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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Home Delivered Meals : Exploring Perceptions and Acceptability among Swedish Older Adults / Hemlevererade måltider : en utforskande studie av äldre svenskars uppfattningar och acceptans

Forsberg, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Background: Approximately 48 000 meals are distributed to home-dwelling older adults every day in Sweden. The ability to influence the meals is of great importance for the quality of life and therefore it is important to include the views, needs and wishes of older adults when structuring the food distribution service. Objective: The purpose is to explore the perceptions and acceptability of home delivered meals among home-dwelling older adults and professional caregivers. Methods: The present study was the first qualitative phase of a mixed method study with an exploratory sequential design. Qualitative data was collected from five older adults >65 in five municipalities and two caregivers through interviews. Results: Most of the participants were able to choose from two alternative dishes every day and they were pleased with the selection of dishes most of the time. Overall the menus were considered variated and seasonal and holiday themes were highly valued. The Swedish cuisine was their favorite, however many ethnic dishes were appreciated as well. The meals were considered delicious, however the texture of the vegetables, potatoes and meat was not optimal. Conclusions: Sometimes two alternative dishes were not considered enough. More and a broader selection of dishes might increase older adults feeling of independence but also help meeting expectations of older adults with different cultural backgrounds. Familiar dishes, a conscious choice of condiments, enhanced flavors and improved textures and appearance might compensate for deteriorating senses. Descriptive information about the meals on the menus might also help meeting older adults’ expectations. / Bakgrund: Det levereras cirka 48 000 måltider till äldre i ordinärt boende varje dag i Sverige. Möjligheten att påverka måltiderna är en viktig förutsättning för äldres livskvalitet, därför är det viktigt att inkludera äldres uppfattningar, önskemål och behov vid strukturering av måltidsdistributionen. Syfte: Syftet var att utforska äldres uppfattningar och acceptans av hemlevererade måltider bland äldre och vårdgivare. Metod: Studien var den första kvalitativa fasen av en mixed method studie med en exploratory sequential design. Kvalitativ data samlades in genom intervjuer med fem äldre i fem kommuner samt två undersköterskor. Resultat: De flesta av deltagarna kunde välja mellan två måltidsalternativ varje dag och de var nöjda med måltidsutbudet för det mesta. Överlag ansågs menyerna vara varierande och säsongs-och högtids anpassade rätter var uppskattade. Även om det svenska köket var en favorit, uppskattades etniska rätter också. Måltiderna ansågs goda, men texturen på grönsaker, potatis och kött var inte optimal. Slutsatser: Ibland uppfattades inte två måltidsalternativ som tillräckligt. Fler rätter och ett bredare utbud av rätter skulle kunna öka äldres känsla av självständighet men också möta förväntningar hos äldre från olika kulturer. Välbekanta rätter, medvetna val av tillbehör, förstärkta smaker och optimerade texturer och utseende kan möjligtvis kompensera för nedsatta sinnen. Detaljerad information om maträtterna på menyerna skulle kanske också kunna hjälp till att möta äldres förväntningar.

Mat för små barn som inte tål mjölk : Om hur recept kan möta familjernas behov kring mat och måltider / Food for small children who are allergic to milk : How recipies can face the needs of the families regarding food and meals

Andersson Lee, Malina January 2016 (has links)
Familjer med små barn som inte tål mjölk upplever att de behöver praktisk hjälp med mat och måltider. Syftet var att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, recept kan möta de behov som familjerna upplever att de har. Totalt 15 recept togs fram. På två workshoppar fick 11 familjer testa recepten genom att provlaga och smaka de tillagade måltiderna. Under workshopparna intervjuades föräldrarna om vad de tyckte om recepten och om vilka behov de har. Resultatet visar att recept kan vara en praktisk hjälp för familjer med mjölkallergi – om recepten tar hänsyn till de behov kring mat som familjerna har. Familjernas behov är motstridiga, men det går att sammanföra dem i recept. För att kunna kombinera deras behov av bekvämlighet och ansvar för näringsriktig mat måste det vara snabb och enkel mat som samtidigt utgår ifrån små barns näringsbehov utan att innehålla mjölk. Även identitet, som är kopplat till smak, är viktigt. God mat är synonymt med bekanta smaker som är vanliga i många barnfamiljer. / Families with small children who are allergic to milk experience that they require practical advice on food and meals. The purpose of this study was to investigate if, and if so how, recipes can meet the needs regarding food and meals that these families feel that they have. Total 15 recipes were developed. These were tested by 11 families by cooking and tasting the meals at two workshops. During both workshops the parents were interviewed to find out their opinions on the recipes as well as their needs. The results indicate that recipes may be a useful remedy for families with milk allergy, given that the recipes consider the families’ very needs as regarding to food. The needs of the families’ are contradictory, however they can be summed up into recipes. In order to combine the families’ need for ease and responsibility for nutritious food, the food must be quick and simple but still emanate from the nutritional requirements for small children with milk allergy. Likewise identity related to taste is important. Good food is synonymous with well-known tastes for families with children.

Identification, écologie et utilisation des diptères hématophages (glossine, stomoxe et tabanide) comme moyen d'échantillonnage non-invasif de la faune sauvage dans quatre parcs du Gabon / Identification, ecology and use blood meals from hematophagous Diptera (Glossinidae, Stomoxys and Tabanidae) for noninvasive sampling of wildlife in four national parks of Gabon

Bitome Essono, Paul Yannick 10 December 2015 (has links)
Avec la mise en place des politiques de conservation des espèces sauvages, l'extension de l'urbanisation et l'accroissement des populations humaines, le contact homme-faune a considérablement augmenté au cours de ces dernières décennies. Par conséquent, le nombre de maladies d'origines zoonotiques a explosé avec six apparitions d'agents infectieux par an, dont 75% sont susceptibles d’être transmises par un vecteur. La plupart de ces maladies n'ayant pas encore de vaccins, les principales méthodes d'évitement sont basées sur les stratégies de lutte anti-vectorielle adaptées à l'écologie et au comportement alimentaire des vecteurs. Au Gabon, particulièrement dans les parcs nationaux, nous avons identifié six espèces de glossines (Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. fuscipes fuscipes, G. fusca congolense, G. pallicera newsteadi, G. caliginea et G tabaniformis) vivant principalement en milieux forestiers, six espèces de stomoxes (Stomoxys calcitrans, S. inornatus, S. niger niger, S. niger bilineatus, S. omega omega et S. transvittatus) inféodées aux milieux ouverts types forêt secondaire, savane et villages. Nous avons également identifié six espèces de tabanides (Ancala sp., Atylotus sp., Chrysops sp., Haematopota sp., Tabanus par et T. taeniola), mais leur distribution n'était pas claire dans les milieux prospectés. Par ailleurs, nous constatons que ces mouches hématophages ont un régime alimentaire très diversifié, comprenant les mammifères terrestres et aquatiques, les reptiles et les oiseaux. Elles se nourrissent à 86% sur la faune, contre seulement 14% sur l'homme. Cependant, dans les milieux anthropisés les repas sanguins d'origine humaine sont très importants, notamment dans les villages (100%) et autour des camps de recherche implantés dans les parcs (24%). Ainsi en l'absence de faune dans le milieu, ces mouches hématophages se nourrissent sur l'homme. Comme 75% des maladies émergentes chez l'homme proviennent de la faune sauvage et que près de ¾ d'entre elles circulent via le sang, elles sont donc susceptibles d’être détectées dans les repas sanguins de mouches hématophages. Cette technique d'échantillonnage non-invasif de la faune sauvage semble être un bon moyen d'identifier les agents infectieux à ADN (plasmodiums et trypanosomes), mais reste encore imprécise pour les agents infectieux à ARN (arbovirus). / The contact between human and wild fauna has considerably increased during these last decades due to the increase of human population size but also to conservation policies. As a consequence, the number of zoonotic diseases soared with a mean of six new infectious diseases per year, 75% of whom being vectorially transmitted. The way to avoid the human contamination by these emergent diseases is based on the efficient vector control resulting from a deep knowledge of the ecology and the feeding behavior of the different vector species. During our work, we have identified and characterized the ecology of 6 tsetse species (Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. fuscipes fuscipes, G. fusca congolense, G. pallicera newsteadi, G. caliginea and G. tabaniformis) that live in forests and 6 stomoxe species (Stomoxys calcitrans, S. inornatus, S. niger niger, S. niger bilineatus, S. omega omega and S. transvittatus) that live in and around (anthropized places) conservation areas. We have also identified 6 tabanid species (Ancala sp., Atylotus sp., Chrysops sp., Haematopota sp., Tabanus par and T. taeniola). The feeding ecology of the tsetse species have been studied through the determination of host extracted from blood meals in the insect caught with molecular techniques. These hematophagous insects had a diversified diet that was constituted of diverse mammal species but also reptiles and birds. The food intake results mostly from wild fauna (86%) and more rarely from humans (14%). However, in anthropised habitats (villages and research’s camps within the parks), the blood intakes from human origin were important, in particular in the villages (100%), suggesting that without wild fauna the flies shift on human host. In the last part of our work, we tried to identify pathogens in the blood samples extracted from the tsetse species in order to test whether these species could be used as living sampling syringe of the wild fauna. This new proposed non-invasive sampling techniques allowed to detect the DNA of various infectious agents (plasmodiums and trypanosomes), but failed to detect the RNA of viruses (arbovirus) suggesting that this approach could be useful but need to be improved.

Energia e nutrientes na dieta de escolares: contrastes entre municípios brasileiros / Nutrient and energy intakes of students: contrasts between different brazilian municipalities

Eloise Santucci Ribeiro 10 March 2005 (has links)
A infância e a adolescência são consideradas fases que envolvem uma série de transformações entre as quais merecem destaque o crescimento físico e desenvolvimento acelerados que são determinantes de uma maior demanda de energia e nutrientes. É fundamental que os indivíduos adotem alimentação balanceada no tocante à energia e nutrientes para que as mudanças na composição corporal e maturação sexual, entre outras demandas, sejam asseguradas. Entre os objetivos principais da pesquisa destacam-se a análise do estado nutricional, consumo de energia e nutrientes e a participação dos macronutrientes na dieta de amostra de 1325 escolares, matriculados em vinte unidades de ensino de dez municípios brasileiros. Os dados referentes ao consumo de alimentos foram obtidos por meio da adoção do método Recordatório 24- horas. Para a elaboração das análises nutricionais foi utilizado o software Virtual Nutri (Philippi et al., 1996). Os resultados revelam ingestão média de energia (1503,4 kcal) que pode ser considerada menor que à recomendação definida para os alunos do grupo etário da amostra. Quando se analisou a situação dos escolares, de acordo com a participação dos macronutrientes no Valor Energético Total da Dieta - VET, observouse que, de forma geral, a maioria (55%) adota dieta inadequada, sendo que as situações mais desfavoráveis atingem os estudantes dos municípios das Regiões Nordeste (Parnaíba e Brasileira) e Norte (Abaetetuba e Tailândia). Situação inversa foi identificada no tocante às dietas dos escolares de Joinville-SC (71,3% do grupo adotavam dietas adequadas). A análise do estado nutricional revelou que é nula a prevalência de baixo peso entre os alunos da totalidade das vinte escolas integrantes da pesquisa. De foram geral a maioria (cerca de 92,6%) foi classificada como eutrófica e proporção de escolares próxima à esperada identificada com sobrepeso. No entanto, nos municípios da Região Sul, os resultados distinguem-se pela superioridade da prevalência de sobrepeso em relação aos demais: proporções de escolares (14,7%) de Joinville e 16,3%, em Ponte Serrada foram diagnosticados com excesso de peso. Note-se que os referidos percentuais são praticamente três vezes maiores quando comparados à proporção observada (5%) em populações considerado de referência. Quanto ao consumo de minerais, merece atenção a reduzida ingestão de cálcio (a maioria dos escolares não ingeriu 50% do valor preconizado). O consumo (médio) de praticamente a totalidade das vitaminas selecionadas pode ser considerado relativamente mais favorável, exceto quando se verifica, entre os alunos a baixa ingestão de folacina e ácido pantotênico. A reduzida presença de fibras da dieta da totalidade dos escolares causa preocupação, especialmente quando atenção é dirigida aos valores preconizados (25 a 38g/dia): o maior consumo foi observado entre os alunos de Parnaiba (14,3 g), enquanto em Joinville, a ingestão alcançou 7,9 g (menor quantidade média identificada). Não sobram dúvidas que o grupo formado por crianças e adolescentes, especialmente aqueles matriculados nas unidades da rede pública de ensino, merece a atenção dos órgãos de saúde e educação, principalmente no tocante ao monitoramento do consumo de alimentos. / Childhood and adolescence are considered periods that involve a series of changes in which some of them are worth enlightening: the physical growth and development that requires a higher intake of energy and nutrients. It is important that these subjects have a balanced food intake concerning energy and nutrients to reassure that the changes such as in body composition and sexual maturation are guaranteed. One of the most important goals of this work is the assessesment of the nutritional status, the energy and nutrients intake, and the macronutrients present in diets of a sample of 1325 students, enrolled in 20 public schools in 10 Brazilian states. The data on the students food intake were obtained using the 24-hour Recall Method. To the nutritional analyses the software Virtual Nutri was used. It was identified among the main findings an average of energy intake (1503.4 kcal) which was considered below the recommended allowance for the group. When the distribution of the students according to the participation of the macronutrients in the total energy value of the diet was analyzed, it was observed that most of them (55%) has inadequate diets, being the worst situations among students of the Northeast Region (Parnaíba and Brasileira) and the North Region (Abaetetuba and Tailândia). The opposite was found among the students from Joinville-SC (71,3% of the group had diets classified as adequate). The analyses of the nutritional status found no prevalence of low weight among the students in the study. Most of them (around 92.6%) were classified as eutrophic and an expected rate (5%) was identified as overweight. Nonetheless among the students from Joinville (14.7%) and Ponte Serrada (16.3%) the results related to overweightness (percentages practically 3 times higher) distinguished by the superiority over the others. Regarding the consumption of minerals, it is surprisingly the low intake of calcium: most of them hadn’t had 50% of the recommended allowance. In relation to the average intake of vitamins the situation can be classified as more regular, except when the reduced intake of folacin and pantotenic acid is considered. The average content of fibers in the diets of all the students is cause of worries especially when the recommended daily allowance (25 to 38g): the highest intake was observed in students from Paraiba (14.3g) and the lowest was identified in students from Joinville. There are no doubts that the group of children and adolescents, especially the ones who attend public schools deserve close attention from the health and educational institutions concerning to food comsuption.

Programa de alimentação escolar: perfil dos beneficiários, qualidade e atuação de gestores e da comunidade de Guariba / The School Meals Program: beneficiary profile, quality and performance of managers and community in Guariba

Maria Julia de Miguel Amistá 08 October 2013 (has links)
O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), mais conhecido como Merenda Escolar, é um dos programas mais antigos e duradouros, implementado no Brasil e tem por objetivo atender as necessidades nutricionais dos alunos da educação básica durante sua permanência na escola com o intuito de garantir desenvolvimento e aprendizagem adequados bem como promover a formação de hábitos alimentares saudáveis. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o perfil dos beneficiários, a qualidade e a atuação de gestores e da comunidade no âmbito do PNAE no Município de Guariba - SP, no ano de 2013. Para a avaliação nutricional dos alunos foram analisados os indicadores antropométricos (escore Z do Índice de Massa Corporal). Para os pais ou responsáveis foi utilizado um instrumento socioeconômico para captar informações sobre renda, (In)Segurança Alimentar entre outros indicadores referentes aos alunos. Para as merendeiras foi utilizado um questionário para averiguar, além de outros aspectos, a regularidade de distribuição de alimentação nas escolas. Com o Conselho de Alimentação Escolar verificou-se a atuação quanto ao cumprimento da legislação que norteia o Programa. Merece destaque a prevalência de excesso de peso dos alunos (46,35%) principalmente no que tange a proporção de obesos (24%). As condições socioeconômicas das famílias dos alunos também devem ser salientadas, uma vez que 90,88% das famílias possuem rendimento per capita que não alcançava R$ 600,00. As análises envolvendo o tema Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional mostraram que a proporção de famílias em situação de insegurança é superior às médias nacionais e, especificamente, para a região Sudeste do país. Considera-se expressiva a adesão dos alunos ao PNAE bem como o reconhecimento da importância que estes atribuem ao Programa; porém a proporção de adesão efetiva (consumo nos cinco dias da semana) mostrou-se baixa. Quanto às análises de atividade física, constatou-se uma tendência do sexo feminino ao sedentarismo e o tempo dedicado a atividades sedentárias foi maior àqueles destinados para a prática de atividade física. A oferta da merenda escolar ocorre de modo regular nas escolas integrantes da pesquisa. No tocante ao Conselho de Alimentação Escolar, os membros mostraram pouco conhecimento sobre a legislação vigente que regulamenta o PNAE e o cumprimento da exigência relativa à aquisição de gêneros alimentícios diretamente da Agricultura Familiar e do Empreendedor Familiar Rural. / The Brazilian National School Meals Program, also known as School Lunch, is one of the most ancient and enduring programs implemented in Brazil and aims to meet the nutritional needs of basic education students during their stay in the school in order to ensure appropriate development and learning as well as promoting the formation of wholesome eating habits. The principal focus of this essay was seeing the beneficiarys profile, the quality and the performance of managers and the community within The School Meals Program in Guariba\'s city, in 2013. For nutritional assessment of the students there were analyzed anthropometric indicators (Body Mass Index and Z score). For parents or guardians a socioeconomic instrument was used to capture information on income, food security (Brazilian Scale of Food Insecurity and Hunger) among other indicators of students. For cooks a questionnaire was used to ascertain, among other aspects, the regularity of power distribution in schools. Moreover, was analyzed the performance and enforcement of legislation that it guides the Program. Noteworthy is the prevalence of overweight students (46.35%) mainly as regards the proportion of obese (24%). The socioeconomic status of student\'s families should also be emphasized, since 90.88% households income per capita does not reach R$ 600,00. Analyses involving the theme Food Security and Nutrition showed that the proportion of households insecure is higher than the national averages and the Southeast. Can be considered significant adherence of students to school meals as well as recognition of the importance of the program by the students, but the proportion of effective adhesion (consumption in the five days of the week) was low. As for the analysis of physical activity, there was a tendency of girls to a sedentary lifestyle and the time devoted to sedentary activities was higher for those with physical activity practice. It was observed that the provision of school meals happens so regularly in schools participating in the study. Regarding the School Food Council, the members showed little knowledge of the current legislation under the Brazilian National School Meals Program and the fulfillment of purchase of food directly from the Family Farm and Rural Family Entrepreneur.

Har skolmaten från Härryda kommuns gymnasieskola blivit mer miljömässigt hållbar sedan 1993? / Have the school meals in Härryda kommun become more environmental sustainable since 1993?

Rosenlind, Susanna January 2020 (has links)
Inledning- Det har satts upp mål på både global och nationell nivå för att bekämpa klimatförändringarna som sker på vår planet. Mat och måltider berörs direkt och indirekt av flera av dessa mål. På avdelningen Måltidsservice i Härryda kommun har arbete med att miljöutveckla skolmaten skett i mer än ett decennium, något som de ansvariga önskade en uppföljning på.  Syfte- Att undersöka om och i så fall hur klimatavtrycket från skolmaten i Härryda kommuns gymnasieskola har förändrats från år 1993 till 2020. Ett andra syfte är att undersöka eventuella förändringar i skollunchernas innehåll med avseende på livsmedel under samma tidsperiod. Material och metod- För att undersöka eventuella förändringar i klimatavtryck över tid har skolluncher från stickprov i tidsperioden 1993-2020 klimatberäknats. För att se eventuella förändringar i skollunchernas innehåll har frekvenser på fem utvalda livsmedel studerats.  Resultat- Det finns ingen signifikant skillnad i CO₂emellan period 1 (1993+1998+2003) och period 2 (2013+2018+2020). Där finns svaga tendenser som tyder på minskning i skolmatens klimatavtryck under det senaste decenniet. Förekomsten av rent nötkött, produkter av gris och ris har minskat i skolluncherna medan vegetabiliskt protein och kött från fågel har ökat.  Slutsats-Någon signifikant skillnad i klimatavtryck mellan 1993 och 2020 kunde inte fastställas. Det fanns tydliga förändringar i skollunchernas innehåll med avseende på livsmedel under samma tidsperiod. / Introduction-Targets have been set at both global and national levels to fight the climate changes that are happening on our planet. Food and meals directly and indirectly affect several of these goals. For more than a decade the Meal service-department in Härryda kommun have been working on making their school meals more sustainable and now they want a follow-up on that.  Aims- To investigate if and in that case how the carbon footprint from the high school of Härryda kommun’s school meals has changed from 1993 to 2020. A second purpose is to investigate any changes in the content of the school lunches referred to foods. Materials and methods-In order to investigate possible changes in carbon footprints over time, samples of school lunches in the time period 1993-2020 have been calculated. In order to see any changes in the content of the school lunches, frequencies of five selected foods have been studied. Results-There is no significant difference in CO₂e between period 1 (1993 + 1998 + 2003) and period 2 (2013 + 2018 + 2020). There are small tendencies that indicate a decrease in carbon footprint from the school meals in the last decade. The presence of pure beef, products of pig and rice have decreased in the school meals, while plant-based protein and meat from birds have increased. Conclusion-No significant difference in climate imprint between 1993 and 2020 could be determined. There were obvious changes in the content of the school lunches with regard to food during the same time period.

Exploring Food Security among Elderly Residents in Carrollton and Farmers Branch, Texas

Paschal, Carla 05 1900 (has links)
Many senior citizens are surviving on minimal Social Security benefits and as a result, struggle with food security. Metrocrest Services in Farmers Branch, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, is a non-profit organization that provides several food programs to residents of the community including some programs that are specifically tailored to the needs of senior citizens. This project was to provide Metrocrest with an assessment of the food security of their senior clientele as well as other elderly residents of the Metrocrest service area and to evaluate the current senior focused programs. The project utilized qualitative research including both Metrocrest clients and residents who were not Metrocrest clients bot whose demographics were similar. The objectives were to determine the coping skills used by senior citizens in obtaining food, to assess seniors' awareness of the programs offered by Metrocrest, to discover barriers to accessing needed resources and to make recommendations of how programs could be improved or modified if needed. Through my research, I was able to present Metrocrest with a number of recommendations to improve their existing programs. I was also able to recommend some potential new programs that could be designed in conjunction with local senior centers to better serve the community.

Home Delivered Meals II : older Adults Sensory Perceptions and Satisfaction from Assistant Nurses Perspective / Hemlevererade måltider II : äldres sensoriska upplevelser och nöjdhet från undersköterskornas perspektiv.

Forsberg, Sarah January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Overall meal satisfaction and sensory properties of the food have been seen to impact the nutritional status in older adults living in residential care homes. However, there is a lack of studies focusing on home-dwelling older adults’ perceptions and satisfaction of home delivered meals. Objective: The purpose was to examine home-dwelling older adults’ sensory perceptions and satisfaction of home-delivered meals from the assistant nurses’ perspective. Method: The present study was the quantitative follow-up phase of a mixed method study with an exploratory sequential design. Data was collected through an online survey regarding assistant nurses’ (N=74) experiences of their care recipients satisfaction and perceptions of appearance, odor, flavor and texture of the meals. Result: The nurses reported that most care recipients appreciate the sensory properties of the meals. However, the perceptions of texture and flavor varied considerably as the texture of vegetables were perceived as either hard or soft, and the meat was perceived as either chewy or easy to chew. Moreover, the flavor of the meals were perceived as either tasty or tasteless. Sensory properties were important for the care recipients’ meal experience, and odor (OR= 6.15, p= 0,03,) and flavor (OR= 5.71, p= 0,05) were significant predictors for meal satisfaction. However, satisfaction could not be correlated to type of delivery system. Conclusion: Chewing difficulties and deteriorating smell and taste senses could be a reason for the great variation of the reported perceptions of texture and flavor. To increase older adults’ acceptability, more focus on choice of products and cooking techniques might be a way to improve the texture and flavor of the meals. Furthermore, due to selection bias the result cannot be generalized. / Introduktion: Nöjdhet och måltidens sensoriska egenskaper påverkar äldres nutritionsstatus i särskilt boende. Det finns dock brist på studier om hemmaboende äldres sensoriska uppfattningar och acceptans. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hemmaboende äldres sensoriska perceptioner och acceptans av hemlevererade måltider från undersköterskornas perspektiv. Metod: Studien är den andra uppföljande fasen av en mixed method studie med en exploratory sequential design. Kvantitativ data samlades in genom en online enkät med både slutna och öppna frågor om undersköterskors (N=74) erfarenhet av vårdtagarnas nöjdhet samt upplevelser av måltidernas smak, doft, utseende och textur. Resultat: Undersköterskorna rapporterade att de flesta vårdtagarna uppskattar de sensoriska egenskaperna av måltiderna men att upplevelsen av textur och smak varierade betydligt. Texturen på grönsakerna upplevdes antingen som hårda eller mjuka och texturen på köttet upplevdes antingen som segt eller lättuggat. Smaken på måltiderna upplevdes också antingen som god eller inte god. Vidare var sensorisk kvalitet viktig för vårdtagarnas måltidsupplevelse, och doft (OR= 6.15, p= 0,03,) och smak (OR= 5.71, p= 0,05) var signifikanta prediktorer för måltidsnöjdhet, däremot kunde inte nöjdhet korreleras till typ av leveranssystem. Slutsatser: Tuggsvårigheter och försämrade lukt och smaksinnen skulle kunna vara en anledning till den rapporterade variationen i upplevelsen av textur och smak. Mer fokus på råvaror och tillagningsmetoder skulle kunna vara ett sätt förbättra texturen och smaken. Till följd av selektionsbias är inte resultatet generaliserbart.

Srovnání dostupnosti a finanční náročnosti běžné stravy s bezlepkovou dietou / Comparison of the options and financial demands of a regular diet with gluten-free diet

Kosíková, Monika January 2021 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, 50 000 people are diagnosed with Celiac disease and the only known treatment for it is a gluten-free diet. For such patients, gluten consumption can provoke inflammation of a small bowel that can result in heavy consequences. Gluten is a protein contained in wheat, rye, barley, and oats and plays an important role in food production, because of its properties. Bakery and other gluten-free products are produced from other types of cereals. They also require a special technological process, separate spaces, and have a much smaller target group of consumers, which can increase their price at the end. People following a gluten- free diet have to be very careful while eating in restaurants and canteens because even a small amount of gluten can harm their health. Health insurance companies in the Czech Republic contribute various amounts to the GFD, however, mostly only for children. The goal of the research was to find out whether and for how much gluten-free food is more expensive than the ordinary one; and how the availability of gluten-free products and meals is assessed by people who have to eliminate gluten due to health reasons. To achieve the goal, quantitative research with a questionnaire survey was used. The questionnaire with 17 questions was filled in by a hundred...

Southside Simple Suppers Scale-Up (S4): Effects of a Family Meals Program on Caregiver Outcomes

Sharn, Amy Richele January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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