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PTC Creo Simulate 3.0Simmler, Urs 23 June 2015 (has links)
Der Vortrag zeigt die Neuigkeiten in PTC Creo Simulate 3.0 auf. Zudem werden 10 "Tips & Tricks" erklärt, welche das Arbeiten effizienter machen.
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Verifying Molecular Dynamics Using Dielectric SpectroscopySmith, Joshua Dee 10 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The electrical properties of proteins in solution are important for their structure and function. Computational biophysics studies of proteins need accurate parameters to ensure that numerical simulations match physical reality. Past work in this eld has compared the electrical properties of proteins obtained from dielectric spectroscopy to numerical simulations of proteins in water with adjustment of pKa values to try to capture the inevitable changes in electrical conformation that will occur in a complex structure such as a folded protein. However, fundamental veri cation of the charge parameters of the amino acid building blocks in common molecular dynamics software packages with electrical experiments needs to be performed to have increased con dence in the results from numerical simulations. The aim of this thesis is to start from a fundamental building block, the single amino acid alanine, and to compare numerical simulations of this amino acid in water using parameters from commonly used charge structures in CHARMM, GROMOS, and OPLS, with electrical parameters obtained from dielectric spectroscopy experiments in the GHz range. To this end, multiple molecular dynamics simulations were performed to accurately determine how these different charge structures yield different dielectric increments. Additionally, a commercial RF dielectric measurement probe was modi ed to perform measurements on solutions containing alanine at different concentrations. Using regression, the dielectric increment of alanine is readily determined and compared with the numerical simulations. The results indicate that the CHARMM and OPLS parameters seem to adequately capture the charge con guration of alanine in solution, while the GROMOS parameters produce a dielectric increment but do not seem to adequately capture the charge con guration of alanine in solution. These studies lay the foundation for future studies of additional amino acids in solution as well as a stepping stone for larger simulations of the electrical properties of fully solvated proteins in solution.
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Heat-induced changes in the material properties of cytoplasmEßlinger, Anne Hilke 26 June 2023 (has links)
Organisms are frequently exposed to fluctuating environmental conditions and might consequently experience stress. Environmental stress can damage cellular components, which can threaten especially single-celled organisms, such as yeast, as they cannot escape. To survive, cells mount protective stress responses, which serve to preserve cellular components and architecture. Recent findings in yeast show that the stress response upon energy depletion stress involves a gelation of the cytoplasm due to macromolecular protein assembly, characterized by drastic changes in cytoplasmic material properties. Remarkably, the stress-induced cytoplasmic gelation is protective, raising the question whether this could be a common strategy of cells to cope with severe stress. I hypothesized that protein aggregation induced by another common stress, severe heat shock, might cause a similar cytoplasmic gelation in yeast. Furthermore, I hypothesized that the reversibility of cytoplasmic gelation is provided by molecular chaperones, which are known regulators of protein aggregation. In this thesis, I therefore aimed to characterize the changes in the material properties of the cytoplasm upon severe heat shock as well as their underlying causes and how molecular chaperones affect these changes.
To characterize heat-induced changes in the material properties of the cytoplasm, I monitored Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells during recovery from severe heat shock using a combination of cell mechanical assays, time-lapse microscopy and single-particle tracking. I found that the cells entered a prolonged growth arrested state upon stress, which coincided with significant cell stiffening and a long-range motion arrest of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm, while smaller cytoplasmic nanoparticles remained mostly mobile. At the same time, a significant fraction of proteins aggregated in the cytoplasm, forming insoluble inclusions such as heat shock granules. After stress cessation, the observed changes were reversed as stiffened cells softened and lipid droplets resumed long-range motion. Cell softening and lipid droplet motion recovery coincided with protein disaggregation. These processes could be delayed by impairing protein disaggregation through genetic perturbation of the molecular chaperone Hsp104, which functions as a protein disaggregase. In contrast, no influence on protein disaggregation or heat-induced cytoplasmic material property changes was detected for the small heat shock protein Hsp16. These results suggest that the cytoplasm gels upon severe heat shock due to protein aggregation and is refluidized during recovery with the help of Hsp104. Remarkably, cells resumed growth only after refluidization of the cytoplasm, suggesting that reversible cytoplasmic gelation may contribute to regulation of the heat-induced growth arrest. In addition, cytoplasmic gelation could potentially preserve cellular architecture during heat shock. Overall, the results from my thesis work indicate that reversible cytoplasmic gelation due to macromolecular protein assembly may be a universal cellular response to severe stress which is associated with a stress-protective growth arrest. A likely stress-specific part of this response is the chaperone-dependent refluidization of the cytoplasm, which might explain the prolonged growth arrest seen upon severe heat shock as compared to other stresses and might allow more time for the repair of heat-induced damage.:Abstract
Table of contents
Figure index
List of abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Heat shock affects cellular function and fitness
1.1.1 Cells respond to stress in phases
1.1.2 Heat shock threatens cellular homeostasis and structural integrity
1.1.3 Stress severity determines detrimental effects of heat shock
1.1.4 Heat stress causes protein aggregation
1.1.5 Heat shock granules are functional aggregates in yeast
1.2 The heat shock response protects cellular fitness
1.2.1 Cells change transcription to adapt to stress
1.2.2 Molecular chaperones are important in stress protection
1.2.3 Hsp104 is a protein disaggregase chaperone
1.2.4 Small heat shock proteins modulate protein aggregation
1.2.5 Stress severity determines modules of the heat shock response
1.3 Cytoplasmic material properties change during stress
1.3.1 Cells homeostatically adapt cytoplasmic material properties during stress
1.3.2 The cytoplasm is viscoelastic
1.3.3 Is the cytoplasm a gel?
1.3.4 Stress can induce cytoplasmic gelation
1.4 Research aims
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 S. pombe strains and growth conditions
2.1.1 Growth conditions
2.1.2 Construction of S. pombe strains
2.1.3 S. pombe transformation
2.1.4 S. pombe colony PCR
2.1.5 S. pombe strains used in this thesis
2.2 Plasmids and cloning
2.2.1 Plasmids used in this thesis
2.2.2 Construction of plasmid for fluorescent GEM nanoparticle expression
2.2.3 E. coli transformation
2.2.4 Plasmid purification from E. coli
2.3 S. pombe stress treatments
2.3.1 Heat shock treatment
2.3.2 Osmoadaptation
2.4 Cell biological methods
2.4.1 Viability assay
2.4.2 Growth assay
2.5 Cell bulk mechanical assays
2.5.1 Spheroplasting assay
2.5.2 Atomic force microscopy
2.5.3 Real-time deformability cytometry
2.5.4 RT-DC sample preparation
2.5.5 RT-DC setup and measurements
2.5.6 RT-DC data evaluation
2.6 Microscopy
2.6.1 Microscopy of GEM particles
2.6.2 Fluorescence microscopy of endogenously labeled Pabp-mCherry
2.6.3 Microscopy of µNS particles
2.7 Image analysis
2.7.1 Image analysis of Pabp-mCherry in vivo fluorescence microscopy
2.7.2 Differenced brightfield image analysis
2.7.3 Kymographs
2.8 Single-particle tracking analysis
2.8.1 Particle tracking
2.8.2 Mean squared displacement analysis
2.9 Optical diffraction tomography (ODT)
2.9.1 ODT sample preparation
2.9.2 ODT optical setup and measurements
2.9.3 ODT tomogram reconstruction and quantitative analysis
2.10 Lysis and sedimentation assay
2.10.1 Lysis buffer
2.10.2 S. pombe heat shock treatment and lysis
2.10.3 Sedimentation assay
2.10.4 Protein concentration measurement
2.10.5 SDS-PAGE
2.10.6 Coomassie staining
2.10.7 Western Blot
3 Results
3.1 Physical and chemical conditions affect heat shock survival and heat-induced growth arrest of S. pombe
3.1.1 S. pombe arrests growth during severe heat shock
3.1.2 Heat-induced growth arrest is dose-responsive
3.1.3 Heat-induced growth arrest depends on experimental conditions
3.1.4 Buffer pH and energy source have a strong impact on heat shock survival
3.1.5 Osmoadaptation protects cells during heat shock
3.2 Severe heat shock induces reversible cellular stiffening
3.2.1 Cellular rounding upon cell wall removal is delayed after heat shock
3.2.2 Elastic modulus of S. pombe cells is increased after heat shock
3.2.3 Recovery from heat-induced growth arrest is preceded by cell softening
3.3 Long-range particle dynamics in cytoplasm are abolished after heat shock
3.3.1 Small particle dynamics are largely independent of heat shock treatment
3.3.2 Lipid droplets are confined in space after heat shock
3.4 Cytoplasmic crowding increases during heat shock
3.5 Heat shock induces reversible protein aggregation
3.5.1 Insoluble protein fraction is increased after heat shock
3.5.2 Heat shock granules form reversibly during heat shock
3.5.3 HSG formation and dissolution are correlated with changes in cytoplasmic long-range dynamics
3.6 Molecular chaperones modulate cytoplasmic material property changes during heat stress recovery
3.6.1 Hsp104 but not Hsp16 is required for disaggregation of heat shock granules
3.6.2 Hsp104 but not Hsp16 is required for recovery from heat-induced growth arrest
3.6.3 Hsp104 but not Hsp16 is required for recovery of cytoplasmic long-range dynamics
3.6.4 Hsp104 but not Hsp16 is required for rapid reversal of cellular stiffening which coincides with growth recovery
4 Discussion
4.1 Summary and model
4.2 Which mechanism underlies cell stiffening upon heat shock?
4.2.1 Heat-induced protein aggregation might cause cell stiffening
4.2.2 Heat-induced protein aggregation might lead to cytoplasmic gelation
4.2.3 Many factors could contribute to protein aggregation and cytoplasmic gelation
4.3 The heat-induced growth arrest state is associated with reversible cytoplasmic gelation
4.3.1 Cytoplasmic material property changes mark the severe heat-induced growth arrest state
4.3.2 Is cytoplasmic gelation a common response to severe stress?
4.4 What are the biological consequences of cytoplasmic gelation?
4.4.1 Cytoplasmic gelation might obstruct processes that require motion of large structures
4.4.2 Is cytoplasmic gelation upon heat shock protective?
4.5 Heat shock recovery involves the chaperone-mediated refluidization of the cytoplasm
4.5.1 Cytoplasmic refluidization is required for growth recovery
4.5.2 Stress tolerance is marked by enhanced reversibility of cytoplasmic gelation
4.5.3 The protein disaggregase chaperone Hsp104 regulates the reversal of heat-induced cytoplasmic material property changes
4.6 Conclusion
Publications and Contributions
5 Erklärung entsprechend §5.5 der Promotionsordnung
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Human tendon adaptation in response to mechanical loadingBohm, Sebastian 26 January 2015 (has links)
Sehnen übertragen die Muskelkräfte und ihre Eigenschaften beeinflussen unsere Bewegungsleistungen. Infolge mechanischer Belastungen adaptieren Sehnen. Die Effekte spezifischer Parameter des mechanischen Dehnungsstimulus sowie allgemeiner Belastungsbedingungen auf die Anpassung sind bisher ungeklärt und sollen durch die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet werden. Das adaptive Potential wurde durch einen Vergleich der Sehneneigenschaften zwischen beiden Beinen, in Bezug auf seitenabhängige Belastungen, experimentell untersucht. Um den Effekt verschiedener interventionsinduzierter Belastungen auf die Anpassung zu bestimmen, wurde ein systematischer Review nebst Metaanalyse durchgeführt. Der Einfluss spezifischer Parameter des Dehnungsstimulus (Rate und Dauer) wurde mittels zweier Trainingsinterventionen untersucht. Der Vergleich zwischen den Achillessehneneigenschaften des dominanten und nicht dominanten Beins zeigte einen signifikanten Unterschied des Young''s Modulus (Materialeigenschaften), mutmaßlich eine Folge seitenabhängiger Alltagsbelastungen. Die Metaanalyse ermittelte hohe Effektgrößen auf die mechanischen und Materialeigenschaften sowie eine niedrige Effektgröße auf die Morphologie, mit einem signifikanten Einfluss der unterschiedlichen Belastungen. Die beiden Interventionen belegten, dass eine hohe Rate der Dehnung und eine lange Dauer keinen übergeordneten Stimulus zur Sehnenanpassung im Vergleich zu einer hohen Magnitude und niedrigen Frequenz darstellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Materialeigenschaften sensitiver gegenüber Belastungsänderungen sind und im Vergleich zur Morphologie zeitiger adaptieren. Die Interventionsresultate lassen den Schluss zu, dass eine hohe Dehnungsmagnitude, eine adäquate Dauer und repetitive Belastung essentiell für einen effektiven Stimulus sind. Die Ergebnisse liefern wichtige Erkenntnisse bezüglich einer Verbesserung von Sehneneigenschaften im Kontext der athletischen Leistung sowie Verletzungsprävention und -rehabilitation. / Tendons transmit the force exerted by a muscle and their properties influence human locomotor performance. Furthermore, tendons adapt to mechanical loading. The effect of specific parameters of the mechanical strain stimulus as well as general loading conditions on tendon adaptation is not completely understood and, therefore, the focus of research in the present thesis. Adaptive responses were investigated by means of a comparison of tendon properties between both legs to assess the effect of side-dependent loading pattern. A systematic review and meta-analysis was applied to examine the influence of various intervention-induced loading conditions on the magnitude of adaption. To investigate specific parameters of the mechanical strain stimulus (rate and duration), two controlled exercise interventions were conducted. The comparison of the Achilles tendon properties between the non-dominant and dominant leg revealed a significant difference of the Young''s modulus (i.e. material properties), likely a result of side-dependent daily loading pattern. The meta-analysis revealed high intervention effect sizes on the tendon mechanical and material properties and a low effect size on the morphology, with a notable effect of the various loading conditions. The two exercise interventions showed that a higher rate of strain and longer duration did not provide a superimposed effect for tendon adaptation compared to high magnitude and low frequency. The findings indicate that the material properties seem to be more sensitive and quicker in response to changes in the loading conditions compared to the morphological properties. The results of the two interventions suggest that a high strain magnitude, an appropriate strain duration and repetitive loading are essential for an effective stimulus. These findings provide valuable information with regard to the improvement of tendon properties in the context of athletic performance as well as injury prevention and rehabilitation.
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Optimierung der Exploration, Gewinnung und Materialcharakterisierung von Naturwerksteinen / Optimisation of exploration, extraction and material characterisation of dimension stonesMosch, Stephan 27 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Theoretical and experimental studies on early reinforced concrete structures: contribution to the analysis of the bearing capacity of the Hennebique system / Etudes théoriques et expérimentales des constructions en béton armé de première génération: contribution à l'analyse de la capacité portante du système HennebiqueHellebois, Armande 02 July 2013 (has links)
In the framework of the conservation of early reinforced concrete structures from the last third of the 19th century up to 1914, this research deals with superstructures (excluding foundations, roads, pipes, etc.) in reinforced concrete (in the modern sense of the term – i.e. concrete made with artificial cement and rebars supplying tensile strength; thus, the combination of a metal profile embedded in concrete is excluded). The development of reinforced concrete as a building material started around 1880 and became widespread around the time of the First World War. Some of the structures concerned are listed as heritage properties today. Therefore they deserve specific and careful study to ensure long-term preservation of their historic, architectural, technical and socio-economic value. They bear witness to a period in construction history when reinforced concrete was a new material. The outbreak of the First World War marked the end of the initial period of innovation, exploration and experimentation. By then, reinforced concrete had become widely accepted and adopted as a suitable and effective building material. However, present-day attempts at restoration often prove inadequate, due to incomplete understanding of this period of construction and the characteristics of the first generation of reinforced concrete. If the causes of degradation are incorrectly diagnosed, the repairs are likely to be inappropriate. Moreover, the number of reinforced concrete structures requiring repair work is currently increasing with the natural ageing of the material. This phenomenon will continue to grow in the coming years.<p><p>With this in mind, the present research aims at identifying the specific structural characteristics of reinforced concrete structures erected before the First World War. Several axes of investigation were pursued in this PhD research and have resulted in the main observations detailed below. <p>- Based on a case study of the region of Brussels (Belgium), a database of structures built in reinforced concrete prior to 1914 was drawn up in order to place the material in its historical and geographical context. The inventory currently contains 507 examples and provides a panorama of the uses of reinforced concrete, ranging from numerous foundations and slabs to a complete structure from the end of the 1890s. This list is supplemented by a survey of a total of 605 patents filed for reinforced concrete in Belgium before the First World War. The early development of reinforced concrete was strongly related to national patenting, with a considerable number of systems being patented by private inventors for commercial purposes. Reinforced concrete profoundly transformed the building industry. All the professions working with the composite material had to change their approach, from the planning stage through to execution on the site. From the viewpoint of construction history, all these modifications make the time of the advent of reinforced concrete a particularly fruitful period to study. <p>- From the survey of early reinforced concrete structures in Brussels and the database of Belgian patents, the supremacy of the Frenchman François Hennebique and his system on the Brussels market for reinforced concrete (and, by extension, on the Belgian market) before 1914 is incontestable. This commercial achievement resulted from a combination of factors: an efficient structural system, meticulous attention to the quality of on-site reinforced concrete execution, and the commercial acumen to develop the business through advertising and other media. The well-known Hennebique system represents a monolithic structure including slabs, beams and columns. In fact, this system changed over the decades of operation of Hennebique’s company, not so much in relation to the design methods (his original semi-empirical method continued to be used) but particularly in practical terms (the type and location of the rebars among others). The evolution of the system is analysed by means of technical drawings from about 30 Belgian projects designed by Hennebique between 1900 and 1930. <p>- After the building contractors, who had been the first to believe in the structural and economic potential of reinforced concrete, engineers invented the calculation models and architects started developing new shapes. The Belgian engineer Paul Christophe was among the first theorists of reinforced concrete. The publication of his book Le béton armé et ses applications in 1899 is internationally recognised as a milestone in the rational modelling of structural reinforced concrete elements. Prior to the present study, details of his life and work remained largely uninvestigated, but the discovery of large parts of his personal archives has allowed clarification of his role in the popularisation of reinforced concrete, especially at the theoretical level.<p>- Reinforced concrete structures around the beginning of the 20th century were initially governed by empirical models of calculation (and execution) developed by the individual constructors. Gradually, reinforced concrete standards, published between 1904 and 1923 and based on working stress analysis and elastic modular ratio theory, replaced the utility of the patented systems. The different theoretical approaches are briefly described in this research. Mastering the theoretical assumptions and calculation methods used at the time represents the first step towards an appreciation of the structural behaviour and the possible weaknesses that can be expected.<p>- A review, based on literature published at that time, of the properties of the components of reinforced concrete allows identification of the characteristic materials used in the concrete matrix and the metal reinforcements. The execution process and the available technological tools for erecting a reinforced concrete structure are also addressed, as these would have had a direct influence on the quality of construction. Non-destructive and destructive experimental laboratory tests were performed on original samples, mainly removed from the Colo-Hugues viaduct (1904, Braine-l’Alleud, Hennebique system) in order to assess the mechanical properties, chemical features and durability issues for concrete and ferrous reinforcements. Comparing the results obtained using different techniques also makes it possible to determine the extent to which these techniques are reliable for the appraisal of early reinforced concrete structures. <p>- The structural efficiency of the Hennebique system is assessed based on an understanding of the principles of Hennebique’s semi-empirical method of calculation, but also – and primarily – by means of observations from experimental tests carried out on full-sized beams removed from the Colo-Hugues viaduct. Analysing and understanding the behaviour of the new composite material was a critical issue for promoting the use of reinforced concrete at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, what is required is a re-assessment of its structural behaviour. Three bending tests up to failure in simply supported conditions were performed at the BATir Department of the Université libre de Bruxelles on T-beams from the Colo-Hugues viaduct. This case study is representative of the majority of Hennebique structures, because the typical continuous straight T-beam is the main structural element of any Hennebique structure (bridge, building, etc.). The first test is a four-point bending test on a complete span (6 m) of the viaduct to obtain the response of the central part under positive bending moment. The flexural failure was ductile and occurred through yielding of the reinforcements followed by crushing of the concrete at mid-span. The second and third tests are three-point bending tests on 4 m long specimens centred on the column, representing the behaviour of the beam around the supports. These showed a sudden slipping failure due to loss of the adhesive bond between rebars. The results of these three experiments combined reproduce the actual behaviour of the viaduct in service. The bearing capacity of the Hennebique system in service and at ultimate has been demonstrated, at least for one loading case. These experimental tests provide essential data for a better understanding of the mechanisms of failure and reveal the main weaknesses of the Hennebique T-beam. Two strengthening solutions are suggested as supplementary information. <p>- The pathologies observed in early reinforced concrete structures (honeycombs, corrosion of the rebars, and so on) are mainly attributable to the tools and techniques that the builders had at their disposal (handmade compaction, high water-to-cement ratio, etc.) and by the limited contemporary knowledge of the physical and chemical phenomena, especially with regard to long-term effects. In fact, the concrete quality of the viaduct is surprisingly satisfactory despite its great age, due to the fact that the whole structure was covered with plaster, like the majority of reinforced concrete structures designed at that time.<p><p>This research establishes that reinforced concrete structures from 1880 to 1914 differ from later reinforced concrete structures. Taking into consideration the features of early reinforced concrete structures will contribute to ensuring sustainable conservation with limited intervention, thus preserving as much as possible of the original structure when restoration work is undertaken. Working on existing buildings often requires a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. The present study could thus be extended in various areas. For example, other structural aspects could be studied more in depth, such as demonstration of the shear strength of the Hennebique system or detailed consideration of the reinforcements (low adherence, particular anchorage devices, etc.)/<p>C'est dans le cadre de la conservation, au sens large du terme, que s'inscrit cette recherche sur les constructions en béton armé de première génération, c'est-à-dire de la fin du 19ème siècle au début du 20ème siècle. Cette recherche traite uniquement des superstructures, à l'exclusion des fondations, routes, tuyaux, etc. et en béton armé au sens moderne du terme, c'est-à-dire un béton réalisé à base de ciment artificiel et dont les armatures interviennent surtout pour reprendre les efforts de traction, ce qui exclut par exemple les utilisations de poutrelles métalliques enrobées de béton. Certains de ces ouvrages, réalisés entre 1880 et 1914, font aujourd'hui partie intégrante du patrimoine bâti, pour leurs valeurs architecturale, historique, technique ou aussi socio-économique. Ils jalonnent désormais l'histoire de la construction comme témoins d'une époque où le béton armé était un matériau nouveau. La Première Guerre mondiale marque la fin de cette période de premières innovations, d'explorations et d'expérimentations. Elle entérine l'acceptation et la diffusion du béton armé comme matériau de construction à part entière. Cependant, ainsi que le montrent certains projets de restauration actuels aux interventions inadéquates, il y a encore une méconnaissance des spécificités du béton armé de cette époque. Les causes de leurs dégradations mal diagnostiquées sont traitées de façon inappropriée. Or, dans les prochaines années, nombre de structures en béton armé construites dans la première moitié du 20ème siècle seront amenées à subir une rénovation suite au vieillissement naturel du matériau. C'est pourquoi pour conserver au mieux ces structures, il est indispensable d'étudier en détails leurs caractéristiques techniques pour ensuite intervenir, si nécessaire, de façon précise et adaptée.<p><p>Ce doctorat s'attèle donc à identifier les particularités des constructions en béton armé construites avant l'avènement de la Première Guerre mondiale, et plus spécifiquement à étudier leurs aspects structuraux. Plusieurs axes de recherche ont été développés et ont abouti aux principaux résultats suivants. <p>- Basé sur le cas de la région de Bruxelles-Capitale (Belgique), un inventaire des interventions en béton armé, construites avant 1914, a été dressé pour replacer le matériau dans son contexte historique et géographique. Cette base de données, comprenant 507 biens jusqu'à présent, illustre les types d'utilisation du béton armé dans la construction au début du 20ème siècle, d'abord des fondations ou simples planchers, jusqu'à une structure monolithique complète dès la fin des années 1890. Cet inventaire est complété par le relevé détaillé des brevets, au nombre de 605, déposés à ce sujet en Belgique avant la Première Guerre mondiale. Les brevets ont joué un rôle fondamental dans le développement du béton armé. Celui-ci était, en effet, régi par un foisonnement de systèmes commerciaux, majoritairement brevetés. L'introduction du béton armé a transformé en profondeur le secteur de la construction et notamment les professions liées tant à la phase de conception qu'au chantier lui-même. Du point de vue de l'histoire de la construction, toutes ces mutations font de l'avènement du béton armé une période historique riche. <p>- A la lecture du panorama offert par les inventaires des constructions et des brevets, la prééminence de la compagnie du Français François Hennebique, et donc de son système, sur le marché bruxellois (et par extrapolation sur le marché belge) du béton armé avant 1914 est indéniable. La réussite commerciale de Hennebique résulte d'une combinaison de facteurs: un système efficace sur le plan structural, une qualité d'exécution de béton coulé en place fiable et méticuleuse ainsi qu'un sens développé des affaires, en maîtrisant l'art de la promotion et de la publicité notamment. Le système bien connu de Hennebique comprend un ensemble monolithique formé par des dalles (hourdis), poutres et colonnes. Ce système a, en réalité, évolué dans le temps, pas tant d'un point de vue théorique (les calculs de dimensionnement sont les mêmes) mais plutôt pratique (positionnement, type d'armatures, etc.). Cette évolution a été observée par l'étude d'une trentaine de cas pratiques exécutés par Hennebique entre 1900 et 1930 en Belgique.<p>- Après les entrepreneurs, qui ont été les premiers à croire aux nouvelles possibilités constructives qu'offre le béton armé ainsi qu'à son succès commercial, les ingénieurs en inventent les principes de calcul et les architectes en révolutionnent les formes. L'ingénieur belge Paul Christophe fut parmi les premiers théoriciens du béton armé. La publication de son ouvrage Le béton armé et ses applications en 1899 constitue une étape importante, et internationalement reconnue, pour le dimensionnement rationnel d'éléments structuraux en béton armé. Jusqu'à la présente recherche, sa vie et son œuvre étaient restées assez confidentielles mais la découverte d'une partie de ses archives personnelles a permis de clarifier son rôle dans la diffusion, surtout théorique, du béton armé. <p>- Les structures en béton armé d'avant la Première Guerre mondiale furent d'abord gouvernées par des méthodes empiriques de dimensionnement (et d'exécution) développées par chaque constructeur. L'apparition des premières règlementations entre 1904 et 1923, basées sur une analyse en contraintes admissibles et la théorie du coefficient d'équivalence, remplace ensuite peu-à-peu l'utilité des systèmes brevetés. Les différentes approches théoriques sont brièvement décrites dans cette recherche. Maitriser les hypothèses et les méthodes de calculs employées à l'époque est, en effet, une première étape pour comprendre le fonctionnement structural prévu et les potentielles défaillances de dimensionnement. <p>- A travers une lecture attentive de la littérature publiée à cette période, les matériaux intervenants dans la fabrication du béton armé (c'est-à-dire le béton et les armatures) et utilisés couramment au début du 20ème siècle ont été identifiés ainsi que les moyens disponibles à cette époque pour produire des structures en béton armé. Des méthodes d'essais non-destructives et destructives ont été appliquées principalement, sur le viaduc Colo-Hugues (1904, Braine-l'Alleud, système Hennebique) afin d'évaluer les caractéristiques mécaniques, les propriétés chimiques et la durabilité tant du béton que des renforcements métalliques. Comparer les résultats de ces différentes méthodes permet d'aborder les limites d'utilisation de ces techniques, lorsqu'il s'agit d'évaluer structuralement des bétons armés de première génération. <p>- Grâce à la compréhension des principes, semi-empiriques, de dimensionnement appliqués par le bureau Hennebique en son temps mais surtout grâce aux observations déduites des essais expérimentaux réalisés sur des poutres de grandeur réelle, prélevées sur le viaduc Colo-Hugues, le fonctionnement structural réel du système Hennebique est évalué. Comprendre et modéliser le comportement du nouveau matériau composite fut une problématique fondamentale pour accroître l'usage du béton armé au début du 20ème siècle. Actuellement, il s'agit de réévaluer le comportement de ces structures. Trois essais jusqu'à rupture ont été menés, au département BATir de l'Université libre de Bruxelles, sur des poutres à gousset en T provenant du viaduc Colo-Hugues en conditions isostatiques et soumises à flexion. Ce viaduc des chemins de fer vicinaux est un cas d'étude représentatif de la majorité des constructions Hennebique, car la poutre de section en T est la structure typique du système Hennebique, utilisée tant dans les ouvrages d'art que dans les bâtiments. Le premier essai est une flexion 4 points sur une travée complète du viaduc (6 m de portée) pour obtenir la réponse en zone de moment maximum positif. La rupture ductile a eu lieu par plastification des armatures suivie d'un écrasement du béton en zone centrale, c'est-à-dire dans la zone la plus sollicitée. Deux éléments identiques de longueur de 4 m ont été essayés en flexion 3 points pour représenter le comportement sur appuis. La rupture de ces deux dernières expériences s'est produite suite à un glissement des armatures sur appuis (goussets à côté de la colonne). Il s'agit donc d'une rupture à caractère fragile. Les trois essais combinés représentent correctement la structure hyperstatique du viaduc dans son fonctionnement en service. La capacité portante réelle du système Hennebique en service et à l'état limite ultime, du moins dans un cas de chargement, a pu être expliquée. Ces essais fournissent les données essentielles pour estimer l'efficacité structurale du système Hennebique et identifier ses faiblesses. Deux solutions de renforcement sont proposées en complément d'information.<p>- Les pathologies observées dans les bétons armés datant du début du 20ème siècle (nids de graviers, corrosion des armatures, etc.) sont, la plupart du temps, causées par les outils sommaires à la disposition des constructeurs (vibration à la main, rapport eau/ciment plus élevé qu'aujourd'hui, etc.) et par une connaissance limitée des phénomènes physiques et chimiques, surtout à long terme. En fait, la qualité du béton du viaduc Colo-Hugues est particulièrement satisfaisante malgré l'âge avancé du béton, grâce notamment à l'enduit recouvrant l'ensemble du viaduc, ce qui est le cas pour la majorité des structures de la période étudiée.<p><p>Cette recherche démontre que les constructions en béton armé datant de 1880 à 1914 diffèrent des ouvrages postérieurs en béton armé et qu'il serait utile pour leur restauration de tenir compte de ces spécificités. La connaissance approfondie des particularités des constructions en béton armé de première génération permettra, espérons-le, de contribuer à leur longévité en intervenant le moins possible sur les structures d'origine. Etant donné que l'étude des structures existantes nécessite le plus souvent une approche pluridisciplinaire, ce travail pourrait être poursuivi dans plusieurs domaines variés. Il resterait notamment à approfondir d'autres aspects de stabilité, comme par exemple la démonstration de l'efficacité à l'effort tranchant du système Hennebique ou encore la prise en considération plus détaillée des armatures (adhérence limitée, forme d'ancrage particulier, etc.). / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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<p>The development of low-cost, and reliable platforms for on-site detection of pathogenic agents, and toxic environmental traces is still a critical need for real-time monitoring of potential environmental pollution and imminent outbreaks. The biosensors market is projected to attain 31.5 billion by 2024. In this landscape, colorimetric and electrochemical devices continue to have significant relevance, with paper-based platforms leading the point-of-care (POC) segment for pathogen detection and environmental monitoring.</p>
<p>Despite the true potential of biosensors in general, they have witnessed a slow rate in commercialization, mainly due to cost restrictions, and concerns related to their reliability and repeatability once scaled-up. This research evaluates the implementation of printing techniques as a strong approach for the fabrication of paper-based and flexible electrochemical biosensors. The results obtained demonstrated the ability to control and predict the variables affecting the sensing performance, achieving high precision of the printing parameters, and allowing optimization, and iterations since very early stages of prototype development.</p>
<p>Besides the novel fabrication approach, this work introduces the use of truncated aptameric DNA sequences for whole cell detection of E. coli O157:H7 and heavy metals (Hg2+ and As3+), providing evidence of high stability and robustness under harsh conditions. Results obtained demonstrate their equal or even superior performance when compared to antibodies.</p>
<p>We established the use of aptamer-functionalized multilayered label particles (PEI-grafted gold decorated polystyrene) with high stability as label particles. These particles address the well known drawback of non-selective aggregation typical of traditional naked Gold nanoparticles. The outstanding stability of these multilayered labels was demonstrated when used in an enhanced version of the lateral flow assay for detection of E. coli O157:H7 (state of the art for paper-based colorimetric detection of whole cell bacteria), and in a multiplexed paper-based microfluidic device for dual detection of Mercury and Arsenic. This work sets the foundation of the development of a next generation of health care and environmental monitoring devices that are portable, sensitive, quantitative, and can reliably detect multiple targets with one single test.</p>
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Navrhování konstrukcí s FRP výztuží / Design of structures with FRP reinforcementMatušíková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents available FRP software for calculating load bearing capacity of the structures reinforced with FRP and compares them between each other. Furthermore theory and algorithm of my own software is presented here. Load bearing capacity of structures which are reinforced with non-metallic reinforcement and loaded by combination of normal force and bending moment can be solved by my programme. Effects of high temperatures on the concrete structures can be included in the calculation. In the second part of the thesis is calculated load-bearing capacity and deflection of the real beam reinforced with FRP reinforcement and load-bearing capacity of member with FRP reinforcement with effect of elevated temperature. This has been done using my software. Comparison of results from hand calculation and laboratory load-bearing testing is done at the end. This laboratory testing was accomplished by Institute of Concrete and Mansory Structures at our faculty.
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Methodenentwicklung zur Simulation von Strömungen mit freier Oberfläche unter dem Einfluss elektromagnetischer WechselfelderBeckstein, Pascal 16 February 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Im Bereich der industriellen Metallurgie und Kristallzüchtung treten bei zahlreichen Anwendungen, wo magnetische Wechselfelder zur induktiven Beeinflussung von leitfähigen Werkstoffen eingesetzt werden, auch Strömungen mit freier Oberfläche auf. Das Anwendungsspektrum reicht dabei vom einfachen Aufschmelzen eines Metalls in einem offenen Tiegel bis hin zur vollständigen Levitation. Auch der sogenannte RGS-Prozess, ein substratbasiertes Kristallisationsverfahren zur Herstellung siliziumbasierter Dünnschichtmaterialien, ist dafür ein Beispiel. Um bei solchen Prozessen die Interaktion von Magnetfeld und Strömung zu untersuchen, ist die numerische Simulationen ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel. Für beliebige dreidimensionale Probleme werden entsprechende Berechnungen bisher durch eine externe Kopplung kommerzieller Programme realisiert, die für Magnetfeld und Strömung jeweils unterschiedliche numerische Techniken nutzen. Diese Vorgehensweise ist jedoch im Allgemeinen mit unnötigem Rechenaufwand verbunden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neu entwickelter Methodenapparat auf Basis der FVM vorgestellt, mit welchem sich diese Art von Berechnungen effizient durchführen lassen. Mit der Implementierung dieser Methoden in foam-extend, einer erweiterten Version der quelloffenen Software OpenFOAM, ist daraus ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug in Form einer freien Simulationsplattform entstanden, welches sich durch einen modularen Aufbau leicht erweitern lässt. Mit dieser Plattform wurden in foam-extend auch erstmalig dreidimensionale Induktionsprozesse im Frequenzraum gelöst.
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Methodenentwicklung zur Simulation von Strömungen mit freier Oberfläche unter dem Einfluss elektromagnetischer WechselfelderBeckstein, Pascal 08 January 2018 (has links)
Im Bereich der industriellen Metallurgie und Kristallzüchtung treten bei zahlreichen Anwendungen, wo magnetische Wechselfelder zur induktiven Beeinflussung von leitfähigen Werkstoffen eingesetzt werden, auch Strömungen mit freier Oberfläche auf. Das Anwendungsspektrum reicht dabei vom einfachen Aufschmelzen eines Metalls in einem offenen Tiegel bis hin zur vollständigen Levitation. Auch der sogenannte RGS-Prozess, ein substratbasiertes Kristallisationsverfahren zur Herstellung siliziumbasierter Dünnschichtmaterialien, ist dafür ein Beispiel. Um bei solchen Prozessen die Interaktion von Magnetfeld und Strömung zu untersuchen, ist die numerische Simulationen ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel. Für beliebige dreidimensionale Probleme werden entsprechende Berechnungen bisher durch eine externe Kopplung kommerzieller Programme realisiert, die für Magnetfeld und Strömung jeweils unterschiedliche numerische Techniken nutzen. Diese Vorgehensweise ist jedoch im Allgemeinen mit unnötigem Rechenaufwand verbunden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neu entwickelter Methodenapparat auf Basis der FVM vorgestellt, mit welchem sich diese Art von Berechnungen effizient durchführen lassen. Mit der Implementierung dieser Methoden in foam-extend, einer erweiterten Version der quelloffenen Software OpenFOAM, ist daraus ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug in Form einer freien Simulationsplattform entstanden, welches sich durch einen modularen Aufbau leicht erweitern lässt. Mit dieser Plattform wurden in foam-extend auch erstmalig dreidimensionale Induktionsprozesse im Frequenzraum gelöst.
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