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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunpolitik i modern tid : En studie av New Public Managements genomslag i Arvika kommun

Sjögren, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera och söka efter inslag av styrnings- och förvaltningsteorin New Public Management (NPM) i Arvika kommun. Detta görs framförallt genom framtagandet av tre indikatorer av NPM. Enligt den av uppsatsen använda teoretiska förståelsen tenderar dessa att vara närvarande i förvaltningsorganisationer influerade av NPM. Uppsatsen finner genom en analys av kommunens vision, strategiska plan samt specifika verksamhetsplaner att Arvika kommun har en i stora drag centraliserad politisk organisation (första indikatorn). Det finns även ett visst inslag av en beställare- och utförarmodell (andra indikatorn) men den är framförallt begränsad till verksamhetsplanen för vård och omsorg. Analysen finner även att den tredje indikatorn, en mål- och resultatutformad verksamhet, är framträdande i alla de av uppsatsen analyserade handlingarna. Konsekvensen för Arvika kommun är att man tangerar den idealtyp av kommun vilken kallas marknadskommun till nackdel för den i Sverige traditionellt framträdande statsintegrerade kommunen. Medvetet eller omedvetet har Arvika kommun antagit verksamhetsformer vilka är vanliga inom NPM. De mest framträdande i denna uppsats är den centraliserade politiska organisationen samt struktureringen av en mål- och resultatutformad verksamhet.

Influence Of Fall Grazing By Sheep On Plant Productivity, Shrub Age Class Structure And Herbaceous Species Diversity In Sagebrush Steppe

Woodland, Ryan Duncan 01 May 2004 (has links)
Managing Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) systems biologically with grazing can potentially reduce costs and increase both biodiversity and understory production as well as rejuvenate Wyoming Big Sagebrush (ARTRWY). Sheep were provided a protein-energy supplement to facilitate use of the secondary metabolites found in ARTRWY forage. Phytomass ( ) was estimated for the following plant categories: total phytomass, current annual growth (CAG) of ARTRWY, the woody portion of ARTRWY, CAG of other shrubs, the woody portion of other shrubs, grasses, forbs, litter, and standing dead material. I also measured plant species richness and abundance, as well as estimates of the age class structure of sagebrush. One year following grazing, total phytomass decreased by 43%, due primarily to the reduction of ARTRWY. The CAG of ARTRWY decreased by 66%, while grasses increased by 43%, forbs increased 60%, and the number of species encountered in the grazed plots increased 42%.

Ledningssystem som  planeringsverktyg i vård- och omsorgssektorn : - En studie av ledningssystemet  för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i tre   värmländska kommuner: Karlstad, Sunne och Storfors - / Management system as a Planning Instrument in Health   and Social Care Services : A Study of Management System for Systematic QualityWork in three Swedish Municipalities in Värmland: Karlstad, Sunne and Storfors

Kjellström, Madelaine January 2017 (has links)
Thesis in Healt Care Administration, C-level. Author: Madelaine Kjellström. Supervisor: Alf Sundin. Autumn semester 2017. Title: Management system as a Planning Instrument in Health Care Services -        A Study of Management System for Systematic Quality Work in three swedish municipalities in Värmland; Karlstad, Sunne and Storfors – In the year 2011 the Swedish authority Socialstyrelsen published a prescription (SOSFS 2011:9) and also a recommendation who where adressed to the municipalities, who are responsible for  the public servises in Sweden, to implement a Management System for Quality Work within Health and Social Care Services. The aim of this study is to examine how municiapilities in Sweden is planning for implementation and evaluation of the Management system for Quality Work within Health and Social Care Services. The question for approaching the thesis choice of subject are: Is the Management System for Quality Work Work within Health and Social Care Services more likely to succed in the municipality of Karlstad which is a bigger municipality comparing to Sunne and Storfors municipalities, which is smaller municipalities comparing to the size of budget and population? Is there any similarities and/or differences between the different municipalities capacity to planning for implementation and evaluation of the Management System for Quality Work within Health ans Social Care Services? As mentioned above there are three municipalities that has been selected as cases in this comparative case-study. All three municipalities is located in the region of Värmland, Sweden. The main findings and the result of this comparative case-study is that; all of the three municipalities independent of their respective sixe have capacities to fullfill the prescription and recommendation according to the authority Socialstyrelsen intentions concerning the planning of implementation and evaluation of the Management System.                                            Keywords: Planning, implementation, evaluation, Mangagement system, quality work, health and social care service.

National Print and Electronic News Coverage of Self Management Behaviors and Efficacy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Sabo, Jason D. 04 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Drømmen om et universitet i Innlandet : Betydningen av felles visjon og felles mentalt bilde

Johannessen, Hildegard, Seem, Solveig January 2007 (has links)
<p>Sammendrag</p><p>Problemstillingen i vår oppgave er som følger: Har aktørene i prosjekt innlandsuniversitetet et omforent felles mentalt bilde for utvikling av strategien og derigjennom felles visjon for utvikling av Innlandsuniversitetet.</p><p>Vi har brukt ”den lærende organisasjon” som rammeverk for å belyse disse dimensjonene felles visjon og felles mentalt bilde. I tillegg har vi sett at enhver prosess avkrever ledelse.</p><p>Gjennom kvalitative intervju med 11 sentrale personer som har vært eller er knyttet til prosjektet har vi gjort funn som tydelig peker på at aktørene i prosjektet mangler felles visjon og at de mangler en felles referanseramme.</p><p>Dette skaper strategiske og ledelsemessige utfordringer, både på kort og lengre sikt.</p><p>Vi vurderer det slik at Prosjekt Innlandsuniversitetet kan lykkes, men det krever at det tas noen kraftigere ledelsesgrep.</p> / <p>Abstract</p><p>The subject in our thesis is as follows: Do the participants in the Project Innlandsuniversitetet have a shared mental picture of strategy development and by that a shared vision for the development of Innlandsuniversitetet?</p><p>We have used “The Learning Organization” as a framework to enlighten the dimensions “shared vision” and “shared mental picture”. We have in addition observed that any process demands leadership.</p><p>Through qualitative interviews with 11 key persons who have been or still is connected with the project we have made findings which clearly points out that the participants in the project are in lack of a “shared vision” and a “shared framework”. This leads to demands of strategy and leadership.</p><p>In our view the project Innlandsuniversitetet can succeed, but it needs a stronger hand of leadership.</p>

Drømmen om et universitet i Innlandet : Betydningen av felles visjon og felles mentalt bilde

Johannessen, Hildegard, Seem, Solveig January 2007 (has links)
Sammendrag Problemstillingen i vår oppgave er som følger: Har aktørene i prosjekt innlandsuniversitetet et omforent felles mentalt bilde for utvikling av strategien og derigjennom felles visjon for utvikling av Innlandsuniversitetet. Vi har brukt ”den lærende organisasjon” som rammeverk for å belyse disse dimensjonene felles visjon og felles mentalt bilde. I tillegg har vi sett at enhver prosess avkrever ledelse. Gjennom kvalitative intervju med 11 sentrale personer som har vært eller er knyttet til prosjektet har vi gjort funn som tydelig peker på at aktørene i prosjektet mangler felles visjon og at de mangler en felles referanseramme. Dette skaper strategiske og ledelsemessige utfordringer, både på kort og lengre sikt. Vi vurderer det slik at Prosjekt Innlandsuniversitetet kan lykkes, men det krever at det tas noen kraftigere ledelsesgrep. / Abstract The subject in our thesis is as follows: Do the participants in the Project Innlandsuniversitetet have a shared mental picture of strategy development and by that a shared vision for the development of Innlandsuniversitetet? We have used “The Learning Organization” as a framework to enlighten the dimensions “shared vision” and “shared mental picture”. We have in addition observed that any process demands leadership. Through qualitative interviews with 11 key persons who have been or still is connected with the project we have made findings which clearly points out that the participants in the project are in lack of a “shared vision” and a “shared framework”. This leads to demands of strategy and leadership. In our view the project Innlandsuniversitetet can succeed, but it needs a stronger hand of leadership.

Förbättra arbetssätten på ett litet It-företag / Improve the work procedures in a small IT company

Blom, Sara January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis work is to map, explain, propose and follow up on solutions to quality problems in a small growing IT company in an attempt to reduce or completely eliminate costs of poor quality. The report includes theory of change management, process and quality management, process maturity, agile methods, characteristic features for IT companies, DMAIC project tool and challenges for growing companies. It is a case study that is based predominantly on qualitative primary data. Data has been collected using a customer survey, as well as observations and interviews with employees and management. The result shows that the organization is struggling with quality problems. The problems look slightly different depending on which department is being reviewed. In the development department, which works with large projects over a long period of time, the main problem is lack of complete customer requirement specifications. At the Operations Department the main problem is that they are unable to test according to needs. Cunclusions to be drawn is that there are quality deficiencies related to testing and requirements specification within the IT company. Part of the reasons behind the problems is the lack of structure and follow-up. Three action plans have been drawn up to address the problems. A follow-up plan has also been created, which includes both follow-up of statistical data and feedback from employees and customers. / Syftet med examensarbetet är att kartlägga, förklara, föreslå och följa upp lösningar på kvalitetsproblem inom ett litet växande It-företag, i ett försök att få kvalitetsbristkostnader att minska eller helt försvinna. I rapporten innefattas teori om förändringsledning, process- och kvalitetsledning, processmognad, agila arbetssätt, karaktäristiska drag för It-företag, projektverktyget DMAIC samt utmaningar för växande företag. Rapporten är en fallstudie som till övervägande del består av kvalitativa primära data. Data samlas in med hjälp av en kundenkät, samt observationer och intervjuer med medarbetare och ledning. Resultatet visar att organisationen brottas med kvalitetsproblem, som innebär att värdefull tid läggs på att arbeta med saker som inte hade behövts om de gjort rätt från början. Problemen ser något annorlunda ut beroende på vilken avdelning som granskas. På utvecklingsavdelningen, som arbetar med stora projekt över lång tid är det framför allt bristande kravspecifikationer från kunderna som är bekymret. På driftsavdelningen är den främsta problematiken att de inte hinner med att testa så som de hade önskat. Slutsatser som kan dras är att det inom det studerade It-företaget finns kvalitetsbristkostnader relaterade till testning och kravspecificering. En del av orsakerna som ligger bakom problemen är bristen på struktur och uppföljning. Tre handlingsplaner har upprättats för att komma till rätta med problemen. En uppföljningsplan är också skapad, som innefattar både uppföljning av statistisk och återkoppling från medarbetare och kunder.

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