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Bad Rap for Gangster Rap? : A Content Analysis of Swedish Gangster Rap Song Lyrics 2019-2023Petersén, Philip January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to examine and explore themes within Swedish gangster rap lyrics. The method was content analysis with the purpose of coding content from every new gangster rap song released in Sweden 2019 to 2023 appearing in the top 50 lists each month in the archive “Swedishcharts.com”. The number of new songs released differed in quantity year to year, and the total number of Swedish gangster rap songs in every year combined was243 songs. The main themes appearing in Swedish gangster rap were discovered as: violence, guns, drugs, misogyny, gangs, and environment. There were also themes appearing that didnot appear as commonly such as: political awareness, police harassment, and ethnicity. The extent to which themes referring to criminality and violence resonated with media representations of the genre was not common. More likely, the subgenre could be interpretednarratively and critically to reveal depictions of difficult environments, with several aspects not mentioned in the media that potentially portray real experiences for the gangster rappers. In cases where the themes could resonate with the Swedish media representations, they were often expressed in a braggadocious or exaggerated way, with possible causes like protecting the authenticity of the genre or potentially articulating difficulties within society. A comparison with how violence and criminality refer to relevant themes in the content analysis showed a nuanced pattern as to whether the media representation of gangster rap was equivalent to criminal activity in society.
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O debate midiático sobre políticas públicas para a imigração na Alemanha, Áustria e Suíça. / The media debate over migration public policy in Austria, Germany and SwitzerlandLeão, Augusto Veloso 20 August 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga o relacionamento entre as políticas públicas de imigração e o debate midiático sobre o tema, a fim de reconhecer os possíveis elos entre o debate público e o debate político em democracias modernas. O objetivo é verificar como se dá o processo de formação de políticas públicas através dos discursos apresentados por países envolvidos em organizações de integração regional. A pesquisa buscar apontar atores, instituições e temas mais relevantes para a definição das políticas de imigração através da análise de políticas públicas de imigração criadas na Alemanha, Áustria, Suíça e na União Europeia após 1999 e da análise do debate midiático em jornais da Alemanha e da Áustria em 1999 e 2009. As discussões indicam que os debates públicos e político e o debate midiático se encontram interligados nos países estudados e o debate midiático pode ser compreendido como um espaço de discussão com possibilidades de alimentar as discussões políticas. A pesquisa também aponta que as políticas públicas de imigração abrigam tendências para a cooperação internacional e para ações unilaterais. Da mesma forma, evidencia-se que a questão da imigração se localiza no ponto de encontro entre questões de segurança nacional e direitos humanos nos debates políticos contemporâneos. / This research investigates the relationship between migration public policies and the media debate over the issue of migration, aiming on recognizing connections between the public and political debate in modern democracies. Its main objective is to examine the construction process of public policies through the discourses presented by countries immersed in regional integration organizations. The research searches for the most relevant actors, institutions and themes in the definition of public policies by means of analyzing migration public policies in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and at the European Union from 1999 on and examining the media debate in newspapers in Germany and Austria in 1999 and 2009. The discussion indicates that public and political debates are intertwined with media debate and that it can be further understood as a forum for discussion with great chances of providing arguments for political discussions. It further points out that migration public policy shelters both tendencies for international cooperation and unilateral actions by countries. Likewise, it evinces that migration is found at a focal point between concerns about national security and human rights in the contemporary political debate.
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O debate televisivo: um estudo das estratégias argumentativas no discurso feminino / The TV debate: a study of the argumentative strategies in the feminine discourseFarneda, Eliete Sampaio 26 September 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe-se a investigar o discurso feminino veiculado pela mídia televisiva, salientando a questão dos gêneros sociais e destacando especialmente a figura da mulher no que se refere ao espaço que ela vem conseguindo para se firmar na sociedade. Partimos da hipótese de que seja possível apreender esse novo perfil da mulher, a partir da observação das marcas presentes no processo argumentativo. Entendemos que essas marcas sejam decorrentes das estratégias argumentativas utilizadas na organização do discurso e que possam ser observadas a partir do contexto interacional que se apresenta, por exemplo, em um programa da mídia televisiva com formato de debate. Selecionamos o programa Saia Justa, transmitida pela GNT e destacamos o argumento de autoridade, decorrente da citação, o exemplo e a ilustração, por se apresentarem como estratégias argumentativas de maior ocorrência na construção discursiva das participantes da interação. As análises permitiram depreender que essas estratégias, além de contribuírem para a organização e desenvolvimento do discurso, aumentam a adesão do público/auditório aos pontos de vista apresentados. Ressaltamos a abordagem a respeito da formação de um novo perfil feminino delineado pela mídia televisiva e pela participação da mulher nos diversos segmentos político-sociais ao longo das três últimas décadas. Os pressupostos teóricos têm por base a Teoria da Argumentação de Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996), bem como questões relativas à linguagem e ao sexo de Aebisher e Forel (1991), e estudos a respeito do debate midiático de Fávero e Aquino (2005). / This research offers to investigate the feminine speech broadcasted through the TV media, standing out the matter of social gender and highlighting specially the woman\'s figure about the space she has reached in order to stand out in the society. We start from the hypothesis that it\'s possible to apprehend this new woman\'s profile, from the observation of the present marks in the argumentative process. We understand that those marks derive from argumentative strategies used in the organization of the speech and that they can be observed starting from the interaction context that comes, for example, in a TV media program with a debate format. We chose the program \"Saia Justa\", broadcast by GNT and we detached the authority argument, due to citation, the example and the illustration, presented as argumentative strategies of larger occurrence in the participants\' speech construction in the interaction. The analysis allowed to infer that those strategies, apart from contribute for the speech\'s organization and development, increase the public/audience\'s adhesion to the points of view presented. We point out the approach about the formation of a new feminine profile outlined by the TV media and for the woman\'s participation in the several political-social segments along the last three decades. The theoretical presuppositions have for base the Theory of Argumentation of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996), as well as relative questions about the language and the sex of Aebisher and Forel (1991), and studies regarding the media debate of Favero and Aquino (2005).
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O debate televisivo: um estudo das estratégias argumentativas no discurso feminino / The TV debate: a study of the argumentative strategies in the feminine discourseEliete Sampaio Farneda 26 September 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe-se a investigar o discurso feminino veiculado pela mídia televisiva, salientando a questão dos gêneros sociais e destacando especialmente a figura da mulher no que se refere ao espaço que ela vem conseguindo para se firmar na sociedade. Partimos da hipótese de que seja possível apreender esse novo perfil da mulher, a partir da observação das marcas presentes no processo argumentativo. Entendemos que essas marcas sejam decorrentes das estratégias argumentativas utilizadas na organização do discurso e que possam ser observadas a partir do contexto interacional que se apresenta, por exemplo, em um programa da mídia televisiva com formato de debate. Selecionamos o programa Saia Justa, transmitida pela GNT e destacamos o argumento de autoridade, decorrente da citação, o exemplo e a ilustração, por se apresentarem como estratégias argumentativas de maior ocorrência na construção discursiva das participantes da interação. As análises permitiram depreender que essas estratégias, além de contribuírem para a organização e desenvolvimento do discurso, aumentam a adesão do público/auditório aos pontos de vista apresentados. Ressaltamos a abordagem a respeito da formação de um novo perfil feminino delineado pela mídia televisiva e pela participação da mulher nos diversos segmentos político-sociais ao longo das três últimas décadas. Os pressupostos teóricos têm por base a Teoria da Argumentação de Perelman e Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996), bem como questões relativas à linguagem e ao sexo de Aebisher e Forel (1991), e estudos a respeito do debate midiático de Fávero e Aquino (2005). / This research offers to investigate the feminine speech broadcasted through the TV media, standing out the matter of social gender and highlighting specially the woman\'s figure about the space she has reached in order to stand out in the society. We start from the hypothesis that it\'s possible to apprehend this new woman\'s profile, from the observation of the present marks in the argumentative process. We understand that those marks derive from argumentative strategies used in the organization of the speech and that they can be observed starting from the interaction context that comes, for example, in a TV media program with a debate format. We chose the program \"Saia Justa\", broadcast by GNT and we detached the authority argument, due to citation, the example and the illustration, presented as argumentative strategies of larger occurrence in the participants\' speech construction in the interaction. The analysis allowed to infer that those strategies, apart from contribute for the speech\'s organization and development, increase the public/audience\'s adhesion to the points of view presented. We point out the approach about the formation of a new feminine profile outlined by the TV media and for the woman\'s participation in the several political-social segments along the last three decades. The theoretical presuppositions have for base the Theory of Argumentation of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1996), as well as relative questions about the language and the sex of Aebisher and Forel (1991), and studies regarding the media debate of Favero and Aquino (2005).
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O debate midiático sobre políticas públicas para a imigração na Alemanha, Áustria e Suíça. / The media debate over migration public policy in Austria, Germany and SwitzerlandAugusto Veloso Leão 20 August 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga o relacionamento entre as políticas públicas de imigração e o debate midiático sobre o tema, a fim de reconhecer os possíveis elos entre o debate público e o debate político em democracias modernas. O objetivo é verificar como se dá o processo de formação de políticas públicas através dos discursos apresentados por países envolvidos em organizações de integração regional. A pesquisa buscar apontar atores, instituições e temas mais relevantes para a definição das políticas de imigração através da análise de políticas públicas de imigração criadas na Alemanha, Áustria, Suíça e na União Europeia após 1999 e da análise do debate midiático em jornais da Alemanha e da Áustria em 1999 e 2009. As discussões indicam que os debates públicos e político e o debate midiático se encontram interligados nos países estudados e o debate midiático pode ser compreendido como um espaço de discussão com possibilidades de alimentar as discussões políticas. A pesquisa também aponta que as políticas públicas de imigração abrigam tendências para a cooperação internacional e para ações unilaterais. Da mesma forma, evidencia-se que a questão da imigração se localiza no ponto de encontro entre questões de segurança nacional e direitos humanos nos debates políticos contemporâneos. / This research investigates the relationship between migration public policies and the media debate over the issue of migration, aiming on recognizing connections between the public and political debate in modern democracies. Its main objective is to examine the construction process of public policies through the discourses presented by countries immersed in regional integration organizations. The research searches for the most relevant actors, institutions and themes in the definition of public policies by means of analyzing migration public policies in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and at the European Union from 1999 on and examining the media debate in newspapers in Germany and Austria in 1999 and 2009. The discussion indicates that public and political debates are intertwined with media debate and that it can be further understood as a forum for discussion with great chances of providing arguments for political discussions. It further points out that migration public policy shelters both tendencies for international cooperation and unilateral actions by countries. Likewise, it evinces that migration is found at a focal point between concerns about national security and human rights in the contemporary political debate.
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"Skjut som en kärring" : En diskursanalys av den mediala debatten gällande ojämställdhet i den svenska FörsvarsmaktenKisberg, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den mediala debatten gällande ojämställdhet i den svenska Försvarsmakten. Detta görs genom att undersöka problemrepresentationer som funnits i debatten genom att utforska olika tidsintervall. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv och utifrån Carol Lee Bacchis diskursanalytiska frågor är fem forskningsfrågor konstruerade som ligger till grund för uppsatsen. – Vad är problemet, och hur representeras problemet med ojämställdhet gällande Försvarsmakten i den mediala debatten? – Vilka antaganden ligger till grund för denna representation? - Vad är det som lämnas kvar oproblematiserat i problemrepresentationen? – Vilka effekter produceras av denna problemrepresentation? - Hur har denna representation av problemet spridits och försvarats? Hur kan den bli ifrågasatt och ersättas? Utifrån det feministiska perspektivet undersöks det även om problemrepresentationerna karaktäriseras av politisering eller avpolitisering. Sammanfattningsvis går det att se att diskursen gällande ojämställdhet i Försvarsmakten problematiseras på olika vis. Det är differerande, och upprepande bilder av ojämställdhet som går att tolka ur de olika tidsperioderna som undersökts. Av de problemrepresentationer som kunnat uttolkas av debatten karaktäriseras vissa av att vara politiserade medan de flesta är avpolitiserade. Genom att ha analyserat debatten framkommer det att frågan gällande jämställdhet är komplext och yttrar sig i olika problemrepresentationer. Förhoppningen med denna uppsats är att den bidrar till den viktiga diskussionen om jämställdhet, och att diskursen inte tystnar. / The purpose of the essay is to examine the media debate on inequalities in the Swedish Armed Forces. This will be done by analyzing problem representations that have been found in the debate by exploring different time intervals. The essay is based on a discourse analysis perspective, and Carol Lee Bacchis discourse analytical questions are the five research questions designed as the basis for the thesis. – Whats the problem, and how is the inequalities issue of the armed forces represented in the media debate? - What assumptions underlying the latter representation? - What is left unproblematic in this representation? What effects are produced by this problem representation?- How has this representation of the problem been spread and defended? How can it be questioned and replaced? Based on the feminist perspective, it is investigated if the problem representations are characterized by politicization or depolitisation. In summary, it can be seen that the discourse regarding inequalities in the Armed Forces is problematized in different ways. There are different and repeated images of inequality that can be seen in the different periods studied in this essay. The analysis show that some problem representations in the debate are politicized, while most are depoliticized. By analyzing the debate, it appears that the issue of gender equality is complex and expresses itself in different problem representations. The aim of this paper is that it will contribute to the important discussion of gender equality, and that the discourse does not silence.
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Skolans värdegrund i media : En studie om värdegrundsbegreppet i SvD och DN 1992-2020Dunemyr, Anders January 2021 (has links)
This study intends to develop knowledge about how the Swedish concept of values (“Värdegrund”)is used in the media, how the concept has shifted over time in the media from 1992 to 2020, and what this says about the school's function as part of society. Since the concept of values, with its set of values was incorporated, the difficulty over time has been in different emphases of what is considered to strengthen values. Perspectives that in value pedagogical research highlight normative as well as descriptive aspects. Aspects that describe perspectives on the school's civic education and the conditions for it. In the debate about the school's civic education, aspects emerge that refer to the school as a societal function and in some respects as an institution. Here, discourses emerge that are at the framework factor level or at the institutional level that can clarify, exploring and explaining the conditions that emerge in the study's empirical data. Aspects that express both to maintain, reproduce, an ideology and partly to create, produce, and prepare students based on society's demand. Through the ways in which school and education are treated in the media, the image of the school's social function in a certain time and a certain society is framed. Based on this, I have chosen to use the media as a peephole to see how the school's basic values concept has been activated and used over time. Content analysis has been applied to analyse 91 articles from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. The study shows how the school's values, with its set of values, which are found in the first chapter of the national curricula, relate to society's different use and application of the same values, which creates a complexity. The study shows how the school is expected to handle the increased complexity of society. The results and analyses highlight generally normative approaches that express what the school ‘should’ do, even if there are some examples of descriptive “how” different approaches are considered to strengthen values. This is made visible in how schools considered as a corrective and normative practice, where efforts are to a greater extent about counteracting factors that violate the school's values, rather than strengthening what promotes the values.
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En undersökning av 2003 och 2015 års PISA-studier : En jämförande studie av ord och begrepp ur ett begreppshistoriskt perspektiv som förekommer i PISA-studiernas två olika tiderDerin, Alan January 2019 (has links)
Every third year a PISA study is conducted, through international measurements for member states of the OECD-organization. This aims to measure each country´s pupils by the ages of 15 years old. Its purpose is to examine how each member´s pupils perform in mathematics, reading comprehensions, sciences and problem solving. In this essay we intend to examine how the PISA studies were received as a creation of opinion and self-image. This research follows up on selected actors in the media debate surrounding PISA as a tool of argument and means of discussion. The natural demarcation is made by actors; mostly from professional teachers, but also journalists, lectures, writers and school experts in the fields. Its purpose is to give a well-balanced and comprehensive picture of the PISA-debates. From a political standpoint the actors represent different positions of the spectrum. The study consists of a total of 10 actors. Between the years of 2004-2005 and 2016-2017 of the PISA 2003 and 2015. This paper will focus on the PISA studies that were done by the years of 2003 and 2015. By working with different PISA studies with a long span of time between them. This is done as a conscious strategy in favor of the comparative study. In this essay the conceptual changes between these two PISA studies will be examined and studied with a conceptual analysis.
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FN:s Miljökonferens 1972 i Stockholm : En studie av svensk dagspressAndersson, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Rättvis omställning av fossilintensiva industrier : En kvalitativ studie av aktörers åsikter i debatten om Cementa och Preemraff / Just transition of fossil-intensive industries : A qualitative study of actors' views on the debate concerning Cementa and PreemraffWoxlin, Ida, Johansson, Alice January 2022 (has links)
Industrisektorn står inför omfattande omställningsutmaningar i samband med dess höga klimat- och miljöpåverkan. Trots att en omställning av fossilintensiva industrier är högst nödvändig är samhället fortfarande beroende av dem på flera sätt eftersom de bidrar till viktiga samhällsfunktioner, arbetstillfällen och produkter. Omställningar är ofta omtvistade, där framför allt klimat- och miljöfördelar ställs mot ekonomiska och sociala nackdelar. Detta har skapat en debatt om hur omställningsarbetet ska genomföras på ett rättvist sätt. Rättvis omställning är ett koncept som ska minimera de negativa effekterna som omställningar kan resultera i och samtidigt maximera de positiva effekterna. Både EU och Sverige har politiska ambitioner för att underlätta genomförandet av en rättvis omställning, exempelvis genom den gröna given, fonden för rättvis omställning och nationella styrmedel. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska hur rättvis omställning speglas i debatten kring omställningen av svensk industri. Mer specifikt kommer åsikter om de två fossilintensiva industrierna Cementa och Preemraff att undersökas genom att analysera delar av mediedebatten. För att undersöka aktörernas åsikter har kvalitativa innehållsanalyser och intervjuer genomförts. Studien visar att motståndarna till industrierna framför allt lyfter argument om den negativa klimat- och miljöpåverkan som industrierna har, medan förespråkarna främst lyfter argument kopplat till negativa ekonomiska och samhällsmässiga effekter som en omställning kan innebära. Även om åsikterna går isär kring hur omställningen av fossilintensiva industrier ska genomföras på ett rättvis sätt belyser vår studie vikten av att beakta olika perspektiv i omställningar. / Deep decarbonization of fossil-intensive industries will be necessary to keep global warming well below 2°C. However, industries play an important role considering their contribution to jobs, local society, and necessary materials. Industries multifaceted advantages and disadvantages often result in infected debates considering how a just transition should be implemented. Just transition is a concept where the negative impacts a transition could result in should be minimized and simultaneously maximize the positive effects. There are political ambitions in both the EU and Sweden to facilitate a just transition, for example through the European Green Deal, the fund for a just transition and national policy instruments. The aim of this study is to explore how a just transition is framed in parts of the media debate concerning transitions of Swedish fossil-intensive industries. More specifically the study investigates the opinions about the two fossil-intensive industries, Cementa and Preemraff. This has been made possible to investigate through qualitative content analysis and interviews. The analysis shows that opponents to the industries mainly highlight the negative climate and environmental impacts while the advocates mostly highlight social and economic concerns. Even though the opinions about how a just transition of industries should be made differs, our study illustrates the importance of implementing justice in the transition process of fossil-intensive industries.
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