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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dickinson tributaries in the watershed of music education: Martha Dickinson Bond (1856–1936) and Clarence Dickinson (1873–1969)

Keithcart, Elizabeth Haydon 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The watershed of music education in the United States originated with tributaries from Puritan families, churches and communities of the 1630s. For more than three hundred years, Dickinson family members have been influenced by music educators. In turn, the Dickinsons, as ministers, educators and music educators, influenced innumerable students and communities. The purpose of this narrative case study was to describe the influence of music educators on students' lifelong learning and musicianship. Utilizing a nested case study approach focusing on two individual cases within a larger family case, this inquiry examined the ways music educators addressed critical issues in music education in Dickinson communities prior to 1860. Further, this study investigated the ways music educators influenced the lives and relationships of Martha Dickinson Bond and Clarence Dickinson and the ways the Dickinsons were influential in their students' lives. Sources of data were drawn from the Clarence Dickinson Collection of Sacred Music at William Carey College; private collections from the estate of Martha Dickinson Bond; and collections from libraries, churches, historical societies, and archives in former Dickinson communities. Data sources included interviews with students of the Dickinsons, artifacts, records, diaries, letters, recorded and written music, photographs, participant-observations, and direct observations. Content analysis involved developing chronologies and case profiles; identifying and coding patterns from data; utilizing matrix displays for within-case and between-case analysis; synthesizing emergent constructs and themes; and illustrating themes with examples from data. Data analysis revealed themes about the influence of music educators holistically over three centuries (1630s-1930s): Religion; Relationships; Character Development; Literacy; Musical Development; Community Contributions; and Inspiration . Recommendations for music educators, music therapists, and teacher educators were organized by five identified stages of musical development over the human lifespan. Recommendations for further study corresponded to guiding research questions.

Martha – en del av kvinnoorganisationen på Åland : En organisationsstudie om Ålands Marthadistrikts värderingar i början av 1930-talet / Martha – a part of the women organisation on Åland : An organizational study of Åland’s Martha district’s values in the early 1930s

Gustavsson, Tilde January 2023 (has links)
Kvinnlig organisering finns i många former och det har gjorts en del internationell och svensk forskning om det. Denna uppsats är skriven för att fylla i luckan angående den åländska kvinnoorganiseringen i form av Ålands Marthadistrikt. Marthaverksamheten startade på det finska fastlandet 1899 och kom till Åland 1912. 1932 firade de åländska marthorna 20-årsjubiléet av detta och det fanns deltagare från alla 32 föreningarna. Undersökningens syfte är att göra en organisationsstudie om Ålands Marthadistrikts verksamhet och dess värderingar 1932–1934 med utgångspunkt från teorin om privat och offentlig sfär. Detta görs med hjälp av tre frågeställningar som är: 1. Vilken verksamhet genomförde marthorna 1932–1934? 2. Vilka likheter och skillnader finns det mellan föreningarna inom distriktet? 3. Vilka värderingar eller ideologier ligger bakom verksamheten? För att uppfylla syftet används både en kvantitativ metod och en kvalitativ metod med fokus på textanalys. Materialet som används är hämtat från Ålands Marthadistriktsarkiv och består av styrelseprotokoll, årsberättelser, förteckningar och räkenskaper. Ålands Marthadistrikt ordnade en verksamhet som mest bestod av möten, föredrag, kurser, studiecirklar och samkväm. Varje år förekom en lite större tillställning som marthorna deltog i eller anordnade. Dessa var bland annat 20-årsjubiléet, presidentbesöket och den årliga Marthadagen. De föredrag och kurser som distriktet och föreningarna genomförde handlade om olika sorters hemvård eller hemslöjd exempelvis huslig ekonomi, madrasstillverkning, trädgårdsskötsel och sömnad. Kvinnosynen i distriktet var att kvinnorna skötte hemmet och därför fokuserade majoriteten av verksamheten på det. Dock uppmuntrade distriktet kvinnor att delta i saker utanför hemmet som arbete och politik. En annan viktig del av verksamheten var att ordna tillfällen där kvinnor kunde träffas och umgås vilket uppskattades stort bland medlemmarna. Resultat i undersökningen är att marthaverksamheten till största del verkade i den privata sfären hemmet och att den gjorde att kvinnorna fick en egen sfär frånskild männen i samhället. Dock fanns det även verksamhet som bidrog till att kvinnor kom in i den offentliga sfären och beblandades med männen i samhället / Women organisation has many forms, and these have been studied international and in Sweden in some degree. This essay is written with the purpose of filling the blank about the women organisation in Åland called Ålands Martha district. The Martha activity started on the Finnish mainland in 1899 and came to Åland 1912. In 1932, the Åland Marthas celebrated the 20th anniversary of this and there were participants from all 32 associations. The purpose of this survey is to do an organizational study about Ålands Martha district’s activity and values 1932-1934 starting from the theory of private and public sphere. This is done with the help of three questions which are: 1. What activities did the Marthas carry out in 1932-1934? 2. What similarities and differences are there between the associations within the district? 3. What values and ideologies are behind the activity? To fulfil the purpose, both a quantitative method and qualitative method with a focus on text analysis are used. The material used is taken from Åland’s Martha district’s archive and consists of board minutes, annual reports, listings, and accounts. Ålands Martha district arranged activities that mainly consisted of meetings, lectures, courses, study circles and parties. Each year a big happening took place in which the Marthas participated in or arranged. These were, among other things, the 20th anniversary, the president’s visit, and the yearly Martha day. The lectures and courses that the district and associations arranged were about different kind of house caring or home crafting, for example, home economics, mattress manufacturing, gardening, and sewing. The view of women in the district was that the women managed the home and therefore most of the activities focused on it. However, the district encouraged women to participate in things outside of the home such as work and politics. Another important part of the activities was to arrange occasions where women could meet and hang out which were highly appreciated between the members. The result of the survey is that the Martha’s activity mostly operated in the private sphere of the home and that it gave the women their own sphere separated from the men in the society. However, there were activities that contributed to women taking a place in the public sphere and being mixed up with the men in the society.


Robertson, Pandora 12 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Ser uno mismo desde los zapatos del otro : el teatro como estrategia para el desarrollo de capacidades desde el enfoque de Martha Nussbaum

Carpio Valdeavellano, Paloma María 04 July 2018 (has links)
¿Pueden las artes servir como una estrategia para estimular el desarrollo de capacidades? ¿De qué manera la participación en proyectos de Teatro Aplicado permite a quienes hacen parte de éstos la ampliación de sus libertades? A través del diálogo entre la propuesta teórica de Martha Nussbaum y la experiencia de vida de personas de diversas edades y proveniencias, que tienen en común haber participado de proyectos teatrales, se dará cuenta del efecto que tiene esta práctica en la afirmación de la identidad individual. En un contexto global caracterizado por el individualismo y la competencia, la afirmación de la identidad de quienes han participado de proyectos de Teatro Aplicado se sustenta en el reconocimiento y valoración de los otros. De esta manera, “ser uno mismo desde los zapatos del otro” se constituye como una capacidad que permite generar una idea de “nosotros” que es expresión empírica de los conceptos de “Imaginación Narrativa”, “Ciudadanía Global” y “Afiliación” que la filósofa norteamericana desarrolla desde su enfoque. A través del análisis de los testimonios de los entrevistados y de la identificación de las características específicas de la práctica teatral, se reconocerán los alcances que ésta tiene respecto al cultivo de algunas de las “Capacidades Centrales” que Nussbaum propone, y específicamente, al desarrollo de emociones públicas que puedan contribuir al fortalecimiento de las democracias y al florecimiento de las personas. En consecuencia, a partir del diálogo entre experiencias de vida concretas y las reflexiones teóricas de Nussbaum, se propone una manera de llevar a políticas y programas el Enfoque de las Capacidades, reconociendo en la experimentación y apreciación artística una dimensión fundamental para el Desarrollo Humano.

Revisión de los conceptos filosóficos del enfoque de capacidades : Nussbaum y Sen sobre la condición de discapacidad

Núñez López, María de la Luz 28 August 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación revisa los conceptos filosóficos que sostienen las teorías de los creadores del enfoque de capacidades: Amartya Sen y Martha Nussbaum, con la finalidad de descubrir hasta donde se puede reflexionar con ellos acerca de la condición de discapacidad. Para lograrlo, se empieza explicando la visión del premio Nobel, su discusión y crítica a otras teorías del bienestar, e incluso la aplicación que de su teoría hacen otros autores que trabajan el tema de la salud y de la discapacidad. Mostrando que la visión seneana concibe a la discapacidad como una condición de carencia que se equipara con un tipo de pobreza, entendiendo esta de una manera multidimensional. Por otro lado, en el caso de Nussbaum, debido a la complejidad y hondura de su teoría filosófica, la exposición de su postura se divide en dos niveles. El primer nivel, desarrollado en el segundo capítulo, presenta cómo la autora construye su propia perspectiva del enfoque de capacidades, las raíces aristotélicas de su nueva visión y la reflexión que hace sobre las personas con discapacidad desde dicho planteamiento, así como los límites de este. Durante la revisión de sus ideas, se hará evidente la necesidad de regresar al concepto de ser humano sobre el que basa su teoría, tema al que estará dedicado el tercer capítulo, el cual corresponde a un segundo y más profundo nivel de investigación a nivel teórico. En dicha sección se descubrirá una antropología filosófica que se denominará neoaristotélica debido a la lectura que Nussbaum hace de los textos del Estagirita, la cual llega a condicionar incluso su visión acerca de otras corrientes de pensamiento que también serán presentadas aquí, tales como la postura estoica y la del psicoanálisis de Donald Winnicott. Todo este recorrido será necesario para, al final, comprender claramente los límites y ventajas del pensamiento que la autora propone respecto a la discapacidad.

Préservation de la nature, protection sociale et justice entre les générations : Privilégier le présent pour transmettre au futur un monde plus juste / Nature conservation, social welfare and justice between generations : Emphasizing the present to transmit to the future a fairer world

Rio, Cédric 29 November 2013 (has links)
Comment peut-on concilier le respect des droits à la liberté des membres des générations futures et présentes ? Agir en faveur des premiers ne doit pas se faire aux dépens des seconds. Selon nous, la garantie pour tous de pouvoir développer et concevoir une conception spécifique de la vie bonne suppose de privilégier l'objectif d'une justice sociale globale dans le temps présent pour ainsi transmettre à la postérité un monde plus juste. Nous indiquons en premier lieu en quoi les générations qui se succèdent sur Terre ont des devoirs envers celles qui les suivront dans le temps, mais également pourquoi nos actes ne reflètent pas la reconnaissance de tels devoirs. Nous nous interrogeons ensuite sur le contenu du monde à transmettre en conformité avec ces devoirs. Il incombe aux générations de préserver autant que possible l'environnement naturel et d'édifier un environnement politique et social suffisant. Cela requiert la constitution d'une épargne intergénérationnelle au cours d'une phase limitée, suivie d'une phase de croisière dans laquelle l'accumulation doit être stoppée. Mais les efforts pour cette épargne et les ressources générées par celle-ci sont à répartir équitablement au sein et entre les générations : ce point est l'objet de notre troisième partie. Nous montrons que les efforts demandés à chacun au sein de la phase d'accumulation devraient dépendre de l'environnement dont disposent les individus, tandis que les ressources produites sont à redistribuer en priorité aux contemporains les plus démunis. Une telle préférence sociale pour le présent ne va pas à l'encontre des droits des individus futurs : elle permet au contraire de limiter la perpétuation, de génération en génération, des inégalités intragénérationnelles et de favoriser le respect de leurs droits par les individus qui vivent dans le temps présent. / How can we reconcile the respect to liberty rights of members of future and current generations? Act in favour of the former should not be at the expense of the latter. According to us, the guaranty for all to be able to develop and conceive a specific conception of the good life involves favouring the objective of global social justice in the present time, and so transmitting to posterity a fairer world. We show first how the succeeding generations on Earth have duties to those who follow in time, but also why our acts do not reflect the recognition of such duties. Then we wonder about the content of the World to transmit in compliance with these duties. Generations bear the responsibility to preserve as much as possible the natural environment and to edify a sufficient political and social environment. This requires the constitution of an intergenerational savings during a limited phase, followed by a steady-state phase in which the accumulation must be stopped. But efforts to the savings and resources generated by it have to be distributed fairly within and between generations: this is the subject of our third part. We show that efforts required to everyone during the accumulation phase should depend on the environment available to individuals, while produced resources have to be redistributed primarily to the most disadvantaged contemporaries. Such a social time preference does not run counter the rights of future individuals: it allows instead to limit the perpetuation of intra-generational inequalities from generation to generation and to promote the respect of their rights by individuals living at the present time.

Writing for pleasure or necessity : conflict among literary women, 1700-1750

Beutner, Katharine 01 June 2011 (has links)
In this dissertation, I examine antagonistic relationships between women writers in the first half of the eighteenth century, focusing on the works of Delarivier Manley, Martha Fowke Sansom, Eliza Haywood, and Laetitia Pilkington. Professional rivalry among women writers represents an under-studied but vital element of the history of print culture in the early eighteenth century. I argue that the shared burden of negotiating the complicated literary marketplace did not, as critics have at times suggested, inspire women who wrote for print publication to feel for one another a sisterly benevolence. Rather, fine gradations in social class, questions of genre status and individual talent, and -- perhaps most importantly -- clashing literary ambitions spurred early eighteenth-century women writers into vicious rivalries recorded in print and driven by print culture. Women documented their literary battles in poems, in prefaces, and in autobiographical texts replete with self-justification and with attacks on former friends or disappointing patronesses. This dissertation recognizes rivalry as a crucial mode of interaction between eighteenth-century literary women and analyzes the ways in which these professional women writers labored to defend themselves not just against patriarchal pressures but against one another. In doing so, it contributes to the construction of a more complete literary history of the first half of the eighteenth century by exploring how early eighteenth-century women writers imagined their own professional lives, how they imagined the professional lives of other women, and how they therefore believed themselves influenced (or claimed themselves influenced) by the support or detraction of other women. The first two chapters of this dissertation focus on Delarivier Manley's career and writings, while the second two address the entangled writing lives of Eliza Haywood and Martha Fowke Sansom. The concluding chapter briefly examines Laetitia Pilkington's Memoirs. I investigate the way these women employed the practice of life-writing as a means of self-construction, self-promotion, and public appeal. / text

Dividing lines, converging aims : a moral analysis of micro-regionalism in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire

Whiteford, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides a moral analysis of micro-regional forces in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, using the framework of the New Regionalism Approach (NRA). It presents an original contribution to the field through the addition of the Ghanaian-Ivoirian case study, as well as a unique application of Martha Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach to the NRA. In an attempt to counter the view that borders in Africa are artificial, arbitrary and the result of colonial imposition, this research employs the Capabilities Approach, providing a narrative of both positive and negative impacts resulting from the opportunity created by borders in West Africa. The way in which the Ghanaian-Ivoirian border is used by individuals in their security strategies in the face of economic deprivation and physical threats represents a positive impact of borders. Conversely, the role of borders in the continued prevalence of human trafficking in West Africa is also questioned in this piece, providing a balanced account of the impact of borders. This research concludes that the Ghanaian-Ivoirian border presents opportunities that can be exploited to both positive and negative ends at the micro-regional level. This interpretation suggests that any complete account of borders in West Africa more broadly ought to employ a moral framework in addition to a multi-levelled scale of analysis.

O sujeito comum nas cr?nicas de Martha Medeiros

Carlan, Let?cia Amaral 28 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:41:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 442003.pdf: 11451057 bytes, checksum: 21307b2df706f6fca2e339d189717aea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-28 / This dissertation seeks to understand how Martha Medeiros' chronicles represent the common subject. To do so, it is given an overview of the construction of the subject s concept throughout history, as well as the role of the chronicle in Brazil and Latin America. Thus, the scenario is described to situate the analysis. The study uses as corpus the production of Martha Medeiros, published in the Donna's pages in the Zero Hora newspaper from September 2011 to February 2012. The methodology used is the content analysis, guided by a path made by N?sia Martins do Ros?rio (2006) consisted of four steps: Which chronicle languages are used in the analyzed texts? How these elements are being used? Which senses are being produced in the selected texts? and How the signification process is presented?. Generally, the research concludes that the chronicles of Martha Medeiros represent the common subject by addressing issues and using a language capable of producing meanings relevant to readers. It is possible to notice that the sense given by the texts refers to something that happens to most of the people, or to the common subject. This can explain why Martha Medeiros chronicles have reached this level / A presente disserta??o busca compreender como as cr?nicas de Martha Medeiros representam o sujeito comum. Para tanto, ? apresentado um panorama da constru??o do conceito de sujeito ao longo da hist?ria, bem como o papel da cr?nica no Brasil e na Am?rica Latina. Dessa forma, apresenta o cen?rio para situar a an?lise. O estudo utiliza como corpus a produ??o de Martha Medeiros, publicada no caderno Donna do jornal Zero Hora de setembro de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012. A metodologia utilizada ? a an?lise de conte?do, norteada por um caminho formulado por N?sia Martins do Ros?rio (2006) constitu?do por quatro etapas: Quais os elementos da linguagem da cr?nica que est?o sendo usados nos textos em an?lise?, Como esses elementos est?o sendo usados?, Que sentidos est?o sendo produzidos nos textos selecionados? e Como se apresenta o processo de significa??o?. De modo geral, a pesquisa conclui que as cr?nicas de Martha Medeiros representam o sujeito comum ao abordar temas e utilizar uma linguagem capaz de produzir sentidos pertinentes para os leitores. ? poss?vel perceber que o sentido produzido pelos textos diz respeito a algo que acontece com a maioria das pessoas, ou com o sujeito comum. Isto ? capaz de explicar por que as cr?nicas de Martha Medeiros t?m tido esse grande alcance

Agricultural romance : constructing and consuming rural life in modern America

Hajdik, Anna Thompson 10 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation illuminates the links between agriculture, popular culture, social class, and agrarian nostalgia. Using an interdisciplinary approach, I draw from the fields of American Studies, American History, Agricultural History, Environmental Studies, popular culture, and cultural geography. Consisting of four diverse case studies, my project focuses on America's evolving relationship with its agrarian roots from the late eighteenth century to the present. Each case study pays close attention to the ways in which the forces of modern consumerism have shaped public understanding of agricultural issues. The dissertation pivots on two main arguments: 1) the modern realities of industrialized agriculture have sparked a desire for highly romanticized visions of farming, particularly tourism to rural places that promise temporary pastoral transcendence to consumers, and 2) as a result of the public demand for idyllic constructions of American rural life, agrarian nostalgia has frequently been deployed in the service of commerce. From the writings of Thomas Jefferson and Laura Ingalls Wilder, to Currier and Ives painting, Martha Stewart's media empire, and state fairs of the American Midwest, I analyze a variety of highly romanticized cultural forms that enrich our understanding of the nation's agrarian heritage. Yet, I also make important links between the past and present, and demonstrate how and why debates about such issues as farm policy and the politics of food once again stand at the forefront of popular consciousness in the twenty-first century. / text

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