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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana. Fundamentos de la ciudad moderna alemana

Bosch Abarca, Jorge 07 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] Small dwelling and urban form. German modern city bases. Small dwelling and urban form are the main concepts in which this research is based. The intention is to determine the characteristics of the German city where the modern architecture of Neues Bauen is developed. The small dwelling, as a new type lacking in an immediate historical precedent, arises from the need to house a new class of the industrial proletariat. The urban form as a different configuration which the city acquires. This is a result of the transformations that its growth demands in order to adapt to a new social reality. In Germany, as in the rest of Europe, the origin of the small dwelling came from the need to improve the living conditions of the worker. A reaction that was produced mainly from philanthropy but also as a guarantee in keeping some established social conditions. The movement for housing reform, set out by private initiatives, effectively solves new forms for a small, hygienic and functional dwelling that was accessible to a part of the working masses, establishing solid and functional criteria that would be maintained as the principles of a typology in the configuration of the modern dwelling at the beginning of the 20th century. The great German city, represented mainly by Berlin in this research, outlines its expansion through an imported urban idea that has, as its main interest, the monumental expression of the urban space. With a system originated in the interior reform processes of the French city, it outlines the exterior expansion of the German city as a continued imposing construction, in which the small dwelling only constitutes a dense internal filling. This "petrous sea", as Muthesius defines a city that extends concentrated to its limits, would be seen as incompatible with the small dwelling that was needed. Once this inconsistency was recognized and with a new scientific approach to the construction of the city, a transformation process was begun towards a new urban model that took into consideration the need for a small and healthy dwelling and returns to the citizen the contact with nature, a sense that is a deeply ingrained in German people. From the ideas and actions of the leading figures in this process, gathered in original documents, the research advances in the recognition of the typical and essential characteristics of a German city, that, at the start of the third decade of the 20th century, bases its modern quality in common criteria relative to the separation of urban functions, the insertion of green in the city and the value of public space. On this modern German city of first post-war Europe, the specific solution of the architecture of Neues Bauen will be built. / [ES] Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana. Fundamentos de la ciudad moderna alemana. Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana son los conceptos sobre los que se fundamenta esta investigación que quiere determinar las características de la ciudad alemana en la que se desarrolla la arquitectura moderna del Neues Bauen. La vivienda pequeña como un nuevo tipo carente de un antecedente histórico inmediato, que surge de la necesidad de alojar a la nueva clase del proletariado industrial. La forma urbana como la distinta configuración que adquiere la ciudad, consecuencia de las transformaciones que exige su crecimiento para adecuarse a una nueva realidad social. En Alemania, como en el resto de los países de Europa, la vivienda pequeña tiene su origen al reconocerse la necesidad de mejora de las condiciones de vida del trabajador. Una reacción que se produce desde la filantropía principalmente, pero también como garantía del mantenimiento de unas condiciones sociales establecidas. El movimiento para la reforma de la vivienda, planteado desde iniciativas particulares, resuelve de manera eficaz nuevas formas para una vivienda pequeña, higiénica, funcional y accesible a una parte de esta masa obrera, estableciendo sólidos criterios funcionales que se mantienen como principios de una tipología en la configuración de la vivienda moderna en los comienzos del siglo XX. La gran ciudad alemana, representada en esta investigación por Berlín principalmente, plantea su expansión sobre una idea urbana importada, que tiene en la expresión monumental del espacio urbano su mayor interés. Con un sistema originado en los procesos de reforma interior de la ciudad francesa, se traza la ampliación exterior de la ciudad alemana como un continuo edificado imponente, en el que la vivienda pequeña sólo constituye un relleno interior denso. Este "mar pétreo", como define Muthesius a una ciudad que se extiende concentrada hasta su límite, se mostrará incompatible con la vivienda pequeña que se necesita. Desde el reconocimiento de esta incoherencia y con una nueva aproximación científica a la construcción de la ciudad, se inicia el proceso de transformación hacia un nuevo modelo urbano que considere la necesidad de la vivienda pequeña saludable y retorne al ciudadano el contacto con la naturaleza, un sentimiento vernáculo de gran arraigo en el pueblo alemán. A partir del estudio de las ideas y actuaciones de los protagonistas de este proceso, recogidas en documentos originales, la investigación avanza en el reconocimiento de las características propias y fundamentales de una ciudad alemana que, en el comienzo de la tercera década del siglo XX, basa su cualidad de moderna en criterios comunes relativos a la separación de las funciones urbanas, la inserción del verde en la ciudad y el valor del espacio público. Sobre esta ciudad moderna alemana de la primera posguerra europea se construirá la específica solución de la arquitectura del Neues Bauen. / [CA] Habitatge petit i forma urbana. Fonaments de la ciutat moderna alemanya. Habitatge petit i forma urbana són els conceptes sobre els quals es fonamenta aquest treball de recerca, que vol determinar les característiques de la ciutat alemanya en la qual es desenvolupa l'arquitectura moderna del Neues Bauen. L'habitatge petit com un nou tipus mancat d'un antecedent històric immediat, que sorgeix de la necessitat d'allotjar la nova classe del proletariat industrial. La forma urbana com la diferent configuració que adquireix la ciutat, conseqüència de les transformacions que exigeix el creixement d'aquesta per a adequar-se a una nova realitat social. A Alemanya, com a la resta dels països d'Europa, l'habitatge petit té l'origen en el reconeixement de la necessitat de millora de les condicions de vida dels treballadors. Una reacció que es produeix principalment des de la filantropia, però també com a garantia del manteniment d'unes condicions socials establides. El moviment per a la reforma de l'habitatge, plantejat des d'iniciatives particulars, resol de manera eficaç noves formes per a un habitatge petit, higiènic, funcional i accessible a una part d'aquesta massa obrera, i estableix uns criteris funcionals sòlids que es mantenen com a principis d'una tipologia en la configuració de l'habitatge modern en els inicis del segle xx. La gran ciutat alemanya, representada en aquest treball per Berlín principalment, es planteja l'expansió sobre una idea urbana importada que té el major interès en l'expressió monumental de l'espai urbà. Amb un sistema originat en els processos de reforma interior de la ciutat francesa, l'ampliació exterior de la ciutat alemanya es traça com un contínuum edificat imposant, en el qual l'habitatge petit només constitueix un farciment interior dens. Aquesta "mar pètria", com Muthesius defineix una ciutat que s'estén concentrada fins al límit, es mostrarà incompatible amb l'habitatge petit que es necessita. Des del reconeixement d'aquesta incoherència i amb una nova aproximació científica a la construcció de la ciutat, s'inicia el procés de transformació cap a un nou model urbà que considere la necessitat de l'habitatge petit saludable i retorne al ciutadà el contacte amb la natura, un sentiment vernacle de gran arrelament en el poble alemany. A partir de l'estudi de les idees i actuacions dels protagonistes d'aquest procés, recollides en documents originals, la recerca avança en el reconeixement de les característiques pròpies i fonamentals d'una ciutat alemanya que, al començament de la tercera dècada del segle xx, basa la seua qualitat de moderna en criteris comuns relatius a la separació de les funcions urbanes, la inserció del verd a la ciutat i el valor de l'espai públic. Sobre aquesta ciutat moderna alemanya de la primera postguerra europea es construirà la solució específica de l'arquitectura del Neues Bauen. / Bosch Abarca, J. (2016). Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana. Fundamentos de la ciudad moderna alemana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61453

"Unlucky Jo": The Complexitites of Jo March's Character Arc in Little Women

Andersson, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women in 1868 and the novel has been loved and praised ever since. Throughout the years, Jo March is the character that has been viewed as the heart of the novel, celebrated both as a tomboy and a feminist icon. In the novel, she is initially portrayed with gender-nonconforming traits, with strong ambitions of becoming a writer, and she longs for independence rather than to conform to the norms of femininity prevalent in the 19th century. However, Jo’s character arc takes a surprising turn when she marries Mr. Bhaer in the end, leaving her extensive declarations of independence behind. This essay argues that there is a question of literary ambiguity in the breakdown of Jo’s character arc, questioning the authenticity in her declared happiness at the end. It furthermore offers a psychological analysis of Jo March’s character arc by using Sigmund Freud’s concept of sublimation to examine Jo’s struggle with anger and internal conflicts, revealing that she redirects her excessive emotions into creative processes of writing and ultimately into marriage. The analysis further examines the discrepancy in the portrayal of Jo at the beginning of the novel and at the end, arguing for the “happy” ending as unconvincing and unresolved. Through close readings of the novel with support from Freud’s concept of sublimation, the essay reveals unresolved tensions withing her character that questions the conventional interpretation of Jo’s journey from tomboy to traditional woman. Never before has the character Jo March been analyzed through a psychoanalytic perspective, making this essay contributing to a more extensive dialogue on the unresolved nature of her story.

Bayesian modelling of integrated data and its application to seabird populations

Reynolds, Toby J. January 2010 (has links)
Integrated data analyses are becoming increasingly popular in studies of wild animal populations where two or more separate sources of data contain information about common parameters. Here we develop an integrated population model using abundance and demographic data from a study of common guillemots (Uria aalge) on the Isle of May, southeast Scotland. A state-space model for the count data is supplemented by three demographic time series (productivity and two mark-recapture-recovery (MRR)), enabling the estimation of prebreeder emigration rate - a parameter for which there is no direct observational data, and which is unidentifiable in the separate analysis of MRR data. A Bayesian approach using MCMC provides a flexible and powerful analysis framework. This model is extended to provide predictions of future population trajectories. Adopting random effects models for the survival and productivity parameters, we implement the MCMC algorithm to obtain a posterior sample of the underlying process means and variances (and population sizes) within the study period. Given this sample, we predict future demographic parameters, which in turn allows us to predict future population sizes and obtain the corresponding posterior distribution. Under the assumption that recent, unfavourable conditions persist in the future, we obtain a posterior probability of 70% that there is a population decline of >25% over a 10-year period. Lastly, using MRR data we test for spatial, temporal and age-related correlations in guillemot survival among three widely separated Scottish colonies that have varying overlap in nonbreeding distribution. We show that survival is highly correlated over time for colonies/age classes sharing wintering areas, and essentially uncorrelated for those with separate wintering areas. These results strongly suggest that one or more aspects of winter environment are responsible for spatiotemporal variation in survival of British guillemots, and provide insight into the factors driving multi-population dynamics of the species.

Liberté économique et défense de l'intérêt général : le problème de retransmission par câble des émissions télévisées dans l'Union européenne.

Karayannis, Vassilios-Petros V-P 02 March 2004 (has links)
La thèse aborde le droit européen de la télévision sous deux aspects : les régimes administratifs d’accès des émissions télévisées aux réseaux câblés et les droits intellectuels. En ce qui concerne l’accès des émissions aux réseaux câblés, la thèse met en avant le besoin de sauvegarder un service public de l’audiovisuel. Celui-ci est défini comme un ensemble des règles qui visent à la fois le paysage audiovisuel propre à chaque Etat membre (par exemple pluralisme) et le contenu des émissions proprement dit (émissions informatives, éducatives, épanouissement culturel etc.). Le droit communautaire primaire et dérivé, tel qu’interprété par la Cour de justice, fournit les moyens de conciliation entre, d’une part les intérêts généraux et, d’autre part, les exigences découlant de la libre prestation de services et de la libre concurrence. En ce qui concerne l’application des droits intellectuels, la thèse aborde la problématique liée à l’épuisement ou la subsistance de ceux-ci. Dans le cas de la câblodistribution, la Cour a affirmé la subsistance du droit. Cette position est corroboré par la nouvelle directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins dans la société de l’information. La thèse appuie la position de subsistance en considérant qu’elle constitue une condition essentielle pour la juste récompense des auteurs. Enfin, la thèse aborde les questions plus spécifiques qui naissent à propos de la convergence technologique et juridique. Tout d’abord, il est avancé que le service public de l’audiovisuel n’est pas uniquement lié à des contraintes techniques, mais essentiellement à des objectifs qualitatifs (contenu des émissions). Ainsi, la thèse plaide en faveur de la pérpetuité du service public de l’audiovisuel dans l’ère du numérique. Par ailleurs, des questions plus spécifiques (comme l’accès à la boucle locale, l’interconnexion des réseaux et la numérisation des infrastructures) ont été examinées.

Květen 1945 optikou deníku Mladá fronta v časové spirále 65 let / May 1945in optics of journal Mlada fronta in time-spiral of 65 years

Stoszková, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Looking through the lens of the Czech daily newspaper Mlada fronta for 65 years" examines the topic of the liberation of Czechoslovakia in May, 1945. The qualitative content analysis of selected texts available from the newspaper is used to explore the interpretation of the event in Mlada fronta. The thesis has concentrated on the development of attitudes, beliefs, ways of communications and journalistic transformation of media content concerning the liberation event over time. The main objective has been to answer the question as to whether the media portrayal of the event has remained constant or altered over the stated time period and which factors influenced the portrayal. In the conclusion of this thesis we can confirm that the monitored event has been described differently in different time periods respectively, in connection with political progress and the value of democracy in the country. The more totalitarian the regime, the more the newspaper has described freedom through preferred ideology, biased themes, dogmatic posture and offered interpretations that suited the ruling party. This indicates a form of totalitarian hegemony. During periods of greater totalitarianism, the newspaper tends to describe the theme of the freedom completely within that communist ideology. However,...

Situace v politickém okrese Strakonice od května 1946 do února 1948 / Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948

Dunovský, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Dunovský M. The Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948. Key Words: Strakonice, parliamentary elections in May 1946, renewed ONV Strakonice, renewed MNV Strakonice, the council of ONV Strakonice, the council of MNV Strakonice, plenum of MNV Strakonice, confiscations of private possessions, February 1948, people's militia, OAV-NF Strakonice, public purification. This thesis focuses primarily on the description of the political conditions in the area of the former political district of Strakonice between May 1946 and February 1948. Hence, the main focus lies on the topics such as the activity and agenda of ONV Strakonice and MNV Strakonice with regard to the personal and political structure of these authorities following the parliamentary elections in the spring of 1946 and the radical changes after the political coup on February 25th 1948. In this respect the thesis tracks the alterations in the distribution of political power in the region and offers a clear view of the transition from the unstable post- war democracy to the communistic dictatorship. Confiscations of private possessions based on the decisions of the responsible authorities are among other issues addressed in the thesis. In this respect the thesis covers the entire area of...

La faillite dans le système juridique polonais et français au regard du règlement communautaire / Bankruptcy in the polish and french system under european community rules

Czeszejko-Sochacki, Wiktor 05 October 2013 (has links)
La faillite des entités juridiques a toujours fait partie de la vie économique globale. Depuis que l’échange commercial intracommunautaire existe le problème de la faillite se pose. L’Union Européenne essaie d’organiser uniformément la vie socio-économique de ses Etats membres, en particulier par la création et l’entrée en vigueur d’actes juridiques qui leur permettent d’agir dans cette réalité. De grands changements modifient la réalité socio-économique des Etats, notamment dans le domaine de la faillite. La réussite de l’Union Européenne consiste à s’adapter à ses changements en réglant de manière générale l’existence des entités juridiques de ses Etats membres en laissant aux droits nationaux leurs propres réglementations plus complexes. Ceci a permis de regrouper différents systèmes juridiques en leur imposant une réglementation générale commune. Le risque grandissant de faillite ou de redressement des entreprises fonctionnant dans plus d’un pays membre de l’Union Européenne (groupes de sociétés) a poussé le législateur à développer un droit de la faillite au niveau communautaire. Dans la présente thèse on analyse donc en profondeur le règlement (CE) nr 1346/2000 du Conseil du 29 mai 2000 relatif aux procédures d'insolvabilité, qui est le premier et unique acte juridique communautaire régissant de manière globale le thème de la faillite. Pourquoi analyser en parallèle le droit de la faillite en Pologne et en France ? Car la France est un des Etats fondateurs les plus importants de l’Union Européenne, la Pologne, elle, se trouve être le pays le plus important (en taille et en nombre d’habitants) des nouveaux Etats entrant dans l’Union Européenne en 2004. / Bankruptcy of legal entities has always been an element of global economy. The issue of insolvency has also been present since the beginning of intracommunity trade. The European Union has been trying to arrange the social and economic life of the Member States in a uniform manner, in particular by developing and implementing legislation supporting them operations in the reality. The social and economic reality of the Member States are subject to material changes, in particular with respect to bankruptcy. The success of the European Union consists in its ability to adapt to the changing environment by general regulations applicable to legal entities in the Member States, leaving more complex and detailed regulations to domestic regulations. As a result, varied legal systems were unified by imposing general Community regulations. The increasing risk of bankruptcy or reorganisation of enterprises functioning in more than one EU country (groups of companies) forced the legislator to develop bankruptcy law at the European level. This paper analyses the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings which is the first and only EU legal act regulating the issue of bankruptcy in a general manner. Why should the bankruptcy laws in Poland and in France be analysed in parallel? Since France is one of the most important founder countries of the European Union and Poland is the largest country (in terms of its size and number of inhabitants) among the new members of the European Union that joined in 2004.

La protection des "parties faibles" dans le règlement "Rome I" / The protection of "weak parties" in the "Rome I" regulation

Boukaram, Sahar 07 December 2015 (has links)
Le « marché intérieur » est générateur de contrats internationaux intra et extra-européens. La multiplication de ces contrats nécessite un marché intérieur « espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice ». Le règlement « Rome I », instrument de droit international privé communautaire, assure la liberté contractuelle et la sécurité juridique par l’élaboration de règles générales de conflit de lois. La volonté d’assurer la justice contractuelle a donné lieu pour sa part à l’élaboration de règles spéciales de conflit de lois, qui visent à protéger les contractants en situation de faiblesse sociale ou économique face à leur cocontractant partie forte. Le règlement « Rome I » a ainsi consacré des règles spéciales de conflit de lois protectrices des intérêts des travailleurs, des consommateurs, des passagers voyageant au départ ou à destination de leur pays de résidence, des preneurs d’assurance de risques de masse communautaires, ainsi que des distributeurs et des franchisés. Toutefois, le succès du marché intérieur impose de parvenir à établir un équilibre entre la justice contractuelle, la liberté contractuelle et la sécurité juridique, même dans le cadre des règles spéciales protectrices de conflit de lois. Cet équilibre ne peut être atteint que par des correctifs de proximité. Le correctif de proximité inséré dans le cadre des règles spéciales protectrices de conflit de lois participe non seulement à la fonction principale de la règle de conflit de droit, à savoir la désignation de la compétence du système juridique le plus étroitement lié au contrat, mais également à la création et au fonctionnement de ce marché intérieur espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice / The “internal market" generates international contracts within and outside Europe. The proliferation of these contracts in fact requires an internal market established as an "area of freedom, security and justice". Regulation "Rome I", instrument of private international and European law, displays the purpose of ensuring the contractual freedom and legal security per elaborating general rules of conflict of laws. The will of the European legislator to ensure contractual justice within the internal market give rise thus, to special rules of conflict of laws that protect the contracting parties in a weak position face their co-contractor in dominant position. Regulation "Rome I" consecrates conflict of laws rules protecting the interests of certain contracting parties, that it considers that they are "weak parties"; they are the workers, the consumers, the passengers traveling to or from their country of residence, the policyholders of mass risks located on European territory, as well as distributors and franchisees. However, the success of the internal market requires achieving a balance between contractual justice, contractual freedom and legal security, even under protective special rules of conflict of laws. This balance can be achieved by correctives of proximity. The corrective of proximity inserted as part of the protective special rules of conflict of laws not only participates in the main function of the rule of law conflict, namely the designation of the competence of the legal system most closely related to the contract, but also to the establishment and operation of an internal market, area of freedom, security and justice

Changes in Running Technique At Shod and Barefoot Running Condition : - An analysis of Muay Thai Fighters

Sjöholm, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Background: everal studies mean that individuals accustomed to running barefoot and habitually barefoot individuals choose a fore foot or mid foot strike rather than a rear foot strike when running. This is partly to do with the proprioceptive feedback given from the soles of the feet. The common denominator of the barefoot runner and the Muay Thai fighter would be this proprioceptive feedback due to general bare foot training. A contributing factor to a non heal strike pattern could perhaps also be found in the sport specific movement pattern of Muay Thai where the athlete is trained to execute several actions from the fore foot. Aim: The first aim was to analyse differences in angles of the knee, ankle and foot at initial contact while running shod compared to barefoot in Muay Thai fighters accustomed to training barefoot. A second aim was to investigate if there was a difference in running technique regarding foot strike pattern when running shod compared to bare foot. The foot strike pattern is defined as heal strike, mid foot strike or forefoot strike. Method: Seventeen Muay Thai fighters (13 male 4 female) volunteered to participate in the test of the cross- sectional experimental study. The study took place at PT-Studion Halmstad. The participants performed 2x3minutes of running shod and barefoot respectively at a subjective speed equal to a 12 on the Borg scale. Both conditions were video recorded from a sagittal plane using an iPhone 6. The dominant leg defined as the non-weight bearing leg at the preferred boxing stance was analysed. Data was collected two-dimensionally of the angels of the knee, ankle and foot position to horizontal. Foot strike pattern was also determined. Landmarks were marked to ease the analysis. T-tests of paired samples were used to examine whether there were any differences between the angle of the knee, ankle and foot at barefoot and shod conditions. The significance level for this study was set to be statistically significant if p ≤ 0.05. Foot strike frequency distributions were compared between shod and barefoot runners using chi-square (X2) analysis. Result: A significant difference at the angle of the foot (p=0,034) at initial contact with the ground while running between shod (12 ± 9) and barefoot (17 ± 9) was found. No significant difference in the angle of the knee (p=0,076) or ankle (p=0,081) was found. Changes in foot strike pattern were observed. At shod condition 88% used a rear foot strike, 6% used a mid foot strike and 6% used a forefoot strike. At barefoot condition 41% used a rear foot strike, 0% used a mid foot strike and 59% a fore foot strike. Conclusion: This study shows that the there is a significant difference in foot strike pattern when running shod and barefoot which confirms previous studies. The test group have in common that they train Muay Thai although; their sport specific training doesn’t appear to in this case have any impact on the foot strike pattern. / Bakgrund: Flera studier menar att individer vana att springa barfota samt individer som lever barfota väljer en framfota insättning vid löpning snarare än en hälisättning. Detta har delvis att göra med den proprioceptiva återkopplingen från fotsulan. Den gemensamma nämnaren mellan barfotalöparen och Muay Thai atleten skulle kunna vara denna feedback beroende av barfotaträning. En bidragande faktor till en icke hälisättning skulle kunna förklaras av det idrottsspecifika rörelsemönstret i Muay Thai där flera moment utförs stående på den främre delen av foten. Syfte: Ett syfte var att analysera skillnader i knä, ankel och fotvinklar vid initial kontakt i löpsteget vid skodd och barfota löpning av i Muay Thai-fighters vana vid träning barfota. Ett andra syfte var att undersöka eventuella skillnader i fotisättning vid barfotalöpning samt löpning med skor. Fotisättning definieras som framfot, mellan fot eller bakre/häl-isättning. Metod: Sjutton (17) Muay Thai atleter (13manliga 4kvinnliga) ställde frivilligt upp att delta i tvärsnittsstudien. Studien ägde rum på PT-Studion Halmstad. Testpersoner utförde 2x3minuter av löpning med och utan skor vid en subjektiv hastighet lika med en 12 på Borg skalan. Båda förhållandena filmades i sagitalplan med iPhone 6. Det dominanta benet definierat som det icke viktbärande benet vid den föredragna boxningspositionen analyserades. Tvådimensionell analys av förändringar i fotisättning, vinklar i knäled, ankelled och fotens position till det horisontella samt fotisättning dokumenterades. Landmärken markerades för att underlätta analysen. T-test användes för att undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i vinkeln av knäled, fotled och ankel vid löpning med skor och barfota. Signifikansnivån för denna studie bestämdes vara statistiskt signifikant om p <0,05. Frekvensen av fotisättningen fördelning jämfördes via chi-square (X2) analys. Resultat: En signifikant skillnad (p=0,034) i fotvinkeln vid initial kontakt med marken under löpning med skor (12 ± 9) och barfota (17 ± 9) hittades, men inga signifikanta skillnader i knäets vinkel ((p=0,076) eller ankel (p=0,081) hittades. Med skor vald 88 % en hälisättning, 6 % en mittfotsisättning och 6 % en främre fotisättning. Vid löpning barfota valde 41 % en hälisättning, 0 % en mittfotsisättning och 59 % en främre fotisättning. Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i fotisättningen mellan löpning barfota och med skor vilket bekräftar tidigare studier. Testgruppen har gemensamt att de tränar thaiboxning, dock kan inte den sportspecifika träningen förklara det valda fotisättningsmönstret.

The girls' guide to power: romancing the Cold War

Allen, Amanda 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation uses a feminist cultural materialist approach that draws on the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Luce Irigaray to examine the neglected genre of postwar-Cold War American teen girl romance novels, which I call female junior novels. Written between 1942 and the late 1960s by authors such as Betty Cavanna, Maureen Daly, Anne Emery, Rosamond du Jardin, and Mary Stolz, these texts create a kind of hieroglyphic world, where possession of the right dress or the proper seat in the malt shop determines a girls place within an entrenched adolescent social hierarchy. Thus in the first chapter, I argue that girls adherence to consumer-based social codes ultimately constructs a semi-autonomous female society, still under the umbrella of patriarchy, but based on female desire and possessing its own logic. This adolescent female society parallels the network of women who produced (authors, illustrators, editors) and distributed (librarians, critics) these texts to teenaged girls. Invisible because of its all-female composition, middlebrow status, and feminine control, yet self-governing for the same reasons, the network established a semi-autonomous space into which left-leaning authors could safely (if subtly) critique American social and foreign policies during the Cold War. Chapter Two examines the first generation of the network, including Anne Carroll Moore, Bertha Mahony, Louise Seaman, and May Massee, who helped to create the childrens publishing industry in America, while Chapter Three investigates the second generation, including Mabel Williams, Margaret Scoggin, and Ursula Nordstrom, who entrenched childrens and adolescent literature in publishing houses and library services. In Chapter Four I explore the shifting concept of what constitutes quality within these texts, with an emphasis on the role of authors, illustrators, and critics in defining such value. Chapter Five investigates the use of female junior novels within the classroom, paying particular attention to the role of bibliotherapy, in which these texts were used to help teenagers solve their developmental tasks, as suggested by psychologist Robert J. Havighurst. A brief conclusion discusses the fall of the female junior novels and their network, while a coda addresses the republication of these texts today through the nostalgia press.

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