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"Får vi bara rätt förutsättningar så kan ju varenda en prestera ..." : Lärares beskrivningar av arbetet med extra anpassningar, dess förutsättningar och organisationVennberg Modig, Anna, Öhlund, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Research in inclusive education lacks studies in examining how teachers experience their work. The aim of the study was to contribute knowledge regarding teachers’ own perspective on the work with additional adaptations and the prerequisites to meet students’ different needs from classes year 7-9. The data collection method was semi structured interviews and nine interviews were conducted with teachers. The interviews were transcribed in full and empirical evidence condensed by qualitative content analysis. The result showed that teachers describe their work based on different themes; complexity, tacit knowledge and relational skills. The result also showed that the prerequisites that teachers receive in their work with additional adaptations are different types of support structures and that the organization around this work is different in different schools. We found that categorical, relational and the dilemma perspective were represented in teachers descriptions of their work with additional adaptations and that none of the perspectives dominated the empirical evidence. In organization with clear structure and procedures, principal prioritises collegial learning, competence development and support as conditions for the work the relational perspective dominated. Conversely, in organisation lacking support from principal and student health and teachers lack of knowledge in their work with additional adaptions, the categorical perspective dominated.
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A Gestão dos recursos financeiros de curto prazo na pequena empresa: um estudo das necessidades de capital de giro em empresas industriais de São Carlos/SP / not availableLemes, Luciene Rose 28 February 2001 (has links)
A administração do capital de giro está inserida em um contexto de extrema importância na administração das empresas. Constitui, ainda, uma das principais decisões financeiras, considerando que a administração eficiente desses ativos não pode ocorrer sem a análise simultânea dos reflexos e implicações na administração da empresa como um todo. O presente trabalho constitui um estudo aprofundado da administração do capital de giro a partir de modelos de gestão financeira, com enfoque para o Modelo de Necessidade de Investimento em Giro (NIG) ou Modelo de Fleuriet. O objetivo principal é o de determinar e acompanhar as necessidades de investimento em giro na pequena empresa. Alguns modelos se propõem a analisar itens individuais do capital de giro: a gestão de caixa, dos valores a receber, os estoques e as fontes de financiamento a curto prazo. Outros se propõem a analisar esses itens de maneira integrada: os modelos de Walker; Biernam, Chopra e Thomas; Krouse; Knight; Schiff e Lieber; Sartoris e Hill; Kim-Philippatos-Chung; Fleuriet; Assaf e Silva. O objetivo central de todos esses modelos converge para o mesmo ponto: permitir uma utilização de um nível de risco associado e suportado pela empresa. Do ponto de vista metodológico, este estudo funde dois subtipos de pesquisa a saber: o de multicasos exploratória e a descritiva, apresentando-se como uma pesquisa de campo que descreve e mensura as condições financeiras de pequenas empresas a partir da administração do capital de giro buscando a generalização dos resultados. Foram observados as práticas financeiras buscando elementos e informações sobre o problema estudado. A pesquisa identificou alguns fatores que influenciam na gestão eficiente do capital de giro, como: (1) a formação acadêmica dos dirigentes; (2) a utilização de modelos de gestão empresarial; (3) o processo produtivo sob encomenda; (4) a administração dos estoques. Assim, buscou-se traçar um modelo de gestão financeira do capital de giro, analisando a influência desses fatores na determinação das necessidades de investimento em giro na pequena empresa. A pesquisa foi realizada em três pequenas empresas do setor metal-mecânico em São Carlos, SP. O período de coleta foi de janeiro à julho de 2000. Constatou-se que esses fatores, analisados sob uma realidade empresarial, poderia proporcionar a pequena empresa o equilíbrio financeiro de curto prazo necessário para sua segurança financeira, e imprescindível para sua sobrevivência ou permanência num mercado altamente competitivo. / The management of working capital is part of an extremely important context in business management. It constitutes as welI, one of the utmost financial decisions, considering that the efficient management of those assets cannot occur without the simultaneous analysis of their reactions and implications in business management as a whole. The present work constitutes a deepened study on the management of working capital based on financial management models, focusing on the \"Need of Investing in Working Capital Model\" or the \"ModeI of Fleuriet\"; its main purpose being to determine and folIow the needs of the smalI business to invest in working capital. Some models intend to analyze individual parts of the working capital, like cash management, accounts receivable, inventories and sources of short term financing. Other models, like Walker; Bierman; Chopra and Thomas; Krouse; Knight; Schiff and Lieber; Sartoris and HilI; Kim-Philippatos-Chung; Fleuriet; Assaf and Silva analyze those items as an integrated whole. The main objectives of alI those models converge in the same direction: to alIow the utilization of a risk leveI associated with and bearable for the business. From a methodological point of view, this study combines two research subtypes: the multiple case exploration one and the descriptive one. It is presented as a field research that describes and measures the financial conditions of smalI businesses, based on their working capital management, aiming at the generalization of the results. Financial practices were observed looking for elements and information on the stated subject. The research identified some factors that influence the efficient working capital management, such as: (1) the academic preparation of the management; (2) the use of business management models; (3) the commissioned production process; (4) stock management. Therefore, a model of working capital management was intended to be sketched, analyzing the influences of those factors in determining the need for investing in working capital for the smalI businesses. Three smalI businesses in the metal/mechanic sector in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil were studied for the research, from Janury to July, 2000. It was conc1uded that these factors, analyzed from a business point ofview, could create for the smalI business the short term financial balance necessary for its financial security and essential for its survival in a highly competitive market.
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Výživa školních dětí / Nutrition of School ChildrenMáchová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The healthy and right food plays a very important role in everybody's life. It works as a prevention of many diseases of civilization. Good nutrition can contribute to improve life quality. It gives a longer life and we stay more healthy. The most important thing in forming healthy eating habits is our own family. The next important factor is a school where children spend a lot of time. They create their own views and habits there. There are usually canteens at schools which offer some food to pupils. This dissertation is focussed on basic nutrients, education for a healthy lifestyle and the eating habits of pupils from 6 to 16 years at basic schools. I will also look into which food is preferred by pupils - healthy or unhealthy -their eating habits and the ways of their feeding. The aim of my dissertation is to find and evaluate eating habits of children of younger and older school age and detect if these children are interested in what they eat and if we can influence them by edification. In the practical part of my work I'd like to find out through a questionnaire what children at basic school know about healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The research was done at a peripheral basic school. The questionnaires were given to all pupils of primary and secondary school. The primary school's...
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Causalidade e inferência em David Hume e Charles Sanders PeirceMontenegro, Christian Emmanuel de Menezes 30 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper aims to achieve a study of the conceptions of causality in David Hume, a Scottish empiricist philosopher of the 18th century and in Charles Sanders Peirce, an American pragmatist philosopher of the 19th century. In order to discuss these conceptions, a historical-critical approach was chosen. We believe this approach should enable the reader a clearer perception of what is at stake, namely, the passage of a deterministic vision for an indeterministic worldview. Hence we will take a route we intend to present the modern scientific thinking from its genesis to mid 20th century. As Michel Paty tells us in his article entitled The genesis of physical causality2, (published in the journal Studia Scientiae): the notions or categories of causality and determinism have accompanied the formation of modern sciences, foremost, the Physical Science one . At the time of Galileo, Descartes and Newton, physics was called Natural Philosophy and comprised a search laws of Nature expressed through regularities and causal relations. Although the notion or idea of causality were always present in Western Thought since Greek times it could be mainly found merged with metaphysical conceptions. Aristotle, for example, in his work entitled Metaphysics, lists four causes, namely, material cause, formal cause, efficient cause and final or teleological cause. According to Paty, it was due to d Alembert s Traité de dynamique more than Newton s Principia the idea of a physical causality subsumed to a mathematical functional relation (differential temporal causality), in the sense of efficient cause, that took shape. It was this conception, excluding other causes, says Paty, that prevailed in Modern Science, from the 18th century, Hume s time. The success achieved by Newtonian synthesis, expressed in its analytical form by d Alembert, led to the belief in determinism, expressed in Laplace s saying. With the advent of the theory of evolution by natural selection in the biological sciences of the 19th century, many thinkers considered that living being built up as something irreducible, which could not be explained solely in terms of efficient cause, therefore it would be necessary to resort to some kind of life force or vital breath inflated by an intelligent intention and only by him. Hence the need to resort to the final or teleological causes. Peirce was one of these thinkers, as we will have the opportunity to see along the exposition of his philosophy. We take as theoretical basis of our research the following works:
2 PATY, Michel. The genesis of physical causality . In Scientiae Studia, São Paulo, vol. 2, n. 1, 2004, p. 9. Available in www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1678-31662004000100002&script.
A Treatise of Human Nature, Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding and the Principles of Moral and An Abstract of a Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume, besides the works of two commentators, namely, The Hume s Skepticism by Plínio Junqueira Smith and Hume and the Epistemology by João Paulo Monteiro. In the same way, Regarding Peirce s works, we have taken the following works: The Essential Peirce, vol. 1; The Essential Peirce, vol. 2; Illustrations of the Logic of Science; Semiotics; Semiotics and Philosophy and the works by three commentators, namely, Kósmos Noetós by Ivo Assad Ibri; The Induction from Aristotle to Peirce, by Maria de Lourdes Bacha; Charles S. Peirce s Evolutionary Philosophy by Carl Hausman / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar um estudo das concepções de causalidade em David Hume, filósofo empirista escocês do século XVIII, e em Charles Sanders Peirce, filósofo pragmatista americano do século XIX. Abordaremos estas concepções através de um enfoque de caráter histórico-crítico. Acreditamos que esta abordagem deva possibilitar ao leitor uma percepção mais clara do que está em jogo, a saber, a passagem de uma visão determinista para uma visão indeterminista do mundo. Para tanto, faremos um percurso no qual pretendemos apresentar o pensamento científico moderno, desde sua gênese até meados do século vinte. Como nos diz Michel Paty em um artigo publicado na Revista Scientiae Studia intitulado A gênese da causalidade física1, as noções ou categorias de causalidade e determinismo acompanharam a formação das ciências modernas e, em primeiro lugar, da física . Na época de Galileu, Descartes e Newton a física era denominada filosofia natural e compreendia uma busca de leis da Natureza expressa através de regularidades e relações causais. Embora a concepção ou ideia de causalidade sempre estivesse presente no pensamento ocidental desde a Antiguidade grega, ela encontrava-se mesclada com concepções metafísicas. Aristóteles, por exemplo, em sua Metafísica, relaciona quatro causas, a saber, causa material, causa formal, causa eficiente e causa final ou teleológica. Segundo Paty, foi com d Alembert, no seu Traité de dynamique, mais do que com os Principia de Newton, que a ideia de uma causalidade física subsumida a uma relação matemática funcional (causalidade temporal diferencial), no sentido de causa eficiente, ganhou forma. Foi esta concepção, excluindo outras causas, diz-nos Paty, que prevaleceu na Ciência Moderna, a partir do século XVIII, época de Hume. O sucesso alcançado pela síntese newtoniana, expressa em sua forma analítica por d Alembert, levou à crença no determinismo expresso no célebre dito de Laplace. Com o advento da teoria da evolução por seleção natural, nas ciências biológicas do século XIX, muitos pensadores consideraram que o ser vivo constituía-se como algo irredutível, que não poderia ser explicado somente em termos de causas eficientes e, portanto, seria necessário recorrer-se a uma espécie de força vital ou sopro vital insuflado por um propósito inteligente, e apenas por ele. Donde a necessidade de recorrer-se à causa final ou teleológica. Peirce foi um desses pensadores, como teremos a oportunidade de ver na
1 PATY, Michel. A gênese da causalidade física . In Scientiae Studia, São Paulo, vol. 2, n. 1, 2004, pp. 9-32, p. 9. Disponível em www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S1678-31662004000100002&script.
exposição de sua filosofia. Tomamos como fontes básicas de nossa pesquisa as obras: Tratado da Natureza Humana, Investigações sobre o entendimento humano e os princípios da moral e Sumário do Tratado da Natureza Humana de David Hume, além das obras de dois comentadores de Hume, a saber, O ceticismo de Hume, de Plínio Junqueira Smith e Hume e a Epistemologia de João Paulo Monteiro. Com relação a Peirce tomamos as seguintes obras: The Essential Peirce, vol. 1; The Essential Peirce, vol. 2; Ilustrações da Lógica da Ciência; Semiótica; Semiótica e Filosofia e as obras de três comentadores, a saber, Kósmos Noetós de Ivo Assad Ibri, A Indução de Aristóteles a Peirce de Maria de Lourdes Bacha e Charles S. Peirce s Evolutionary Philosophy de Carl Hausman
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Inkludering och barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie utifrån förskollärares perspektiv / Inclusion and children in need of special support in preschool : A qualitative study from the perspective of preschool teachersSvensson, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to investigate preschool teachers' perceptions about how they work with responding to children in need of special support as part of the preschool's inclusion work. The study further includes what resources are available in the preschool to make the best possible for children in need of special support. The study is based on which working methods preschools use when including all children in preschool activities. The design of the environment is important for inclusion in the business. This study is based on a qualitative method with interviews as a way of gathering data material about the inclusion of children, even those in need of special support from legitimate-preschool teachers. It is based on interviews in five different communes to see differences and similarities between what resources and working methods the preschools have available to work with including all the children. The results indicate that it differs between the preschools for their resources and how they work with children in need of special support to include all children in the activities. There are differences in what the informants think about what children in need of special support are and some point out that it can be whole families that need support. All informants also explain about the design of the environment and how important it is in their work of including all the children. What all five preschools have in common is that they have special pedagogue available for their preschool teachers. The views that the data material is analyzed from are theories intersectional perspective and socio-cultural perspective. / Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka förskollärares uppfattningar om hur de arbetar med att bemöta barn i behov av särskilt stöd som en del av förskolans inkluderingsarbete. Studien innefattar vilka resurser som finns att tillgå i förskolan, för att göra bästa möjliga för barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Studien utgår från vilka arbetssätt som förskolor har gällande att inkludera alla barn i förskolans verksamhet. Miljöns utformning är betydelsefull för inkluderingen i verksamheten. Denna studie utgår från en kvalitativ metod, med intervjuer som samlar in datamaterial om inkludering och barn i behov av särskilt stöd från legitimerade förskollärare. Studien utgår ifrån intervjuer i fem olika kommuner för att se skillnader och likheter mellan vilka resurser och arbetssätt som förskolorna har till förfogande i arbetet. I resultatet framkommer det skillnader mellan olika förskolor med vilka resurser som finns att tillgå, hur pedagogerna arbetar med barn i behov av särskilt stöd och att inkludera alla barn i verksamheten. Det är skillnader på informanternas beskrivningar om barn som är i behov av särskilt stöd och några påvisar att hela familjer som är i behov av stöd. Det alla fem förskolorna har gemensamt är att de har tillgång på specialpedagog. Alla informanter förklarade även kring miljöns utformning som är en viktig del i arbetet för en inkluderande verksamhet. Synsätten som datamaterialet analyseras ifrån är teorierna intersektionellt perspektiv och sociokulturellt perspektiv.
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"Konfliktungar" behöver inte alltid "hamna i stöket" : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur pedagoger konstruerar bilden av barn i behov av särskilt stöd som ofta hamnar i konflikter / “Conflict kids” do not necessarily have to end up “in trouble”Johansson, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how pedagogues through their language construct the concept of children in need of special support who often end up in conflicts. In this context the influence of two discourses from the scientific field of special pedagogy are analyzed: the psycho-developmental- and the relational discourse. The analysis also seeks to find whether pedagogues in this frame of discussion maintain or challenge traditional power relations between them and these children. The following questions are used to receive answers to the aim mentioned above: “How do the pedagogues describe the difficulties that the children exhibit in conflict situations?”, “What kind of support do the pedagogues consider the children to be in need of in their work with conflict management?” and “What are the consequences of the subject positions assigned to the children by the pedagogues?” The study is based on qualitative interviews with seven pedagogues from two different sections at the same preschool. In the analysis theoretical framework from social constructionism and, mainly, critical discourse analysis has been used. The choice to use critical discourse analysis also provided the study with a method, including linguistic features, in how to analyze the data. The key findings of this study showed that the pedagogues’ way of constructing the concept of children in need of special support, who often end up in conflict, differed depending on which discourse had the most influence in the pedagogues’ way of using their language. The psychodevelopmental discourse assigned the children with a subject position which did not provide them with power and impact in conflict situations. On the other hand, this proved to be the case when the words of the pedagogues were affected by the relational discourse. With impact of the relational discourse, in their way of using language, the pedagogues were also able to change traditional power relations between them and these children.
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Návrh a tvorba nadstavbového softwarového modulu pro správu dokumentů a informací malé firmy / Design and creation of advanced software modules for managing documents and informations in a small businessSoukup, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the theory of information within the framework of the socio-economic systems. The first part includes consultation of theories that relate to information and other information needs, including drawing implications for the chosen target segment of microfirms. The practical part is devoted to the design and creation of advanced software module for the information management and documents of the selected small company. The resulting application is put into practice, the benefits are measured and recommendations for further development are identified.
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Évaluation des malocclusions dentaires et besoins de traitements chez les enfants du primaire issus d’une école montréalaiseTaïeb, Michael J. 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Développement de la lecture chez des enfants présentant une déficience intellectuelle bénéficiant d'une ULIS École : étude longitudinale / Reading development in children with intellectual disabilities in ULIS School (localized unit for inclusive education) : longitudinal studyGuihard-Lepetit, Sylviane 14 November 2018 (has links)
Le paradigme actuel de pleine participation sociale place la lecture en compétence fondamentale. Dans ce contexte, notre thèse cherche à comprendre le développement de la lecture dans la déficience intellectuelle et d’approcher des interrelations possibles entre les différents domaines cognitifs et la lecture. Notre étude longitudinale suit le développement de la lecture d’une trentaine d’enfants non-lecteurs bénéficiant d’un dispositif Ulis Ecole dans l’Académie de Rouen. Le protocole expérimental évalue la lecture et des compétences générales et spécifiques impliquées en lecture durant trois années scolaires. Pour comparaison, une trentaine d’enfants non-lecteurs ne présentant pas de déficience intellectuelle est évaluée avec le même protocole de la grande section au CE1.Les séquences développementales de la lecture observées mettent en évidence l’importance de la connaissance du nom et du son des lettres dans le développement de la lecture dans la déficience intellectuelle, tandis que les compétences phonologiques se développeraient en appui sur ces connaissances de la langue écrite. Toutefois, ces enfants peuvent présenter des profils de lecteurs en développement identiques à ceux d’enfants au développement typique. Ces résultats questionnent la définition et le développement de la conscience phonologique, ses interrelations avec la mémoire phonologique et son impact sur le niveau de lecture ultérieur. Les retombées sociales de notre recherche visent un changement de représentation du potentiel de développement de la lecture dans la déficience intellectuelle pour une école inclusive où les besoins doivent guider la réponse à l’intervention et non le diagnostic. / Today, full social participation paradigm places reading in fundamental competence. In this context, our thesis seeks to understand reading development in intellectual disability and to approach possible interrelations between different cognitive domains and reading. Our longitudinal study follows reading development of thirty non-reading children in Ulis School in Rouen Academy. The experimental protocol measures reading skills and general and specific skills involved to read during three school years. For comparison, 30 non-readers children without intellectual disability are evaluated with the same protocol from preschool third year to primary school second year. The developmental sequences of reading observed further highlight the importance of knowledge of the name and sound of letters in the development of reading in intellectual disability, while phonological skills would develop due to this written language knowledge. However, these children may have similar developing reader profiles to those of typically developing children. These results question the definition and development of phonological awareness, its interrelations with phonological memory and its impact on the future level of reading. The social benefits of our research aim to change the representation of the reading developmental potential in intellectual disability for an inclusive school where needs must guide the response to the intervention and not the diagnosis.
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"Det kan vara svårt att sätta fingret på" : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter gällande arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd / "It can be difficult to define" : Preschool teachers' perceptions and experiences regarding the work with children in need of special supportSeverinsson, Jenny, Andersson, Kristin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barn i behov av särskilt stöd kan ses som ett komplext begrepp. En rapport från Skolinspektionen (2017) ligger till grund för uppsatsens motiv, rapporten visar att förskolepersonal ofta saknar en samsyn över vad särskilt stöd innebär och hur det särskilda stödet utformas. Den teoretiska ansats vår studie utgår från är socialkonstruktivistisk, där människors uppfattningar ses som socialt konstruerade. De analytiska begrepp som används i studien är det kompensatoriska perspektivet, det kritiska/relationella perspektivet och dilemmaperspektivet. Dessa används för att kunna problematisera och analysera förskollärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter om arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Syfte: Den här studien syftar till att problematisera arbetet med barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Metod: I föreliggande studie används semistrukturerade intervjuer för att besvara våra frågeställningar. Nio förskollärare har intervjuats i en mellanstor kommun i Sverige. Resultat: Vi finner att förskollärarna anser att barn som avviker från normen, barn med språksvårigheter, barn med diagnoser och barn i gråzonen är de som är i behov av särskilt stöd. Inom temat barn i gråzonen beskrivs bland annat barn med utåtagerande, alternativt inåtvända beteenden och koncentrationssvårigheter. Det särskilda stödet utformas främst i helgrupp, genom bilder och tecken som stöd men även i mindre grupper och individuellt. Så gott som alla förskollärare betonar att deras bemötande är en central del i hur det särskilda stödet utformas. Slutligen anser nästintill alla förskollärare att även faktorer såsom ekonomi, tid och personaltäthet avgör hur särskilda stödet utformas.
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