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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Myosin Content of Individual Human Muscle Fibers Isolated by Laser Capture Microdissection

Stuart, Charles A., Stone, William L., Howell, Mary E. A., Brannon, Marianne F., Hall, H. Kenton, Gibson, Andrew L., Stone, Michael H. 16 December 2015 (has links)
Muscle fiber composition correlates with insulin resistance, and exercise training can increase slow-twitch (type I) fibers and, thereby, mitigate diabetes risk. Human skeletal muscle is made up of three distinct fiber types, but muscle contains many more isoforms of myosin heavy and light chains, which are coded by 15 and 11 different genes, respectively. Laser capture microdissection techniques allow assessment of mRNA and protein content in individual fibers. We found that specific human fiber types contain different mixtures of myosin heavy and light chains. Fast-twitch (type IIx) fibers consistently contained myosin heavy chains 1, 2, and 4 and myosin light chain 1. Type I fibers always contained myosin heavy chains 6 and 7 (MYH6 and MYH7) and myosin light chain 3 (MYL3), whereas MYH6, MYH7, and MYL3 were nearly absent from type IIx fibers. In contrast to cardiomyocytes, where MYH6 (also known as α-myosin heavy chain) is seen solely in fast-twitch cells, only slow-twitch fibers of skeletal muscle contained MYH6. Classical fast myosin heavy chains (MHC1, MHC2, and MHC4) were present in variable proportions in all fiber types, but significant MYH6 and MYH7 expression indicated slow-twitch phenotype, and the absence of these two isoforms determined a fast-twitch phenotype. The mixed myosin heavy and light chain content of type IIa fibers was consistent with its role as a transition between fast and slow phenotypes. These new observations suggest that the presence or absence of MYH6 and MYH7 proteins dictates the slow- or fast-twitch phenotype in skeletal muscle. The technical challenges of human skeletal muscle fiber type identification have evolved over the past three decades (8). The typical normal adult has roughly equal amounts of slow- and fast-twitch fibers, designated type I and II fibers. In addition, a variable portion of the type II fibers is mixed, containing both fast- and slow-twitch fiber markers, called type IIa fibers, whereas type II fibers that contain only the fast-twitch phenotype are designated type IIx in humans. Exercise training can cause modest shifts in fiber composition from one of these types to a contiguous type, with the relationship being type I to IIa to IIx or type IIx to IIa to I. The tail end of each myosin heavy chain is attached to the tail of another myosin heavy chain, and each of these forms a complex with two myosin light chains. Many heavy and light chain complexes are intertwined to form the thick filaments of each sarcomere. Thin filaments are composed of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin. The myosin heavy chains contain ATPase, which is essential for shortening of the contractile apparatus in the sarcomere, resulting in muscle-generated movement of a body part. The pH optimum of the ATPase has been classically the histochemical technique for identifying fast, slow, and mixed fibers. However, for more than a decade, monoclonal antibodies that correlated with the ATPase designation of fast, slow, and mixed fibers by bright-field or immunohistochemical methods have been used (2). The widely used fast and slow myosin monoclonal antibodies were obtained from mice immunized with only partially purified human skeletal muscle myosin antigens. More recently, antibodies that were raised against specific individual myosin heavy and light chain proteins became commercially available. The 15 human genes that code myosin heavy chains are designated MYH1, MYH2, MYH3, MYH4, MYH6, MYH7, MYH7B, MYH8, MYH9, MYH10, MYH11, MYH12, MYH13, MYH14, MYH15, and MYH16 (17). MYH9, MYH10, and MYH11 are expressed primarily in smooth muscle. At least eight separate genes that code myosin light chains, MYL1, MYL2, MYL3, MYL4, MYL5, MYL6, MYL6B, and MYLPF, have been identified, and at least three of these have a second isoform (3). Our initial investigation of the expression of myosin heavy and light chains using laser capture microdissection (LCM) to obtain specific fiber type samples from human vastus lateralis biopsies yielded some unexpected results. These observations led us to question which isoforms of myosin heavy and light chains are actually characteristic of “fast” or “slow” fibers in human skeletal muscle. We used immunoblots, mass spectroscopic (MS) proteomics, and next-generation sequencing of muscle homogenates and of LCM-generated samples of individual fiber types from normal control subjects and subjects with extremely different muscle fiber composition to approach this question by evaluating muscle specimens from subjects with diverse and extremely different fiber compositions. The hypothesis that drove these studies was that fibers of each type would have consistent myosin heavy and light chains that are characteristic of the fiber type. This is the first report that the abundance of different myosin heavy and light chains corresponds to different muscle fiber types.

Papel da atividade muscular sobre a regulação do conteúdo de carnosina em resposta à suplementação de beta-alanina: um estudo em atletas com lesão medular / Role of muscle activity on the regulation of carnosine concentration in response to beta-alanine supplementation: a study in athletes with spinal cord injury

Nemezio, Kleiner Márcio de Andrade 07 February 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Atualmente ainda não está claro se a atividade muscular e o treinamento físico afetam a síntese de carnosina muscular (Mcar) em resposta à suplementação de beta-alanina. OBJETIVO: verificar o impacto da atividade e inatividade muscular sobre o conteúdo de carnosina muscular (Mcarn) e sobre o aumento de Mcarn em resposta à suplementação de beta-alanina e, adicionalmente, verificar seu efeito sobra a capacidade de realizar esforços de alta intensidade. METHODS: Dezesseis homens treinados com lesão medular (LM) (escala ASIA: AIS A ou AIS B) foram divididos em 2 grupos: beta-alanina (BA) (N = 11) e placebo (PL) (N = 5). Amostras de biópsias musculares foram obtidas do músculo vasto lateral inativo e do deltoide ativo, antes e após 28 dias de suplementação com beta-alanina (6.4 g.dia-1). Teste t independente foi aplicado para comparar a Mcar basal e a variação absoluta (PÓS - PRÉ) entre os músculos vasto lateral e deltoide. Um teste supramáximo de carga constante até a exaustão e um teste de Wingate de série única foram aplicados para verificar a capacidade de realizar esforços de alta intensidade. Análises por Modelo Misto foram aplicadas para comparar a Mcar, o tempo até a exaustão e os valores de potência pico intra e entre sujeitos. RESULTADOS: (média ± desvio padrão): a concentração basal de Mcar no vasto lateral foi significativamente maior que no deltoide (32,0 ± 12 vs. 20,5 ± 6,1 mmol.kg-1 de músculo seco; p = 0,02). As variações absolutas na Mcar foram significativamente maiores no grupo BA em comparação com o PL, tanto para o vasto lateral (BA: 17,6 ± 10,4 mmol.kg-1 de músculo seco; PL: 2,5 ± 2,3 mmol.kg-1 de músculo seco; p = 0,002) como para o deltoide (BA: 15,7 ± 6,8 mmol.kg-1 de músculo seco; PL: 1,4 ± 2,7 mmol.kg-1 de músculo seco; p <0,001). As variações absolutas verificadas no vasto lateral e deltoide não foram diferentes entre si (vasto lateral: 17,6 ± 10,4; deltóide: 15,7 ± 6,8 mmol.kg-1 do músculo seco; p = 0,6). Não houve efeito da suplementação sobre o tempo até exaustão e potência pico. CONCLUSÃO: a inatividade muscular crônica ocasionada por lesão medular, não afeta a Mcarn e também não interfere sobre o aumento de Mcarn em resposta à suplementação de BA. Estes resultados sugerem que a atividade muscular ou o estado de treinamento não influenciam a capacidade de síntese de Mcarn em resposta à suplementação de beta-alanina / BACKGROUND: it is currently unclear whether muscle activity and exercise training affect the ability of the skeletal muscle to synthesise carnosine in response to beta-alanine supplementation. PURPOSE: to study the impact of the extremes of muscle activity and inactivity on muscle carnosine content (Mcarn) and Mcarn loading in response to beta-alanine supplementation. METHODS: 16 trained male with spinal cord injury (SCI) (ASIA scale: AIS A or AIS B) were divided into 2 groups: beta-alanine (BA) (N = 11) and placebo (PL) (N = 5). Muscle biopsies samples were obtained from active deltoid and paralysed vastus lateralis at baseline and after 28 days of &#946;-alanine supplementation (6.4 g.day-1). Unpaired t-tests were applied to compare Mcarn at baseline and the absolute pre-post change in vastus lateralis and deltoid. Mixed model was used to compare Mcarn values within- and between-subjects. RESULTS: (mean±SD): Baseline Mcarn concentration in vastus lateralis was significantly higher than in deltoid (32.0±12 vs. 20.5±6.1 mmol.kg-1 dry muscle; p=0.02). Absolute changes in Mcarn was significantly higher in the BA group in comparison with PL for both vastus lateralis (BA: 17.6±10.4 mmol.kg-1 dry muscle; PL: 2.5±2.3 mmol.kg-1 dry muscle; p=0.002) and deltoid (BA: 15.7±6.8 mmol?kg-1 dry muscle; PL: 1.4±2.7 mmol?kg-1 dry muscle; p<0.001). Absolut changes in Mcarn following BA supplementation between inactive vastus lateralis and active deltoid was not different (vastus lateralis: 17.6±10.4; deltoid: 15.7±6.8 mmol?kg-1 dry muscle; p=0.6). CONCLUSION: chronic muscle inactivity due to paralysis in SCI does not affect Mcarn at baseline and does not affect Mcarn loading in response to BA supplementation. These results suggest that muscle activity or training status does not influence Mcarn synthesis capacity in response to beta-alanine supplementation

The Importance of Fast Skeletal Regulatory Light Chain in Muscle Contraction

de Freitas, Fatima Pestana 01 January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this project was to produce and study a murine homozygous knock-in model containing a fast skeletal regulatory light chain (RLC) containing a Asp49toAla point mutation. The D49A mutation is in the functional calcium binding loop of RLC, which is believed to modulate muscle contraction in striated muscle. To introduce the mutation, a reversible knock-out/knock-in system was employed. The Cre/Lox-P strategy was used to conditionally knock-in the RLC D49A mutation. The generation of the knock-in mouse was attempted with two different breeding strategies consisting of two Cre mouse lines with differential expression patterns during development. The proposed animal was never produced because the RLC knock-out recombination event introduced a splicing error resulting in a stop codon in intron 2. Extensive DNA, RNA and protein analysis as well as histological, gross morphology and muscle physiology studies obtained from the animals of the two breeding strategies lead to the identification of the splicing error. Evidence for this outcome is presented. A recommendation for a different strategy in future studies is included.

Estudio histoquímico e inmunohistoquímico de los músculos de la lengua, paladar y faringe en el perro (Canis familiaris L.)

Sánchez Collado, Cayetano 23 April 2009 (has links)
Un análisis de los tipos de fibras y de su distribución fue realizado en muestras de músculos de la lengua (mm. geniogloso, estilogloso, hiogloso y lingual propio), del paladar y fauces (mm. palatofaríngeo, palatino, elevador y tensor del velo palatino) y de la faringe (mm. terigofaríngeo, estilofaríngeo caudal, hiofaríngeo, tirofaríngeo y cricofaríngeo) en la especie canina. Asimismo, se procesaron muestras del músculo semitendinoso, que fue utilizado como músculo control. La tipificación fibrilar se basó en técnicas histoquímicas (mATPasa y NADH-TR) e inmunohistoquímicas (aplicación de anticuerpos monoclonales específicos frente a las cadenas pesadas de miosina tipos I, IIa y IIx). En todos los músculos estudiados se evidenciaron fibras puras (tipos I, IIA y IIX) e híbridas (tipos IIAX, IIXA y IIC). Por otra parte, en el músculo tensor del velo palatino también fueron identificadas fibras tipo IIM. / An analysis of fiber types and its distribution in canine muscles of the tongue (genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus and lingualis propius muscles), soft palate (palatinus, levator veli palatini, tensor veli palatini and palatopharyngeus muscles), and pharynx (pterygopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus caudalis, hyopharyngeus, thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus muscles) was carried out. Additional samples were obtained from the semitendinosus muscle to be used as a control. Muscle fiber types were defined by histochemical (mATPase and NADH-TR), and immunohistochemical (monoclonal antibodies against myosin heavy chain isoforms I, IIa and IIx) techniques. In all analyzed muscles pure I, IIA and IIX fibers and hybrid IIAX, IIXA and IIC fibers were observed. Furthermore, type IIM fibers were identified in tensor veli palatini muscle

The Molecular Investigation Of The Effects Of Simvastatin, A Cholesterol Reducing Drug, On Different Rat Skeletal Muscle Tissues

Simsek Ozek, Nihal 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the present study Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Attenuated Total Reflectance FTIR (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopy were used to examine the effects of simvastatin on structure, composition and function of macromolecules of three different rat skeletal muscles EDL (Extensor Digitorium Longus), DIA (Diaphragm) and SOL (Soleus) containing different amount of slow and fast twitch fibers, at molecular level. Simvastatin, a lipophilic statin, is widely used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular diseases due to its higher efficacy. However, long term usage of statins give rise to many adverse effects on different tissues and organs. Skeletal muscle accounts for around 45 % of the total body weight and has a high metabolic rate and blood flow. As a consequence, it is highly exposed to drugs within the circulation. Therefore, it is one of the target tissues of statins. The two main types of muscle fibers are type I (slow-twitch) and type II (fast-twitch) fibers / having different structural organization and metabolic features. EDL is a fast twitch muscle while SOL is slow twitch muscle. On the other hand, DIA shows intermediate properties between slow and fast twitch muscle. The results of ATR-FTIR and FTIR spectra revealed a considerable decrease in protein and lipid content of simvastatin treated skeletal muscles, indicating protein breakdown or decreased protein synthesis and increased lipolysis. Moreover changes in protein structure and conformation were observed. In simvastatin treatment, muscle membrane lipids were more ordered and the amount of unsaturated lipids was decreased possibly due to lipid peroxidation. The drug treatment caused a decrease in the content of nucleic acids, especially RNA, and hydrogen and non-hydrogen bonded phospholipids in the membrane structures of skeletal muscles. In all of the spectral parameters investigated EDL muscle was more severely affected from statin treatments while SOL was less affected from the drug treatments. Thus, FTIR and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy appear to be useful methods to evaluate the effects of statin on skeletal muscle tissues at molecular level.

Efeito do treinamento resistido sobre a sensibilidade à insulina, músculo esquelético e tecido ósseo em ratos pinealectomizados / Effect of resistance training on sensitivity to insulin, skeletal muscle and bone tissue in pinealectomized rats

Benites, Mariana Lopes [UNESP] 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by MARIANA LOPES BENITES null (mariana_benites@hotmail.com) on 2017-12-20T14:12:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 repositório Mariana Benites.pdf: 2711972 bytes, checksum: 006ba62977278dd8c58404bd766be56d (MD5) / Submitted by MARIANA LOPES BENITES null (mariana_benites@hotmail.com) on 2017-12-21T12:31:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 repositório Mariana Benites.pdf: 2711972 bytes, checksum: 006ba62977278dd8c58404bd766be56d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Rimoli de Oliveira null (anapaula@foa.unesp.br) on 2017-12-22T13:19:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 benites_ml_dr_araca_int.pdf: 2616549 bytes, checksum: 09a481f5e45b2906fb14687e39c41b08 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-22T13:19:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 benites_ml_dr_araca_int.pdf: 2616549 bytes, checksum: 09a481f5e45b2906fb14687e39c41b08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Produzida pela glândula pineal exclusivamente em período noturno e na escuridão, a melatonina apresenta papel fundamental na sincronização dos ritmos circadianos com o ciclo claro-escuro do meio ambiente. A exposição à luz suprime a síntese e secreção de melatonina pela glândula pineal, podendo prejudicar a ação insulínica em células do músculo esquelético. O transporte ineficiente de glicose no músculo esquelético pode promover atrofia, geralmente acompanhada por perda de massa óssea. Resistência à insulina, atrofia muscular esquelética e perda de massa óssea são efeitos patológicos que podem ser prevenidos ou atenuados pela prática regular de exercícios físicos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito do exercício resistido (ER) sobre a sensibilidade à insulina e manutenção da musculatura esquelética e tecido ósseo em ratos pinealectomizados. 40 ratos Wistar machos foram distribuídos, aleatória e igualmente, em 4 grupos: 1) controle (CNS); 2) exercitado (CNEX); 3) pinealectomizado (PNX) e 4) pinealectomizado exercitado (PNXEX). O ER foi realizado em escada, durante 8 semanas, 3 sessões semanais (em dias não consecutivos), 9 repetições por sessão e intervalo de tempo de 2 minutos entre as repetições. O teste de força máxima foi realizado a cada 2 semanas e a intensidade selecionada foi 60% de 1 repetição máxima (1RM). Após o período de treinamento, os animais foram submetidos ao teste de tolerância à insulina. Após o sacrifício, amostras de sangue foram coletadas para fosforilação da glicemia e insulinemia. A partir destes valores, a resistência à insulina foi calculada pelo índice HOMA-IR. O cálculo da área de secção transversa do extensor digitorum longus (EDL) foi realizado a partir da análise histológica, utilizando o software IMAGEJ. Também foram avaliadas a expressão gênica e fosforilação de proteínas presentes nas vias de manutenção do músculo esquelético: GLUT4, TNF-α, atrogin-1, MuRF1, IGF-1, Akt1, miostatina e SMAD2/3. O cálculo da área do trabeculado ósseo esponjoso inferiormente à linha epifisial da tíbia foi realizado a partir da análise histológica em cortes longitudinais, utilizando o software IMAGEJ. Os parâmetros morfológicos do tecido ósseo foram avaliados por micro-CT; a análise mineral óssea foi avaliada pelo Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry – DEXA e análise mecânica foi avaliada pelo teste de três pontos. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas por análise de variância com 2 fatores - ANOVA two way, seguida pelo teste de Bonferroni, ao nível de significância de 5%. A pinealectomia promoveu resistência à insulina e aumento na expressão de TNF-α em animais PNX. A prática de exercícios resistidos atuou na prevenção da resistência à insulina pelo aumento na expressão de GLUT4 em animais PNXEX. A pinealectomia também promoveu atrofia muscular esquelética nos grupos PNX e PNXEX. A prática de exercícios resistidos, realizada pelo período de tempo, frequência e intensidade selecionados, não foi suficiente para promover hipertrofia muscular no grupo CNEX ou prevenir a atrofia muscular no grupo PNXEX. Os grupos PNX e PNXEX apresentaram aumento da expressão gênica de miostatina e fosforilação proteica de SMAD2/3 em relação aos grupos CNS e CNEX. Não houve diferença na expressão gênica e fosforilação das demais proteínas analisadas entre os grupos estudados. Os resultados sugerem que a atrofia muscular esquelética, observada nos grupos PNX e PNXEX, está relacionada ao aumento na ativação da via da miostatina e, quem sabe, ao aumento de TNF-α em músculo esquelético. O aumento da DMO em animais PNX foi tomado como um mecanismo protetivo do osso. O exercício resistido promoveu melhora da qualidade óssea em animais pinealectomizados ou não. O presente estudo demonstrou que a prática regular de exercícios resistidos (60% de 1 RM) preveniu a resistência à insulina em animais pinealectomizados e melhorou a qualidade óssea em animais com e sem pineal. A partir desses resultados podemos aventar que o exercício físico, em trabalhadores noturnos, pode melhorar a sensibilidade à insulina e auxiliar na manutenção do tecido ósseo. / 99999.006989/2015-02

Estudo histomorfológico do músculo pectoralis de frangos de corte acometidos com white striping

Ferreira, Tamara Zinn January 2014 (has links)
A seleção de linhagens de frangos de corte com altas taxas de crescimento e aumento de rendimento muscular vem contribuindo para o surgimento de perdas significativas na indústria avícola em decorrência de modificações anatômicas. Dentre estas alterações, destaca-se uma miopatia que se caracteriza pelo aparecimento de graus de estrias esbranquiçadas no músculo Pectoralis major, as quais seguem a direção da fibra muscular, referida como white striping. A etiologia da white striping ainda é desconhecida, mas avaliações histológicas demonstraram que esta alteração é usualmente associada à degeneração muscular e alterações miopáticas. Problemas de qualidade da carne podem ser resultantes de mudanças estruturais, morfométricas e bioquímicas do tecido muscular, com consequente alteração nas fibras musculares. Para tanto este trabalho, conduzido através de dois experimentos, teve como objetivos caracterizar histopatologicamente a miopatia white striping em diferentes graus de severidade (NORM, MOD, SEV) no músculo Pectoralis major de frangos de corte e as características morfométricas das fibras musculares, bem como avaliar a incidência desta condição em frangos de corte de linhagem Cobb abatidos aos 42 dias de idade. No primeiro experimento, a avaliação histopatológica demonstrou uma miopatia degenerativa nos graus de severidade classificados como MOD e SEV, entretanto as amostras de grau MOD apresentaram necrose ou necrose multifocal moderada, enquanto as de grau SEV apresentaram necrose difusa e acentuada, sugerindo avanço do processo degenerativo. Não foi observada proliferação de tecido conjuntivo em nenhum dos graus de white striping analisados, caracterizando este caso como de ocorrência aguda. No segundo experimento, foram verificados menor área de tecido muscular, menor diâmentro e maior densidade de fibras nos músculos Pectoralis major de frangos acometidos com white striping (MOD e SEV) quando comparado aos peitos sem esta condição (NORM). Conforme os resultados obtidos nesta pequisa, pode-se concluir que as fibras com os graus MOD e SEV de white striping demonstraram o início de um processo de regeneração muscular, de característica hiperplásica. / Genetic selection of broiler chickens for growth rate and increase of muscle yield has contributed to the appearance of significant losses in the poultry industry caused by anatomical changes. Among these alterations stands out a myophathy characterized by the occurrence of white striations on Pectoralis major muscle, seen parallel to the direction of muscle fibers, referred as white striping. The etiology of white striping is still unknown but histological changes demonstrated that this alteration is usually associated with muscle degeneration and myopatic changes. Meat quality problems may result from structural, morphological and biochemical changes of muscle tissue with consequent alterations in muscle fibers. To this study, two experiments were conducted, and aimed to histopathologically characterize the myopathy white striping at varying degrees of severity (NORM, MOD, SEV) on broilers Pectoralis major muscle and the morphometric muscle fibers characteristics as well as evaluate the incidence of this condition on Cobb 500 broiler breast fillets slaughtered at 42 days of age. The histopathological evaluation on experiment 1 showed a degenerative myopathy in both MOD and SEV degrees, however the samples classified as MOD showed microscopically necrosis or necrosis multifocal moderate, while the classified as SEV showed necrosis diffuse and strong suggesting an advancement in the degenerative process. The proliferation of connective tissue was not observed for either of the degrees of white striping investigated, characterizing this profile as an acute occurrence. In experiment 2, small area and diameter and higher densities of muscle fiber were observed in broilers Pectoralis major muscle with white striping (MOD and SEV) compared to NORM. According to the results, we can conclude that muscle fibers with white striping showed the beginning of a muscle regeneration process with hyperplasic characteristics.

Distribuição dos receptores de acetilcolina e terminais nervosos na junção neuromuscular de fibras musculares regeneradas

Mendes, Zarif Torres Rehder 05 July 2004 (has links)
Orientador : Maria Julia Marques / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T23:03:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mendes_ZarifTorresRehder_M.pdf: 784934 bytes, checksum: dac9ec18f5f84c47d0194a64020fd1d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: No presente trabalho estudamos o padrão de distribuição dos receptores de acetilcolina (AChRs) e terminais nervosos em animais C57BL/10, após longo período de regeneração muscular. A degeneração-regeneração muscular foi induzida pelo anestésico local cloridrato de lidocaína no músculo esternomastóideo. Após 90 e 150 dias, os músculos foram retirados e os AChRs e terminais nervosos marcados com rodamina-a-bungarotoxina e anti-neurofilamento, respectivamente e observados através de microscopia de fluorescência confocal. Em todas as junções superficiais da fibra regenerada observada (n=416 junções) os receptores estavam distribuídos em ilhas e a fibra muscular apresentava núcleo central, caracterizando sua regeneração. Os terminais possuíam finas arborizações com dilatações em suas extremidades, situadas no centro das ilhas dos receptores. O padrão de distribuição da acetilcolinesterase foi semelhante ao observado para os AChRs. Nas fibras musculares regeneradas e desnervadas (n=900 junções) os AChRs não estavam distribuídos em ilhas. Esses resultados mostram que os receptores colinérgicos, após longo tempo de regeneração muscular, mantêm o padrão de distribuição em ilhas e o terminal nervoso parece determinar este padrão, provavelmente em consequência de brotamentos intraterminais que ocorrem em presença de regeneração muscular / Abstract: Mdx mice have deficiency of dystrophin and cycles of muscle fiber regeneration. Changes in the distribution of acetylcholine receptors have been reported at the neuromuscular junction of mdx and may be a consequence of muscle fiber regeneration. At the present, we verified whether the distribution of receptors is still altered in long-term regenerated muscle fibers from C57Bl/10 mice. The left sternomastoid muscle of adult mice was injected with 60 µl of lidocaine hydrochloride to induce degeneration-regeneration. Some animals had the STN denervated at the time of lidocaine injection. After 90 and 150 days, receptors were labeled with rhodamine-a-bungarotoxin for confocal observation. For both periods studied, receptors were distributed into clusters. In denervated-regenerated fibers, receptors were distributed as branches, similar to normal denervated muscles. This suggests that nerve-dependent mechanisms are involved in the changes in receptor distribution seen in regenerated muscle fibers, after lidocaine treatment and a similar phenomenon might explain the changes in receptor distribution seen in dystrophic muscle fibers / Mestrado / Anatomia / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Estudo histomorfológico do músculo pectoralis de frangos de corte acometidos com white striping

Ferreira, Tamara Zinn January 2014 (has links)
A seleção de linhagens de frangos de corte com altas taxas de crescimento e aumento de rendimento muscular vem contribuindo para o surgimento de perdas significativas na indústria avícola em decorrência de modificações anatômicas. Dentre estas alterações, destaca-se uma miopatia que se caracteriza pelo aparecimento de graus de estrias esbranquiçadas no músculo Pectoralis major, as quais seguem a direção da fibra muscular, referida como white striping. A etiologia da white striping ainda é desconhecida, mas avaliações histológicas demonstraram que esta alteração é usualmente associada à degeneração muscular e alterações miopáticas. Problemas de qualidade da carne podem ser resultantes de mudanças estruturais, morfométricas e bioquímicas do tecido muscular, com consequente alteração nas fibras musculares. Para tanto este trabalho, conduzido através de dois experimentos, teve como objetivos caracterizar histopatologicamente a miopatia white striping em diferentes graus de severidade (NORM, MOD, SEV) no músculo Pectoralis major de frangos de corte e as características morfométricas das fibras musculares, bem como avaliar a incidência desta condição em frangos de corte de linhagem Cobb abatidos aos 42 dias de idade. No primeiro experimento, a avaliação histopatológica demonstrou uma miopatia degenerativa nos graus de severidade classificados como MOD e SEV, entretanto as amostras de grau MOD apresentaram necrose ou necrose multifocal moderada, enquanto as de grau SEV apresentaram necrose difusa e acentuada, sugerindo avanço do processo degenerativo. Não foi observada proliferação de tecido conjuntivo em nenhum dos graus de white striping analisados, caracterizando este caso como de ocorrência aguda. No segundo experimento, foram verificados menor área de tecido muscular, menor diâmentro e maior densidade de fibras nos músculos Pectoralis major de frangos acometidos com white striping (MOD e SEV) quando comparado aos peitos sem esta condição (NORM). Conforme os resultados obtidos nesta pequisa, pode-se concluir que as fibras com os graus MOD e SEV de white striping demonstraram o início de um processo de regeneração muscular, de característica hiperplásica. / Genetic selection of broiler chickens for growth rate and increase of muscle yield has contributed to the appearance of significant losses in the poultry industry caused by anatomical changes. Among these alterations stands out a myophathy characterized by the occurrence of white striations on Pectoralis major muscle, seen parallel to the direction of muscle fibers, referred as white striping. The etiology of white striping is still unknown but histological changes demonstrated that this alteration is usually associated with muscle degeneration and myopatic changes. Meat quality problems may result from structural, morphological and biochemical changes of muscle tissue with consequent alterations in muscle fibers. To this study, two experiments were conducted, and aimed to histopathologically characterize the myopathy white striping at varying degrees of severity (NORM, MOD, SEV) on broilers Pectoralis major muscle and the morphometric muscle fibers characteristics as well as evaluate the incidence of this condition on Cobb 500 broiler breast fillets slaughtered at 42 days of age. The histopathological evaluation on experiment 1 showed a degenerative myopathy in both MOD and SEV degrees, however the samples classified as MOD showed microscopically necrosis or necrosis multifocal moderate, while the classified as SEV showed necrosis diffuse and strong suggesting an advancement in the degenerative process. The proliferation of connective tissue was not observed for either of the degrees of white striping investigated, characterizing this profile as an acute occurrence. In experiment 2, small area and diameter and higher densities of muscle fiber were observed in broilers Pectoralis major muscle with white striping (MOD and SEV) compared to NORM. According to the results, we can conclude that muscle fibers with white striping showed the beginning of a muscle regeneration process with hyperplasic characteristics.

Handbollsspelares effektutveckling i olika riktningar

Mårtensson, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze Swedish male handball players power in the lower limbs, dependent on position, in different anatomical planes. Previous studies has examined vertical and horizontal power but not medial lateral power. This study used previous studies as theory. Power was examined through vertical, horizontal and medial lateral CMJAS, unilateral and bilateral, in a laboratory setting. The vertical jumping performance was measured with ‘My Jump 2’ and the vertical power (W; W/kg) was calculated with Lewis formula. Only the jumping performance (cm) was noted in the horizontal and medial lateral CMJAS. No significance difference was observed (p>0.05) in power between the positions. A strong correlation between the vertical and horizontal CMJAS was observed (p<0.05; r=0.860-0.883). Conclusion, handball players, independent position, possesses similar power, bilateral and unilateral, in vertical, horizontal and medial lateral CMJAS. Medial lateral power needs to be examine to create a better profile of the player.

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