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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da concentração de elementos químicos essenciais na merenda escolar de crianças da cidade de Ribeirão Preto e estimativa de suas ingestões / Determination of essential chemical elements in children´s school meals in the city of Ribeirão Preto and their estimated intakes

Freitas, Rodolfo de 30 April 2013 (has links)
Para uma alimentação saudável, os alimentos consumidos devem conter quantidades adequadas de vários nutrientes. Atualmente, devido às interferências humanas na produção e comercialização de alimentos, os consumidores são incapazes de precisar a composição química e podem não estar ingerindo a quantidade correta de nutrientes. Neste sentido, se faz necessário o monitoramento da composição química dos alimentos e a estimativa de ingestão diária (WHO, 2005b). Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi, determinar a concentração dos elementos químicos essenciais fósforo (P), zinco (Zn), cálcio (Ca), ferro (Fe), sódio (Na), potássio (K), manganês (Mn), cobalto (Co) e selênio (Se) e a estimativa de ingestão diária no almoço de crianças em idade escolar através dos alimentos fornecidos pela Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho foi de dupla dieta, no qual os alimentos analisados estão prontos para o consumo. As merendas foram fornecidas por duas escolas municipais (infantil e ensino fundamental) e a cozinha piloto e, foram coletadas durante todos os dias letivos dos meses de março, junho, agosto e novembro de 2011. Os alimentos coletados foram congelados e liofilizados para posterior análise. As análises foram feitas utilizando a espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado (ICP-MS) com prévia digestão ácida das amostras em ácido nítrico (HNO3)/peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2). Os alimentos foram avaliados nas categorias arroz, feijão, carnes e verduras/ legumes. A ingestão média de P, Zn, Ca, Fe, Na, K, Mn, Co e Se foi, respectivamente, de 219 mg, 2,3 mg, 67,9 mg, 2,1 mg, 0,39 g, 0,62 g, 0,5 mg, 2,7 ?g e 7,1 ?g na escola de ensino infantil e foi respectivamente de 310 mg, 3,3 mg, 89,7 mg, 2,9 mg, 0,52 g, 0,80 g, 0,68 mg, 3,7 ?g e 10,1 ?g na escola de ensino fundamental. Foi avaliada, ainda, a variação da concentração destes elementos entre os locais de coletas de amostras e entre os períodos de coleta. As carnes foram as amostras em que ocorreram maiores variações estatísticas (p<0.05) entre os elementos estudados, provavelmente devido a associação de verduras e legumes nessas preparações em uma das escolas. Na avaliação sazonal os legumes e verduras apresentaram maior variação estatística nas concentrações dos elementos no decorrer do ano de coleta. / For a healthy eating, foods eaten should contain adequate amounts of various nutrients. Currently, due to human interference in the production and marketing of foods, consumers are unable to specify the chemical composition and cannot be ingesting the correct amount of nutrients. In this sense, it is necessary to monitor the chemical composition of foods and estimated daily intake (WHO, 2005b). Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the concentration of the essential elements phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), sodium (Na), potassium (K), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co) and selenium (Se) and the estimated daily intake at lunch to school children through food provided by the city hall of Ribeirão Preto. The methodology used in this study was double-diet, where the foods analyzed are ready for consumption. The meals provided by two local schools and the kitchen pilot were collected during all school days in March, June, August and November of 2011. The food collected was frozen and lyophilized for further analysis. The analyzes were performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after the acid digestion with nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) of the samples. The foods were evaluated in the categories: rice, beans, meat and vegetables. The average intake of P, Zn, Ca, Fe, Na, K, Mn, Co e Se was respectively 219 mg, 2.3 mg, 67.9 mg, 2.1 mg, 0.39 g, 0.62 g, 0.5 mg, 2.7 ?g e 7.1 ?g in elementary school children and was respectively 310 mg, 3.3 mg, 89.7 mg, 2.9 mg, 0.52 g, 0.80 g, 0.68 mg, 3.7 ?g e 10.1 ?g in meddle school. Was also evaluated the variation of the concentration of these elements between the sample collection sites and between sampling periods. The meats were a category in which there were more cases of statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between the elements studied, due to association of vegetables in these preparations at one of the schools. In assessing the seasonal, the vegetables had higher statistical variation in the concentrations of the elements throughout the year collecting.

Prevalência de anemia e relação entre a concentração de hemoglobina em mães e crianças atendidas nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Santa Isabel / Prevalence of anemia and relationship between hemoglobin concentration in mothers and children in the first year of life attended in Basic Health Units of Santa Isabel

Alleo, Luciana Galve 13 September 2013 (has links)
Introdução - A anemia ferropriva constitui um problema de saúde pública da maior relevância dadas a elevada frequência com que ocorre e as consequências dela decorrentes. Programas de intervenção foram implantados para seu controle: a fortificação universal de farinhas de trigo e milho com ferro e a suplementação profilática com sulfato ferroso (PNSF), especialmente para lactentes. Ao mesmo tempo, houve a aproximação dos serviços públicos de saúde da população com a transformação de Unidades Básicas de Saúde em Estratégia da Saúde da Família em todo o território nacional. Objetivos - Estimar as prevalências de anemia na criança no primeiro ano de vida e na mãe biológica e a relação entre elas; identificar a prática alimentar familiar e da criança. Metodologia - Estudo transversal desenvolvido em UBS no universo de crianças no primeiro ano de vida e suas mães (122 pares), que compareceram às oito UBSs que mantêm uma rotina de puericultura. Os dados antropométricos, socioeconômicos, de consumo alimentar foram obtidos através de entrevista e informações de prontuários. O sangue para diagnóstico de anemia foi colhido por punção digital e leitura em hemoglobinômetro portátil. Resultados - A prevalência de anemia entre as mulheres ([Hb]<12,0g/dL) foi de 61,5 por cento e entre as crianças encontrou-se 77,0 por cento delas com [Hb]<11,0g/dL, sendo que 30 das 34 crianças com até quatro meses de idade estavam nessa condição. Entre as mais velhas, a prevalência de [Hb]<11,0g/dL foi de 72,7 por cento . Foi verificado através do teste de Mc Nemar e do coeficiente de correlação de Yule que a prevalência de anemia em mães e seus filhos são significativamente diferentes e não existe correlação entre elas. Das oito unidades de serviços de saúde, seis são Estratégia de Saúde da Família; no entanto, apenas 10 por cento das mulheres referiram ter participado de alguma atividade de educação alimentar. Durante a gestação, 106 mulheres referiram a ingestão de sulfato ferroso e 44 delas referiram seu uso no puerpério. Entre as 54 crianças com 6 a 11 meses de idade, 21 estavam ingerindo o suplemento. A alimentação familiar tem por base o arroz/feijão e carnes diariamente nas refeições. Dentre os alimentos fortificados com ferro, o pão foi referido como alimento diário e o macarrão como alimento de consumo semanal. Frutas, verduras e legumes apareceram com frequência abaixo do recomendado. Dentre as 34 crianças menores de quatro meses, apenas 38 por cento mantinham-se em regime de aleitamento materno exclusivo. Entre as 88 mais velhas, 55 por cento ainda ingerem o produto junto com a alimentação complementar. Alimentos fontes de ferro não são frequentes na alimentação dos lactentes cuja restrição à diversidade alimentar é nítida. Legumes, frutas e verduras foram referidos com pouca frequência, estando ausentes na maioria dos questionários. Conclusões - Verificou-se alta prevalência de anemia na população estudada e que não existe correlação entre as prevalências de anemia nas mães e respectivas crianças. Constatou-se também que, embora alimentos fontes de ferro estejam presentes na alimentação habitual da família e suplementos profiláticos de ferro estejam disponíveis para a população atendida pelos serviços públicos de saúde de Santa Isabel, a deficiência marcial ocorre em grande proporção, sugerindo a necessidade de que os profissionais das UBSs sensibilizem a população através de orientação nutricional destinada à família como um todo / Introduction - Deficiency anemia is a public health problem of great importance given the high frequency with which it occurs and the consequences resulting there from. Intervention programs were implemented for its control: universal fortification of wheat flour and corn prophylactic supplementation with iron and ferrous sulfate (PNSF), especially for infants. At the same time, there was the approach of public health services of the population with the transformation of Basic Health Units in the Family Health Strategy across the country. Objectives - To estimate the prevalence of anemia in children in the first year of life and the biological mother and the relationship between them; identify feeding practices family and child. Methodology - Sectional study developed in UBS in the universe of children in the first year of life and their mothers (122 pairs), who attended 8 UBS maintains a routine childcare. Anthropometric, socioeconomic, dietary intakes were obtained through interviews and information from medical records. Blood samples for diagnosis of anemia were collected by fingerstick reading and portable hemoglobin. Results - The prevalence of anemia among women ([Hb] <12.0 g / dL) was 61.5 per cent among children and found them to be 77.0 per cent ([Hb] <11.0 g/dL) with 30 of the 34 children up to four months of age were in this condition. Among older women, the prevalence of [Hb] <11.0 g / dL was 72.7 per cent . It was determined using the McNemar test and the correlation coefficient of Yule that the prevalence of anemia in mothers and their children are significantly different and there is no correlation between them. 8 units of health services are 6 Family Health Strategy however, only 10 per cent of women reported having participated in some educational activity feed. During pregnancy 106 women referred to the ingestion of ferrous sulfate and 44 of them reported their use postpartum. Among the 54 infants 6-11 months of age, 21 were ingesting the supplement. The family diet is based on rice/beans and meats, in daily meals. Among the iron-fortified foods such as bread was the daily food and noodles as food consumption weekly. Fruits and vegetables appeared frequently below recommended. Among the 34 children under 4 months only 38 per cent had remained regime of exclusive breastfeeding. Among the 88 older, 55 per cent still ingest the product along with complementary feeding. Food sources of iron are not frequent in the feeding of infants whose restriction on food diversity is clear. Vegetables, fruits and vegetables have been reported infrequently are absent in most questionnaires. Conclusions - There was a high prevalence of anemia in this population and that there is no correlation between the prevalence of anemia in mothers and their children. It was also found that although food sources of iron are present in normal feed the family, and prophylactic iron supplements are available to the population served by the public health services of Santa Isabel, martial deficiency occurs in large proportion suggesting the need for professionals of UBS sensitize the population through nutritional guidance designed the family as a whole

Energia e nutrientes na dieta de escolares: contrastes entre municípios brasileiros / Nutrient and energy intakes of students: contrasts between different brazilian municipalities

Ribeiro, Eloise Santucci 10 March 2005 (has links)
A infância e a adolescência são consideradas fases que envolvem uma série de transformações entre as quais merecem destaque o crescimento físico e desenvolvimento acelerados que são determinantes de uma maior demanda de energia e nutrientes. É fundamental que os indivíduos adotem alimentação balanceada no tocante à energia e nutrientes para que as mudanças na composição corporal e maturação sexual, entre outras demandas, sejam asseguradas. Entre os objetivos principais da pesquisa destacam-se a análise do estado nutricional, consumo de energia e nutrientes e a participação dos macronutrientes na dieta de amostra de 1325 escolares, matriculados em vinte unidades de ensino de dez municípios brasileiros. Os dados referentes ao consumo de alimentos foram obtidos por meio da adoção do método Recordatório 24- horas. Para a elaboração das análises nutricionais foi utilizado o software Virtual Nutri (Philippi et al., 1996). Os resultados revelam ingestão média de energia (1503,4 kcal) que pode ser considerada menor que à recomendação definida para os alunos do grupo etário da amostra. Quando se analisou a situação dos escolares, de acordo com a participação dos macronutrientes no Valor Energético Total da Dieta - VET, observouse que, de forma geral, a maioria (55%) adota dieta inadequada, sendo que as situações mais desfavoráveis atingem os estudantes dos municípios das Regiões Nordeste (Parnaíba e Brasileira) e Norte (Abaetetuba e Tailândia). Situação inversa foi identificada no tocante às dietas dos escolares de Joinville-SC (71,3% do grupo adotavam dietas adequadas). A análise do estado nutricional revelou que é nula a prevalência de baixo peso entre os alunos da totalidade das vinte escolas integrantes da pesquisa. De foram geral a maioria (cerca de 92,6%) foi classificada como eutrófica e proporção de escolares próxima à esperada identificada com sobrepeso. No entanto, nos municípios da Região Sul, os resultados distinguem-se pela superioridade da prevalência de sobrepeso em relação aos demais: proporções de escolares (14,7%) de Joinville e 16,3%, em Ponte Serrada foram diagnosticados com excesso de peso. Note-se que os referidos percentuais são praticamente três vezes maiores quando comparados à proporção observada (5%) em populações considerado de referência. Quanto ao consumo de minerais, merece atenção a reduzida ingestão de cálcio (a maioria dos escolares não ingeriu 50% do valor preconizado). O consumo (médio) de praticamente a totalidade das vitaminas selecionadas pode ser considerado relativamente mais favorável, exceto quando se verifica, entre os alunos a baixa ingestão de folacina e ácido pantotênico. A reduzida presença de fibras da dieta da totalidade dos escolares causa preocupação, especialmente quando atenção é dirigida aos valores preconizados (25 a 38g/dia): o maior consumo foi observado entre os alunos de Parnaiba (14,3 g), enquanto em Joinville, a ingestão alcançou 7,9 g (menor quantidade média identificada). Não sobram dúvidas que o grupo formado por crianças e adolescentes, especialmente aqueles matriculados nas unidades da rede pública de ensino, merece a atenção dos órgãos de saúde e educação, principalmente no tocante ao monitoramento do consumo de alimentos. / Childhood and adolescence are considered periods that involve a series of changes in which some of them are worth enlightening: the physical growth and development that requires a higher intake of energy and nutrients. It is important that these subjects have a balanced food intake concerning energy and nutrients to reassure that the changes such as in body composition and sexual maturation are guaranteed. One of the most important goals of this work is the assessesment of the nutritional status, the energy and nutrients intake, and the macronutrients present in diets of a sample of 1325 students, enrolled in 20 public schools in 10 Brazilian states. The data on the students food intake were obtained using the 24-hour Recall Method. To the nutritional analyses the software Virtual Nutri was used. It was identified among the main findings an average of energy intake (1503.4 kcal) which was considered below the recommended allowance for the group. When the distribution of the students according to the participation of the macronutrients in the total energy value of the diet was analyzed, it was observed that most of them (55%) has inadequate diets, being the worst situations among students of the Northeast Region (Parnaíba and Brasileira) and the North Region (Abaetetuba and Tailândia). The opposite was found among the students from Joinville-SC (71,3% of the group had diets classified as adequate). The analyses of the nutritional status found no prevalence of low weight among the students in the study. Most of them (around 92.6%) were classified as eutrophic and an expected rate (5%) was identified as overweight. Nonetheless among the students from Joinville (14.7%) and Ponte Serrada (16.3%) the results related to overweightness (percentages practically 3 times higher) distinguished by the superiority over the others. Regarding the consumption of minerals, it is surprisingly the low intake of calcium: most of them hadn’t had 50% of the recommended allowance. In relation to the average intake of vitamins the situation can be classified as more regular, except when the reduced intake of folacin and pantotenic acid is considered. The average content of fibers in the diets of all the students is cause of worries especially when the recommended daily allowance (25 to 38g): the highest intake was observed in students from Paraiba (14.3g) and the lowest was identified in students from Joinville. There are no doubts that the group of children and adolescents, especially the ones who attend public schools deserve close attention from the health and educational institutions concerning to food comsuption.

Oilseed meals as dietary protein sources for juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)

Agbo, Nelson W. January 2008 (has links)
One of the major problems facing aquaculture in Ghana is the non-availability of quality and affordable fish feeds. The present study investigated the nutritional suitability and cost-effectiveness of some Ghanaian oilseed by-products, soybean meal (Glycine spp), cottonseed meal (Gossypium spp), groundnut cake (Arachis hypogaea L.) and groundnut husk, as alternative protein sources to fishmeal (FM) in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.). The oilseed meals were used individually, as mixtures, as mixtures enriched with methionine and mixtures detoxified by heat processing (autoclaving) and/or addition of supplements (viz. phytase and ferrous sulphate) intended to reduce levels of the most important antinutritional factors (ANFs). Diets, containing the oilseed meals at inclusion levels from 25% to 75% dietary protein, were formulated to be isonitrogenous (320 g.kg-1), isolipidic (100 g.kg-1) and isoenergetic (18 KJ.g-1) and fed to juvenile Nile tilapia at 4-10% of their body weight for a period of eight weeks. Proximate analysis showed that soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal (CSM), groundnut cake (GNC) and groundnut husk (GNH) had 500.3, 441.4, 430.5 and 205.6 g.kg-1 crude protein, 38.2, 89.5, 12.8 and 89.2 g.kg-1 crude fibre and 20.19, 19.61, 23.17 and 22.18 kJ.g-1 gross energy respectively. Generally the oilseed meals had good essential amino acid (EAA) profiles with the exception of GNH. The EAA profile of SBM compared very well with FM but methionine and threonine were low (0.73 and 1.50 % of protein respectively) and the same was true for CSM and GNC with even lower levels. Analyzed ANFs in SBM, CSM, GNC and GNH were 17.54, 31.64, 14.86 and 3.99 g.kg-1 phytic acid, 14.09, 1.24 and 2.34 g.kg-1 trypsin inhibitors and 5.80, 6.50, 8.01 and 10.08 g.kg-1 saponin respectively and in CSM 5.6 g.kg-1 gossypol. Nutrient digestibility of these oilseed proteins suggested that Nile tilapia may be able to utilize SBM, CSM and GNC efficiently as dietary protein sources due to high apparent protein digestibility of 94.50%, 84.93% and 90.01% respectively. However, GNH may not be suitable because of very low apparent protein digestibility (27.67%). These protein sources when used individually were shown to cause depressed growth and feed efficiency when substituting more than 50% of the FM protein in diets. This may be attributed to high levels of ANFs, high fibre content and poor EAA profile. However, the use of mixtures of these meals was found to be marginally more effective than that of single sources. This may have been as a result of lower levels of ANFs and improvement in essential amino acid profile due to mixing. Supplementing the mixtures with methionine led to improvement in feed utilization but without significantly improving the nutritive value compared with FM. Heat processing was effective in reducing heat labile trypsin inhibitors in SBM, CSM and GNC by almost 80%, but not phytic acid and saponins, which remained virtually unaffected. Use of meals detoxified by heat processing with/without supplements at 50% inclusion improved growth and feed utilization compared to the unprocessed meals and performance was generally not significantly different from FM. Cost effectiveness analysis revealed that diets containing single feedstuffs or mixtures, particularly those containing equal proportions of oilseed meals and higher proportion of CSM replacing between 50% - 75% FM protein, were more profitable than FM diet. Similarly, the use of heat processed meals at 50% replacement of FM protein yielded greater profit than all other diets including the FM diet. However, essential amino acid supplementation of the meals was less profitable compared to the control. Generally, fish fed diets with oilseed meals would take longer to attain harvest size compared with FM and this could lead to an increase in production costs or a decrease in the number of production cycles which could be achieved within a year. It can be concluded that there is nutritional and economic justification for using SBM, CSM and GNC as partial replacement for FM in diets of Nile tilapia. Based on growth performance, nutrient utilization and economic benefits the diet with heat processed oilseed meal mixtures (containing equal proportions of 16.67% each) at 50% inclusion has the best prospects for replacing FM protein in diets of O. niloticus.

Étude des stratégies employées par des parents d’enfants d’âge préscolaire pour favoriser la saine alimentation et le repas en famille agréable

Pernice, Stéphanie 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte. Les attitudes et comportements alimentaires développés pendant la petite enfance influencent grandement la relation future du mangeur à l’égard des aliments. Le parent s’avère en ce sens des plus déterminants. Objectifs. Cette étude vise à connaître les pratiques et attitudes employées par les parents québécois d’enfants d’âge préscolaire pour favoriser le « bien manger » ainsi que le repas familial agréable. Méthodes. La collecte de données a été effectuée à l’aide de cartes postales qui étaient distribuées dans six cent cinquante Centres de la Petite Enfance parmi les mille retrouvés dans la province de Québec pour ensuite être remises aux parents. L’analyse des réponses aux deux questions ouvertes figurant sur la carte postale a été effectuée en se basant sur le modèle des prises alimentaires de Jean-Pierre Poulain. Résultats. Plus de mille (1257) cartes postales ont été retenues aux fins d’analyses. Les données recueillies permettent dans un premier temps de connaître la perception des parents quant à la notion de manger bien. Les notions de qualité et de quantité, diamétralement opposées se démarquent. Dans le cas du repas familial, la discussion, la présence de tous les membres à table ainsi que l’absence de télévision sont abondamment mentionnées. Conclusion. Cette étude permet de constater la variété des stratégies employées par les parents québécois au moment du repas. Ces données d’une grande pertinence pour la santé publique permettront de cibler les messages clés à promouvoir auprès de ces acteurs d’influence dans le développement des habitudes alimentaires des tout petits. / Context. Food attitudes and behaviors developed during early childhood greatly influence the future relationships that children will have with food. Parents play a major role in this part of their preschool child’s life. Objective The main goal of this study is to explore attitudes and behaviors that Quebec parents adopt at meal time with their preschooler in order to encourage healthy eating practices as well as enjoyable family meals. Methodology. To collect data, postcards, an innovative tool, were sent to six hundred fifty day-care centres, also known as Centres de la petite enfance (CPE), of which there are more than a thousand in Quebec. The postcards were then distributed to parents, who were asked to respond to two open-ended questions. Analysis of the qualitative data was based on Jean-Pierre Poulain’s food intake model. Results. More than a thousand (1,257) postcards were used in the analysis. Data collected illustrate first and foremost the vision that parents have of healthy eating and reveal two diametrically opposed perspectives: quality and quantity. With regard to family meals, respondents frequently mentioned conversation at the table, the presence of all family members and the absence of television while eating. Conclusion. Findings from this study show the diverse strategies used by Quebecers during mealtimes. The data are essential to defining key public health messages about eating habits for children that should be promoted among these influential actors.

Stravování dětí a mladistvých v dětských diagnostických ústavech, dětských domovech, dětských domovech se školou, výchovných ústavech a středisku výchovné péče v Královéhradeckém kraji / Feeding children and adolescents in children´s diagnostic institutions, children´s homes, children´s homes with school, educational institutions and the Center of Educational Care in the Hradec Králové region

ŠPAČKOVÁ, Žaneta January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is ``Feeding children and adolescents in children´s diagnostic institutions, children´s homes, children´s homes with school, educational institutions and the Center of Educational Care in the Hradec Králové region. Childhood and adolescence are specific periods in which each individual undergoes significant physical, mental and social development. For healthy development and health in adulthood it is important a properly chosen alimentation. It is necessary to be aware of the fact that lifestyle and the environment affect the health status of the population by up to 60 %, 40 % of which fall on the diet. Therefore, the research part of my thesis is focused on the survey of the quality of food served to children and adolescents who are almost entirely dependent on meals prepared in canteens of children´s diagnostic institutions and institutional care and preventive educational care facilities. The aim of this thesis was to find out whether the variety of dishes served in the selected facilities corresponds to current nutrition recommendations and if the consumer basket meets requirements of the Decree No 107/2005 Coll., as amended by Decree No. 107/2008 Coll. The research was conducted by the qualitative method. To collect data on the investigated facilities the technique of data file analysis was used. The research set was composed of children´s diagnostic institutions, children´s homes, children´s homes with school, educational institutions and the Center of Educational Care in the Hradec Králové region. At random six facilities were selected. They provided me with data such as menues, issue slips and consumer baskets in the months of March, April, October and November in 2008 The obtained data were summarized in tables and graphs which provide information on the composition of meals served, on the consumer baskets composition, on ways to cover the total consumption of fruits and vegetables, the ratio in which plant and animal fats are served, the amount of sausages, smoked products and haslet in the group of meat. The management of selected food facilities will be informed about the outcomes and possible shortcomings. In the case of any identified shortcomings, changes in the diet composition or food consumption may be recommended by the Regional Hygiene station in Hradec Králové.

More than a Passover: inculturation in the supper narratives of the New Testament

King, Fergus John 30 June 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines whether the theological method currently known as inculturation was used in the Supper Narratives of the New Testament. A methodology is set up in which texts are examined against the backdrop of Graeco-Roman, Judaic and early Christian cultures. This methodology focusses on family resemblances and analogies, rather than genealogy or causal dependence to examine the links between text and context. It also avoids claims for orthodoxy dependent on claims about origins. Engaging with the claims of writers from Schweitzer, through Jeremias and up to the present, three themes are identified: meals, sacrifice and eschatology. The manifestations of each are examined against the three cultural groups:Judaic, Graeco-Roman and early Christian. The Supper Narratives (Mk 14:12-26, Matt. 26:17-30 and Luke 22:7-23 and 1 Cor 11:17-34) are then mapped against these themes. Analogies to the cultural groups are then traced. This process leads to conclusions that the New Testament writers did use a methodology which can be identified as inculturation. It manifests itself particularly through patterns identified by anthropologists as bricolage and re-accentuation. A notable example is "sacrificialisation", in which events and items are invested with a fresh sacrificial significance. Judaic concepts (e.g., covenant and Atonement) and rituals (e.g., sacramentals and Passover) dominate the interpretations of Jesus' last meal with his disciples. This does not mean that inculturation only took place in relation to Jewish culture. Many of the concepts used (e.g., sacrifice and sacrament) share commonalities with Graeco-Roman thought which allows them to engage with such world-views. This process sees Judaic understandings used as correctives to Graeco-Roman thinking about sacraments. It also sees Jewish concepts used to address Graeco-Roman values, and give an added historical depth (antiquitas) to a comparatively recent event. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D.Th. (New Testament)

Inzulínová rezistence a postprandiální stav u diabetu 2. typu. Vliv frekvence a složení jídel na metabolismus glukózy a další projevy metabolického syndromu / Insulin resistance and postprandial state in type 2 diabetes. The effect of meal frequency and composition on glucose metabolism and other manifestations of the metabolic syndrome

Thieme, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The project focuses on dietary interventions in type 2 diabetes(T2D). The aim was to investigate how glucose metabolism and other manifestations of insulin resistance should be influenced by a) the composition of macronutrients and b) frequency of meals; and to characterize the possible mechanisms of these dietary interventions in patients with T2D. A. In a randomized crossover study, 50 patients T2D and 50 age-matched healthy subjects underwent in a random order meal tolerance tests with three isocaloric meals (vegan sandwich; V-meal, hamburger; M-meal, or cheese sandwich; S-meal. Blood samples for analysis were taken at time 0 and after 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes after meal ingestion. Plasma concentrations of plasma glucose, insulin, C-peptide, lipids, oxidative stress markers and gastrointestinal hormones (GIHs) were investigated. Both basal and postprandial plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin were significantly higher in patients with T2D (p<0.001); basal and postprandial concentrations of almost all other GIHs (except for ghrelin) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were significantly increased (p<0.001), while ascorbic acid, reduced glutathione and superoxide dismutase activity were decreased in patients with T2D compared to healthy controls (p<0.001). The meal rich...

Prevalência de anemia e relação entre a concentração de hemoglobina em mães e crianças atendidas nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Santa Isabel / Prevalence of anemia and relationship between hemoglobin concentration in mothers and children in the first year of life attended in Basic Health Units of Santa Isabel

Luciana Galve Alleo 13 September 2013 (has links)
Introdução - A anemia ferropriva constitui um problema de saúde pública da maior relevância dadas a elevada frequência com que ocorre e as consequências dela decorrentes. Programas de intervenção foram implantados para seu controle: a fortificação universal de farinhas de trigo e milho com ferro e a suplementação profilática com sulfato ferroso (PNSF), especialmente para lactentes. Ao mesmo tempo, houve a aproximação dos serviços públicos de saúde da população com a transformação de Unidades Básicas de Saúde em Estratégia da Saúde da Família em todo o território nacional. Objetivos - Estimar as prevalências de anemia na criança no primeiro ano de vida e na mãe biológica e a relação entre elas; identificar a prática alimentar familiar e da criança. Metodologia - Estudo transversal desenvolvido em UBS no universo de crianças no primeiro ano de vida e suas mães (122 pares), que compareceram às oito UBSs que mantêm uma rotina de puericultura. Os dados antropométricos, socioeconômicos, de consumo alimentar foram obtidos através de entrevista e informações de prontuários. O sangue para diagnóstico de anemia foi colhido por punção digital e leitura em hemoglobinômetro portátil. Resultados - A prevalência de anemia entre as mulheres ([Hb]<12,0g/dL) foi de 61,5 por cento e entre as crianças encontrou-se 77,0 por cento delas com [Hb]<11,0g/dL, sendo que 30 das 34 crianças com até quatro meses de idade estavam nessa condição. Entre as mais velhas, a prevalência de [Hb]<11,0g/dL foi de 72,7 por cento . Foi verificado através do teste de Mc Nemar e do coeficiente de correlação de Yule que a prevalência de anemia em mães e seus filhos são significativamente diferentes e não existe correlação entre elas. Das oito unidades de serviços de saúde, seis são Estratégia de Saúde da Família; no entanto, apenas 10 por cento das mulheres referiram ter participado de alguma atividade de educação alimentar. Durante a gestação, 106 mulheres referiram a ingestão de sulfato ferroso e 44 delas referiram seu uso no puerpério. Entre as 54 crianças com 6 a 11 meses de idade, 21 estavam ingerindo o suplemento. A alimentação familiar tem por base o arroz/feijão e carnes diariamente nas refeições. Dentre os alimentos fortificados com ferro, o pão foi referido como alimento diário e o macarrão como alimento de consumo semanal. Frutas, verduras e legumes apareceram com frequência abaixo do recomendado. Dentre as 34 crianças menores de quatro meses, apenas 38 por cento mantinham-se em regime de aleitamento materno exclusivo. Entre as 88 mais velhas, 55 por cento ainda ingerem o produto junto com a alimentação complementar. Alimentos fontes de ferro não são frequentes na alimentação dos lactentes cuja restrição à diversidade alimentar é nítida. Legumes, frutas e verduras foram referidos com pouca frequência, estando ausentes na maioria dos questionários. Conclusões - Verificou-se alta prevalência de anemia na população estudada e que não existe correlação entre as prevalências de anemia nas mães e respectivas crianças. Constatou-se também que, embora alimentos fontes de ferro estejam presentes na alimentação habitual da família e suplementos profiláticos de ferro estejam disponíveis para a população atendida pelos serviços públicos de saúde de Santa Isabel, a deficiência marcial ocorre em grande proporção, sugerindo a necessidade de que os profissionais das UBSs sensibilizem a população através de orientação nutricional destinada à família como um todo / Introduction - Deficiency anemia is a public health problem of great importance given the high frequency with which it occurs and the consequences resulting there from. Intervention programs were implemented for its control: universal fortification of wheat flour and corn prophylactic supplementation with iron and ferrous sulfate (PNSF), especially for infants. At the same time, there was the approach of public health services of the population with the transformation of Basic Health Units in the Family Health Strategy across the country. Objectives - To estimate the prevalence of anemia in children in the first year of life and the biological mother and the relationship between them; identify feeding practices family and child. Methodology - Sectional study developed in UBS in the universe of children in the first year of life and their mothers (122 pairs), who attended 8 UBS maintains a routine childcare. Anthropometric, socioeconomic, dietary intakes were obtained through interviews and information from medical records. Blood samples for diagnosis of anemia were collected by fingerstick reading and portable hemoglobin. Results - The prevalence of anemia among women ([Hb] <12.0 g / dL) was 61.5 per cent among children and found them to be 77.0 per cent ([Hb] <11.0 g/dL) with 30 of the 34 children up to four months of age were in this condition. Among older women, the prevalence of [Hb] <11.0 g / dL was 72.7 per cent . It was determined using the McNemar test and the correlation coefficient of Yule that the prevalence of anemia in mothers and their children are significantly different and there is no correlation between them. 8 units of health services are 6 Family Health Strategy however, only 10 per cent of women reported having participated in some educational activity feed. During pregnancy 106 women referred to the ingestion of ferrous sulfate and 44 of them reported their use postpartum. Among the 54 infants 6-11 months of age, 21 were ingesting the supplement. The family diet is based on rice/beans and meats, in daily meals. Among the iron-fortified foods such as bread was the daily food and noodles as food consumption weekly. Fruits and vegetables appeared frequently below recommended. Among the 34 children under 4 months only 38 per cent had remained regime of exclusive breastfeeding. Among the 88 older, 55 per cent still ingest the product along with complementary feeding. Food sources of iron are not frequent in the feeding of infants whose restriction on food diversity is clear. Vegetables, fruits and vegetables have been reported infrequently are absent in most questionnaires. Conclusions - There was a high prevalence of anemia in this population and that there is no correlation between the prevalence of anemia in mothers and their children. It was also found that although food sources of iron are present in normal feed the family, and prophylactic iron supplements are available to the population served by the public health services of Santa Isabel, martial deficiency occurs in large proportion suggesting the need for professionals of UBS sensitize the population through nutritional guidance designed the family as a whole

Avaliação da concentração de elementos químicos essenciais na merenda escolar de crianças da cidade de Ribeirão Preto e estimativa de suas ingestões / Determination of essential chemical elements in children´s school meals in the city of Ribeirão Preto and their estimated intakes

Rodolfo de Freitas 30 April 2013 (has links)
Para uma alimentação saudável, os alimentos consumidos devem conter quantidades adequadas de vários nutrientes. Atualmente, devido às interferências humanas na produção e comercialização de alimentos, os consumidores são incapazes de precisar a composição química e podem não estar ingerindo a quantidade correta de nutrientes. Neste sentido, se faz necessário o monitoramento da composição química dos alimentos e a estimativa de ingestão diária (WHO, 2005b). Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi, determinar a concentração dos elementos químicos essenciais fósforo (P), zinco (Zn), cálcio (Ca), ferro (Fe), sódio (Na), potássio (K), manganês (Mn), cobalto (Co) e selênio (Se) e a estimativa de ingestão diária no almoço de crianças em idade escolar através dos alimentos fornecidos pela Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho foi de dupla dieta, no qual os alimentos analisados estão prontos para o consumo. As merendas foram fornecidas por duas escolas municipais (infantil e ensino fundamental) e a cozinha piloto e, foram coletadas durante todos os dias letivos dos meses de março, junho, agosto e novembro de 2011. Os alimentos coletados foram congelados e liofilizados para posterior análise. As análises foram feitas utilizando a espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado (ICP-MS) com prévia digestão ácida das amostras em ácido nítrico (HNO3)/peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2). Os alimentos foram avaliados nas categorias arroz, feijão, carnes e verduras/ legumes. A ingestão média de P, Zn, Ca, Fe, Na, K, Mn, Co e Se foi, respectivamente, de 219 mg, 2,3 mg, 67,9 mg, 2,1 mg, 0,39 g, 0,62 g, 0,5 mg, 2,7 ?g e 7,1 ?g na escola de ensino infantil e foi respectivamente de 310 mg, 3,3 mg, 89,7 mg, 2,9 mg, 0,52 g, 0,80 g, 0,68 mg, 3,7 ?g e 10,1 ?g na escola de ensino fundamental. Foi avaliada, ainda, a variação da concentração destes elementos entre os locais de coletas de amostras e entre os períodos de coleta. As carnes foram as amostras em que ocorreram maiores variações estatísticas (p<0.05) entre os elementos estudados, provavelmente devido a associação de verduras e legumes nessas preparações em uma das escolas. Na avaliação sazonal os legumes e verduras apresentaram maior variação estatística nas concentrações dos elementos no decorrer do ano de coleta. / For a healthy eating, foods eaten should contain adequate amounts of various nutrients. Currently, due to human interference in the production and marketing of foods, consumers are unable to specify the chemical composition and cannot be ingesting the correct amount of nutrients. In this sense, it is necessary to monitor the chemical composition of foods and estimated daily intake (WHO, 2005b). Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the concentration of the essential elements phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), sodium (Na), potassium (K), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co) and selenium (Se) and the estimated daily intake at lunch to school children through food provided by the city hall of Ribeirão Preto. The methodology used in this study was double-diet, where the foods analyzed are ready for consumption. The meals provided by two local schools and the kitchen pilot were collected during all school days in March, June, August and November of 2011. The food collected was frozen and lyophilized for further analysis. The analyzes were performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after the acid digestion with nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) of the samples. The foods were evaluated in the categories: rice, beans, meat and vegetables. The average intake of P, Zn, Ca, Fe, Na, K, Mn, Co e Se was respectively 219 mg, 2.3 mg, 67.9 mg, 2.1 mg, 0.39 g, 0.62 g, 0.5 mg, 2.7 ?g e 7.1 ?g in elementary school children and was respectively 310 mg, 3.3 mg, 89.7 mg, 2.9 mg, 0.52 g, 0.80 g, 0.68 mg, 3.7 ?g e 10.1 ?g in meddle school. Was also evaluated the variation of the concentration of these elements between the sample collection sites and between sampling periods. The meats were a category in which there were more cases of statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between the elements studied, due to association of vegetables in these preparations at one of the schools. In assessing the seasonal, the vegetables had higher statistical variation in the concentrations of the elements throughout the year collecting.

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