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Deciphering The Contribution Of Microglia To Neurodegeneration In Friedreich's AtaxiaGillette, Sydney N 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is the most prevalent inherited ataxia, affecting one in every 50,000 individuals in the United States. This hereditary condition is caused by an abnormal GAA trinucleotide repeat expansion within the first intron of the frataxin gene resulting in decreased levels of the frataxin protein (FXN). Insufficient cellular frataxin levels results in iron accumulation, increased reactive oxygen species production and mitochondrial dysfunction. Tissues most heavily impacted are those most dependent on oxidative phosphorylation as an energy source and include the nervous system and muscle tissue. This is evident in the clinical phenotype which includes muscle weakness, ataxia, neurodegeneration and cardiomyopathy. However, there has been a lack of data regarding the cell type specific contributions in FRDA pathogenesis. We generated a cohort of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) consisting of FRDA patient lines, CRISPR-Cas9 edited controls, carriers and non-related controls. Our preliminary data identified a hyperinflammatory microglial phenotype with extensive defects in mitochondrial function; since microglia are the primary innate immune cell of the brain, we hypothesized microglia may decrease neuronal viability which contributes to FRDA pathology. To investigate this, the iPSC cohort was utilized to generate microglia (iMGs) and neurons to better understand microglia-mediated neurodegeneration and how this contributes to pathology. An in vitro co-culture model composed of neurons, astrocytes and microglia was employed to better understand microglia-neuronal communication in FRDA. Healthy neurons co-cultured with FRDA iMG or with FRDA iMG-conditioned media demonstrated higher incidences of caspase-3 mediated apoptosis. These findings were recapitulated in vivo as xenotransplantation of FRDA microglia progenitors into a murine model resulted in reduced Purkinje cell survival in the cerebellum. Previous research has demonstrated the therapeutic potential of wildtype microglia to rescue the FRDA phenotype in the Y8GR mouse model of FRDA. To further explore the potential mechanisms behind this rescue, the delivery of mitochondria and FXN to FRDA microglia and neurons was investigated. CRISPR-Cas9 edited microglia demonstrated transfer of healthy mitochondria to FRDA microglia and neurons in an in vitro co-culture model. To investigate the transfer of frataxin protein, an FRDA iPSC line was transduced with an FXN-GFP lentivirus. Restoring FXN expression was demonstrated to rescue the FRDA microglial morphological phenotype. FXN-GFP microglia demonstrated transfer of frataxin protein to FRDA microglia suggesting the potential role of microglia as a therapeutic vehicle in FRDA. Together these findings show that FRDA microglia have a deleterious effect on neuronal viability, while healthy microglia may work as a therapeutic vehicle through the delivery of mitochondria and frataxin to FRDA cells.
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Defined astrocytic expression of human amyloid precursor protein in Tg2576 mouse brainHeiland, Tina, Zeitschel, Ulrike, Puchades, Maja A., Kuhn, Peer-Hendrik, Lichtenthaler, Stefan F., Bjaalie, Jan G., Hartlage-Rübsamen, Maike, Roßner, Steffen, Höfling, Corinna 26 September 2024 (has links)
Transgenic Tg2576 mice expressing human amyloid precursor protein (hAPP) with the Swedish mutation are among the most frequently used animal models to study the amyloid pathology related to Alzheimer's disease (AD). The transgene expression in this model is considered to be neuron-specific. Using a novel hAPP-specific antibody in combination with cell type-specific markers for double immunofluorescent labelings and laser scanning microscopy, we here report that-in addition to neurons throughout the brain-astrocytes in the corpus callosum and to a lesser extent in neocortex express hAPP. This astrocytic hAPP expression is already detectable in young Tg2576 mice before the onset of amyloid pathology and still present in aged Tg2576 mice with robust amyloid pathology in neocortex, hippocampus, and corpus callosum. Surprisingly, hAPP immunoreactivity in cortex is restricted to resting astrocytes distant from amyloid plaques but absent from reactive astrocytes in close proximity to amyloid plaques. In contrast, neither microglial cells nor oligodendrocytes of young or aged Tg2576 mice display hAPP labeling. The astrocytic expression of hAPP is substantiated by the analyses of hAPP mRNA and protein expression in primary cultures derived from Tg2576 offspring. We conclude that astrocytes, in particular in corpus callosum, may contribute to amyloid pathology in Tg2576 mice and thus mimic this aspect of AD pathology.
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Östrogens signalering i hjärnans gliaceller / Estrogen signaling in the gliacells of the brainLindgren, Iréne January 2020 (has links)
I hjärnan finns neuron och gliaceller. Förut trodde man att neuroner var dem enda som hade en viktig funktion i hjärnan men på senare tid har upptäckt att gliaceller har en större betydande roll än man tidigare trott. Gliaceller är ett samlingsnamn som innefattar bland annat microglia celler, oligodendrocyter och astrocyter. Östrogen är ett steroidhormon som har många viktiga funktioner i kroppen som bland annat reproduktionen, immunförsvaret, skelettet och endokrina system. Östrogen binder till östrogenreceptorer och de finns 3 stycken olika som kallas för östrogenreceptor alfa (α), östrogenreceptor beta (β) och G-proteinkopplade östrogenreceptor (GRP30). Alla dessa östrogenreceptorer har man funnit i hjärnan. Syftet med detta projektarbete är att ge en djupare förståelse om östrogens signalering i hjärnans gliaceller och om östrogens signalering kan ge någon relevant funktion till framtida farmakologiska behandlingar. Systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes och sökningar på databasen PubMed. Begränsade antalet träffar med sökord, inklusionskriterier och exklusionskriterier. Artiklar granskades sedan via ett urvalssystem och relevanta artiklar användes för att besvara syfte och frågeställningar. Östrogensignaleringen på gliaceller har många olika effekter. En signalering på östrogenreceptor β på oligodendrocyter leder till mognad, differentiering, bättre överlevd och att remyeliniseringen aktiverades. Medan en östrogens signalering på microglia cellens östrogenreceptorer α, β och GRP30 leder dämpning av inflammation och förbättrad kognitiv funktion. Östrogensignaleringen på astrocyter ger flera olika effekter såsom metabolismen av glukos, progesteron syntesen, glutamattransportören GLT-1, tillväxtfaktorn TGF-α, upptaget av glutamat samt ökad proteinproduktion av AMPA-receptor. Den nya kunskapen om östrogens signalering på hjärnans gliaceller kan leda till framtida farmakologiska behandlingar vid hjärnskada och ischemisk stroke. Östrogenet har visat på neuronskyddande effekter via signalering på gliaceller. Svagheten är att de endast är djurstudier som ligger till grund för kunskapen om östrogens signalering på gliaceller. I framtiden skulle det behövas styrkas med studier gjorda på människa. En styrka är att djurstudierna ger en fingervisning om östrogen signaleringen eftersom hjärnans uppbyggnad är likvärdig.
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Statut vitaminique K et fonctions cérébrales chez le rat : études comportementales et mécanistiquesAllaire, Pierre 01 1900 (has links)
De plus en plus d’études montrent un lien entre la teneur en vitamine K (VK) dans l’organisme et la cognition. Certaines études effectuées in vitro on montré l’effet de la VK au niveau moléculaire, mais très peu in vivo. Une étude récente de Tamadon-Nejad a montré qu’un traitement de 14mg/kg/jr de warfarine, un antagoniste de la VK, administré simultanément à des injections sous-cutanées de 85mg/kg/jr de phylloquinone entrainait une diminution significative de la concentration de MK-4 du cerveau, résultant en une diminution significative du statut vitaminique K au cerveau, une altération de la cognition, du comportement exploratoire et de la locomotion [1]. Dans la présente étude, le traitement de Tamadon-Nejad a été modifié et les doses de phylloquinone ont été augmentées à 120mg/kg/jr (WVK) ce qui a maintenu une diminution significative de la concentration de la concentration de MK-4 dans le cerveau, mais a entrainé une surcompensation par la phylloquinone, résultant en une augmentation significative du statut vitaminique K au cerveau. Ce statut a été associé à une mémoire de reconnaissance intacte et corrélé à une amélioration de la mémoire spatiale des rats WVK. Le traitement a aussi été associé à une augmentation significative de l’anxiété et au rétablissement du comportement exploratoire et de la locomotion des rats WVK comparativement à l’étude de Tamadon-Nejad [1]. Dans l’hippocampe des rats WVK, l’amélioration de la cognition et le rehaussement du statut vitaminique K du cerveau n'ont pas induit de variation significative de l’activation des protéines dépendantes de la VK Gas6 et Protéine S, mais ont été associés à une augmentation significative de l’activation de la voie MAPK, à une inhibition de l’apoptose et à une présence accrue de la microglie. En somme, cette étude confirme le rôle modulateur de la VK dans le cerveau sur la cognition et la survie cellulaire. / There is growing evidence that vitamin K (VK) plays a role in cognition. Some in vitro studies have shown how VK affects different molecular pathways in brain cells, but few in vivo studies have been conducted. Recently, a study from Tamadon- Nejad showed that a treatment of 14mg/kg/d of warfarine, a VK antagonist, given simultaneously with subcutaneous injections of 85mg/kg/d lead to a significant decrease in MK-4 concentration in brain, resulting in a significant decrease of VK status in brain, and perturbation in cognition, exploratory behaviour and locomotion [1]. In the present study, we modified the treatment used in Tamadon-Nejad and increased the phylloquinone doses to 120mg/kg/d which maintained the significant decrease in MK-4 concentration in brain, but lead to an overcompensation of phylloquinone that resulted in an increase of VK status in brain. This status was associated with an intact recognition memory and correlated with an improvement in spatial memory of WVK rats. The treatment was also associated with a significant increase in anxiety and recovery of exploratory behavior and locomotion compared to rats in the Tamadon-Nejad study [1]. In WVK rat hippocampi, cognition improvement and increased VK status were not associated with significant variation in VK dependant proteins (VKDP) Gas6 and Protein S activation, but were associated with an increase in the MAPK activation pathway, an inhibition of apoptosis and, an increased presence of microglia. In summary, this study confirms the modulatory role of VK in brain in cognition and cell survival.
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Vergleich primärer Peritonealmakrophagen und Mikrogliazellen von jungen und alten Mäusen bezüglich ihrer Bakterienphagozytose und Freisetzung inflammatorischer Mediatoren in vitro / Comparison of primary peritoneal macrophages and microglial cells from young and aged mice regarding their phagocytosis of bacteria and release of inflammatory mediators in vitroKaufmann, Annika 23 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Expression et rôle de PD-1 et de ses ligands dans le contexte de la sclérose en plaquesPittet, Camille 01 1900 (has links)
La sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie inflammatoire démyélinisante et neurodégénérative du système nerveux central (SNC). Les cellules T activées qui expriment le PD-1 sont inhibées via l’interaction avec l’un des ligands: PD-L1 ou PD-L2. Des études effectuées chez le modèle murin de la SEP, l’encéphalomyélite auto-immune expérimentale (EAE), ont démontré que l’interaction du PD-1 avec ses ligands contribue à atténuer la maladie. Toutefois, le rôle du PD-1 et de ses ligands dans la pathogenèse de la SEP chez l’humain et dans le modèle murin n’a pas été complètement élucidé.
Nous avons déterminé que plusieurs cellules du SNC humain peuvent exprimer les ligands du PD-1. Les astrocytes, les microglies, les oligodendrocytes et les neurones expriment faiblement le PD-L1 dans des conditions basales mais augmentent de façon significative cette expression en réponse à des cytokines inflammatoires. Le blocage de l’expression du PD-L1 par les astrocytes à l’aide de siRNA spécifiques mène à l’augmentation significative des réponses des cellules T CD8+ (prolifération, cytokines, enzymes lytiques). Nos résultats établissent ainsi que les cellules gliales humaines peuvent exprimer des niveaux suffisants de PD-L1 en milieu inflammatoire pour inhiber les réponses des cellules T CD8+. Notre analyse de tissus cérébraux post-mortem par immunohistochimie démontre que dans les lésions de la SEP les niveaux de PD-L1 sont significativement plus élevés que dans les tissus de témoins; les astrocytes et les microglies/macrophages expriment le PD-L1. Cependant, plus de la moitié des lymphocytes T CD8+ ayant infiltré des lésions de SEP n’expriment pas le récepteur PD-1. Au cours du développement de l’EAE, les cellules du SNC augmentent leur niveau de PD-L1. Le PD-1 est fortement exprimé par les cellules T dès le début des symptômes, mais son intensité diminue au cours de la maladie, rendant les cellules T insensibles au signal inhibiteur envoyé par le PD-L1.
Nous avons observé que les cellules endothéliales humaines formant la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) expriment de façon constitutive le PD-L2 mais pas le PD-L1 et que l’expression des deux ligands augmente dans des conditions inflammatoires. Les ligands PD-L1 et PD-L2 exprimés par les cellules endothéliales ont la capacité de freiner l’activation des cellules T CD8+ et CD4+, ainsi que leur migration à travers la BHE. L’endothélium du cerveau des tissus normaux et des lésions SEP n’exprime pas des taux détectables de PD-L1. En revanche, tous les vaisseaux sanguins des tissus de cerveaux normaux sont positifs pour le PD-L2, alors que seulement la moitié de ceux-ci expriment le PD-L2 dans des lésions SEP.
Nos travaux démontrent que l’entrée des cellules T activées est contrôlée dans des conditions physiologiques grâce à la présence du PD-L2 sur la BHE. Cependant, l’expression plus faible du PD-L2 sur une partie des vaisseaux sanguins dans les lésions SEP nuit au contrôle de la migration des cellules immunes. De plus, une fois dans le SNC, les cellules T CD8+ étant dépourvues du PD-1 ne peuvent recevoir le signal inhibiteur fourni par le PD-L1 fortement exprimé par les cellules du SNC, leur permettant ainsi de rester activées. / Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Responses of activated T cells are suppressed upon engagement of the receptor programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) with its ligands (PD-L1 and PD-L2). Experiments using the mouse model of MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), have demonstrated that the PD-1/PD-Ls interaction contributes to attenuate disease severity. However, the expression and the role of PD-1 and PD-Ls have been partially documented in inflammatory murine models and human CNS data are still incomplete.
We determined that primary cultures of human astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, or neurons expressed low or undetectable PD-L1 levels under basal conditions, but inflammatory cytokines significantly induced such expression, especially on astrocytes and microglia. Blocking PD-L1 expression in astrocytes using specific siRNA in co-culture led to significantly increased CD8 T cell responses (proliferation, cytokines, lytic enzyme). Thus, our results establish that inflamed human glial cells can express sufficient and functional PD-L1 to inhibit CD8 T cell responses. Extensive immunohistochemical analysis of post-mortem brain tissues demonstrated a significantly greater PD-L1 expression in MS lesions compared to control tissues, which co-localized with astrocyte and microglia/macrophage cell markers. However, more than half of infiltrating CD8 T lymphocytes in MS lesions did not express PD-1, the cognate receptor. Similar results were obtained in EAE mice. Even though CNS cells expressed PD-L1 at the peak of the disease, PD-1 intensity on infiltrating T cells decreased throughout EAE disease development. This reduction of PD-1 level on activated T cells prevented these cells to receive PD-L1 inhibitory signal.
We also investigated whether human brain endothelial cells (HBECs), which form the blood brain barrier (BBB), can express PD-L1 or PD-L2 and thereby modulate T cells. HBECs expressed PD-L2 under basal conditions, whilst PD-L1 was not detected. Both ligands were up-regulated under inflammatory conditions. Blocking PD-L1 and PD-L2 led to increased transmigration and enhanced responses by human CD8 T cells in co-culture assays. Similarly, PD-L1 and PD-L2 blockade significantly increased CD4 T cell transmigration. Brain endothelium in normal tissues and MS lesions did not express detectable PD-L1; in contrast, all blood vessels in normal brain tissues were PD-L2-positive, while only about 50% expressed PD-L2 in MS lesions.
Therefore, our results demonstrate that under basal conditions, PD-L2 expression by HBECs impedes the migration of activated immune T cells through the BBB, and inhibits their activation. However, such impact is impaired in MS lesions due to down-regulation of PD-L2 levels on the endothelium. The majority of infiltrating CD8 T cells is devoid of PD-1, thus insensitive to PD-L1 inhibitory signal providing by CNS cells once they have entered the CNS.
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Mecanismos nociceptivos desencadeados pela ativação espinal dos receptores NOD2 (CARD15) na gênese da dor crônica / Nociceptive mechanisms triggered by spinal activation of NOD2 (CARD15) in the genesis of chronic painFerreira, David Wilson 06 February 2013 (has links)
Entre os PRRs (receptores de reconhecimento padrão), NOD-like receptors (NLRs), tal como NOD2, são responsáveis pela detecção intracelular de muramil dipeptídeo (MDP); padrão molecular associado a patógeno (PAMP), encontrado no peptidoglicano (PGN) de praticamente todas bactérias GRAM positiva e negativa. Após o reconhecimento e estimulação por MDP, NOD2 recruta diretamente a serina-treonina quinase RIPK2, uma proteína adaptadora importante na ativação de NF?B mediada por NOD2. A expressão de NOD2 foi descrita em macrófagos e em outras células. Além disso, trabalhos anteriores indicaram que PRRs desempenham papel crucial na ativação de células gliais da medula espinal, na indução e manutenção da dor inflamatória crônica e dor neuropática. No presente estudo, avaliamos o papel de NOD2 na modulação da sensibilidade à dor, focando sua importância na ativação de células da glia da medula espinal, bem como a sua via de sinalização (RIPK2) e liberação de citocinas pró-nociceptivas, como o fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-?), interleucina-6 (IL-6) e interleucina-1 beta (IL-1?). Os resultados demonstram que camundongos selvagens tratados com MDP, apresentaram diminuição no limiar nociceptivo mecânico (pico entre 3 e 5 horas) comparado com o grupo controle (veículo), retornando ao basal após 48 horas. Além disso, camundongos NOD2-/- , RIPK2-/- , TNFR1/2-/- e IL-6 -/- tratados com MDP não diferiram o limiar nociceptivo mecânico, comparado com seus respectivos grupos controle (veículo). Entretanto, camundongos TNFR1- /- , CCR2-/- , TLR4-/- , MyD88-/- e TRIF-/- tratados com MDP, apresentaram diminuição no limiar nociceptivo mecânico similar aos camundongos selvagens tratados com MDP. Adicionalmente, o pré-tratamento de camundongos selvagens com IL-1ra, propentofilina, minociclina, fluorocitrato e SB 203580 inibiu o desenvolvimento da hipersensibilidade mecânica induzida por MDP. Estes dados sugerem que a ativação do sensor intracellular NOD2 esta presente em células da glia da medula espinal e estimula a ativação das vias de sinalização RIPK2 e p38 MAPK com subsequente produção de IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF?, por uma via de sinalização independente de TLR4, MyD88 e TRIF. Finalmente, estes mecanismos contribuem para o processo de hipersensibilidade mecânica durante a neuropatia periférica e representam uma nova abordagem para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia da dor crônica. / Among PRRs (pattern recognition receptors), NOD-like receptors (NLRs), such as NOD2 are responsible by intracellular detection of muramyl dipeptide (MDP); pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) found in the peptidoglycan (PGN) from virtually all gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Upon recognition and stimulation by MDP, NOD2 recruits directly the receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 (RIPK2), an adaptor protein important in the NOD2-mediated NF?B activation. The expression of NOD2 has been described in macrophages and other cells. Moreover, previous work has indicated that PRRs play a crucial role in the activation of spinal cord glial cells, in the induction and maintenance of chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the role of NOD2 in the modulation of pain sensitivity, focusing on its importance in the activation of spinal cord glial cells, as well as its signaling pathway (RIPK2) and release of pro-nociceptive cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-?), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1?). The results demonstrate that WT mice treated with MDP showed a decrease in mechanical nociceptive threshold (peak 3 to 5 hours) compared with the control group (vehicle), returning to the base line after 48 hours. Furthermore, NOD2-/- , RIPK2-/- , TNFR1/2-/- and IL-6 -/- mice treated with MDP did not differ the mechanical nociceptive threshold compared with their respective control groups (vehicle). However, TNFR1-/- , CCR2-/- , TLR4-/- , MyD88-/- and TRIF-/- mice treated MDP, showed a decrease in mechanical nociceptive threshold similar to WT mice treated with MDP. In addition, the pretreatment of WT mice with IL-1ra, propentofylline, minocycline, fluorocitrate and SB 203580 inhibited the development of mechanical hypersensitivity induced by MDP. These data suggest that activation of the intracellular sensor NOD2 present in spinal cord glial cells stimulates the activation of RIPK2 and p38 MAPK signaling pathways and subsequent production of IL-1?, IL-6 and TNF?, in a TLR4-, MyD88- and TRIF-independent signaling pathway. Finally, these mechanisms contribute to the process of mechanical hypersensitivity during peripheral neuropathy and represent a novel approach for elucidating the mechanisms underlying pathophysiology of chronic pain.
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Neurodegeneration und NeuroprotektionWolf, Susanne 10 December 2001 (has links)
Die Infiltration von T Zellen in das Zentrale Nervensystem (ZNS) ist ein Charakteristikum neuroinflammatorischer Erkrankungen wie der Multiplen Sklerose (MS) und ihrem Tiermodell der experimentellen autoimmunen Enzephalomyelitis (EAE), und führt zur Aktivierung intrinsischer Hirnmakrophagen, den Mikrogliazellen, zu axonaler Schädigung sowie zum Zusammenbruch der Blut-Hirnschranke. Die T Zellen, welche als erste im Gehirn erscheinen, sind vom Subtyp Th1, spezifisch für Bestandteile der Myelinscheide, wie das myelinbasische Protein (MBP), produzieren inflammatorische Zytokine und rekrutieren andere unspezifische T Zellen und Makrophagen. Da sich diese Zellen des Immunsystems gegen körpereigene Bestandteile richten, spricht man von autoreaktiven T Zellen und einer autoimmunen Erkrankung. Im ersten Teil meiner Dissertation habe ich den Einfluss dieser autoreaktiven T Zellen auf den Aktivierungszustand von Mikrogliazellen mit Hilfe muriner Schnittkulturpräparate von Hippocampus und entorhinalem Kortex untersucht, welche den myelinisierten Fasertrakt Tractus perforans mit seinen Ursprungsneuronen und Zielzellen enthielten. Gering aktivierte MBP-spezifische T Zellen induzierten die Expression der Aktivitätsmarker MHC-II und ICAM-1 auf den Mikroglia und die damit verbundene axonale Schädigung (Phagozytose) im gleichen Maße wie hochaktivierte unspezifische T Zellen. Nur Th1 Zellen konnten Mikroglia aktivieren. MBP-spezifische Th2 Zellen hingegen reduzieren die Th1 induzierte Mikrogliaaktivierung (ICAM-1) auf Kontrollniveau. MBP-spezifische Th1 Zellen konnten die Expression von B7 auf Mikrogliazellen modulieren, während die MBP-spezifischen Th2 Zellen diese Eigenschaft nicht besaßen. Durch diese Befunde kann die prominente Rolle von autoreaktiven Th1 Zellen beim Auslösen neuroinflammatorischer Prozesse auf ihre einmalige Fähigkeit, Mikrogliazellen zu aktivieren und deren kostimulatorische Moleküle zu modulieren, zurückgeführt werden. Gleichzeitig bieten die Daten eine mögliche Erklärung für die protektive Rolle von Th2 Zellen bei MS und EAE. Es ist bekannt, dass autoreaktive T Zellen, wie die MBP-spezifischen Th1 Zellen, auch im gesunden Zustand im humanen und murinen T-Zell-Repertoire vorhanden sind. Die physiologische Funktion dieser Zellen ist unklar. Untersuchungen am Nervus opticus sowie im Rückenmark in vivo belegen, dass autoreaktive T Zellen und Makrophagen die Reorganisationsprozesse im ZNS nach traumatischer Schädigung positiv beeinflussen. Diese bei neuroinflammatorischen Erkrankungen so destruktiv wirkenden autoreaktiven T Zellen verhindern nach einem experimentell gesetzten Primärschaden im ZNS das Fortschreiten der Schädigung und es kommt zu einer fast vollständigen Regeneration des Gewebes. Im zweiten Teil meiner Promotionsarbeit habe ich versucht, die Mechanismen, welche hinter dieser Protektion stecken aufzuspüren. Dazu habe ich ebenfalls das in vitro Hirnschnittmodell benutzt. Für diese Fragestellungen wurden Akutschnitte verwendet, die ein Modell für primäre Schädigung im ZNS darstellen. MBP-spezifische Th2 Zellen hatten ein größeres protektives Potential als MBP-spezifische Th1 Zellen. Die nicht ZNS-spezifischen Th1 und Th2 Zellen benötigten ihr Antigen (OVA-Peptid), um signifikant protektiv zu wirken. Durch eine Superstimulation der OVA- und MBP-spezifischen T Zellen wurde eine Neuroprotektion auf gleichem Niveau erreicht. Die Neuroprotektion nach primärer Schädigung von ZNS Gewebe ist somit antigen- und stimulationsabhängig und wird hauptsächlich von Th2 Zellen unterstützt. / The invasion of T cells into the central nervous system (CNS) is a hallmark of neuro inflammatory diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS) and its rodent model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), leading to activation of intrinsic macrophages, the microglia, axonal damage and break down of the blood brain barrier. The initial invading T cells are of the Th1 subtype and specific for parts of the myelin sheet like myelin basic protein (MBP). They produce inflammatory cytokines and recruit peripheral non-specific T cells and macrophages. Because these T cells are directed against a self antigen, they are called auto reactive T cells and the phenomenon an autoimmune disease. In the first part of my study I investigated the influence of auto reactive T cells on microglial cells' utilizing an organotypic slice culture system of hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. The slice culture contains a myelinated fibre tract - the tractus perforans - with its original and target neurons. Low activated MBP-specific T cells induced the expression of the activation markers ICAM-1 and MHC-II on microglia as well as microglial phagocytosis in the same manner as highly activated non-specific T cells. Only Th1 cells were able to activate microglia, while Th2 cells reduced the Th1 induced activation (ICAM-1 expression). MBP-specific Th1 cells could modulate the expression of co-stimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2, whereas MBP-specific Th2 cells could not. These findings could show why Th1 cells are responsible for EAE induction while Th2 cells can be protective. Auto reactive T cells like MBP-specific T cells have been found in the normal human and murine T cell repertoire. The physiological function of these cells is still unclear. Studies using the models of optic nerve crush or spinal cord crush have shown that macrophages and auto reactive T cells are involved in reorganisation and regeneration after CNS trauma. These auto reactive T cells, which are usually known to be destructive, could prevent CNS tissue from secondary degeneration. In the second part of my study I tried to identify the mechanisms involved in this phenomenon. I also used the organotypic slice culture system. Immediately after preparation causing the primary injury the slices were cultivated with T cells. Th2 cells were found to be more potent to prevent form secondary damage than Th1 cells. The non-CNS specific OVA Th1 and Th2 cells required their antigen to be fully protective. When over stimulated, MBP- and OVA-specific Th1 and Th2 cells proved to be protective to the same extend. Neuroprotection after primary injury depends on the T cell s state of activation and their antigen specificity. Among the cells examined I found Th2 cells were most effective in preventing CNS tissue from secondary injury.
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Untersuchungen zum makro- und mikroglialen Differenzierungspotential muriner Knochenmarkzellen in vitro und in vivoBoentert, Matthias 02 August 2004 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Differenzierungsverhalten adulter muriner Knochenmarkzellen im Zentralnervensystem in vivo und in vitro. Hierzu wurden letal bestrahlte Mäuse mit Knochenmark aus transgenen Mausmutanten transplantiert, die das grün fluoreszierende Protein (GFP) unter der Kontrolle des humanen GFAP-Promoters exprimieren. Ein Teil der Rezipienten wurde vier Wochen nach Transplantation einer transienten fokalen cerebralen Ischämie unterzogen, um den Einfluss postischämischer inflammatorischer Vorgänge auf das Differenzierungsverhalten eingewanderter Zellen zu untersuchen. Eine zelluläre Koexpression von GFP und GFAP als Zeichen der Differenzierung hämatogener Zellen zu GFAP-exprimierenden Astrozyten fand sich bei keinem der analysierten Tiere. Für die in vitroVersuche wurden murine Knochenmarkzellen auf Mausastrozyten und auf organotypischen entorhinal-hippocampalen Hirnschnitten kokultiviert. Die hierzu verwendeten Knochenmarkzellen waren entweder retroviral mit GFP transfiziert oder stammten aus zwei verschiedenen transgenen Mausmutanten, von denen eine GFP nahezu ubiquitär unter dem b-Actin-Promoter, die andere GFP unter der Kon-trolle des humanen GFAP-Promoters exprimiert. Während zahlreiche Knochenmarkzellen nach wenigen Tagen der Kokultur die morphologischen Charakteristika ruhender Mikroglia annahmen und Immunoreaktivität für den Makrophagen/Mikroglia-Marker Iba1 aufwiesen, fand sich keine einzige Zelle mit Koexpression von GFP und GFAP. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass adulte murine Knochenmarkzellen bzw. ihre Abkömmlinge im zirkulierenden Blut nicht in GFAP-exprimierende Astrozyten differenzieren. / It has been postulated that adult murine bone marrow cells have the potential to differentiate into cells of neuroectodermal origin. In order to examine whether bone marrow cells can adopt an astroglial fate, various in vivo and in vitro approaches were chosen. Lethally irradiated recipient mice were transplanted with bone marrow derived from transgenic mice which express the green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the human GFAP promoter. Four weeks after transplantation, several animals underwent transient focal cerebral ischemia. Although postischemic inflammatory processes may eventually have a permissive effect on cell differentiation, not a single cells coexpressing GFAP and GFP was found in the brains of all reci-pients examined. For in vitro studies, murine bone marrow cells were co-cultured on astrocytic monolayers or organotypic entorhinal-hippocampal brain slices. Bone marrow cells were either labelled by retroviral transfection with GFP or derived from two different transgenic mouse mutants expressing GFP under the control of the human GFAP-promoter or the murine b-Actin-promoter, respectively. After several days of co-culture bone marrow derived cells developed a ramified morphology and showed immunoreactivity for the monocytic/microglial marker Iba1. However, differentiation of bone marrow derived cells into GFAP-expressing astrocytes was not observed. Our results suggest that adult murine bone marrow cells cannot differentiate into GFAP-expressing astrocytes in vivo or in vitro.
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Lokalisierung und Charakterisierung Foxp3+ regulatorischer T-Zellen bis zu 30 Tage nach mechanischer und ischämischer Läsion des GehirnsStubbe, Tobias 14 January 2014 (has links)
Nach einer Läsion im Gehirn kommt es trotz der Bildung autoreaktiver T-Zellen zu keiner autoimmunen Neuropathologie. Foxp3+ regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) vermitteln möglicherweise Immuntoleranz nach zerebraler Läsion. Deswegen wurde in dieser Studie die Rolle der Tregs 7, 14 und 30 Tage nach einem transienten Verschluss der mittleren Hirnarterie (MCAO), einem Modell für ischämischen Schlaganfall, und nach entorhinaler Kortexläsion (ECL) in der Maus untersucht. Durchflusszytometrisch wurde in beiden Modellen 14 und 30 Tage nach Läsion eine Akkumulation der Tregs in der ipsilateralen Hemisphäre beobachtet. Mikroskopisch wurden an der Läsion Zellkontakte der Tregs mit antigenpräsentierenden Zellen beobachtet. Weitere Experimente wurden ausschließlich nach MCAO durchgeführt. Am Tag 14 und 30 war in der ipsilateralen Hemisphäre eine Akkumulation der Mikroglia zu beobachten. Makrophagen und dendritische Zellen wurden an den Tagen 7, 14 und 30 detektiert. Am Tag 7 und 14 waren ipsilateral im Gehirn ca. 60 % der Tregs positiv für den Proliferationsmarker Ki-67. In zwei Versuchsansätzen wurden naive CD45RBhigh/CD4+ Zellen aus lymphatischen Organen von Foxp3EGFP Mäusen, mit Wildtyp T-Zellrezeptor (TCR), oder 2D2.Foxp3EGFP Mäusen, mit TCR spezifisch gegen Myelin-Oligodendrozyten-Glykoprotein, isoliert. Die Zellen wurden einen Tag vor MCAO in RAG1-/- Mäuse, welche keine adulten T- und B-Zellen besitzen, transferiert. Am Tag 14 nach MCAO war in den RAG1-/- Mäusen keine de novo Induktion Foxp3EGFP+ Tregs zu beobachten. CD25+ Tregs wurden durch die Injektion eines Antikörpers gegen CD25 depletiert, um deren Wirkung nach MCAO zu untersuchen. Nach Depletion konnte bis zu 27 Tage nach MCAO keine Veränderung des Läsionsvolumen und des Gangverhaltens beobachtet werden. In dieser Studie wurde im Gehirn eine späte Präsenz und Proliferation Foxp3+ Tregs nach Läsion nachgewiesen. Mikroglia und periphere Immunzellen sind langfristig an Immunvorgängen im lädierten Gehirn beteiligt. / After brain lesion autoreactive T cells specific against brain antigens are expanded, but no delayed autoimmune neuropathology evolves. Immune suppressive CD4+/Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) could have an important role in maintaining immune tolerance in the lesioned brain. Therefore, this study sought to analyse the role of Tregs in mice 7, 14 and 30 days after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), a model for ischemic stroke, and entorhinal cortex lesion (ECL). An accumulation of Tregs was detected in the brain by flow cytometry in both models at days 14 and 30 after lesion. Using immunohistochemistry Tregs were found in close cell-cell contact with antigen presenting cells at the lesion site. Further experiments were performed solely with MCAO. On days 14 and 30 after MCAO a strong accumulation of microglia occurred in the ipsilesional hemisphere. Macrophages and dendritic cells were found ipsilesionally on days 7, 14 and 30. On days 7 and 14 about 60% of Tregs were positive for the proliferation marker Ki-67 in the lesioned hemisphere. In two different setups naïve CD45RBhigh/CD4+ cells were isolated from lymphatic organs of Foxp3EGFP mice, carrying a wild type T cell receptor (TCR), or 2D2.Foxp3EGFP mice, carrying a TCR specific for myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein. One day before MCAO naïve CD45RBhigh/CD4+ cells depleted of Foxp3EGFP+ Tregs were transferred into RAG1-/- mice, which lack adult B and T cells. At day 14 after MCAO no de novo generation of Foxp3EGFP+ Tregs was observed. The effects of Tregs on stroke outcome were tested by depleting CD25+/Foxp3EGFP+ Tregs with an antibody against CD25. After depletion no effects on lesion volumes and gait parameters were detected up to 27 days following MCAO. The present study demonstrates for the first time a sustained presence and proliferation of Tregs in the lesioned brain. Local microglia and peripheral immune cells are involved in long-lasting immune processes following brain lesion.
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