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Whatever happens, I'll support you: The effects of autonomy support during aggressive customer service interactionsBenedetti, Alison A. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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A Heuristic for Environmental Values and Ethics, and a Psychometric Instrument to Measure Adult Environmental Ethics and Willingness to Protect the EnvironmentMeyers, Ronald B. 20 December 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Coaching Styles on Athletes' Willingness to Self-Report InjuryReiff, Cadie Elizabeth 21 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Closer to the walker : Improving seniors’ mobility in an urban environmentHultman, Annelie January 2022 (has links)
Closer to the walker is a project exploring different needs connected to the walker. Based on a human-centered design approach it includes methods such as observation, embodied experiences, workshops, interviews with users and stakeholders. Within this project different aspects are touched upon, such as posture, visual appearance, vibration and breaks. Resulting in a redesign of a walker for outdoor use, situating the product in an urban setting, exploring methods of manufacturing and needs of the users in today’s society.
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Function structure of business communication application on car machine : To increase work performance of employees / Funktionsstruktur för applikation av affärskommunikation i bilarJIANG, XIN, LUAN, JUNDA January 2021 (has links)
With the tendency of agile work space and remote working, the importance of communication tools, especially the computer-mediated ones, is highlighted in increasing employees’ overall work-performance. Car, as a place where people spend most of time, is somewhere business-related communication could be conducted. However, the method of finding important communication tools from the perspective of software development and the method to design a business-communication application (BCA) in a car machine are still in exploration. The purpose of this master thesis is to design a function structure of businesscommunication application and its prototype in a car machine, to help employees increase their work performance. This thesis has two results: A method of finding the importance order of communication tools A method to design a function structure of BCA and a prototype of BCA on a car machine, based on the importance order of communication tools / Med en ökad tendens till flexibelt arbetsutrymme och fjärrarbete får kommunikationsverktygens betydelse för att öka den totala arbetsprestandan ökad uppmärksamhet. Bilen, som är en plats där människor tillbringar mycket tid, skulle kunna användas för arbetsrelaterad kommunikation. Men metoderna för att hitta viktiga kommunikationsverktyg ur perspektivet av mjukvaruutveckling och metoderna för att utforma en affärskommunikationsapplikation i en bil är fortfarande under utveckling.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utforma funktionsstrukturen och prototypen som svarar mot denna för arbetsrelaterad kommunikation i bilar för att hjälpa anställda att upprätthålla arbetskapaciteten. Denna avhandling har två resultat: En metod för att hitta prioriteten av betydelsen av de olika kommunikationsverktygen En metod för att designa en funktionsstruktur av arbetsrelaterad kommunikation och en prototyp av tillämpningen på denna funktionsstruktur applicerad i en bil.
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L’influence de la polygynie sur le besoin non satisfait en planification familiale chez les femmes en union au BéninPort-Louis, Guéter 12 1900 (has links)
La littérature suggère que le type de mariage joue un rôle important dans l’utilisation des services de planification familiale en Afrique subsaharienne et que les femmes impliquées dans les mariages polygynes sont moins susceptibles d’utiliser des méthodes contraceptives. Certaines d’entre elles s’exposent au risque de grossesses non désirées et de besoins non satisfaits en contraception. Cependant, l’association entre le type de mariage et le besoin non satisfait en planification familiale reste encore peu étudiée.
Cette étude vise à analyser l’influence de la polygynie sur le besoin non satisfait en contraception et à explorer également comment elle est associée aux raisons sous-jacentes à ce besoin chez les femmes en union au Bénin. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé les données de l’enquête démographique et de santé (EDS) de 2017-2018 et estimé des modèles de régression logistique binaire et multinomiale.
Les résultats indiquent que parmi les femmes en union au Bénin, 38% étaient impliquées dans des mariages polygynes et que 32% avaient un besoin non satisfait en contraception. Ils révèlent que les femmes issues de mariages polygynes, notamment les épouses juniors (RC=1,134; p<0,10) étaient plus susceptibles d’exprimer un besoin non satisfait que les épouses de mariages monogames, mais ce résultat n’est que marginalement significatif. En ce qui concerne les motifs des besoins non satisfaits, ils montrent que les épouses des mariages polygynes avaient un risque plus élevé d’exprimer les besoins insatisfaits en espacement, en particulier les épouses juniors (RRR=1,157; p<0,10), et en report de naissances (RRR=1,196; p<0,10) que les épouses des unions monogames. Toutefois, ces associations sont marginalement significatives. À noter qu’aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les épouses seniors et les épouses en unions monogames.
Cette étude souligne la nécessité de mener des recherches complémentaires pour approfondir ce sujet et de fournir des explications précises à ce constat. Les résultats suggèrent aussi qu’on doit prendre en compte le rang des épouses dans les analyses futures. / The literature suggests that the type of marriage plays an important role in the use of family planning services in sub-Saharan Africa, and that women involved in polygynous marriages are less likely to use contraceptive methods. Some of them are at risk of unwanted pregnancies and unmet need for contraception. However, the association between type of marriage and unmet need for family planning remains largely unexplored.
This study aims to analyze the influence of polygyny on unmet need for contraception and explore how it is associated with the reasons underlying this need among women in unions in Benin. Therefore, we estimated binary and multinomial logistic regression models using data from the 2017-2018 Demographic and Health Survey (EDS) and estimated.
The results indicate that 38% of women in union in Benin were involved in polygynous marriages and 32% had an unmet need for contraception. We also find that women from polygynous marriages, especially junior wives (OR=1.134; p<0.10), were more likely to express an unmet need than wives from monogamous marriages; however, this result is only marginally significant. Regarding the reasons for unmet need, we show that wives in polygynous marriages, particularly junior wives (RRR=1.157; p<0.10), had a higher risk of expressing unmet needs for spacing, and postponement of births (RRR=1.196; p<0.10) than wives in monogamous unions. However, these associations are marginally significant. No significant difference was observed between senior wives and wives in monogamous unions.
This study highlights the need for further research to explore this subject, and to provide specific explanations for this finding. The results also suggest that we must consider the rank of wives in future analyses.
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Att identifiera och agera i situationer där barn misstänks fara illa : En enkätstudie om förskolepedagogers perspektiv på förutsättningar för detta arbete / To identify and act in situations where children are suspected to be at risk : A survey study on preschool educators’ perspective on the prerequisites for this workSunesson, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskap om hur förskolepedagoger beskriver sina förutsättningar att identifiera och agera i situationer där barn misstänks fara illa. Att lyfta pedagogers uppfattningar och erfarenheter av deras förutsättningar att hantera situationer där barn misstänks fara illa är centralt i och med att förskolan spelar en viktig roll i att rapportera misstankar om att barn far illa till socialtjänsten. Med anmälningsplikten (SFS 2001:453) som utgångspunkt är det grundläggande att pedagoger känner sig förberedda och rustade med de rätta förutsättningarna för att kunna identifiera och agera kring barn som misstänks fara illa. Studien utgår från en fenomenologisk ansats, där fokus ligger på att förstå hur människor uppfattar världen genom att studera deras levda erfarenheter. I föreliggande studie lyfts förskolepedagogers uppfattningar och erfarenheter kring fenomenet förutsättningar i förskolans verksamhet. Metoden i studien utgår från både kvantitativa och kvalitativa aspekter för att ge en helhetsbild av ämnet. För datainsamling används en webbaserad enkät som består av öppna och slutna frågor. I resultatet framkommer att en majoritet av pedagogerna uppger att de fått tillräcklig information för att identifiera barn som misstänks fara illa, men en betydande andel av pedagogerna upplever att de endast delvis eller inte alls har fått denna nödvändiga information. Resultatet lyfter även fram förutsättningar som pedagogerna beskriver som viktiga för att kunna hantera svåra situationer där barn misstänks fara illa, vilka bland annat är kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling, tid att dokumentera misstankar och samtala med kollegor samt rutiner och handlingsplaner för att agera effektivt och säkert. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of howpreschool educators describe their prerequisties for identifying and acting insituations where children are suspected of being harmed. Highlightingeducators' perceptions and experiences of their prerequisties to handlesituations where children are suspected of being harmed is crucial, aspreschools play an important role in reporting suspicions of childendangerment to social services. Given the mandatory reporting requirement(SFS 2001:453), it is essential that educators feel prepared and equipped withthe necessary conditions to identify and act upon such suspicions. This studyadopts a phenomenological approach, focusing on understanding howindividuals perceive the world through their lived experiences. The studyemphasizes preschool educators' perceptions and experiences regarding thephenomenon of prerequisites in preschool operations. The methodologyincorporates both quantitative and qualitative aspects to provide acomprehensive view of the subject. Data collection is carried out using aweb-based survey comprising both open-ended and closed-ended questions.The results indicate that the majority of educators report having receivedsufficient information to identify children suspected of being harmed, but asignificant proportion of educators feel they have only partially or not at allreceived this essential information. The findings also highlight the conditionsthat educators describe as important for managing challenging situationswhere children are suspected of being harmed, including continuousprofessional development, time to document suspicions and discuss withcolleagues, and established routines and action plans to act effectively andsafely.
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Quantitative determinants of need and demand for primary care in the district of ColumbiaAndoh, Jacob Yankson 08 May 2015 (has links)
This study, quantitative determinants of need and demand for primary health care in the District of Columbia (DCPC), analysed data over a twenty-year period from 1985 to 2004, on need and demand for primary care using standard and epidemiologically innovative statistical measures for physician distributions and socio-demographic characteristics in the District of Columbia (DC). The study attempted to answer the question: Using U.S census-based small area aggregations, Census Tract Groupings (CTGs), that are not zip-code areas or legislative/political boundaries, can a multivariate predictive model be developed using physician distributions, primary care service index (PCSI) and composite need scores (CNS) to explain variations in primary care visits shortages? Primary care visits shortages and priority scores (PCPS) were calculated, analysed and presented for CTGs in the District of Columbia from 1985 to 2004. Results indicated that the abundant supply of DC-based physicians – indicated by decreasing population per physician ratios of 239 (1985) to 146 (2004) – appear to be a long-term trend. As raw physician counts increased, the ratio of satisfied visits to demand decreased, from 2.62 (1985) to 1.80 (in 2004). This result appears to indicate that, due to inequities in distribution of primary care physicians in DC’s small areas, the increasing numbers of primary care physicians were by themselves, not sufficient to address the city’s overall primary care visits need. Epidemiological profiles and physician distribution analytical methods appear to be useful for small area analysis of urban primary care shortage areas and for setting priorities. Physician rates per 1,000 pop may be a necessary but not sufficient statistic for estimating urban primary health care needs / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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職缺屬性差距對求職者低薪職缺選擇之影響:以求職者個人特性為調節變項 / Compensatory Effects of Job Attributes on Applicants' Low-pay Job Choices and Acceptance Intentions: Examining the Moderating Effects of Applicants' Individual Differences康嘉玲, Kang, Chia Lin Unknown Date (has links)
薪資是影響求職者職缺選擇的重要因素之一,但是根據期望理論的觀點,職缺屬性彼此會產生互補效果,這對於資源有限的企業而言,意味著凸顯其他非金錢性之職缺屬性,應該能夠削弱低薪對於求職者職缺選擇的負面影響;此外,根據期望理論的論述,求職者個人特性亦會影響他 (她) 對職缺屬性的解讀,而影響求職者的職缺選擇。本研究以Barber、Daly、Giannantonio與Phillips (1994) 根據ERG理論為基礎所做的屬性分類,試圖探討關係類和成長類職缺屬性能否補償低薪對於求職者職缺選擇的影響,以提升求職者選取低薪職缺的可能性,同時亦探討求職者親和需求與成長需求於此間扮演的調節角色。 / 本研究以2 (關係類職缺屬性差距) ×2 (成長類職缺屬性差距) 受試者間實驗設計,依變項為低薪職缺「工作選擇決策」與「職缺接受意圖」,同時亦請受試自陳個人之親和需求與成長需求,共邀請151名某國立大學的應屆畢業生參與研究,並以階層迴歸分析與羅吉斯迴歸分析進行假設驗證,且輔以質化訪談佐證實證結果。研究結果發現,關係類職缺屬性差距或成長類職缺屬性差距,對於薪資水準皆產生顯著補償效果,亦即低薪職缺之關係類或成長類職缺屬性,愈優於高薪職缺的情況下,求職者愈會接受低薪職缺;此外,求職者之成長需求,也會調節成長類屬性與低薪職缺接受意圖和工作選擇決策間之關係;有別於期望理論的預測,本研究發現職缺屬性間並非為加成效果(Additive effect),僅一類職缺屬性差距大時,即可補償薪資帶來的負面影響,而兩個職缺屬性皆差距大時,補償效果並未更強。最後,根據實證結果與訪談資料,本研究提出未來研究與管理建議。 / Pay-level has long been recognized as one of the most important job attributes that influence applicants' job acceptance intentions and choices. According to the expectancy theory, job attributes would compensate each other; in addition, applicants' individual differences would influence how they value job attributes. In terms of ERG theory's job attribute classification (Barber, Daly, Giannantonio & Phillips, 1994), the present study attempts to examine whether low-pay jobs with better relatedness and growth job attributes would foster applicants to choose them; as well as to investigate the moderating effects of the corresponding individual differences, need for affiliation and growth need strength, on the compensatory effects. / A 2×2 between-subject experimental design using low-pay job acceptance intentions and job choices as the dependent variables, were conducted with 151 undergraduate students who were pursuing jobs at the time of the data collection. Results of hierarchical regression, logistic regression and qualitative interviews showed that applicants were more willing to accept low-pay jobs than high-pay ones when low-pay jobs had better relatedness or growth job attributes; besides, applicants' growth need strength moderated the relationship between growth job attributes and the dependent variables. However, inconsistent with the expectance theory, addition analysis showed that job attributes did not affect applicants’ acceptance intentions and choices additively. That is, one better job attribute could have compensated low-pay's negative effect as effectively as two better job attribute had. Finally, based on the empirical results and qualitative data, suggestions for future research and managerial implications are discussed.
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Svenska konsumenters syn på secondhandkläder : Fördelar och nackdelar med secondhandkläderBohlin, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Datum: 26:e juni 2019 Nivå: C-uppsats, i företagsekonomi, specialisering marknadsföring. Institution: Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle - Luleå Tekniska Universitet Författare: Sara Bohlin Handledare: Maria Ek Styvén Titel: Fördelar och nackdelar med att konsumera secondhandkläder Nyckelord: Secondhandkläder, secondhand, traditionellt tillverkade kläder, kläder, miljömedvetenhet, prismedvetenhet, behov av att vara unik, modeintresse, behov av att visa status upplevelse av ofräschhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för konsumenters drivkrafter när det gäller att köpa eller inte köpa secondhandkläder. Metod: Deduktiv studie med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångsätt som genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Slutsatserna som drogs efter intervjuerna var att de vanligaste anledningarna till att köpa secondhandkläder var miljömedvetenhet, prismedvetenhet och modeintresse. De av de intervjuade som köpte mycket secondhandkläder utryckte alla på något sätt att de också hade ett behov av att ha en unik stil. Den vanligaste anledningen till att inte köpa secondhandkläder var modeintresse. Detta visade sig genom att de flesta av de intervjuade som köpte få eller inga kläder på secondhand också svarade att de var intresserade av mode. / Date: June 26, 2019 Level: C-uppsats, thesis in business Administration, Specialization Marketing Institution: Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences - Luleå University of Technology Author: Sara Bohlin Title: Advantages and disadvantages of consuming second-hand clothes Tutor: Maria Ek Styvén Key words: Second-hand clothes, second-hand, traditionally made clothes, clothes, environmentalism, price sensitivity, need for uniqueness, fashion involvement, need for status, perception of contamination. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand what, motivates consumers to buy or not to buy second-hand clothes. Method: A deductive study with a qualitative approach that was implemented using semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn after the interviews were that the most common reasons for buying second-hand clothes were environmentalism, price sensitivity and fashion involvement. Those of the interviewed who bought a lot of second-hand clothes all expressed in some way that they also had a need to have a unique style. The most common reason for not buying second-hand clothes was fashion involvement. This was shown by the fact that most of the interviewees who bought few or no clothes on second-hand, also replied that they were interested in fashion.
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