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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstruktion, administration och tillämpning av Svenska ämnesord och kontrollerade vokabulär / Creation, Administration and Implementation of Swedish Subject Headings and Controlled Vocabularies

Andersson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur svenska kontrollerade vokabulärer hanterar inkluderande perspektiv. Svenska ämnesord är en nationellt kontrollerad vokabulär med ämnesord som skapats och administreras av Kungliga biblioteket och som används av svenska bibliotek för indexering. Biblioteken strävar efter stabila söksystem, samtidigt förändras ordens betydelse snabbt. Det är en utmaning för biblioteken att säkerställa hög sökbarhet men undvika att använda ett diskriminerande språk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur inkluderande perspektiv används i svenska kontrollerade vokabulär. Fyra frågor har formulerats, den första handlar om hur ämnesord om etnicitet och nationalitet är representerade i Svenska ämnesord. De övriga tre frågorna handlar om hur Kungliga biblioteket och andra svenska institutioner arbetar med sina kontrollerade vokabulärs administration samt språklig instabilitet. Med Derridas teorier om dekonstruktion undersöks hur den Andre representeras i Svenska ämnesord, som ingår men skiljer sig från västerländska etniciteter och nationaliteter. Ämnesord som berör den Andre är konstruerade annorlunda, de innehåller mer förklarande kvalificeringar och varianter. Andra utmaningar som administratörer av de kontrollerade vokabulärerna har är att undvika partisk indexering och att upprätthålla ett stabilt system och samtidigt kontextualisera uttryck i ämnesord som kan anses vara diskriminerande. Uppsatsen diskuterar även hur olika kontrollerade vokabulärer är beroende av varandra. / This essay examines how Swedish controlled vocabularies handle inclusive perspectives. Svenska ämnesord is a national controlled vocabulary containing subject headings that is created and administered by The Royal Library and used by Swedish libraries for indexing. Libraries strive for stable search systems, at the same time the meaning of words changes rapidly. It is a challenge for libraries to ensure high searchability but avoid using discriminatory language. The purpose of this essay is to study how inclusive perspectives are used in Swedish controlled vocabularies. Four questions have been formulated, the first one concerns how subject headings about ethnicity and nationality are represented in Svenska ämnesord. The other three questions address how the Swedish Royal Library and other Swedish institutions work with their controlled vocabularies’ administration and linguistic instability. With Derrida's theories of deconstruction the essay examines how the Other is represented in Svenska ämnesord, which is included but differs from western ethnicities and nationalities. Subject headings that concern the Other are constructed differently, they contain more explanatory qualifiers and variants . Other challenges administrators of the controlled vocabularies pointed out are to avoid biased indexing and maintain a stable system and at the same time contextualize expressions in subject headings that could be considered as discriminatory. The essay also discusses how different controlled vocabularies are interdependent.
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Bland hyckleri och hemohes : En textanalytisk studie av den svenska rapporteringen om finska och ryska dopningsfall / Amongst hypocrisy and Hemohes : a text analysis of Swedish reports on Finnish and Russian doping scandals

Lif, Stina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to, through a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis, determine which meaning nationality is given in news reports in Swedish daily press, and how it creates the event as a scandal. Focusing on two major scandals in cross country skiing, articles from the Finnish scandal in Lahtis 2001 and the revealing of doped Russian skiers in 2016 has been analysed. The theoretical framework for the study has been Stuart Halls representation theory, the framing theory, and theories regarding media scandals and nationality. The results from the quantitative and qualitative analyses has been divided into four themes: Imagined communities, Us and them, Individual and corporate and Fallen star. The results show that nationality is given meaning through the creation of imagined communities. It creates a gap between us and them, a sense of the nations parting from each other in form of cultural and moral aspects. There is also a difference between the representation of the countries. In the Russian doping scandal, Russia is considered as a doped nation, with a systematic doping where little guilt is to be put on the skiers themselves. In Finland, the nation stands for the people and is not in any ways to be associated with the doping scandal. Instead, the skiers get all the blame and little notion is made about the doping as being organised. This has also made the scandals to be divided into individual or corporate doping. As for the framing of the event as a scandal, attributes as “cheating” and a portrayal of the skiers as fallen stars is represented. By revealing the names of the suspected dopers it increases the news worth. An unexpected outcome was that the Russian dopers was not mentioned by name as often as the Finnish, which could enhance the event as a scandal even more. Furthermore, doping scandals could be studied in many different ways and is an interesting subject to immerse oneself in.
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Finska immigranter i Katrineholm : Politiska hegemoniers och sociala relationers betydelse för immigranters politiska integration och aktörskap i ett svenskt lokalsamhälle 1944-1991 / Finnish immigrants in Katrineholm : The relevance of political hegemonies and social relations for the political integration of immigrants in a Swedish local community. 1944-1991

Boberg, Per January 2011 (has links)
The present memorandum outlines the structure, theoretical starting points and disposition of a thesis about the activities of Finnish immigrants in a Swedish local community, more specifically their political integration. The intention is to study the municipality of Katrineholm in the years 1944 to 1991. Previous research about the actorship of immigrants in spheres such as politics, labour unions, immigrant associations, educational associations and mass-education, as well as churches and religion, is presented to give an overview of possible areas connected to political integration that can be studied. The overview of previous research also covers local immigrant politics. The intended theoretical starting points for the proposed thesis are political economy and hegemony. The latter is intended to be investigated through its expression in the social relations class, gender, ethnicity, nationality and generation. It is suggested in this memorandum that hegemonies and social relations within a local political economy can be operationalised fruitfully in a study of political integration. Hence, theoretical viewpoints and definitions connected to political integration are also elaborated on. Methodologically it is suggested that quantitative and qualitative analysis be undertaken to study the sources that the thesis is intended to be based on. Sources such as documents from the exemplified activity fields are to be used. Also, it is suggested that oral sources such as interview be used. Another possible method is a research circle, if preconditions in Katrineholm favour such an approach. The conclusion of this memorandum is that no previous studies have been undertaken using the approach presented and further that few studies of the local political integration of immigrants exist. Hence, the proposed thesis will make a significant contribution to the study of immigrant actorship, political integration and contributions to the formation of social relations and hegemonies in a local political economy.
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Lost In Translation : Betydelsen av Kultur utifrån Nationalitet, Lingvistik samt Organisation i Multinationella Team

Brönmark Riex, Emma, Karlsson, Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
As a result of globalization, multinational teams are being more frequently used in today´s businesses. This specific type of team can be described as heterogeneous when it comes to nationality and linguistics. The aim of this study was to explore the concept of multinational teams. This was made using culture as a main concept, and nationality, linguistics, and organizational culture in order to describe it. We intended to say something about how this type of team´s efficiency; when it comes to satisfaction and performance; was affected by national and linguistic heterogeneity within the team. While analyzing differences between the teams’ efficiency when it comes to satisfaction and performance, we also intended to say something about how organizational culture can affect this. This study was made by using a qualitative approach, with focus on a deductive way of doing it. Four different case studies were conducted in order to support this study. A total of seven different respondents where used in this study and their narratives are together with the theoretical framework the basis for this study´s analysis and conclusions. This study reveals that perceived efficiency when it comes to satisfaction and performance can be affected by national and linguistic heterogeneity among team members in multinational teams. It also suggests that organizational culture can be used in order to overshadow these differences among team members, and that this in turn affects the perceived efficiency. A straightforward answer regarding nationality, linguistic, and organizational culture´s influence on multinational team´s efficiency, was never given from the case studies. Instead, this seemed to vary from case to case. Two extremes were yet to be found. When nationality and linguistic heterogeneity were easy to observe, low efficiency was perceived in the multinational team. In contrast, when organizational culture was easy to observe, high efficiency was perceived within the multinational team. This suggests that organizational culture can override national and linguistic heterogeneity when it comes to creating high performance and satisfaction among members of multinational teams.
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Utländskt och svenskt i kokböcker för barn. : Framställningen av olika nationaliteter i kokböcker för barn utgivna i Sverige 1960- 2014

Allegrini, Paola January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera vilka nationaliteter som finns representerade, och hur utländskt och svenskt framställs i 12 kokböcker för barn utgivna i Sverige 1960-2014. Först gjordes en innehållsanalys för att finna lämpliga analyskategorier för att beskriva hur nationell och icke-svensk proveniens kommer till uttryck. Följande kategorier identifierades: explicit omnämnande av nationalitet, t.ex. land, världsdel eller område; delar av eller hela receptnamn på annat språk än svenska; recept med ingredienser på annat språk än svenska; informerande och förklarande text samt andra belägg som anknyter till utländskt ursprung. I ett andra steg undersöktes gestaltningen av utländskt och svenskt genom diskursanalys för att synliggöra hur normer och värderingar uttrycks diskursivt. Resultatet visar att förekommande nationaliteter överlag överensstämmer med kokböcker för vuxna under samma period, även när det gäller de kulinariska Andra. Resultatet visar också att det finns olika sätt att diskursivt uttrycka normer och värderingar om mat, länder och kulturer, vilket ibland innefattar stereotypiska föreställningar, och att barnkokboksförfattare har ett ansvar ur ett bredare didaktiskt perspektiv när de gäller dessa aspekter genom att de är förmedlare av kunskap och vänder sig till barnet som läsare. / The aim of this study is to identify which nationalities are represented, and how the foreign and the Swedish is depicted, in 12 cookbooks for children published in Sweden between 1960 and 2014. First, a content analysis was carried out in order to identify adequate analytical categories to describe how national and non-Swedish origin can be expressed. The following categories were identified: explicit mentioning of nationality such as country, continent, and other expression for specific areas; part or whole recipe names with foreign, i.e. non-Swedish words, and type of kitchen; recipes with non-Swedish names of ingredients; informative texts and explanations, and other evidence for foreign origin. Secondly, the depiction of the foreign and the Swedish was studied through discourse analysis to unveil how norms and values is expressed discursively. The study shows that the occurring nationalities overall correspond to those found in adults’ cookbooks, also in terms of the culinary Other. It also shows that there are various ways that norms and values can be expressed discursively regarding food, countries, and culture, which sometimes include stereotypical notions, and that authors of children’s cookbooks carry a responsibility regarding these aspects in a broader didactic perspective, by transmitting knowledge, and by addressing the child as a reader.
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Tyskar i Kalmartrakten : En etnologisk studie av berättelser om historia, identitet och tillhörighet

Johnsson, Barbro January 2009 (has links)
The study deals with the life stories of six women and four men who were born in Germany and who now live in Sweden.  Its purpose is to examine the histories of those who grew up in Germany during and after the Nazi era, their descriptions of their lives and experiences during childhood and adolescence, and how they regard their encounters with Swedish people, and the ways in which these encounters have affected their ways of describing the growth of their attachment to this country. The main approach is a narrative analysis focussing on the interview interaction and the wider social and political contexts of their life stories. When speaking of their lives in the two countries they show varying degrees of attachment to the places involved. This is why I use the term “travellers” when describing how their feelings of “belonging” change. The theoretical concepts used are those of habitus and capitals derived from Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and Marianne Horsdal’s view that people often refer to the idea of a “good life” when relating their life stories. This concept can of course vary widely from one person to another. Nine of the group emigrated to Sweden voluntarily; the remaining one came here as a refugee after the end of the second World War.  The older ones - born between 1920 and 1940 - have memories of their early years in Nazi Germany and of the wartime period. The younger ones, born after 1950, have differing memories of childhood and adolescence spent in East and West Germany. Some of them lost close relatives during the war.  Those who came to Sweden during the late 1940s and the 1950s were met with very negative attitudes from some Swedes, while the later immigrants were treated with respect. / Tyskland i Sverige och Sverige i Tyskland
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