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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vytápění administrativního objektu / Heating of administrative building

Bobek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation deals with heating of the administrative building. The building is heated with the floor heating and the panel heating units. The heating source is an air to water heat pump with a bivalent heating from the central heat supplying (CZT). I deal in the project with design, dimension and connection of all these parts.

Practices of pluralism: a comparative analysis of trans-systemic relationships in Europe and on Turtle Island

Cherry, Keith 08 April 2020 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploration of the ways in which contemporary practices of pluralism are challenging, and being shaped by, concepts of state sovereignty. I explore two very different contexts; the relationship between First Nations and Settlers on that part of Turtle Island sometimes called Canada, and the relationship between the European Union and its Member-States. In both contexts, I explore how political, legal, and economic practices are generating forms of social order that depart to varying degrees from the total, exclusive authority associated with sovereignty. In particular, I show that actors in both settings have actually developed two remarkably similar practices – interpenetrating institutions or co-decision mechanisms, and conditional authority claims. Together, these practices enable actors to contest and coordinate their respective authority claims in ways that do not rely on an overarching sovereign or even a shared understanding of their relationship. Instead, practices of interpenetration and conditional authority make all parties responsive to multiple standards of conduct, allowing diverse actors to seek justice over time in conditions of persistent difference and conflict. / Graduate

Developmental needs of HRD practitioners in the South African Public Service

Mbiko, Nkosiyakhetha Headman 28 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the developmental needs of HRD practitioners in selected departments of the South African Public Service. Developmental needs as an independent variable and the role of HRD practitioners – marketing HRD interventions, conducting training needs analyses, designing and developing HRD interventions, implementing HRD interventions, and monitoring, evaluating and giving feedback on HRD interventions - were investigated. A sample of seventy (70) HRD practitioners working in seven public service departments was drawn. The developmental needs to market HRD interventions, conduct training needs analyses, design and develop HRD interventions, implement HRD interventions, and monitor, evaluate and give feedback on HRD interventions were determined within and between HRD practitioners and public service departments to establish differences and similarities. Results averred that HRD practitioners have developmental needs to perform the abovementioned functions. However, compared to Blacks and Whites, Coloureds and Indians seem to have more developmental needs in marketing, conducting training needs analysis, implementing HRD interventions and generic HRD skills. HRD practitioners from the departments of Health and Transport seemed to have more developmental needs in conducting training needs analyses and designing and developing HRD interventions when compared to other public service departments. Females need more development in marketing and implementing HRD interventions than males. HRD practitioner developmental needs in implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and giving feedback on HRD interventions were the same for all age groups. HRD practitioners in the department of Health and Transport need more development in generic skills compared to other departments. However developmental needs on generic skills are the same for all age groups. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

Socialt och emotionellt lärande som redskap / Social and emotional learning as tools

Palm, Tina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate work on social and emotional learning in the everyday practice of 221 educators working in preschools and schools. With using a mixed method both quantitative and qualitative information was gathered. In the introduction and background, the state of knowledge is problematized, SEL is defined, previous research reports and the education in SEL is described. The literature review describes SEL in relation to educators, children/pupils and children with special needs. An expansive learning approach permeates the performance analysis. The study's results are largely in line with previous research in the field of SEL and shows correlations between educators and child/pupils social and emotional skills and relational competence. The educators describe that they perceive children's behavior in a different way, had better understanding themselves, gained a common understanding and a common language, and become better at working inclusively and making adjustments based on the children’s/pupils needs. The educators felt that the children/pupils managed routine situations better based on the environment's expectations. The children/pupils were also perceived to have developed a better self-esteem and self-confidence based on the fact that they more often succeeded in interacting with others and that they were seen and confirmed based on their needs. The thesis concludes with suggestions for further research and hopes. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur pedagogerna upplever att en kompetensutveckling i socialt och emotionellt lärande - SEL påverkar deras vardagsnära praktik och barnen/eleverna. 221 pedagoger verksamma inom förskola och skola deltar i studien. Med hjälp av en mixad metod samlades kvantitativ och kvalitativ data in. I inledningen och bakgrunden problematiseras kunskapsläget och SEL definieras. Tidigare forskning redovisas grundligt utifrån socialt och emotionellt lärande i förhållande till hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete, pedagoger, barn/elever samt barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Engeströms teori om expansivt lärande tillsammans med tidigare forskning om SEL används i resultatanalysen. Studiens resultat visar på samband mellan pedagogers och barns/elevers sociala och emotionella kompetens och relationella kompetens. Pedagogerna beskriver att de har fått bättre förståelse för barns beteende, fått en samsyn och ett gemensamt språk, och blivit bättre på att arbeta inkluderande och göra anpassningar utifrån barnens/elevernas behov. Pedagogerna redogör för hur barnen/eleverna klarar rutinsituationer bättre utifrån omgivningens förväntningar. Barnen och eleverna upplevs också ha utvecklat en bättre självkänsla och självförtroende utifrån att de oftare lyckades i samspel med andra och att de blev sedda och bekräftade utifrån sina behov. Uppsatsen avslutas med förslag på vidare forskning och förhoppningar.

Le marché de soins bucco-dentaires en France / The French Dental Care Market

Bas, Anne-Charlotte 09 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les difficultés d'accès aux soins dentaires dans le marché français semi-régulé. L'analyse cible la barrière financière d'accès aux soins dentaires et ainsi le rôle et le mécanisme de fixation des prix. La première partie permet de contextualiser la délivrance des soins dentaires en France et montre que la profession de chirurgiens-dentistes est particulièrement isolée dans le domaine sanitaire français. L'objet de la seconde partie est d'identifier les déterminants de l'accès aux soins dentaires. Nous montrons que le programme de prévention pour les enfants M'T'dents, entièrement gratuit, n'était utilisé que par les ménages les plus aisés et touchait peu les ménages défavorisés qui en ont le plus besoin. L'importance du support social dans l'accès aux soins est aussi affirmée dans notre seconde étude empirique. L'accès primaire aux soins dentaires des adultes présente la principale barrière d'accès. Une fois cette difficulté surmontée, les patients engagent le plus souvent les traitements suivants nécessaires, avec des niveaux de dépenses qui peuvent être importants même pour les moins aisés. À la suite de ces résultats, nous nous sommes intéressés spécifiquement au rôle du prix. Nous avons montré que plus le prix des prothèses dentaires était élevé, plus le renoncement à ces soins pour raisons financières était important. D'après nos travaux, l'intensité de la concurrence impacte négativement la fixation des prix contrairement à la solvabilité de la demande. Les prix entre concurrents sont aussi des compléments stratégiques. Ce sont autant de facteurs susceptibles d'être régulés pour lutter contre le renoncement aux soins dentaires et les inégalités sociales de santé qui en résultent. / This thesis concerns the difficulties to access dental care in the semi-regulated French market. The analysis targets the financial barrier of access to dental care and so the role and the mechanism of price setting. The first part gives the background of the French dental care delivery and shows that the profession of dental surgeons is particularly isolated in the French sanitary domain. In the second part we identify the decisive factors of the dental care access. We show that the free preventive program for the children Lov'Ur'Teeth was used only by the wealthiest and affected little the most disadvantaged households, which need it much more. The decisive impact of the social support in access to dental care is also a strong result in our second empirical study. The primary access to the dental treatment presents the main barrier of access. When people overcome this difficulty, they mostly continue the ensuing necessary treatments, that could be very expensive. Following these results, we focused in the role of the price. We showed that the more the prosthetic prices are high, the more is the renunciation for these cares. According to our works, the intensity of the competition impacts negatively the price setting, contrary to the demand's solvency. The prices between competitors are also strategic complements. That are many potential factors to be regulated to fight against the dental unmet need and the resulting social health inequalities.

Selbsttests und peer-reviewed Wikis zur Förderung von Anwendungs- und Analysefähigkeit in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Gleiß, Anne January 2016 (has links)
Unterschiedliche (lern-)kulturelle Hintergründe und Bachelorabschlüsse der Studierenden führen zu einem heterogenen Kursgefüge und zu großen Niveauunterschieden bei den Vorkenntnissen. Dem hohen Bedarf an individueller Förderung und der Notwendigkeit, die Wirksamkeit von Übungsaufgaben als Klausurvorbereitung zu erhöhen, kann mit dem Einsatz von E-Learning-Angeboten begegnet werden. Im hier vorgestellten Lehr-Lern-Projekt lag der Schwerpunkt auf der Erstellung eines Wikis als Lösungsskizze einer ehemaligen Klausur.

Porovnání potřeby sounáležitosti ve zdravotnickém týmu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních / Comparison of need for cooperation in a medical team at a unit of intensive care and standard department

Polívková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Téma: Porovnání potřeby sounáležitosti ve zdravotnickém týmu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních. Cílem diplomové práce je zjistit míru uspokojení potřeby sounáležitosti ve zdravotnickém týmu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních. Ve své teoretické části se zabývám podrobným rozborem potřeby sounáležitosti. Charakterizuji problematiku lidských potřeb a jejich důležitost při působení v pracovním kolektivu na jednotkách intenzivní péče a standardních odděleních. Poukazuji na příčiny a projevy frustrace této potřeby. Zabývám se fluktuací zdravotnických pracovníků a pohlížím na narušení potřeby sounáležitosti, jako na jeden z důvodu proč sestry mění pracovní místa. Praktická část práce je zpracována formou kvantitativního výzkumu. Metodou dotazníkového šetření jsem získala data od 142 respondentů (všeobecných sester, sanitářů, fyzioterapeutů ve fakultních a krajských nemocnicích). V dotazníku jsem sledovala tyto oblasti: základní faktografické údaje, frustraci potřeby sounáležitosti a její projevy, důvody fluktuace, motivaci v pracovním kolektivu. Zpracováním dat jsem došla k závěru, že sestry znají význam výrazu potřeba sounáležitosti. Subjektivně více vnímají frustraci sounáležitosti zdravotničtí pracovníci ze standardních oddělení než zdravotníci z jednotek...

Al Paso

Caro Pumarica, Gianella Rosario, Chavez Seminario, Kevin Jency, Rojas Arana , Adriana Paola, Rozas Mora, Daniel, Vizarreta Coronel, Milagros Leonor 09 November 2020 (has links)
El siguiente proyecto trata sobre la distribución de productos de primera necesidad para las familias que residen en el distrito de Chaclacayo del nivel socioeconómico A, B y C. En el desarrollo de este trabajo, se realizó entrevistas al mercado objetivo para poder conocer sus preferencias de nuestros futuros clientes, conocer el alcance que podríamos lograr, sus experiencias de compras en las bodegas, supermercados y minimarket y compras mediante redes sociales. Después de la validación del problema se planteó una solución: AL PASO – La bodega en la puerta de tu casa. El servicio de AL PASO consta de las ventas online de combos con productos de primera necesidad. Además, nuestra unidad con la cual se realizará el servicio de delivery, estará presente en 3 parques estratégicos para realizar ventas de nuestros productos al público en general. El desarrollo de nuestro proyecto se realizó en 2 partes. La primera se validó el modelo de negocio por medio de métodos de investigación cuantitativos y cualitativos. Por último, se desarrolló el plan de negocios, para lo cual se requiere una inversión inicial de 77,000 soles / The following project deals with the distribution of basic necessities for families residing in the Chaclacayo district of socioeconomic level A, B and C. In the development of this work, interviews were conducted with the target market in order to know their preferences for our future clients, know the scope that we could achieve, their shopping experiences in warehouses, supermarkets and minimarket and purchases through social networks. After the validation of the problem, a solution was proposed: AL PASO - The cellar at the door of your house. AL PASO's service consists of online sales of combos with essential products. In addition, our unit with which the delivery service will be carried out, will be present in 3 strategic parks to make sales of our products to the general public. The development of our project was carried out in 2 parts. The first validated the business model through quantitative and qualitative research methods. Finally, the business plan was developed, for which an initial investment of 77,000 soles is required. / Trabajo de investigación

Financování humanitárních neziskových organizací se zaměřením na Člověka v tísni / Funding humanitarian non-profit organizations with a focus on People in Need

Typlová, Jarmila January 2020 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to describe function of non-profit organizations, answer a question if these organizations are sufficiently financed and what is their place in society when there is no help from a state. In this text I will write about humanitarian non-governmental non- profit organizations and their unquestionable place in society. The goal of this text is to answer question on their fundraising, who supports them, how are the resources used and in general if the resources are spent efficiently. I will focus on non-profit organization People in need, its financing and relationship to the civil sector. The reason why I have chosen this topic is my interest in non-profit organization and humanitarian organizations in general - the criticism and skepticism towards these organizations was one of the reasons why I have decided to research about non-profit organizations. With regard to the length of work I will also briefly describe progression of People in need since its foundation and its fundraising by the Czech Republic.

Grundlagen und Forschungsstrategien regionaler Bedarfs- und Allokationsforschung am Beispiel des ASAT-F1-Projektes

Perkonigg, Axel, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Zimmermann, Petra, Nocon, Agnes, Settele, Angela, Spiegel, Barbara, Bühringer, Gerhard, Lieb, Roselind January 2004 (has links)
Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Weiter steigende Raten des Konsums psychotroper Substanzen und klinisch bedeutsamer Substanzstörungen vor allem bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, veränderte Gebrauchs- und Problemkonstellationen der Konsumentengruppen und die Einführung neuer Therapien und Versorgungsmodelle (Prävention, Frühintervention, Therapie und Rehabilitation) erfordern insbesondere angesichts der begrenzten Finanz- und Versorgungsressourcen neue Bedarfs- und Allokationsmodelle. Diese sollen praxisnah und effizient zu entscheiden helfen wann, bei welchen Rahmenbedingungen, welche Interventionsart und -strategie die individuell erfolgversprechendste ist. Diese Fragen werden in einem Forschungsprojekt des Suchtforschungsverbundes ASAT bearbeitet, das in einer umschriebenen Region mittels schrittweiser, epidemiologisch basierter Bedarfsund Bedürfnisanalysen die Ableitung und Priorisierung von institutionellen und therapeutischen Zuordnungsstrategien untersucht. Methodik: Basierend auf einem prospektiv-epidemiologischen Design wurden (1) bei einer repräsentativen regionalen Bevölkerungsstichprobe (EDSP-Studie) Inzidenzmuster, Spontanverlauf, Risikofaktoren und Konsequenzen des Substanzgebrauchs, -missbrauchs und der -abhängigkeit sowie Inanspruchnahmeverhalten, gedeckter und ungedeckter Bedarf beurteilt. (2) Ergänzt wird diese Erhebung durch eine Gesamterfassung und Evaluation des regionalen Suchthilfesystems. (3) Über statistische Analysen von Verläufen und Suchthilfeangeboten in der Region sollen "natürliche" Allokationsprozesse dargestellt und "outcome"-orientiert bewertet werden. (4) Anhand der dabei sichtbaren Mängel und Defizite können dann zusammen mit den Einrichtungen verbesserte Allokationsrichtlinien für einzelne sowie Gruppen von Patienten abgeleitet werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen in das regionale Suchhilfesystem übertragen werden. Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Erste Ergebnisse des Projekts bestätigen die Möglichkeit, Risikogruppen über spezifische Verlaufsanalysen zu identifizieren (z.B. regelmäßige Cannabiskonsumenten, Mehrfachkonsumenten, mehr weibliche Konsumenten mit einem höherem Abhängigkeitsrisiko). Die Inanspruchnahmemuster deuten in Teilbereichen (Frühintervention) auf ein hohes Ausmaß ungedeckten Bedarfs hin und scheinen neue Allokationsentwürfe zu erfordern. Den Einrichtungsträgern und regional Verantwortlichen der Suchthilfe können nach Auswertung weiterer Daten umfassende Bedarfsabschätzungen und verschiedene alternative Allokationsmodelle basierend auf der Perspektive von KlientInnen/ PatientInnen bereitgestellt werden. / Background and Aims: Increasing rates of substance use and substance use disorders especially in adolescents and young adults, changing patterns of use and associated problems and the introduction of new therapies and programs of care (prevention, early intervention, therapy, rehabilitation) require new need and allocation models especially because of restricted financial and care resources. These models should provide a rational basis for the improvement of allocation processes as well as setting priorities in the provision and restructuring of community and patientoriented interventions. In the present paper, we will present a project of the ASAT research network program which aims at a multi-staged, integrated epidemiology-based need and program evaluation in an area to determine institutional and therapeutical allocation processes. Methods: Based on a prospective epidemiological design, (1) prevalence and incidence, risk factors and course of substance use, abuse and dependence are investigated in a representative sample of the community-based EDSP study. Additionally, helpseeking behaviors, met and unmet need are assessed. (2) The investigation is supplemented by a survey of all substance use services in the area. (3) Course of substance use and service provision of substance use services in the area will be analyzed and reviewed to identify natural allocation processes and to determine the outcome. (4) With the knowledge of deficits and unmet need, improved allocation guidelines for specific groups of clients and patients will be developed. The results will be transferred into the regional health care system. Results and discussion: First results show that the identification of new risk groups with the help of course typologies is possible. The patterns of help-seeking point to a high rate of unmet need, especially with regard to the targeted early intervention, and a need of alternative allocation models. After the assessment and the overall data analyses, need evaluations and several alternative allocation models based on the clients'/patients' perspective will be provided.

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