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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparison of lay and professional opinion on treatment need and treatment outcome

Vally, Ismail M. January 1997 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / The psychological, social, and cultural aspects of facial and dental attractiveness is an integral part of health care. Lay persons perceptions of facial and dental attractiveness are influenced by many factors including age, gender, geographic location (nationally or international), ethnic status, employment status, cultural differences and social class will effect the social impact of the anomalies. In addition, the public response to dental anomalies will vary according to experience of good health or ill health of the individual, relatives and friends. The perception of malocclusion is often seen differently between orthodontists, patients and lay public. The differing perceptions of patients and dental practitioners may influence the delivery of orthodontic care. It has been reported that 70% of orthodontic treatment is dentist induced and that orthodontic treatment may be undertaken without the patient or parents perceiving a problem with the teeth. (DHSS, Schanscheiff Report, 1986). The thresholds of entry and exit for orthodontic care may be different as perceived by orthodontists and lay persons. Orthodontists may pursue full alignment and perfect occlusion whereas lay persons may accept varying degrees of deviation from normal. This current study has assessed and recorded the differences in opinions of professional orthodontists and lay persons on dento-facial aesthetics, orthodontic treatment need and orthodontic treatment outcome. The study was carried out at the Orthodontic Department, University of Wales, College of Medicine, School of Dentistry. The opinions of 56 lay persons (dental technicians, dental nurses and lay persons not involved in the clinical process) and 97 orthodontists was collected by recording judgements using various patient records as stimuli. For each set of records examined, each member of the panel indicated their opinion using Likert scales. Judgements were made by assessments of 68 study casts in respect of:- * the need for orthodontic treatment on dental health grounds. the need for orthodontic treatment on dental aesthetic grounds. deviation from normal occlusion. the decision whether to treat. ** * In addition, judgements were made on a sample of 50 pairs of outline facial profiles before and after treatment in respect of: * * deviation from normal facial aesthetics comparison of aesthetics pre-treatment and post-treatment. Furthermore, assessments on 50 pairs of pre-treatment and post-treatment study casts in respect of: * * degree of improvement as a result of treatment. acceptability of result. Orthodontists subjective judgements are more reliable than lay persons in their assessments of dental aesthetics, dental health and deviation from normal. The level of agreement for the decision to recommend treatment is similar between orthodontists and lay groups ie. lay persons are as reliable as orthodontists in the decision to recommend treatment. Orthodontists tend to recommend 10 - 12 % more treatment than lay persons. The orthodontist group were more reliable than the lay group in assessing degree of improvement and assessment of outcome. Orthodontists reject approximately 25% of cases deemed acceptable by the lay group. Dental aesthetics appeared to be the most important feature in the assessment of treatment outcome by both orthodontists and lay groups.

Specialpedagogens främjande arbete för interaktioner och relationskapande i förskolan med fokus på barn i behov av särskilt stöd

Göransson, Barbro January 2020 (has links)
Förskolans utbildning består av ständiga interaktioner. Undersökningen lyfter fram pedagogens ansvar i interaktionen med alla barn. Studien undersöker om pedagoger anser att det är olika kunskapsfrämjande punkter som är viktiga när de interagerar med barn i behov av särskilt stöd respektive barn som inte är i behov av särskilt stöd. Undersökningen belyser även vad pedagoger anser att deras påverkan i bemötande i interaktionen med barn, innebär för barn. Undersökningsmetoder som jag använde var enkäter och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Enkäterna bestod av påstående som pedagogerna skattade på en likertskala och det var två medföljande öppna frågor. 20 pedagoger deltog och lämnade in sitt svar. Det var pedagoger från tre förskolor. Av de 20 intervjuade jag sex. Undersökningen utgår från Aspelins relationella pedagogik (2014). Det är i det mellanmänskliga mötet som lärandet sker. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det viktigaste när pedagoger interagerar med barn i behov av särskilt stöd är att som pedagog ta hänsyn till barns känslomässiga tillstånd. När det gäller barn utan behov av särskilt stöd ansåg pedagoger att den viktigaste punkten var lyfta fram det positiva. Den relationella pedagogiken poängterar att det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till hela människan i lärandesituationer. Resultatet visar att det påståendet som flest pedagoger värderar högst är att tillit utvecklas mellan pedagog och barn, för att barn ska kunna utveckla sitt lärande. På frågan om vad relationskompetens innebär på förskolan svarade pedagogerna att vara lyhörd, och att pedagogens förhållningssätt är viktigt i relationskompetens.

En medveten gränspolitik eller panik? : En undersökning av EU-medlemsstaternas folkrättsliga åtaganden gentemot skyddsbehövande vid extraterritoriella gränskontroller, med utblickar mot tredjelandssamarbeten / A conscious border-policy or a situation of panic? : An examination of the public international law obligations of the EU Member States toward people in need of protection at extraterritorial borders, with outlooks on the cooperation with third countries

Muhieddine, Darin January 2020 (has links)
Genom åren har flyktingar och andra skyddsbehövande gjort försök att ta sig till Europa. Avsaknaden av reguljära vägar har dock resulterat i att hundratusentals människor har mist sina liv på de alternativa vägarna längs Medelhavet. År 2015 var migrationsströmmarna till Europa mest frekventa, vilket uppenbarade en ineffektivitet i EU:s migrationspolitik. Situationen med de ökade migrationsströmmarna har kommit att kallas för en flyktingkris, som har gett upphov till omedelbara kontrollåtgärder. Bland åtgärderna finns visumkrav, transportörsansvar och förstärkande av extraterritoriella gränskontroller genom fördjupade samarbeten med tredjeländer.  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka EU:s extraterritoriella gränskontroller i förhållande till folkrättsliga normer, med fokus på skyddsbehövandes tillgång till skydd vid tredjelandssamarbeten.  Resultaten av undersökningen visar att EU:s extraterritoriella gränskontroller begränsar människors tillgång till skydd – genom att stoppa människor i ursprungs- och transitländerna eller genom att avlägsna dem från Europa till tredjeländer som exempelvis Turkiet och Libyen. Även om dessa länder anses utgöra så kallade säkra länder framgår av sammanställningen att överträdelser av mänskliga rättigheter är återkommande inslag. Härav följer att EU:s intresse av att reglera migrationen har fått stå i framkant, medan intresset av att ge skyddsbehövande tillgång till det skydd de är berättigade till har följaktligen fått stå tillbaka. / Over the years, refugees and those in need of protection have made several attempts to reach Europe. However, the lack of regular routes has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people losing their lives on irregular routes along the Mediterranean. In 2015, the migration flows across the Mediterranean reached high levels, which revealed inefficiency in the EU's migration policy. The situation with the increased migration flows across the Mediterranean has been labelled as a refugee crisis, and has given rise to immediate measures. The measures include border checks such as visa requirements, carrier responsibility, and extraterritorial border controls through deepened cooperation with third countries.  The purpose of this study is to investigate the EU's extraterritorial border controls in relation to public international law norms. The focus is on the possibility of access international protection in situations of collaborations with third countries.  The results of the study show that the extraterritorial border controls restrict people's access to protection - by stopping people in the countries of origin and transit, or by removing them from the European territory to third countries such as Turkey and Libya. Both are considered to be safe countries. However, evidence shows that neither Turkey nor Libya are such safe countries and that human rights are frequently violated. Accordingly, the EU's interest in regulating migration has remained at the forefront, while the interest in protecting those in need has been held back – even for those who are entitled to protection under public international law.

Need for Cognition in Resident Assistants

Austin, Bryan 04 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Designing an indoor modular micro-farm / Design av modulär mikrofarm för inomhusbruk

DEACONU, RADU COSMIN January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a product design and engineering master’s project that has been carried out in partnership with a swedish product design and greentech company. In this project, an array of data gathering and design methods were used with the goal of developing a modular solution for an indoor hydroponic micro-farm. The project also investigates the benefits and consequences of designing this type of product in this fashion. A secondary goal was set, as discovered through the research and analysis process. This goal was to investigate the possible impact that a self-sustaining microfarm has on the UX of growing plants and how it can be addressed. / Detta är en masteruppsats i produktutveckling och teknik som har utförts i samarbete med ett svenskt företag med fokus på grön teknologi. Projektet använder sig av flera typer av metoder för datainsamling och design för att ta fram en modulär lösning för en hydroponisk mikromiljö för inomhusbruk. Projektet undersöker vilka fördelar och eventuella konsekvenser en sådan typ av design för med sig. Under analysens gång har ett bimål tagits fram, nämligen att undersöka vilken möjlig påverkan en självdrivande mikromiljö har på användarupplevelsen av att ta hand om växter samt hur detta kan adresseras.

Understanding Cognitive Dissonance and Information Sources in Home Furniture Purchases

Ford, Toni-Rochelle S 14 December 2018 (has links)
The present research seeks to increase understanding of cognitive dissonance by exploring the various information sources that may influence the negative feelings that may arise during post-purchase evaluation. Specifically, the author focuses on the impact of consumer opinion seeking, traditional media search, internet search and social media search on cognitive dissonance by employing two studies. In Study 1, depth interviews are collected and analyzed in an effort to gain more insight into the search process and consumers perceptions of the helpfulness and credibility of different information sources. Categories of information sources, categories of which sources were deemed most helpful or credible, and categories of post-purchase evaluations as they relate to cognitive dissonance are drawn from the interviews. Conclusions are drawn from this analysis and a proposed model is provided informed by the emergent categories. The development of hypotheses is also discussed. Study 2 explores the impact of credibility of sources within social media on online furniture purchase decisions. A survey is developed to empirically examine the relationships represented in the model. A pretest is conducted with a sample of 207 respondents. The results of the pretest are used to make changes to the survey instrument for the main study. The main study is conducted using three samples of participants that gained information from one of three sources of information: 1) friends and family member, 2) retailer or 3) other individual (“others”) the participant does not know personally. The findings from the main study indicate that trustworthiness of the source positively impacts consumers’ perceptions of source credibility. Moreover, the results from each of the three samples also provide evidence that cognitive dissonance is less likely to occur when consumers have a positive attitude toward source of information. These findings are especially relevant for retailers as they should develop strategies to enhance trust among their customers in order to increase perceived credibility. In the same vein, retailers should focus on crafting approaches that foster favorable customer attitudes in order to reduce the occurrence of cognitive dissonance. Additional results of the main study are presented along with managerial implications and ideas for future research.

Strategisk kompetensförsörjning : En kvalitativ studie om att vara en attraktiv & konkurrenskraftig arbetsgivare / Strategic competence supply : A qualitative study about being an attractive and competitive employer

Hessel, Emma, Karlsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Framväxten av human resource management (HRM) tog fart under 80-talet som ett svar på en ökad medvetenhet kring att medarbetarna och den kompetens de besitter har en central roll för organisationens framgång och konkurrenskraft. Utmaningen för organisationer i dagens samhälle handlar om att integrera arbetet med HRM på ett strategiskt plan med de övergripande verksamhetsmålen. En av företagens viktigaste processer är kompetensförsörjningen. Många företag har svårigheter att hitta rätt person till rätt plats, till följd av att omvärlden ständigt förändras och en arbetsmarknad där efterfrågan överstiger utbudet av kompetenta medarbetare. Dessa utmaningar kommer prägla Skaraborgs arbetsmarknad framöver, och påverka behovetav att attrahera och behålla rätt kompetens.  Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera organisationers arbete med att vara attraktiva arbetsgivare, som i denna studie innebär att attrahera och behålla nyckelkompetens som är av betydelse för dess konkurrenskraft. Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte valdes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med HR-praktiker från tio tillverkande företag i Skaraborg. Frågorna som lyftes berörde kompetensbehov, att attrahera och behålla kompetens samt HR:s roll och organisationens syn på den.  Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på att det som teorin säger är svårt att implementera i praktiken. Den intensiva förändringstakten gör det svårt att arbeta proaktivt med kompetensförsörjning. Samarbetet mellan HR och produktionschefer är av stor betydelse för identifiering av kompetensbehov och implementering av processer. Situationen på arbetsmarknaden ställer allt större krav på företagen att vara innovativa i sitt sätt att marknadsföra sig och bli mer medvetna kring vad det är om gör att anställda väljer att stanna. Företagen har utarbetade strategier för talanghantering, men har svårigheter att få det att fungera i praktiken. / Background: The development of human resource management (HRM) took off in the 80s as a response to an increased awareness that employees and the skills they possess have a central role in the organization's success and competitiveness. The challenge for organizations in today's society is to integrate the work with HRM on a strategic level with the overall operational goals. One of the companies most important processes is the competence supply. Many companies have difficulties finding the right person for the right place, as a result of the constantly changing world and a labor market where the demand exceeds the supply of competent employees. These challenges will characterize the labor market in Skaraborg going forward, and affect the need to attract and retain the right skills.  Purpose: The study aims to describe and analyze the work of organizations to be attractive employers, which in this study means attracting and retaining key competence that is important for its competitiveness.  Method: To achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative research method was chosen in the form of semi-structured interviews with HR practitioners from ten manufacturing companies in Skaraborg. The questions that were raised referred to competence needs, attracting and retaining competence and the role of HR and the organization’s view of it.  Results & conclusion: The result of the study shows that what the theory says is difficult to implement in practice. The intense pace of change makes it difficult to workproactively with competence supply. The cooperation between HR and production managers is of great importance for the identification of competence needs and the implementation of processes. The situation on the labor market places increasing demands on companies to be innovative in their way of marketing themselves and to become more aware of what makes employees choose to stay. Companies have developed strategies for talent management, but have difficulties in making it work in practice.

Distinction entre besoin et désir : avec la perspective des neurosciences

Bosulu, Juvenal 08 1900 (has links)
Le besoin et le désir sont parfois dissociés (discordance), parfois associés (concordance). En effet, le besoin est lié à la privation et, parmi d’autres régions du cerveau, l’hypothalamus et l’insula jouent un rôle central dans l’émanation et la représentation des états de besoin internes de l’organisme, et le niveau de sérotonine semble indiquer les états de privation ou de satiation. Le désir quant à lui est lié à la prédiction de récompense. Cette dernière contrôle davantage le comportement, car elle active les régions centrales de la dopamine : l’aire tegmentale ventrale (VTA) et le nucleus accumbens (NAcc). Cela dit, l’interaction et la différence entre besoin et désir en termes de fonctionnement cérébral ne sont pas si définies, et on ne sait pas vraiment pourquoi parfois il y a concordance et parfois discordance. Ainsi, la première étude de cette thèse consistait à examiner le patron d’activation cérébrale lié à la perception des stimuli physiologiques et sociaux dont on a besoin, et leurs liens avec la sérotonine. La deuxième étude s’est attelée à comparer les patrons d’activation cérébrale liés à la perception des stimuli liés au besoin, en l’absence de désir ; et celle des stimuli liés au désir en l’absence de besoin. Pour répondre aux deux questions soulevées par ces deux premières études, nous avons utilisé des méta-analyses d’imageries cérébrales fonctionnelles. Nous avons trouvé que les besoins physiologiques et sociaux ont un patron d’activation commun au niveau de l’insula mi-postérieure, de la portion pré-limbique du cortex cingulaire antérieur, et du noyau caudé. De plus, ce patron d’activation commun possède une forte corrélation avec le récepteur 5HT4 parmi les récepteurs de la sérotonine. La deuxième étude a montré que le besoin semble davantage impliquer l’insula mi-postérieure, et que le désir implique les régions de la dopamine, notamment le VTA et le NAcc. Ceci suggère que le besoin dirige le choix et octroie la valeur aux stimuli via la prédiction des états internes ; tandis que le désir dirige le choix et octroie la valeur aux stimuli via la prédiction de récompense. Cette étude montre que ces deux types de valeurs sont indépendants, démontrant que le besoin et le désir peuvent arriver séparément (discordance). Toutefois, ces deux études n’expliquent pas l’effet sous-jacent du besoin, par lequel il amplifie le désir, le plaisir, etc. Le besoin est lié à la tendance qu’ont les êtres vivants à occuper des états préférés afin de réduire l’entropie. Dans la troisième étude, nous avons utilisé des méthodes computationnelles ; et trouvé que la tendance d’occuper les états préférés est influencée par les états de besoin, indépendamment de la prédiction de récompense ; et que l’entropie est largement réduite en présence d’une récompense menant à l’état préféré qu’en son absence. En effet, l’entropie signifie l’incertitude sur quel état occuper et la précision signifie l’inverse de l’entropie. Comme la dopamine signale le précision qu’une séquence d’événement (policy) mène à la récompense on peut comprendre l’amplification du désir par le besoin : le besoin amplifie le désir si, et seulement si, on est en face d’un stimulus qui signale la précision que la séquence d’événement mène à la récompense, et que cette récompense est la même celle qui réduit l’entropie en menant vers l’état préféré. En ce sens, le besoin et le désir sont en concordance lorsque le stimulus qui mène à l’état préféré est également la récompense prédite, c’est-à-dire celle à laquelle mène la policy. / Needing and wanting are sometimes dissociated and sometimes associated. Indeed, needing is related to deprivation, and among other brain regions, the hypothalamus and insula play a central role in the emanation and representation of need states, and serotonin levels seem to encode how deprived or satiated one is. Wanting is linked to reward prediction which has more power on behavioral activation than need states. This is due to the fact that reward predicting cues elicit activity within the mesolimbic dopamine circuitry, especially the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). That being said, the interaction and the difference between needing and wanting as of how the brain works is not fully known, and we can't quite explain why sometimes they are associated and some other times dissociated. Hence, our first study looked at the brain activation pattern that is common for the perception of physiologically and socially needed stimuli, and the relation between such a common activation pattern and serotonin in the brain. The second study set out to compare the brain activation patterns of the perception of needed stimuli, in absence of wanting, and that of wanted stimuli in the absence of needing. Using functional brain imaging meta-analyses to answer those questions, we found that psychologically and socially needed stimuli have common activation patterns that peaked at the mid-posterior insula, the prelimbic anterior cingulate cortex, and the caudate nucleus. This common pattern has a strong correlation with the 5HT4 serotonin receptor. The second study showed that needing seems to more consistently activate the mid-posterior insula, whereas wanting more consistently activates dopaminergic regions, especially the VTA and NAcc. This suggests that needing directs choice and assigns value to stimuli via interoceptive prediction; while wanting directs choice and assigns value to stimuli based on reward prediction. The fact that we found these two types of values ​​to be independent shows that needing and wanting can occur separately (they can be dissociated). However, the first two studies do not explain what the underlying effect of needing is and how such an effect amplifies wanting, liking, etc. Indeed, needing is related to the tendency of living creatures to occupy preferred states in order to reduce entropy. In the third study, using computational methods, we found that this tendency to occupy preferred states is influenced by need states, independently of reward prediction, and that the presence of a reward leading to the preferred state reduces entropy when need states increase; compared to no reward. As entropy means the uncertainty on which state to occupy, and precision is the inverse of entropy, this result means that need can amplify wanting: it suffices to consider that the prediction of reward triggers dopamine which signals the precision (certainty or confidence) that the policy will lead to reward. It is in this sense that need amplifies wanting if, and only if, there is a cue that signals such precision. In other words, needing amplifies wanting if the reward that leads to the preferred state is the same as the one to which the policy specified by the precision leads to. Otherwise there will be discrepancy, and needing and wanting will happen independently.

Modularisdering som produktstrategi : Fördelar, utmaningar och kundanpassning vid utveckling av modulära produkter / Modularization as product strategy : Benefits, challenges and customization in the development of modular products

Abdel-Daim, Felicia, Schelin, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera fördelar samt utmaningar med att använda sig av modularisering. Vidare var syftet att undersöka hur kundens önskemål tas i beaktning vid produktutvecklingsprocessen för modulära produkter. Studien avgränsades till att undersöka ett svenskt teknikintensivt företag vars huvudsakliga produkterbjudande är lastbilar och bussar. En litteraturstudie genomfördes och låg till grund för resten av rapporten. Dessutom är rapporten baserad på en kvalitativ empirisk studie bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Samtliga respondenter har goda kunskaper om modularisering och arbetar på olika avdelningar hos det studerade företaget. Studien visar många fördelar och utmaningar med att ha en modulär produktarkitektur. En av de främsta fördelarna är en stor slutproduktsvariantbildning vilket möjliggör skapande av högst kundanpassade produkter. Produktarkitekturen skapar tillfredsställda kunder som är- villiga att betala ett högre pris. Inom produktion leder den modulära produktarkitekturen till ett effektivare arbete samt kortare ledtider. Produkterna tillverkas efter order vilket minskar lagernivåerna samt logistikkostnaderna. Vid produktutveckling är det av stor betydelse att förhålla sig till befintliga gränssnitt och formfaktorer vilket gör att det krävs mer tankeverksamhet samt att kompromisser ibland behöver göras. Det är ett komplext system i många aspekter vilket ökar behovet av en stark företagskultur och en stabil IT-infrastruktur. / This report aims to study the benefits and challenges of using modularization. The purpose was also to investigate how customer requirements are taken into account in the product development process for modular products. The study was limited to examining a Swedish technology-intensive company whose main product offerings are trucks and buses. A literature review served as the basis for the rest of the report. In addition, the report is based on a qualitative empirical study consisting of semi-structured interviews. All respondents have good knowledge of modularization and work in different departments at the studied company. The study demonstrated many advantages and challenges of having a modular product architecture. One of the primary benefits was a large number of possible end product variations, which allows for highly customized products. Thus, the product architecture enables satisfied customers, making them willing to pay a higher price. In production, the modular product architecture leads to more efficient work and shorter lead times. Products are manufactured by make-to-order, reducing inventory levels and logistics costs. In product development, it is crucial to adhere to existing interfaces and form factors, which requires more thoughtful consideration and sometimes compromises. It is a complex system in many aspects, increasing the need for a strong corporate culture and a stable IT-infrastructure.

Testing the Compensatory Health Belief Scale: The Role of Cognitive Factors and Their Relationship to Health Outcomes

Lavins, Bethany D. 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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