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Alternatyvių socialinių paslaugų pagyvenusiems bendruomenės nariams poreikio dinamika / The dynamics of alternative social services for the elderly members of the communityAleksienė, Asta 19 June 2013 (has links)
Straipsnyje siekiama išanalizuoti Druskininkų pagyvenusių ir senų bendruomenės narių alternatyvių socialinių paslaugų poreikį. Remiantis socialinio darbo, gerontologijos ir psichologijos moksliniais tyrimais, nustatyta tokių poreikių patenkinimo, kaip ryšys su gamta, tikėjimu ir bendruomeniniai ir šeimos ryšių svarba žmogaus gyvenimo kokybei. Anketinės apklausos metu buvo ištirtas bendruomenės senjorų (150 asmenų) požiūris į šių poreikių patenkinimo aktualumą ir galimybes gauti pagalbą alternatyvių socialinių paslaugų pavidalu. Poreikių nustatymas suponavo alternatyvių paslaugų orientuotų į bendruomenės sutelktumą, šeimos ryšių atstatymą savanoriško ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiklos plėtrą Druskininkų savivaldybės Socialinių paslaugų centre. / This work aims to analyze the alternative social service needs of elderly Druskininkai community members. Social work, gerontology and psychological research has revealed that social networks and a relationship with nature, faith, and community is of the upmost importance to its members. The questionnaires analyzed were conducted by community seniors (150 individuals). These questionnaires revealed the needs and the relevance of the help available in the form of alternative social services. After discussing draft options to meet these needs, it is suggested that a community-oriented focus of the voluntary and non-governmental organizations and their ability to perform these activities under the organization and coordination of Druskininkai Municipality Social Services Center.
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"Föräldrarna ska kunna hjälpa barnet" : - En kvalitativ studie om de icke-förövande anhörigas behov av stöd för att stödja sitt sexuellt utnyttjade barn / Help the non-offending parents to help their sexually abused children : – A qualitative study about the supports the non-offending parents gets to support their childrenFadel, Diana, Johansson, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
Through an internship at a nonprofit organization called ATSUB[1], specialized at giving support to non-offending parents to sexually abused children, one of the authors to this study found that there was a lack of care for the parents by governmental operations. While studying the previous research we found a great deficiency when it came to non-offending parents and far most about non-offending fathers. We found studies proving that the child’s non-offending parents are the best support for the child during their healing process. Research also shows that parents must be able to get good support and treatment during their crisis for the parents to be able to support the child, since they’re also in great despair over their child being sexually abused. We decided to do qualitative interviews with professionals who care for the non-offending parents within the county of Kalmar in Sweden. We found through the informants affidavit, studying the previous research and applying theoretical approaches that the support is good but misdirected. The results have shown that there are some miscommunications between government operations and specialized knowledge in treating parents and their situation doesn’t exist or its deficit. The professionals knew what kind of needs the non-offending parents have and they knew how important the parent is for the child’s wellbeing. The professionals also believed that it was important to give individual care to the parents, but there’s where the problem lies, they have such a great focus on the child’s treatment that the care for the parents who are supposed to be the most valuable support for the child, falls aside. [1] Anhöriga Till Sexuellt Utnyttjade Barn (Parents To Sexually Abused Children)
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Barn i behov av särskilt stöd. En studie om förskollärares upplevelser kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd. / Children in need of special support. A study of preschool teachers’ experience regarding children in need of special support.Hjalmarsson, Git January 2014 (has links)
Studien är en kvalitativ studie med en hermeneutisk fenomenologisk ansats. Syftet med studien är att förstå och beskriva hur sju förskollärare upplever sitt arbete med barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan. Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarna upplever att de arbetar med barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Samtliga respondenter berättar om barn som har behov av särskilt stöd av socioemotionell karaktär. De beskriver att de arbetar med barn som har svårt att kommunicera, att koncentrera sig, att styra sina impulser och som behöver stöd i sitt samspel och sina relationer med andra barn och vuxna. Förskollärarna berättar att de har funderingar över vilka barn som egentligen är barn i behov av särskilt stöd. De tydliggör att alla barn har olika behov och förutsättningar. Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarna har strategier för att möta barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Strategier som de lyfter som framgångsrika är att skapa närhet och trygghet, att fånga intresse och motivation, att stötta i leken, att skapa tydlighet och struktur, att arbeta med mindre barngrupper, att ta vara på utemiljön samt att samverka inom och utanför arbetslaget. Respondenterna menar att dessa strategier gynnar alla barn i barngruppen. Resultatet visar också att förskollärarna upplever en del svårigheter kring att möta barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Svårigheter som de lyfter är att barngrupper är stora, att personaltätheten är låg, att barnet lätt blir syndabock, att det brister i anknytningen och att det brister i samverkan. / The study is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic, phenomenological approach. The purpose of the study is too understand and describe how seven preschool teachers experience their efforts with children in need of special support in the preschool. The study’s results show that the preschool teachers believe that they work with children in need of special support. All respondents report about children in need of special support of socio emotional nature. They describe that they work with children with troubles communicating, concentrating, control impulses, and who needs support in their relationships with other children and with grown-ups. The preschool teachers acknowledge that they contemplate which children that really are children in need of special support. They highlight that every child have different needs and pre-conditions. The results of the study show that the preschool teachers have strategies in their efforts with children in need of special support. Strategies which are brought forward and considered successful include to create closeness and safety, to capture interest and motivation, to support the children’s play, to create clearness and structure, to work with small groups of children, to benefit from the outdoor environment, and to cooperate within and between teams. The respondents think these strategies benefit all children in the children’s group. The results also show that the preschool teachers experience some difficulties related to supporting children in need of special support. Difficulties brought forward include too large children’s groups, too few staff members, the tendency to make a child into a scapegoat, flaws in connection and flaws in the interaction.
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Bestuursfaktore wat die werkstevredenheid van die vroulike departementshoof in die sekondêre skool beïnvloed / Anna Elizabeth Ester FourieFourie, Anna Elizabeth Ester January 2001 (has links)
The aim of this research project is three-barrelled: • to ascertain the nature of job satisfaction; • to ascertain which factors, according to literature, lead to the job satisfaction of the female head of department at a secondary school; • to ascertain which factors in the practice of education lead to the job satisfaction of the female head of department at a secondary school.
To achieve these goals a literary study as well as an empirical research was
undertaken. The literary study was done from primary and secondary sources. A
DIALOG computer search was done with the following words: females, sex fairness,
leaders, women administrators, career leaders, promotion, motivation, work satisfaction,
female teachers, secondary school. Consequently the nature of job satisfaction was
After having identified the management factors that have an influence on the female
head of department job satisfaction, these factors were grouped and discussed under
the following sub-divisions: • Factors that are situated in the head of department herself • Interpersonal relations • Factors concerning the job situation • Career development • Factors on managerial level that have an influence on job satisfaction
Based on these factors a questionnaire was compiled from existing questionnaires
(those of Hillebrand, 1989; Esterhuizen, 1989; Du Toit, 1994; Engelbrecht, 1996;
Kirsten, 2000 and the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire, 1985).
A systemized sample was used by which female heads of department of secondary
schools in the North West Province were involved. The questionnaires were sent to the
study population. The information thus gathered was statistically processed and
interpreted. On account of these data, recommendations were made.
The empirical research showed that female heads of department of secondary schools
experience to a certain extent job satisfaction, but also that certain factors need
Based on the empirical study, recommendations were made. The most important one
being the need to look incisively into adaptable scales of salary according to
qualifications, as well as compensation that compares well with comparable jobs. It is
important that the programme of rationalisation should be completed as soon as
possible so that the matter of job security can be looked into seriously. The education
authorities need to look into effective and fair evaluation for promotion, as well as into
the physical work conditions of the female head of department / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001
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Bestuursfaktore wat die werkstevredenheid van die vroulike departementshoof in die sekondêre skool beïnvloed / Anna Elizabeth Ester FourieFourie, Anna Elizabeth Ester January 2001 (has links)
The aim of this research project is three-barrelled: • to ascertain the nature of job satisfaction; • to ascertain which factors, according to literature, lead to the job satisfaction of the female head of department at a secondary school; • to ascertain which factors in the practice of education lead to the job satisfaction of the female head of department at a secondary school.
To achieve these goals a literary study as well as an empirical research was
undertaken. The literary study was done from primary and secondary sources. A
DIALOG computer search was done with the following words: females, sex fairness,
leaders, women administrators, career leaders, promotion, motivation, work satisfaction,
female teachers, secondary school. Consequently the nature of job satisfaction was
After having identified the management factors that have an influence on the female
head of department job satisfaction, these factors were grouped and discussed under
the following sub-divisions: • Factors that are situated in the head of department herself • Interpersonal relations • Factors concerning the job situation • Career development • Factors on managerial level that have an influence on job satisfaction
Based on these factors a questionnaire was compiled from existing questionnaires
(those of Hillebrand, 1989; Esterhuizen, 1989; Du Toit, 1994; Engelbrecht, 1996;
Kirsten, 2000 and the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire, 1985).
A systemized sample was used by which female heads of department of secondary
schools in the North West Province were involved. The questionnaires were sent to the
study population. The information thus gathered was statistically processed and
interpreted. On account of these data, recommendations were made.
The empirical research showed that female heads of department of secondary schools
experience to a certain extent job satisfaction, but also that certain factors need
Based on the empirical study, recommendations were made. The most important one
being the need to look incisively into adaptable scales of salary according to
qualifications, as well as compensation that compares well with comparable jobs. It is
important that the programme of rationalisation should be completed as soon as
possible so that the matter of job security can be looked into seriously. The education
authorities need to look into effective and fair evaluation for promotion, as well as into
the physical work conditions of the female head of department / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001
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Effects of Social Exclusion and Inclusion on Basic Needs Satisfaction, Self-Determined Motivation, the Orientations of Interpersonal Relationships, and Behavioural Self-RegulationRicard, Nathalie 31 May 2011 (has links)
How does the satisfaction (or the lack of satisfaction) of the innate need to have meaningful interpersonal relationships affects behavioural self-regulation? How does having/lacking interpersonal relatedness impact one’s perception of future interpersonal relationships? This doctoral dissertation aimed to answer these two fundamental questions by integrating the views of two complementary theories, need to belong theory (NBT; Baumeister & Leary, 1995) and self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000). Using a series of two laboratory experiments and one longitudinal study, this thesis examined the effects of social exclusion and inclusion on satisfaction of basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation, and self-regulation of behaviours. In Study 1 (N=72), social exclusion and inclusion were manipulated in order to examine their effects on the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs proposed by SDT, that is the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Findings from this first experiment revealed that social exclusion decreases satisfaction of the three needs, whereas social inclusion increases satisfaction of these needs when compared to the control condition. Furthermore, significant differences were found between the exclusion condition and the inclusion condition for the reported levels of satisfaction of the needs for competence and relatedness. The effects of social exclusion and inclusion on basic needs satisfaction were further investigated in Study 2 (N=70); also, the second study examined how self-determined motivation and behavioural self-regulation are affected. More specifically, it tested whether participants’ persistence at a laboratory task, as well as their intentions for a future peer interaction (intentions to compete against a peer participant and intentions to collaborate with a peer participant) are influenced by social exclusion and inclusion, through the meditating effects of basic needs satisfaction and self-determined motivation. The results suggested that social exclusion, via the effects of basic needs and motivation decreases peer collaboration, whereas social inclusion was shown to have an opposite effect on peer collaboration. The effect of condition via the mediating effects of basic needs satisfaction and motivation failed to predict persistence at the task and peer competition. Lastly, Study 3 (N=624) assessed naturally occurring social exclusion and inclusion in a population of junior high school students. This third study investigated the independent contributions of SDT and NBT in the prediction of academic motivation and high school dropout. Peer relatedness, perceived needs support from parents, and perceived needs support from teachers were examined as potential predictors of academic motivation and high school dropout. Findings suggested that peer relatedness plays an important role in the prediction of academic motivation, but, that perceived needs support from parents and perceived needs support from teachers are stronger predictors of that outcome. Results from this study also revealed that peer relatedness contributes to the prediction of high school dropout, beyond what can be explained by academic motivation, perceived needs support from parents, and perceived needs support from teachers. However, perceived needs support from parents was shown to be the most essential predictor of high school dropout. In sum, findings from this doctoral dissertation suggested that social exclusion has detrimental effects on one’s motivation and behavioural self-regulation. In contrast, social inclusion fosters social support which promotes satisfaction of the basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation, and successful self-regulation. This doctoral thesis contributed to the application of SDT and NBT by comparing elements of the two complementary frameworks. It also offered an original contribution to research on social exclusion and inclusion by examining their impacts on self-determined motivation, and basic needs satisfaction, as well as testing them in both the laboratory setting and the natural setting.
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Assessing demand for health informatics education in Karachi, PakistanKhamisani, Anjum 28 August 2012 (has links)
The need for health informatics education is recognized by many countries which are now engaged in introducing technology to healthcare. Universities have been slow to respond to the need for health informatics professional education. Governments are also involved in initiatives to fund the development of curricula and programs in this area. Entry level and generic courses in health informatics are being developed in order to start education programs. There are now a number of such programs being initiated in some of the developing countries.
To meet this demand there is need for individuals who are educated in health informatics. These individuals should be able to perform health informatics related tasks and activities in order to serve the healthcare community better. The focus of their work should be on producing effective leaders in health informatics through formal educational programs and professional education. The purpose of this research is to answer the following research questions:
1) Is there a perceived demand for health informatics professionals in the healthcare institutions of Karachi as expressed by administrators of healthcare institutions?
2) Is there a perceived need for post-secondary Health Informatics education in Karachi as expressed by directors of academic institutions?
3) What types of skills and competencies will health informatics professionals need to acquire through educational programs in Karachi?
This research was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan in 2010 to determine the demand for health informatics education by interviewing representatives from academic and healthcare institutions in Karachi.
A snowball sampling methodology was used. Participants from different types of healthcare centers were interviewed including public and private healthcare centers, nongovernmental organizations, primary healthcare centers of Karachi, and academic institutions that include private and government institutes which are representative of the entire city.
Approval was elicited from Human Research Ethics Board of University of Victoria to conduct the study in Karachi, Pakistan. The study described in this thesis used a qualitative design. Thirty participants including fifteen directors of academic institutions and fifteen head of administration of healthcare institutions participated in the study. The sampling methodology used was snowball sampling, which is a non-probability type of sampling. This is the type of sampling where samples are gathered in a process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected [92]. The researcher identified an expert who provided the contacts of academic directors who were invited to participate in the study. The researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with them.
There are many educational gaps and there is also a lack of resources needed to fulfill the demand for health informatics education in healthcare institutions. Ways to improve education in health informatics were discussed and competencies required for health informaticians were established. By obtaining understanding about health informatics, the need for health informatics education to meet the demand of healthcare institutions of Karachi was identified. After reviewing details and results from the research, institutions can make an independent decision regarding choosing an appropriate approach to health informatics education that blends in with the culture of the target population.
The most important themes that were derived from the responses of directors of academic institutions fall under a number of different categories. Understanding of health informatics was expressed by participants as representing an integration of computer science and healthcare. It was also clear that subjects felt that capacity building was required for the development of skill sets related to data and system management. The status of HI education in Karachi was noted as being in its infancy, which was a constant theme in all the responses of the participants. Additionally, limited resources available along with a lack of financial assistance, lack of knowledge, manpower, educators and awareness were also a few prominent themes.
The administrators had hands-on experience in managing healthcare institutions and they expressed important themes with regard to understanding health informatics as being the management of data and the maintenance of patient records through computer science. The collection of encounters and compilation of clinical documentation was seen as the key concept behind medical records. Themes related to job market requirements included critical thinking, computer knowledge, understanding of medical terminology and specific expertise related to the HI field. Limited resources and scarcity of funds were seen as themes reflecting barriers for health informaticians in the healthcare organizations. Administrators expressed the need for developing academic programs to address manpower training for prospective employees.
This paper presents results that could be a major contribution towards enhancing the approach of training professionals in the field of health informatics in Pakistan. This research will hopefully help educators adopt health informatics in their curricula and will encourage educators in the field to impart their knowledge to local people. / Graduate
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Att välja välfärd : Politiska berättelser om valfrihet / Choosing welfare : Freedom of choice and Political Ideology in SwedenMillares, Matilde January 2015 (has links)
Welfare, and the role of social democracy in defining its content and meaning, is often described as one of Sweden’s distinguishing features. However, in the quest for liberalization and marketization, reforms in past decades have substantially changed the political landscape. These developments have led many to question the viability of describing the main political actors and their attitudes towards the welfare state in terms of left or right. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of ideological convergence and past and current political cleavages by analysing the welfare debate on freedom of choice between the two main political opponents in Swedish politics over three decades. Using a morphological approach, where ideologies are viewed as distinctive configurations of political concepts creating specific conceptual patterns depending on how they are combined, the analysis focuses on the content of the concept of choice by examining the conceptual relationships between political concepts such as choice, the public and the private, equality, equity and need. The analysis reveals a convergence suggesting that the parties have united around a narrower concept of freedom of choice that relates to how it is implemented in welfare services, that is, the choice between different providers of welfare services. However, important differences remain, which are expressed in the parties’ differing conceptions of the power resources citizens need to become truly free individuals. These findings suggest that, while freedom of choice has become a central concept in the political debate, it is not central to the parties’ ideologies. Instead, the core of the parties’ ideologies appears to be articulated in e.g. the political cleavages that remain, which can be described as differing views on the role of politics and competing conceptions of need and equality. It is how these cleavages are translated into policies that will determine possible welfare choices in the future.
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A Needs Analysis Study For The English-turkish Translation Ccourse Offered To Management Students Of The Faculty Of Economic And Administrative Sciences At Baskent UniversityMutlu, Ozlem 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the needs of the third year Management students of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at BaSkent University with regard to the English-Turkish Translation Course through the perceptions of the students / course instructors including the course designer / graduates who took the course / subject-area instructors of the Department of Management / and the professionals practicing in different fields of management and business administration. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were extended to the course designer and the instructors who teach the course for the improvement of the course.
The data collection instruments used for the study were a Needs Analysis Questionnaire administered to fifty-three students and structured interviews conducted with the six course instructors, sixteen departmental instructors, ten graduates and ten professionals. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by using Cronbach Alpha test and all the instruments were pilot-tested. Both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered which were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentages and frequencies).
The study brought into light the fact that translation particularly from English into Turkish was perceived to be a very important skill primarily in students&rsquo / departmental studies most of which they do in Turkish and for which they do most of their field-specific readings in English, which renders transfer from the foreign language into the native language indispensable. Perceptions of the participants also revealed that the translation course, in addition to improving the translation skill, raised competence in the foreign language, primarily in terms of enhancing knowledge of vocabulary, reading comprehension skill and writing skill.
One of the major strengths of the translation course was found out to be the total relevance of the content of its translation materials to the students&rsquo / area of study. Preferences of the course instructors and the students were generally in line with the requirements of the target situations and the suggestions of the literature. Based on the findings, recommendations were extended to the course designer and the instructors. The most important ones included were extending the duration of the course from one semester to two semesters / shifting from sentence-level to paragraph-level and text-level translations / more emphasis on communicative rather than faithful translation / incorporation of authentic materials such as texts from magazines and newspapers and texts used in professional life into the course materials in addition to the texts extracted from field-specific course books and resources already used in the course for translation.
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未婚熟女網路購物行為之研究 / The research of on-line shopping behavior of 30-45 year-old unmarried women.單康寧, Shan, Kang Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討30歲至45歲未婚女性的網路購物行為。先從次級資料的分析,來界定所研究的族群與範圍。接者,以深度訪談的質性方式,去了解未婚熟女網路購物的習性與實務(Habits and Practices)。並根據深度訪談的結果來設計問卷,進行量化分析。最後,從126份回收的有效問卷中,去了解未婚熟女的網路購物行為、其在網路購物上未被滿足的需求、及其對現有購物網站的品牌印象及品牌滿意度。
研究發現,未婚熟女族群對於現有購物網站的「個人資料安全性」、「售後服務」、「退換貨服務」、「詳細商品說明」、「網頁整齊不凌亂」等方面,仍有未滿足之處。同時,在以上未滿足的點上,表現較好的購物網站,會有比較高的品牌滿意度。 / This research is about the on-line shopping behavior of 30-45 unmarried women. First of all, the researcher defined the target audience by the analyzing the secondary data collected. Secondly, by deeply interview with 4 unmarried women aged 30-45, the researcher tried to understand the habits and practices of the on-line shopping behavior of 30-45 unmarried women. In addition, based on the deeply interview result, the researcher designed the questionnaire for following quantity analysis. From the 126 effective questionnaires collected, the researcher analyzed the on-line shopping behavior of the target audience, their unmet needs of on-line shopping and their brand image and brand satisfaction of existing shopping websites.
The research discovered that personal information security、after-sale service、exchange and refund、detailed product introduction、clean and ordered web page are the unmet needs of the target audience. And those shopping websites which perform better on the unmet needs have higher brand satisfaction.
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