfluidics channels with two different cross sections geometries : circular or square.The measurement of geometrical characteristics of deformed microcapsules coupled with numerical simulations leads to the determination of the surface shear modulus. This mechanical characteristic increases strongly with both the size and the protein concentration of the capsule, and more precisely with the product of these two parameters.The flow is seeded with microparticles to measure the induced flow of a capsule in a cylindrical capillary by particle tracking velocimetry. The recirculation and perturbation zones are then deduced and compared with numerical simulation of a rigid body flowing in a capillary. Finally an original system of optical visualization is dedicated to the simultaneous observation of the side and the front view of the capsules to get its whole shape. These reveal radial wrinkles all around capsules membrane. The formation threshold and the evolution of these wrinkles are studied as function of the capsule velocity and size and the confinement within capillaries with circular or square cross–section.
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