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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Citoyenneté et multiplicité des allégeances : le cas de la double nationalité chez les Franco-Algériens. / Citizenship and multiple allegiances : the case of dual nationality in Franco-Algerian

Bousenane, Abdellatif 10 September 2012 (has links)
Notre objet d‘étude s‘articule autour de la naturalisation des étrangers en France. Ainsi notre objectif dans cette recherche vise à expliciter et rendre intelligible le phénomène des acquisitions de la nationalité française au sein de l‘immigration algérienne. Notre analyse consiste à mettre en rapport l‘évolution des perception, motivations, stratégies et des désirs de ces « nouveaux » français , en même temps citoyens d‘un autre pays, avec leurs parcours, leurs situations socioprofessionnelles et leurs origine géographique. Cela soulève la question du renouvellement des modes d‘adaptation à la société d‘accueil. Ainsi le rapport à la société d‘accueil dépend de la place que prend la société d‘origine à la fois dans la vie quotidienne et dans les représentations des ces « anciens migrants ». La double nationalité d‘une manière générale se détermine par l‘ambivalence des rapports aux deux sociétés, d‘une part la société d‘origine à laquelle on reste rattaché, d‘autre part avec la société d‘accueille dans laquelle on a choisi de vivre. Ce qui marque cette double appartenance, habituellement, par certaines formes d‘ambigüité voir de suspicion. A partir de là, un questionnement sur la pertinence de la question des allégeances citoyennes chez ces « franco-algériens » s‘impose à nous. Basé sur un travail empirique, notre étude s‘alimente donc des questionnements sur le rapport entre multiplicité des allégeances ou/et appartenances et citoyenneté moderne. Nous cherchons ainsi à répondre à cette question en se centrant et problématisant la question de l‘allégeance à l‘état nation du pays d‘accueil et la confronter à la conception moderne de la citoyenneté qui a émergé dans les pays industrialisés ces dernières décennies. Dans cette perspective, ce croisement entre citoyenneté moderne et « multiplicité des allégeances », nous permet de mettre au jour quelques interrogations essentielles dans ce domaine de recherche comme la signification et la perception de la participation politique dans la société d‘accueil ainsi que la problématique de la pratique religieuse, l‘islam en l‘occurrence. / Our object of study is based on the naturalization of foreigners in France. Thus our goal in this research is to explain and make intelligible the phenomenon of acquisition of French nationality within the Algerian immigration. Our analysis is to relate changes in perceptions, motivations, strategies and desires of these "new" French, being also citizens of another country, with their backgrounds, their socio-professional status and their geographical origin. This raises the question of renewal of the modes of adaptation to the host society. Thus the relationship within the host society depends on the place the original society has in both daily life and in the representations of these "old migrants". Dual citizenship is generally determined by the ambivalent relationship between the two societies, first the original society to which we are attached, second with the host society in which we chose to live. This usually marks this dual identity by some forms of ambiguity and worse, suspicion. From there, questioning the relevance of the issue of civic allegiances in these "Franco-Algerian" is imposed on us. Based on empirical work, our study therefore fuels questions about the relationship between multiple allegiances and / or affiliations and modern citizenship. We are trying to answer this question by focusing and problematizing the question of allegiance to the nation state of the host country and confront it to the modern conception of citizenship that has emerged in recent decades within industrialized countries. In this perspective, this cross between modern citizenship and "multiple allegiances" allows us to reveal some essential questions in this research area as to the meaning and understanding of political participation in the host society and the issue of religious practice of Islam in this case.

A naturalizaÃÃo do homem e a aÃÃo polÃtica em Hannah Arendt

AntÃnio Batista Fernandes 09 May 2013 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O objetivo dessa dissertaÃÃo à examinar a moderna naturalizaÃÃo do homem e a teoria da aÃÃo polÃtica em Hannah Arendt. Para tanto, iniciaremos com a anÃlise da terceira parte da obra Origens do Totalitarismo. Nessa obra, a autora apresenta os campos de concentraÃÃo como sendo o nÃcleo dos regimes totalitÃrios e os primeiros a reduzirem o homem a sua condiÃÃo natural, eliminado a liberdade e aniquilando a pessoa jurÃdica e moral dos indivÃduos. Na sequÃncia, refletiremos sobre a crescente naturalizaÃÃo do homem ocorrida na modernidade, tendo como base os escritos posteriores a Origens do Totalitarismo. Neste sentido, analisaremos os textos: A condiÃÃo humana e Sobre a RevoluÃÃo, onde Arendt reflete sobre o declÃnio do espaÃo pÃblico e a moderna ascensÃo do social, caracterizada pela reduÃÃo da liberdade ao campo das necessidades biolÃgicas. Por fim, apresentaremos a teoria da aÃÃo polÃtica como alternativa à moderna naturalizaÃÃo do homem. A aÃÃo em Arendt tem sempre uma relaÃÃo polÃtica e està fundada na capacidade que os homens tÃm desde seu nascimento de dar inÃcio a novos comeÃos, de fundar novos corpos polÃticos. Assim, à somente atravÃs da redenÃÃo da aÃÃo que poderemos vislumbrar uma retomada da dignidade da polÃtica nos tempos atuais, principal hipÃtese de nossa pesquisa.

L'ironie cynique : une subjectivation sans partage / Cynical Irony : a political subjectivation with no distribution

Zoss, Pascal 26 June 2017 (has links)
Les pratiques performatives de l’art, en particulier celles des années soixante àsoixante-dix, présentent en leurs actes excessifs, corporels, une forme de subjectivationpolitique qui invite à reprendre la « voie courte » du cynisme antique hors des interprétationsfidèles au telos philosophique du « mieux vivre », du « bien » ou du « juste ». Cetterencontre oblige à dégager du rapport anecdotique ou documentaire une compréhensionde la matérialité des actes, de leur résistance à toute leçon rapportée après coup, bref àinterroger obstinément leur reste.D’autre part, en saisissant l’inclusion et l’exclusion sociales comme le résultat de lanaturalisation solidarisée des uns et des autres, de la discrimination des capacités et desincapacités naturelles, la mise à l’épreuve de cette solidarité devient le point nodal de laquestion égalitaire. Les actes cyniques dessinent alors les lignes qui laissent envisager lasubjectivation dans le constant retrait du sujet de son assimilation normative ou policière.L’ironie marque sans relâche ce processus en dissimulant le sujet à l’ombre de ses actes,comme la ruse d’une identification à la nature incompétente de l’exclu. C’est en effet enamplifiant la représentation naturelle de l’exclusion, en lui apportant la plus grande densitématérielle, que la subjectivation cynique ouvre une béance à la frontière qui sépare lespropriétés des inclus et des exclus. Et cette béance qui décharge l’auteur de toute subjectivité,de l’obligation de fonctionner dans le régime policier de l’inégalité, donne son lieuau désir sans sujet, celui précisément que présuppose l’égalité des sujets. / The performative art practices, especially those of sixties and seventies, present aform of political subjectivation within their excessive and body acts, which invites us toresume Ancient Cynicism’s « short route », out of the interpretations that were faithful to thephilosophical telos of « better life », « good » or « right ». This conjunction is a compelling callfor achieving, beyond the anecdotal or documentary report, a wider understanding of themateriality of acts, of their resistance to any reported lesson and, ultimately, to restesslyquestion their remainder.Furthermore, when grasping the social inclusion and exclusion as the result of cohesivenaturalization, of discrimination of natural abilities and inabilities, the actual testingof this solidarity reaches the core of the equalitarian question. Then, cynical acts draw theoutline which let consider the subjectivation within the constant withdrawal of the subjectfrom his normative or « police » assimilation. Irony relentlessly leaves its marks on this processby hiding the subject in the shadow of his acts, as the ploy of an identification to theincompetent nature of the excluded one. It is indeed by amplifying the exclusion’s naturalrepresentation, by giving it the biggest material density, that the cynicism subjectivationopens a gap between the belongings of included and excluded ones. And this gap, whichrelieves the author of any subjectivity, of the obligation to operate within the « police »regime of inequality, gives its place to the desire with no subject, that very one preciselypresupposed by the equality of subjects.

Critiques de l’alimentation industrielle et valorisations du naturel : sociologie historique d’une "digestion" difficile (1968-2010) / Critiques of industrial food and promotions of the natural : historical sociology of a difficult "digestion" (1968-2010)

Lepiller, Olivier 26 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse appréhende d’un point de vue sociohistorique les relations entre les critiques et les justifications de l’alimentation industrielle, en s’intéressant particulièrement à la valorisation du naturel. Aujourd’hui, un certain nombre de produits alimentaires mettent en avant des qualités que l’on peut considérer comme des réponses à la critique. L’objectif central de cette thèse est de rendre compte du processus d’endogénéisation – de "digestion" – de la critique par l’industrie. L’enquête a pris pour objet l’offre contemporaine (une campagne publicitaire, un corpus d’arguments de vente). Dans une perspective diachronique, la critique et ses effets ont en outre été appréhendés grâce à l’analyse des publications de plusieurs types d’acteurs de l’alimentation : diététiciens alternatifs, scientifiques de la nutrition, journalistes et sociologues de l’alimentation. La période couverte s’étend de la fin des années 1960 à 2010. Ces deux approches ont permis de proposer d’une part une typologie du travail de naturalisation opéré par les industriels, qui mettent en oeuvre différentes conceptions de la nature, et d’autre part une typologie de la critique de l’alimentation industrielle. Trois périodes historiques ont été distinguées. La première, de la fin des années 1960 à celle des années 1970, est une période de diffusion de la critique. La suivante (fin 1970 – milieu 1990), est marquée par l’affaiblissement d’une critique sujette à un début de "domestication". Mais elle se relance vigoureusement à partir du milieu des années 1990 à la suite d’épisodes de crise. Simultanément, la "domestication" de la critique se renforce et s’institutionnalise. / This thesis aims at seizing the relationships between the critiques and justifications regarding industrial food from a sociohistorical perspective, while paying special attention to the promotion of the “natural”. Today, a number of foodstuffs sales arguments outline qualities that can be considered as answers to critiques. The main objective of this dissertation is to show the production, the diffusion, the circulation and the process of endogenization or “digestion” of the critique by the food industry. The fieldwork focused on the contemporary food market through the construction of an advertising campaign and a corpus of food product sales arguments. Four corpuses of publications by key actors of the food system are then thoroughly studied: alternative dieticians, nutrition scientists, weekly general audience newspaper journalists and sociologists specialised in food. Between the late 1960s and the late 1970s the critique against industrial food spread. During the 1980s, it lost power and tended towards “domestication”. In the middle of the 1990s however, following a number of food crises, the critique regained considerable strength while, simultaneously, seeing its “domestication” broadened and institutionalized

Les législations en matière de naturalisation : Vecteur de sécuritisation des politiques d’immigration en Allemagne, aux États-Unis et en France / Legislation regarding Naturalization : Securitization’s vectors of immigration in France, Germany and the US

Perret, Sarah 20 November 2015 (has links)
L’évolution manifeste du traitement politique du phénomène migratoire laisse apparaître qu’immigration et intégration seront des enjeux majeurs dans la future politique mondiale. En effet, l’immigration contemporaine diffère par bien des aspects de celles constatées lors des siècles antérieurs, du fait qu’elle soit de plus en plus visible, "dramatique" et "dysfonctionnelle". Le caractère imprévisible et incontrôlable du phénomène bouleverse aujourd’hui les schèmes traditionnels de l’état westphalien, et nourrit des peurs au sein des sociétés occidentales pouvant être ainsi source de déstabilisation. On assiste alors à un basculement du traitement politique de l’enjeu migratoire dans le champ sécuritaire. Ole Wæver nous aide à comprendre ce processus à travers son concept de « sécuritisation », grâce auquel il explique l’existence actuelle d’un processus discursif conduisant un fait social, comme l’immigration, à devenir un enjeu de « sécurité sociétale ». Cependant, cette vision, trop linguistique, nous apparaît insuffisante pour comprendre la mise en pratique d’une telle construction. Ainsi, les outils sociologiques proposés par Pierre Bourdieu, et notamment ses travaux effectués sur le langage et le pouvoir symbolique, nous aident à ne plus considérer la sécuritisation comme un processus purement discursif, mais potentiellement législatif.Une étude à la fois comparative et qualitative des législations sur la naturalisation en Allemagne, aux États-Unis et en France, permet alors d’ouvrir la discussion sur le rôle des lois de naturalisation comme pratique sécuritaire dans le processus de sécuritisation de l’immigration. / The evident evolution of political treatment of migration reveals that immigration and integration are becoming major issues in the future world politics. Indeed, contemporary immigration differs in many aspects from those witnessed during previous centuries, because it became more visible, "dramatic" and "dysfunctional". Today, the unpredictable and uncontrollable characteristic of this phenomenon deeply affect the traditional patterns of the Westphalian state and feeds fears in Western societies that can act as destabilization sources. We are then witnessing a shift in the political treatment of the migratory issue within the field of security. Ole Wæver helps us to understand this process through his concept of "securitization", by which he explains the current existence of a discursive process leading to a social fact, such as immigration, to become an issue of "societal security". However, his vision seems too narrow to be a relevant analytical tool in its own right. Thus, the contribution of some sociological tools provided by Bourdieu helps us in considering the "securitization" as a process not anymore being only discursive, but also potentially legislative. The use of a study both comparative and qualitative of naturalization’s legislations in France, the United States and Germany, allows thus to open a discussion on the role of naturalization as a security practice in the "securitization" of immigration.

The Nature and Origins of the Self-As-Object

Pollock, Marla 11 1900 (has links)
<p>The intent of this study is to consider changes in the naturalization of the self-as-object in both behavioral and mental spheres, or the "self-as-instrument" and "self-consciousself", respectively. The concern here is on the naturalness versus historicalness accorded these two aspects of the self-as-object. A focused examination of the treatment of the self-as-object in three theoretical schools, the Chicago School, Mass Society Theory, and Post-Modern school, assists in drawing the conclusion that the more the self-as-object is separated in these two spheres, the more the self-as-instrument, and in particular and self-as-egoistic-instrument, is naturalized. Further attendant with this separation is a selfconscious-self that becomes an increasingly historical and problematic construct.</p> / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Conceptualizations of Naturalization by Swedish Political Elites : A poststructural discourse analysis

Jackson, Cody January 2024 (has links)
Through a critical analysis of ten Swedish parliamentary debates, this thesis investigates how Swedish naturalization is conceptualized by the Moderates, the Sweden Democrats, and the Social Democrats, which represent Swedish political elites and the broader category of Swedish political discourse. These conceptualizations are deduced through a systematic analysis which operationalizes concepts of support for multiculturalism, representations of citizenship, functions of naturalization, the lightening vs. strengthening trend in naturalization policy, and otherness. Furthermore, by applying a postructural constructivist perspective and conducting discourse analysis using the text dimension and discourse production dimension of Fairclough’s three dimensional model, this thesis contributes a modern contextualization of Swedish naturalization that future researchers can build upon in the rapidly developing area of Swedish naturalization. The value of this research is tied to the poststructural perspective that the production of discourse by political elites reflects and generates contextual meanings that have influence over naturalization decisions and policy.

Invasive potential of the Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus molle) in South Africa

Midoko Iponga, Donald 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Natural and semi-natural ecosystems and human communities worldwide are under siege from a growing number of destructive invasive alien species. Alien species are those whose presence in an area is due to intentional or accidental introduction as a result of human activities. Some alien species become invasive, and some cause tremendous destruction to the ecosystem and their stability, but we do not yet understand fully the many factors that determine the levels of invasiveness in alien species. However, management of alien plants requires a detailed understanding of the factors that make them invasive in their new habitat. The aim of this study was to explore in detail the processes and potential for invasion of Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper tree) into semiarid savanna in South Africa and to examine the potential for this species to invade further in these ecosystems, and in other South African biomes. In this thesis I explored the patterns and processes of invasion of S. molle in semiarid savanna using small-scale experiments to investigate physical and ecological barriers to invasion that prevent or accelerate the invasion of this species. I examined factors such as pollination; seed production; seed dispersal; seed predation and viability, all known to contribute to invasiveness. I highlighted the critical role of microsite conditions (temperature, humidity, water availability) in facilitating S. molle seedling establishment in semi-arid savanna and demonstrated that microsite type characteristics need to be considered for management and monitoring of the species in South Africa. I demonstrated the ability of S. molle to out-compete indigenous woody plants for light and other resources and also showed that disturbance of natural ecosystems was not a prerequisite for invasion, although human activities such as tree planting have played a major role in disseminating this species in South Africa. Predicting the future distribution of invasive species is very important for the management and conservation of natural ecosystems, and for the development of policy. For this reason, I also assessed the present and potential future spatial distribution of S. molle in South Africa by using bioclimatic models and a simulation-based spread model. I produced accurate profiles of environmental conditions (both biophysical and those related to human activities) that characterize the planted and naturalized ranges of this species in South Africa, by linking species determinants, potential habitat suitability and likely spread dynamics under different scenarios of management and climate change. All those components provided insights on the dynamics of invasions by fleshy-fruited woody alien plants in general, and on S. molle invasions in South Africa in particular. I developed a conceptual model that described S. molle population dynamics leading to an understanding of the processes leading to the invasive spread of this species in South Africa. This work also emphasized the need for policy review concerning the invasive status of S. molle in South Africa, and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die natuurlike and half-natuurlike ekosisteme sowel as menslike gemeenskappe wereldwyd word bedreig deur ‘n groeiende hoeveelheid indringerplantspesies. Indringerplantspesies (daardie spesies wie se teenwoordigheid toegeskryf kan word aan opsetlike of toevallige inbringing deur menslike toedoen) is ‘n bedreiging nie net vanweë die massiewe verwoesting van die ekosisteme en ekosisteemstabilitiet nie, maar ook omdat ons nog nie ten volle verstaan hoe hulle van skaars in hul natuurlike omgewing tot dominant in hul nuwe habitat gaan nie. Bestuur van indringer plante vereis ’n begrip van biologise en ekologiese faktore wat lei tot hulle indringing in die nuwe habitat. Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om in detail uit te vind wat die prosessesse en potensiaal is vir die indringing van S. molle (die Peruviaanse peper boom) in droë savanna en om indringingspatrone in droë savanna met huidige en potensieële toekomstige patrone in ander Suid-Afrikaanse biome te vergelyk. In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek die patrone en prosesse wat verband hou met die indringing van S. molle in droë savanna deur gebruik te maak van kleinskaalse eksperimente om fisiese en ekologise hindenisse te ondersoek wat indringing van S. molle in Suid-Afrika voorkom of versnel. Dit sluit faktore in wat bekend is om by te dra tot indringing van plant spesies, soos bestuiwing, saadproduksie, saadpredasie en kiemkragtigheid. Ek het die kritieke rol beklemtoon van mikroomgewingskondisies (temperatuur, humiditeit, waterbeskikbaarheid) in die fasilitering van S. molle saailingvestiging in droë savanna en het gedemonstreer dat die tipe mikroomgewingskarakteristieke in ag geneem moet word by betuur en monitering van die verspreiding van S. molle in Suid-Afrika. Ek het die vermoë van S. molle om inheemse plante te uitkompeteer gedemonstreer, en het gewys dat versteuring van natuurlike ekosisteme nie ’n voorvereiste vir S. molle indringing was nie, hoewel menslike aktiwiteite soos boomaanplantings ’n groot rol speel deur by te dra tot indringing van hierdie spesie in Suid-Afrika. Voorspelling van toekomstige verspreiding van indringerspesies is baie belangrik vir die bestuur en bewaring van natuurlike ekosisteme, sowel as vir ontwikkeling van wetgewing. Daarom is die huidige en potensiele toekomstige ruimtelike verspreiding van S. molle in Suid-Afrika bereken deur inkorporering van bioklimaatsmodelle en simulering gebasseer op ’n verspreidingsmodel. Ek het derhalwe akkurate profiele van omgewingstoestande (beide fisiese en daardie wat verband hou met menslike aktiwiteite) wat die aangeplante en natuurlike omvang van die spesie in Suid-Afrika kenmerk geproduseer deur spesiedeterminante, potensieële geskiktheid van habitatte en moontlike verspeidingsdinamika onder verskillende bestuursscenarios en kimaatsverandering te koppel. Al hierdie komponente verskaf insig in die dinamika van die indringing van houtagtige plante met vlesige vrugte oor die algemeen en S. molle in besonder in Suid- Afrika. Hierdie werk beklemtoon ook die behoefte vir hersiening van beleidsrigtings wat betrekking het op die indringerstatus van S. molle in Suid-Afrika en maak aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing.

A expropriação psicológica do sujeito no capitalismo tardio e a concepção neurocientífica de homem / The psychological expropriation of subject in late capitalism and the neuroscientific conception of man

Perez Junior, Jesus Vasquez Meira 05 March 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar sociologicamente a recente ascensão da concepção neurocientífica de homem, tentando compreender e evidenciar em que medida ela está entrelaçada a certos aspectos da sociedade capitalista tardia, sobretudo ao estatuto do sujeito a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Por um lado me preocupo em compreender a gênese da concepção neurocientífica de homem no campo da ciência; por outro, em lançar alguma luz sobre o seu sucesso cultural, o que implica, inevitavelmente, o questionamento acerca da aceitação dessa visão reducionista de homem pelos próprios sujeitos. A hipótese que busco desenvolver é a de que o sucesso vertiginoso e a estabilidade da concepção neurocientífica de homem (seja no campo restrito da ciência, seja no imaginário social) são um sintoma atual entre muitos outros, incontáveis do declínio da subjetividade contemporânea, efeito, por sua vez, do atual estado da civilização Ocidental e de sua marcha contraditória rumo ao progresso. / This dissertation aims to analyze in a sociological fashion the recent rise of the neuroscientific conception of mankind, while trying to understand and demonstrate in which stage it is intertwined with certain aspects of the late capitalist society, especially the status of the subject from the second half of the twentieth century. On the one hand I care to understand the genesis of the neuroscientific conception of mankind in the field of science; on the other hand, to shed some light on their cultural success, which inevitably implies the questioning on the acceptance of this reductionist view of mankind by the subjects themselves. The hypothesis I seek to develop is that the vertiginous success and stability of the neuroscientific conception of mankind (whether in the restricted field of science or in the social imaginary field) is a current symptom - among many others, countless - of the decline of contemporary subjectivity as an outcome caused by the present state of Western civilization and its contradictory march towards progress.

O lixo do capital: uma crítica ao processo de reciclagem de materiais enquanto reposição crítica das categorias modernas / A critique of material recycling process as critical parts of modern categories

Lacerda, Leonardo Mamede de 11 March 2015 (has links)
Visando contribuir para o debate sobre a naturalização e autonomização dos processos sociais, esta dissertação tenta problematizar a reciclagem de materiais, principalmente, de latinhas de alumínio sob a perspectiva da crise de reprodução do capital. A crítica à consciência naturalizante, socialmente necessária à reposição dos pressupostos da produção mercantil, é uma carência que esta pesquisa tenta evidenciar. Nesse sentido, o intuito do texto é tentar revelar como a consciência moderna, portanto, fetichista, se relaciona com teorias e práticas que envolvem a reciclagem, consubstanciada pela assim chamada consciência ambiental e, fundamentalmente, pela afirmação positiva da categoria trabalho, escondendo sua crise e, por isso, repondo-o em níveis cada vez mais profundos da vida cotidiana. Assim, a análise da reciclagem nos ajudaria refletir sobre como uma atividade desempenhada por quase todos os níveis da sociedade, que muitas vezes é reconhecida como uma prática incriticável e que é capaz de repor, de forma intensivamente crítica, as categorias do capital. Para tanto, tentou-se analisar os elementos críticos da realização do capital financeiro no âmbito de uma grande empresa de reciclagem de alumínio e nas relações internas em uma cooperativa de catadores, ambos em Pindamonhangaba-SP, mas não só. Os dados levantados e as análises tentam contribuir, por fim, para o questionamento de uma dada razão que se apresenta como alternativa para a crise do trabalho: o empreendedorismo. Desse modo, esta pesquisa buscou, também, analisar a institucionalização da forma social empreendedora, que esconde a lógica de ficcionalização das relações sociais, ficção esta que põe em prática uma suposta reciclagem do capital produtivo. / In the intent of contributing to the discussion regarding naturalization and autonomization of social processes, this dissertation attempts to analyze recycling, especially recycling of aluminum cans, from the perspective of the capital reproduction crisis. The criticism of the naturalization consciousness socially necessary to allow the replenishment of the mercantile production, is an insufficiency this research aims to emphasize. In this sense, the goal of this paper is to attempt disclosing how modern consciousness, therefore fetishist, relates to theories and practices involving recycling, consolidated by the so called environmental awareness, and ultimately for the positive affirmation of the work category, hiding its crisis, and as a result, replacing it, in ever deeper levels of quotidian life. This way, the analysis of the recycling would help us to reflect on how an activity performed by almost every level of society, and that many times is viewed as a practice above criticism, and that is able to replenish, in an important way, categories of Capital. To do so, we tried to analyze the critical elements of attaining financial capital within a large recycler of aluminum and the internal relations in a cooperative of waste pickers, both in Pindamonhangaba-SP, but not only. The data collected and analyzes try to contribute, ultimately, to the questioning of a given reason that presents itself as an alternative to the crisis of work: entrepreneurship. This way, this research also attempted to analyze the institutionalization of the social entrepreneurship form, that masks the logic of the fictionalization of social relations, fiction that enables an alleged recycling of the productive capital.

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