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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A legal perspective on the establishment of anti-bullying policies in public schools

Mollo, Nicholus Tumelo 21 July 2009 (has links)
Legal principles need to be considered when anti-bullying policies are established in public schools where bullying is taking place. The purpose of this study is to investigate how public schools establish anti-bullying policies and which legal principles are considered during the cyclic policy-making process. The research questions are: (1) How do public schools establish their anti-bullying policies? (2) Which legal principles are considered during the process of establishing anti-bullying policies? To answer these questions, four policies collected from participating schools were studied using a document study data collection method and eighteen participants were interviewed using semi-structured individual interviews. This research utilised a qualitative case study design. The study involved two primary schools and two secondary schools in the Witbank area. Themes such as needs analysis, type of policy used to deal with bullying, formulation of anti-bullying policy, policy implementation, policy monitoring and policy evaluation were developed. Research findings show that the content of the anti-bullying policies is not clearly incorporated and is not sufficient. Most policies have few legal principles that are relevant to bullying. There is insufficient stakeholder involvement in terms of needs identification, policy formulation, implementation and monitoring, as well as evaluation of policies that deal with bullying. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

An offender’s perspective of what motivates, deters and prevents white collar crime in the South African workplace

Muto, Luigi 28 July 2012 (has links)
The aim of the research was to look at the motivations behind white-collar crime and, by means of the insights gained, allow businesses to achieve a better understanding of these motivations and the possible loopholes that exist with respect to white-collar crime. Empowered which such knowledge, businesses fraud mitigation polices and approaches are enhanced; which contribute towards sustained operations and increased shareholder value by reduce losses. Face-to-face interviews were held with 29 white-collar offenders imprisoned at the Johannesburg Medium Correctional Centre in Gauteng, South African. Data was collected from these interviews and grouped into themes that related to the research questions. An action plan was formulated to assist business in their fight to eliminate and reduce the impact of commercial crime. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Att skapa förutsättningar för behovstillfredsställelse på jobbet : En intervjustudie om hur psykologiska behov upplevs och kan understödjas hos förskolepersonal / Understanding how to Create Conditions for Need Satisfaction at Work : An interview study on how psychological needs are experienced and can be supported among preschool teachers

Tarbiaty, Marie January 2020 (has links)
Medarbetare är organisationers viktigaste resurs. För att medarbetare ska bli motiverade, prestera och må bra är det nödvändigt att skapa en arbetsmiljö där det finns förutsättningar för tillfredsställelse av psykologiska behov. Tre typer av psykologiska behov har definierats av självbestämmandeteorin (SDT) nämligen kompetens, autonomi och relaterbarhet. Denna studie antar en kvalitativ ansats och övergripande syftet med den varit att få en djupare förståelse om psykologiska behov på jobbet och mer specifikt att undersöka på vilka sätt psykologiska behov kan understödjas på en arbetsplats, representerad av förskola. Totalt sju medarbetare, varav alla var kvinnor på en förskola, deltog i intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades tematiskt och tre huvudteman samt sex underteman framträdde. Enligt studiens resultat sker inte behovstillfredsställelse automatiskt utan det krävs att organisationen skapar förutsättningar för att främja tillfredsställelse av psykologiska behov på arbetsplatsen. Tillfredställelse av kompetensbehovet sker genom att få möjlighet till kompetensutveckling och att få konstruktiv feedback. För att understödja autonomibehovet behövs det att medarbetare får möjlighet att påverka den egna arbetssituationen och att ha en god kommunikation mellan ledare och medarbetare. För att tillfredsställa relaterbarhetbehovet behöver medarbetare att ha goda relationer med andra och att de bryr sig om varandra på arbetsplatsen.

Patient Choice to Opt-In or Opt-Out of Telephonic Health-Related Social Need Navigation Program

Bailey, Sam, MPH, Hale, Nathan, PhD, MPH 12 April 2019 (has links)
Background: Ballad Health participates in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Accountable Health Communities (AHC) model. The AHC model is evaluating if universal screening, referral, and navigation services for health-related social needs (HRSN) can improve outcomes and reduce unnecessary utilization and costs of health care services. To ensure the evaluation of the model has sufficient statistical power, navigation services are expected to be provided to a minimum number of individuals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of Ballad Health’s AHC navigation services that could be modified to improve opt-in rates. Methods: The primary outcome measure was identified as whether a beneficiary contacted via telephone opted-in or –out of the navigation program. Andersen’s Behavioral Model for Health Service Use was used as the conceptual framework for selecting covariates of interest. Enabling factors were of primary interest because alternate interventions may be designed around them. Data was pulled for the time period of November 17, 2018 through February 14, 2019. Where possible, covariates were associated with data from CMS’ AHC Data Template v3.1 to accommodate replication for all AHC bridge organizations, though additional internally-collected data, which may not be available for all bridge organizations, were needed for some variables. Chi-squared tests were performed for each covariate. Results: No statistical differences were found for the primary covariates of interest. Opt-in rates by Navigator were lowest for Navigator 5 and highest for Navigator 4 (67.53% and 88.24%). Opt-in rates by weekday of decision were lowest on Thursdays and highest on Wednesdays (64.91% and 77.42%). Opt-in rates based on time of day were lowest between 8:00am and 9:59am, and highest between 12:00pm and 1:59pm (62.50% and 100%). Opt-in rates were lowest when the decision was made six days after the screening and highest when made the same day (53.57% and 83.33%). Opt-in rates were lowest when there were five weekdays between screening and navigation decision, and highest when there were three weekdays between the screening and decision (60% and 90%). Other non-process covariates of interest that were statistically significant for opt-in rates were the presence of either food, safety, or utility needs. Conclusions: Several groups had higher opt-in rates that were not statistically significant; small sample sizes may have impacted the significance of these differences. For example, opt-in rates were higher when made the same day as the screening than when made one day after (83.33% and 74.79%). However, only 18 beneficiary decisions were made on the same day, while 119 were made one day after. Increasing the number of same-day phone call attempts may be a method to improve opt-in rates. Importantly, date and time data for contact attempts before a beneficiary decides to opt-in or opt-out were unavailable as of the time of the analysis. These data are captured and will be added to the analysis when available, which could provide more insight into whether a beneficiary is more likely to opt-in or opt-out.

"Utan stöd hade jag hoppat av" : några elevröster om stöd i studierna inom en kommunal vuxenutbildning / "Without support, I would have dropped out" : some students' voices on support in municipal adult education studies

von Melen, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Studien undersöker huruvida elever i behov av stöd inom den kommunala vuxenutbildningen, uppfattar att de har fått stöd och hur detta har påverkat deras studiesituation. Syftet har sin bakgrund i dagens vuxenutbildnings mer heterogena grupper, men också då det inom vuxenutbildningen inte finns något lagstadgat krav på elevhälsa. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är den sociokulturella teorin, relationell pedagogik och teorin om KASAM. Respondenterna, elever på gymnasienivå, har genomfört en anonym, digital enkätundersökning och deltagit i en semistrukturerad intervju. Resultatet visar att majoriteten anser sig ha fått det stöd de har uttryckt behov av, från såväl lärare, studie- och yrkesvägledare, specialpedagog och andra skolprofessioner. Resultatets tematiska analys, delar in data i fem kategorier: tillgänglighet, bemötande, motivation, förutsättningar och relation. Vidare ger analysen att förtroendefulla relationer består av ett tillitsfullt bemötande och tillgänglighet, av både pedagogisk och socio-emotionell karaktär, vilka kan leda till ökade förutsättningar och vidare till ökad motivation i en cirkulär process. I diskussionen belyses att specialpedagogens roll i det fortsatta utvecklingsarbetet inom den kommunala vuxenutbildningen, kan bestå i att, tillsammans med skolledning och förstelärare, bistå med forskningsbaserad fortbildning som synliggör vikten av förtroendefulla relationer för den aktuella elevgruppen. / The study investigates how students in need of support within municipal adult education, perceive the support given as well as its effects on their results or preconditions. The study’s aim originates from today’s changed and thereby more heterogenic student groups in combination with the lack of a mandatory multi-professional school health care teams. Theoretical perspectives used are the sociocultural theory, relational pedagogy and the theory of KASAM. The participants were upper secondary school students and were asked to answer an anonymous digital survey as well as to participate in a semi-structured interview. The result showed that a majority of the students experience that they have been given the support needed from teachers, study and career guides and the special educator as well as other school professions. The themes that were found were organized in five categories: accessibility, reception, motivation, preconditions and relationship. The analysis showed that trustful relationships included a trustable reception and accessibility, both pedagogically and socio-emotionally, which could lead to increased preconditions and thereby to an increased motivation in a circular process. The discussion gave that the role of the special educator, together with head teachers and the school board, could work together with school development within the municipal adult education; the special educator’s role could then be to be responsible for bringing a scientific ground to further education to school professions about the importance of trustful relations for this student group.

Förskolan som ska inkludera alla : En studie om pedagogers erfarenheter och kunskaper om barn i behov av stöd / Pre-School that should include everyone : A study regarding educators knowledge and experience regarding children in need of support

Englund, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur pedagoger inom förskolan beskriver inkludering av barn i behov av stöd. Hur pedagogen ser på sitt uppdrag att inkludera alla barn i förskolan? Hur kan pedagogen lyfta sig själv och samtidigt ge andra i sin omgivning kunskaper kring barns behov av stöd? På vilket vis kan den kompetenta pedagogen se barnet med behov av stöd? Som metod har jag valt att göra en kvalitativ studie genom intervjuer. Jag valde tre förskolor i tre olika bostadsområden. Resultatet visar att samtliga tre pedagoger anser att det är viktigt att alla barn inom förskolan blir inkluderande, oavsett om de har behov av stöd eller inte. Resultatet visar även att pedagogernas förutsättningar för att ta emot ett barn i behov av stöd ser olika ut. Deras uppfattning är att de själva får söka adekvat utbildning och / eller litteratur. De menar vidare att det viktiga i arbetet med barn i behov av stöd är att det finns ett anpassande förhållningssätt och att man alltid ser till barnets bästa.

”Sitt stilla, var tysta!” : En essä om elevers behov av fysisk aktivitet och rörelse i skola och fritidshem

Göthberg, Zacharias January 2020 (has links)
This is an essay about pupil’s need for movement and physical activity in school and in afterschool centers. My story is about an afternoon at the after-school center where the pupil’s possibilities to move is severely limited, even though some pupils show an obvious need to move. The purpose of the essay is to examine how the school and the after-school center can establish conditions to support the pupils in the best way regarding physical activity. I start from questions about how the school can design the activities to meet all different needs and about where the responsibility lies to create conditions for everyone to have the opportunity to move daily. I use scholarly essay writing as a research method. A method where I start from a self-experienced event and where I then examine and reflect on my experience with the helpof different theoretical perspectives. By examining the different parts of the curriculum and which positive health effects physical activity has, I discuss why and how schools can work with it. The most important conclusion I can draw from my essay is that the school can and should take great responsibility for the pupil’s physical activity. The positive health effects that physical activity results in, both physical and mental, should make it important for the whole school to work with. I see great opportunities to make physical activity and movement a natural part of the daily activities in both school and in the after-school center. / Denna uppsats behandlar elevers behov av rörelse och fysisk aktivitet i skola och fritidshem. Min berättelse handlar om en eftermiddag på fritidshemmet där elevernas möjligheter tillrörelse begränsas kraftigt, trots att vissa elever visar ett tydligt behov av att få röra på sig. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur skolan och fritidshemmet kan skapa förutsättningar för att stötta eleverna på bästa sätt när det kommer till fysisk aktivitet. Jag utgår från frågeställningar om hur skolan kan utforma verksamheten för att möta alla olika behov och om var ansvaret ligger att skapa förutsättningar för att alla ska få möjligheten att röra på sig dagligen. Jag använder mig av vetenskapligt essäskrivande som undersökningsmetod. En metod där jag utgår från en egenupplevd händelse och där jag sedan undersöker och reflekterar över min erfarenhet med hjälp av olika teoretiska perspektiv. Genom att undersöka läroplanens olika delar och vilka positiva hälsoeffekter fysisk aktivitet har, diskuterar jag varför och hur skolor kan arbeta med detta. Den viktigaste slutsatsen jag kan dra av min essä är att skolan kan och bör ta ett stort ansvar över elevernas fysiska aktivitet. De positiva hälsoeffekter som fysisk aktivitet resulterar i, både fysiska och psykiska, bör göra detange läget för hela skolan att arbeta med. Jag ser stora möjligheter att göra fysisk aktivitet ochrörelse till en naturlig del av den dagliga verksamheten i både skola och fritidshem.

Energetické úspory bytového domu / Energy-savings of a residential building

Michek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The thesis focuses on energy savings of an apartment building. Firstly, the basic terms concerning apartment building and their costs are explained. Secondly, the thesis looks into energy efficiency of buildings, possibilities of energy savings and methods of economic evaluation of investments. The thesis sets the goal to evaluate current state of a selected apartment building from the perspective of energy efficiency and to propose possible energy saving measures. Lastly, the thesis aims to evaluate proposed measures from economic perspective and the perspective of energy efficiency.

Návrh vhodných stimulačních nástrojů / Proposal of Suitable Stimulative Tools

Pytlíková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
Purpose of my thesis is suggestion of suitable stimulative tools for a particular company. The next part of the thesis is engaged with an analysis of existing situation in the company and identification of employees’ needs. A part of this is also an analysis of disagreement between benefits which a firm gives to employees and benefits which employees really want. Suggestion of problem solving includes final structure of stimulative tools, which will be most useful for employees and stop further employees’ leaving, will increase their satisfaction, efficiency and will motivate new employees to work in this company.

Rozvoj lidských zdrojů ve firmě / Development of Human Resources in the Company

Hlaváč, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The graduation theses focus on the problems of development, emphasising the part of education of the employees in the company UNISTAV Inc. At present, the management of development of human resources is becoming one of the most important activities of personal work. In the practical part, an analysis of individual stages of the educational system in the company UNISTAV Inc. Attention will be paid to the identification of individual needs, to making the working output more effective, to increasing the competitiveness of the company. On the basis of the results of the analysis, the suggestions aiming towards the changes in the educational system in the point stock company UNISTAV has been made.

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