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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Making Sense of Mention, Quotation, and Autonymy. A Semantic and Pragmatic Survey of Metalinguistic Discourse

De Brabanter, Philippe 01 June 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis sets out to do mainly two things. On the one hand, I wish to provide an overview of scholarship on natural metalanguage. On the other, I want to tackle some of the most interesting problems that emerge from the recent literature on the subject. As far as my first goal is concerned, I discuss the origin of the term and the notion of 'metalanguage' in logic (Ch 1); I review and criticise the various theories of mention or quotation (Ch 2, 4, 5) because these are the main theoretical upshot, in the area of the study of natural languages, of the logicians' discussions of metalanguage. As for the second goal, I discuss the problems linked to the reference of quotational sequences (Ch 4); I devise a typology of metalinguistic utterances (Ch 6), based on a conception of semantics and pragmatics that is set out in Ch 3; I examine where a natural metalanguage "fits" with respect to the rest of the language and review a number of concerns regarding, notably, the infiniteness of the lexicon (Ch 7); I explore some of the issues raised by complex cases of alleged simultaneous use and mention (Ch 8).

CALLing all learners: An explanatory integrative research study of EFL learner-learner corrective feedback patterns within on-line synchronous environments

Gorenc Zoran, Annmarie 01 June 2006 (has links)
This mixed methods research study centers on learner-learner interactions; thus, contributing to the on-going investigation within negotiation and interaction, computer-mediated-communication and its role in second language learning. The specific aim was to investigate corrective feedback types, incidences, and the relationship between error and feedback type among peers within online synchronous environments in EFL classes in Slovenia, Europe. Interactional characteristics of corrective feedback with learners having a documented special need (SN) also were explored using qualitative analyses. The study encompassed 208 students that were randomly placed into 104 dyads within intact classes of Grades 7, 8, 10, and 11. There were 32 dyads in Grade 7, 16 dyads in Grade 8, 24 dyads in Grade 10, and 32 dyads in Grade 11. Three participants had a documented special need. Quantitative analysis did not reveal statistical significant difference in the incidence of corrective feedb feedback and grade level, the relationship among the type of corrective feedback and grade level, or the relationship between learner error and type of corrective feedback across grade levels. Corrective feedback types were similar to those studied in traditional classroom research (i.e., explicit corrections, recasts, negotiation of form). However, descriptive statistics and qualitative analyses revealed conversational techniques that are specific to text-based online discourses providing insight into interactional characteristics among interactants within a discourse environment that differs both from speech and written texts. Consequently, an additional corrective feedback type emerged from the data, coded as feedback request. The most frequent corrective feedback type provided was explicit corrections. Frequency data revealed that corrective feedback tended to decrease as the grade level increased. Data with SN learners indicated distinctive discourse techniques.Overall, low incidences of corrective feedback and error types might have been affected by the learner's developmental levels, social readiness, and/or psychological readiness (Oliver, 1998), as well as the learner's individual conversational styles and socio-cultural factors. Consequently, further research is warranted in examining these factors. In addition, longitudinal studies are warranted in examining whether online negotiated work lead towards L2 acquisition. Finally, the role of phantom corrective moves when coding qualitative online text data also need to be examined further.

La compétence métaorthographique d'élèves dyslexiques francophones du primaire

Varin, Joëlle 12 1900 (has links)
L’expertise en orthographe requiert le développement de plusieurs types de connaissances et la possibilité d’y recourir volontairement, que l’on nomme compétence métaorthographique. Comme les élèves dyslexiques (ÉD) éprouvent d’importantes difficultés en orthographe, les objectifs de ce travail sont 1) de dresser un portrait de la compétence métaorthographique de 30 ÉD québécois, 2) de la comparer à celle d’élèves de même âge (n=25) ainsi qu’à celle d’élèves plus jeunes de même compétence écrite (n=24) et 3) d’établir des liens entre cette compétence métaorthographique et la compétence orthographique. Pour ce faire, trois tâches étaient demandées aux participants : 1) repérer et 2) corriger des erreurs orthographiques, puis 3) expliciter les motifs des corrections apportées. Les résultats indiquent que les ÉD obtiennent des résultats inférieurs aux deux groupes contrôles et que la compétence orthographique est liée à la compétence métaorthographique. / The ability to correctly spell words (orthographic competence) requires the development of orthographic knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge voluntarily (metaorthographic competence, Varin, 2012). Because dyslexic students have difficulties to spell words correctly, the goals of this work are 1) to describe the metaorthographic competence of 30 dyslexic francophone children (m= 11,34), 2) to compare their performance to those of 25 normally achieving children matched in age and to those of 24 younger normally achieving children matched in writing-level and 3) to establish links between orthographic and metaorthographic competences. To do so, four tasks were asked of the participants: 1) to identify spelling errors inserted in sentences, 2) to locate them in each word, 3) to correct them and 4) to explain their corrections. The results indicate differences in performance in function of the orthographic skill level and the nature of spelling errors.

O desenvolvimento da consciência metalinguísitica analisado em diferentes contextos bilíngues no Brasil

Piantá, Patrícia Balestra January 2011 (has links)
Estudos anteriores mostraram evidências de que crianças bilíngues alcançam a consciência metalinguística, maturação cerebral esperada em torno de doze anos de idade, precocemente, em comparação com crianças monolíngues. A consciência metalinguística está ligada à capacidade de refletir sobre a língua, sobre de que maneira ela é usada, sendo importante ressaltar a distinção existente entre consciência metalinguística e habilidade linguística, pois a consciência metalinguística exige uma demanda cognitiva maior (Bialystok, 2001; CARLISLE; BEEMAN; HULL; DAVIS, AND SPHARIM; 1999; Ringbom, 1987; Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Lasagabaster, 1997, apud Jessner 2006). Contudo, cabe ressaltar que tais evidências partem de estudos envolvendo grupos de bilíngues imigrantes, ou grupos que possuem grande exposição à língua estrangeira em ambiente escolar ou na comunidade em que estão inseridos. O objetivo geral do estudo relatado nesta dissertação foi verificar a existência de uma vantagem bilíngue no caso de um grupo diferente de participantes, formado por crianças que são bilíngues aditivos, ou seja, que estão se tornando bilíngues a partir da exposição à segunda lingua, no caso, inglês, em uma escola com currículo bilíngue. A amostra foi composta por 42 crianças, de 7 e 8 anos de idade, sendo que o grupo de bilíngues (inglês/português) possui exposição à segunda língua na escola por um total de 10h semanais. Foram utilizados dois testes experimentais que exigem alto controle de atenção: Teste de Arbitrariedade da Língua, adaptado do estudo de Eviatar & Ibrahim (2000) e de Piaget (1929); e Teste de Substituição de Símbolos, baseado em Ben-Zeev (1977). Além disso, foi verificada a necessidade de se utilizar ainda um Teste de Proficiência Leitora em Língua Materna, a fim de verificar possíveis diferencas em termos de proficiência leitora em língua materna entre os dois grupos, principalmente pelo fato de os testes citados anteriormente terem sido aplicados em português. Não foi verificada diferença entre os grupos na análise dos resultados dos Testes de Arbitrariedade da Língua e Substituição de Símbolos. Foi encontrada, entretanto, diferença significativa entre os grupos no Teste de Proficiência Leitora em Língua Materna, mostrando um melhor desempenho dos participantes bilíngues. Os resultados encontrados são discutidos traçando uma comparação aos resultados já relatados na literatura, no que diz respeito ao grau de bilinguismo, tempo de exposição à segunda língua, trazendo evidências de que estar em contato a dois idiomas simultaneamente não acarreta desvantagens aos bilingues na aquisição da habilidade de leitura na língua materna. / Previous studies have shown evidence that bilingual children reach metalinguistic awareness, brain maturity, before the expected age of twelve, which is earlier in comparison to monolingual children. Metalinguistic awareness is linked to the ability to reflect on the language and how it is used. It is important to emphasize the distinction between metalinguistic awareness and linguistic skills, as the metalinguistic requires a greater cognitive demand (Bialystok, 2001; CARLISLE; Beeman, HULL, DAVIS, AND SPHARIM; 1999; Ringbom, 1987; Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Lasagabaster, 1997, apud Jessner 2006). This evidence involves groups of bilingual immigrants, or groups that have high exposure to foreign language in a school or community where they live. The overall objective of this study is to verify whether a bilingual advantage exists among a different group of participates, additive bilinguals. They have become bilingual from exposure to a second language through a school with a bilingual curriculum. The sample comprised of 42 children, around the age of 7 and 8 years old. The group of bilingual (English / Portuguese) children are exposed to a second language at school for a total of 10 hours per week. In this study we used two experimental tests in which both required high attention control. The Language Arbitrariness Task, that comes from the original study of Eviatar & Ibrahim (2000) and Piaget (1929), and the Symbol Substitution Task, based on the work of Ben-Zeev (1977). In order to verify possible differences in terms of reading proficiency between the two groups there was a need to use a Reading Proficiency Test in the Mother Tongue Language, mainly because the tests have been applied in Portuguese. There were no differences between the groups in the analysis results of the Language Arbitrariness Task and Language Symbol Substitution Task. However, we found significant differences between groups on the Test of Reading Proficiency in Mother Tongue Language, showing a better performance of bilingual participants. The results are discussed comparing the information already reported in the literature regarding the degree of bilingualism and the time of exposure to second the language, providing evidence that being in contact with two languages simultaneously carries no disadvantages to the acquisition of bilingual reading ability in mother tongue language.

O desenvolvimento da consciência metalinguísitica analisado em diferentes contextos bilíngues no Brasil

Piantá, Patrícia Balestra January 2011 (has links)
Estudos anteriores mostraram evidências de que crianças bilíngues alcançam a consciência metalinguística, maturação cerebral esperada em torno de doze anos de idade, precocemente, em comparação com crianças monolíngues. A consciência metalinguística está ligada à capacidade de refletir sobre a língua, sobre de que maneira ela é usada, sendo importante ressaltar a distinção existente entre consciência metalinguística e habilidade linguística, pois a consciência metalinguística exige uma demanda cognitiva maior (Bialystok, 2001; CARLISLE; BEEMAN; HULL; DAVIS, AND SPHARIM; 1999; Ringbom, 1987; Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Lasagabaster, 1997, apud Jessner 2006). Contudo, cabe ressaltar que tais evidências partem de estudos envolvendo grupos de bilíngues imigrantes, ou grupos que possuem grande exposição à língua estrangeira em ambiente escolar ou na comunidade em que estão inseridos. O objetivo geral do estudo relatado nesta dissertação foi verificar a existência de uma vantagem bilíngue no caso de um grupo diferente de participantes, formado por crianças que são bilíngues aditivos, ou seja, que estão se tornando bilíngues a partir da exposição à segunda lingua, no caso, inglês, em uma escola com currículo bilíngue. A amostra foi composta por 42 crianças, de 7 e 8 anos de idade, sendo que o grupo de bilíngues (inglês/português) possui exposição à segunda língua na escola por um total de 10h semanais. Foram utilizados dois testes experimentais que exigem alto controle de atenção: Teste de Arbitrariedade da Língua, adaptado do estudo de Eviatar & Ibrahim (2000) e de Piaget (1929); e Teste de Substituição de Símbolos, baseado em Ben-Zeev (1977). Além disso, foi verificada a necessidade de se utilizar ainda um Teste de Proficiência Leitora em Língua Materna, a fim de verificar possíveis diferencas em termos de proficiência leitora em língua materna entre os dois grupos, principalmente pelo fato de os testes citados anteriormente terem sido aplicados em português. Não foi verificada diferença entre os grupos na análise dos resultados dos Testes de Arbitrariedade da Língua e Substituição de Símbolos. Foi encontrada, entretanto, diferença significativa entre os grupos no Teste de Proficiência Leitora em Língua Materna, mostrando um melhor desempenho dos participantes bilíngues. Os resultados encontrados são discutidos traçando uma comparação aos resultados já relatados na literatura, no que diz respeito ao grau de bilinguismo, tempo de exposição à segunda língua, trazendo evidências de que estar em contato a dois idiomas simultaneamente não acarreta desvantagens aos bilingues na aquisição da habilidade de leitura na língua materna. / Previous studies have shown evidence that bilingual children reach metalinguistic awareness, brain maturity, before the expected age of twelve, which is earlier in comparison to monolingual children. Metalinguistic awareness is linked to the ability to reflect on the language and how it is used. It is important to emphasize the distinction between metalinguistic awareness and linguistic skills, as the metalinguistic requires a greater cognitive demand (Bialystok, 2001; CARLISLE; Beeman, HULL, DAVIS, AND SPHARIM; 1999; Ringbom, 1987; Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Lasagabaster, 1997, apud Jessner 2006). This evidence involves groups of bilingual immigrants, or groups that have high exposure to foreign language in a school or community where they live. The overall objective of this study is to verify whether a bilingual advantage exists among a different group of participates, additive bilinguals. They have become bilingual from exposure to a second language through a school with a bilingual curriculum. The sample comprised of 42 children, around the age of 7 and 8 years old. The group of bilingual (English / Portuguese) children are exposed to a second language at school for a total of 10 hours per week. In this study we used two experimental tests in which both required high attention control. The Language Arbitrariness Task, that comes from the original study of Eviatar & Ibrahim (2000) and Piaget (1929), and the Symbol Substitution Task, based on the work of Ben-Zeev (1977). In order to verify possible differences in terms of reading proficiency between the two groups there was a need to use a Reading Proficiency Test in the Mother Tongue Language, mainly because the tests have been applied in Portuguese. There were no differences between the groups in the analysis results of the Language Arbitrariness Task and Language Symbol Substitution Task. However, we found significant differences between groups on the Test of Reading Proficiency in Mother Tongue Language, showing a better performance of bilingual participants. The results are discussed comparing the information already reported in the literature regarding the degree of bilingualism and the time of exposure to second the language, providing evidence that being in contact with two languages simultaneously carries no disadvantages to the acquisition of bilingual reading ability in mother tongue language.

Pratiques d’enseignement et descriptions grammaticales des langues étrangères dans le contexte scolaire. Le cas de l’Angleterre / Teaching and describing grammar in Modern Foreign Languages Classrooms. The case of England

Kasazian, Émilie 11 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale relève du domaine de la didactique des langues et des cultures, mais elle s’inspire également du domaine des sciences de l’éducation. Elle a pour objet d’étude les pratiques d’enseignement de la grammaire dans le contexte scolaire de l’Angleterre. La spécificité de ce contexte réside dans le fait que les apprenants font peu, voire pas, de grammaire au cycle primaire. Dès lors, c’est dès l’entrée au collège, avec l’apprentissage de la première langue étrangère, que les élèves sont initiés à des réflexions de type métalinguistique. Notre recherche ambitionne de comprendre de quelle façon les enseignants de langues étrangères amènent les apprenants à développer une conscience métalinguistique dans ce contexte particulier. Nous souhaitons déterminer si les enseignants usent de stratégies particulières pour pallier l’absence de compétences métalinguistiques explicites chez leurs apprenants. Pour cela, nous avons mené une recherche de terrain de nature qualitative et exploratoire en privilégiant une approche holistique, écologique et interdisciplinaire qui prend en compte les leçons de langues étrangères les plus enseignées au collège (allemand, espagnol, français). Les données recueillies ¬ observations de classes et entretiens semi-directifs ¬ ont fait émerger des axes d’analyse qui éclairent les pratiques grammaticales des enseignants et donnent des pistes pour une didactique contextualisée. / This doctoral research work is embedded in the field of applied linguistics but it is also based on Educational Sciences research. Its main goal is to study grammar teaching practices in the school context of England. The specificity of this field lies in the fact that learners are only slightly exposed to explicit grammar learning during primary school. Therefore, they are trained to think about language as they start their first modern foreign language lessons at school. Our research aims at understanding in what ways modern foreign language teachers bring their students to develop their language awareness in this particular context. We wish to figure out whether teachers use peculiar strategies to make up for the lack of metalinguistic awareness of their students. To do so, we conducted an exploratory and qualitative field research built on a holistic, ecological and interdisciplinary approach, taking into account the various foreign languages taught at school (German, Spanish and French). The collected data (MFL classroom observations and teachers semi-structured interviews) has revealed interesting analytical perspectives which bring light on teachers’grammar practices.

O desenvolvimento da consciência metalinguísitica analisado em diferentes contextos bilíngues no Brasil

Piantá, Patrícia Balestra January 2011 (has links)
Estudos anteriores mostraram evidências de que crianças bilíngues alcançam a consciência metalinguística, maturação cerebral esperada em torno de doze anos de idade, precocemente, em comparação com crianças monolíngues. A consciência metalinguística está ligada à capacidade de refletir sobre a língua, sobre de que maneira ela é usada, sendo importante ressaltar a distinção existente entre consciência metalinguística e habilidade linguística, pois a consciência metalinguística exige uma demanda cognitiva maior (Bialystok, 2001; CARLISLE; BEEMAN; HULL; DAVIS, AND SPHARIM; 1999; Ringbom, 1987; Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Lasagabaster, 1997, apud Jessner 2006). Contudo, cabe ressaltar que tais evidências partem de estudos envolvendo grupos de bilíngues imigrantes, ou grupos que possuem grande exposição à língua estrangeira em ambiente escolar ou na comunidade em que estão inseridos. O objetivo geral do estudo relatado nesta dissertação foi verificar a existência de uma vantagem bilíngue no caso de um grupo diferente de participantes, formado por crianças que são bilíngues aditivos, ou seja, que estão se tornando bilíngues a partir da exposição à segunda lingua, no caso, inglês, em uma escola com currículo bilíngue. A amostra foi composta por 42 crianças, de 7 e 8 anos de idade, sendo que o grupo de bilíngues (inglês/português) possui exposição à segunda língua na escola por um total de 10h semanais. Foram utilizados dois testes experimentais que exigem alto controle de atenção: Teste de Arbitrariedade da Língua, adaptado do estudo de Eviatar & Ibrahim (2000) e de Piaget (1929); e Teste de Substituição de Símbolos, baseado em Ben-Zeev (1977). Além disso, foi verificada a necessidade de se utilizar ainda um Teste de Proficiência Leitora em Língua Materna, a fim de verificar possíveis diferencas em termos de proficiência leitora em língua materna entre os dois grupos, principalmente pelo fato de os testes citados anteriormente terem sido aplicados em português. Não foi verificada diferença entre os grupos na análise dos resultados dos Testes de Arbitrariedade da Língua e Substituição de Símbolos. Foi encontrada, entretanto, diferença significativa entre os grupos no Teste de Proficiência Leitora em Língua Materna, mostrando um melhor desempenho dos participantes bilíngues. Os resultados encontrados são discutidos traçando uma comparação aos resultados já relatados na literatura, no que diz respeito ao grau de bilinguismo, tempo de exposição à segunda língua, trazendo evidências de que estar em contato a dois idiomas simultaneamente não acarreta desvantagens aos bilingues na aquisição da habilidade de leitura na língua materna. / Previous studies have shown evidence that bilingual children reach metalinguistic awareness, brain maturity, before the expected age of twelve, which is earlier in comparison to monolingual children. Metalinguistic awareness is linked to the ability to reflect on the language and how it is used. It is important to emphasize the distinction between metalinguistic awareness and linguistic skills, as the metalinguistic requires a greater cognitive demand (Bialystok, 2001; CARLISLE; Beeman, HULL, DAVIS, AND SPHARIM; 1999; Ringbom, 1987; Cenoz & Valencia, 1994; Lasagabaster, 1997, apud Jessner 2006). This evidence involves groups of bilingual immigrants, or groups that have high exposure to foreign language in a school or community where they live. The overall objective of this study is to verify whether a bilingual advantage exists among a different group of participates, additive bilinguals. They have become bilingual from exposure to a second language through a school with a bilingual curriculum. The sample comprised of 42 children, around the age of 7 and 8 years old. The group of bilingual (English / Portuguese) children are exposed to a second language at school for a total of 10 hours per week. In this study we used two experimental tests in which both required high attention control. The Language Arbitrariness Task, that comes from the original study of Eviatar & Ibrahim (2000) and Piaget (1929), and the Symbol Substitution Task, based on the work of Ben-Zeev (1977). In order to verify possible differences in terms of reading proficiency between the two groups there was a need to use a Reading Proficiency Test in the Mother Tongue Language, mainly because the tests have been applied in Portuguese. There were no differences between the groups in the analysis results of the Language Arbitrariness Task and Language Symbol Substitution Task. However, we found significant differences between groups on the Test of Reading Proficiency in Mother Tongue Language, showing a better performance of bilingual participants. The results are discussed comparing the information already reported in the literature regarding the degree of bilingualism and the time of exposure to second the language, providing evidence that being in contact with two languages simultaneously carries no disadvantages to the acquisition of bilingual reading ability in mother tongue language.

Contribuições das habilidades metalinguísticas na leitura contextual: consciência fonológica e morfossintática

Guimarães, Silvia Brilhante 03 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-28T19:41:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 silviabrilhanteguimaraes.pdf: 409002 bytes, checksum: 372de929a13269670d0326dc2c432a35 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-30T13:52:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silviabrilhanteguimaraes.pdf: 409002 bytes, checksum: 372de929a13269670d0326dc2c432a35 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-30T13:52:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silviabrilhanteguimaraes.pdf: 409002 bytes, checksum: 372de929a13269670d0326dc2c432a35 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-03 / A leitura é uma atividade bastante complexa, na qual estão envolvidos diferentes mecanismos como a identificação das letras, o de reconhecimento das palavras e de seus significados, bem como, a interação sintática e semântica. Nesse sentido, estudos veem investigando os papéis das habilidades metalinguísticas como a consciência fonológica e a consciência morfossintática no desenvolvimento da leitura. Serão examinadas duas hipóteses: a primeira, enfatiza que a leitura contextual envolve tanto o processamento fonológico como o morfossintático, porque as pistas contextuais podem ajudar a criança a adquirir as regras de correspondência entre letra e som. A segunda hipótese sugere que apenas as pistas sintático semânticas são utilizadas na leitura contextual no português. Nesse sentido, espera-se correlações significativas e positivas entre consciência morfossintática e reconhecimento de palavras no contexto, mas não com a consciência fonológica. Participaram 134 crianças, de ambos os sexo, entre 6 e 11 anos pertencentes ao projeto “Avaliação Psicométrica de medidas de consciência metalingüística” do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Desses estudantes, 73 (54,5 %) eram do sexo feminino e 61 (45,5%) do masculino, sendo que 30 (22,4%) crianças freqüentavam o segundo ano, 52 (38,82%) o terceiro ano e 52 (38,82%) o quarto ano. Os dados foram coletados em quatro escolas públicas de Juiz e Fora no 2º semestre de 2009. Foram aplicadas tarefas de consciência fonológica (roteiro de consciência fonológica) e de consciência morfossintática (analogia flexional, analogia derivacional e replicação identificação do erro e replicação oral), além do TDE: subteste de leitura, para medida de leitura de palavras isoladas e do teste de Cloze como avaliação de leitura contextual. Também foi utilizado o WISC III: subteste de vocabulário como medida de controle. As aplicações das tarefas e testes selecionados ocorreram em locais reservados nas próprias escolas e foram organizados em quatro momentos: três individuais e um coletivo. As aplicações aconteceram em aproximadamente 50 minutos para cada encontro. Na análise dos dados foram utilizados teste de correlação e regressão. Os resultados obtidos ofereceram evidências empíricas de que tanto os processamentos fonológicos quanto os morfossintáticos estão associados e contribuem de forma independente para a leitura de textos. Essas análises permitem constatar que no Português do Brasil, tanto a consciência fonológica como a morfossintática são recursos importantes para a leitura de textos. / Reading is a very complex activity in which different mechanisms are involved like identification of letters, recognition of words and their meanings, as well as the syntax and semantics interaction. In this sense, studies are investigating the roles of metalinguistic skills such as phonological awareness and morphosyntactic awareness in reading development. Two hypotheses will be examined: first, it emphasizes that contextual reading involves both phonological processing as morphosyntactic, because the contextual cues can help children acquire the rules of correspondence between letter and sound. The second hypothesis suggests that only the syntactic-semantic cues are used in contextual reading in Portuguese. In this sense, it is expected positive and significant correlation between morphosyntactic awareness and words recognition in context, but not with phonological awareness. The participants were 134 children of both sexes, between 6 and 11 years belonging to the project "Evaluation of psychometric measures of metalinguistic awareness" of the Psychology Department at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). There were 73 (54.5%) of these students female and 61 (45.5%) were male, and 30 (22.4%) children were attending the second year, 52 (38.82%) the third year 52 (38.82%) the fourth year. Data were collected from four public schools of Juiz de Fora in the 2nd half of 2009. There were applied the phonological awareness tasks (script by phonological awareness) and awareness morphosyntactic (inflectional analogy, derivational analogy and replication error detection and replication oral, and the TDE: reading subtest to measure reading isolated word and cloze test as an assessment of contextual reading. There were used the WISC III: vocabulary sub-test as a control measure. Applications of tests and tasks selected occurred in special spaces in the schools and were organizes into four periods: three individual and one collective. applications happened in about 50 minutes for each meeting. In the data analyze were used correlation and regression tests. The results provided empirical evidences that both phonological processing as the morphosyntactic are associated with and contribute independently for the reading of texts. This analysis leads us to conclude that in the Portuguese of Brazil phonological awareness as morphosyntactic are important features for reading text.

Consciência metalingüística e a ortografia de palavras morfologicamente complexas

Miranda, Luciene Corrêa de 02 October 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-03-09T11:22:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lucienecorreamiranda.pdf: 351453 bytes, checksum: bc0fc95af5d26e4bfc368d34ae245354 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-10T12:25:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lucienecorreamiranda.pdf: 351453 bytes, checksum: bc0fc95af5d26e4bfc368d34ae245354 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T12:25:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lucienecorreamiranda.pdf: 351453 bytes, checksum: bc0fc95af5d26e4bfc368d34ae245354 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-02 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Estudos recentes têm investigado a contribuição das habilidades metalingüísticas na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. Dentre elas a consciência fonológica, definida como a capacidade de refletir sobre os sons que compõem a fala, e a consciência morfológica que é a capacidade de refletir sobre os morfemas que compõem as palavras. A consciência fonológica ajuda na escrita por auxiliar a criança a adquirir o princípio alfabético. Menos se sabe sobre o papel do processamento morfológico na aquisição da leitura e da escrita. Este estudo foi direcionado a crianças do segundo e terceiro ano, as quais foram submetidas a testes padronizados e tarefas de consciência morfológica e fonológica. Teve dois objetivos: investigar a relação entre a consciência morfológica e fonológica e a aquisição da leitura e escrita; investigar o processamento morfológico e sua relação com a estrutura fonológica das palavras no português do Brasil. Foi possível perceber uma correlação significativa da consciência fonológica para a leitura e a escrita. A contribuição da consciência morfológica para a leitura foi até certo ponto independente da consciência fonológica; para a escrita não houve contribuição significativa. Para esta faixa etária não encontramos evidências de efeitos do processamento morfológico na escrita. / Recent studies have investigated the contribution of metalinguistic awareness in reading and spelling. Among those, phonological awareness, defined as the ability to reflect upon the sounds of the words and, morphological awareness that can be defined as the ability to reflect upon the word’s morphemes. Phonological awareness helps writing because it helps the child to acquire the alphabetic principle. Less is known about the role of morphological processing in reading and spelling acquisition. Second and third year children of elementary school participate in this study. The children were tested on standardized tests and tasks of morphological awareness and phonological awareness. The study had two goals: to investigate the relationship between morphological awareness and phonological awareness and acquisition of reading and writing, and to investigate morphological processing and its relationship to the phonological structure of words in Brazilian Portuguese. It was possible to detect a significant correlation between phonological awareness for reading and spelling. The contribution of morphological awareness for reading was somewhat independent to phonological awareness. For spelling there was no significant contribution of metalinguistic awareness. For children of this age group there was no evidence found for significant correlations between morphological processing and writing.

Les valeurs du passé composé et de l'imparfait français dans la culture métalinguistique des polonophones : pour une grammaire didactique contextualisée. / Values of the french tenses passé composé and imparfait in the metalinguistic culture of polish speakers. For a contextual didactic grammar

Starosciak, Katarzyna 05 July 2013 (has links)
Si on estime que la grammaire est une construction intellectuelle et non pas un objet naturel et que, par conséquence, elle prend les formes variables en fonction du contexte linguistique, pourquoi devrait-elle être la même pour les locuteurs natifs et pour les étrangers ? Cette recherche se situe dans le contexte polonais d’enseignement / apprentissage du français en tant que langue étrangère. Plus particulièrement, elle concerne le passé composé et l’imparfait qui sont des temps dont l’utilisation s’avère très souvent un obstacle pour les apprenants polonais dans leur parcours d’apprentissage du français. Ce phénomène est dû en particulier au fait que les descriptions que l’on propose aux apprenants polonophones ne prennent que très rarement en compte le fait que le passé composé et l’imparfait n’ont pas la même valeur aspectuelle que les verbes perfectifs (dokonane) et les verbes imperfectifs (niedokonane) respectivement, en polonais. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette étude a-t-il été d’élaborer une description contextualisée de ces temps du français, censée être plus opérationnelle pour les apprenants polonophones que celles adossées à des descriptions traditionnelles, puisque fondée sur les catégories appartenant à leur culture métalinguistique. À cette fin, il a été analysé comment s’articulent, par rapport au passé composé et à l’imparfait, quatre types de savoirs circulant dans le contexte éducatif polonais. Il s’agit notamment des savoirs savants issus des sciences du langage, des savoirs divulgués par différentes formes de transposition didactique, des savoirs d’expertise professionnelle des enseignants et enfin des savoirs dits « ordinaires » constitués des représentations linguistiques des locuteurs polonophones. / If we consider that grammar is an intellectual construct and not a natural object and therefore it may takes various forms depending of the linguistic context, why should it be the same for native speakers and foreigners?This study is located in the Polish context of teaching / learning of French as a foreign language. In particular, it concerns the passé composé and imparfait, the use of which is often the first hurdle for Polish students learning French. This is due to the fact that descriptions which are suggested to polish students, rarely take into account the fact that the passé compose and the imparfait respectively, don’t have the same aspectual value as the perfective and the imperfective verbs in polish.Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a contextualized description of the tenses in question, which would be more operational for Polish learners, being based on their metalinguistic culture rather than traditional descriptions.For this purpose, we’ve analyzed the ways of expression of four types of knowledge circulating in the Polish educational context in relation to the passé composé and imparfait. These include knowledge from scholars of linguistics, knowledge disclosed by various forms of didactic transposition, knowledge derived from professional experience of teachers and finally the so-called "colloquial" knowledge, which consists of linguistic representations of Polish students.

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