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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Receptor desencadeador expresso nas células mielóides Tipo 1 (TREM-1) no diagnóstico e prognóstico na meningite bacteriana em crianças

Torres, Vitor Félix January 2015 (has links)
Base teórica: A meningite bacteriana é uma causa importante de morbidade e mortalidade na infância. Análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) continua a ser a ferramenta de diagnóstico padrão ouro, porém novos biomarcadores para o diagnóstico e prognóstico ainda são necessários. Receptor Desencadeador Expresso nas Células Mielóides Tipo 1 (TREM-1) é um receptor transmembrana expresso em neutrófilos e monócitos, que desempenha um papel importante na modulação da resposta inflamatória. A sua fração solúvel (sTREM-1) também é aumentada na infecção, inflamação ou doenças imunológicas. Neste estudo nós avaliamos, prospectivamente, o valor do TREM-1 como um biomarcador de meningite bacteriana aguda em pacientes pediátricos e sua possível utilização como uma ferramenta de prognóstico neste cenário. Objetivos: O objetivo primário do presente estudo é caracterizar os níveis líquóricos solúveis de TREM-1 (sTREM-1) em pacientes admitidos por suspeita clínica de meningite. Analisamos também os níveis de sTREM-1 nos casos de meningite bacteriana e viral, além de medir a sensibilidade e especificidade deste biomarcador no LCR e estudar se esse biomarcador pode ser um fator associado ao prognóstico em meningite bacteriana aguda. Métodos: Sessenta e um pacientes pediátricos, de 0 a 10 anos foram avaliados quanto à meningite e foram prospectivamente incluídos neste estudo. Na admissão, após a suspeita clínica de meningite foram submetidos à análise do LCR para o diagnóstico e uma amostra do LCR inicial foi utilizado também para análise do sTREM-1. Os pacientes foram acompanhados durante a sua internação com o registro de seu tratamento e desfecho clínico para posterior análise dos dados. Resultados: Dentre os 61 pacientes, 38 (62%) foram negativos para a meningite, 7 (11%) pacientes foram diagnosticados com meningite viral e 16 (27%) pacientes foram diagnosticados com meningite bacteriana aguda e recebeu tratamento direcionado. Sexo (p = 0,15), presença de fatores de risco identificados (p = 0,17), presença de convulsões (p = 0,31), outras complicações clínicas (p = 0,11) e mortalidade (p = 0,66) não diferiram entre os grupos. Anormalidades sensoriais (p <0,0001) e presença de cefaléia (p = 0,003) foram mais prevalentes em pacientes com meningite. Como esperado, a contagem de leucócitos, glicose e proteína no LCR foram significativamente diferentes entre pacientes com meningite e pacientes sem meningite. As concentrações de sTREM-1 no LCR de pacientes com meningite bacteriana foi superior quando comparada com pacientes com meningite viral e com controles (1204,67 pg/ml, 39,34 pg/ml e 12,09 pg/ml, respectivamente; p <0,0001). Quando sTREM-1 foi usado como um determinante de diferenciação entre pacientes com ou sem meningite bacteriana, a análise da área sob a curva ROC foi de 0,95 (IC de 95% = 0,89-1,00; p <0,0001). A presença de fatores de risco para a meningite bacteriana (p = 0,04), anormalidades sensoriais (p <0,0001), contagem de leucócitos no LCR (p = 0,01), níveis de glicose no LCR (p = 0,002), níveis de proteína no LCR (p = 0,032) e os níveis de sTREM-1 no LCR (p = 0,004) foram associados com meningite bacteriana, incluindo os níveis sTREM-1 acima do ponto de corte estabelecido de 68,0 pg/ml (p <0,0001). A meningite bacteriana (p = 0,02) e os valores de sTREM-1 maior do que o ponto de corte (68,0 pg/ml) (p = 0,04) foram associados com sequelas neurológicas graves e morte neste grupo de pacientes. Conclusão: Avaliamos os níveis sTREM-1 de crianças com suspeita clínica de meningite. Os níveis de s-TREM-1 foram aumentados nos casos de meningite bacteriana e correlacionados com o prognóstico. Os nossos resultados sugerem que níveis elevados de sTREM-1 no LCR podem ser utilizados como um biomarcador para o diagnóstico de meningite bacteriana aguda em crianças e que pode ser útil na determinação do prognóstico do paciente nesse cenário. / Background: Bacterial meningitis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in infancy. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis remains the gold standard diagnostic tool, however new biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis are still required. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) is a transmembrane receptor expressed on neutrophils and monocytes that plays an important role on the immune response. Its soluble fraction (sTREM-1) is also increased in infection, inflammation or immune diseases. In this study we evaluate the value of sTREM-1 as a biomarker of acute bacterial meningitis in pediatric patients and its possible use as a prognostic tool prospectively. Methods: Sixty-one pediatric patients, from 0 to 10 years of age were evaluated for meningitis and were prospectively included in this study. At admission, following clinical hypothesis of meningitis patients were submitted to CSF analysis for diagnosis and a sample of initial CSF was also used for TREM-1 analysis. Patients were followed during hospitalization and clinical evaluation and treatment outcome were recorded for posterior analysis. Results: Thirty-eight (62%) out of 61 patients were negative for meningitis, 7 (11%) patients were diagnosed with viral meningitis and 16 (27%) patients were diagnosed with and received treatment for acute bacterial meningitis. Sex (p = 0.15), presence of identified risk factors (p = 0.17), presence of seizures (p = 0.31), other clinical complications (p = 0.11), and mortality (p = 0.66) did not differ among groups. Sensorial abnormalities (p<0.0001) and presence of headache (p= 0.003) were more prevalent in patients with meningitis. As expected, leukocyte count, glucose, and protein levels were significantly different between patients with meningitis and patients without meningitis. Concentrations of sTREM-1 in CSF from patients with bacterial meningitis was higher when compared to patients with viral meningitis and with controls (1204.67 pg/ml, 39.34 pg/ml and 12.09 pg/ml, respectively; p<0.0001). When sTREM-1 was used as a determinant to differentiate between patients with or without bacterial meningitis, the analysis of the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.95 (95% CI=0.89-1.00; p<0.0001). Presence of risk factors for bacterial meningitis (p = 0.04), sensorial abnormalities (p<0.0001), CSF leukocyte count (p = 0.01), CSF glucose levels (p = 0.002), CSF protein levels (p = 0.032) and CSF sTREM-1 levels (p = 0.004) were all associated with bacterial meningitis, including sTREM-1 levels above the established cut-off point of 68.0 pg/ml (p<0.0001). Bacterial meningitis (p = 0.02) and values of sTREM-1 higher than the cut-off point (68.0 pg/ml) (p = 0.04) were associated with death and severe neurological disabilities in this patient cohort. Conclusion: We evaluated sTREM-1 levels in CSF of children with clinical hypothesis of meningitis. The sTREM-1 levels were increased in bacterial meningitis and correlated with prognosis. Our results suggest that CSF sTREM- 1 levels can be used as a biomarker for diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis in children and it might be useful in determining patient’s prognosis in this scenario.

Invasive bakterielle Infektionen im Verlauf der Schweineaufzucht: Nachweishäufigkeiten unterschiedlicher Erreger und spezifischer Streptococcus-suis-Genotypen in inneren Organen und Lymphknoten

Bornemann, Ninette 07 June 2022 (has links)
In der Schweinehaltung sind Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates und des Zentralnervensystems neben Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinal- und Respirationstraktes von größter Bedeutung hinsichtlich der Betriebswirtschaftlichkeit und des Wohlergehens der Tiere. Infektionen durch verschiedene bakterielle Erreger sind hierbei die häufigste Ursache. Über die altersabhängige Häufigkeitsverteilung der Erreger sind allerdings keine jüngeren Studien veröffentlicht. Streptococcus (S.) suis verursacht beim Schwein neben Polyarthritiden und Meningitiden auch Septikämien, Endokarditiden und plötzliche Todesfälle. Weltweit sind die Serotypen 1 bis 9 unter den invasiven Isolaten besonders prävalent. In Europa und auch Deutschland dominieren die Serotypen 2 und 9. Obwohl eine Vielzahl von Publikationen zur molekularen Pathogenese von S.-suis-Infektionen erschienen sind, sind die Infektionswege, die zur Bakteriämie führen, nicht hinreichend geklärt. Während beim Schwein als Eintrittspforte der Nasopharynx, die Tonsillen oder der obere Respirationstrakt angenommen wird, wird beim Menschen der Eintritt des Erregers über eine verletzte Hautregionen nach Kontakt mit infektiösen Tieren oder Tierprodukten oder über den oralen Weg beim Verzehr von nicht oder unzureichend gegartem Schweinefleisch postuliert. Zwar konnte der gastrointestinale Infektionsweg beim Schwein unter Ausschluss des Magens experimentell bestätigt werden, aber inwieweit diese Eintrittspforte unter Feldbedingungen eine Rolle spielt, ist bisher unklar. Zum einen war das Ziel dieser Studie, die Häufigkeit verschiedener bakterieller Erreger, die Arthritis und Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems (ZNS) bei Schweinen verursachen, unter Berücksichtigung des Alters der Tiere und des Pathotyps von S. suis zu untersuchen. Zur Differenzierung des Pathotyps sollten die Gene der Kapselbiosynthese und die Gene der Virulenz-assoziierten Faktoren Suilysin (sly), Muramidase-released Protein (mrp) und Extracellular Factor (epf) nachgewiesen werden. Zum anderen sollte durch die Untersuchung einer Reihe von Lymphknoten der Schweine überprüft werden, I) ob sich S. suis bei Feldinfektionen im Lymphknoten von Schweinen nachweisen lässt, II) ob durch die Untersuchung der Lymphknoten die Eintrittspforte des Erregers eingegrenzt werden kann und III) ob sich Hinweise für den gastrointestinalen Infektionsweg finden. Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurden zwischen Mai 2016 und Juli 2017 insgesamt 201 Schweine seziert, die schwerpunktmäßig aus Nordwestdeutschland stammten und nach dem Vorbericht klinisch mit Gelenkserkrankungen, oder zentralnervösen Symptomen aufgefallen oder plötzlich verendet waren. Pathologisch-anatomische Veränderungen der Gelenke und des ZNS wurden pathohistologisch verifiziert. Gelenk- und Hirnhauttupfer, Niere, Lobus medius der Lunge, Tonsilla veli palatini, Nl. cervicalis superficialis dorsalis dexter, Nl. bifurcationis medius, Nl. gastricus, Nl. jejunalis, Nl. ileocolicus, Nl. colicus, Nl. iliacus medialis dexter und Nl. inguinalis superficialis dexter wurden kulturell untersucht und isolierte Erreger molekularbiologisch identifiziert. Die Bestimmung des Kapseltyps 1 oder 14, 2 oder 1/2, 4, 7 und 9 sowie der oben genannten virulenzassoziierten Faktoren von S. suis erfolgte mittels Multiplex-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion. S. suis war bei den erregerpositiven Gelenk- (70,8 %) und Hirnhauttupfern (85,4 %) der untersuchten Schweine der bei Weitem häufigste Erreger und war in beiden Lokalisationen bei Saug- und Absetzferkeln am häufigsten nachzuweisen. Nach molekulargenetischer Serotypisierung der 677 S.-suis-Isolate konnten 572 Isolate einem der untersuchten Kapseltypen zugeordnet werden, wobei cps-Typ 2 oder 1/2 mit 35,6 % (n=241) und 9 mit 32,3 % (n=219) dominierten. Bei Saugferkeln zählten die S.-suis-Isolate am häufigsten zu den cps-Typen 1 oder 14 und 7, während beim Absetzferkel die cps-Typen 2 oder 1/2 und 9 am häufigsten nachzuweisen waren. Der Genotyp mrp+ sly+ epf+ cps2 oder 1/2 und der Genotyp mrp+ sly+ epf- cps9 traten bei 70,0 % bzw. fast der Hälfte der Tiere (44,9 %), bei denen der jeweilige Genotyp nachweisbar war, in mehr als drei Lokalisationen auf sowie bei jeweils 18 Tieren in mehr als zwei Lymphknoten gleichzeitig. S. suis war mit einer Nachweisrate zwischen 13,9 % (n=28) im Nl. ileocolicus und 20,4 % im Nl. cervicalis superficialis dorsalis dexter in allen untersuchten Lymphknoten einschließlich der mesenterialen (15,8 %; n=121/765) nachweisbar, wobei der cps-Typ 2 oder 1/2 mit 38,5 % (n=104) und 9 mit 40,0 % (n=108) dominierten. Im Nl. gastricus war der Anteil der Kapseltypen, die keinem der untersuchten cps-Typen entsprachen, mit 26,5 % (n=9) vergleichsweise hoch. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie sind auf die selektierte Studienpopulation begrenzt, da keine repräsentative Stichprobe untersucht wurde. Dennoch bestätigen die Ergebnisse die Bedeutsamkeit von S. suis als wichtigstem Erreger von Arthritiden und Meningitiden beim Schwein und insbesondere beim Absetzferkel. Dabei wurden altersspezifische Unterschiede bezüglich der am häufigsten nachweisbaren Kapseltypen festgestellt. Bei einer systemischen Infektion mit Nachweis des Erregers in mehreren Lymphknoten konnte die Untersuchung der Lymphknoten nicht zur Klärung der Eintrittspforte von S. suis beitragen. Die Ergebnisse legen aber nahe, dass eine gastrointestinale Translokation bei Feldinfektionen vorkommen kann, allerdings finden sich keine Hinweise für eine große Relevanz des gastrointestinalen Infektionsweges. / In pigs, diseases of the locomotor and central nervous system (CNS), as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, are of major importance in regard to economic efficiency and animal welfare. Bacterial infections are the most common cause. However, no recent studies have been published on the age-dependency of these pathogens. In pigs, Streptococcus (S.) suis can cause polyarthritis, meningitis, as well as septicemia, endocarditis and sudden death. Serotypes 1 to 9 of the bacteria are particularly prevalent among the invasive isolates worldwide whilst serotypes 2 and 9 dominate in Europe and Germany. Although a large number of publications have been published on the molecular pathogenesis of S. suis infections, the infection pathways leading to bacteremia have not been fully demonstrated. In pigs, the nasopharynx, tonsils, or upper respiratory tract are assumed to be the portal of entry for S. suis, whilst in humans the portal of entry for the pathogen is postulated to be via a contact of injured skin with infectious animals or animal products, or via the oral route as a result of eating raw or undercooked pork. Although the gastrointestinal route of infection in pigs has been confirmed experimentally with the exclusion of the stomach, its role in the field is still unclear. One aim of this study was to determine the frequency of various bacterial pathogens that cause arthritis and diseases of the CNS in pigs, taking into account the age of the animals and the pathotype of S. suis. Detection of capsular biosynthesis genes and genes of virulence-associated factor suilysin (sly), muramidase-released protein (mrp), and extracellular factor (epf) are used to differentiate the pathotype. Another aim of this study was to investigate whether S. suis can be detected in the lymph nodes of naturally infected pigs and whether the examination of the lymph nodes can be used to narrow down the portal of entry, and especially whether there are any indications of the gastrointestinal route of infection. Between May 2016 and July 2017, a total of 201 pigs, with clinical history of joint disease, meningitis or sudden death, mainly from north-west Germany, were necropsied for the study. Pathological-anatomical changes in the joints and the CNS were verified pathohistologically. Joint and meningeal swabs, as well as kidney, Lobus medius of the lung, Tonsilla veli palatini, Nl. cervicalis superficialis dorsalis dexter, Nl. bifurcationis medius, Nl. gastricus, Nl. jejunalis, Nl. ileocolicus, Nl. colicus, Nl. iliacus medialis dexter and Nl. inguinalis superficialis dexter were examined culturally and isolated pathogens were identified using polymerase chain reaction. The capsule typing of S. suis was carried out using the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (1 or 14, 2 or 1/2, 4, 7 or 9) including the detection of the described genes of virulence-associated factors mrp, sly and epf. S. suis was determined to be the most important pathogen in the pathogen-positive joint (70.8%) and meningeal swabs (85.4%) of the examined pigs and was most frequently detected in both locations in suckling and weaning piglets. After molecular genetic serotyping of the 677 S. suis isolates, 572 isolates could be assigned to one of the examined types of capsule (1 or 14, 2 or 1/2, 4, 7 and 9), with cps-type 2 or 1/2 35.6% (n=241) and 9 32.3% (n=219) being the most dominating cps types. In suckling piglets, the S. suis isolates were most frequently cps-types 1 or 14 and 7, while cps-types 2 or 1/2 and 9 were most frequently detected in weaning piglets. The genotype mrp+ sly+ epf+ cps2 or 1/2 occurred in more than three locations in 70.0% of the animals and genotype mrp+ sly+ epf- cps9 in almost half of the animals (44.9%) that were positive for the respective genotype and in 18 animals in more than two lymph nodes simultaneously. S. suis was detected with a detection rate ranging from 13.9% (n=28) in the Nl. ileocolicus to 20.4% in the Nl. cervicalis superficialis dorsalis dexter in all examined lymph nodes including the mesenteric lymph nodes (15.8%; n=121/765), with cps-types 2 or 1/2 38.5% (n=104) and 9 40.0% (n=108) being the most dominating cps types. In the Nl. gastricus, the proportion of S. suis isolates that did not correspond to any of the examined cps types was comparatively high 26.5% (n=9). The results of the present study are limited by the selected study population as no representative sample was examined. Nonetheless, the results highlight the importance of S. suis as a causative agent of arthritis and meningitis in pigs and especially in weaning piglets. There are age-specific differences concerning the frequency of the detectable cps types. In case of systemic infection with detection of the pathogen within multiple locations, the examination of the lymph nodes could not help clarify the portal of entry for S. suis. The results suggest that gastrointestinal translocation may occur in naturally infected pigs, but there are no indications that the gastrointestinal route of infection is of great relevance.

Hirnschädigung bei der Pneumokokkenmeningitis / Trigger, Mechanismen und Protektion

Braun, Johann Sebastian 25 March 2003 (has links)
Die bakterielle Meningitis verursacht oft motorische Ausfälle, Anfälle, Hörverlust und kognitive Störungen trotz adäquater Antibiose. Streptococcus pneumoniae ist der häufigste Auslöser einer bakteriellen Meningitis des Erwachsenen und verursacht neuronale Apoptose im Hippocampus. Die Apoptose der Hippocampusneurone bei der experimentellen Pneumokokkenmeningitis war zum Teil durch Caspase-3 vermittelt und hing von der Entzündungsreaktion im Liquor ab. Sowohl Caspase-Inhibition als auch Hemmung der intrathekalen Entzündung reduzierten den neuronalen Zelltod. Jedoch konnte durch beide Therapiestrategien neuronaler Zelltod nicht komplett verhindert werden, was auf Caspase- und Entzündungs-unabhängige Zelltodmechanismen hinweist. Bakterielle Faktoren spielten eine wichtige Rolle für die neuronale Apoptose sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo. Pneumokokken induzierten neuronale Apoptose in vitro bei Abwesenheit von Entzündungszellen ohne jegliche Caspasenaktivierung. Vielmehr kam es dabei zu einem raschen intrazellulären Anstieg von Kalzium und reaktiven Sauerstoffradikalen sowie zu einer frühen Mitochondrienschädigung. Geschädigte Mitochondrien setzten den Apoptose-induzierenden Faktor AIF frei, welcher nach nukleärer Translokation zur Apoptose führte. Intrazytoplasmatische Injektion von anti-AIF Antikörpern blockierte die Apoptose. Diese Resultate belegen eine essentielle Rolle der Mitochondrienschädigung und AIF-Freisetzung bei der Pneumokokken-induzierten Apoptose. Als Haupttrigger neuronaler Apoptose konnten zwei Schlüsseltoxine sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo identifiziert werden: Pneumolysin und H2O2. Pneumolysin verursachte einen raschen Anstieg von intrazellulärem Kalzium, eine rasche Zerstörung von Mitochondrien und eine damit einhergehende Freisetzung von AIF. Kalzium-Chelation blockierte AIF-Freisetzung und Zelltod. In der experimentellen Pneumokokkenmeningitis verursachten Bakterien, in denen beide Toxine inaktiviert wurden, eine deutlich geringere neuronale Schädigung. Neue adjunktive Therapien für die Klinik könnten resultieren aus: Caspase-Inhibition, Blockade der Entzündung, anti-oxidative Strategien und Inaktivierung bakterieller Toxine. / Bacterial meningitis often causes motor deficits, seizures, hearing loss or cognitive impairment, despite adequate bacterial killing by antibiotics. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of adult bacterial meningitis damaging the hippocampus by inducing neuronal apoptosis. Neuronal hippocampal apoptosis in experimental pneumococcal meningitis was mediated in part by caspase-3 and derived from the inflammatory response in the cerebrospinal fluid. Caspase inhibition and blocking of intrathecal inflammation significantly reduced hippocampal neuronal cell death. However, both strategies did not prevent completely neuronal death indicating caspase- and inflammation-independent mechanisms. Bacterial factors play an essential role in neuronal apoptosis both in vivo and in vitro. Exposure of neurons to live pneumococci in vitro in the absence of inflammation induced rapid apoptosis, which was not associated with the activation of caspases. Rather, apoptosis was attributed to rapid increase of intracellular calcium and reactive oxygen species and early damage to mitochondria. This was followed by the release of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) from the mitochondria, its nuclear translocation and apoptosis. Furthermore, intracytoplasmatic microinjection of AIF-specific antiserum markedly impaired pneumococcus-induced apoptosis. These findings indicate that mitochondrial damage and AIF play a central role in brain cell apoptosis and bacterial pathogenesis. Two key toxins of Streptococcus pneumoniae inducing apoptosis were identified in in vitro and in vivo experiments: pneumolysin and hydrogen peroxide. Pneumolysin induced increases of intracellular calcium, damage of mitochondria and release of AIF. Chelating calcium effectively blocked AIF release and cell death. Infection with pneumococci unable to produce pneumolysin and hydrogen peroxide significantly reduced damage in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. New adjunctive therapeutic strategies in clinics may result from caspase-inhibition, blocking of inflammation, anti-oxidative strategies and inactivation of bacterial toxins.

Meningeosis neoplastica: Der Einfluss von Tumorart und Liquorzellzahl auf die Diagnostik / Neoplastic meningitis: How MRI and CSF cytology are influenced by CSF cell count and tumor type

Prömmel, Peter 27 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Learning and behavioral outcome of coccidioidal meningitis in children

Ruggill, Jane Sanders, 1943- January 1989 (has links)
Coccidioidomycosis is a fungal infection endemic to the southwestern United States. Hematogenous dissemination of the etiologic agent produces a chronic basilar meningitis in a small percentage of children. While new and aggressive therapy has decreased mortality, children with coccidioidal meningitis (CM) continue to suffer significant morbidity. A comprehensive investigation of intellectual, achievement, and behavioral outcomes in a series of 9 children who were diagnosed and treated for CM at the Arizona Health Sciences Center between 1977 and 1988 was conducted. Nearest-age siblings were also evaluated. Findings revealed compromised cognitive abilities and an increased incidence of academic and behavioral difficulties in the patient group as compared to normative expectations and the performance of siblings. Results support the need for timely educational interventions to assist such patients in maximizing their potential in the academic environment.

Spotted Fever Rickettsioses in Sweden : Aspects of Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations and Co-infections

Lindblom, Anders January 2016 (has links)
The spotted fever group rickettsiae are emerging diseases. They cause damage in their hosts by invading the endothelium in small to medium-sized blood vessels, which results in vasculitis that can cause clinical manifestations from most organs. The present thesis describes the prevalence of Rickettsia helvetica in ticks, the incidence of rickettsial infection based on seroreactivity and seroconversion in humans and their symptoms, from different parts of Sweden and the Åland Islands in Finland. This was accomplished through serological analysis of both retrospective and prospective serum samples from confirmed and suspected tick-bitten individuals compared to individuals with no knowledge of tick exposure (blood donors). We found a comparable seroprevalence to Rickettsia spp. in different geographical areas where ticks are present; it was also comparable to the seroprevalence of Borrelia spp. Seroprevalence was also more common, as suspected, in the tick-exposed group compared to blood donors. In comparison with co-infections with other tick-borne infections (Anaplasma spp. and Borrelia spp.), we could conclude that co-infections do exist and that, based on clinical findings, it is difficult to distinguish which microorganism causes certain clinical manifestations. For reliable conclusions regarding the causative microorganism, the diagnosis should basically rely on diagnostic tests. In comparison with Borrelia spp., seroconversion to Rickettisa spp. was more common in the areas we investigated, indicating that rickettsiosis is a common tick-borne infection in Sweden and most likely underdiagnosed. When investigating patients with meningitis, we found R. felis in cerebrospinal fluid from two patients with subacute meningitis. This was the first report in which R. felis was found and diagnosed in patients in Sweden. The patients recovered without sequelae and without causal treatment. To provide guidelines on when to treat Rickettisa spp. infections, more investigations are needed. The present thesis shows that Rickettsia spp. are common in ticks and do infect humans. Rickettsial infection should be considered in both non-specific or specific symptoms after a tick bite. It was also shown in the thesis that flea-borne rickettsiosis (R. felis) occurs in Sweden and may cause invasive infections

Risk factors for mortality in patients with invasive pneumococcal disease in South Africa

Nyasulu, Peter Suwirakwenda 17 July 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Introduction Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world. It is estimated that pneumococcal disease causes more than one million-childhood deaths every year and the burden of disease is greater in developing countries. The main aim of this study was to analyze risk factors associated with mortality in invasive pneumococcal disease in all ages in South Africa. Materials and Methods We performed an analytical cross-sectional analysis of secondary data from national population-based surveillance for invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in South Africa. The study period was 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2005, and the mortality analysis used a subset of laboratory-confirmed cases who had a completed case report form and available mortality data. Multiple logistic regression models were constructed to identify risk factors significantly associated with the increased risk of death in patients with invasive pneumococcal disease. Separate models were used to evaluate risk factors for death in patients with meningitis and those with other IPD. Results There were 1154 (24%) cases of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis and 3736 (76%) cases of other invasive disease. The overall case fatality rate was 1360/4890 (27.8%) of which 911 (67%) patients died within 2 days of admission and 449 (33%) died between 2 days and 30 days of admission. Variables associated with mortality in a logistic regression analysis of all IPD patients included meningitis (OR 2.8, CI 1.9 – 3.9, P=<0.001), HIV-infection (OR 2.8, CI 1.6 – 4.6, P=<0.001), acute severe illness measured by Pitt bacteraemia score >=4 (OR 4.7, CI 2.8 – 7.7, P=<0.001) and prior antibiotic use within 2 months before first positive culture (OR 2.1, CI 1.4 – 3.1, P=<0.001). In addition to this children less than 1 year and adults ≥45 years were more likely to die compared to other age groups. Patients from Western Cape Province were significantly less likely to die (OR 0.27, CI 0.15 – 0.50, P=<0.001) compared to other provinces. Amongst HIV-positive patients severe immunosuppression (low CD4+ count) was a risk factor for death. Risk factors for death were similar in patients with other IPD and meningitis except for HIV which was associated with death in the meningitis group but not in the other IPD group. Antibiotic resistance and vaccine-serotype disease were not associated with increased risk of death. Discussion and Conclusions IPD is associated with a high mortality in South Africa. Our findings of increased risk of death in HIV-positive patients especially those with low CD4+ count are of importance given the high prevalence of HIV amongst patients with IPD. Introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine as part of the national expanded program for immunization (EPI) and ensuring access to antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive patients where indicated should be prioritized.

Análise de tendência temporal: uma alternativa para avaliação do impacto da vacinação contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b, no Brasil / Temporal Trend Analysis: an alternative for the evaluation of the impact of vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type B in Brazil

Miranzi, Sybelle de Souza Castro 23 November 2004 (has links)
As meningites representam um importante agravo no quadro sanitário nacional, por suas características epidemiológicas e por seu impacto sócio-econômico. O Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (HIB), causa infecções respiratórias e doenças invasivas como meningites, pneumonias, epiglotites, sinusites, bacteremias, otites e artrites. Entre essas enfermidades, a meningite tem sido a mais estudada, em virtude de sua alta morbi-mortalidade e por ser de notificação compulsória. A proposta deste trabalho foi a de avaliar a tendência, em série histórica, da morbimortalidade e da letalidade das meningites caudadas por HIB no Brasil, como uma alternativa para avaliação do impacto da vacinação específica. O estudo seguiu um delineamento observacional do tipo ecológico e relativo ao período de 1983 a 2002. Foram calculados os coeficientes de incidência, mortalidade e letalidade de meningites por HIB, a partir de base de dados do Ministério da Saúde e da Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Para a análise de tendência destes indicadores foram estimadas retas de predição, com intervalos de confiança de 95%. Os softwares utilizados para a fase de gerenciamento e para a análise de dados foram: Excel, Epiinfo e Stata. No Brasil, entre 1983 e 2002, foram notificados 23.921 casos de meningites por HIB, dos quais 10.524 (43,99%) em menores de 1 ano e 9.269 (38,75%) na faixa de 1 a 4 anos. Os coeficientes de incidência, mortalidade e letalidade de maior magnitude foram observados nas faixas etárias de menores de 1 ano e de 1 a 4 anos. A partir de 1988, houve incremento na magnitude dos coeficientes de incidência e mortalidade. As regiões Norte e Nordeste apresentaram menor magnitude para esses indicadores, enquanto que para a letalidade, a região Nordeste apresentou indicadores de maior magnitude em menores de 1 ano. De modo geral, embora a letalidade tenha apresentado um padrão de declínio desde o inicio da série, sua magnitude permaneceu elevada até 2001. O impacto da vacinação sobre a letalidade, apenas a partir de 2002, sugere que esta pode levar até três anos, em média, para exercer efeito sobre o prognóstico das meningites por HIB. Com exceção da região Nordeste, a tendência para a incidência e a mortalidade no Brasil e regiões, foi semelhante, no período prévacinação (ascensão), detectando-se declínio após a introdução da vacina na rotina do Programa Nacional de Imunização. No Brasil e nas regiões Norte, Nordeste, Sul e Sudeste (nesta, em menores de 1 ano), a tendência da letalidade foi de declínio em toda a série. Nas regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste, o impacto da introdução da vacina sobre a incidência e a mortalidade foi mais precoce (1999-2000), em relação às outras regiões do estudo, talvez pelo fato dessas regiões terem apresentado cobertura vacinal mais elevada. O impacto da vacinação foi mais evidente sobre a incidência e a mortalidade do que sobre a letalidade. Os resultados revelaram um impacto positivo das estratégias de vacinação contra HIB, no Brasil e macrorregiões, inclusive em faixas etárias não vacinadas. Recomenda-se a monitorização contínua desses agravos, através de ações de Vigilância Epidemiológica, com aprimoramento do Sistema de Informação em Saúde. / Meningitis is an important disease within the national health system, due to its epidemiological characteristics and socioeconomic impact. The Haemophilus influenzae (HIB) type B causes respiratory infections as well as invasive diseases such as meningitis, pneumonias, epiglottitis, sinusitis, bacteremias, otitis and arthritis. Among these diseases, the meningitis has been the most studied due to its high morbi-mortality rate and also because requires compulsory notification. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the trend, considering the history series, regarding morbi-mortality and case fatality rates of meningitis caused by Hib in Brazil, as an alternative for the evaluation of the impact of a specific vaccination. This research was an ecologic observation from 1983 to 2002. The author calculated the incidence, mortality and case fatality rates of Hib meningitis, based on data from the National Health Department and the Geography and Statistics Brazilian Foundation Institute. In order to analyze these indicators\' trends, authors estimated prediction lines, with confidence intervals of 95%. The softwares used to manage and analyze data were: Excel, Epiinfo and Stata. In Brazil, from 1983 to 2002, 23.921 cases of Hib meningitis were notified. Among them, 10.524 (43.99%) in babies with less than one year and 9.269 (38.75%) in children with age varying from 1 to 4 years. The higher magnitude of incidence, mortality and case fatality rates were observed in the ages less than 1 year and varying from 1 to 4 years. Since 1988, the author observed an increment in the magnitude of the incidence and mortality rates. The North and Northeast regions presented a lower magnitude for these indicators, while for case fatality, the Northeast region presented indicators of higher magnitude in babies with age less than 1 year old. In general, although the case fatality rates presented a decreasing pattern since the beginning of the series, its magnitude was high until 2001. The impact of vaccination on case fatality rates was perceived only after 2002, suggesting that it can take three years, in average, to have some effect on the Hib meningitis prognosis. With exception to the Northeast region, the trends regarding the incidence and mortality in Brazil were similar, in the pre-vaccination period (increase), detecting a decrease after the introduction of vaccination in the routine of the do Programa Nacional de Imunização. In Brazil and in the North, Northeast, South and Southeast (age less than one year) regions, the case fatality trend was of decline during all series. In the Centerwest and Southwest regions, the impact of the vaccination introduction on the incidence and mortality rates was precocious (1999-2000), if compared to the other regions studied and maybe due to the fact that in these regions the vaccination achieved a greater amount of the population. The impact of vaccination was clearer on the incidence and mortality than on the case fatality rates. Results revealed a positive impact of the vaccination strategies against Hib in Brazil and in macro regions, including the age ranges that were not vaccinated. The author recommends the continuous monitoring of these diseases, through epidemiological surveillance actions and the improvement of the Health Information System.

Epidemiologia das meningites bacterianas por Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae e enterobactérias no município de São Paulo, 1960-77 / Epidemiology of bacterial meningitis by Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and enterobacteria in the city of São Paulo, 1960-77

Moraes, José Cassio de 06 July 1988 (has links)
As meningites bacterianas constituem um sério problema de Saúde Pública em todo mundo, por sua incidência, sua letalidade e pela frequência das sequelas que os sobreviventes apresentam. Os agentes etiológicos Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis e Streptococcus pneumoniae são responsáveis por cerca de 60 a 80 por cento dos casos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer o comportamento epidemiológico das meningites por H.influenzae, S. pneumoniae e por bacilos Gram-negativo, especialmente as enterobactérias 1 no Município de São Paulo no pertodo 1960- 77. O levantamento foi realizado por uma equipe formada por professores do Departamento de Medicina Social da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo, por médicos sanitaristas e por acadêmicos de medicina. Os dados, colhidos diretamente do prontuário dos pacientes, foram anotados em uma ficha pré-codificada. A meningite por H.influenzae somente foi confirmada quando se identificava o agente na cultura. A confirmação da meningite por S.pneumoniae se dava pela bacterioscopia e/ou pela cultura do líquor. As meningites por bacilo Gram-negativo foram subdivididas em 3 grupos. No primeiro, incluíram-se os casos em que a bacterioscopia e/ou cultura revelaram a presença de um bacilo Gram-negativo sem, contudo, haver a especificação do agente. No segundo, classificaram-se os casos em que, na cultura, foi isolada uma bactéria do gênero Salmonella. O último grupo correspondeu áquele em que se identificou a presença de uma outra enterobactéria. Os subdistritos ou distritos do Municipio de São Paulo foram agrupados de 3 maneiras. As duas primeiras corresponderam às 3 ou 6 áreas homogêneas especificadas pela Fundação SEADE. A última se baseou na distibuição da população economicamente ativa segundo sua participação nos diferentes setores da economia. A população dos subdistritos e distritos do Município de São Paulo segundo faixa etária para os anos compreendidos no estudo foi estimada pelo método geométrico modificado. No período estudado foram confirmados 900 casos de meningite por H.influenzae com um coeficiente médio de 0,89 por 100000 habitantes. Os menores de 5 anos contribuíram com 91,2 por cento dos casos, dos quais 63 por cento eram em menores de um ano. O coeficiente médio para menores de um ano foi de 23,3 por 100000 habitantes. As zonas central, intermediária e periférica não apresentaram incidências significantemente diferentes. Os coeficientes de morbidade padronizados segundo idade foram 0,8, 0,8 e 0,9 para as zonas central, intermediária e periférica, respectivamente. A letalidade média no período de 1960-77 foi de 31 por cento . As crianças menores de um ano apresentaram a maior taxa de letalidade, 40 por cento . No período 1960-77 foram confirmados 1951 casos de meningite por S.pneumoniae com um coeficiente médio de 1,9 por 100000 habitantes. As crianças menores de 5 anos contribuíram com 52 por cento dos casos dos quais 38.5 por cento eram menores de um ano. Os coeficientes médio por 100000 habitantes, para os menores de um ano, foram 37,1 e 29,7 para 1960-69 e 1970-77, respectivamente. A incidência por 100000 habitantes na zona periférica (2,2) na primeira década foi, praticamente, o dobro da zona central, (1,2). Os coeficientes padronizados segundo idade foram 1,6, 1,5 e 2,0 para as zonas central, intermediária e periférica, respectivamente. No período seguinte estes valores foram 1,4, 1,5 e 2,0. A letalidade média no período foi de 44 por cento . Ela foi inversamente proporcional ao número de leucócitos no llquor de entrada. A letalidade na faixa etária menores de um ano foi de 60 por cento no período estudado. No período estudado foram identificados 290 casos de meningite por Salmonella dos quais 10 por cento o foram na primeira década. O coeficiente médio por 100000 habitantes foi de 0,3. A S.typhimurium foi a espécie mais frequente com 112 casos. Os menores de um ano contribuíram com 91 por cento dos casos, dos quais 52 por cento ocorreram no primeiro trimestre de vida. A incidência média por zona não mostrou diferencas estatisticamente significantes. A letalidade média foi de 87 por cento . Os menores de um ano apresentaram um valor ainda maior, 89 por cento . No período estudado foram identificados 211 casos de meningite por outras enterobactérias com um coeficiente médio de 0,2. A primeira década contribuiu com 32 por cento dos casos. Os gêneros Escherichia e Enterobacter foram os mais frequentes sendo responsáveis por 71 por cento dos casos. Os menores de um ano contribuiram com 57 por cento dos casos, com coeficiente de 4.0 e 4.5 para os períodos 1960-69 e 1970-77 respectivamente. A letalidade média foi de 65 por cento sendo o grupo etário maior de 60 anos o de maior letalidade. A incidência por zona não diferiu significantemente. A meningite por bacilo Gram-negativo apresentou um comportamento epidemiológico distinto da meningite por H.influenzae e das enterobactérias, revelando ser composto por uma miscelânea de agentes. No período de estudo foram identificados 25455 casos de meningite bacteriana, com coeficiente médio de 25 por 100000 habitantes. O coeficiente passaria a ser de 36 por 100000 habitantes se acrecentássemos as meningites bacterianas de etiologia indeterminada. Este índice representou 1 caso para 2782 habitantes. A meningite por N.meningitidis ocupou o primeiro lugar, com 84 por cento dos casos e um coeficiente médio de 21 por 100000. Na primeira década ocorreram 2657 casos, com um coeficiente médio de 5,4 por 100000 habitantes. As três principais etiologias foram responsáveis por 89 por cento dos casos. No octênio seguinte a meningite por meningococo foi responsável por 90 por cento dos casos. No ano de 1974, acme da epidemia de meningite meningocócica, foram identificados 18069 casos de meningite representando um coeficiente de 264 por 100000. Este valor representaria que 1 em cada 379 habitantes foi acometido pela doença naquele ano. / Bacterial meningitis is an intectious disease of major public health throughout the world because of its high incidence and case fatality rates and the permanent sequelae that are seen in the survivors. Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae are the etiologic agents responsible for 60 to 80 per cent of cases. The purpose of this study is to better understand the epidemiology of meningitis caused by H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae and gram-negative bacilli, especially, the Enterobacteriaceae, in the city of São Paulo during the period 1960-77. The survey was performed by a group of professors from the Department of Social Medicine of the \"Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo\", public health physicians and medical students. Data were obtained directly from the patient\'s records and registered on a pre-coded form. Cases of H.influenzae meningitis were confirmed by culture while S.pneumoniae cases were confirmed by gram stain and/or culture of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSP). The cases of gram negative bacillary meningitis were divided into three groups. The first included the cases that were diagnosed by gram stain and culture; the second, the cases where salmonella species were isolated in the culture: and the third, the cases where the presence of other Enterobacteriaceae were identified. The districts of the city of São Paulo were grouped in three ways: two corresponding to the homogenous areas specified by the \"Fundação SEADE\", and the third one based on the distribution of the economically active population according to its participation in the different branches of economic activity. The population of São Paulo by districts included in the study was estimated by the modified geometric method. During the study, 900 cases ot H. influenzae meningitis were confirmed, giving an average rate ot 0.89 cases per 100,000 population. Children <5 years old represented 91 per cent ot the cases, 63 per cent of them being less than one year old . The average rate for children <1 year old was 23.3 cases per 10O,OOO population. The average case fatality rate for the period 1960-77 was 31 per cent . The hightest case fatality rate ocurred in children <1 year old and was 40 per cent . The central, intermediate and peripheria zones didn\'t show significant different rates of incidence. The age standartized morbidity rates for these zones were, respectively, 0.8, 0.8 and 0.9. During 1960-77, 1,951 cases of S.pneumoniae meningitis were confirmed, giving an average rate of 1.9 per 100,000 population. Children <5 years old accounted for 52.4 per cent ot cases and 38.5 per cent were <l year old. The average rates for children <1 year of age were 37.1 and 29.7 per 100,000 population, for the periods of 1960-69 and 1970- 77, respectively. The incidence rate for the peripheria zone -2.2 per 100000 population- pratically doubled the rate for the central area- 1.2 per 100000 population- in the 1960\'s. The age standardized rates were 1.6, 1.5 and 2.0 tor central, intermediate, and peripheric zones, respectively. In the 1970\'s these rates were 1.4, 1.5 and 2.0. The average case fatality rate for the period was 46.9 per cent , which inversely proportional to the number ot CSF leucocytes at first examination. For children <1 year old, the case tatality rate was 60 per cent during the same period. Two hundred ninety cases of Salmonella meningitis were indentitied during the study, 10 per cent of them during the first decade. The average rate was 0.3 cases per 100,000 population. S. typhimurium was the most frequently isolated species, with 112 cases. Children <1 year old represented 91 per cent of the cases and 52 per cent ot these ocurred in children <3 months of age. The averages rates of incidence in the different zones didn\'t show statistically significant differences. The average case fatality rate was 87 per cent children <1 year old had a rate of 89 per cent . During the study period, 211 cases of meningites by other Enterobacteriaceae were indentified , giving an average rate of 0.2 per 100,000. Almost one-third of these cases ocurred in the first decade of the study period. The genus Escherichia and the genus Enterobacter were the most frequent, being responsible for 32 per cent of the cases. For children under one year 1 the rates were 4.0 and 4.5 for the periods of 1960-69 and 1970-77, respectively, representing 57 per cent of the total of cases. The average case fatality rate was 65 per cent , the hightest being among persons >60 years old. The rates of incidence by zone didn\'t show significant differences. The epidemiology of gram-negative bacillary meningitis was distinct from that of H.influenzae meningitis and meningitis due to the Enterobacteriaceae, giving evidence of being composed by a mixture of agents. In the same period, 25,455 cases of bacterial meningitis were identified, giving an average rate of 25 cases per 100,000 population. This rate would be 36.0 per 100,000 if we added the cases ot bacterial meningitis of unknown etiology. This represents one case per 2,782 inhabitants. N. meningitidis meningitis was the most frequent etiologic agent representing 84 per cent of the total, giving an average rate of 21 per 100,000. From 1960-69, 2,657 cases ocurred, giving an average rate of 5,4. The three principal etiologies were responsible for 89 per cent of cases. During the next eight years, 90 per cent of cases of meningitis were meningococcal. In year of 19/4, during the peak of the meningoccocal meningitis epidemic, 18,069 cases of meningitis were identified, representing a rate of 264 per 100,000. Put another way, 1 in 379 inhabitants developed menngitis.

Cinética do cultivo de Neisseria lactamica em biorreator. / Bioreactor cultivation kinetics of Neisseria lactamica.

Gonçalves, Beatriz Isva 31 August 2012 (has links)
Neisseria lactamica está envolvida na aquisição da imunidade natural contra Neisseria meningitidis, causadora da doença meningocócica. Vesículas de membrana externa (OMV) de N. lactamica são antígenos potenciais contra N. meningitidis. Analisou-se a cinética de biomassa, de produção de OMV, da fonte de carbono (lactato), e dos metabólitos, para maximizar a produção de OMV. Realizaram-se ensaios em biorreator, em batelada simples, batelada alimentada com lactato, com ou sem pulsos de aminoácidos e extrato de levedura (YE). Utilizou-se o meio de Catlin (MC) como meio mínimo, e analisaram-se efeitos das concentrações do lactato, aminoácidos e YE. Lactato foi consumido e citrato e acetato produzidos. Os melhores resultados obtidos foram no meio com adição de 2 g/L de YE e concentrações dobradas de lactato e 5 aminoácidos constitutivos do MC, em batelada alimentada com pulsos. O lactato apresentou efeito positivo sobre o rendimento de OMV e o YE sobre a biomassa. Os 5 aminoácidos constitutivos do MC foram necessários para obtenção de biomassa e rendimento de OMV. / Neisseria lactamica is involved with the acquisition of natural immunity to Neisseria meningitidis. N. lactamica outer membrane vesicles (OMV) are potential antigens against N. meningitidis, the pathogen of meningococcal disease. The objective of this work was to analyze the kinetics of bacterial growth, OMV production, the carbon source (lactate), and products of metabolism, to improve growing conditions and OMV production. Groups were studied in batch process, fed-batch process with lactate, fed-batch process with pulses of amino acids and YE. MC was considered as minimal medium and it was analyzed the effect of lactate, amino acids and YE. Lactate was consumed and citrate and acetate increased in the medium. The best results were in fed-batch with pulses, in MC with the double concentrations of lactate and amino acids, added with 2 g/L of YE. The lactate had a positive effect over OMV yield and YE had a positive effect over biomass. 5 amino acids of MC were necessary to obtain biomass and OMV yield.

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