Spelling suggestions: "subject:"liturgical.""
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Ex quibus unus fuit Odorannus : community and self in an eleventh-century monastery (Saint Pierre-le-Vif, Sens)Bright, Catherine 25 May 2009 (has links)
This undergraduate thesis is an examination of the works of Odorannus (c. 985-c. 1046), a monk of the abbey of Saint Pierre-le-Vif in Sens, France. A prominent monk in his community, Odorannus was involved in constructing and celebrating his monastery's prosperity and identity. At times, however, he was at variance with his brethren, even experiencing a brief period in exile. This essay explores aspects of Odorannus' compilation, a collection which the monk himself gathered together in his old age, in terms of the dynamic relationship between self and community in a Benedictine monastery of the central Middle Ages.
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Sofia Gubaidulina's violin concerto Offertorium : theology and music in dialogueSmith, Jenna 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre comment une certaine vision du monde, basée sur des croyances théologiques, a contribué à la composition du concerto pour violon Offertorium de Sofia Gubaïdulina. C’est par le biais de cette œuvre qu’est explorée l’idée du dialogue musicothéologique, en proposant des façons par lesquelles la pièce musicale en question peut servir de porteuse ou d’interprète d’une pensée théologique. Afin d’appuyer cette idée, la démarche intertextuelle employée par Heidi Epstein est utilisée. Cette méthode permet de faciliter non seulement le travail interdisciplinaire, mais aussi la lecture théologique de l’œuvre musicale.
Le premier chapitre explore les sources, les questions et la problématique qui entoure le dialogue musicothéologique. La conclusion tirée est que l’étude d’Offertorium nécessite une approche équilibrée. Nous entendons par cela, une approche qui prend en ligne de compte la réflexion théologique autant que la recherche musicologique tout en respectant les contributions théologiques que l’œuvre musicale peut apporter en soi.
Dans le deuxième chapitre, une analyse thématique d’Offertorium a été tentée ainsi qu’une étude du discours théologique et spirituel de la compositrice. Il a été conclu que l’arrière-plan russe orthodoxe de Gubaidulina a beaucoup influencé sa vision du monde et son approche artistique. Le concerto est porteur d’idées et de symboles liturgiques ou théologiques de l’Orthodoxie dans sa structure et dans sa construction thématique.
Le troisième chapitre explore les parallèles entre la pensée de Gubaidulina et les écritures de plusieurs théologiens russes orthodoxes du 20e siècle. La conclusion de ce chapitre démontre que, même s’il est improbable que la compositrice connaisse bien ces auteurs, sa compréhension théologique et spirituelle sort du climat religieux de l’Église Orthodoxe. Cette idée explique les complémentarités et les similarités entre son discours, son œuvre et les propos des théologiens discutés.
Le quatrième chapitre évalue la validité d’Offertorium comme moyen d’expression théologique ainsi que de générateur de réflexion théologique.
La conclusion de la recherche est qu’Offertorium peut bel et bien être un espace théologique. Ce qui veut dire que des idées théologiques peuvent être communiquées par le biais de l’expérience sonore que ce soit par la mélodie ou l’ambiance générale. Également, cela implique que la musique devient un partenaire égal, quoique différent des méthodes de réflexion traditionnelles au sein de la conversation théologique. / This paper explores the musico-theological dialogue through the study of Sofia Gubaidulina's violin concerto, Offertorium. Its aim is to understand how theological belief and worldview have influenced and contributed to Offertorium's composition, and in consequence, how the concerto serves as an interpretive conductor of theological thought. To support this idea, the intertextual method developed by Heidi Epstein is employed, which aids not only the interdisciplinary approach, but also a theological analysis of a musical work.
Chapter One explores the sources, questions and problematic concerning musico-theological dialogues. It concludes that for studying Offertorium, a balanced approach was in order, one that took into consideration theological reflection as much as musicological research, and that respected the music's theological contributions in its own right.
Chapter Two attempts an analysis of Offertorium and a study of the composer's discourse on matters of theology, religion and spirituality. It is concluded that Gubaidulina's background in Russian Orthodoxy has deeply influenced her worldview and artistic approach. Many Orthodox theological and liturgical themes and symbols are present structurally or thematically in the concerto.
Chapter Three explores the parallels between the composer's ideas and the writings of several contemporary Russian Orthodox theologians. It concludes that while it is improbable that Gubaidulina is familiar with these writers, hers is a worldview that has emerged from the experience of a Russian Orthodox climate which explains the similarities and complementarities between her work and the work of the discussed authors.
Chapter Four evaluates the validity of Offertorium as a means of theological expression, but also as the producer of original theological thought. It concludes that both are possible, rendering Offertorium its own theological ground.
The conclusion of the study is that a musical work such as Offertorium can be a “theological ground”. This entails that theological ideas in this case are communicated through experience (experiencing sound, melody and musical ambiance) and not through traditional means of textbook or sermon. This also insinuates that music can be an equal, albeit entirely different, player in the theological dialogue.
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Die erediens as uitdrukking van die dinamiese ontmoeting tussen God en mens : 'n pentakostalistiese perspektief / Andreas Petrus du PreezDu Preez, Andreas Petrus January 2014 (has links)
Pentecostalism has, in recent times, undeniably contributed towards the growth of the
church as a whole. Public worship services inherently submit and contribute towards the
meeting between man and God as well as fellowship between the people who form part of
said service. Public services in honor of God speak to the purposes of God and man’s
fundamental desire to meet with our Creator. Consequently, research into this phenomenon
proves vital in determining and even extending the role of the Pentecostal ideology in
correlation to the longevity of honorary public services.
Chapters 2 through 4 shed light on some of the key concepts that clarifies the dynamic
nature of these events, throughout the service wherein the radiant power of God touches the
human heart in some astounding ways.
Exegetic studies have been undertaken into 2 Chronicles 5-7 which examines these
instances of divine meeting in the Old Testament while the second chapter of Acts deals with
the event from a New Testament perspective. In addition to this, 1 Corinthians 11-14 was
utilized to highlight the role of the Holy Ghost as the instigator for divine meeting.
Specific issues addressed by the research include service preparation and the role of music
and its contribution to ambience preceding a meeting between man and God. Moreover, a
keen focus on the sermon and the delivery thereof as well as its progression leading up to
the conclusion and summary in closing and prayer, are all dealt with as part of this study.
This dynamic, in essence, becomes visible through the statement issued by the life of each
disciple as a living testament to this consuming and changing event. Honorary public
services fit the bill as an event to promote divine meeting.
Chapter 5 delves into some of the auxiliary sciences i.e. sociology, communication science,
psychology and the field of antropology. The principles in chapters 2 through 4 are affirmed
by these aspects of science and provide perspective on the practical applications thereof.
All these factors in relation to practice have also been scrutinized through empirical
research. This research clearly places divine meeting as a central to and inseparable from
perceiver experience.
Chapter 7 provides practical guidelines to alternative approaches in practicum. The study
proposes a model whereby certain aspects can be examined from a Pentecostal point of
view in order to tailor services as a dais for divine meeting. Most importantly it should be
evident in the life of the participant that they have truly encounter God. This meeting is the
prime objective and at the heart of public service. It serves and should always serve as a
doorway to Christian life. / PhD (Liturgics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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[pt] A presença de Deus se evidencia no mundo de diversas formas. Ela se tornou ainda mais manifesta quando Deus irrompeu na história e selou com Israel uma aliança. Amorosamente escolhido, o povo da antiga aliança pôde experimentar a cuidadosa presença do Senhor através de inúmeros sinais-sacramentos. Segundo o relato das Escrituras e o testemunho das primeiras comunidades cristãs, essa mesma presença se fez carne em Jesus Cristo, o Verbo eterno do Pai. Por meio de gestos e palavras, Jesus revelou aos homens a presença de Deus e, na potência de seu Espírito, lhes tornou membros de seu Corpo, a Igreja. As primeiras gerações cristãs, conscientes de serem herdeiras da fé do antigo Israel, procuravam - sobretudo em suas assembleias litúrgico-cultuais - experimentar e testemunhar, diante do mundo, o Cristo ressuscitado, sinal privilegiado da presença de Deus. Nele, por meio dele e com ele, doravante, o ser
humano e o restante da criação carregam em si a potência de serem sacramento da presença do eterno no tempo. Segundo Santo Agostinho, isso se aplica, de modo particular, ao mistério e à missão da Igreja - corpo-presença de Cristo na história. Diz o santo Doutor que, no regime da nova aliança, este no qual vivemos, convém falar na presença e ação de um Cristus totus. Trata-se do Cristo todo inteiro: o Cristo - plenitude e primogênito, por meio do qual todos os seres são reconciliados com Deus - e seu Corpo, a Igreja, cooperadora de Cristo em seu agir reconciliante. O Concílio Vaticano II, por sua vez, reverberando o pensamento do Doutor da Graça, consegue captar e reconhecer que a Igreja tem um importante papel no processo de reconcilação-deificação do criado. A Igreja, sacramento de Cristo, poderia, então, ser chamada de Corpus totum. E tudo em vista do mais profundo e original anelo do Deus-Amor: ser presença geradora de comunhão em tudo o que existe. / [en] The God s presence in the world can be felt in many ways. Thy presence has become more and more evident when God showed in the history and seal an alliance with people from Israel. Chosen with love, the old people could feel the Lord s presence through many sacramentals-signals. According to the Scriptures and the first Christians testaments, the Lord s presence became flesh in Jesus Christ, the God s eternal Word. Through the things Jesus had made and His words, He showed the human been the God s presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit, and made them part of His Body, the Church. The first Christians, knowing been the old Israel faith heritage, tried - mainly in their cultural-liturgical meetings, feel and testimony to the world, the resurrection Christ, real signal of God s presence. In Him, though Him and with Him, from now on, the human been and the rest of the creation bring in the power of the Eternal God forever. According Saint Agostin, this means, in particular way, the mystery and mission of the Church - presence-body of Christ in the history. The Doctor saint said, in the new alliance, that we live, it could be good to say about the presence and action of Christus totus. That is, The whole Christ: The Christ - plenty and firstborn through all of us are reconciliate to God - and His Body, The Church, that helps the reconciliation act. The Second Vatican Council, at a time, reflecting the Doctor of Grace, recognize that the Church has an important hole in the reconciliation - sanctification of the creature. The Church, Christ s sacrament, could be called the Corpus totum. Considering the more profound and original enlace of God-Love: bringing union among everything that exists.
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Parusiepredigten aus dem Bereich der evangelischen Landeskirchen der DDR: eine homiletische Untersuchung zu Mt 24 mit qualitativen Fallbeispielen = Sermon on the parousia of Christ in the Evangelic Church of the GDR: a homiletical inquiry into Mt.24 with qualitative case studies / Sermon on the Parousia of Christ in the Evangelic Church of the GDR.: a homiletical inquiry into MT.24 with qualitative case studiesKrause, Gudrun 31 January 2007 (has links)
Text in German / Zusammenfassung
Die Predigten zur Parusie Jesu finden im Perikopenplan der Evangelischen Landeskirche
eine geringe Aufmerksamkeit. Die Thematik beschränkt sich auf das Ende, wie auf den
Anfang des Kirchenjahres, genauer gesagt auf den 2. Advent. Das Thema der Parusie Jesu ist
nicht unbedingt ein Hauptthema in der Predigtarbeit.
Aber die Parusie Jesu ist das Hauptziel des Glaubens der Christen.
Durch diese Arbeit soll der Predigtarbeit, sowie dem Thema der Parusie Jesu mehr
Beachtung geschenkt werden.
In dieser Arbeit wird die DDR Sozial- und Kirchengeschichte mit den Kurzbiographien der
Prediger vorgestellt. Diese sind zum Teil Hintergrundinformation für die Predigtanalysen.
Die Arbeit widmet sich einer Predigtanalyse zum biblischen Hintergrund und zum
historischen Hintergrund der DDR, um den Stellenwert der Parusie Jesu in den Predigten zu
Die Bewertung der Predigtpraxis und die Evaluation bilden den Abschluss der Arbeit.
Die Predigten zur Parusie Jesu finden im Perikopenplan der Evangelischen Landeskirche
eine geringe Aufmerksamkeit. Die Thematik beschränkt sich auf das Ende, wie auf den
Anfang des Kirchenjahres, genauer gesagt auf den 2. Advent. Das Thema der Parusie Jesu ist
nicht unbedingt ein Hauptthema in der Predigtarbeit.
Aber die Parusie Jesu ist das Hauptziel des Glaubens der Christen.
Durch diese Arbeit soll der Predigtarbeit, sowie dem Thema der Parusie Jesu mehr
Beachtung geschenkt werden.
In dieser Arbeit wird die DDR Sozial- und Kirchengeschichte mit den Kurzbiographien der
Prediger vorgestellt. Diese sind zum Teil Hintergrundinformation für die Predigtanalysen.
Die Arbeit widmet sich einer Predigtanalyse zum biblischen Hintergrund und zum
historischen Hintergrund der DDR, um den Stellenwert der Parusie Jesu in den Predigten zu
Die Bewertung der Predigtpraxis und die Evaluation bilden den Abschluss der Arbeit. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology))
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Stodola i chrám. Německé kostely v severních Čechách kolem roku 1900 / Barn and Tempel. German Churches in North Bohemia around the Year of 1900Řičánková, Alena January 2018 (has links)
Although the North Bohemian region is mainly associated with the industrial rise of the second half of the nineteenth century, which altered the local scenery and cities irreversibly, there were also far more traditional constructions being built around 1900, such churches. Between their solid-state and period concept is blended the influence of the authentic architectural progression, individual impress of architects, furthermore liturgical requirements of particular beliefs and concrete visions of owner-builders. Back then the ideal image of a church was seen as the root of discussion and polemic when many theoretical texts and building regulations were originated. The submitted work observes mainly the use of modern architectonic components following authentically traditional church architecture type. It is done pre-eminently, based on written theory and architectural practices confrontation. The given discussion I pursue with Catholics, Old-Catholics and mainly with Evangelical Confessions, whose base of theoretical text is the widest and newly build churches the most numerous. The subject given is closely related to national questions, situation and purpose of the German inhabitants resided in the territory of North Bohemia. As well as to fundamental influences that were coming here from neighboring...
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[pt] A partir do Concílio Vaticano II e, particularmente, a partir do decreto
Optatam Totius, foi pedida uma renovação da Teologia Moral segundo três
orientações fundamentais: o resgate da tradição bíblica, o acento na História da
Salvação e o vínculo com a Liturgia. Tal renovação se faz urgente e necessária
face aos inúmeros desafios para se tratar teologicamente do tema da sexualidade
na pós-modernidade. É por essa razão, que a mistagogia da Iniciação Cristã
apresenta-se como uma maneira de, simultaneamente, atender aos apelos do
Concílio Vaticano II e falar uma linguagem acessível ao ser humano pós-moderno.
É, com efeito, a partir de uma aproximação mistágógica ao Ritual de
Iniciação Cristã de Adultos que se descortinam uma série de implicações para a
ética da sexualidade tais como a comunicabilidade, a relacionalidade, a
criatividade, a fecundidade, a ludicidade, a responsabilidade, a esponsabilidade,
etc. Tais implicações ampliam o horizonte de possibilidade para se tratar do tema
da ética da sexualidade na pós-modernidade, ao mesmo tempo que reorientam
essa disciplina teológica à centralidade do mistério pascal de Cristo. / [en] From the Second Vatican Council and particularly from the decree
Optatam Totius, a renewal of Moral Theology was requested in three basic
guidelines: the rescue of the biblical tradition, the accent in the Salvation History
and the link with the Liturgy. Such renewal is urgent and necessary in meeting the
many challenges to talk theologically about the sexuality in post-modernity.
Because of that, the mystagogy of Christian Initiation is presented as a way to
simultaneously meet the Second Vatican Council appeals and speak a language
accessible to postmodern human being. It is, in effect, from a mystagogical
approach to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults that several implications for
the ethics of sexuality such as communicability, relationality, creativity, fertility,
playfulness, responsibility, nuptiality, etc., are revealed. Such implications extend
the horizon of possibility to address the ethics of sexuality theme in post-modernity,
while redirect this theological discipline to the centrality of the Paschal
Mystery of Christ.
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Festal apologetics : Syriac treatises on the Feast of the Discovery of the CrossBryant, Kelli Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
This thesis argues that the Feast of the Discovery of the Cross offered an occasion to refute religious opposition to the cross and crucifixion in the diverse socio-political contexts encountered by Syriac Christians between the fourth and the ninth centuries. At its inception, the Feast of the Cross promoted the cult of the True Cross, Old Testament typology, and the expansion of the Christian faith, and these features were sufficiently malleable to meet new religious challenges and political contexts. John of Dara's ninth-century homily On the Cross is a lengthy exposition on the veneration of the cross, and it showcases how the feast could be used for apologetic ends. The first chapter focuses on the relic of the True Cross and the theologies of the cross of Eusebius of Caesarea, Cyril of Jerusalem, and Ephrem the Syrian, which shaped later festal celebrations. The second chapter traces the development of the legend of Helena's Invention of the Cross and introduces the most popular Syriac invention legends, the Protonike and Judah Kyriakos legends. The third chapter analyses themes in pre-Arab Conquest Syriac homilies for the Feast of the Cross by Narsai, David Eskolaya, Jacob of Serugh, Severus of Antioch, and Pseudo-Chrysostom. The fourth chapter provides an overview of the dramatic changes of the seventh century during the reign of Heraclius and following the Arab Conquest. Chapter five compares inter-religious debate concerning the cross and crucifixion between Christians and Jews and between Christians and Muslims between the seventh and ninth centuries. Chapter six introduces John of Dara's homily for the Feast of the Cross, which uses the traditional themes, together with apologetic topics, to defend the veneration of the cross. Chapter seven explores the influence of John of Dara's homily on later Syrian Orthodox writers, Moshe bar Kepha and Dionysius bar Ṣalībī.
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The importance of dress in Christian worship: some missiological implicationsKizito, Joseph 30 June 2002 (has links)
Dress plays an important role in Christian worship. The aim of this study is to describe the
importance of dress in the South African Christian context. particularly within the Black
Christian society. Two main ideas are covered: firstly. the emphasis on the use of unifonn
as a factor influencing worship attendance and secondly, how a uniform affects the quality
of worship.
Personal investigations into various church groups in the Eastern Cape, particularly the St
Anna Sodality, have indicated that specific uniforms are an essential sign of belonging to a
particular church. Dress or uniforms also serve as a reminder of people's commitment to
their faith. For some groups, a uniform develops a sense of identity, security and
fellowship which may have been lost through past political policies. Most importantly the
relationship between worship and dress can bring a transformative assertion of the self
before God and fellow human beings / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Music and liturgy in early ChristianityYatskaya, Svetlana 12 1900 (has links)
The goal for this dissertation was to research the music in liturgy and daily life of early Christians (of the first two centuries AD) and to reveal the main factors affecting the fornation of music and liturgy in the early church. Therefore the music backgrounds of the early Christians (the Jewish and Hellenistic music cultures) together with the evidences from early Christian literature (New Testament and some of the Church Fathers) have been examined. On the strength of the investigations done, the author concludes that Christianity inherited musical traditions first of all
from Judaism, and later on, as it was extended to the entire Roman Empire, it was influenced by Hellenism as well. Consequently, there was not a united form of worship in early Christian church, and from the very
beginning the music of different communities could vary depending on their cultural backgrounds.Thus, music life of Jewish Christianity differed from the churches consisting mainly of Christians from the Gentiles. / Cristian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (New Testament)
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