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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konceptualizace emocí v českém znakovém jazyce (Na příkladu hněvu) / Conceptualization of emotions in the Czech Sign Language (On the example of anger)

Gardelková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the conceptualisation of emotions in Czech Sign Language with the emphasis on the linguistic conceptualisation of anger. At the beginning the author reveals basic theoretical issues of the cognitive linguistics of spoken and sign linguistics. Afterwards she presents some general facts about metaphor and metonymy in spoken and sign languages - with the main focus on the metaphorical-metonymic conceptualisation of anger - and shows metaphors and metonymies of anger in the English, Polish and Czech language. The core of the thesis consists of the linguistic research of anger in Czech Sign Language. The author identifies basic metaphors and metonymies of the concept of ANGER in Czech Sign Language within the empirically gained linguistic material. The gained data from all four languages are compared and presented in a table at the end of this paper. Key words: cognitive linguistics, emotions, conceptualisation of emotions, the concept of ANGER, Czech Sign Language, metaphor, metonymy, metaphorical mapping, iconic mapping, iconic-metaphorical mapping.

Métaphores darwiniennes de l’«Origine des espèces» : modes de conceptualisation métaphorique dans la première édition et ses deux traductions françaises

Gendron-Pontbriand, Eve-Marie 08 1900 (has links)
Ouvrage clé de l’histoire des sciences, « On the Origin of Species » (1859) de Charles Darwin (dorénavant l’OS) lance la théorie de l’évolution, dont les répercussions sociétales ne sont plus à démontrer. L’OS connaîtra plusieurs éditions. La sixième, parue en 1876, a longtemps été l’édition de référence, mais depuis la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle la première a été réévaluée par les chercheurs et est maintenant considérée comme canonique. Celle-ci donnerait en effet une vision plus authentique et plus claire de la pensée darwinienne. Au moment de sa parution, cette première édition fait sensation. Les contemporains de Darwin remarquent notamment son caractère hautement métaphorique et nombreux sont ceux qui le critiquent sur ce point. Il existe à ce jour deux traductions de cette édition vers le français, celles de Becquemont (1992, 2008) et de Hoquet (2013). La traduction de Becquemont surprend par sa méthode inusitée. Le traducteur a effectivement remanié la traduction de Barbier (1876), qui elle est basée sur la sixième édition de l’ouvrage. La traduction Hoquet, pour sa part, est plus traditionnelle. Ces deux traductions sont demeurées largement inexplorées en traductologie comme en histoire et en philosophie des sciences. Cela les rend propres à de multiples travaux de recherche. Le caractère métaphorique de leur édition source soulève notamment un problème de traduction. Il s’agit alors de déterminer comment ces métaphores sont traduites en français. Pour répondre à cette question, nous situons notre étude au sein de la métaphorologie cognitive telle que définie par la théorie contemporaine de la métaphore. Ainsi, nous envisageons la métaphore comme la projection d’un cadre conceptuel source sur un cadre conceptuel cible. Plus précisément, nous adoptons le cadre théorique établi par Vandaele, qui opérationnalise l’analyse des métaphores à l’aide du concept d’indice de conceptualisation métaphorique (ICM). Nous avons mis en place une méthode d’annotation de corpus en format XML autorisant le repérage des ICM en discours, ainsi que leur caractérisation et leur dénombrement. Nous avons ainsi pu réaliser une analyse qualitative et quantitative de la conceptualisation métaphorique dans l’intégralité de l’oeuvre originale et de ses deux traductions vers le français, en nous limitant cependant à la nature et à la sélection naturelle. Il ressort de ce travail que la nature et la sélection naturelle font l’objet de riches personnifications dans l’original anglais, qui sont largement restituées dans les deux traductions. Celles-ci se distinguent surtout par la richesse et la densité des réseaux d’ICM qui expriment ces personnifications. La présence d’une troisième personnification a également été révélée lors de notre analyse. Ces résultats seront discutés à l’aune du contexte de réception de l’OS, des assises cognitives de la personnification et des perspectives dominantes relatives au phénomène de la retraduction. / A seminal work of the history of science, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859) (henceforth OS) launched the theory of evolution, whose deep-felt social impact has long been demonstrated. Several editions of the OS exist. The sixth edition, published in 1876, was for a long time the reference, but since the second half of the 20th century the first has been reassessed by scholars and is now considered canonical. The latter is purported to offer a more authentic and clearer vision of Darwin’s theory of evolution. At the time of its publication, this first edition caused a sensation. Darwin’s contemporaries noticed its highly metaphorical nature and many criticized him on this point. To date, there are two French translations of this edition into, one by Becquemont (1992, 2008) and the other by Hoquet (2013). On the one hand, Becquemont’s translation is somewhat surprising because of its unusual method. Indeed, the translator recycled Barbier’s translation (1876) of the sixth edition of the work. Hoquet’s translation, on the other hand, is more traditional. These two translations have remained largely unexplored in translation studies as well as in the history and philosophy of science. This makes them ideal candidates for inquiry. Namely, the metaphorical character of their source edition can constitute a translation problem. The question is then to determine how these metaphors were translated into French. To answer this question, we situate our study within cognitive metaphorology as defined by the contemporary theory of metaphor. Thus, we consider metaphor as a mapping between a source domain and a target domain. In particular, we apply the theoretical framework established by Vandaele, who operationalizes the analysis of metaphors via the concept of metaphorical conceptualization index (MCI). We elaborated an XML-based methodology for the annotation of corpora, which allows for the identification of MCIs in discourse, as well as their characterization and quantification. We were thus able to carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the metaphorical conceptualization in the entirety of the original work and its two French translations, though limiting ourselves to nature and to natural selection. Our study reveals that nature and natural selection are richly personified in the English original, and the two translations follow suit. The translations mainly differ from each other through the richness and density of the MCI networks that express these personifications. The presence of a third personification was also discovered during our analysis. These results will be discussed in light of the reception of the OS, the cognitive foundations of personification, and dominant perspectives on retranslation.

Метафорическое моделирование образа Джорджии Мелони в предвыборном медиаполитическом дискурсе Италии : магистерская диссертация / Metaphorical representation of Giorgia Meloni in the Italian pre-election political media discourse

Исакова, И. Ю., Isakova, I. I. January 2024 (has links)
Работа посвящена изучению метафорического образа Джорджии Мелони, лидера ультраправой партии «Братья Италии», в предвыборном медиаполитическом дискурсе Италии 2022 г. Материал исследования составили 288 метафорических контекстов, извлеченных методом сплошной выборки из 47 статей 7 национальных СМИ Италии, выпускаемых массовым тиражом (от 100 тыс. экземпляров) и имеющих не менее 1 млн. подписчиков на онлайн-версию издания. В первой части работы рассматриваются понятие политического и медиаполитического дискурса, а также особенности когнитивно-дискурсивного подхода к анализу метафоры. Классификация и анализ отобранных текстовых фрагментов осуществлялся с помощью информационной систeмы экспeртного анализа «Лингвистика». Во второй части работы раскрываются особенности метафорического моделирования образа Джорджии Мелони в период предвыборной кампании в Италии с 21.07.2022 г. по 25.09.2022 г. Деление метафор на группы производилось на основе количественного показателя. Таким образом, к высокочастотным метафорам были отнесены милитарная и спортивная метафоры; к среднечастотным – зооморфная, физиологическая и театральная; к низкочастотным – религиозная, литературная, кинематографическая, экономическая, метафора взаимоотношений и др. По каждому параметру представлены количественные наблюдения в виде диаграмм. Доминантными метафорическими моделями стали «ДЖОРДЖИЯ МЕЛОНИ – ЭТО ВОИН», «ДЖОРДЖИЯ МЕЛОНИ – ЭТО ИГРОК», «ДЖОРДЖИЯ МЕЛОНИ – ЭТО МОНСТР», «ПОЛИТИКА ДЖОРДЖИИ МЕЛОНИ – ЭТО ПРИУКРАШИВАНИЕ», «ДЖОРДЖИЯ МЕЛОНИ – ЭТО АКТЁР». К числу наиболее подверженных метафоризации локусов внимания относятся отношения Мелони с политическими оппонентами и её личностные качества. / The study investigates the specificity of Giorgia Meloni’s metaphorical image in the Italian pre-election political media discourse in 2022. The research material consists of 288 metaphorical units from 47 articles in the most popular national Italian periodicals for July-September 2022. The first part of the paper deals with the concept of political and media-political discourse, as well as the peculiarities of the cognitive-discursive approach to the metaphor analysis. The selected text fragments were classified and analysed using the information system of expert analysis ‘Linguistics’. The analysis has revealed the highest frequency of the metaphors belonging to the source domains «War», «Sport», «Animals», «Anatomy and physiology of the human body», and «Theatre». For each parameter, quantitative observations are presented in the form of charts. The dominant metaphorical models are ‘GIORGIA MELONY IS A WARRIOR’, ‘GIORGIA MELONY IS A PLAYER’, ‘GIORGIA MELONY IS A MONSTER’, ‘GIORGIA MELONY'S POLITICS IS AN EMBELLISHMENT, ‘GIORGIA MELONY IS AN ACTOR’. Meloni’s relations with political opponents and her traits of characters have the greatest degree of metaphorization.

The meaning of living with pain of fibromyalgia type as narrated by affected men, their partners, nurses and physicians

Paulson, Margareta January 2002 (has links)
<p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2002</p> / digitalisering@umu

À la recherche de la métaphore scientifique - termes médicaux en traduction. / In search of scientific metaphors while translating medical terminology.

Lillkung, Lilianna January 2014 (has links)
From a general point of view, the aim of this thesis is to study the appearance and the translation of the metaphor in a context that involves specialized texts. Our purpose is also to examine the historical expression of metaphor within aspects connected to its importance for creation of scientific terms. More precisely, the main object is to explore how metaphors have been used in the field of medical terminology and by which methods they have been translated across the languages. Our approach is based on the definition of conceptual metaphor conceived by Lakoff &amp; Johnson as a product of projections made by the thought (mapping). According to that idea, the metaphor constitutes a universal and essential element of human language and, therefore, also a keystone of the human communication reproduced at every level of social activity. From the cognitive point of view, our approach is also based on the theory of blending proposed by Fauconnier &amp; Turner. It is diachronic and multidisciplinary as well, which means that a particular focus has been placed on the etymology of medical terms, which we have explored in the scientific context where those terms have been created and used. The database in this study is composed of medical terms emerging from scientific texts that we have translated from French to Swedish.  During our analysis, we have explored the occurrence of conceptual metaphor across the source language and the target language (the last one is in fact represented in this thesis by four languages: French, Swedish, English and Polish). The translation methods have been analyzed according to the model of Vinay &amp; Darbelnet.   Our result indicates that conceptual metaphor plays a crucial role in the creation of medical terminology. It indicates also that the conceptualization of a medical phenomenon (expressed by mapping and blending) is almost always preserved in its original form in the target language. This observation implies that cognitive factors are activated during the process of translation. Our conclusion is made within the historical and scientific context, in other words regarding the context where the metaphorical terms have been created and afterwards transferred to other languages.   Key words: conceptual metaphor, metaphorical term, cognitive, etymology, medicine, scientific language, mapping, blending, conceptual shift, linguistic shift, translation, source language, target language.

Walking and Wandering among Mountains and Monsters : A study of metaphors and lexical variation in translation in a text about the Lake District

Turner, Carol January 2019 (has links)
This essay studies the translation of metaphorical concepts and lexical variation in relation to walking in a text about hiking in the Lake District. These two linguistic features are deemed to be important in fulfilling the communicative intention of the source text and the aim of the essay is to investigate to what extent these two linguistic features have been retained translation and what motivates different translation strategies. The qualitative study of metaphors focuses on the metaphorical concept THE LAKE DISTRICT IS A PERSON analyses how often different translation strategies are employed when translating metaphors. The results show that which strategy was preferred depended on whether the metaphor was lexicalised or novel and a qualitative analysis aims to explain these differences in preference. A qualitative study of the lexical variation regarding walking between the two languages found the number of different words used to be fairly similar in both languages. Context was determined to be more important than the exact meaning when translating words related to hiking. At times context therefore also motivated a single word to be translated into several different words in the target text or vice versa.

組織隱喻之研究 / A Study of Organizational Metaphor

史雅玲, Shih, Yia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
「隱喻」可以說是組織分析或組織研究的一種工具,當我們說「組織就像是一部設計精密的機器」,那麼我們就會認為組織應該像機器那樣透過部門分工和嚴格管理來實現效率的目標;如果我們認為「組織就像是具有生命力的有機體」,那麼我們就會將注目的焦點放在組織與其環境間的互動關係;從組織理論的剖析當中,我們不難發現這些隱喻所移留的痕跡。   本文的研究目的為:1.探討隱喻的意義,理論內涵,隱喻對我們建構概念的作用。2.探討隱喻在組織研究中的正當性,隱喻對組織分析的作用,及如何將隱喻應用到組織研究,使其成為某種可行的研究途徑。3.剖析組織理論的隱喻內涵,隱喻對這些理論所產生的影響,並試做檢討評述。   總的來說,雖然還沒人直接稱「組織隱喻」,很少有人認真的探討隱喻和組織研究、組織理論的關係。而本文大膽的從隱喻的釋義、組織研究的方法論和組織理論的剖析三個角度來探討,庶幾為往後的組織隱喻研究提供一種初步的認識基礎。全文共分五章,計十萬餘字。主要的研究結論為:   壹、隱喻的意涵。在外觀上隱喻是一種類比,在效用上可補充直敘語言的不足;隱喻更是一種意義的轉化及認知的工具;無論是在形式或內涵上,均可涵蓋其他比喻語言。我們不該將隱喻貶抑成一種修辭的技巧或工具,也不應以此界定直敘語言和隱喻語言的從屬關係;因為兩者均為語言表述的核心。從語言建構實體的觀點以及語言發展的過程來看,「凡語言皆為隱喻」,而隱喻不僅是言說的必要工具,同時也是我們建構日常生活概念體系的基礎。   貳、隱喻和組織研究的關係。科學研究的過程也需要透過隱喻來想像和創造,隱喻的使用在組織研究中享有其正當性的地位。組織研究的根本即為一種「隱喻式的思維」:以熟悉已知的概念來幫助瞭解陌生未知的概念。質言之,組織理論豐富多元的觀點,實為研究者運用不同隱喻、透過不同隱喻來思維的具體結果。理論建構的過程需要反思關照其所本的假定(亦即典範),隱喻在其間即擔負起啟發思維的關鍵角色。故周全的組織研究過程,應當在「典範-隱喻-解謎」的邏輯下進行,而不是侷限於驗證程序或解謎方法。隱喻觀點的組織研究正可以幫助我們解讀組織現象的多重意義。   參、以隱喻為基底的組織理論風貌。本文分就機器隱喻、有機體隱喻和大腦隱喻,剖析這些隱喻對理論所產生的影響,並說明其所造成的限制。

Sparsamkeit und Geiz, Grosszügigkeit und Verschwendung : ethische Konzepte im Spiegel der Sprache

Malmqvist, Anita January 2000 (has links)
The object of this study is to analyse the lexemes and phraseological units that constitute the semantic fields employed in naming four abstract domains, greed, thrift, generosity, and extra­vagance that make up the ethical concept &lt;Attitude to Ownership&gt; in German. On the assump­tion that ideas are accessible to us through the lexicalised items of a language, recent theories in the field of semantic analysis and conceptualisation were applied to the source material. In each domain key words were identified and their definitions in modern and historical dictionaries were analysed. Various dimensions of meaning, which proved to be inherent in the lexical items, emerged from this analysis. The oppositions a/o (action directed to others vs. to oneself), right/wrong (virtues vs. vices) and too much/ too little vs. the ideal mean were established as central. To achieve a more precise description of meaning tentative explications of cognitive levels were proposed. By means of these the underlying ideas, as they were reflected in the lexical units, could be described. The analysis showed greater variation and expressivity in words, idioms, and proverbs referring to the two vices compared to the virtues. Furthermore, a diachronic study produced evidence of semantic and conceptual changes. On the basis of such observations conclusions could be drawn about changes in the ethical system. The data derived from a contrastive corpus analysis of the German and Swedish key words showed numerous similarities as well as some conspicuous differences in the conceptualisation and valuation of attitudes pertaining to the four abstract domains. Moreover, the key words denoting the two virtues showed a clear domination in frequency, indicating that these are more central conceptual categories in today's society than the vices. An ongoing shift in meaning could be established for the key words naming the latter. Applying modern theories of metaphor and metonymy the experiential basis of meaning and thought was explored, showing that the structures forming the ethical concepts studied in this work are grounded in experiences of a physical and socio- cultural nature. The metaphorical concept ILLNESS emerged as a common source domain for the two vices, while the PATH- concept was shown to form the basis of metaphors expressing the o-virtue but not the a-virtue. Among the numerous métonymie concepts HAND proved to be a characteristic of all four domains. / digitalisering@umu

A discourse analysis of the political speeches of presidents Bill Clinton and Valdas Adamkus: political persuasion and propaganda through metaphors / Diskurso analizė prezidentų Bilo Klintono ir Valdo Adamkaus politinėse kalbose: politinis įtikinėjimas ir propaganda naudojant metaforas

Miler, Irina 02 August 2013 (has links)
The MA paper analyzes the conceptual metaphors which were used in pre- and post-elective speeches of presidents Bill Clinton and Valdas Adamkus and how the choice of metaphorical expressions influenced the voters' choice. / Darbas analizuoja konceptualias metaforas Bilo Klintono ir Valdo Adamkaus prieš ir po rinkiminėse politinėse kalbose ir kaip metaforų naudojimas įtakojo rinkėjų pasirinkimą.

Faszination und Gewohnheit - Metaphern des Computerumgangs junger Männer

Opfermann, Maja 25 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit hat ihre entstehungsgeschichtlichen Wurzeln in der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion über die Risiken und Potentiale der Computernutzung. Hinzu kam neben der persönlichen Aufmerksamkeit für die metaphorische Zusammensetzung von Sprache auch die besondere Stellung dieser im Bezug auf die Computernutzung. Aus verschiedenen Perspektiven wurden diese Phänomene näher betrachtet. Dabei stehen neben der öffentlichen Diskussion und der fachlichen Auseinandersetzung nach einem forschungsmethodischen Einschub schließlich die männlichen Nutzer zwischen dem 20. und 30. Lebensjahr und ihre metaphorischen Konzepte von Computernutzung im Fokus der Auseinandersetzung. Den theoretischen Hintergrund bilden gestalttheoretische Betrachtungen, Studien über Lebenswelt und Alltag und symbolisch-interaktionistische Auffassungen. Ergänzend wurden theoretische Ausführungen zur Indentitäts- und Rollenentwicklung in Verbindung mit Aspekten geschlechtertypischen Verhaltens herangezogen. Das Vorgehen bei der Erhebung des Inteviewmaterials stützt sich auf die Empfehlungen von Witzel und Schorn zum problem- bzw. themenzentrierten Interview. Nach der Transkription wurden die Gespräche metaphernanalytisch ausgewertet. Die Methode basiert auf dem von Lakoff und Johnson geprägten Metaphernbegriff. In Bezug auf den theoretischen Hintergrund konnten Anknüpfungspunkte bzw. Überschneidungen skizziert werden, die eine Kombination sinnvoll erscheinen lassen. In der Interpretation der dargestellten metaphorischen Konzepte konnte gezeigt werden, dass dem Computer weit mehr Bedeutungen zugeschrieben werden als nur die einer mikroelektronischen Maschine, wenngleich deren Eigenschaften als Auslöser für diese Zuschreibungen zu betrachten sind.

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