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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳建志, CHEN, JIAN-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨試圖透過克里姆林宮政治暨嚇阻戰略研究途徑,剖析俄羅斯將獨立軍種「戰略火箭軍」裁併至空軍編制的原因。 本論文假設戰略火箭軍遭到裁併是基於下列兩項原因: 第一、俄羅斯武裝力量本身的態度與國內幾次重大政治鬥爭,導致俄羅斯必須修正軍事準則。 由於總統葉里欽在獨立初期,並沒有為俄羅斯的外交與國家安全政策領域構築一個法制化、有效率的決策系統,造成諸如國防部、外交部、總參謀部、聯邦安全會議、國防會議與國家軍事檢察署等相關機構,彼此間不斷爭奪軍事資源、議題詮釋權,政治鬥爭頻仍。另外,在某些政治危機中,例如1993年砲轟國會事件、第一次車臣戰爭以及1996年總統大選,葉里欽需要拉攏軍方支持以應付反對勢力,這就讓俄羅斯武裝力量有機會涉足克里姆林宮政治。結果是國家安全政策領域呈現各行其道、莫衷一是的混亂局面,並且有愈來愈多的政府官員對於在國家安全政策領域中攫取政治利益躍躍欲試。 其次,俄羅斯地緣政治環境的劇烈惡化導致龐大的反軍事改革勢力。 為了要在冷戰後與美國保持最低限度的戰略均勢狀態,好保障俄羅斯的國家利益及國際地位,並且順利解決因宗教或種族要素在俄羅斯或獨立國協境內所引發的區域戰爭或軍事衝突,有些官員諸如思科可夫、謝爾蓋耶夫等人主張俄羅斯應該繼續維持強大的戰略武力,特別是著名的戰略火箭軍。他們反對軍事改革以及裁減軍備。而由於當前國防預算困窘,葉里欽與普欽必須兩害相權取其輕,整肅拒絕裁軍的官員或是部隊。 在謝爾蓋耶夫與克瓦什寧激烈的政治鬥爭結束後,最後的贏家克瓦什寧終於如願以償,將戰略火箭軍予以裁併,由軍種單位降為兵種單位。不過俄羅斯的戰略武力仍然將在未來扮演極具影響力的角色。 / The purpose of the thesis is to attempt to analyze the factors that exert great impact on the reduction of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces(SMF) in status from a separate branch of service to a separate command from the perspective of Kremlin politics and Strategy of Deterrence. This thesis takes the position that the SMF has been reduced by two main motives: First, the attitude of the Russian army and domestic political struggle has forced the Russian government to adjust its military doctrine. Due to Yeltsin failing to set up a well-organized and efficient system for foreign and national security policy decision-making, so the struggle between the key ministries involved in foreign and security policy- the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the National Security Council, the Defense Council, the State Military Inspectorate- was hard. And in some political crises, such as the bloody event of Oct. 1993, the presidential election in 1996, and the crisis in Chechnya, Yeltsin needed army to defeat the counterforces. The Russian army has became more influential in politics. As a result, the decision-making process has been chaotic and confused, and various bureaucratic players have often been able to impose their their own special interests on the security policy agenda. Second, the worsening geopolitical situation has brought about considerable resistance to the military reform. In order to keep minimum strategic balance with the United States, ensure its national interest and international status and settle local wars or military conflicts caused by religion and ethnic conflicts within Russia’s own territory and Commonwealth of Independent States, some officials like Yuri Skokov and Igor Sergeyev advocated maintaining a strong nuclear deterrent force, especially the prominent role for the SMF. The president was likely to face considerable resistance to the reform. Owing to the current financial constraints on defense spending, Yeltsin and Putin carried out a purge of army officers who were against arms reduction. After the hard political struggle between Igor Sergeyev and Anatoliy Kvashnin, the winner- Kvashnin demanded the SMF must be reduced in status from a separate branch of service to a separate command. But the Russian strategic force will still play influential role in the near future.


杜和庭, Tu, Ho-ting Unknown Date (has links)
美國佈署飛彈防禦系統的爭議,在2001年12月,小布希決定佈署後已暫告一段落。實實上,發展飛彈防禦問題在過去半個世紀,一直是美國最受爭議的國家安全政策。這項攸關美國國安全的重要議題,在不同年代每次被提出,總是引起國際高度關注,和美國朝野兩極化反應和激烈爭辯。為了進一步了解美國飛彈防禦政策的形成過程和影響因素,筆者希望透過國際局勢演變、國家戰略思考、政府內部辯論、國會影響,以及飛彈科技發展等角度,分析後冷戰時期美國飛彈防禦政策的演進和發展。   冷戰時代,美蘇在各自擁有足以消滅彼此的核武彈頭數量後,雙方簽署「反彈道飛彈」(ABM)條約,以限制彼此發展飛彈防禦系統,「相互保證摧毀」(MAD)概念於是成為冷戰時期,美蘇維持戰略穩定的重要基礎。到了雷根政府時期,美國企圖發展太空飛彈防禦的「戰略防禦計畫」(SDI),以追求抵擋蘇聯核武攻擊的絕對安全,並進一步打破相互保證安全的「鐵律」。不過在科技水準不夠的情況下,使得這項計畫始終無法實現。   八零年代末期,隨著東歐期產政權逐一跨台,美國的宿敵蘇聯也在1991年解體,使得冷戰終於落幕。雖然後冷戰時期的美國,不再面臨成千上萬枚核彈攻擊的陰影,不過,1991年波灣戰爭時,伊拉克飛毛腿飛彈對盟軍構成的威脅,以及蘇聯解體前後,因局勢不穩,所引發的核彈處置保管和大規模毀滅性武器(WMD)擴散的問題,讓布希政府決定繼續支持發展飛彈防禦。不過,布希總統最後在國內經濟狀況不佳情況下連任失敗,使得美國發展飛彈防禦的計畫也就此受阻。   對於飛彈威脅的看法,布希政府和柯林頓政府之間有相當大的落差。柯林頓政府認為,美國只要發展「戰區飛彈防禦」(TMD),即能滿足國家安安全的需要。對於飛彈技術和WMD的擴散,則要靠國際間的合作以及國際機制的力量解決。不過柯林頓政府傾向理想主義處理國安事務的態度,在第二任期時,有了重大調整。在共和黨國會,以及北韓試射彈道飛彈的雙重壓力下,柯林頓政府宣布研發「全國飛彈防禦」(NMD),不過由於俄羅斯強烈反對,歐洲盟國普遍不支持,柯林頓政府終究沒有做出佈署NMD的決定。   小布希政府對美國國家安全的危機感,充份反映在支持佈署飛彈防禦的強烈立場。為了讓美國佈署保護全國的飛彈防禦系統,小布希政府上台後,展現勢在必得態度,對俄羅斯、以及主要盟國進行強力遊說。911恐怖攻擊的發生,雖然讓小布希政府對國家安全戰略進行調整,不過政府對飛彈防禦的重視和支持,並沒有受到影響,反而因為威脅來源的不確定而更加堅定這項計畫,並在同年宣布美國片面退出1973年和蘇聯簽署的ABM條約,解決法律上的約束,全力進行飛彈防禦系統的研發。   保護美國安全是每一位美國總統的首要責任。後冷戰時期的美國,雖然以全球唯一霸權姿態主導國際事務,不過911事件後,美國不顧其他主要國家反對,執意出兵伊拉克,造成無法收拾的窘境,卻也凸顯出美國國力的侷限,並不得不尋求國際社會的協助。另外,從客觀角度觀察,中共崛起造成的挑戰,以及未來可能有更多國家或非國家組織取得WMD和飛彈技術的情況下,美國為了維護在國際間的利益以及國家安全,飛彈防禦的研發、佈署已成未來政府不可逆轉的政策趨勢。

Survivability enhancement in a combat environment

Seow, Yoke Wei. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The objective of this thesis is to provide an aircraft with an optimal route to its destination that avoids encroaching into surface-to-air weapons killing envelopes in real time. The optimal route computed will be updated dynamically, depending on the location of the vehicle and the location of the Surface to Air Missile (SAM) sites. The problem was solved using heuristic algorithms instead of the conventional Dijkstra's & Bellman Ford algorithms, which are computationally expensive. Data fusion techniques such as spatial correlation and triangulation algorithms are presented in detail. Such techniques are important for situational awareness in a real time combat environment. Important information provided by onboard sensors are merged with the preplanned data to provide the operator with a better integrated picture of the combat environment. / Civilian, Singapore Ministry of Defense

Bezpečnost dopravního letounu při poškození draku teroristickým útokem / Safety of a Commercial Aircraft after Damage to Airframe due to Terrorist Attack

Lošťák, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Modern-day terrorist attacks present a considerable danger for commercial aircrafts. This thesis analyzes potential methods of such attacks with a critical analysis of the most dangerous type: an attack from the outside of the aircraft via a fragmentation missile warhead. Such missiles cause damage to the airframe of the aircraft through fragments created by the explosion. In this thesis, analytical geometry is used to determine the area of the aircraft affected by the fragmentation. The aircraft’s geometry and the fragments’ dispersion are calculated by analytical functions, and the effect of the damage is analyzed. A shooting experiment was also carried out, in which fragments were shot at a reinforced skin panel that was manufactured according to the real design of commercial aircraft. The results of the experiment revealed that only directly hit sections of the structure are damaged. Data obtained by the experiment was then used for the creation and improvement of the model used in the simulation by means of the finite element method. This model is used for the numerical calculation of the damage sustained. Further included in the thesis is an analysis of the change in the load-bearing capacity after such an attack. The relationship between the size of the damage and its effect on the load-bearing capacity of the component as well as the entire structure is defined. First, the effect of component damage is analyzed via the FMEA/FMECA methods. This analysis is then extended using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic analysis is based on the determination of the size of the damaged component area and the component’s importance on the structure’s carry loads. Application of the defined approach is described for several parts of an aircraft’s life cycle, including development, operation after the terrorist attack, and assessment of causes after a crash caused by a fragmentation missile warhead.

Genetic algorithm design and testing of a random element 3-D 2.4 GHZ phased array transmit antenna constructed of commercial RF microchips

Esswein, Lance C. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The United States Navy requires radical and innovative ways to model and design multifunction phased array radars. This thesis puts forth the concept that Genetic Algorithms, computer simulations that mirror the natural selection process to develop creative solutions to complex problems, would be extremely well suited in this application. The capability of a Genetic Algorithm to predict adequately the behavior of an array antenna with randomly located elements was verified with expected results through the design, construction, development and evaluation of a test-bed array. The test-bed array was constructed of commercially available components, including a unique and innovative application of a quadrature modulator microchip used in commercial communications applications. Corroboration of predicted beam patterns from both Genetic Algorithm and Method of Moments calculations was achieved in anechoic chamber measurements conducted with the test-bed array. Both H-plane and E-plane data runs were made with several phase steered beams. In all cases the measured data agreed with that predicted from both modeling programs. Although time limited experiments to beam forming and steering with phase shifting, the test-bed array is fully capable of beam forming and steering though both phase shifting and amplitude tapering. / Outstanding Thesis / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy

Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative and transatlantic relations, 1983-86

Andreoni, Edoardo January 2017 (has links)
My doctoral project investigates the impact of Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative on transatlantic relations during the period 1983-86. The dissertation focuses on the three main European powers, namely Britain, France, and the Federal Republic of Germany, and examines their reaction to SDI both individually and comparatively. The study exploits SDI’s position at the intersection of nuclear strategy, political ideology, Cold War diplomacy, and industrial politics to offer a multifaceted, multi-national, and primary source-based analysis of US-European relations during the Reagan Presidency. The picture of the transatlantic relationship which emerges from the dissertation is a complex and nuanced one. On the one hand, the analysis argues that relations across the Atlantic during the Reagan era cannot be reduced to a scenario of accelerating ‘drift’ between the United States and Western Europe. Instead, on SDI as well as on other matters, moments of acute friction alternated with a constantly renewed search for dialogue, cooperation, and compromise on the part of the Europeans and also, if to a lesser degree, of the Americans. On the other hand, the ‘exceptionalist’ ideology and worldview underpinning SDI, the prevailing indifference in Washington to its implications for NATO, and most importantly the persistent anti-nuclear rhetoric and ambitions associated with the initiative revealed a distinct lack of sensitivity to European interest by the Reagan administration. As the dissertation shows, the anti-nuclear drive inherent in SDI, which both reflected and reinforced Reagan’s deep-seated interest in nuclear abolition, constituted the most disruptive aspect of the initiative from the viewpoint of European leaders. In these respects, the SDI controversy epitomises the unilateral tendencies and increasingly divergent priorities from those of the European allies which characterised much of the Reagan administration’s foreign policy – making the 1980s a decade of recurrent tensions in transatlantic relations.

Reexamining the Global Cold War in South Africa: Port Usage, Space Tracking and Weapons Sales

Eisenberg, Rebecca Nicole 01 January 2012 (has links)
The global Cold War is used frequently by historians to frame the context of political, economic, social, military, and geographic history of the 20th century. This is often the case in Africa as well. This thesis set out to explore U.S.- South African relations during the 1960s. After conducting research in Record Group 59 (State Department Records) of the National Archives from 1967-1973, three case studies emerged that suggested that reexamination of how historians traditionally view U.S.-South African relations during this time period is necessary. The three case studies include U.S. use of naval ports in South Africa, the strategic geographic location of South Africa and its importance to NASA's satellite and missile tracking stations, and the policy of selling of weapons to South Africa by the U.S. While this is by no means an exhaustive study of this time period due to limited time in the National Archives, it does offer promise for more research involving this topic.

危機處理之研究:一九九五至九六年台海危機個案分析 / Crisis Management:Case Study of the 1995-96 Missile Crisis in the Taiwan Strait

徐柏峰, Hsu, Po-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Guidance Laws For Impact Angle Constraints And Exo-Atmospheric Engagements

Ratnoo, Ashwini 02 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with development of guidance laws for advanced applications. Two class of guidance problems, namely, impact angle constrained guidance and pulsed guidance for exo-atmospheric engagements, are considered here. Three impact angle constrained guidance schemes are developed using (i) Proportional navigation guidance (PNG), (ii) State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) technique and (iii) geometric concepts, respectively. A collision course based pulsed guidance law is presented for exo-atmospheric interceptors. Proportional Navigation Guidance (PNG) law is the most widely used guidance law because of its ease of implementation and efficiency. However, in its original form, it achieves only a limited set of impact angles. A two stage PNG law is presented for achieving all impact angles against a stationary target. In the first phase of guidance, an orientation PNG command is used. The orientation navigation constant (N ) is a function of the initial engagement geometry and has a lower value (N less than 2). It is proved that following the orientation trajectory, the interceptor can switch to N = 2 and achieve the desired impact angle. Simulations, with a constant speed and with a realistic interceptor model, show successful interception of the target with all desired impact angles. Feedback implementation of the guidance law results in negligible errors in impact angle with uncompensated autopilot delays. The idea of a two-stage PNG law with impact angle constraint is further used to develop a guidance law for intercepting moving targets. Following the orientation trajectory, the interceptor can switch to N = 3 and achieve the desired impact angle. It is proved that the guidance achieves all impact angles in a surface-to-surface engagement scenario with receding and approaching targets, respectively. In a air-to-surface engagement scenario, it is proved that the guidance law achieves all impact angles in a deterministic set. Constant speed and realistic interceptor models are used for simulations. Results show negligible error in impact angle and miss distance for moving targets. The guidance law, in its feedback implementation form, achieves the desired impact angle for interceptors with delay and with a maneuvering target. The impact angle errors are low with negligible errors in miss distance. Next, the impact angle constrained guidance problem against a stationary target is solved as a non-linear regulator problem using the SDRE technique. The interceptor guidance problems are of finite time nature. As the main contribution of this part of the work, we solve a finite time interceptor guidance problem with infinite horizon SDRE formulation by choosing the state weighting matrix as a function of time-to-go. Numerical simulations are carried out both for a constant speed interceptor model and a realistic interceptor model. Simulations for both the models are carried out for various impact angles and firing angles. Robustness of the proposed guidance law with respect to autopilot lag is also verified by simulations. Results obtained show the efficiency of the SDRE approach for impact angle constrained missile guidance. A geometric guidance scheme is proposed for lateral interception of targets in a planar engagement scenario in the absence of line-of-sight rate information. A kill-band is defined for target initial positions capturable by an arc maneuver, followed by a straight line path by the interceptor. Guidance law for capturing targets inside the kill-band is presented and is further modified for targets outside the kill-band. Based on analytical studies on the kill-band, a guidance law is proposed for lateral interception of maneuvering targets. Simulations are carried with for typical low speed engagements. The concept of kill-band provides an inherent robustness to the proposed guidance law with respect to uncompensated system delays and target maneuver. As the final part of the work, an interceptor endgame pulsed guidance law for exoatmospheric engagements is derived by using the notion of collision heading. The proposed guidance law is derived in steps by (i) Obtaining the collision heading based on the collision triangle engagement geometry and then (ii) Computing the width of the pulse fired by the divert thruster to attain the collision heading. It is shown that this strategy is more effective than the existing zero effort miss (ZEM) based guidance laws for intercepting targets with higher heading angles off the nominal head-on collision course. A result on pulse firing sequence is also presented showing that firing pulses in quick succession results in minimum pulse widths and hence minimum control effort for a desired miss distance. Simulations are carried out for various engagement scenarios. Results show better miss-distance and divert thrust performance as compared to the existing ZEM based law.

Design, Modeling, Guidance And Control Of A Vertical Launch Surface To Air Missile

Tekin, Raziye 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The recent interests in the necessity of high maneuverability and vertical launching triggered namely the unconventional control design techniques that are effective at high angle of attack flight regimes. For most of missile configurations, this interest required thrust vector control together with conventional aerodynamic control. In this study, nonlinear modeling and dynamical analysis of a surface to air missile with both aerodynamic and thrust vector control is investigated. Aerodynamic force and moment modeling of the presented missile includes the challenging high angle of attack aerodynamics behavior and the so called hybrid control, which utilizes both tail fins and jet vanes as control surfaces. Thrust vector and aerodynamic control effectiveness is examined during flight envelope. Different autopilot designs are accomplished with hybrid control. Midcourse and terminal guidance algorithms are implemented and performed on target sets including maneuverable targets. A different initial turnover strategy is suggested and compared with standard skid-to-turn maneuver. Comparisons of initial roll with aerodynamic and thrust vector control are examined. Afterwards, some critical maneuvers and hybrid control ratio is studied with a real coded genetic algorithm. Rapid turnover for low altitude targets, intercept maneuver analysis with hybrid control ratio and lastly, engagement initiation maneuver optimization is fulfilled.

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