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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Evan M Billings (18424239) 23 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The obligate human pathogen, <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae </i>(Ngo), has continued to acquire widespread antibiotic resistance. Ngo is the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea, and can cause additional complications such as endocarditis, septicemia, and infertility if left untreated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends a treatment option of a single drug of last resort, ceftriaxone, leaving a need for novel therapeutics against this pathogen.</p><p dir="ltr">Like many bacterial pathogens, Ngo is Gram-negative consisting of both an inner membrane (IM) and outer membrane (OM). The transmembrane proteins in the IM have primarily an α-helical fold, while the transmembrane proteins in the OM have a β-barrel fold. These β-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) have essential functions in regulating the homeostasis and nutrient acquisition of the cell, in addition to promoting virulence in pathogenic strains. These OMPs are folded and inserted into the outer membrane by the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex. In <i>E. coli,</i> BAM consists of five proteins: BamA, an OMP itself, and four lipoproteins, BamB, C, D, and E.</p><p dir="ltr">Here we present our work toward the structural characterization of BAM from Ngo (<i>Ng</i>BAM) using cryo-EM. Ngo lack a homolog of BamB and may function as a four component complex. To better understand the mechanism for how <i>Ng</i>BAM is able to mediate OMP biogenesis despite lacking a component that is critical in <i>E. coli</i>, we determined the cryo-EM structure of <i>Ng</i>BAM, which revealed several distinct features including that the barrel domain of BamA being observed in the inward-open conformation. We also investigated <i>Ng</i>BAM as a therapeutic target, by studying its interaction with a novel broad spectrum antibiotic darobactin. We first showed darobactin is effective against the laboratory strains of NgoFA19 and ATCC-49226. We also show it is effective against the human isolate WHOX, with a comparable MIC to ceftriaxone. To structurally characterize the mechanism of inhibition by darobactin, we used cryo-EM to determine the structures of <i>Ng</i>BAM bound to two darobactin compounds. In these structures, darobactin binding was accompanied by large conformational changes in <i>Ng</i>BamA. To further probe the effects of darobactin on the conformational plasticity of <i>Ng</i>BAM we performed experiments using double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy, which showed distance changes between the engineered site labels consistent with the conformational changes observed in our structural observation. In addition, narrowing of the peak distributions indicated that darobactin binding was reducing the overall conformational heterogeneity of the complex. Taken together, the work presented here contributes to the understanding of how <i>Ng</i>BAM functions in folding and inserting OMPs and provides a foundation for future structure based drug design of darobactin and other potential compounds.</p>

<b>Understanding the folding of amyloids using cryo-EM: </b><b><i>In vitro </i></b><b>studies and methods development</b>

Ryan Patrick Kreiser (18405978) 18 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Neurodegenerative diseases are progressive, incurable conditions that affect tens of millions of people worldwide and are characterized by the aggregation of misfolded protein in the brain. Though the precise role of these amyloid aggregates in the onset and progression of these diseases is not clear at this time, there is a pressing need to understand how they form and spread in human disease. In service to these aims, I have conducted three small projects to expand knowledge in this regard. I first investigated the use of thioflavin T, a common amyloid stain, as an affinity reagent for the general purification of amyloid filaments from <i>ex vivo </i>samples, observing strong potential using a relatively simple, inexpensive magnetic bead conjugation technique. I next analyzed the formation of filaments of a truncated recombinant amyloid-beta peptide with residues 1-35, observing a new filament type formed at low pH in the wild-type sequence of this truncated peptide. Finally, I conducted structural studies on amyloid-beta(1-42) filaments prepared under different conditions consistent with traumatic brain injury to observe their effect on amyloid folding. While I found no effect of differential conditions on filament type, the low-resolution structures solved were highly consistent with aggregates found in Alzheimer’s disease patients, presenting a promising way forward for <i>in vitro</i> modeling of amyloid filaments that are true to pathology. In sum, the work here presented advances the concepts of both how amyloid aggregates from patient brains can be best prepared for structural analysis, and the factors underpinning their aggregation at the onset of neurodegenerative disease.</p>


Carriles Linares, Alejandra Ángela 12 November 2019 (has links)
[ES] La cristalografía de rayos X es una potente técnica para la resolución de la estructura atómica de macromoléculas. La información generada, tiene gran impacto sobre diferentes campos relacionados con la investigación básica y aplicada, como son la biomedicina y diseño de fármacos, al igual que en el desarrollo de aplicaciones nanotecnológicas y biotecnológicas. Esta Tesis se centra en determinadas problemáticas actuales y en las proteínas involucradas en las mismas (TryR, eEF1A2 y CBDP35), siendo éstas sujeto de desarrollo biotecnológico en los campos de la biomedicina, farmacia y de la industria alimentaria, en el que la cristalografía de rayos X juega un papel crucial para dilucidar sus estructuras atómicas y funciones. En consideración a la biomedicina y diseño de fármacos, hemos resuelto la estructura de la Tripanotión reductasa (TryR) de Leishmania infantum en complejo con potentes inhibidores de su actividad oxidorreductasa, con potencial de desarrollo como fármacos. Así, se ha caracterizado la unión y mecanismo de acción de éstos inhibidores. TryR es una reconocida diana farmacológica para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas, la Tripanosomiasis Humana Africana y la leishmaniosis, ya que desempeña un papel crucial y esencial en el metabolismo redox de los parásitos de la familia Trypanosomatidae. Además, se han analizado los parámetros de cristalización y difracción de novedosos inhibidores de la dimerización de TryR, cuyo diseño racional se basa en la unión a la interfaz de dimerización de la misma. La oncoproteína eEF1A2, involucrada en múltiples funciones celulares y sujeto de numerosas modificaciones post-traduccionales, se une al fármaco anticancerígeno plitidepsina. La cristalografía de rayos X, combinada con experimentos de espectrometría de masas, se han utilizado como herramientas para identificar nuevas modificaciones post-traduccionales y características estructurales en eEF1A2:GDP. Una modificación única, la adición de etanolamina fosfoglicerol (EPG) a aminoácidos conservados (Glu301 y Glu374 en mamíferos), se ha observado aquí por primera vez. El análisis estructural de estos hallazgos facilita la comprensión de las múltiples funciones y regulaciones de eEF1A2. La adquisición de una muestra conformacionalmente homogénea de eEF1A2:GTP, necesaria para la unión a la plitidepsina, ha sido evaluada en ensayos de cristalización del complejo terciario de eEF1A2: GTP: plitidepsina. Con respecto al dominio de unión a la pared celular de la endolisina PlyP35 codificada por el fago P35 de Listeria monocytogenes (CBDP35), hemos resuelto la estructura cristalina de CBDP35 en un complejo con ácido teicoico natural de L. monocytogenes serovar 1/2a. Esta estructura es el primer módulo de unión a la pared celular en complejo con ácidos teicoicos jamás dilucidado. El análisis estructural reveló los principales determinantes para la unión de la pared celular bacteriana, en particular, el mecanismo molecular del reconocimiento de N-acetil-d-glucosamina, una decoración de carácter glicosídico en ácidos teicoicos de serovares patógenos de L. monocytogenes. Estos hallazgos arrojan luz sobre el desarrollo biotecnológico de nuevas herramientas en la industria alimentaria y las terapias derivadas de fagos para detectar y tratar infecciones bacterianas. / [CA] La cristal·lografia de raig X és una potent tècnica per a la resolució de l'estructura atòmica de macromolècules. La informació generada té gran impacte sobre diferents camps relacionats amb la investigació bàsica i aplicada, com són la biomedicina i disseny de fàrmacs, igual que en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions nanotecnológiques i biotecnològiques. Aquesta Tesi es centra en determinades problemàtiques actuals i en les proteïnes involucrades en les mateixes (TryR, eEF1A2 i CBDP35), sent estes subjecte de desenvolupament biotecnològic en els camps de la biomedicina, farmàcia i de la indústria alimentària, en el que la cristal·lografia de raig X juga un paper crucial per a dilucidar les seues estructures atòmiques i funcions. En consideració a la biomedicina i disseny de fàrmacs, hem resolt l'estructura de la Tripanotión reductasa (TryR) de Leishmania infantum en complex amb potents inhibidors de la seua activitat oxidorreductasa, amb potencial de desenrotllament com a fàrmacs. Així, s'ha caracteritzat la unió i mecanisme d'acció d'estos inhibidors. TryR és una reconeguda diana farmacològica per al tractament de la malaltia de Chagas, la Tripanosomiasi Humana Africana i la leishmaniosi, ja que exerceix un paper crucial i essencial en el metabolisme redox dels paràsits de la família Trypanosomatidae. A més, s'han analitzat els paràmetres de cristal·lització i difracció de nous inhibidors de la dimerizació de TryR, el disseny racional dels quals es basa en la unió a la interfície de dimerización de la mateixa. L'oncoproteína eEF1A2, involucrada en múltiples funcions cel·lulars i subjecte de nombroses modificacions posttraduccionals, s'unieix al fàrmac anticancerigen plitidepsina. La cristal·lografia de raig X, combinada amb experiments d'espectrometria de masses, s'han utilitzat com a ferramentes per a identificar noves modificacions posttraduccionals i característiques estructurals en eEF1A2:GDP. Una modificació única, l'addició d'etanolamina fosfoglicerol (EPG) a aminoàcids conservats (Glu301 i Glu374 en mamífers), s'ha observat ací per primera vegada. L'anàlisi estructural d'estes troballes facilita la comprensió de les múltiples funcions i regulacions d'eEF1A2. L'adquisició d'una mostra conformacionalmente homogènia d'eEF1A2:GTP, necessària per a la unió a la plitidepsina, ha sigut avaluada en assajos de cristal·lització del complex terciari d'eEF1A2: GTP: plitidepsina. Respecte al domini d'unió a la paret cel·lular de l'endolisina PlyP35 codificada pel fago P35 de Listeria monocytogenes (CBDP35), hem resolt l'estructura cristal·lina de CBDP35 en un complex amb àcid teicoico natural de L. monocytogenes serovar 1/2a. Esta estructura és el primer mòdul d'unió a la paret cel·lular en complex amb àcids teicoicos mai dilucidat. L'anàlisi estructural va revelar els principals determinants per a la unió de la paret cel·lular bacteriana, en particular, el mecanisme molecular del reconeixement de N-acetil-d-glucosamina, una decoració de caràcter glicosídico en àcids teicoicos de serovares patògens de L. monocytogenes. Estes troballes fan llum sobre el desenrotllament biotecnològic de noves ferramentes en la indústria alimentària i les teràpies derivades de fagos per a detectar i tractar infeccions bacterianes. / [EN] X-ray crystallography is a powerful technique for atomic structure resolution of macromolecules. The information generated impacts different fields involving basic and applied research on biomedicine and drug design and the development of nanotechnology and biotechnological applications. This dissertation focuses on current problematics and the target proteins involved (TryR, eEF1A2 and CBDP35) that are in sight for biotechnological development in the biomedical, pharmaceutical and food industry fields, in which X-ray crystallography plays a crucial role in the elucidation of their atomic structures and functions. Attaining to biomedical and drug design problematics, we have solved the structure of Leishmania infantum TryR in complex with potent oxidoreductase inhibitors prone to further development as anti-trypanosomal drugs, thereby characterizing their binding and mechanism of action. This protein is a long recognized drug target for the treatment of Chagas disease, Human African Trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis, as it plays a crucial and essential role in the redox-metabolism of the Trypanosomatidae parasites. Moreover, the crystallization and diffraction parameters of novel TryR dimerization disruptors have been assayed for inhibitors which have been rationally designed to bind the dimerization interface of TryR. The "moonlighting" oncoprotein eEF1A2 is known to be highly post-translationally modified and to bind the anticancer drug plitidepsin. X-ray crystallography, combined with mass-spectrometry experiments, have been used as tools to identify novel post-translational modifications and structural features in eEF1A2:GDP. A unique modification, namely the addition of ethanolamine phosphoglycerol (EPG) to conserved glutamic residues (Glu301 and Glu374 in mammals), has been here observed for the first time. Structural analysis of these findings facilitate the understanding of eEF1A2's multiple functions and regulations. The acquirement of a conformationally homogenous eEF1A2:GTP sample, necessary for plitidepsin binding, has been has been assayed for eEF1A2:GTP:plitidepsin complex crystallization. Regarding the cell wall binding domain of Listeria monocytogenes phage-encoded endolysin PlyP35 (CBDP35), we have solved the crystal structure of CBDP35 in complex with natural Listeria serovar 1/2a teichoic acid. This structure is the first cell wall binding module in complex with teichoic acids ever elucidated. Structural analysis revealed the main determinants for bacterial cell-wall binding, in particular, the molecular mechanism of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine recognition, a glycosidic moiety in teichoic acids of pathogenic serovars of L. monocytogenes. These findings shed light upon the biotechnological development of new tools in the food industry and phage-derived therapies to detect and treat bacterial infections. / Agradecer al Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte por haberme proporcionado el contrato FPU (FPU14/03190) que me ha permitido desarrollar esta Tesis Doctoral en el Instituto de Química-Física “Rocasolano” del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IQFR-CSIC), así como la financiación otorgada para poder realizar mi estancia predoctoral en el laboratorio del Prof. Hammershmidt, en Greifswald, Alemania (EST17/00751). / Carriles Linares, AÁ. (2019). STRUCTURAL BIOMEDICINE: CHARACTERIZATION OF THE STRUCTURAL BASIS IN PROTEIN-DRUG RECOGNITION IN DIFFERENT HUMAN DISEASES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/130844

Caractérisation de l’interaction entre la protéine Lin28 et le précurseur du microARN let-7g

Desjardins, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
La régulation de l’expression des gènes est ce qui permet à nos cellules de s’adapter à leur environnement, de combattre les infections ou, plus généralement, de produire la quantité exacte de protéine nécessaire pour répondre à un besoin spécifique. Parmi les joueurs les plus importants dans cette régulation de l’expression des gènes on retrouve les microARN (miARN). Ces petits ARN de 22 nucléotides sont présents chez la majorité des espèces multicellulaires et sont responsables du contrôle direct de plus de 30% des gènes exprimant des protéines chez les vertébrés. La famille de miARN lethal-7 (let-7) est composée de miARN parmi les plus connus et ayant des fonctions cruciales pour la cellule. La régulation du niveau des miARN let-7 est essentielle au bon développement cellulaire. La biogenèse de ces miARN, du transcrit primaire jusqu’à leur forme mature, est régulée principalement par Lin28, une protéine pluripotente très conservée. Cette protéine est composée d’un domaine cold shock (CSD) et de deux domaines de liaison au zinc. C’est grâce à ces domaines de liaison à l’ARN que Lin28 peut lier et inhiber la maturation des miARN let-7. L’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser l’interaction entre Lin28 et le microARN précurseur let-7g afin de mieux comprendre le rôle de cette protéine dans l’inhibition de la biogenèse du miARN. À l’aide de techniques biochimiques et biophysiques, nous avons d’abord défini les principaux déterminants de l’interaction entre Lin28 et la boucle terminale du miARN précurseur let-7g (TL-let-7g). Nous avons conclu que le domaine C-terminal de Lin28, composé d’un motif riche en lysines et arginines ainsi que de deux motifs de liaison au zinc, permet à la protéine de lier spécifiquement et avec haute affinité un renflement riche en guanine conservé chez les précurseurs de la famille let-7. Aussi, parce que la séquence et la spécificité de liaison à l’ARN de ce domaine C-terminal sont semblables à celles de la protéine NCp7 du VIH, nous avons défini ce dernier comme le domaine NCp7-like de Lin28. Par la suite, nous avons caractérisé la multimérisation de trois protéines Lin28 sur la boucle terminale de pre-let-7g. Ceci a permis de réconcilier d’apparentes contradictions retrouvées dans la littérature actuelle concernant les sites de liaison de Lin28 lors de sa liaison aux miARN précurseurs. Nous avons identifié trois sites de liaison à haute affinité sur TL-let-7g qui sont liés dans un ordre précis par trois protéines Lin28. Lors de la formation du complexe multimérique, le CSD permet une déstabilisation de l’ARN, ce qui rend accessible plusieurs sites de liaison. Le domaine NCp7-like permet plutôt un assemblage ordonné de la protéine et facilite la liaison initiale de cette dernière. Ces nouveaux résultats rendent possible la mise au point d’un nouveau modèle de l’interaction entre Lin28 et le miARN précurseur let-7g. En conclusion, les études réalisées dans cette thèse apportent une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle d’une importante famille de miARN et permettront de guider les futures études dans le domaine de recherche en pleine effervescence qu’est celui de la biogenèse des miARN. / The regulation of gene expression is what allows our cells to adapt to their environment, to fight infections or, more generally, to express the appropriate level of proteins to meet a specific need. The microRNAs (miRNAs) are among the most important players in the regulation of gene expression. These small RNAs of 22 nucleotides are present in most multicellular species and are responsible for the direct control of more than 30% of protein-expressing genes in vertebrates. The miRNA lethal-7 (let-7) family consist of some of the most studied miRNAs and plays crucial roles in the cell. The appropriate regulation of the let-7 miRNAs level is essential for proper cellular development. The biogenesis of these miRNAs, from the primary transcript to their mature form is mainly regulated by Lin28, a highly-conserved pluripotent protein. This protein is composed of a cold shock domain (CSD) and two zinc-binding domains. These RNA-binding domains allow Lin28 to bind and inhibit the maturation of the let-7 miRNA. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the interaction between the Lin28 protein and the let-7g miRNA precursor to better understand the role of this protein in the inhibition of miARN biogenesis. Using biochemical and biophysical techniques, we first identified the main determinants of the interaction between Lin28 and the terminal loop of the precursor miRNA let-7g (TL-let-7g). We concluded that the C-terminal domain of Lin28, composed of a lysine-rich and arginine-rich motif in addition to two zinc-binding motifs, is sufficient to bind with high affinity a conserved guanine-rich bulge located on the TL-let-7g. In addition, because the sequence and RNA-binding specificity of this C-terminal domain are similar to those of the HIV protein NCp7, we defined this region as the NCp7-like domain of Lin28. Subsequently, we characterized the multimerization of three Lin28 proteins on the terminal loop of pre-let-7g. This study helped to reconcile apparent contradictions found in the current literature regarding the Lin28-binding sites on miRNA precursors. We identified three high-affinity binding sites on TL-let-7g that are bound in a stepwise manner by the three Lin28 proteins. As part of the formation of the multimeric complex, both RNA-binding domains of Lin28 play an important role. The CSD destabilizes the RNA and this exposes several binding sites, whereas the NCp7-like domain allows an orderly protein assembly and facilitates the initial binding of the protein. These results lead us to propose a new model for the interaction between Lin28 and pre-let-7g. In conclusion, these studies provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of an important family of miRNAs and will help guide future projects in the expanding research area of miRNA biogenesis.

Structural and functional studies of the hedgehog signalling pathway

Whalen, Daniel M. January 2012 (has links)
Hedgehog (Hh) morphogens play fundamental roles in development whilst dysregulation of Hh signalling leads to disease. Multiple receptors are involved in the modulation of Hh morphogens at the cell surface. Among these, the interactions of Hh ligands with glycosaminoglycan (GAG) (for example heparan or chondroitin sulphate) chains of proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix play a key role in shaping morphogen gradients and fulfil important functions in signal transduction. Several high resolution crystal structures of Sonic Hh (Shh)-GAG complexes have been determined. The interaction determinants, confirmed by binding studies and mutagenesis reveal a novel Hh site for GAG interactions, which appears to be common to all Hh proteins. This novel site is supported by a wealth of published functional data, and resides in a hot spot region previously found to be crucial for Hh receptor binding. Crystal packing analysis combined with analytical ultracentrifugation on Hh-GAG complexes suggest a potential mechanism for GAG-dependent multimerisation. A key step in the Hh pathway is the transduction of the Hh signal into the receiving cell. The Hh signal transducer, Smoothened, is a key target drug target in the pathway with several modulators in clinical trials, despite an absence of structural data. Smoothened is required to activate all levels of Hh signalling. Recent evidence points to the conserved N-terminal ectodomain (ECD) in regulating Smo activity, from vertebrates to invertebrates. Despite the central importance of the ECD, its precise function remains elusive. A crystal structure of the ECD at 2.2 &Aring; resolution is reported here. Structural analysis and biophysical experiments are discussed with reference to the potential function of this intriguing domain.

Modélisation mathématique et simulation numérique de la polymérisation de l’hémoglobine drépanocytaire

Medkour, Terkia 02 July 2008 (has links)
La drépanocytose, ou anémie falciforme, présente une variabilité interindividuelle considérable, conditionnée par de multiples facteurs, dynamiques et interactifs, depuis le niveau moléculaire jusqu’au niveau du patient. L’hémoglobine drépanocytaire, ou hémoglobine S (HbS, tétramère a2bS 2), est un mutant de l’hémoglobine A (a2b2) : elle possède à sa surface une valine (hydrophobe) substituant un acide glutamique natif (négativement chargé). Cette mutation entraîne l’agrégation de l’HbS désoxygénée en polymères, ainsi que l’altération des propriétés de l’érythrocyte -dont sa rhéologie et ses interactions avec les différentes cellules vasculaires. C’est pourquoi la polymérisation de l’HbS constitue un facteur étiologique clef, sinon le primum movens, de la drépanocytose, et une hypothèse thérapeutique (étayée par l’observation) postule que la réduction des fibres intra-érythrocytaires de HbS pourrait améliorer le statut clinique des patients en abaissant la fréquence et la sévérité des crises vasoocclusives. Dans l’optique de mieux comprendre et de mieux gérer la variabilité individuelle drépanocytaire, il apparaît donc indispensable de disposer, en premier lieu, d’une description réaliste de la polymérisation de l’HbS. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est la mise en place et la validation d’un modèle mathématique de la polymérisation de l’HbS désoxygénée, en tant que processus cinétiquethermodynamique, sous l’influence de la concentration et de la température –les deux facteurs modulateurs les plus importants. A partir d’un modèle existant, mais linéaire et incomplet (Ferrone et al., 1985), nous avons procédé à son implémentation, à sa correction et à sa mise à jour, ainsi qu’à l’évaluation quantitative de ses performances dynamiques, par intégration complète et simulation numérique (Simulink©). Ceci nous a permis de réaliser un diagnostic et d’effectuer un certain nombre de raffinements, concernant en particulier (i) la voie de nucléation hétérogène (formation de néo-fibres sur les fibres préexistantes), (ii) la non-idéalité de la solution protéique de HbS, induite par le volume exclus des fibres polymères (coefficients d’activité calculé à partir de la « théorie des particules convexes »), ainsi que (iii) la structuration spatiale des polymères en domaines. Le modèle développé dans ce travail servira de base pour une description (i) de l’influence dynamique de l’oxygénation et des hémoglobines non-polymérisantes sur la polymérisation de HbS, puis (ii) des polymères de HbS sur les propriétés membranaires et rhéologiques de l’érythrocyte drépanocytaire. / Sickle cell disease pathology exhibits a strong interindividual variability, which depends upon multiple, dynamic and interacting factors, from the molecular to the patient level. Sickle hemoglobin, hemoglobin S (HbS, a2bS 2 tetramer), is a mutant of HbA (a2b2), with a surface valine (hydrophobic) substituting a native glutamic acid (negatively charged). Such a mutation endows deoxygenated HbS with the propensity to agregate into polymers, altering erythrocyte properties –including its rheology and its interactions with vascular and circulatory cells. Thus HbS polymerization is a key etiological factor of sickle cell disease, if not the primum movens. Indeed, one therapeutical hypothesis (supported by observation) postulates that the reduction of intra-erythrocytic HbS fibers could improve patients clinical status by lowering the frequency and the severity of vasooclusive crisis. In order to better understand and manage sickle cell disease variability, it is essential to have a realistic description of HbS polymerization. This work aims at developing and validating a mathematical model of deoxygenated HbS polymerization, as a kinetic and thermodynamic process under the influence of concentration and temperature –the two most important modulators. Building on an existing, but linearized and uncomplete (Ferrone et al., 1985) model, we have implemented, corrected and updated, and quantitatively evaluated its dynamical performances: this was done by full numerical integration using Simulink©. This allowed us to make several improvements, related in particular to : (i) the heterogeneous nucleation pathway (seeding and formation of new fibers from pre-existing ones), (ii) the non-ideality of the HbS protein solution, caused by polymer fibers excluded volume (activity coefficients were calculated with the CPT, Convex Particle Theory), and (iii) the spatial organization of polymers into domains. The model developped in this work will ground the description of the dynamic influence (i) oxygenation and non-polymerizing hemoglobins, (ii) HbS polymers interactions with membrane and consequences upon rheological properties of sickle cell erythrocyte.

Biochemical and biophysical characterisation of the genetically engineered Type I restriction-modification system, EcoR124I NT

Taylor, James Edward Nathan January 2005 (has links)
The EcoR124INT restriction-modification (R-M) system contains the genes HsdS3, HsdM and HsdR. S3 encodes the N-terminal domain of the wild-type S subunit and has been shown to dimerise in solution (Smith et al., 1998). Following purification of the subunits of the EcoR124INT R-M system, complexes of the methyltransferase S3/M and restriction endonuclease S3/M/R were formed and shown to have activity in vitro, methylating and hydrolysing a symmetrical DNA recognition sequence, respectively. The DNA mimic OCR (overcome classical restriction) protein inhibited the methyltransferase activity in vitro, with maximum inhibition at a 1: 2 molar ratio of (S3/M)2 to an ocr dimer. Dynamic light scattering (DLS), sedimentation equilibrium (SE) and sedimentation velocity (SV) experiments showed S3 to exist as a dimer and S11 (the central conserved domain of S) to exist as a tetramer in solution. M was found to be dimeric in solution, whilst the R protein was monomeric. A complex of S3/M was found to have a stoichiometry (S3/M)2 and a complex of S3/M/R had a stoichiometry of S3/M/R1, even when a 2: 1 molar ratio of R to S3/M, was added. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments provided values for the radius of gyration (Rg), which for S3 was comparable to that calculated for the recently published crystal structure of the S subunit from Methanococcus jannaschii (Kim et al., 2005). These experiments also showed a decrease in the Dmax in the presence of the 30 bp DNA recognition sequence from 200A to 140A, suggesting a similar conformational change in the positioning of the subunits as has been detected for the wild-type M. EcoR124I and a related type 1 1/2 system AhdI. This change following DNA binding was also observed by SV experiments. Furthermore ab initio modelling from the SANS data has provided a low-resolution structure for the EcoR124INT MTase and its complex with DNA.

Development, characterization and experimental validation of metallophthalocyanines based microsensors devoted to monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon monitoring in air / Développement, caractérisation et validation expérimentale de microsystèmes capteurs de gaz à base de métallophtalocyanines pour le suivi des hydrocarbures aromatiques dans l'air

Kumar, Abhishek 07 December 2015 (has links)
Résumé indisponible / This PhD work is dedicated to investigate potentialities of phthalocyanines materials to realize a Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) sensor for Benzene, Toluene and Xylenes (BTX) detection in air. The goal is to develop a sensor-microsystem capable of measuring BTX concentrations quantitatively below the environmental guidelines with sufficient accuracy. To achieve these objectives, our strategies mainly focused on experimental works encompassing sensors realization, sensing material characterizations, development of gas-testing facility and sensor testing for different target gases. One of the main aims is to identify most appropriate phthalocyanine material for sensor development. After comparative sensing studies, tert-butyl-copper phthalocyanine based QCM device is found as most sensitive and detail metrological characteristics are further investigated. Results show repeatable, reversible and high magnitude of response, low response and recovery times, sub-ppm range detection limit, high resolutions and combined selectivity of BTX gases among common atmospheric pollutants. Special focus is given to understand the gas/material interactions which are achieved by (a) XRD and SEM characterizations of sensing layers, (b) formalization of a two-step adsorption model and (c) assessing extent of diffusion of target gas in sensing layer. At last, possible ageing of sensor and suitable storage conditions to prevent such effect are investigated.

Analyse biochimique et inhibition de complexes macromoléculaires dans des cellules humaines et bactériennes

Oudouhou, Flore 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.


Zhang, Ting 01 January 2018 (has links)
Cocaine is a plant-based illicit drug commonly involved in substance use disorder. Although cocaine overdose and cocaine use disorders cause adverse health consequences to individuals and the economic burden on their family and society, there are no FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved medications for treatment. Recently, it has been recognized that delivery of cocaine hydrolase (CocH) is a promising therapeutic strategy. Human butyrylcholinesterase (hBChE), the primary enzyme involved in cocaine metabolism in human, have advantages over other candidates for the development of CocH. Previous studies in our laboratory have designed and characterized hBChE mutants that have ~4,000-fold improved catalytic efficiency against naturally occurring (-)-cocaine as compared to the wild-type hBChE. Besides the catalytic efficiency, the biological half-life is another essential factor that influences the desired therapeutic value in the long-term treatment of cocaine use disorder. In order to provide prolonged effects to reduce administration frequency in clinical use, efforts have been made to increase the retention time of CocHs in blood circulation by fusing CocHs with other thermostable proteins or their mutants, including human serum albumin (Albu) or the Fc region of the human IgG (Fc). In this dissertation, we demonstrated the clinical potential and the benefits of long-lasting CocHs for cocaine overdose treatment. We used rodent models to show the ability of AlbuCocH1 to block or reverse manifestations of toxic effects of cocaine. In addition, a concomitant LC-MS/MS-based analysis was conducted to investigate the pharmacokinetic profile of a lethal dose of cocaine with the presence of AlbuCocH1. These experimental data demonstrated AlbuCocH1 as an effective cocaine detoxification agent by accelerating the metabolism of cocaine. In order to examine the potential therapeutic value of Fc-fused CocHs in the treatment of cocaine use disorder, we conducted a series of behavioral experiments in rats to evaluate the effectiveness and duration of Fc-fused CocHs in blocking or attenuating cocaine-induced psychostimulant and discriminative stimulus effects. In addition, the intravenous self-administration model was used to investigate the long-term effectiveness of Fc-fused CocHs in blocking or attenuating the reinforcing effects of cocaine. It has been shown that a single dose of E30-6-Fc (3 mg/kg) was able to effectively alter the cocaine dose-response curve and attenuate the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine for at least a month in both male and female rats. In summary, AlbuCocH1 (TV-1380), which failed to meet the primary efficacy endpoint in clinical trials for facilitating abstinence in cocaine-dependent subjects with a weekly dosing schedule (due to the short biological half-life), is more suitable to be developed as a cocaine detoxification agent. On the contrary, the newly designed Fc-fused CocH (e.g. CocH3-Fc, E30-6-Fc) with higher catalytic efficiency and longer biological half-life will be beneficial for long-term abstinence management in cocaine-dependent individuals.

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