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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Red Cross-Listen In!" : A case study of how beneficiary communication and accountability contribute to reaching and measuring results / "Röda Korset - lyssna!" : En fallstudie om hur dialog med och ansvarighet gentemot förmånstagare bidrar till att nå och mäta resultat

Paulsen Harling, Nina January 2015 (has links)
While aiming to reach results (such as improved health status) humanitarian workers in aid organizations such as Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (RCRCM)[1], make use of outcomes in related global forums, standards and networks. Common concepts discussed related to humanitarian action are the following ones: effectiveness, local ownership and mutual accountability. In addition, concepts such as Results Based Management (RBM), highlighting the importance of delivering and accounting for results influences humanitarian organizations. Donors such as governments are pushing for RBM. The RBM reform impacts Swedish aid policy and RCRCM in Sweden, represented by Swedish Red Cross. However researchers and civil society actors find that RBM is not a silver bullet to facilitate results.   Dialogue with beneficiaries goes back to the beginnings of humanitarian action, but dialogue using social media to capture beneficiaries’ views started only around a decade back.   In this case study, I investigate RCRCM and focus on Swedish Red Cross. In particular I explore the following research problem: how does beneficiary communication and accountability using social media contribute to reaching and measuring results?   My data includes individual and focus group interviews and RCRCM guiding documents. Conclusions include that: indeed beneficiary communication and accountability contributes to reaching results and have potential to better capture results. Direct RCRCM organizational benefits are potentially huge given RCRCMs extensive worldwide community level network. The benefits include better access, more relevant activities and funding opportunities. However challenges include perceived lack of expertize, management commitment and generally slow change of mind set with regards to downward accountability. [1] A) The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), B) the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and C) national societies in 189 countries around the world (see section 2.1) / När biståndsarbetare i hjälporganisationer som rödakorsrörelsen (RCRCM)[1], arbetar för att nå resultat (såsom bättre hälsa för utsatta människor) använder de sig ofta av de ambitioner som vuxit fram i biståndsrelaterade globala fora, nätverk och standards såsom: effektivitet, lokalt ägarskap samt ömsesidigt ansvarsskyldighet och ansvarsutkrävande. Samtidigt har begrepp som ”result based management” (RBM) fått stort inflytande på humanitära organisationer när det gäller vikten av att nå och visa på konkreta resultat. Finansiärer, såsom regeringar, ställer allt tuffare krav på RBM metodik används genom ett starkt inflytande på svenskt bistånd och därmed på RCRCM i Sverige, företrätt av Svenska Röda Korset. Dock finns både forskare och humanitära organisationer civila som hävdar att RBM knappast är någon patentlösning vare sig för att nå eller visa på resultat. Medan dialog med biståndsmottagare funnits så länge bistånd funnits har systematisk dialog med hjälp av sociala medier för att få förmånstagarnas synpunkter bara skett ett tiotal år. I denna fallstudie undersöker jag RCRCM med fokus på Svenska Röda Korset. I synnerhet studerar jag följande forskningsproblem: hur bidrar dialog med och ansvarighet gentemot förmånstagare som sker med sociala medier till att nå och mäta resultat?Mitt material inkluderar individuella- och fokusgruppsintervjuer samt studier av RCRCMs styrdokument. Slutsatser inkluderar att: direkta organisatoriska fördelar för RCRCM av dialog med mottagare är potentiellt enorma givet RCRCM världsomspännande lokala nätverk. Fördelarna inkluderar ökad möjlighet att nå de mest utsatta, mer relevanta insatser och bättre finansiering. Bland utmaningarna som lyfts är brist på expertis och ägarskap hos organisatio-nens ledning och svårighet till byte av ’mind set’ vad gäller nedåtgående ansvarighet. [1] A) Internationella rödakorskommittén (ICRC), B) Internationella rödakors-och rödahalvmånefederationen (IFRC) och C) nationella föreningar in 189 länder i världen (se sektion 2.1)

Världens opålitlighet : Begreppsanalys av livsförståelsearbete i särskolan / The Unreliability of the World : A Concept Analysis of the Work of Understanding One’s Life in Special School

Stefansson, Ingalill January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of the work of understanding one’s life. The work of understanding one’s life is what I call the work that pupils in special school and special school for adults (education for pupils, children as well as adults with intellectual challenges) themselves initiate. It is a “real” job, based on the pupils’ conditions where the purpose is to understand his or her self and learn to live in a world that is or can be experienced as unreliable. In special school the teacher has very obviously the pupil’s life in his or her hand and the way of approach that the teacher chooses is of great importance for the possibility for the pupil to work with his or her understanding of life. Analyses of concepts from existential philosophers with interdependence in focus have the purpose of understanding the work of understanding one’s life. For example K.E. Løgstrup’s philosophy on the ethical demand is discussed, as also spontaneous and revolving life expressions, Karl Jaspers’ border situations, Paul Tillich’s the courage to be and Henry Cöster’s work on ethics and social care. The discussion is put in relation to two different ways of approach that the pedagogue can choose. I call them following and leading approach. The analyses are illustrated with drawings from pupils’ and stories based on my experience of many years’ work in special school. The method, to see the alternative with distinctions, has been inspired by K.E. Løgstrup’s phenomenological interpretation of everyday reality. The result – a theory on what the work of understanding one’s life is about – is based on the discussion of the different concepts of the analysis in combination. The theory makes it possible to both speak about and relate to the work of understanding one’s life. Finally examples are given of areas, activities and situations where knowledge about the importance of the work of understanding one’s life is important for people’s possibility of taking part in community of society.

Wellness pastoral care and women with new babies

Millar, Candida Sharon 30 November 2003 (has links)
As participants, we agreed that women's silenced voices need to be heard, more specific to this participatory action research, the voices of women with new babies. Through wellness pastoral care, we co-laboured in finding ways of standing up to prescribed religious and cultural ideas regarding womaness and motherhood. Pastoral care in partnership with feminist theology and mutuality in community opened a safe place to renegotiate our own preferred ways of seeing our bodies, selves, sexuality, and womaness. The pastoral care, counselling, and mutuality experienced as a research group became the prevalent characteristic of our wellness that we wished to extend beyond the group and into families, churches, community cohorts, and the planet. This research is one platform on which the participating women shared hurts, found a place to be heard, and having come to know our Self more deeply, offer this Self as a gift to the reader. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th.

More than partnership : a contextual model of an organic-complementary communion in world mission under consideration of kenosis

Gwinner, Detlef 02 1900 (has links)
With globalization the subject of partnership has become one of the main issues in World Mission. Partnerships are formed in all parts of the world in order to promote collaboration between churches, denominations, and mission organizations. Although good partner relationships are a desired objective, historical prejudices and cultural differences and bias lead to barriers which hinder good partnership relations. How can these barriers be overcome? Christian partnerships are usually only based on a collaboration of the partners and the Christian aspect in a relationship in World Mission is neglected. This study presents a theological basis for a Christian relationship in World Mission, coming from the creation of the human being in the image of God, the communion within the Trinity, especially the concepts of “kenosis” and “koinonia,” and the image of the Body of Christ. A second part of this study researches the historical and sociological aspects of partnership in order to identify barriers for a good partner relationship. The findings of the theological research will then be compared with the outcomes of the historical and sociological study and conclusions for an improvement should be presented. The foundation for mission-church relationship in a global context needs to be a spiritual relationship, since the acting partners come together on a basis of their Christian faith and are part of the universal Body of Christ. The kenotic attitude of the partners plays a major role in their relationship and the proposed model for functioning relationships in World Mission needs to be an organic-complementary communion. The last part then presents a new model for the relationship in World Mission, in which several elements of organic-complementary communion are described. These elements are living together in the Body of Christ, learning together, serving together, suffering and celebrating together, sharing together, working together, and discovering theology together. The study concludes with a proposal of a concept of a “common space” in order to show how such a new model could be lived out in the everyday relationships in World Mission. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

L'indemnisation par l'assurance de responsabilité civile professionnelle : L'exemple des professions du chiffre et du droit / Compensation from the professional civil liability insurance

Bigot, Rodolphe 05 December 2012 (has links)
En matière de responsabilité civile des professionnels du chiffre et du droit, l’indemnisation est intégralement réalisée par l’assurance privée. Il existe donc, à cet égard, une nette différence entre l’indemnisation dans le domaine de la responsabilité médicale et dans le domaine objet de la recherche entreprise. Pourtant, les enjeux économiques y seraient d’importance supérieure. Une mutualisation optimale est souvent réalisée par les instances professionnelles du chiffre et du droit. Celles-ci ont souscrit des contrats d’assurance collective créés et proposés dès le dix-neuvième siècle par un même assureur, à présent en situation de quasi monopole de fait.De 2001 à 2010, plus de 100 000 sinistres ont été déclarés par des professionnels du chiffre et du droit auprès de cet apériteur dominant. Un échantillonnage approfondi a permis de constater que l’indemnisation n’a pas toute l’efficacité espérée, étant elle-même contrecarrée par l’action du système assurantiel de défense professionnelle fédéré autour de comités de gestion concertée. Ce système aurait ainsi pris le contrôle de l’indemnisation, de sorte à réaliser une forme d’écrasement des préjudices indemnisables, notamment par le jeu des règlements extrajudiciaires prédominants. En même temps, ce système ne serait pas toujours en mesure de protéger pleinement cette incroyable mutualisation qu’il a pourtant réalisée avec succès. En effet, une altération de la responsabilisation des professionnels assurés pourrait être à la fois la cause et la conséquence de cette importante sinistralité pour laquelle les techniques assurantielles d’autodiscipline semblent être tombées en léthargie, au détriment de l’indemnisation. / In the field of the civil liability of law and accounting practitioners, the compensation of victims is entirely carried out by a private insurer. There is, therefore, in this respect, a plain difference between compensation in the field of medical liability and compensation in the area addressed in this research. Nevertheless, the economic stakes would be rather higher. An optimal mutuality is often done by law and accounting professional bodies. They have entered into collective insurance contracts created and proposed as from the nineteenth century by a sole insurer, today in an almost situation of de facto monopoly. From 2001 to 2010, more than 100 000 claims have been declared by law and accounting professions together with the dominant insurer. A detailed sampling has enabled us to notice that the compensation does not have its entire hoped efficiency, itself being thwarted by the insurance system’s action of professional defense federated around concerted management committees. This system has therefore taken control of the compensation process, in a way to conceive a form of crushing of the prejudices entitled to compensation, mainly through amicable settlements. At the same time, the abovementioned system is not always in a position to fully protect this incredible mutuality that it has however carried out with success. The impairment which affects the responsibilization of insured practitioners could be at the same time the cause and the consequence of this important sum of claims for which the self-disciplined methods used by insurance seem to have faded, to the detriment of compensation.

Functions of Mentoring as Christian Discipleship

Foster, Hiram S. 16 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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