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Avaliação dos desfechos virológicos e de adesão ao tratamento antiviral em pacientes portadores de hepatite B crônica / Evaluation of virological and adherence outcomes regarding antiviral treatment in chronic hepatitis B patientsAbreu, Rodrigo Martins 20 July 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A adesão ao tratamento da hepatite B crônica na vida real tem sido pouco estudada em todo o mundo. Neste estudo, foram avaliados os desfechos virológicos e de adesão ao tratamento antiviral de longo prazo em pacientes monoinfectados com hepatite B crônica. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo de coorte com pacientes portadores de hepatite B crônica (n = 183), tratados com adefovir, entecavir, lamivudina e / ou tenofovir, realizado em um centro de referência terciário brasileiro. A adesão ao tratamento foi avaliada por um questionário validado, denominado CEAT-HBV, em três momentos (2010/2011, 2013/2014 e 2014/2015). As variantes de resistência às drogas para hepatite B e a farmacocinética de um único ponto foram determinadas por sequenciamento e cromatografia líquida com espectrômetro de massa em tandem, respectivamente. Resultados: CEAT-HBV identificou 79/183 (43%) pacientes em não-adesão ao tratamento antiviral e entre esses, 53/79 (67%) tinham maior frequência de HBV DNA positiva. Porém, 38% (70/183) tiveram carga viral positiva sugerindo não resposta ao tratamento. As mais frequentes variantes de resistência aos antivirais foram M204I/V (78%), L180M (59%), L80I (15%), V173L (7%) e Q215H (6%). As principais causas associadas com a ausência de resposta ao tratamento antiviral foram variantes de resistência às drogas (39%), variantes de resistência às drogas e não adesão (23%), não adesão (13%), duração de tratamento insuficiente (10%), e indeterminada (16%). A farmacocinética de dose única indicou 48% (31/65) de não adesão ao antiviral. Dois anos depois da primeira avaliação, o CEAT-HBV indicou que 101/143 (71%) pacientes estavam em adesão ao tratamento, baseado na análise da população per-protocol. Entretanto, 21% (40/183) dos pacientes não puderam ser avaliados e foram excluídos. As principais razões para exclusão foram óbito (20/183), 11 dos 20 óbitos causados pelo carcinoma hepatocelular, perda de seguimento (16/183) e outras (4/183). Todos os participantes receberam nesse momento uma cartilha para orientação do tratamento. A terceira avaliação do CEAT-HBV (2014/2015) mostrou que 112/135 (83%) pacientes estavam em adesão ao tratamento (população per-protocol) e 8/143 (6%) foram excluídos. Desfechos de longo prazo mostraram que a taxa de adesão baseado no CEAT-HBV continua a aumentar após 4 anos (p < 0,001). Conclusões: Nossos dados realçam a importância do monitoramento da avaliação de adesão à terapia para hepatite B crônica. Desfechos de adesão de longo prazo podem ser dinâmicos e é possível aumentar a taxa de migração para o grupo com adesão/HBV DNA negativa / Background: Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) real-life treatment adherence has been poorly studied worldwide. In this study, it was evaluated long term virological and adherence outcomes regarding antiviral treatment in monoinfected CHB patients. Methods: A prospective cohort study with CHB patients (n=183) treated with adefovir, entecavir, lamivudine and / or tenofovir was performed in a Brazilian reference tertiary center. Treatment adherence was evaluated by a validate questionnaire named CEAT-HBV within three year-periods (2010/2011, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015). HBV drug resistance variants and single-dose pharmacokinetics were determined by sequencing and LC-MS/MS, respectively. Results: CEAT-HBV identified 79/183 (43%) patients with non-adherence to antiviral treatment and among them, 53/79 (67%) were more frequently viral load positive. However, 38% (70/183) had positive viral loads suggesting treatment non-response. Most frequent antiviral resistance variants were M204I/V (78%), L180M (59%), L80I (15%), V173L (7%) and Q215H (6%). The main causes associated with nonresponse to antiviral treatment were drug resistance variants (39%), drug resistance variants and nonadherence together (23%), non-adherence (13%), insufficient treatment duration (10%), and undetermined (16%). Single-dose pharmacokinetics indicated 48% (31/65) antiviral non-adherence. Two years after the first assessment, the CEATHBV indicated that 101/143 (71%) patients were adhered treatment, on basis of an analysis of the per-protocol population. However, 21% (40/183) of the patients could not be evaluated and were excluded. The main reasons for exclusion were death (20/183), 11 out 20 deaths due to hepatocellular carcinoma, loss to follow up (16/183) and others (4/183). HBV booklet was used for medical education. The third CEAT-HBV assessment (2014/2015) showed that 112/135 (83%) patients were on treatment adherence (per-protocol population) and 8/143 (6%) were excluded. Longterm evaluation showed that adherence rate based on CEAT-HBV continue to increase after 4-years (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our data highlights the importance of CHB therapy adherence assessment monitoring. Long-term adherence outcomes may be dynamic and it is possible to increase the migration rate to adherence/HBV DNA negative group
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Transfer Learning for Medication Adherence Prediction from Social Forums Self-Reported DataKyle Haas (5931056) 17 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Medication non-adherence and non-compliance left unaddressed can compound
into severe medical problems for patients. Identifying patients that are likely to
become non-adherent can help reduce these problems. Despite these benefits, monitoring adherence at scale is cost-prohibitive. Social forums offer an easily accessible,
affordable, and timely alternative to the traditional methods based on claims data.
This study investigates the potential of medication adherence prediction based on
social forum data for diabetes and fibromyalgia therapies by using transfer learning
from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS).
<p>Predictive adherence models are developed by using both survey and social forums
data and different random forest (RF) techniques. The first of these implementations
uses binned inputs from k-means clustering. The second technique is based on ternary
trees instead of the widely used binary decision trees. These techniques are able to
handle missing data, a prevalent characteristic of social forums data.
<p>The results of this study show that transfer learning between survey models and
social forum models is possible. Using MEPS survey data and the techniques listed
above to derive RF models, less than 5% difference in accuracy was observed between
the MEPS test dataset and the social forum test dataset. Along with these RF
techniques, another RF implementation with imputed means for the missing values
was developed and shown to predict adherence for social forum patients with an
accuracy >70%.
<p>This thesis shows that a model trained with verified survey data can be used
to complement traditional medical adherence models by predicting adherence from
unverified, self-reported data in a dynamic and timely manner. Furthermore, this
model provides a method for discovering objective insights from subjective social
reports. Additional investigation is needed to improve the prediction accuracy of the
proposed model and to assess biases that may be inherent to self-reported adherence
measures in social health networks.
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Contribuição de intervenções educativas para o conhecimento da doença, adesão ao tratamento e controle glicêmico das pessoas com diabetes mellitus / The contribution of educational interventions for knowledge of the disease, treatment adherence and glycemic control of people with diabetes mellitusFigueira, Ana Laura Galhardo 16 October 2015 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa de avaliação, realizada por análise de resultados, do tipo \"antes e depois\", cujo objetivo geral foi avaliar a contribuição de intervenções educativas em diabetes mellitus, para o conhecimento sobre a doença, adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso e controle glicêmico das pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. O estudo foi desenvolvido em unidade ambulatorial de um hospital universitário, nível terciário de atenção à saúde do interior paulista, no período de junho de 2011 a maio de 2013. As intervenções educativas desenvolveram-se em quatro sessões, em grupo aberto, por meio dos \"Mapas de Conversação em Diabetes\", fundamentadas nos pressupostos teóricos da Teoria Social Cognitiva, cujos temas foram respectivamente: \"como o corpo e o diabetes funcionam\", \"alimentação saudável e atividade física\", \"tratamento medicamentoso e monitoramento da glicose no sangue\" e \"atingindo as metas com a insulina\", com dois momentos adicionais para a coleta dos dados, antes e após as intervenções. Os dados foram coletados por meio dos instrumentos Diabetes Knowledge Scale (versão brasileira) e Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos. Mediante os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, a amostra ficou constituída por 82 pessoas, das quais 48 (58,5%) eram do sexo feminino e 34 (41,5%), do masculino, com média de idade de 60,43 (DP= 8,38) anos e escolaridade de 4,86 (DP= 3,86) anos de estudo; 59 (72%) eram casados, 44 (53,7%), procedentes da região de Ribeirão Preto e 44 (53,7%), aposentados ou pensionistas. Entre os outros resultados, destacam-se o tempo médio de diagnóstico da doença de 15,38 (DP= 8,22) anos; 56 (68,3%) possuíam pressão arterial sistólica alterada, 19 (23,2%), pressão arterial diastólica alterada e 43 (52,4%) eram obesos. O uso de antidiabéticos orais foi referido por 71 (86,6%) dos participantes, e o uso de insulina, por 68 (82,9%); 60 (73,2%) relataram o seguimento regular da dieta e 38 (46,3%), a prática regular de exercício físico. Para o valor de p<0,05, observou-se que, após o término das intervenções educativas, houve melhora do escore médio total das variáveis referentes ao conhecimento, à adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso (antidiabéticos orais) e à taxa de hemoglobina glicada. Na análise dessas variáveis, em suas respectivas categorias, houve um maior número de pessoas nas categorias: \"bom conhecimento\" (p<0,05), \"adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso\" (antidiabéticos orais) e \"normal\" para a taxa de hemoglobina glicada. Conclui-se que as intervenções educativas contribuíram para a melhora do conhecimento sobre o diabetes mellitus, adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso e para a diminuição da taxa de hemoglobina glicada da amostra estudada e reitera-se a educação em diabetes mellitus como uma estratégia fundamental para o cuidado / This evaluation research was conducted using \"before and after\" analysis of results. The general objective was to evaluate the contribution of educational interventions in diabetes mellitus for knowledge about the disease, adherence to drug treatment and glycemic control of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The study was conducted in an outpatient unit of a tertiary-level university hospital in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from June 2011 to May 2013. The educational interventions have been developed in four sessions, in open group, through the \"Conversation Maps in Diabetes\", based on the theoretical framework of the Social Cognitive Theory, whose themes were as follows: \"how the body and diabetes work\", \"healthy eating and physical activity\", \"drug treatment and blood glucose monitoring\" and \"reaching the targets with insulin\", with two additional moments for data collection, before and after the interventions. Data were collected using the instruments Diabetes Knowledge Scale (Brazilian version) and Treatment Adherence Measure. Appling the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the sample consisted of 82 people, of whom 48 (58.5%) were female and 34 (41.5%) male, with mean age of 60.43 (SD= 8.38) years and schooling of 4.86 (SD= 3.86) years of study; 59 (72%) were married, 44 (53.7%) coming from the region of Ribeirão Preto and 44 (53.7%) retirees or pensioners. Among the results, it is highlighted the average time to diagnose the disease, 15.38 (SD= 8.22) years; 56 (68.3%) had altered systolic blood pressure, 19 (23.2%) altered diastolic blood pressure and 43 (52.4%) were obese. The use of oral antidiabetic drugs was reported by 71 (86.6%) participants, and the use of insulin by 68 (82.9%); 60 (73.2%) reported regular monitoring of the diet and 38 (46.3%) regular physical activity. For the value of p<0.05, it was observed that after completion of educational interventions, there was improvement in average total score of variables related to knowledge, adherence to drug therapy (oral antidiabetic drugs) and glycated hemoglobin. In the analysis of these variables, in their respective categories, there were more people in the categories \"good knowledge\" (p<0.05), \"adherence to drug treatment\" (oral antidiabetic drugs) and \"normal\" for glycated hemoglobin. It is concluded that the educational interventions contributed to the improvement of knowledge on diabetes mellitus, adherence to drug therapy and decrease in glycated hemoglobin levels of the sample. It is reiterated that education in diabetes mellitus is a key strategy for care
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Improving medication adherence in older adults prescribed polypharmacyPatton, Deborah January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Medication adherence is vital to ensuring optimal patient outcomes, particularly amongst older adults prescribed polypharmacy. However, complex interventions aimed at improving adherence have shown only limited effectiveness. To maximise effectiveness, the Medical Research Council (MRC) supports the use of both evidence and theory in developing interventions. Feasibility and pilot testing is then recommended to optimise interventions in advance of definitive trials. The aim of this research was to develop a novel complex intervention (using evidence and theory) to improve adherence in older adults (prescribed polypharmacy) and to test the feasibility of delivering this in community pharmacies. Methods: The presented research models the MRC complex intervention framework and focuses on development and feasibility testing phases. Firstly, a systematic review was conducted to address an identified evidence gap in relation to theory-based adherence interventions previously delivered to older adults prescribed polypharmacy. Qualitative research was then conducted to explore older patients’ adherence behaviour and identify determinants (barriers, facilitators) to target for change. Using the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) as a lens, key domains were selected for targeting and mapped to behaviour change techniques (BCTs) using established methods. These BCTs formed the basis of a complex intervention that was delivered to older patients by community pharmacists (CPs) as part of a small-scale feasibility study. In addition to exploring older patients’ adherence behaviours, further research focused on CPs’ clinical behaviour in relation to providing medication adherence support (MAS). The qualitative TDF-based methods used in the patient study were extended and a mixed methods (qualitative, quantitative) approach was used to identify determinants influencing CPs’ behaviour. Key target domains were identified and mapped to BCTs that could be directed at CPs (e.g. in a training package) to improve future implementation of the patient intervention. Results: The systematic review found that adherence interventions delivered to older patients prescribed polypharmacy were rarely based on theory, supporting the need for further research. The qualitative research conducted with older patients identified eight key domains (e.g. ‘Beliefs about consequences’, Memory, attention and decision process’) that could be targeted and these domains were mapped to 11 BCTs (e.g. ‘Prompts/cues’, ‘Self-monitoring’) which formed the basis of a complex intervention. The feasibility study demonstrated that the intervention was highly acceptable to both patients and CPs but some modifications were suggested. It also highlighted the need for additional research that focuses on CPs’ behaviour (i.e. MAS provision). Findings from the mixed methods study on CPs’ behaviour led to the identification of seven key domains that could be targeted for change (e.g. ‘Skills’, ‘Motivation and goals’). Eighteen BCTs were then selected for inclusion in a training package (e.g. ‘Demonstration of the behaviour’) or for delivery alongside the patient intervention in future research (e.g. ‘Rewards/incentives’) to improve implementation. Discussion/Conclusion: The MRC framework served as a useful guide for developing a complex intervention to improve adherence in older patients prescribed polypharmacy. This systematic theory-based approach that involved explicitly linking theoretical domains to intervention components (BCTs) will aid future replication and understanding of how the intervention aims to bring about behaviour change. Aside from targeting patients’ adherence behaviours, this research emphasised the importance of exploring the behaviours of intervention providers (i.e. CPs) to enhance implementation. Future research will involve pilot testing a refined version of the patient intervention and CP training package to establish if a definitive trial of effectiveness (e.g. randomised controlled trial) is warranted.
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Adesão ao tratamento e qualidade de vida de indivíduos com epilepsia em tratamento ambulatorial / Treatment adherence and Quality of Life of individuals with epilepsy in an outpatient treatment programFerrari, Carla Maria Maluf 28 February 2011 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram explicitar a complexidade do tratamento medicamentoso, a adesão ao tratamento e a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com epilepsia, além de evidenciar as associações da adesão e qualidade de vida com as características do paciente, doença, terapêutica e suporte social. Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, transversal, com indivíduos com epilepsia em assistência ambulatórial. A casuística foi de 385 pacientes, idade de 18 anos ou mais, alfabetizados, independentes nas atividades da vida diária, sem deficiência mental ou alteração psíquica ativa diagnosticada. A adesão ao tratamento foi avaliada com o teste de Morisky e a qualidade de vida pelo Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31 (QOLIE-31). Em uma primeira etapa foram realizados testes de associação entre as variáveis dependentes e cada variável independente isoladamente. Após, a análise conjunta das variáveis foi feita por meio de regressão logística quando a variável resposta foi adesão e por meio de regressão linear múltipla para qualidade de vida. A idade média dos participantes foi de 39,7 anos (dp=12,6), a maioria do sexo feminino (53,5%), com diagnóstico de epilepsia focal sintomática (79,5%), em uso de politerapia (71,1%), apresentando crises nos últimos seis meses que precederam a investigação (79%) e tempo médio de tratamento de 21,5 anos (dp= 13,2). A complexidade terapêutica do tratamento medicamentoso para epilepsia mensurada pelo Índice de Complexidade do Tratamento Medicamentoso em Epilepsia (ICTME) variou de 2,0 a 44 pontos e a média foi de 14,7 (dp=8,0). A adesão ao tratamento foi alta para 33,8% dos participantes deste estudo, média para 60,5% e baixa para 5,7%. O escore total do QOLIE-31 foi de 64,2 (dp=18,19) e entre os domínios do QOLIE-31 os valores médios mais baixos foram 53,2 (dp= 31,38) no domínio preocupação com as crises, seguido de 61,3 (dp=32,61) no domínio efeito da medicação. O mais alto valor médio foi 69,8 (dp=25,74) no domínio aspecto social. O resultado da regressão logística multivariada para não adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso evidenciou que indivíduos do sexo feminino e que apresentavam controle das crises tiveram menor probabilidade de não adesão terapêutica perante aos do sexo masculino e sem controle das crises. A não adesão foi menos freqüente nos mais velhos e o aumento de um ano na idade diminui a probabilidade de não adesão em 3%. A probabilidade de não adesão ocorrer foi 6% maior a cada aumento de um ponto no ICTME. Para qualidade de vida, a análise conjunta das diversas características evidenciou que indivíduos da raça branca e amarela, inseridos no mercado de trabalho e que tinham percepção que suas crises estavam controladas tiveram pontuações mais elevadas em relação aos que não apresentavam essas características. Por outro lado, aqueles que recebiam apoio de familiares ou amigos apresentaram menores escores nesse questionário em relação aos demais. Os resultados deste estudo destacaram principalmente as características sócio-demográficas e referentes ao controle da crise com fatores associados à adesão e qualidade de vida do paciente epiléptico. Vale também destacar que o aumento da complexidade terapêutica confirmou seu impacto negativo na adesão ao tratamento / The study aimed to clarify the complexity of drug treatment, treatment adherence and quality of life of individuals with epilepsy, and also highlights the associations of adherence and quality of life with patient characteristics, disease, therapeutic and social support. This was a prospective, transversal study of individuals with inpilepsy in outpatient care. The sample consisted of 385 patients, aged 18 years or older, literate, independent in their daily living activities, without mental or active psychological changes diagnosed. Adherence to treatment was assessed by using the Morisky test and quality of life by the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31 (QOLIE-31). In the first step, association tests were performed between dependent variables and each independent variable alone. After, an analysis of the variables was performed by logistic regression when the dependent variable was in adherence and through multiple linear regression for quality of life. The average age of participants was 39.7 years (SD = 12.6), mostly females (53.5%) with symptomatic focal epilepsy (79.5%), and on multiple AEDs (71.1%), with crises in the last six months preceding the research (79%) and mean treatment of 21.5 years (SD = 13.2). The complexity of therapeutic drug treatment for epilepsy measured by the Epilepsy Medication Treatment Complexity Index (EMTCI) ranged from 2.0 to 44 points and averaged 14.7 (SD = 8.0). Treatment compliance was high for 33.8% of this studys participants, 60.5% for medium and low was 5.7%. The total score of QOLIE-31 was 64.2 (SD = 18.19) and between the domains of QOLIE-31, the lowest average values were 53.2 (sd = 31.38) in the domain concerned with the crises, followed by 61.3 (SD = 32.61) in the domain effect of the medication. The highest average value was 69.8 (SD = 25.74) in the domain social aspect. The result of multivariate logistic regression for non-adherence to drug treatment showed that female subjects who had control of the seizures, were less likely to face Non-adherence than the male and with uncontrolled seizures. Non-adherence was less frequent in older and one-year increase in age decreases the probability of non-adherence by 3%. The probability of non-compliance occurrence was 6% higher for each increase of one point in EMTCI. For quality of life, joint analysis showed that several characteristics among whites and asian, entered the labor market and had the perception that their seizures were controlled had the highest scores compared to those without these characteristics. On the other hand, those who received support from family or friends had lower scores on this questionnaire in relation to others. The results of this study highlighted mainly the socio-demographic characteristics and for control of the crisis, factors associated with adherence and quality of life of epileptic patients. Note also that the increasing complexity of therapy confirmed its negative impact on treatment adherence.
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Adesão ao tratamento e qualidade de vida de indivíduos com epilepsia em tratamento ambulatorial / Treatment adherence and Quality of Life of individuals with epilepsy in an outpatient treatment programCarla Maria Maluf Ferrari 28 February 2011 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram explicitar a complexidade do tratamento medicamentoso, a adesão ao tratamento e a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com epilepsia, além de evidenciar as associações da adesão e qualidade de vida com as características do paciente, doença, terapêutica e suporte social. Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, transversal, com indivíduos com epilepsia em assistência ambulatórial. A casuística foi de 385 pacientes, idade de 18 anos ou mais, alfabetizados, independentes nas atividades da vida diária, sem deficiência mental ou alteração psíquica ativa diagnosticada. A adesão ao tratamento foi avaliada com o teste de Morisky e a qualidade de vida pelo Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31 (QOLIE-31). Em uma primeira etapa foram realizados testes de associação entre as variáveis dependentes e cada variável independente isoladamente. Após, a análise conjunta das variáveis foi feita por meio de regressão logística quando a variável resposta foi adesão e por meio de regressão linear múltipla para qualidade de vida. A idade média dos participantes foi de 39,7 anos (dp=12,6), a maioria do sexo feminino (53,5%), com diagnóstico de epilepsia focal sintomática (79,5%), em uso de politerapia (71,1%), apresentando crises nos últimos seis meses que precederam a investigação (79%) e tempo médio de tratamento de 21,5 anos (dp= 13,2). A complexidade terapêutica do tratamento medicamentoso para epilepsia mensurada pelo Índice de Complexidade do Tratamento Medicamentoso em Epilepsia (ICTME) variou de 2,0 a 44 pontos e a média foi de 14,7 (dp=8,0). A adesão ao tratamento foi alta para 33,8% dos participantes deste estudo, média para 60,5% e baixa para 5,7%. O escore total do QOLIE-31 foi de 64,2 (dp=18,19) e entre os domínios do QOLIE-31 os valores médios mais baixos foram 53,2 (dp= 31,38) no domínio preocupação com as crises, seguido de 61,3 (dp=32,61) no domínio efeito da medicação. O mais alto valor médio foi 69,8 (dp=25,74) no domínio aspecto social. O resultado da regressão logística multivariada para não adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso evidenciou que indivíduos do sexo feminino e que apresentavam controle das crises tiveram menor probabilidade de não adesão terapêutica perante aos do sexo masculino e sem controle das crises. A não adesão foi menos freqüente nos mais velhos e o aumento de um ano na idade diminui a probabilidade de não adesão em 3%. A probabilidade de não adesão ocorrer foi 6% maior a cada aumento de um ponto no ICTME. Para qualidade de vida, a análise conjunta das diversas características evidenciou que indivíduos da raça branca e amarela, inseridos no mercado de trabalho e que tinham percepção que suas crises estavam controladas tiveram pontuações mais elevadas em relação aos que não apresentavam essas características. Por outro lado, aqueles que recebiam apoio de familiares ou amigos apresentaram menores escores nesse questionário em relação aos demais. Os resultados deste estudo destacaram principalmente as características sócio-demográficas e referentes ao controle da crise com fatores associados à adesão e qualidade de vida do paciente epiléptico. Vale também destacar que o aumento da complexidade terapêutica confirmou seu impacto negativo na adesão ao tratamento / The study aimed to clarify the complexity of drug treatment, treatment adherence and quality of life of individuals with epilepsy, and also highlights the associations of adherence and quality of life with patient characteristics, disease, therapeutic and social support. This was a prospective, transversal study of individuals with inpilepsy in outpatient care. The sample consisted of 385 patients, aged 18 years or older, literate, independent in their daily living activities, without mental or active psychological changes diagnosed. Adherence to treatment was assessed by using the Morisky test and quality of life by the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31 (QOLIE-31). In the first step, association tests were performed between dependent variables and each independent variable alone. After, an analysis of the variables was performed by logistic regression when the dependent variable was in adherence and through multiple linear regression for quality of life. The average age of participants was 39.7 years (SD = 12.6), mostly females (53.5%) with symptomatic focal epilepsy (79.5%), and on multiple AEDs (71.1%), with crises in the last six months preceding the research (79%) and mean treatment of 21.5 years (SD = 13.2). The complexity of therapeutic drug treatment for epilepsy measured by the Epilepsy Medication Treatment Complexity Index (EMTCI) ranged from 2.0 to 44 points and averaged 14.7 (SD = 8.0). Treatment compliance was high for 33.8% of this studys participants, 60.5% for medium and low was 5.7%. The total score of QOLIE-31 was 64.2 (SD = 18.19) and between the domains of QOLIE-31, the lowest average values were 53.2 (sd = 31.38) in the domain concerned with the crises, followed by 61.3 (SD = 32.61) in the domain effect of the medication. The highest average value was 69.8 (SD = 25.74) in the domain social aspect. The result of multivariate logistic regression for non-adherence to drug treatment showed that female subjects who had control of the seizures, were less likely to face Non-adherence than the male and with uncontrolled seizures. Non-adherence was less frequent in older and one-year increase in age decreases the probability of non-adherence by 3%. The probability of non-compliance occurrence was 6% higher for each increase of one point in EMTCI. For quality of life, joint analysis showed that several characteristics among whites and asian, entered the labor market and had the perception that their seizures were controlled had the highest scores compared to those without these characteristics. On the other hand, those who received support from family or friends had lower scores on this questionnaire in relation to others. The results of this study highlighted mainly the socio-demographic characteristics and for control of the crisis, factors associated with adherence and quality of life of epileptic patients. Note also that the increasing complexity of therapy confirmed its negative impact on treatment adherence.
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Adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose: Aspectos da vulnerabilidade programáticaLuna, Fernanda Darliane Tavares de 14 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-03-07T15:04:03Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-14 / Despite technological advances related to input findings, treatment and cure,
tuberculosis remains a serious public health problem. One of the biggest obstacles to their
control is the inadequacy or abandonment of treatment, and a major challenge is to find
effective solutions that facilitate compliance. Objective: To analyze the potential of
adherence to tuberculosis treatment, through scores of adhesion markers, related to the
programmatic aspects of vulnerability in the city of Campina Grande, State of Paraiba.
Material and Methods: A descriptive study, cross cut, and quantitative approach. It was
adopted as theoretical framework the concept of adherence to treatment worked for Bertolozzi
and employees and the concept of vulnerability dimensions proposed by Ayres et al. To
collect data, we used an instrument validated for adoption under the Primary Health Care,
which enables membership elucidate markers to tuberculosis treatment and establishes scores,
ranging from 1 to 3 as the potential accession. The analytical dimension was addressed
programmatic vulnerability, expressed by 12 markers and analyzed the structure of axes and
dynamic organization of health services, and implementation of actions. The gathering took
place in March 2015 in the city of Campina Grande-PB, involving 39 patients with
tuberculosis, diagnosed from September 2014 to February 2015. For data analysis was
conducted descriptive and factorial statistical matching Multiple, obtaining plans representing
the configuration of the space variables. Results: In both axes of analysis, the highest median
and the larger variations were observed in the score 3; the score 2 was the most concise; and a
score of 1, although less than 20% median showed great dispersion. Markers that had the
score 1 as the most significant were 'difficult to treat compared to the support of health care',
'time to get diagnosed' and 'receiving home visit'. For the score 3, the main contributors were
the markers for the bond. The group of patients who were diagnosed in a period exceeding
one month, resorted to three or more services for the diagnosis and sought private medical
office or hospital as the first service, represented a combination of characteristics indicative of
a low potential for adherence to treatment. Conclusions: The centralized model adopted by
the municipality with respect to assistance to tuberculosis, it seems to maintain relationship
with little variability in the distribution of scores, and enhances the low scores of some
markers, such as marker 'receiving home visit'. The inefficient trajectories suggest weaknesses
of the Family Health Strategy, contributing to the low potential accession. It is essential to
rethink the organization of health care TB services, strengthening the Family Health Strategy,
to promote early diagnosis and treatment adherence. / Apesar de avanços tecnológicos relacionados a descobertas de insumo,
tratamento e cura, a tuberculose persiste como um grave problema de saúde pública. Um dos
maiores obstáculos para seu controle é a inadequação ou o abandono do tratamento, e um
grande desafio é encontrar soluções eficazes que facilitem a adesão ao tratamento. Objetivo:
Analisar os potenciais de adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose, através dos escores dos
marcadores de adesão, relacionados aos aspectos de vulnerabilidade programática, no
município de Campina Grande, estado da Paraíba. Material e Métodos: Estudo descritivo, de
recorte transversal, e abordagem quantitativa. Adotou-se como referencial teóricometodológico
conceito das dimensões de vulnerabilidade proposto por Ayres e colaboradores. Para a
coleta de dados, utilizou-se um instrumento, validado para ser adotado no âmbito da Atenção
Primária à Saúde, que possibilita elucidar marcadores de adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose
e estabelece escores, variando de 1 a 3, conforme os potenciais de adesão. A dimensão
analítica abordada foi a vulnerabilidade programática, expressa por 12 marcadores e analisada
nos eixos de estrutura e dinâmica da organização dos serviços de saúde, e de
operacionalização das ações. A coleta aconteceu no mês de março de 2015, no município de
Campina Grande-PB, envolvendo 39 doentes com tuberculose, diagnosticados no período de
setembro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015. Para a análise dos dados, foi realizada estatística
descritiva e fatorial de correspondência múltipla, com obtenção de planos representando a
configuração das variáveis no espaço. Resultados: Em ambos os eixos de análise, as
medianas mais elevadas e as maiores variações foram evidenciadas no escore 3; o escore 2 foi
o mais conciso; e o escore 1, apesar de medianas inferiores a 20 %, apresentaram grande
dispersão. Os marcadores que tiveram o escore 1 como o mais expressivo foram ‘dificuldade
no tratamento em relação ao apoio do serviço de saúde’, ‘tempo para receber o diagnóstico’ e
‘recebimento de visita domiciliária’. Para o escore 3, os que mais contribuíram foram os
marcadores relativos ao vínculo. O grupo composto por doentes que obtiveram o diagnóstico
em período superior a 1 mês, recorreram a 3 ou mais serviços para obter o diagnóstico e
procuraram o consultório médico privado ou o Hospital como primeiro serviço, representou
uma associação de características indicativa de uma baixo potencial de adesão ao tratamento.
Conclusões: O modelo centralizador adotado pelo município no tocante a assistência a
tuberculose, parece manter relação com a pequena variabilidade na distribuição dos escores, e
potencializa os baixos escores de alguns marcadores, a exemplo do marcador ‘recebimento de
visita domiciliária’. As trajetórias pouco eficientes sugerem fragilidades da Estratégia Saúde
da Família, contribuindo para os baixos potenciais de adesão. É indispensável repensar a
organização dos serviços de saúde de atenção a tuberculose, fortalecendo a Estratégia Saúde
da Família, para favorecer o diagnóstico precoce e adesão ao tratamento.
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Perfil de utilizaÃÃo de antirretrovirais por pacientes portadores de HIV atendidos no MunicÃpio de Aracaju-Sergipe / Profile of use of antiretrovirals for patients with HIV treated in the city of Aracaju, SergipeLudmila Zuleika Chaves Bastos 20 October 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A Aids à um grave problema de saÃde pÃblica, associado os altos Ãndices de mortalidade em muitas regiÃes do Mundo. A epidemia tem sido e continuarà a ser um dos principais desafios para a saÃde pÃblica mundial nas prÃximas dÃcadas. O acesso das pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids a uma assistÃncia farmacÃutica de qualidade representa um dos maiores desafios para os sistemas de saÃde, principalmente nos paÃses subdesenvolvidos. Um dos desafios para saÃde pÃblica no Brasil, alÃm da prevenÃÃo, à garantir a qualidade no atendimento e tratamento das pessoas que vivem com HIV/Aids. A nÃo-adesÃo aos novos medicamentos para Aids à considerada como um dos mais ameaÃadores perigos para a efetividade do tratamento, no plano individual, e para a disseminaÃÃo de vÃrus-resistÃncia, no plano coletivo. Os novos regimes terapÃuticos parecem exigir do indivÃduo que adere ao tratamento integraÃÃo complexa entre conhecimentos, habilidades e aceitaÃÃo, alÃm de outros importantes fatores ligados ao ambiente e ao cuidado à saÃde. Apresentamos neste trabalho um estudo estatÃstico sobre a adesÃo dos pacientes ao tratamento anti-HIV com entrevistas realizadas com 206 pacientes no Centro de Especialidades MÃdicas de Aracaju, na cidade de Aracaju, Sergipe. CaracterÃsticas sÃcio-demogrÃficas foram coletadas, bem como variÃveis que caracterizam a nÃo-adesÃo ao tratamento. A medida de adesÃo foi auto-relato (formulÃrio de entrevista), podendo ser definida a partir do critÃrio de trÃs autores: Jordan (2000), Morinsky-Green (1986) e Haynes-Sackett (1981). As variÃveis de nÃo-adesÃo foram correlacionadas entre si e com outras variÃveis a partir do cÃlculo de probabilidades e do Coeficiente de Yule. Os sujeitos do estudo mostraram caracterÃsticas sÃcio-demogrÃficas (baixa renda e gÃnero) semelhantes a atual tendÃncia da epidemia de Aids no Brasil. As variÃveis associadas com maior risco para a nÃo-adesÃo foram: GÃnero, RaÃa, Uso de Drogas ilÃcitas e o tempo de tratamento. EstratÃgias de intervenÃÃo devem ser desenvolvidas antes mesmo do inÃcio da terapia antiretroviral. Devem tambÃm ser adotados indicadores para o acompanhamento da adesÃo pela equipe de saÃde. Isto poderà ajudar a prevenir ou minimizar a ocorrÃncia futura de resistÃncia de medicamentos ao HIV, ter melhores resultados ao tratamento, bem como a reduÃÃo de gastos governamentais. A adoÃÃo desses indicadores deve ser um dos principais objetos de programas com distribuiÃÃo universal de ARV como à o caso do Brasil. / AIDS is a serious public health problem, associated with high mortality rates in many regions of the world. The epidemic has been and remains a major challenge to global public health in the coming decades. The access of people living with HIV / AIDS to pharmaceutical care quality is one of the greatest challenges to health systems, especially in underdeveloped countries. One of the challenges for public health in Brazil, in addition to prevention, is to ensure quality care and treatment of people living with HIV / AIDS Non-adherence to new medicines for AIDS is regarded as one of the most threatening dangers to the effectiveness of treatment for the individual, and the spread of virus-resistance, as a team. The new regimens seem to require the individual to comply with treatment complex integration of knowledge, skills, and acceptance, and other important factors related to environment and health care. Here we present a statistical study of patient adherence to HIV treatment based on interviews with 206 patients at the Center for Medical Specialties in Aracaju, in the city of Aracaju, Sergipe. Socio-demographic data were collected, as well as variables that characterize the non-compliance. The measure of adherence was self-report (interview form) and can be defined from the criterion of three authors: Jordan (2000), Morinsky-Green (1986) and Haynes-Sackett (1981). The variables of noncompliance were correlated with each other and with other variables from the probability calculation and the coefficient of Yule. The study subjects showed socio-demographic (low income and gender) like the current trend of AIDS epidemic in Brazil. Variables associated with increased risk for non-compliance were: Gender, Race, Illicit Drug Use and treatment time. Intervention strategies must be developed before the start of antiretroviral therapy. Should also be adopted indicators for monitoring the adherence by the health service. This may help prevent or minimize future occurrence of drug resistance to HIV have better treatment outcomes and reducing government spending. The adoption of these indicators should be one of the main objects of programs with universal distribution of antiretroviral as is the case of Brazil.
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A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase Mental Health Service UseGreene, Jennifer 01 January 2012 (has links)
Relatively few pre-treatment interventions to increase out-patient mental health (MH) service use have been created and experimentally tested. Therefore, not only is there limited availability of these interventions, it is uncertain whether existing interventions are effective. Moreover, it is unclear which components of the interventions are effective. To address these gaps in knowledge, a systematic review of pre-treatment interventions was conducted, using the Cochrane Review methodology. Three primary outcomes were evaluated: attendance at any type of out-patient MH visit; number of appointments of any type of out-patient MH visit; and/or initiation and adherence to psychotropic medication. PubMed and PsycINFO databases were thoroughly searched for studies that met the inclusion criteria. A data extraction form was designed and employed to systematically extract data from all included studies. In the 15 included studies, 18 different active interventions were evaluated. The interventions ranged in duration of interaction from one mailed flyer to ten 90-minute psychoeducation sessions. Most studies (n = 11) included one intervention group, compared with one control, or usual care, group. The interventions were categorized by the type of barriers they aimed to address, resulting in six broad categories: MH knowledge; MH knowledge/attitudes; MH knowledge/attitudes/ logistical barriers; MH knowledge/family involvement; care management; and home visits. All included studies received a quality assessment rating of "good" or "fair." The main finding of this thesis is that all categories of interventions increased at least two of the three primary outcomes. The care management interventions measured and increased all three outcomes; these interventions also had some of the highest quality ratings. Therefore, care management interventions appear most effective at increasing out-patient MH service use. Implications for practice and research are discussed.
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The effects of a structured adherence intervention to HAART on adherence and treatment response outcomesKurtyka, Donald E. January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2008. / Title from PDF of title page. Document formatted into pages; contains 160 pages. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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