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Les besoins mathématiques des non-mathématiciens : quel destin institutionnel et social ? : études d'écologie et d'économie didactiques des connaissances mathématiques / The mathematical needs of nonmathematicians : which institutional and social fate ? : studies in the didactic ecology and economy of mathematical knowledgeKim, Sineae 07 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche se situe dans le cadre de la théorie anthropologique du didactique (TAD) et a pour point de départ le constat d’une inégale diffusion des connaissances mathématiques opérationnelles dans les sociétés contemporaines. Au contraire des explications spontanées qui voient l’origine de ce phénomène dans une « propriété » des individus, dont beaucoup seraient rétifs, par nature ou par expérience, au « fait mathématique », cette recherche regarde de telles manifestations comme des symptômes individuels dont il s’agit d’étudier les causes à la lumière de la didactique entendue comme science des conditions et contraintes de tous niveaux déterminant la diffusion (et la non-diffusion) des connaissances. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’envisager une nouvelle définition du contrat gouvernant le rapport des personnes et des institutions à leurs besoins mathématiques. / The framework of this research is the anthropological theory of the didactic (ATD). It takes as its starting point the uneven diffusion of a working knowledge of mathematics in contemporary societies. Unlike most spontaneous causal explanations in terms of “properties” of individuals, many of whom are thought to be averse to mathematics (either by nature or experience), this research construes such manifestations as individual symptoms to be interpreted in the field of didactics, regarded as the science of the conditions and constraints of all levels that determine the diffusion (and nondiffusion) of knowledge. The results arrived at allow us to contemplate the possibility of reconfiguring the relation of persons and institutions to their mathematical needs.
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Die sistematies-teologiese betekenis van menslike behoeftes (Afrikaans)Pauw, Christiaan Johannes 29 September 2006 (has links)
This study analysis the concept of human needs form a systematic theological perspective. The definition of human needsis formulated to include the element of deficiency as well as the element of potential The study is divided in three parts according to the author’s definition of the task of systematic theology as coherent articulation of the Christian faith, the apologetic defense of the Christian faith against competing truth claims and the establishment of guidelines for the practical work of the church. According to this definition of the task of systematic theology, the study is divided into three parts. Part one analyses some of the classical loci of dogmatics for their implications for a Christian perspective on human needs. The doctrines of God, creation, Christ and salvation, the Spirit and the church as well as the doctrine of sin are analysed here. Special attention is paid to theological anthropology by analyzing the contributions of Karl Barth and Wolfhart Pannenberg in this regard. Part two analyses the origins and factual basis for the popular claims that a hierarchy of needs exist and that people have infinite needs. Serious deficiencies are found in Maslow’s theory of the pre-potency of needs. The contribution of Max-Neref, especially his distinction between needs and satisfies, facilitates a more nuanced understanding of the subject. As a conclusion to this part the results of part one and two are used to give a short outline of a Christian perspective on human needs. Humans need God as the basic ground and purpose of their existence. The presence of God is both mediated and presupposed by the fundamental need for other people. All human needs have a material basis. Human needs should be thought of as a network and not as a hierarchy. Here the symbolic needs facilitates the integration of the person while the material needs maintain the basis on which integration takes place People do not have infinite needs but needs the Infinite One. The third part provides clarity of what the concepts holistic and relevant mean for Christian ministry. / Thesis (DD (Dogmatics and Christian Ethics))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Dogmatics and Christian Ethics / unrestricted
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Verkenning van die ervaring van kinderversorgers in hul rol as opvoeders van kinders in 'n plek van veiligheid (Afrikaans)Spang, Freda Maria 21 December 2006 (has links)
EXPLORATION OF THE EXPERIENCES OF CHILD CARE WORKERS AS EDUCATORS IN A PLACE OF SAFETY SUMMARY OF THE STUDY: This study aims to explore and describe the experiences of child care workers in their role as educators at a place of safety, in order to gain a better understanding of what they see as their educational task and the difficulties they experience in executing this task. The literature review provides a survey of the purpose of a place of safety, what education of children entails and the specific needs of children who experience trauma in their lives. Some of the factors that influence the way the care workers execute their task as educators, are discussed briefly. This qualitative case study is approached from the interpretative paradigm. Child care workers were engaged in individual interviews and a focus group discussion. The data-analysis leads to the following conclusions: • Although child care workers show understanding for the needs of the children in their care. And have a basic understanding of what education entails, aspects were identified in which they need training and support. • Child care workers show symptoms of burnout and reveal the need for supervision. • The way the institution is managed leaves child care workers dissatisfied, which leads to feelings of passivity, negativity, demotivation and a vengeful attitude. / Dissertation (Magister Educationis (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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Effects of Social Exclusion and Inclusion on Basic Needs Satisfaction, Self-Determined Motivation, the Orientations of Interpersonal Relationships, and Behavioural Self-RegulationRicard, Nathalie January 2011 (has links)
How does the satisfaction (or the lack of satisfaction) of the innate need to have meaningful interpersonal relationships affects behavioural self-regulation? How does having/lacking interpersonal relatedness impact one’s perception of future interpersonal relationships? This doctoral dissertation aimed to answer these two fundamental questions by integrating the views of two complementary theories, need to belong theory (NBT; Baumeister & Leary, 1995) and self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000). Using a series of two laboratory experiments and one longitudinal study, this thesis examined the effects of social exclusion and inclusion on satisfaction of basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation, and self-regulation of behaviours. In Study 1 (N=72), social exclusion and inclusion were manipulated in order to examine their effects on the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs proposed by SDT, that is the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Findings from this first experiment revealed that social exclusion decreases satisfaction of the three needs, whereas social inclusion increases satisfaction of these needs when compared to the control condition. Furthermore, significant differences were found between the exclusion condition and the inclusion condition for the reported levels of satisfaction of the needs for competence and relatedness. The effects of social exclusion and inclusion on basic needs satisfaction were further investigated in Study 2 (N=70); also, the second study examined how self-determined motivation and behavioural self-regulation are affected. More specifically, it tested whether participants’ persistence at a laboratory task, as well as their intentions for a future peer interaction (intentions to compete against a peer participant and intentions to collaborate with a peer participant) are influenced by social exclusion and inclusion, through the meditating effects of basic needs satisfaction and self-determined motivation. The results suggested that social exclusion, via the effects of basic needs and motivation decreases peer collaboration, whereas social inclusion was shown to have an opposite effect on peer collaboration. The effect of condition via the mediating effects of basic needs satisfaction and motivation failed to predict persistence at the task and peer competition. Lastly, Study 3 (N=624) assessed naturally occurring social exclusion and inclusion in a population of junior high school students. This third study investigated the independent contributions of SDT and NBT in the prediction of academic motivation and high school dropout. Peer relatedness, perceived needs support from parents, and perceived needs support from teachers were examined as potential predictors of academic motivation and high school dropout. Findings suggested that peer relatedness plays an important role in the prediction of academic motivation, but, that perceived needs support from parents and perceived needs support from teachers are stronger predictors of that outcome. Results from this study also revealed that peer relatedness contributes to the prediction of high school dropout, beyond what can be explained by academic motivation, perceived needs support from parents, and perceived needs support from teachers. However, perceived needs support from parents was shown to be the most essential predictor of high school dropout. In sum, findings from this doctoral dissertation suggested that social exclusion has detrimental effects on one’s motivation and behavioural self-regulation. In contrast, social inclusion fosters social support which promotes satisfaction of the basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation, and successful self-regulation. This doctoral thesis contributed to the application of SDT and NBT by comparing elements of the two complementary frameworks. It also offered an original contribution to research on social exclusion and inclusion by examining their impacts on self-determined motivation, and basic needs satisfaction, as well as testing them in both the laboratory setting and the natural setting.
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Interactions didactiques en classe de français langue non maternelle (enfants de 7-8 ans) en école algérienne : compétences langagières visées et pratiques de classe / Didactic interactions in class of French not maternal language (tongue) (7-8-year-old children) in Algerian school : aimed ans practical linguistics skills of classStambouli, Meriem 10 June 2011 (has links)
Afin d’analyser l’écart entre prescriptions institutionnelles (approche par compétences) et pratiques réelles dans des classes de français en Algérie, nous avons procédé à une approche ethnographique de la classe sur la base d’un corpus filmé (en deux périodes). L’analyse de ce corpus et des textes institutionnels de référence (programme, manuels) montrent que les cultures d’enseignement-apprentissages scolaires en Algérie insistent plus sur le savoir (règles linguistiques) et sur les quatre compétences classiques (écouter, parler, lire, écrire) en des interactions centrées autour du maître, que sur le savoir-faire et le savoir-être (règles sociolinguistiques, socioculturelles et pragmatiques). Dans de telles situations, certainement pas propres à l’Algérie seule, sans doute serait-il recommandable d’aller vers des méthodologies d’enseignement et apprentissage basées sur une pédagogie des interactions didactiques centrée autour des apprenants, de la médiation par l’adulte, du besoin langagier et éducatif et de la découverte selon les termes du modèle socio-constructiviste de l’apprentissage. Notre recherche-action vise la réflexion sur une possible didactique intégrée, plurilingue et contextualisée qui souligne le rôle et l’importance des langues maternelles des apprenants algériens dans les apprentissages langagiers et même disciplinaires / In order to analyse the difference between institutional guidelines (an approach according to skill), and actual practices in the French classes in Algeria, we used an ethnographic approach to the class, based on a body of film made in two sessions. The analysis of this body and of institutional texts for reference (curriculum, guidelines) show that the cultures of teaching and apprenticeship in Algerian schools insist more on knowledge (rules of language) and on the four traditional skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) during interactions with the teacher than on their own ability and self-confidence (sociolinguistic, socio cultural and pragmatic rules). In such situations, certainly not unique to Algeria, it would undoubtedly be advisable, to move towards methods of teaching and apprenticeship, based on a teaching structured around didactic interactions focused on those learning, around mediation by the adult of the linguistic and educational needs, and around education according to the terms of the socio constructivist model of apprenticeship. Our research is concentrated on the consideration of a potential integrated didactic model, multilingual and contextualised, which underlines the role and the importance of native languages of Algerian pupils in the learning of languages and of other disciplines
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Avoiding the conjunction fallacy: Who can take a hint?Klein, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Humans repeatedly commit the so called “conjunction fallacy”, erroneously judging the probability of two events occurring together as higher than the probability of one of the events. Certain hints have been shown to mitigate this tendency. The present thesis investigated the relations between three psychological factors and performance on conjunction tasks after reading such a hint. The factors represent the understanding of probability and statistics (statistical numeracy), the ability to resist intuitive but incorrect conclusions (cognitive reflection), and the willingness to engage in, and enjoyment of, analytical thinking (need-for-cognition). Participants (n = 50) answered 30 short conjunction tasks and three psychological scales. A bimodal response distribution motivated dichotomization of performance scores. Need-for-cognition was significantly, positively correlated with performance, while numeracy and cognitive reflection were not. The results suggest that the willingness to engage in, and enjoyment of, analytical thinking plays an important role for the capacity to avoid the conjunction fallacy after taking a hint. The hint further seems to neutralize differences in performance otherwise predicted by statistical numeracy and cognitive reflection. / Människor begår ofta det så kallade ”konjuktionsfelslutet”, genom att felaktigt bedöma sannolikheten för sammanträffandet av två händelser som större än sannolikheten för en av händelserna. Vissa typer av ledtrådar har visat sig mildra denna tendens. Denna uppsats undersökte relationerna mellan tre psykologiska faktorer och prestation på konjunktionsuppgifter efter att ha läst en sådan ledtråd. Faktorerna motsvarade förståelsen för sannolikhet och statistik (statistisk räknefärdighet, eng., statistical numeracy), förmågan att motstå intuitiva men felaktiga slutsatser, (kognitiv reflektion, eng., cognitive reflection), samt viljan och lusten till analytiskt tänkande (behov-av-tänkande, eng., need-for-cognition). Deltagare (n = 50) besvarade 30 korta konjunktionsuppgifter och tre psykologiska mätskalor. En bimodal svarsfördelning motiverade dikotomisering av resultaten. Behov-av-tänkande var signifikant, positivt korrelerat med prestation, vilket varken räknefärdighet eller kognitiv reflektion var. Resultaten tyder på att viljan och lusten till analytiskt tänkande spelar en viktig roll i förmågan att undvika konjunktionsfelslutet efter att ha fått en ledtråd. Ledtråden verkar också neutralisera skillnader i prestation som annars uppstår på grund av räknefärdighet och kognitiv reflektion.
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L'implicite dans la requête adressée à un moteur de recherche Web / The implicit in query sent to Web engineZouhri, Talal 04 July 2013 (has links)
L'objet de notre étude est la requête adressée à un moteur de recherche Web par un usager dans le cadre d'une recherche d'information. Nous souhaitons mieux comprendre l'étape de la recherche d'information située entre le besoin d'information et la formulation / reformulation de la requête. Notre thèse est articulée autour de deux hypothèses de recherche. D'abord, nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'une requête adressée à un moteur de recherche Web peut receler de l'implicite. Ensuite, nous avons considéré que ce contenu implicite peut être utilisé par les usagers dans des tactiques de formulation / reformulation de la requête. Nous avons notamment analysé le discours de 61 étudiants que nous avons interrogés sur leur intention de recherche. Ce discours était principalement constitué d'un niveau sémantique (qui décrit le thème de la recherche) et d'un niveau pragmatique (composé d'un but seul ou d'un but ou plusieurs sous-but(s)). Les termes représentant le niveau sémantique pouvaient être complètement ou partiellement formulés dans la requête, mais ceux représentant le niveau pragmatique n'étaient généralement pas formulés. Cette situation de communication s'apparente à une négociation entre le moteur de recherche et l'usager. Le moteur de recherche tente de disposer d'éléments sur le besoin d'information de l'usager et ce dernier tente d'obtenir à partir d'un contenu explicitement formulé dans sa requête, un ensemble d'information afin de progresser sur la résolution de son problème / The object of our study is the query, sent to a Web search engine, by an Internet user. We aim to reach a better understanding of the phase of information seeking located between the information need and the query formulation. Our thesis is based on two core hypotheses, all related to the query. Firstly, we considered that the query expressed partially the user’s information need and therefore contain an implicit part. Secondly, we also considered that the implicit part can be used by the users in their query formulation tactics. We notably analyzed 61 students’ speech about their search intent. The speech was based mainly on a semantic level (the terms representing the topic of the research) and a pragmatic level (composed of an only purpose or purpose and of many under purposes). The terms representing the semantic level could be rather completely or partially formulated in the query but those representing the pragmatic level weren’t formulated. This situation of communication is similar to a negotiation between the Web search engine and the user. The search engine Web tries to have elements on user’s information need and the user tries to obtain, from a contents explicitly formulated in his query, a set of information in order to progress on his resolution of its problem
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Analýza neziskových organizací v oblasti zahraniční rozvojové pomoci v České republice 1989-2013 / ANALYSIS OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FIELD OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE IN CZECH REPUBLIC 1989-2013Vránová, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the role of NGOs in the field of international development assistance, mainly analyzes the structure of funding and links with the expenditures of the state budget. Total expenditures on official development assistance are set into the structure of the state budget, revenues are quantified in selected non-profit organizations and their structure is outlined. The thesis also covers legislative changes introduced by the new Civil Code. There are used analytical, comparative and descriptive methods by which the author comes to the conclusion that the form of projects implemented by non-profit organizations can be influenced by the Concept of development assistance and subsidies which can be obtained from the state.
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Řešení informačních potřeb obchodního týmu v leasingové společnosti s využitím ICT nástrojů / Resolution of the information needs of the sales team in the leasing company using ICT toolsKosíková, Renáta January 2014 (has links)
Nowadays information is considered as an essential company source, which is crucial for attaining a competitive advantage. The competitive advantage can be achieved by the acquisition of the relevant information, which is a prerequisite for knowledge creation. Acquired knowledge gives businesses an opportunity to improve their position against competitors quickly by finding the information required for the decision making. Hence the aim of this thesis is to examine the problem of acquisition of the relevant information, where this problem relates to the practice in a leasing company. In order to find the relevant information, the leasing company must precisely define its information needs so that it can obtain the relevant information more efficiently, in particular by using current information management tools. At present, information management is strongly affected by contemporary trends, such as Big Data, mobility, Cloud Computing, social media etc. As a consequence of these trends, volume of electronically processed information increases every day. Due to information oversaturation, information users may face the difficult information search problem. Using both modern information management tools and exactly defined information needs, the company shall obtain the relevant information in less time, or more information in the same time compared to the other firms. This might allow the company to make decisions more rapidly. In addition, information management tools are likely to uncover new contexts, of which the company was not aware.
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Analýza potřeb zdravotně postižených ve vztahu k účasti na cestovním ruchu / Analysis of disabled people needs in realation to their participation in tourism activitiesKačírková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The tourism is an inherent part of humans life because the desire to travel and experience has become a part of current life style. But also the tourism represents the need of self-realization that everybody without any difference wants to satisfy. Therefore it is important to enable as large spectrum of people (healthy as well as disabled) as possible to travel. The main goal of the dissertation thesis is to analyse specific Leeds of disabled people within their participation in tourism activities. The partial goal is to describe the accessible tourism issues, recommend mesures in the field of accomodation and catering facilities and transport services that would lead to the satisfaction of disabled people needs and last but not least to point to an importance of observing the rules when treating disabled people. The dissertation thesis is devided into eight chapters that solve issues of making tourism accessible to disabled people. The part of the thesis is dedicated to the principles of providing informations about accessibility and particular attention is payed to specific needs of disabled people in case of using accomodatin and catering facilities and means of transport. Results of the questionnaire surfy are summarized in conclusion of the thesis.
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