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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização agronômica, morfológica e sensorial de oito cultivares de morangueiro / Agronomic, morphological ano sensorial characterization of eight strawberry cul tivars

Schuch, Sônia Maria Lobato January 2000 (has links)
A caracterização agronômica, morfológica e sensorial dos cultivares Oso Grande, Chandler, Dover, Campinas, Seascape, Verão, Vila Nova e Camarosa, foi real izada em um experimento com delineamento de blocos casualizados, instalado em Viamão, RS. Os caracteres agronômicos foram avaliados na produção total, expressa em frutos comerciais e não comerciais . As características morfológicas foram observadas nas plantas, folhas e frutos e as sensoriais, nos frutos, através dos atributos aparência, sabor, cor, aroma, acidez, textura e suculência. Os resultados da produção não comercial apresentaram diferenças significativas para os cultivares, em todos os caracteres avaliados. O peso médio foi a característica da produção mais eficiente. A produção total de frutos destacou os cultivares Vila Nova, pelo maior número de frutos, e Oso Grande, pelo maior peso médio. Na produção comercial 'Oso Grande' e 'Seascape' produziram os maiores frutos. As características analisadas na produção não comercial permitiram evidenciar 'Campinas' e 'Vila Nova' em g/planta e número de frutos e 'Oso Grande' em peso médio. Os aspectos morfológicos que permitiram maior distinção entre os cultivares foram o ângulo da base e a razão entre o comprimento e a largura do folíolo mediano. O estudo dos atributos, pela análise sensorial, apresentou diferenças para aparência, aroma, acidez e textura, indicando 'Campinas', 'Seascape', 'Camarosa' e 'Oso Grande' para consumo de mesa e 'Vila Nova' e 'Dover' para indústria. / In a randomized blocks study to assess some agronomic, morphological and sensorial characters of 8 strawberry cultivars ( Oso Grande, Camarosa, Campinas, Verão, Vila Nova, Chandler, Dover and Seascape), strawberry plants were grown on plots of land near the southern Brazilian town of Viamão. Leaf and fruit morphology, commercial production potential of the fruit and sensorial analysis of the fruit ( e.g. appearance, flavor, calor, aroma, acidity, texture and juiciness) were the characters assessed. Oso Grande and Seascape produce the biggest fruit in commercial production. In noncommercial cultivation of the 8 cultivars tested there were significant differences between ali assessed characters, although average fruit weight was the most efficient indicator of production. Vila Nova had the highest number of berries and Oso Grande the highest average berry weight, while Campinas and Vila Nova had the highest production in g/plant and number of berries per plant. The morphological characteristics which allowed greatest distinction between cultivars were leaf base angle and the ratio between leaf length and width. Sensorial analysis showed differences in appearance, flavor, acidity and textura, indicating that Campinas, Oso Grande and Seascape are best for table consumption and Vila Nova and Dover for industrial use.

Produção de mudas de cebola (Allium cepa L.) sob cultivo protegido no verão. / Onion (allium cepa l.) seedlings's production under controlled environment as summer-planted onions.

Maria Cristina Veiga De Vincenzo 05 April 2001 (has links)
A cebola (Allium cepa L.) é uma das culturas hortícolas de maior importância no Brasil, com cerca de 70.000 ha e produção de 912.000 t. O mercado apresenta entressafra de fevereiro a julho; sendo o cultivo de verão, uma forma de aumentar os lucros. Uma das dificuldades deste cultivo é a produção de mudas para o transplante. Com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento na fase de muda do híbrido de dias curtos Mercedes, sob cultivo protegido como cultura de verão, o experimento foi instalado em estufa, no Campo Experimental do Departamento de Produção Vegetal, da Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz'. O experimento constou da produção de mudas em ambiente protegido, utilizando bandejas de isopor de 288 células. Os fatores testados foram quatro tipos de substratos (Plantmax HT e três formulações experimentais: Plantmax HT com PG Mix, Teste CM e Teste CM com PG Mix) e dois números de mudas por células (3 e 4 mudas). A subparcela testada foi a suplementação mineral com nitrogênio (1,5 g/l de água de nitrato de cálcio + 1,0 g/l de água de nitrato de potássio; 2 e 3 vezes por semana). Cada bandeja foi considerada uma parcela, sendo dividida em duas subparcelas em função da suplementação mineral com nitrogênio. Em cada subparcela foram semeadas 70 células, sendo que foram deixadas 4 fileiras livres de substratos para separação das subparcelas. Foram utilizadas 24 bandejas. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com fatorial 4 X 2 em parcelas subdivididas, e com 3 repetições. A semeadura foi realizada 05/02/99, com a germinação ocorrendo 6 dias depois. Foi realizado um desbaste para ajuste de estande 7 dias após a emergência (DAE) e a suplementação mineral começou 11 DAE. Foram realizadas três avaliações das mudas aos 16, 21 e 26 DAE. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: diâmetro do pseudocaule, altura da planta, peso da matéria seca da parte aérea, peso da matéria seca do sistema radicular. Com base nos resultados encontrados no presente trabalho, podemos concluir que a densidade de 3 mudas por célula apresentou menor taxa de bulbificação precoce e maior altura da planta; os substratos Plantmax HT e Plantmax com o PG Mix apresentaram maior peso seco do sistema radicular e que a aplicação da suplementação mineral com nitrogênio, realizada 3 vezes por semana apresentou os maiores valores com relação aos parâmetros altura da planta e peso da matéria seca da parte aérea, não apresentando bulbificação precoce das mudas. / Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the more important cultivated vegetables in Brazil, where this crop is being cultivated in approximately 70.000 hectares annually. The total production of onion in the country was of 912.000 tons last year. Summer-planted onion is a way of increasing the growers's profits. Farmers are searching for an more manageable alternative procedure for seedlings's production. Local greenhouses may be a good place for the production of onion transplants, but, as far as we know, no information concerning onion production in cells, on greenhouse, is available up to the moment. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse from the Vegetable Production Department on the Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz' – Universidade de São Paulo, with the objective of studying the behavior of the shortdays-hybrid Mercedes in its initial stage of plant raising, under controlled environment as summer-planted onions. The experiment consisted on the production of plants in controlled environment, using 288-cell styrofoam trays. There were four studied factors, namely, different substrates (Plantmax HT and three experimental formulations: Plantmax HT with PG Mix, Test CM and Test CM with PG Mix) and two different numbers of plants per cells (3 and 4 plants). The sub plot was the N application - 1,5 g. calcium nitrate of calcium/1l water + 1,0 g potassium nitrate /ll water (2 and 3 times a week). 24 trays were used in the experiment. Each tray was a plot, divided in two sub plots. 70 cells were sowed in each sub plot. 4 lines without substrate separated the sub plots. The treatments were designed in split-plot pattern with three replications each, with the substrate and the number of plants per cells as main plots and N application as the sub-plot. Sowing was performed on 99/Feb./05, and the emergency began 6 days later . The seedlings were thinned so that, seven days after the emergency (DAE), only 3 to 4 plants per cells would remain. N appication started 11 DAE. Three evaluations of the seedlings were accomplished to the 16, 21 and 26 DAE. The appraised parameters were: diameter of the pseudostem, height of the plant, weight of the dry matter of the aerial part, weight of the dry matter of the root system. This experiment's data indicate that the number of 3 plants per cells decrease the earlier onset of bulbing and increase the height of the plant; the Plantmax HT and Plantmax with PG Mix substrates increase the roots's dry weight; and the N application, 3 times a week, increase the values of height of the plant and leaves's dry weight, and does not result in earlier onset of bulbing.

Optimalizace logistických procesů v konkrétních organizacích / Optimization of logistic processes in specific organizations

Miksová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with logistic processes optimization in automotive industry companies that assemble car components. In the theoretical part of the thesis, areas and a structure of industrial logistics are defined and frequently used terms are explained. Then, theoretical approaches and practical applications used in the practical part are described. In the practical part, two particular companies are presented. The aim of the thesis is to optimize a tool that is used in the first organization during the process of logistic preparation of manufacturing. Secondly, the aim of the thesis is to analyse the process of material picking and handling before the supply of assembly line that is performed in the second organization and to suggest a solution that would eliminate non-value added activities. In the end, benefits of the thesis for both the organizations and the author are summarized.

Optimeringsmetod för produktionssystem med simulering och lean produktion / Optimization method for production systems with simulation and lean production

Levinsson, Samuel, Holgert, Douglas January 2023 (has links)
Genom rapporten kommer kunskapen öka kring identifiering och reducering av flaskhalsar baserade på simuleringsverktyget Facts Analyzer och lean-verktyg. Den ökade kunskapen kommer generera möjligheter för företag att arbeta på ett strukturerat och effektivt vis genom en egenutvecklad arbetsmodell. Modellen kommer ge förutsättningar för företag att öka sin produktivitet och samtidigt reducera totala kostnaderna. Metoderna som arbetsmodellen bygger på är kvantitativ, kvalitativ, abduktion och förverkligas genom tillämpning på ett fallföretag där syftet är att undersöka applicerbarheten och ifall produktionen kan effektiviseras.  Med simuleringsverktyg skapas tydliga och fakta-baserade resultat på flaskhalsar och vad olika förbättringsalternativ har för påverkan på produktionen, därmed anses det vara ett bra verktyg att basera beslut på innan investeringar genomförs. Utifrån de identifierade flaskhalsarna, med hjälp av simuleringsverktyget, är det bevisat att lean-verktyg kan användas för att optimera produktion och reducera icke värdeskapande moment. Exempelvis visar resultatet att 5S, Kaizen, Poka Yoke, Total Productive Maintenance och Overall Equipment Efficiency är effektiva lean-verktyg.  För att öka produktionskapaciteten handlar det om att först identifiera flaskhalsarna genom simuleringsverktyget. Därefter beräknas flaskhalsens OEE-värde som skapar indikationer om begränsningarna och därmed belyser vart förbättringsförslag behövs. Genom indikationerna tillsammans med ytterligare lean-verktyg skapas därefter förbättringsförslag med fokus på att reducera flaskhalsen. För att däremot identifiera totalkostnadsreducering och icke värdeskapande aktiviteter används istället observationer och intervjuer med personalen. Därefter utvecklas förbättringsförslag, liksom för produktionskapaciteten, genom lean-verktyg för att minimera Muda. / Through the report, knowledge will increase regarding the identification and reduction ofbottlenecks based on the simulation tool Facts Analyzer and lean-tools. The increasedknowledge will generate opportunities for companies to work in a structured and efficientway through a own developed work model. The model will provide the conditions forcompanies to increase their productivity and at the same time reduce total costs. The methodson which the work model is based are quantitative, qualitative, abduction and are realized through a case company where the aim is to investigate the applicability and if productioncan be made more efficient. With simulation tools, clear and fact-based results are created on the effect differentimprovement options have on production, and thus it is considered a good tool to basedecisions on before investments are made. Based on the identified bottlenecks, with the helpof the simulation tool, it is proven that lean-tools can be used to optimize production andreduce non-value-creating activities. For example, the results show that 5S, Kaizen, PokaYoke, Total Productive Maintenance and Overall Equipment Efficiency are effectivelean-tools. To increase production capacity, it is a matter of first identifying the bottlenecks through thesimulation tool. The bottleneck's OEE value is then calculated, which creates indications ofthe limitations and thus highlights where improvement proposals are needed. Through theindications together with additional lean-tools, improvement proposals are then created with afocus on reducing the bottleneck. In contrast, to identify total cost reduction andnon-value-creating activities, observations and interviews with the staff are used instead.Improvement proposals are then developed, as for the production capacity, through lean-toolsto minimize Muda.

Improving Material Flows By Production Layout Conversion : A case study within the automotive industry / Förbättring av materialflöden genom konvertering av produktionslayout

Holmdahl, Björn January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how material flows can be more efficient through the conversion from a functional-layout to a cellular-layout. The study wants to clarify how the production layout conversion can be used by organizations who are currently utilizing the functional production layout to become more efficient. For organizations to invest time and money, they must comprehend how the investment decreases waste, and the important aspects for their decision. To fulfill the purpose two research questions (RQ) are formed, these are: RQ1: What factors impact the decision between functional and cellular layout? RQ2: How can the material flows become more efficient through the conversion from a functional-layout to a cellular-layout? To answer the research questions, a case study was conducted at an organization within the automotive industry. Moreover, the method first used was a preliminary investigation to get a broader understanding of the research area. When the field of study was established, the data collection was accomplished by interviews, observations, and document studies. Moreover, a literature review was done to build a theoretical foundation and to answer one of the research questions. The case company is an organization producing in a high-cost country currently using the functional production layout. The findings of the study suggest what is impacting the decision when converting from a functional production layout to a cellular production layout, it is especially four dimensions that must be taken into consideration, these are: type of production system, production flow, product variation and volume. Further on, the case study suggests that the conversion from a functional to a cellular production layout can reduce the travel distance for the product family by 38.8 %, reduce the lead time by 24.2 % and reduce the amount of forklift lifts needed for the product family by 66.7 % at the case company. Moreover, the implications highlight and elaborate on the benefits of a production layout conversion for increasing the efficiency of material flows within a producing organization which utilizes the functional production layout. It sheds further light on how advantageous it may be to an organization when it comes to align with lean manufacturing concepts. The study offers organizations with a functional production layout an understanding of what they need to consider when and if they intend to move from a functional to a cellular production layout, thus the study gives evidence confirming the difference between the two different layouts regarding efficiency. The limitation of the study is results of the material flows improvements, since the results might be greater at the case company in comparison to other organizations using functional production layout. The study only conducts one case study, which means that the results are not necessarily generalizable. Therefore, it could be necessary to replicate the study in other organizations and contexts to see if the same results can be reached. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur materialflöden kan bli mer effektivt genom konvertering från en funktionell layout till en cellulär layout. Studien vill förtydliga hur produktionslayoutkonvertering kan användas av organisationer som idag använder den funktionella produktionslayouten för att bli mer effektiva. För att organisationer ska kunna investera tid och pengar måste de förstå hur investeringen minskar slöseri, samt vilka aspekter som är viktiga för deras beslut. För att uppfylla syftet bildas två forskningsfrågor, dessa är: Forskningsfråga 1: Vilka faktorer påverkar beslutet mellan funktionell och cellulär layout? Forskningsfråga 2: Hur kan materialflödena bli effektivare genom konvertering från en funktionell layout till en cellulär layout? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en fallstudie på en organisation inom fordonsindustrin. Den första metoden som användes var dessutom en förundersökning för att få en bredare förståelse av forskningsområdet. När studieområdet inrättats skedde datainsamlingen genom intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier. Dessutom gjordes en litteraturgenomgång för att bygga en teoretisk grund och för att svara på en av forskningsfrågorna. Fallföretaget är en producerande organisation som producerar i ett högkostnadsland och som för närvarande använder den funktionella produktionslayouten. Resultaten av studien tyder på vad som påverkar beslutet vid konvertering från funktionellt produktionsupplägg till en cellulär produktionslayout. Det är i synnerhet fyra dimensioner som måste beaktas, dessa är: typ av produktionssystem, produktionsflöde, produktvariation och volym. Vidare tyder fallstudien på att omvandlingen från en funktionell till en cellulär produktionslayout minska transportsträckan för produktfamiljen med 38,8 %, minskar ledtiden med 24,2 % och minskar antalet gaffeltruckslyft som behövs för produktfamiljen med 66,7 % hos fallföretaget.  Dessutom framhäver och förklarar fördelarna med en produktionslayoutkonvertering för att öka effektiviteten av materialflöden inom en producerande organisation som använder den funktionella produktionslayouten. Det belyser ytterligare hur fördelaktigt det kan vara för en organisation att anpassa sig efter lean manufacturing ideologin. Studien ger organisationer med en funktionell produktionslayout en förståelse för vad de behöver tänka på när och om de har för avsikt att gå från en funktionell till en cellulär produktionslayout, därför ger studien bevis som bekräftar skillnaden mellan de två olika layouten gällande effektivitet. Studiens begränsningar gäller resultat av materialflödesförbättringarna, då resultaten kan vara bättre hos fallföretaget jämfört med andra organisationer som använder funktionell produktionslayout. Studien innehåller endast en fallstudie, vilket gör att resultaten inte nödvändigtvis är generaliserbara. Därför kan det vara nödvändigt att återskapa studien i andra organisationer och sammanhang för att se om samma resultat kan uppnås.

Formação do professor de Língua Portuguesa para o contexto digital em Mato Grosso / Teacher education Portuguese for the digital context in Mato Grosso

Silva, Claudia Lucia Landgraf Pereira Valerio da 20 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia Lucia Landgraf Pereira Valerio da Silva.pdf: 1551222 bytes, checksum: 564891872d67fb84fb0c3872f5488ebc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In view of the growing interest with regard to teacher training and in regard to digital inclusion, we propose, as the theme of this research, the training of teachers for the teaching and learning of Portuguese Language in the digital environment. Thus, our overall objective is to discuss the challenges, possibilities and the process of continuing education of teachers to promote the teaching of Portuguese Language in digital and virtual environments in the classroom mode. The underlying purpose was to strengthen the teaching practice of Portuguese-speaking teachers in the use of technology - TIC - in digital environments. To meet our goals, we adopted a qualitative approach, descriptive and explanatory nature, but do not rule out the use of the questionnaire, quantitative instrument, therefore, to Godoy (1995), researchers can distinguish quantitative nature of qualitative research, but differences approach of this research have not opposition between them. Thus, our approach is qualitative, with the use of quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (observation, field notes record, interview). Selected, in a universe of nine schools covered by the UCA Project in Mato Grosso, two of them to be the state system, but belong to different municipalities and having similar IDEB 2009. Embasamo us initially in the design of Schon (1992) on the training of teachers developed in service, reflexive and procedural. This training does not seek a finished product, but creating a movement whose dynamic is established when we reflect on the action and the action. We have used in our theoretical basis, mainly on the contributions of Vygotsky (1991), the discussions on teaching metacognition of Paris, Cross and Lipson (1984); the conception of the teacher education of Nóvoa (2007); linguistic assumptions Weinrich (1964) on the tenses; studies of Smith (2001) on the literacies of the Xavier research (2003), Coscarelli (2007) and Quevedo; Crescitelli and Geraldini (2009) on digital literacy and teacher training. The results show that continuous training appears as a necessity for the use of TIC in digital contexts. We found that the challenges are many and range from structural and training issues to pedagogical issues. Since the possibilities of working with TIC are numerous, the teacher, through a process of reflective continuing education, can achieve digital literacy necessary for the development of Portuguese activities in presence digital contexts, in order to provide the students with the knowledge not only of language resources, but also the technological resources necessary for them to be successful in different communicative spheres throughout their lives / Tendo em vista o crescente interesse tanto no que diz respeito à formação de professores quanto no que diz respeito à inclusão digital, propomos, como tema desta pesquisa, a formação de professores para o ensino e aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa em ambiente digital. Assim, nosso objetivo geral é discutir os desafios, as possibilidades e o processo de formação continuada do professor para promover o ensino de Língua Portuguesa em ambientes digitais e virtuais na modalidade presencial. O propósito subjacente foi fortalecer a prática pedagógica dos professores de Língua Portuguesa para o uso da tecnologia TIC - em ambientes digitais. Para cumprir com nossos objetivos, adotamos a abordagem qualitativa, de natureza descritivo-explicativa, porém não descartamos o uso do questionário, instrumento quantitativo, pois, para Godoy (1995), pesquisadores podem distinguir pesquisas de cunho quantitativo de qualitativo, mas as diferenças de abordagem dessas pesquisas não apresentam relação de oposição entre elas. Assim, nossa abordagem é qualitativa, com a utilização de instrumentos quantitativos (questionário) e qualitativos (observação, registro de notas de campo, entrevista). Selecionamos, em um universo de nove escolas contempladas pelo Projeto UCA em Mato Grosso, duas delas por serem da rede estadual, mas pertencerem a municípios diferentes e possuírem IDEB 2009 semelhante. Embasamo-nos, inicialmente, na concepção de Schon (1992) sobre a formação de professores desenvolvida em serviço, reflexiva e processual. Tal formação não busca um produto pronto, mas a criação de um movimento cuja dinâmica se estabelece quando refletimos na ação e sobre a ação. Valemo-nos, em nossa fundamentação teórica, principalmente, das contribuições de Vygotsky (1991), das discussões sobre metacognição docente de Paris, Cross e Lipson (1984); da concepção de formação do professor reflexivo de Nóvoa (2007); das premissas linguísticas de Weinrich (1964) sobre os tempos verbais; dos estudos de Soares (2001) sobre os letramentos a das pesquisas de Xavier (2003), Coscarelli (2007) e Quevedo; Crescitelli e Geraldini (2009) sobre letramento digital e formação de professores. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a formação continuada configura-se como uma necessidade para o uso das TIC em contextos digitais. Verificamos que os desafios são muitos e envolvem desde questões estruturais e formativas até questões pedagógicas. Uma vez que as possibilidades de trabalho com as TIC são inúmeras, o professor, por meio de um processo de formação continuada reflexivo, pode alcançar o letramento digital necessário para a elaboração de atividades de língua portuguesa em contextos digitais presenciais, de forma a propiciar aos alunos o conhecimento não só dos recursos linguísticos, mas também dos recursos tecnológicos necessários para que eles sejam bem-sucedidos nas diversas esferas comunicativas ao longo de suas vidas

Identifying Lean Waste in the Development Pipeline of an In-game 2D Map / Identifiering av Lean Waste Inom Utvecklingspipelinen för en 2D Spelkarta

Budak, Ronya January 2024 (has links)
Lean software development is an approach that focuses on identifying and removing unnecessary processes that occur within a pipeline that add no value to the end product. It adapts ideas from lean manufacturing and the Toyota production system for use within the software space, and is ideal for streamlining pipelines. In this paper, the development pipeline of a two-dimensional in-game map is analyzed through the lens of the first principle of lean software development, ’eliminate waste’. Lean waste is identified and measured in order to identify problem areas within the pipeline that can be improved upon in order to streamline the pipeline and highlight issues. Additionally, value stream mapping is used to aid in the visualization of the pipeline and waste identification. The integration of in-game maps within video games serves as an integral component for navigation and gameplay enhancement, assisting the player with identifying their location and marking crucial locations. As the map functions as a relatively contained element of the gameplay, the development of video game maps parallels a small-scale version of the overall game development pipeline. The map development pipeline can be summarized with the following seven subtasks; add features to the prototype tool, export heightmap and watermask, generate map using the prototype tool, render map in game, connect map to UI, export road information, and add roads to map. Throughout development, three types of lean waste were identified: waiting, defects, and motion. Of these, defects proved to be the most significant, accounting for 48% of development time, while motion and waiting consumed 9% and 7% of pipeline time, respectively. The suggested solutions to decrease waste in this pipeline involve testing and improving important tools frequently, writing better and more coherent documentations, as well as removing documents of poor quality. / Lean software development är en metod som fokuserar på att identifiera och ta bort onödiga processer som sker inom en pipeline som inte tillför något värde till slutprodukten. Metoden anpassar ideer från lean manufacturing och Toyotas produktionssystem för användning inom mjukvaruområdet och är idealisk för att effektivisera pipelines. I detta arbete undersöks utvecklingsprocessen av en tvådimensionell karta i ett datorspel och analyseras baserat på den första principen av lean software development, ‘eliminera avfall’, och används för att effektivisera processen. Value stream mapping används för att visualisera utvecklingsprocessen och ta fram problem som kan uppstå. Integrationen av kartor inom datorspel utgör en väsentlig komponent för navigation och en bättre spelupplevelse, vilket hjälper spelaren att identifiera sin position och markera viktiga platser. Då kartan fungerar som ett relativt avgränsat element av spelupplevelsen, betyder det att utvecklingen av spelkartan kan ses som en parallell av en mindre skala till hela spelets utvecklingsprocess. Utvecklingsprocessen för kartan kan sammanfattas med dess sju deluppgifter; lägg till funktioner i prototyp verktyget, exportera höjd- och vattenkartan, generera kartan med prototyp verktyget, rendera kartan i spelet, anslut kartan till användargränssnittet, exportera väginformation, och lägg till vägar på kartan. Under utvecklingen identifierades tre typer av lean avfall: väntetid, defekter och rörelse. Av dessa visade det sig att defekter tog upp mest tid, med 48% av utvecklingstiden, medan rörelse och väntetid krävde 9% respektive 7% av utvecklingstiden. De föreslagna lösningarna för att minska på avfall i denna pipeline innefattar att testa och förbättra viktiga verktyg frekvent, skriva bättre och mer sammanhängande dokumentation, samt att ta bort dokument av dålig kvalitet.

Seleção de plantas resistentes e de fungicidas para o controle da "morte prematura" do maracujazeiro, causada por Nectria haematococca e Phytophthora parasitica. / Selection of resistant plants and fungicides for the control of passion fruit "premature death", caused by Nectria haematococca and Phytophthora parasitica.

Fischer, Ivan Herman 28 January 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar métodos de inoculação de Nectria haematococca e Phytophthora parasitica e idades de Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa suscetíveis à infecção; avaliar a ocorrência de damping-off e podridão de colo do maracujazeiro em solo infestado; avaliar o comportamento de diferentes Passsifloraceas e genótipos de maracujazeiro amarelo aos respectivos patógenos; realizar testes de controle químico in vitro, tratamento químico erradicante em solo infestado e tratamento químico curativo em P. edulis f. flavicarpa para os respectivos patógenos. Inoculações no colo das plantas de P. edulis f. flavicarpa proporcionaram maiores níveis de doença comparadas às inoculações no sistema radicular, previamente ferido. Os resultados sugerem que N. haematococca seja um patógeno que penetra através de ferimentos. A mortalidade foi maior quando a inoculação foi realizada em plantas mais jovens e quando os patógenos N. haematococca e P. parasitica estavam em associação. Dentre as 17 espécies de Passiflora avaliadas para resistência aos patógenos, as espécies P. nitida, P. laurifolia e P. alata apresentaram as menores médias de lesões de N. haematococca, enquanto que para P. parasitica foram as espécies P. suberosa, P. foetida e P. morifolia as menos afetadas. Passiflora sidaefolia, P. edulis f. flavicarpa e P. edulis f. edulis foram as mais suscetíveis a ambos os patógenos, com sintomas que culminaram com a morte de plantas. Os genótipos de P. edulis f. flavicarpa mais resistentes a N. haematococca foram os procedentes de Morretes (PR) e a variedade Maguari e de Sapucaí (SP), enquanto que para P. parasitica foram os genótipos de Morretes (PR), Jaboticabal (SP) e LE13P2 (IAC) os menos afetados. A variedade Sul-Brasil e o genótipo de Livramento (BA) foram altamente suscetíveis a ambos os patógenos, com sintomas que culminaram com a morte de plantas. No teste de fungitoxidade in vitro avaliou-se a eficiência dos fungicidas na inibição do crescimento micelial de N. haematococca e P. parasitica. Na dose 100 ppm somente prochloraz inibiu totalmente o crescimento micelial de N. haematococca e nenhum produto inibiu acima de 82 % o crescimento de P. parasitica. Os fungicidas prochloraz, thiabendazole, thiram+thiabendazole, carbendazim, triflumizole e captan exerceram controle erradicante em solo infestado com N. haematococca, inibindo a incidência da doença em plantas com seis semanas pós-germinação. O mesmo foi observado com os produtos kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, mancozeb, cymoxanil+maneb e oxicloreto de cobre para P. parasitica. Os fungicidas testados em tratamento curativo inibiram o desenvolvimento da doença com melhores resultados quando aplicados dois dias após a inoculação, comparado a sete dias. Os fungicidas prochloraz e carbendazim destacaram-se por evitar a morte de plantas inoculadas com N. haematococca e os fungicidas kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb e cymoxanil+maneb apresentaram eficiência semelhante entre si e superior a fosetyl- Al no controle de P. parasitica. / The objectives of the present work were to evaluate methods of inoculation of Nectria haematococca and Phytophthora parasitica and ages of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa which are susceptible to infection; to evaluate the damping-off and collar rot of passion fruit plant in infested soil; to evaluate the behavior of different Passsifloraceas and yellow genotypes of passion fruit to the respective pathogens; to carry out tests of chemical control in vitro, eradicative chemical treatment in infested soil and curative chemical treatment in P. edulis f. flavicarpa for the respective pathogens. Inoculations in the collar zone of P. edulis f. flavicarpa plants provided higher levels of disease when compared to the inoculations in the radicular system previously wounded. The results suggest that N. haematococca is a pathogen that penetrates through wounds. Mortality was higher when the inoculation was carried out in younger plants and when both pathogens were together. Amongst the 17 species of Passiflora tested for resistance to the pathogens, P. nitida, P. laurifolia, and P. alata showed the lowest average of N. haematococca lesions, while P. suberosa, P. morifolia, and P. foetida were the least affected species by P. parasitica. Passiflora sidaefolia, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, and P. edulis f. edulis were the most susceptible to both pathogens, showing symptoms that culminated with the death of the plants. The most resistant genotypes of P. edulis f. flavicarpa to N. haematococca were those from Morretes (PR), Maguari variety, and those from Sapucaí (SP); with respect to P. parasitica, the genotypes from Morretes (PR), Jaboticabal (SP), and LE13P2 (IAC) were the least affected. The Sul- Brasil variety and the genotype from Livramento (BA) had been highly susceptible to both pathogens, having symptoms that culminated with the death of plants. The in vitro efficiency of the fungicides in the inhibition of the mycelial growth of N. haematococca and P. parasitica was evaluated. At 100 ppm, only prochloraz inhibited totally the mycelial growth of N. haematococca and no product inhibited over 82 % the growth of P. parasitica. Prochloraz, thiabendazole, thiram+thiabendazole, carbendazim, triflumizole, and captan controlled eradicatively the soil infested by N. haematococca, inhibiting the incidence of the disease in plants which were six weeks old. The same was observed for the products kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, mancozeb, cymoxanil+maneb, and copper oxychloride for P. parasitica. The tested fungicides in curative treatment inhibited the development of the disease with better results when applied two days after the inoculation, compared to seven days. Prochloraz and carbendazim were outstanding for preventing the death of plants inoculated with N. haematococca. Kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, and cymoxanil+maneb showed similar efficiency and were superior to fosetyl-Al in the control of P. parasitica.

Hantering av utjämningsbuffert / Management of leveling buffer

Nordberg, David, Ljungberg, Göran January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta projekt gick ut på studera huruvida Outokumpu, Degerfors, kunde använda sig av modeller som representerar strategier från Lean production med tillhörande flödesverktyg och hur dessa kunde appliceras i företaget. Outokumpu, Degerfors, är specialister inom rostfritt stål och levererar produkter till slutanvändare världen över. Uppgiftens utgångspunkt är att försöka få en bättre och smidigare hantering av materialet och samtidigt sänka kostnaderna för produkter i arbete.</p><p> </p><p>Modellen som användes kallas ”lära sig att se” och baseras på att kartlägga flöden inom produktionen. Syftet med detta var dels att skapa sig en bild av ett nuvarande produktionsflöde men också fastställa eventuella slöserier i värdekedjan. Detta kartläggningsarbete var tyngdpunkten i projektet, eftersom det fortsatta arbetet med att konstruera ett framtida flöde innehållande en utjämningsbuffert krävde en djup förståelse kring det nuvarande styrsättet i produktionen. Arbetet med flödeskartläggningar samt förståelse kring produktionen benämndes internt av projektmedlemmarna som en förstudie, vilket var nödvändigt för att förstå och börja bearbeta projektuppgiften, som bestod av att skapa ett ”rakare” flöde nedströms emot kunden.</p><p> </p><p>Genom att skapa ett ”nytt” framtida flöde i produktionen med hänsyn till JIT-filosofin, rätt mängd material vid rätt tidpunkt, krävdes det ett nytt framtagande av regelverk mellan de olika operationerna i produktionen. Detta på grund av att rätt mängd material vid rätt tidpunkt skulle dras framåt i värdekedjan för att skapa ett jämnare flöde. Tidigare trycktes materialet framåt i kedjan oberoende av när materialet skulle levereras till kund. Regelverket bygger på sortering av olika slags material så det krävdes en utredning om hur mycket material det rörde sig om vid olika veckor för att kunna fastställa hur mycket som skulle lagras i en buffert. Dessa beräkningar baserades på faktiska veckor med tillhörande mängd (styck) och tonnage (vikt) för att konstatera hur stor bufferten skulle bli. Det konstruerades även en beräkningsmodell för att fastställa om det framtagna regelverket och placeringen av bufferten stoppade för ett högre kundbehov.</p><p> </p><p>Resultatet av vårt projekt blev ett nytt regelverk samt ett förslag på en eventuell placering av utjämningsbufferten. I rapporten framkommer även resultat på hur olika slags material baserat på regelverket kommer att delas upp på olika sorteringsrutor för att detta styrsätt ska kunna fungera ute i verket. Det visar sig att med de förändringar som detta innebär kommer kostnaderna för produkter i arbete att minska, vilket är ett effektivt argument för företaget att försöka införliva detta förslag.</p><p> </p><p>Sammanfattningsvis måste nämnas att det kvarstår en del arbete för att detta förslag ska kunna fungera smärtfritt ute i verket. Som ett exempel måste det befintliga styrsystemet uppdateras med vissa styrbegrepp som inte funnits tidigare och samtidigt måste operatörerna ute i produktionen börja arbeta efter nya rutiner vilket måste beaktas i införandet av detta förslag.</p> / <p>This project went on to study how Outokumpu, Degerfors, could make use of models that represents strategies of Lean production and related flow tools and how these could be applied in the company. Outokumpu, Degerfors, are specialists in stainless steel and deliver products to end users worldwide. The task starting point is to try to get a better and smoother handling of the material while lowering the cost of work in progress.</p><p> </p><p>The model used is called "Learning to See" and based on the identification of flows in production. The purpose of this exercise was to create an image of a current production flow, but also identify any wastage in the value chain. This mapping work was the heavy thing in the project as it continued efforts to construct a future flow containing a smoothing buffer required a deep understanding of the current control mode of production. Work Stream Mapping and to understand the production naming internally by project members that a feasibility study, which was necessary to understand and begin to process the project task, which consisted of creating a "straighter" flow downstream to the customer.</p><p> </p><p>By creating a "new" future flow of production with regards to JIT philosophy, right amount of material at the right time, it took a new development of regulatory frameworks between the various operations of production. This is because the right amount of material at the right time would be pulled forward in the value chain to create a smoother flow. Previously the materials push forward in the chain irrespective of where the material was delivered to the customer. Framework is based on the sorting of different types of materials so it took an investigation on how much material they were on at different weeks in order to determine how much that would be stored in a buffer. These calculations were based on actual weeks with the associated quantity (pc) and tonnage (weight) to ascertain how much the buffer would be. There were also constructed a computational model to determine if they developed the regulatory framework and the location of the buffer stopped for a higher customer need.</p><p> </p><p>The results of our project were a new framework and a proposal for a possible placement of equalization buffer. The report will also result in the different types of materials based on the regulatory framework will be split into various sorting boxes to the control mode to work around the plant. It turns out that with the changes that this entails, the cost of work in progress to reduce, which is a powerful argument for the company to try to implement this proposal.</p><p> </p><p>In summary, must be mentioned that there remains some work to this proposal to function painless in the work plant. As an example, the existing control system is updated with some control concept did not exist before and at the same time, operators must be out of production start working for new procedures which must be taken into account in the implementation of this proposal.</p>

Hantering av utjämningsbuffert / Management of leveling buffer

Nordberg, David, Ljungberg, Göran January 2010 (has links)
Detta projekt gick ut på studera huruvida Outokumpu, Degerfors, kunde använda sig av modeller som representerar strategier från Lean production med tillhörande flödesverktyg och hur dessa kunde appliceras i företaget. Outokumpu, Degerfors, är specialister inom rostfritt stål och levererar produkter till slutanvändare världen över. Uppgiftens utgångspunkt är att försöka få en bättre och smidigare hantering av materialet och samtidigt sänka kostnaderna för produkter i arbete.   Modellen som användes kallas ”lära sig att se” och baseras på att kartlägga flöden inom produktionen. Syftet med detta var dels att skapa sig en bild av ett nuvarande produktionsflöde men också fastställa eventuella slöserier i värdekedjan. Detta kartläggningsarbete var tyngdpunkten i projektet, eftersom det fortsatta arbetet med att konstruera ett framtida flöde innehållande en utjämningsbuffert krävde en djup förståelse kring det nuvarande styrsättet i produktionen. Arbetet med flödeskartläggningar samt förståelse kring produktionen benämndes internt av projektmedlemmarna som en förstudie, vilket var nödvändigt för att förstå och börja bearbeta projektuppgiften, som bestod av att skapa ett ”rakare” flöde nedströms emot kunden.   Genom att skapa ett ”nytt” framtida flöde i produktionen med hänsyn till JIT-filosofin, rätt mängd material vid rätt tidpunkt, krävdes det ett nytt framtagande av regelverk mellan de olika operationerna i produktionen. Detta på grund av att rätt mängd material vid rätt tidpunkt skulle dras framåt i värdekedjan för att skapa ett jämnare flöde. Tidigare trycktes materialet framåt i kedjan oberoende av när materialet skulle levereras till kund. Regelverket bygger på sortering av olika slags material så det krävdes en utredning om hur mycket material det rörde sig om vid olika veckor för att kunna fastställa hur mycket som skulle lagras i en buffert. Dessa beräkningar baserades på faktiska veckor med tillhörande mängd (styck) och tonnage (vikt) för att konstatera hur stor bufferten skulle bli. Det konstruerades även en beräkningsmodell för att fastställa om det framtagna regelverket och placeringen av bufferten stoppade för ett högre kundbehov.   Resultatet av vårt projekt blev ett nytt regelverk samt ett förslag på en eventuell placering av utjämningsbufferten. I rapporten framkommer även resultat på hur olika slags material baserat på regelverket kommer att delas upp på olika sorteringsrutor för att detta styrsätt ska kunna fungera ute i verket. Det visar sig att med de förändringar som detta innebär kommer kostnaderna för produkter i arbete att minska, vilket är ett effektivt argument för företaget att försöka införliva detta förslag.   Sammanfattningsvis måste nämnas att det kvarstår en del arbete för att detta förslag ska kunna fungera smärtfritt ute i verket. Som ett exempel måste det befintliga styrsystemet uppdateras med vissa styrbegrepp som inte funnits tidigare och samtidigt måste operatörerna ute i produktionen börja arbeta efter nya rutiner vilket måste beaktas i införandet av detta förslag. / This project went on to study how Outokumpu, Degerfors, could make use of models that represents strategies of Lean production and related flow tools and how these could be applied in the company. Outokumpu, Degerfors, are specialists in stainless steel and deliver products to end users worldwide. The task starting point is to try to get a better and smoother handling of the material while lowering the cost of work in progress.   The model used is called "Learning to See" and based on the identification of flows in production. The purpose of this exercise was to create an image of a current production flow, but also identify any wastage in the value chain. This mapping work was the heavy thing in the project as it continued efforts to construct a future flow containing a smoothing buffer required a deep understanding of the current control mode of production. Work Stream Mapping and to understand the production naming internally by project members that a feasibility study, which was necessary to understand and begin to process the project task, which consisted of creating a "straighter" flow downstream to the customer.   By creating a "new" future flow of production with regards to JIT philosophy, right amount of material at the right time, it took a new development of regulatory frameworks between the various operations of production. This is because the right amount of material at the right time would be pulled forward in the value chain to create a smoother flow. Previously the materials push forward in the chain irrespective of where the material was delivered to the customer. Framework is based on the sorting of different types of materials so it took an investigation on how much material they were on at different weeks in order to determine how much that would be stored in a buffer. These calculations were based on actual weeks with the associated quantity (pc) and tonnage (weight) to ascertain how much the buffer would be. There were also constructed a computational model to determine if they developed the regulatory framework and the location of the buffer stopped for a higher customer need.   The results of our project were a new framework and a proposal for a possible placement of equalization buffer. The report will also result in the different types of materials based on the regulatory framework will be split into various sorting boxes to the control mode to work around the plant. It turns out that with the changes that this entails, the cost of work in progress to reduce, which is a powerful argument for the company to try to implement this proposal.   In summary, must be mentioned that there remains some work to this proposal to function painless in the work plant. As an example, the existing control system is updated with some control concept did not exist before and at the same time, operators must be out of production start working for new procedures which must be taken into account in the implementation of this proposal.

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