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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guldfeber och gruvskalv : En analys av Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets rapportering om gruvnäringen i Malmberget och Kiruna under åren 2005-2009

Fahlander, Moa, Ahlqvist, Oskar January 2013 (has links)
Gruvnäring är en betydande verksamhet inom svenskt näringsliv. Två av de stora brytningsplatserna för malm ligger i Kiruna och Malmberget i Norrbottens län. Den här studien handlar om hur gruvnäringen i Malmberget och Kiruna har porträtterats i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet mellan åren 2005-2009. Det är två år innan och två år efter tillkännagivandet av i vilken riktning Kiruna stad skulle flyttas på grund av utökningen av gruvan (2007). Frågeställningarna är: i förhållande till gruvnäringen, hur många texter har skrivits om Kiruna respektive Malmberget i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet? Hur många av dessa texter är kopplade till invånarnas boendesituation och hur många har en ekonomisk vinkel? För att ge svar på frågor användes en kvantitativ metod och kvalitativ metod. Den kvantitativa metoden användes för att ge en övergripande bild av de undersökta texterna, till exempel hur många texter det skrivits om respektive stad. Den kvalitativa användes för att undersöka i vilka ordalag och på vilket sätt det skrevs om de två orterna. Som teoretiskt ramverk användes nyhetsvärderingsteori som förklarar varför vissa händelser blir nyheter och andra inte. Undersökningen visar att det har skrivits fler texter om Kiruna än om Malmberget. Det är vanligare att en text har ett huvudsakligt fokus på ekonomi än sociala konsekvenser för de boende i respektive stad. Om texten har ett huvudsakligt ekonomiskt fokus nämns sällan de miljörelaterade konsekvenserna. Detta kan medföra att läsaren har svårt att sammankoppla dessa två faktorer.

Legitimitetsskapande åtgärder : Kunskapshuset i Gällivare och legitimitet i omvälvande kommunala beslutsprocesser

Nordmark, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
Gällivare kommun står i dagsläget inför stora samhälleliga påfrestningar, detta på grund av den gruvindustri som lagt grunden för samhället. Stora delar av det snart avfolkade samhället Malmberget måste flyttas på grund av gruvindustrins framfart. Idag bedriver det statliga bolaget LKAB järnmalmsbrytning rakt under samhället Malmberget, detta innebär att stora delar av Malmberget kommer att avvecklas vilket i sin tur innebär att detta måste ersättas i det närliggande samhället Gällivare. I Malmberget återfinns kommunala verksamheter som äldreboenden och kommunens gymnasieskola. Utifrån detta har kommunen bland annat tagit fram ett program för Verksamhetslokaler, som är en del i den nya stadskärnan som planeras i det närliggande samhället Gällivare. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie avser att titta på vad som kännetecknar transparenta, och därför legitima, beslutsprocesser. Studien tar avstamp i en tidigare studie (De Fine Licht et al. 2014) som undersöker när transparensen av beslutsfattande ger legitimitet. Utifrån detta så studeras processen kring Kunskapshuset i Gällivare och tittar på om processen har präglats av transparens och, i så fall, vilken typ av transparens. För att göra detta har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts för att till huvuddel analysera protokoll från Kommunstyrelsen samt Kommunfullmäktige i Gällivare mellan 2013 och 2016. För att kunna klassificera det undersökta materialets transparens har en idealtypsanalys använts. Idealtyperna har utgjorts av en rad kända teorier gällande transparensens effekt på legitimitet. Studien visar att processen kring kunskapshuset kännetecknas av olika typer av transparens som både kan ha positiv samt negativ effekt på legitimiteten. Den positiva effekten på legitimitet återfinns bland annat i att medborgarna har fått insyn i motiven och även kunnat ta del av information kring vilka beslut som har tagits samt varför de har tagits. Proceduren kring Kunskapshuset har kännetecknats som rättvis och medborgarna har även varit medvetna om hur besluten har tagits, både i kommunfullmäktige och i kommunstyrelsen. Samtidigt finns det tecken på att transparensen kan ha underminerat legitimiteten i form av brist i ansvarstagande, efterkonstruerade motiv och en negativ medierapportering kring beslutsprocessen.


Kambai, Kabelo January 2021 (has links)
The Norrbotten region is an important Swedish mining district with occurrence of several economic deposits and sub-economic deposits of apatite iron ores (Kiruna Type) and epigenetic Cu-Au ores. The apatite iron ores include the large Malmberget deposit mined by LKAB company as one of their world class underground mines. The Malmberget ores are hosted by a Paleoproterozoic unit of metavolcanics and metasedimentary rocks intruded by multiple plutonic rocks varying in composition. The rocks at Malmberget are overprinted by intense widespread hydrothermal alteration, metamorphism and deformation. The Malmberget iron deposit is thought to originally be one continuous lens that segmented into more than 20 different orebodies during the regional metamorphism and deformation. The Malmberget deposit is characterized by different orebodies that shows different textures and chemical variations. The iron ores at Malmberget are mainly consisting of magnetite and hematite.   Apatite iron ores of the Kiruna type have raised divergent opinions regarding whether this type of deposits are magmatic or hydrothermal in origin. However, trace element analysis have been used for studies that yield information about ore-forming fluids and mineralizing processes. This paper aims at understanding the vanadium behaviour and distribution in the Malmberget ores as well as studying textural and mineralogical control of vanadium in the iron ores. Learnings from this paper aids in understanding the controls and distribution of vanadium and increasing knowledge regarding genetic aspects of the Malmberget deposit. To achieve this, detailed core logging, optical microscopy, lithogeochemistry and scanning electron microprobe analyses were utilized to figure out why the vanadium content is high in some places and low in other parts of the deposit.  Textural data of both magnetite and hematite ores show that the Malmberget ores can be characterized as massive ore and breccia type. The ores in the western part of the deposit are dominated by metamorphic and oxidation textures, including martitisation textures and triple junction textures. The ores in the eastern part are mainly massive magnetite textures with apatite and amphibole as the main gauge minerals. Metamorphic recrystallization and oxidation of the ores resulted in vanadium redistribution and chemical changes of both hematite and magnetite. Vanadium is high in both magnetite and hematite ore and low in the silicate host rocks. The eastern ore bodies of the deposit are found to be higher in vanadium content compared to those on the western side. Vanadium is high in magnetite ore sections but in magnetite-hematite grain pairs vanadium is redistributed from the magnetite grain to the adjacent hematite grain during metamorphic oxidation and recrystallization of magnetite. The results from this project suggest that a better understanding of what controls the distribution of vanadium in the ores needs more investigations regarding element partition under different geochemical conditions. There are also uncertainties regarding the initial source of vanadium and its primary distribution in different minerals and ore types and later redistributions. The origin of hematite in the ores and the stratigraphic position of the ores are other aspects that needs further studies to get a deeper understanding of the behaviour of vanadium in the Malmberget deposit.

Gamification for technology-enhanced mineral value chain teaching and learning: serious gaming for geometallurgy concept

Schleret, Lilian January 2024 (has links)
The concept of gamification is being increasingly explored and applied to offer new teaching or training tools to teachers, students or employees. The field of geology and geometallurgy wasn’t particularly discussed in the topic of gamification. With the objective of creating a synthetic geometallurgical database and a game structure for a gamified simulation of a metal mine, the eastern part of the Malmberget deposit in Sweden was simplified and modelled.The geological model was obtained with assumptions of continuity and proximity, and the lack of data was reconciled using targeted randomization and regular statistics to achieve a smoother and realistic result. A rule book was created to establish the framework that a geometallurgy game should follow,using a slightly adapted version of the Desing thinking framework by the Nielsen group, which consists of elaborating ideas and concepts, implementing them and testing the results before integrating feedbacks to the creation of future elements. The accent was put on obtaining an interactive experience where the player can try various things with a reasonable difficulty, and an accessibility to feedbacks.The purpose of this project is to elaborate a mining simulation game, that could be a valuable tool in the understanding of the interdisciplinary concept of geometallurgy, as well as raising the awareness about sustainable development and how mining can be a part of it. The starting point of this project is another attempt at gamifying geometallurgy by P. Lamberg. The simulation of mineral processing was done using the HSC Sim utilizing 8 different flowsheets that were designed to offer a variety and enable strategic choices. The events occurring at a real mine and beneficiation plant were translated into simple rules. The outcome is a realistic geological and processing model, which through the addition of mining, economics and market strategy, becomes a comprehensive geometallurgy database.

Markexploateringsfrågor i gruvsamhällen : En studie av minerallagen, miljöbalken och plan- och bygglagen / Land Development in Mining Cities : A Study of The Minerals Act, Environmental Code, and Planning and Building Act

Martinson, Johan, Zachrisson, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet tar upp en del av den problematik som uppstår då gruvverksamheten kommer in på tättbebyggt område. Arbetet består av att studera stadsomvandlingen av Kiruna och Malmberget utifrån tre valda problem: en samhällsekonomisk bedömning, miljöskada samt skyddszon mellan gruva och samhälle. Avsikten med den samhällsekonomiska bedömningen har varit att belysa huruvida de prövningar som görs för gruvverksamheten tar hänsyn till de ekonomiska konsekvenser som en statsflytt innebär.  För gruvan görs förvisso en ekonomisk bedömning av fyndighetens förutsättningar, men inga beräkningar på hur mycket intrånget som en avveckling och flytt av bebyggelse och infrastruktur innebär. Det andra problemet handlar om rätt till ersättning för miljöskada för dels isoleringen av östra Malmberget och dels randbebyggelse till gruvan. Störningen som förekom i östra Malmberget var en isolering av området gentemot övriga områden på orten, medan randbebyggelsens störningar utgjordes av förfulad omgivning, buller och skakningar samt en oro till följd av gruvverksamheten.  De störningar som inte ansågs vara orts- eller allmänvanliga kunde ge ersättning för miljöskada. I undersökningen så kom vi fram till att isoleringen av bebyggelsen i östra Malmberget inte var orts- eller allmänvanlig, däremot så ansågs störningen för randbebyggelsen vara det, dvs. rätt till ersättning förelåg inte. Det tredje och sista problemet tar upp en skyddszon mellan gruvan och samhället. Utgångspunkten för behandlingen av skyddszonen har varit två typer av lösningar: en med detaljplan och en utan. Syftet finns att skapa en skyddszon mellan gruvan och staden som ska verka så att bebyggelsen slipper att ha en gruvverksamhet med buller och skakningar tätt inpå. Vidare så har Kiruna kommuns lösning med detaljplan presenterats. Där har lösningen till problemet bland annat utförts med hjälp av civilrättsliga avtal och genomförande avtal för att komplettera brister i plan- och bygglagen som kommunen ansett nödvändiga. Problemet med skyddszonen mellan gruva och stad har belysts genom att studera alternativa lösningar gentemot en ny detaljplan. Undersökningen visade att det är svårt att uppnå syftet med skyddszonen utan civilrättsliga avtal. Sammanfattningsvis finns brister i lagstiftningen som inte helt och hållet är anpassad till de nya situationer som stadsomvandlingarna innebär. / This Master of Science thesis investigates some of the problems that arise when mining operation enter urban areas. Mainly, the investigation consists of studying urban transformation of Kiruna and Malmberget. Three main areas are studied: a socio-economic evaluation, environmental damage, and a green zone between the mine and the community. The intention of illuminating the socio-economic evaluation has been to studying whether the permits conducted for the mining activity takes into account the economic consequences of a relocation of a city. A cost- and benefit analysis exist when it comes to the assessment of the mine, but there is no calculations regarding the cost of eliminating or moving buildings and infrastructure. The second problem is about the right to receive compensation for environmental damages, when it comes to isolation of dwelling houses or when the mine activities effect nearby properties. The negative effects that couldn’t be considered as common neither in general nor in the neighborhood, was subject for compensation. Isolation of dwelling areas fulfills these requirements, but that was not the case for other properties. The third and final issue investigates a green zone as a protection between the mine and the community. The purpose of the zone is to protect the dwelling houses from negative effects of a nearby industry. The investigation revealed that it is difficult to achieve this purpose without civil contracts. In summary, there are shortcomings in the legislation. The law system is not fully adapted to the new situations which follow the urban transformations.

An Investigation of the Structural Setting and Deformation of the Malmberget Iron Ore Deposits within the old Bergmästaren, Sparre and Kaptens Open Pits

Kearney, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
The Malmberget apatite iron ore deposit is one of the most important iron producers within Europe located within an area of world-renowned mines and mining companies. It is becoming increasingly accepted that in order to increase our resources it is essential to gain a better understanding of the formation and evolution of our known mineral deposits. This thesis is part of an ongoing multi-scale 4-dimensional geological modeling project as part of a collaboration between Vinnova, LKAB, Boliden & LTU. The aim of the which is to piece together the series of geological events that are responsible for the entire Gällivare mining district as seen today. This project looks at three smaller old open pits on the outer limbs of the synform fold structure that forms the Malmberget deposit. This thesis aims to gain a better understanding of the structures that have defined this current shape, and relating them to the regional-scale structural evolution. The results show two distinct deformation events, D1and D2, with each event leaving their own signature on the region. D1 deformation resulted in the formation of high strain zones and a gneissic cleavage within the volcanic rocks. D2 deformation subsequently folded the S1 gneissic cleavage and high strain zones but without developing its own fabric. / Multi-scale 4-dimensional geological modeling of the Gällivare area

Den hand som föder oss : Människa, industri och marknad i Malmberget

Tornberg, Tommy January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Befintlig och framtida infrastruktur i Dennewitz malmkropp : Prognos och rekommendationer

Winsa, Johan January 2020 (has links)
During mining in the Malmberget mine, large amounts of information such as damage mapping, geological mapping, seismic data and stress conditions are stored. All the data that is obtained is stored in several places with different methods, which makes it problematic to use. The purpose of this work has been to compile, structure and interpret the collected data that is currently available. The aim of the compilation has been to use this information as a basis for what influence geology, structures, damage mapping and rock quality together have on the area around Dennewitz ore body.   The ore in Dennewitz consists exclusively of magnetite and the surrounding rock is characterized by hard rock in form of leptites and granite, but also the soft mineral biotite. Leptites are the predominant rock types in the area, while granite appears in lenses at the deeper levels. Historically, granite and red leptite have been the rocks that have caused the most problems in the form of rock bursts. The Dennewitz hanging wall consists of grey leptite while the foot wall is dominated by red and red-grey leptite with minor areas of granite, and in a few places also biotite.   The data compilation shows that there are flaws in the method for damage mapping, as the amount of useful data is very small compared to other areas. The compiled data on damage mapping shows that the majority of the damages is located along a large-scale geological structure that strikes in the same direction as the crosscuts. Damages are also located in the ore contact where granite and biotite lenses. The mapped damages with coordinates were used to obtain a limit angle. Using the damage coordinates, a plane representing the damages were created. The plane dips 60˚, which thus represents the limit angle for the damage zone. The plane has the same dip as the ore body and strikes 70˚ from the north over the crosscuts, and  in some cases also the local ramp.   Geologically, the drifts that runs along the orebody are the most problematic in the area. The contact between magnetite, granite and leptite creates sliding surfaces, which makes the amount of joints needed to create a potential wedge or church roof less. This problem seems to be starting at level 1034 as the granite is starting to show up and the number of joints increase. The large-scale structure that runs along the crosscuts already appears above level 1000 and is more prominent at the deeper levels. In connection with the granite also appearing in the ramp, the level entrance and crosscuts at level 1034, the number of joint sets, wedges and church roofs increases. The problems increase at the levels below when biotite also starts to show up in a few places.   The system for logging mapped damages is recommended to be revised. Damage mapping should also be performed to a greater extent at both new and old levels to increase the basis for analyes and prognoses. It is further recommended to take advantage of drilling and rock mechanical and geological analyses, as well as performing more exploration drilling, to make planning of the infrastructure more effective. Also, the method with damage zones developed by Svartsjaern (2017b), as well as further development of limit angles, should be tested in Dennewitz and other areas in the mine.

Ett spårlöst minne : En etnologisk studie av en kulturfestival i Malmberget

Pettersson Juntti, Emma January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Dennewitz : Minnesbilder från en förlorad gruvort

Vuopio, Erik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is about the now vanished mining village Dennewitz. The focus of the paper is to examine the memories that previous residents have from the village. This has been done with the help of three semi-structured interviews. Previous descriptions from Dennewitz have also been used to broader the empirical evidence. The result has then been analyzed using the thesis theoretical frame of reference place identity. Several interesting aspects of the resident’s memories have been discovered. The inhabitants have a positive image of their years in Dennewitz. The place is described as an idyll for several of the inhabitants. Similar narratives about the place have been found with the residents. A common theme from the place that has been highlighted is a sense of community among the residents. The village was strongly influenced by the power relationship with the mine and the mining company. Both in negative and positive aspects. The inhabitants feel a sorrow about the fact that Dennewitz no longer exists. It has also been found that there is a strong connection between Malmberget and Dennewitz among interviewees. They see similarities with Dennewitz and the current situation in Malmberget.

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