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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La coopération sino-africaine à travers le FOCAC. Contribution à une analyse empirique et théorique de la présence chinoise en Afrique noire / Contribution to the empirical and theoritical analysis of Chinese intervention in Subsaharan Africa

Alagbe, Mérick Freedy 12 March 2012 (has links)
Si la coopération sino-africaine dans le sillage des indépendances nationales des années soixante a trouvé son ferment dans l’idéologie révolutionnaire et l’esprit de Bandung, il n’en est point question de la nouvelle phase qui s’ouvre à l’aube du XXIème siècle. En effet, les mutations internationales intervenues dans la charnière des deux siècles, le renouvellement des acteurs des deux côtés et les réalités endogènes propres à chaque partie, ont accéléré l’entrée dans une nouvelle ère où l’économie devient la pierre angulaire de la coopération. La naissance du FOCAC traduit la volonté de mieux coordonner les relations entre la Chine et l’Afrique, en même temps qu’elle donne la mesure de l’intensité et du volume de leurs échanges. Quelle est donc cette institution qui regroupe autant d’Etats ? Quels sont ses fondements théoriques? Et quelle réponse apporte-elle aux nombreux contempteurs de la présence chinoise en Afrique ? Telles sont les principales articulations de ce travail. / Whereas the China-Africa cooperation under the tough era of decolonization in 1960’s was strongly fostered by shared revolutionary ideology and Bandung spirit, that is not the case in the new phase in the early 21st century. Indeed, the deep changes occurred between the two centuries, the renewal of leaders within both sides and internal challenges faced by them, speeded up the entrance into a new era where economy becomes the cornerstone of their cooperation. The birth of FOCAC reveals the willingness to handle effectively the relationship between China and Africa, as well as it shows the intensity and the seize of their trade. What is that institution gathering together so many countries? What are its theoretical foundations? And what kind of response it provides to those who belittle China offensive in Africa? These are shortly, the main outlines of this work.

The New Partnership for Africa's Development : African economic growth and regional cooperation

Botha, Jacobus Lodewicus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ever since the 1960's independence move, the African continent has been faced with dire economic and social realities, which were compounded by weak political leadership and state institutions. Although various socio-economic development initiatives, such as the 1980 Lagos Plan of Action and the eventual signing of the Abuja Treaty in 1991 purposed to support Africa's integration into the global economy through export orientated production and regional economic integration, there still existed an incoherency in the strategic response from the continent's political leaders towards regional and continental economic development strategies. While the foundation for establishing an African Economic Community has been laid through the Abuja Treaty within the framework of the Organisation for African Unity, regional economic and trade integration have been fragmented, with many dual and overlapping membership of regional economic communities. Integration endeavours have also often been impeded by national and sub-regional armed conflicts, and thus did not result in the desired levels of economic growth and expected increases in trade. The exigency to address Africa's severe poverty and unemployment, while at the same time placing the continent on a path of sustainable economic growth and development, made it clear that Africa had to take ownership and responsibility for its own development, while at the same time facilitating the continent's integration into the global political, economic, trade, and financial systems. Since Africa lacks sufficient development resources, African leaders realised the importance for support from the international community through more effective debt relief strategies in facilitating targeted domestic resource mobilisation, increased levels of development aid and trade access to developed nations' markets. In 2001 Africa produced its own integrated development initiative that was embodied in the New Partnership for Africa's Development, also known as NEPAD, premised on African leadership, ownership and partnership. Through NEPAD African leaders express a commitment to accountable and transparent political, financial, fiscal and monetary management in the absence of national and regional conflict, while calling on the international community and African and international private sectors to partnership with African governments in their development endeavours. At the same time, NEPAD identified critical sectoral priorities as preconditions for development that would facilitate greater flows of foreign direct investments. As operational sphere, NEPAD relies on prominent regional economic communities to address Africa's economic disadvantages and market fragmentation through development of trade linkages, harmonisation of regulatory frameworks and further regional trade liberalisation. The emphasis is on fostering a favourable African investment environment since it is acknowledged by African leaders that a prosperous private sector and business community are to be the engines of economic growth and development. The success of NEPAD as the socio-economic development plan of the newly formed African Union relies on the strength of only three supportive pillars namely: the sustained political visionary commitment from Africa's leaders, greater investments to the continent and trade access for Africa's products, and active participation from representative sectors of the private sector. Since NEPAD is a highly ambitious initiative, it is imperative that sub-regional strategies take precedence in ensuring NEPAD's long-term success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die onafhanklikheidsbeweging van die 1960's staar die Afrika-kontinent knellende ekonomiese en sosiale realiteite in die gesig. Realiteite wat deur swak politieke leierskap en staatsinstellings vererger is. Alhoewel verskeie sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe, soos die 1980 Lagos Plan van Aksie en die uiteindelike ondertekening van die Abuja-verdrag in 1991, beoog het om Afrika se integrasie in die wêreldekonomie te steun deur uitvoer-georiënteerde produksie en ekonomiese integrasie op streeksvlak, was die kontinent se politieke leiers se reaksie op regionale en kontinentale ekonomiese ontwikkelingstrategië inkoherent. Die fondasie vir die tot stand koming van 'n Afrika Ekonomiese Gemeenskap is deur die Abujaverdrag gelê binne die raamwerk van die Organisasie vir Afrika-eenheid, maar op streeksvlak was ekonomiese en handelsintegrasie gefragmenteerd - met 'n hoë voorkoms van dubbele en oorvleuelende lidmaatskap by regionale ekonomiese gemeenskappe. Pogings tot integrasie is ook dikwels deur gewapende konflikte, nasionaal en subregionaal, belemmer. Voorts het die gewenste vlakke van ekonomiese groei en verwagte toename in handel nie gerealiseer nie. Die dringendheid om Afrika se uiterste armoede en werkloosheid aan te spreek, en terselfdertyd die kontinent op 'n pad van volhoubare ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling te plaas, het dit duidelik gemaak dat Afrika self verantwoordelikheid sal moet neem vir sy ontwikkeling, en daarteenoor die kontinent se integrasie in globale politieke, ekonomiese, handel-, en finansiële sisteme moet fasiliteer. Aangesien Afrika nie oor voldoende ontwikkelingsbronne beskik nie, het Afrika-leiers die belangrikheid besef van die internasionale gemeenskap se steun, d.m.v. meer effektiewe skuldlenigingstrategieë in die fasilitering van gefokuste plaaslike hulpbronmobilisasie, verhoogde vlakke van ontwikkelingshulp en handelstoegang tot markte van ontwikkelde nasies. In 2001 lewer Afrika sy eie geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsinisiatief wat vergestalt word in die Nuwe Vennootskap vir Afrika se Ontwikkeling (New Partnership for Africa's Development), ook bekend as Nepad, met Afrika-leierskap, -eienaarskap en -vennootskap as basis. Afrika-leiers betuig deur Nepad 'n verbintenis tot verantwoordbare en deursigtige politieke, finansiële, fiskale en monetêre bestuur in die afwesigheid van nasionale en streekskonflik, terwyl hulle die internasionale gemeenskap en internasionale en Afrika-privaatsektore nader vir vennootskap met Afrika-regerings in hulle ontwikkelingspogings. Nepad identifiseer terselfdertyd kritieke sektorale prioriteite as voorwaardes vir ontwikkeling, wat groter vloei van direkte buitelandse belegging sal vergemaklik. As operasionele sfeer, maak Nepad staat op prominente regionale ekonomiese gemeenskappe om Afrika se ekonomiese agterstande en markfragmentasie aan te spreek deur die uitbou van handelskakelings, harmonisering van regulatoriese raamwerke en verdere regionale handelsliberalisering. Die klem is daarop om 'n gunstige investeringsomgewing in Afrika te bevorder, aangesien Afrika-leiers erken dat 'n florerende privaatsektor en besigheidsgemeenskap die dryfkrag vir ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling is. Nepad se sukses as die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkelingsplan vir die nuut-gevormde Afrika-unie berus op die krag van slegs drie ondersteunende pilare, naamlik: die volgehoue politieke verbintenis tot die visie deur Afrika-leiers, groter beleggings in die kontinent en handelstoegang vir Afrika se produkte, en aktiewe deelname van verteenwoordigende sektore uit die privaatsektor. Met 'n hoogs ambisieuse inisiatief soos Nepad, is dit gebiedend noodsaaklik dat subregionale strategieë voorkeur geniet ten einde Nepad se langtermyn sukses te verseker.

E-governance in Africa: governing the continent through AU and Nepad websites

Mukhudwana, Rofhiwa Felicia 21 April 2008 (has links)
Africa’s way forward requires integration, democracy, good governance, participation and inclusive communication of all issues. Intergovernmental organizations are essential to facilitate the above mentioned goals. New thinking highlights the role of new media especially the Internet in democracy and governance in Africa. Therefore, the question solicited here is whether e-governance facilitates continental governance in Africa and under what circumstances would this be possible? This research introduced the internet (web) as a distinct medium of communications with distinct features and characteristics. A number of scholars argue that the Internet as a distinct medium of communication can better facilitate the democratizing role of the media in society, while others argues that the internet has not changed the nature of politics since ordinary politics in all its complexity and vitality has invaded and captured cyberspace. These arguments are divided respectively between Technological Determinism and the Social Shaping of Technology. This research investigates (AU, EU and Nepad) e-governance websites in order to understand practices, prospects and challenges of continental e-governance systems. It was found that the AU and Nepad use the websites for institutional information rather than interaction with citizens and online service delivery. However, significant steps are taken to enhance interaction in Nepad. It is therefore recommended that, the AU and Nepad need to invest time and commitment in enhancing interactivity and rising awareness for these e-governance systems. As projected, EU performs much better than the above two in terms of interactivity. This is because it has more experience and internet penetration and uses is widespread in Europe than it is here in Africa.

Election politics and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) : comparing the 2001 elections in Zambia and Uganda

Mwansa, Abraham January 2004 (has links)
"The right to participate in the political and economic life of one's state is guaranteed in most African constitutions as well as in regional and international human rights instruments. It is practiced in various froms, one of which is through elections. Zambia and Uganda are among African countries that have embarked on the democratisation process. The leadership of the two countries ascribed to the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), launched in October 2001. NEPAD emphasises a "common vision and a firm and shared conviction" by African leaders for Africa's development. It is the determination of Africans to extricate themselves and the continent from the malaise of underdevelopment and exclusion in a globalising world. ... Since the return to multiparty politics in 1991, Zambia has had periodic elections every five years, the latest being in December 2001. Uganda too, after two decades of instability and military dictatorship, returned to the path of democracy under the leadership of Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and had the latest elections in June 2001, although in contrast to Zambia, it was held on the basis of a "no-party" system. Common to the elections in the two countries are alleged electoral malpractices. The electoral processes in place in the two countries have perpetuated the trend. As a result, the electorate have been cheated of their genuine choices. For NEPAD to achieve the vision it postulates, Africa requires committed leadership borne out of free, fair, open and democratic electoral processes. Africa needs electoral practices that guarantee fairness, inclusiveness and accountability of the elected to the electorate. Zambia and Uganda must adopt electoral practices that would foster democracy in the two countries and in line with the NEPAD vision for Africa stipulated in the Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance (DDPECG). ... This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter outlines the context of the study. Chapter two is devoted to a study of NEPAD objectives, goals and tasks with particular attention to democracy, good governance, and free and fair and periodic elections. Chapter three looks at the electoral and legal framework of Zambia while chapter four addresses the electoral and legal frame of Uganda. Chapter five is a summary of the study and makes conclusions from the entire study and some recommendations for the adoption of particular electoral practices by the two countries, NEPAD, the civil society and the donor community." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2004. / Prepared under the supervision of Professor J. Oloka-Onyango at the Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

A NEPAD leadership development strategy : the SADC case

Ntsike, Austeria Letholetseng 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The overall aim of this study is to shape the future of the SADC through the New Partnerships for Africa’s Development leadership development strategy (NEPAD LDS), including a social responsiveness strategy. It proceeds from the premise that leadership development should be based on the values and interests of an institution, because these represent the institution’s position regarding the context within which it exists. This study pursued the following objectives: • To identify leadership needs in the SADC • To suggest a NEPAD-based leadership development strategy that includes a social responsiveness strategy as a response to identified SADC leadership needs The research therefore viewed the future of the SADC through leadership development. The entry point in this process was to establish the character and qualities of the SADC, considering that the continued existence of this region depends on its ability to transform all its systems in a unified pursuit of common goals. The history and natural resources of the region were thus seen to be the most visible measures of its overall health and strategic direction. The process of stakeholder identification and mapping was then pursued, with the view to help the SADC leadership to assess systematically the nature and impact of groups with which the organisation deals. Following the stakeholder analysis, information on the macro-environment of the SADC was gathered because of the impact the external environment has on the SADC. This large body of information was screened systematically. The scanning taxonomy that was developed included five areas: social, technological, environmental, economic and political (STEEP). This specialised taxonomy helped the researcher to focus on issues of greatest concern to the study. The issues that were scanned are discussed relative to their impact on SADC leadership practice. Based on the leadership challenges in the SADC thus identified, planning assumptions were developed, which are best guesses or predictions about key dimensions of the future given the leadership challenges identified. These assumptions are estimates based on the combination of estimating factors/validation points, which are portrayed in the analysis of the macro-environment of the SADC. The probability, the impact, the proximity and the maturity of these assumptions are interpreted by calculating their weighted positive or negative values. Cross-impact analysis of the validation points is used to guide the SADC decision-makers to adopt policies designed to achieve more desirable leadership futures. Here, the connections between validation points impacting on the probability of one another are illustrated. These specified relationships trace out a distinct, plausible and internally consistent future for the SADC leadership. This analysis gives rise to the identification of key validation points/drivers in the SADC from which emerge the key leadership needs of this region. Further needs that emerged were to make the NEPAD the base upon which the leadership development programme is built, and to incorporate social responsiveness strategy. Based on these key leadership needs in the SADC, it is suggested that a NEPADbased leadership development strategy, including a social responsiveness strategy, be developed and implemented. Furthermore, the NEPAD leadership development strategy (NEPAD LDS) should be based on the premise that linking leadership development with a social responsiveness strategy is critical not only for the SADC, but for the entire world, because this region is part of the global village. It is suggested that the implementation strategy should enable participants to translate the NEPAD LDS into action and to see leadership development and a social responsiveness strategy as key mechanisms for doing so. This study attempts to avoid the worn-out remedies of the past and uses a holistic approach called Common Sense Management, which entails market research, directionsetting, strategy development, implementing strategies and outcome assessment. The findings and the conclusions for this study are organised around the research questions that were the basis of motivation for this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorhoofse doelwit van hierdie studie is om die toekoms van die Suider- Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) te help bepaal deur middel van die Nuwe Vennootskap vir Afrika se Ontwikkeling (algemeen bekend as NEPAD) se leiderskapsontwikkelingstrategie (LDS), insluitende 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie. Dit gaan uit vanaf die veronderstelling dat leierskapsontwikkeling op die waardes en belange van 'n instelling behoort te berus, omdat hulle die instelling se posisie verteenwoordig rakende die konteks waarbinne dit bestaan. Hierdie studie het die volgende doelwitte nagevolg: • Om leierskapsbehoeftes in SAOG te identifiseer • Om 'n NEPAD-gebaseerde leierskapontwikkelingstrategie voor te stel wat 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie insluit as 'n reaksie op die geïdentifiseerde SAOG leierskapsbehoeftes. Daarom betrag die navorsingstuk die toekoms van SAOG deur die bril van leierskapsontwikkeling. Die vertrekpunt in hierdie proses was om die karakter en hoedanighede van SAOG vas te stel met in agneming dat die volgehoue bestaan van hierdie streek van sy vermoë afhang om al sy stelsels in 'n verenigde nastreef van gemeenskaplike doelwitte te transformeer. Die geskiedenis en natuurlike hulpbronne van die streek is dus gesien as die mees sigbare maatreëls in sy oorhoofse gesondheid- en strategiese rigting. Die proses om belanghebbers te identifiseer en te beskryf, is vervolgens aangepak met die oog op bystand aan die SAOG se leierskap om die aard en impak van groepe waarmee die organisasie te doene het, sistematies te beoordeel. Na afloop van die belanghebbersanalise, is inligting oor SAOG se makro-omgewing versamel vanweë die impak van die eksterne omgewing op SAOG. Hierdie groot hoeveelheid inligting is sistematies verwerk. Die verwerkingsistematiek wat ontwikkel is, sluit vyf gebiede in: sosiaal, tegnologies, omgewing, ekonomies en polities (STOEP). Hierdie gespesialiseerde sistematiek het die navorser in staat gestel om op sake wat van die grootste belang vir die studie is, te konsentreer. Die aangeleenthede wat verwerk is, word bespreek in verhouding met hul impak op SAOG se leierskapspraktyke. Op grond van die leierskapsuitdagings in SAOG wat aldus geïdentifiseer is, is beplanningsaannames opgestel wat beste skattings of voorspellings verteenwoordig aangaande sleutelelemente van die toekoms, gegewe die leierskapsuitdagings wat bepaal is. Hierdie aannames word vasgestel op grond van die samestelling van faktore/geldigheidspunte wat in die analise van die makro-omgewing van SAOG voorgestel word. Die waarskynlikheid, die impak, die nabyheid en die rypheid van hierdie aannames word by wyse van die berekening van hul geweegde positiewe of negatiewe waardes geïnterpreteer. 'n Kruisimpakanalise van die geldigheidspunte word gebruik om rigting aan die SAOG besluitnemers te verskaf om hul beleidsrigtings aan te pas om 'n meer gewenste leierskapstoekoms te bewerkstellig. Hier word dan die verbinding tussen die geldigheidspunte uitgebeeld wat 'n invloed op mekaar se onderlinge waarskynlikheid uitoefen. Hierdie aangeduide verhoudings dui 'n duidelike, geloofbare en intern konsekwente toekoms vir die SAOG leierskap aan. Hierdie analise gee aanleiding tot die identifisering van sleutelgeldigheidspunte/aandrywers vir SAOG waaruit die deurslaggewende leierskapsbehoeftes van die streek na vore tree. Verdere behoeftes wat duidelik geword het, was dat NEPAD die basis behoort te verskaf waarop die leierskapsprogram gebou behoort te word, asook om 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie daarby in te begryp. Op grond van hierdie sleutelleierskapsbehoeftes in SAOG, word aan die hand gedoen dat 'n NEPAD-gebaseerde leierskapsontwikkelingstrategie, insluitende 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie, ontwikkel en toegepas word. Verder behoort die NEPAD leierskapontwikkelingstrategie (NEPAD LDS) op die aanname te berus dat 'n aaneenskakeling van leierskapsontwikkeling met 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie krities nie slegs vir SAOG is nie, maar vir die hele wêreld, aangesien hierdie streek deel is van die wêrelddorp. Dit word aanbeveel dat die implementeringstrategie deelnemers behoort in staat te stel om die NEPAD LDS in aksie in om te skakel en om leierskapsontwikkeling en 'n sosiale deelnemendheidstrategie te beskou as sleutelmeganismes in die proses. Hierdie studie poog om die uitgediende redmiddels van die verlede te vermy en om eerder 'n holistiese benadering te gebruik, wat Gesonde Verstandbestuur genoem kan word, wat marknavorsing, rigtingbepaling, strategie-ontwikkeling, die implementering van strategieë en uitkomsgebaseerde assessering insluit. Die bevindings en die gevolgtrekkings in hierdie studie word om die navorsingsvrae gegroepeer wat as motivering vir hierdie studie gedien het.

The new partnership for Africa's development (NEPAD) and food security : reviewing the activities of the Comprehensive Africa Agrigulture Development Programme (CAADP)

Olufunsho, R. T. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) represents the New Partnership for Africa’s Developments’ (NEPAD) framework for revitalising Africa’s agriculture. Improving agricultural performance is at the heart of improved economic development and growth. NEPAD believes that agriculture will provide the engine for growth in Africa. The CAADP framework was developed by the NEPAD Steering Committee in collaboration with the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. It also includes the contributions of other institutions such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development (FAD), the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Bank, and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). The CAADP focused on investments in four pillars that can make the earliest difference to Africa’s agricultural crisis. These mutually reinforcing pillars were expected to bring about improvements in terms of Africa’s agriculture, food security, and trade balance. This will ultimately enable Africa to reach its Millennium Development Goal of reducing hunger and poverty by half by 2015 (WDR). For the purpose of this particular study, the first investment pillar, which is water and land management, will be scrutinised extensively, as this is critical to achieving the so much talked about food security. The study will utilise both secondary and primary documents of NEPAD. More specifically the implemented water and irrigation projects in the East and West Africa countries will be reviewed to determine success in African agricultural development under NEPAD. It will identify specifically water management projects already implemented and those already initiated, and find out whether the CAADP is set to deliver the Millennium Development Goal. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ‘Omvattende Landbou Ontwikkelingsprogram’ (CAADP) is die raamwerk van NEPAD se pogings om Afrika se landbousektor te hergenereer. Verbeterde landbou is die kern van verbeterde ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling in Afrika. Trouens, NEPAD glo dat landbou die dryfkrag van Afrika se ekonomiese groei sal wees. Die CAADP-raamwerk is ontwikkel deur NEPAD se leierskap, in noue samewerking met die Verenigde Nasies se Voedsel en Landbouorganisasie (FAO). Die raamwerk sluit ook in bydraes van ander liggame, soos die Internasionale Fonds vir Landbouontwikkeling (FAD), die Wêreldvoedselprogram (WFP), die Wêreldbank en die Forum vir Landbounavorsing in Afrika (FARA). Die CAADP fokus op vier investeringspilare wat Afrika se landboukrisis van onder af kan aanpak. Hierdie interafhanklike pilare is veronderstel om Afrika se landbou, voedselversorging en handelsbalans gelyktydig aan te pak. Hierdie stappe behoort te help dat Afrika die Millennium Ontwikkelingsoogmerk (nl. ‘n halvering van honger teen 2015) te bereik. In hierdie studie val die klem op die eerste pilaar, nl. water en grondbestuur, as voorwaarde vir voedselsekuriteit. Die studie maak gebruik van sowel primêre en sekondêre dokumentasies van NEPAD, met besondere fokus op water en besproeiingsprojekte in Oos- en Wes-Afrika. Daar word gekyk na spesifieke projekte wat reeds bestaan en wat geïnisieer is, ten einde die sukses van CAADP te bepaal.

Le Gabon et le nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l'Afrique (NEPAD)

Moundounga Mouity, Patrice 19 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le phénomène de mondialisation constitue après celui de la guerre froide, l'un des événements majeurs des transformations économiques et politiques contemporaines. Ces mutations ont conduit à la reconfiguration de l'espace monde et des relations internationales. Dans cette perspective, le régionalisme est apparu comme l'une des réponses à la faveur de ces changements économiques au niveau global et de l'exemple historique sans commune mesure du NEPAD. C'est dire que la coopération entre Etats est dominée dorénavant par la dynamique de partenariat. Le partenariat au développement est aujourd'hui devenu un des thèmes politiquement parlant des relations internationales à l'ère du nouveau régionalisme. Il s'agit d'un événement international qui, sur le plan théorique renouvelle et enrichit l'analyse internationale en combinant flux transnationaux et formation des institutions et, sur le plan pratique, diffuse tout une vision du monde en redéfinissant le jeu de la puissance mondiale. Face à l'institutionnalisation du NEPAD, le continent africain tente de se créer de nouvelles marges de manœuvre pour s'arrimer à la mondialisation afin d'essayer de modifier sa position marginale internationale afin d'éviter son « confinement à la périphérie de la politique mondiale ». En cela, le NEPAD est à la fois une réponse politique au fait international de régionalisation et une alternative à la souffrance des institutions, mieux un moyen de réagir face à l'impossibilité de la démocratie qui fonctionne mal sur ce continent. Ce qui justifie ce glissement de légitimité du pouvoir au comptable, issu dans le « mécanisme africain d'évaluation par les pairs ». <br />L'entrée du Gabon dans cette dynamique transnationale est due avant tout à l'inspection externe des bailleurs de fonds. Il s'agit donc pour ce pays de transformer une contrainte d'inspection externe en ressource politico-stratégique interne afin de se conformer à la loyauté du système international et régional. En s'attachant à appréhender les figures du pouvoir dans leur banalité, on peut se rendre compte que la diplomatie gabonaise essaie de s'adapter au « temps mondial », passant ainsi pour un modèle d'application des injonctions internationales. Ce faisant, ce pays fait preuve d'inventivité avec des jeux tantôt d'esquive, de ruse, mais également de contournement. Dans ces conditions, ici l'énonciation du politique se nourrit, en effet, de cet imaginaire particulier fondé sur la dérision et dont le résultat est d'aboutir à des régimes hybrides et inédits où les dynamiques formelles et informelles s'agencent pour donner sens à des systèmes d'intérêt. C'est ce qui explique la promotion d'une certaine homologie sociale et institutionnelle entre les pays africains et le monde développé. Le facteur externe influence, sans conteste l'environnement interne. <br />Cette thèse qui s'inscrit dans le thème plus global de la formation des institutions autour d'une dynamique collective de changement politique, est au centre des problématiques contemporaines de la science politique africaniste. Portant spécifiquement sur les nouveaux enjeux du développement de l'Afrique, elle prend appui sur le Gabon, en dressant à partir des temporalités successives un bilan de la trajectoire historique du Gabon et du NEPAD et examine l'évolution des forces politiques en Afrique, leurs interactions avec le niveau local, les stratégies véhiculées par les acteurs influents ainsi que leur emprise sur le jeu politique, tout en rendant compte, -à partir d'une méthodologie reposant sur les lectures d'ouvrages et les entretiens-, des représentations que les populations africaines se font de ce programme.

Canadas Non-Imperial Internationalism in Africa: Understanding Canadas Security Policy in the AU and ECOWAS

Akuffo , Edward Ansah 06 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with Canadas policy towards peace, security and development in Africa. It examines Canadas response to these issues in relation to the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), the African Union Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Security Mechanism. With the intensification of violent conflicts in parts of Africa and their impact on individuals, communities, and socioeconomic development, African leaders transformed the OAU into the AU and established APSA to promote regional and human security in Africa. At the sub-regional level, West African leaders established the ECOWAS Security Mechanism to address the (human) security deficit in the West Africa region. These institutional transformations coincided with the launching of the NEPAD, which became one of the central instruments of engagement between Africa and the international community to address the peace, security and development challenges on the African continent. Canadas response to the NEPAD under the Liberal government of Jean Chrtien came in the form of a $500 million Canada fund for Africa (CFA) that among other things supported the capacity building of APSA and the ECOWAS Security Mechanism. The promotion of human security played a key role in Canadas approach to the AU and ECOWAS peace and security capacity building. I use a non-imperial internationalist approach that draws on the theoretical insights of a constructivist approach to international relations to provide an understanding of the Canadian governments policy. I argue that the Canadian governments policy towards the AU and ECOWAS can be understood in terms of the moral identity that Canada has built or acquired over the years in Africa. While this moral identity provides the means through which Canadian interests are pursued in Africa, it appears that the interest in maintaining this image has overshadowed the need for the Canadian government to craft an overarching policy and put resources behind the rhetoric of promoting peace and security, particularly human security in Africa.

Canada’s Non-Imperial Internationalism in Africa: Understanding Canada’s Security Policy in the AU and ECOWAS

Akuffo , Edward Ansah Unknown Date
No description available.

Challenges of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEDAD) : a case analysis of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)

Mukamunana, Rachel 27 May 2008 (has links)
This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) in fostering good governance practices in Africa. The APRM was established in 2003 subsequent to the launch of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in 2001, as an instrument to monitor the adoption and implementation of policies and practices that would lead to political stability, high economic growth and accelerated regional cooperation and integration as set out in the NEPAD document. The ultimate goal of the APRM is to instil good governance in Africa, which NEPAD considers the sine qua non for Africa’s development. The principal finding of this study is that the mechanism of peer review through the APRM has the potential to foster good governance in Africa, and thus, to pave the way to poverty alleviation and development. The peer review process provides an opportunity for participating countries to become aware of the strengths and shortcomings in their policy-making, governance institutions and practices and to share best practices of administrative, political and economic governance. It offers a forum for dialogue, peer learning, and regional and continental cooperation in which the challenges facing African countries, both individually and collectively, can be tackled. The APRM has initiated a process of dialogue between government and other societal actors (mainly civil society and business) about governance and development issues and how these can best be addressed. This is an important step towards the consolidation of democracy and better governance in Africa. It is for these benefits and for the potential for better governance that the APRM needs all the political and financial support it can get. The APRM is, however fraught with many challenges, which are likely to impede the effectiveness of its contribution. These challenges include the voluntary nature of the APRM, its inability to enforce policy, the absence of adequate funding, poor and limited administrative resources for implementation. In addition, the weak civil society in most African states militates against meaningful participation in and contribution to the process of peer review. Addressing these obstacles is imperative for the APRM to deliver its full potential. To this end, the study proffers a number of recommendations, which include the provision of strong political and financial support from African states, capacity building of national institutions that oversee government performance, such as the parliament and civil society, and the consistent financial support of donors and the international community. The study reveals that the road to a successful and effective APRM, and thus to a peaceful and prosperous Africa may lie in the future, but the foundation for Africa’s political and economic renaissance must be laid now. / Thesis (PhD (Public Affairs))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / unrestricted

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