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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Production Mirror : How an interactive interface can boost motivation for industrial workers / Produktionsspegel : Hur ett interaktivt gränssnitt kan öka motivationen för industriarbetare

Adlén, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis concerns industrial workers’motivation and if it can be influenced by informationdissemination through an interactive interface. Focus hasbeen to research human motivators in theory to seehow these can be applied in an industrial environmentwith the hope of giving the workers a deeperknowledge of the company’s product and / or processand thus increasing her motivation. The project is basedon the assumption that an increased understanding intomore than what is limited by the worker’s tasks canhave a positive effect and strengthen his or her sense oftheir role in a wider context.The master thesis shows how a design process can beapplied to an organizational problem in industries,where the different phases of the process includeconcerned people repetitively to seek knowledge, ideasand solutions together with those who may be affectedby the results of the work.In industries today, the workload is usually distributedacross departments where staff are divided into teams.There is some circulation within the department but lesscommonly across departmental boundaries. This canlimit the worker’s perception of the entire process andresult in a detailed understanding of only a limited partof the process.Industry 4.0 is expected to be the solution for retrievingand retaining companies in Europe by building smartfactories with technology that allows the machines tocommunicate. Industry 4.0 is also expected to reduce thenumber who have work in industries, human interactionsand responsibilities. Which may have the negative effect offurther reinforcing one of today’s problems, the workerbeing further isolated from the process. Which are factorsthat, in theory, contribute to a reduced level of motivationand will therefore have a negative impact on their workaspirations.The work has been carried out with RISE Interactive inPiteå as client. RISE is part of our Swedish researchinstitute and works with user-centered technologicaldevelopment in many different industries.The degree project resulted in a large amount of ideas forhow work in industries could benefit from an interactiveinterface for disseminating information and knowledge.The final solution is presented in a stop motion movieshowing the solution that was chosen by industrialworkers. The solution shows how coloured lamps can beused to visualize progress-related information during thecourse of the work at the same time as it enables easycommunication between employees. / Detta examensarbete handlar om industriarbetaresmotivation kan påverkas av informationsspridning genomett interaktivt gränssnitt. Fokus i detta arbete har legat påatt undersöka mänskliga motivatorer i teorin för att sehur dessa kan appliceras i en industriell miljö medförhoppning om att ge arbetaren en djupare kunskap omföretagets produkt och/eller process och således ökadennes förståelse för det dagliga arbetet som bedrivs inomföretaget. Projektet bygger på ett antagande om att enökad insikt och insyn i mer än vad som begränsas avarbetarens arbetsuppgifter kan ha en positiv effekt ochförstärka dennes känsla för sin roll i ett störresammanhang och även ge en ökad motivation.Arbetet redovisar också hur en designprocess kanappliceras på ett organisatoriskt problem inom industrier,där de olika faserna i processen inkluderar berördamänniskor repetitivt för att söka kunskap, idéer ochlösningar tillsammans med dem som kan tänkas bliberörda av arbetets resultat.På industrier idag är det vanligt att arbetet är fördelat överavdelningar där personalen är indelad i olika team där detförekommer viss arbetscirkulation inom avdelning menmindre vanligt över avdelningsgränser. Detta kan limiteraarbetarens uppfattning för hela processen och resultera i endetaljerad förståelse endast för en begränsad del avprocessen.Industri 4.0 förväntas vara lösningen på att hämta hem ochbehålla företag i Europa genom att bygga smarta fabrikermed teknik som tillåter maskinerna att kommunicera.Industri 4.0 förväntas även att minska antalet som jobbatinom industrier, mänskliga interaktioner och ansvar. Vilketkan ha den negativa effekten att förstärka en av dagensproblem ytterligare, arbetaren blir ytterligare isolerad ifrånprocessen. Vilket är faktorer som enligt teorin bidrar till enminskad motivationsnivå och kommer därför ha en negativpåverkan på deras arbetsambitioner.Arbetet har genomförts med RISE Interactive i Piteå somuppdragsgivare. RISE är en del av vårt svenskaforskningsinstitut och jobbar med användarcentreradteknisk utveckling inom många olika branscher.Examensarbetet resulterade i en stor idémängd för hurarbetet inom industrier skulle kunna dra nytta av ettinteraktivt gränssnitt för att sprida information ochkunskap. Den slutliga lösningen är presenterad i enstopmotion film som visar den lösningen som blev framröstad av industriarbetare. Lösningen visar hur färgadelampor kan användas för att synliggöra progressrelateradinformation under arbetets gång samtligt som det möjliggörenkel kommunikation mellan medarbetarna.

No mine for old men? : New technology and digitalization in a mining organization

Löfgren, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis stems from the program of Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology and was conducted during the spring semester of 2021. The thesis was made incollaboration with Boliden Mines. Boliden Mines is a part of the metal company Boliden Minerals AB. Though the Swedish mining industry has come a long way from what the mining work looked like 40years ago, the climate goals of the government and increasing competition from low wage countries rises the demands for sustainability and productivity. Adjustments to live up to these demands will require implementation of innovative new technology and digital tools, which makes the implementation process very important. The purpose of the thesis was to investigate the miners’ experiences and attitudes toward newtechnology and digitalization in Boliden’s Swedish mines to identify factors of success anddevelopment areas in the implementation process. The data collection was made through 21 semi-structured interviews that were held via MicrosoftTeams or via phone. Interview topics was implementation of tablets, new systems for risk assessmentand remote-controlled and semi-autonomous machines. The results of the interviews were analyzedand thematized into three main themes: Implementation process, Ways of working and Trust in thetechnology. The implementation process showed that miners and supervisors feel like there is an urgency to startthe implementation projects, but that the end becomes unclear. Introductions and education in the newsystems are mostly satisfactory. There is no external communication from the projects so very fewhave knowledge about an implementation that the miner or interviewees are not involved in. A few miners get to participate in these projects which is seen as satisfactory by the interviewees. The waysof working are not being adjusted to the new prerequisites that the technology brings. This shows inlacking maintenance and not having the required infrastructure in place before implementation ofmachines. The workers thinks that the work environment has been immensely improved which isshowing in both physical and social aspects of the work and is very appreciated by the miners. Thereis also a lack of trust in the technology among the miners. This is partly grounded in fear of loosing the “touch”, which is the craftmanship knowledge of the mining work. Some of the sceptisism towards technology also stems from experiences with other projects that did not deliver the quality that was expected. Boliden’s factors of success are participation, work environment, and introductions and education.They are good at involving the end users in the implementation and the improvements of the work environment are valuable. They also provide good introductions and education for their employees. Development areas are that Boliden need to communicate externally about the projects. This is needed because they must investigate the beginnings and ends of the project to find out the cause for why theydo not feel properly finished. Though the education is good, Boliden should adjust the level of which it is held. Today it is assumed that the knowledge and interest is quite high, but this leaves the olderand uninterested workers behind. Lastly, Boliden should review their working methods with andaround the technology implemented to make sure they get the most out of their investments. / Detta examensarbete härrör från civilingenjörsprogrammet i Teknisk Design vid Luleå tekniskauniversitet och genomfördes under vårterminen 2021. Avhandlingen gjordes i samarbete med BolidenMines. Boliden Mines är en del av metallföretaget Boliden Minerals AB. Även om den svenska gruvindustrin har kommit långt från hur gruvarbetet såg ut för 40 år sedan, ökarregeringens klimatmål och konkurrensen från låglöneländerna kraven på hållbarhet och produktivitet.Justeringar i organisation och produktion för att leva upp till dessa krav kräver implementering avinnovativ ny teknik och digitala verktyg, vilket gör implementeringsprocessen mycket viktig. Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka gruvarbetarnas erfarenheter och attityder till ny teknik ochdigitalisering för att identifiera framgångsfaktorer och utvecklingsområden iimplementeringsprocessen. Denna avhandling har endast täckt de svenska gruvområdena. Datainsamlingen har bestått av 21 semistrukturerade intervjuer som hållits via Microsoft Teams ellerper telefon. Intervjuämnen var implementering av surfplattor, nya system för riskbedömning samtfjärrstyrda och semi-autonoma maskiner. Resultaten av intervjuerna analyserades och tematiserades i tre huvudteman: Implementeringsprocess,sätt att arbeta och förtroende för tekniken. Implementeringsprocessen visade att gruvarbetare och arbetsledare känner att det är brådskande attstarta implementeringsprojekten, men att ändarna blir oklara. Introduktioner och utbildning i de nyasystemen är mestadels tillfredsställande. Det finns ingen extern kommunikation från projekten såmycket få har kunskap om en implementering som de inte är inblandade i. Några gruvarbetare får deltai dessa projekt vilket ses som tillfredsställande. Arbetssätten anpassas inte till de nya förutsättningarsom tekniken ger. Detta syns i att det saknas underhåll och man inte har den nödvändigainfrastrukturen på plats innan maskiner implementeras. Arbetsmiljön har förbättrats enormt vilketvisar sig i både fysiska och sociala aspekter av arbetet och är mycket uppskattat. Det saknas dock förtroende för tekniken. Detta är delvis grundat i rädsla för att förlora ”känslan”, vilket är kunskapenom gruvarbetet. En del av skepsisen mot tekniken härrör också från erfarenheter med andra projektsom inte levererade den förväntade kvaliteten. Bolidens framgångsfaktorer är deltagande, arbetsmiljö, introduktioner och utbildning. De är bra på attinvolvera slutanvändarna i implementeringen och förbättringar av arbetsmiljön är värdefulla. De ger också bra introduktioner och utbildning för sina anställda. Utvecklingsområden är att Boliden behöver kommunicera externt om projekten. Detta behövs eftersom de måste undersöka början och slutet av projektet för att ta reda på orsaken till varför de intekänner sig ordentligt färdiga. Även om utbildningen är bra, bör Boliden justera nivån för vilken denhålls. Idag antas att kunskapen och intresset är ganska högt, men det lämnar de äldre och ointresseradearbetarna utanför. Slutligen bör Boliden se över sina arbetsmetoder med och kring denimplementerade tekniken för att se till att de får ut mesta möjliga av sina investeringar.

The development of German new technology-based firms from a resource-based view

Proksch, Dorian 13 January 2015 (has links)
The author analyzed three different perspectives of the development of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) from the resource-based view. The first article discusses how the resource base impacts the internationalization behavior of German NTBFs. Some companies go international early, some internationalize only after a few years. We argued that the resource base is a substantial factor determining if a NTBF will internationalize or not. In the second article, we analyze how the resource base impacts the survival of German NTBFs. We argued that a lack of sufficient resources can lead to early business failure. We further state that the different resources are necessary to fulfill the requirements within the development phases of the NTBF. To broaden our perspective we combined the resource-based view with the market view. In the third article, we analyzed how the resource base impacts the business model innovation of NTBFs. The business model for NTBFs must often be tailored to fulfill the requirements of potential customers or to further grow the business. A sufficient resource base is necessary to be able to change the business model and buffer the transition phase.:1 Introduction 2 Research gap 3 Different themes on NTBF research 4 The resource-based perspective 5 Corresponding research project 6 Scientific contribution for the doctoral thesis 7 Further academic and practical contributions 8 Acknowledgement 9 Literature 10 Declaration of authorship 11 Appendix

Digitala och tekniska lösningar inom sista mil-leveranser : En studie om hur leveransföretag kan bemöta konsumenters krav på sista mil-leveranser / Digital and technical solutions within last mile deliveries : A study of how delivery companies can meet consumers' demands for last-mile deliveries

Sörbom, Josefine, Bjurlemark, Adelaide January 2020 (has links)
E-commerce is in a growing phase where consumers are getting more aware, picky and comfortable when it comes to delivery of their packages. This case study investigates the requirements that consumers have regarding last-mile deliveries as well as various digital logistic solutions that may meet these requirements. In the study, relevant people in three different companies working with delivery, have been selected to get a deeper insight into how companies view consumers' new requirements and how they work to meet these and how they reflect about the future when it comes to last-mile deliveries. Consumers now expect a faster and more flexible service where they can design the last-mile delivery according to their premises, e.g. time, location,  etc. The demands emerging associated with the expansion of e-commerce include faster, cheaper and more flexible deliveries. Transparency in environmental issues and work processes has also become an important factor for many consumers today, which may be decisive for purchasing power. Collaboration with other actors enables e-commerce companies to streamline their delivery alternatives in the form of outsourcing. This approach can be done through collaboration with other logistics players or in the form of crowdsourcing. The term E-logistics implies a system that contains various parts of a logistic process in which the exchange takes place with both the help of technology and the internet. In combination with a functioning digital infrastructure and e-logistics, delivery processes can become more effective. New technologies such as parcel locks, drones and delivery robots are being analyzed as potential solutions to streamline last-mile deliveries. / E-handeln befinner sig i en växande fas där konsumenterna är allt mer medvetna, kräsna ochbekväma. Denna fallstudie undersöker de krav som konsumenter har kring sista-milen leveransersamt olika digitala logistiklösningar som kan komma att möta dessa krav. I studien har ävenrelevanta personer, i tre olika organisationer som arbetar med leverans, valts ut för att få en djupareinblick på hur företag ser på konsumenters nya krav. Studien undersöker hur de arbetar för attmöta dessa samt hur det ser på framtiden när det kommer till sista mil-leveranser. Konsumenternaförväntar sig nu mer flexibla och snabba leveranser där de själva får utforma sista mil-leveranserefter deras premisser. Kraven som växt fram i takt med den växande e-handeln är bland annatsnabbare, billigare och mer flexibla leveranser. Transparens inom miljöfrågor och arbetsprocesserhar även blivit en viktig faktor för många konsumenterna idag som kan komma att bli avgörandeför konsumentens köpvillighet. Samarbete med andra aktörer möjliggör för e-handelsföretag atteffektivisera sina leveransalternativ i form av outsourcing. Tillvägagångssättet kan ske genomsamarbete med andra logistikaktörer eller i form av privatpersoner, crowdsourcing. E-logistik ärdet system som innehåller olika delar i en logistikprocess där utbytet sker med hjälp av teknik ochinternet. I kombination av en fungerande digital infrastruktur och e-logistik så kanleveransprocesser effektiviseras. Ny teknik som paketlås, drönare och leveransrobot analyserassom potentiella leveransmedel för att effektivisera sista mil-leveranser.

Deal or no deal? : En kvantitativ studie om vad som påverkar affären mellan startups och storföretag / Deal or no deal? : A quantitative study on what effects the deal between startups and large companies

Carlsson, Josefine, Paulina, Hansson January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Startupföretag bidrar i dagens samhälle med flertalet innovationer, vilket storföretag kan ta del av genom öppen innovation. När företagen samarbetar med varandra kan parterna tillsammans främja innovation och ta del av ny kunskap. Startupföretag får hjälp med kommersialisering av affärsidén och storföretag kan behålla sin marknadsposition genom användningen av ny teknik. På grund av den stora asymmetrin organisationerna emellan är det av intresse att ge en förklaring för vad som påverkar en affär mellan startupföretag och storföretag, för att möjliggöra fler lyckade samarbeten.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utifrån startupföretags perspektiv undersöka faktorer som påverkar en lyckad affär mellan startupföretag och storföretag inom högteknologiska branscher.  Metod: Studien utfördes med en kvantitativ metod där empirin samlats in med hjälp av enkäter via en tvärsnittsdesign. Vidare har studien utgått från det positivistiska perspektivet där en deduktiv ansats använts. En hierarkisk logistisk regressionsanalys genomfördes för att analysera hur tidigare erfarenhet av storföretag, matchad via stödfunktion, avtalsdesign, förtroende, kommunikation, indirekta värden och direkta värden samvarierar med en lyckad affär mellan storföretag och startupföretag.  Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att ökad omsättning, avtalsdesign, tidigare erfarenhet av kontraktering, stödfunktioner, kostnadseffektivitet och indirekta värden har ett statistiskt signifikant samband med lyckad affär. Ökad omsättning, ett detaljerat avtal, tidigare erfarenhet av kontraktering och matchning via stödfunktion ökar sannolikheten för en lyckad affär. När vikt läggs vid kostnadseffektivitet och indirekta värden minskar sannolikheten att affären blir lyckad. Genom att ta studiens faktorer i beaktning kan både startupföretag och storföretag öka sannolikheten att det blir en lyckad affär. / Background: Startups contribute in today's society with multiple innovations, which large companies can take part of through open innovation. By collaborating, both companies can enhance innovation and take part of new knowledge. Startups receive help with the commercialization of their business idea and large companies can keep their market position through the use of new technology. Due to the large asymmetry between the organisations, it is of interest to create a broader explanation of what affects the deal between startups and large companies, in order to enable more successful collaboration.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine different factors that affect a successful deal between startups and large companies in high-tech industries from the startup perspective.  Methodology: The study used a quantitative research method where the empirical data has been collected by questionnaires. The study is based on a positivist philosophical standpoint with a deductive approach. A hierarchical logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze how the factors previous experience with large companies, matched by a support function, contract design, trust, personal chemistry, communication, indirect values and direct values affects the deal between large companies and startups.  Analysis and conclusion: The result of the study shows that increased revenue, contract design, previous experience of contracting, support functions, cost efficiency and indirect values have a statistically significant correlation with a successful deal. Increased revenue, a detailed contract, previous experience of contracting and matched by a support function increases the probability to perform a successful deal. When focus shifts to cost efficiency and indirect values, the probability of the deal being successful decreases. By taking the factors into account, both startups and large companies can increase the probability that it will be a successful deal.

Identifying The Barriers Contributing To Faculty Adoption Of Learner Analytics Technology In Higher Education

Meyer, Kelsey L. 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

A Framework for the Evaluation of Technologies during the Implementation of Digitalisation Strategies in the Asset Management Industry : A study on new technology adoption within the asset management industry / Ett Ramverk för Evaluering av olika Teknologier, under Implementation av Digitaliseringsstrategier inom Kapitalförvaltningsindustrin : En studie i nyteknikimplementation inom kapitalförvaltningsindustrin

Davidsson, Sophie January 2018 (has links)
The financial industry is currently undergoing radical change as a result of the increased implementation of digitalisation strategies. Due to pressure from a number of sources, finance firms, including asset managers, are looking to adopt technology solutions in their business processes. Through the introduction of new technologies and digitalisation strategies, the asset managers are hoping to secure their market segments in the future. Choosing which technology to implement is considered one of the most difficult decisions a manager has to make. Hence, this thesis proposes a framework to be used by asset managers in order to efficiently and swiftly evaluate a number of technologies when looking to digitalize manual processes. The largest bank in the Nordic region is Nordea, who have just recently announced that they will be looking to implement more digital solutions. This thesis was conducted in collaboration with Nordea Asset Management. The thesis explores three core areas: the future of the asset management industry, digitalisation strategies, and new technology adoption in order to produce the analytical framework. The framework is constructed using previously explored methods described in literature along with the key information gathered from experts at Nordea Asset Management. The result is a framework which combines expert knowledge of the asset management industry, successful methods regarding conceptual frameworks, technology life cycle and new technology adoption theory and digitalisation strategy concepts. In order for traditional asset managers to maintain their market position they will need to adapt new technologies. This is not only needed for efficiency and cost reasons but also because customers are starting to demand it. The sales channels, operations, personnel requirements and the business model as a whole are areas identified by this research project that will adapt through the introduction of digitalisation strategies being introduced. The framework constructed in this thesis provides the asset management firms with a method of successfully applying digitalisation strategies through new technology adoption. / Finansindustrin genomgår just nu radikala förändringar på grund av att digitaliseringsstrategier implementeras. Efter påtryckning från en rad olika håll, känner sig finansbolag, som inkluderar kapitalförvaltningsbolag, tvungna att implementera nya tekniska lösningar i sin verksamhet. Genom att adoptera nya tekniker och digitaliseringsstrategier hoppas kapitalförvaltare på att kunna försäkra sina marknadsandelar i framtiden. Men att välja vilken teknik som ska implementeras är ett av de svåraste beslut en ansvarig måste ta. Alltså, så föreslår detta arbete ett ramverk som kan användas av ett kapitalförvaltningsbolag för att, på ett effektivt och snabbt sätt, kunna evaluera en mängd tekniker när man vill digitalisera manuella processer. Den största banken i den nordiska regionen är Nordea, som just har informerat allmänheten att de kommer att börja implementera digitala strategier. Detta arbete skrevs i samarbete med Nordea Asset Management (NAM). Detta arbete koncentreras på tre centrala områden. Framtiden av kapitalförvaltningsindustrin, digitaliseringsstrategier, samt implementering av nya tekniker för att producera ett analytiskt ramverk. Ramverket är hopsatt genom att använda metoder från tidigare forskning tillsammans med nyckelinformation samlad av experter på NAM. Resultatet blir då ett ramverk som kombinerar expertkunskap från kapitalförvaltningsindustrin, lyckade metoder i relation till konceptuella ramverk, tekniklivscykel och ny teknikimplementationsteorier samt digitaliseringsstrategikoncepter. För att traditionella kapitalförvaltare ska kunna bibehålla sina nuvarande marknadspositioner, kommer de att behöva implementera nya tekniker. Detta behövs inte endast för effektivitet och kostnadsanledningar utan också för att kunden kommer att begära det. De områden som detta arbete har identifierat som kommer att behöva ändras på i och med implementeringen av digitaliseringsstrategier är: säljkanaler, operations, personalbehov och verksamhetsmodell. Ramverket konstruerat i detta arbete, förser kapitalförvaltningsbolag med en metod för att implementera digitaliseringsstrategier på ett effektivt och framgångsrikt sätt.

Are Swedish venture capitalists stuck in the past? : An explorative study on Swedish venture capitalists' position in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms / Är svenska venture kapitalister fast i dåtiden?

Fahnehjelm, Charlotte, Larsson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Currently, there are indications that Europe is facing an innovation deficit. The main explanation to the lack of innovation is considered to be that new technology-based firms are facing difficulties in receiving funding and consequently do not establish on the market. As new technology-based firms have an important role in technology development and overall growth, a consequence thereof could be a long- lasting negative effect on technological change and economic growth. The venture capital industry is frequently put forward as the actor that can provide financing for these types of firms. This study aimed to investigate the contemporary role that Swedish traditional venture capitalists and government supported venture capitalists have in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms. To fulfill this purpose, the study analyzed both the investors' preferences and the challenges with investing into new technology-based firms. The findings were acquired through performing eight semi- structured interviews with highly knowledgeable practitioners. In addition, literature was scrutinized. The study concluded that the preferences of the venture capital firms are heavily misaligned with investments into new technology and that digital companies present a better aligned investment alternative. More specifically, venture capitalists perceived the teams of new technology-based firms to be lacking, which is misaligned with the venture capitalists' strong emphasis on the team. New technology-based firms were also perceived to be associated with great risks, which is misaligned with the risk aversion of venture capitalists. The high risk was found to be related to the high degree of novelty, the perceived difficulties in finding syndication partners, the venture capitalists' lack of specific knowledge and experience, the long time to market and the large funding need in early stages. Further, the long time to market is ill-suited with the fund structure of traditional venture capital firms. On the other hand, digital companies were found to be well aligned with the venture capitalists' risk profile and preference for investing large amounts of capital at once. When it comes to government-supported venture capitalists, the study concluded that Industrifonden's preferences are similar to those of traditional venture capitalists and that Almi Invest, due to its structure, faces specific barriers for investing. Based on these findings, the conclusion was drawn that the likelihood is low that venture capitalists will invest in new technology-based firms. In order to be able to draw conclusions regarding the impacts on innovation and technological change, further research on the capabilities and preferences of informal venture capital is necessary. Further research could also attend to the demand of financing to increase the understanding of the innovation deficit. / Idag finns indikationer på innovationsbrist i Europa. En huvudsaklig orsak till innovationsbristen anses vara att bolag med ny teknologi har svårt att få finansiering och därmed etablera sig på marknaden. Eftersom ny teknologi spelar en viktig roll i teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillväxt, är en möjlig konsekvens av innovationsbristen långtgående negativa effekter på teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillväxt. Venture capital industrin framhålls ofta som en aktör som kan finansiera denna typ av bolag. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka vilken roll svenska traditionella venture capital fonder och statliga venture capital fonder har i finansieringslandskapet av ny teknologi. För att uppnå detta syfte analyserade studien både investerarnas preferenser och utmaningarna med att investera i ny teknologi. Resultaten nåddes genom att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta erfarna praktiserande i industrin. Intervjuobjekten hade antingen erfarenhet från traditionellt eller statligt venture capital. Utöver detta granskades litteratur på området. Studien fann att venture capital industrins preferenser på flera vis inte matchar investeringar i ny teknologi medan digitala bolag väl passar in i preferenserna. Mer specifikt ansåg venture capitalisterna att teamen för ny teknologiska bolag saknar viktiga kvalitéer, något som missmatchar venture capitalisternas starka fokus på teamet. Nyteknologiska bolag ansågs också vara associerade med hög risk, vilket står i stark kontrast till venture capitalisternas riskaversion. Den höga risken ansågs vara relaterad till investeringens nya natur, den upplevda svårigheten att hitta syndikteringspartners, venture capitalisters avsaknad av specifik erfarenhet, den långa tiden till marknaden och de stora kapitalbehoven i tidiga skeden. Vidare fann studien att den långa tiden till marknaden var misspassat till fondstrukturen hos traditionella venture capitalister. Och andra sidan visade studien att digitala bolag passar väl med venture capitalisters riskprofil och preferens för att investera stora belopp på en gång. När det kommer till statliga venture capital fonder fann studien att Industrifondens preferenser är mycket lika de traditionella venture capitalisternas preferenser och att Almi Invest står inför särskilda barriärer för att investera i ny teknologi. Baserat på dessa resultat konkluderade studien att sannolikheten är låg att venture capitalister investerar i ny teknologi. Forskning på kapaciteterna och preferenserna för informellt kapital är dock nödvändigt för att kunna dra slutsatser kring effekterna på innovation och teknisk utveckling. Framtida forskning bör också fokusera på efterfrågan på kapital för att förstå innovationsbristen.

O uso de imagens de satélite no ensino de geografia: possibilidades e limitações na educação básica

Silva Filho, Israel da 22 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:15:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Israel da Silva Filho.pdf: 1290402 bytes, checksum: aeae05d6d347d992827f3dde615cf613 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-22 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This work is done to analyze and put in evidence some pedagogical procedures that can show us possibilities and limitations about using satellite images when teaching geography. It s so easy to find satellite images because they are all over the Internet sites but they haven t been used adequately by geography teachers because they don t know how to use it in order do make it easier for their students understand the space organization that they have to study. Besides, we think it s so important to discuss some questions related to pedagogical procedures, politics and economics that show us how the places can be so diverse when we are talking about new technology for teaching. In this case we have to consider the difficulty in accessing the internet, a poor structure in a public school, an over value attributed to new technology or even a refuse without any reasons, and the difficulty of working with this kind of resources. As satellites images are specific when compared with other traditional ways used to for teaching geography, we tried to show their specificity when we did and developed two activities students that are doing the seventh level of elementary school. At this time, that king of materials was used to show some aspects of the space that are impossible of been saw when we are using traditional ways of teaching. Then we tried to put in evidence that teachers have to be careful when using satellite images because they must use them connected with their pedagogical purposes which main subject is to prepare the students to read, to interpret and to transform their reality / Este trabalho analisa encaminhamentos didáticos que revelam possibilidades e limitações do uso das imagens de satélite no ensino de Geografia. O acesso relativamente fácil às imagens de satélite disponíveis em diferentes sites na Internet e a utilização desses recursos nas aulas de Geografia não tem recebido por parte do professor de Geografia um tratamento didático coerente que ajude os estudantes compreenderem a dimensão geográfica dos fenômenos observados. Aliado a este fato, há questões de ordem didática, política e econômica que revelam um cenário bastante diversificado quanto ao uso das Novas Tecnologias no ensino e merecem ser destacados: ausência ou baixos índices de acesso devido à estrutura precária dos estabelecimentos; valorização exacerbada das novas tecnologias como resolução de problemas na escola ou, em contra partida, repúdio gratuito e dificuldade de trabalhar com essas ferramentas. Como as imagens de satélite têm especificidades em relação a outros recursos didáticos tradicionalmente utilizados no ensino de Geografia, elas são ressaltadas no desenvolvimento de duas atividades elaboradas para as 7ªs séries do Ensino Fundamental para mostrar aspectos do espaço que são pouco visíveis nos mapas disponíveis na escola. No decorrer do trabalho são enfatizados alguns cuidados que os professores precisam tomar para que o uso das imagens de satélite seja feito em sintonia com a organização pedagógica do professor que cotidianamente prepara os alunos para a leitura, interpretação e transformação da realidade em que vivem

Fatores críticos de sucesso no desenvolvimento de produtos de empresas de base tecnológica incubadas

Padrão, Luís Carlos 10 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T14:49:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100694.pdf: 3087524 bytes, checksum: 28f7797fdc05a8da457608ae7810dcff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T15:00:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100694.pdf: 3087524 bytes, checksum: 28f7797fdc05a8da457608ae7810dcff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T15:04:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100694.pdf: 3087524 bytes, checksum: 28f7797fdc05a8da457608ae7810dcff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-24T15:10:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 71070100694.pdf: 3087524 bytes, checksum: 28f7797fdc05a8da457608ae7810dcff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-10 / This thesis aims at analysing the influence of incubator’s marketing support and entrepreneurial orientation of the firms on the new product development process of incubated technologically-based firms. In order to analyse this process, a model of product development for technologically-based firms was developed from a base model, which was improved regarding the definition and measurement of some of its constructs and to which the influence of the two factors above were included. The developed model was operationalized by a structural equation model. The research methodology is a survey where pretested scales were applied to measure the constructs. The target population is technologically-based firms developed in technological incubators in Brazil, the response rate was 63%, respondents represent incubators in all regions of Brazil and 22 high-tech sectors. This research presents academic and managerial contributions. Among the academic contributions, it was found empirical evidence about the relationship between incubators’ marketing support and firms’ marketing synergy, however, this support does not change accordingly to the uncertainty of the business environment of the firms, which should happen because the entrepreneurs need more support to make decisions in a high uncertainty environment. Another contribution was the empirical evidence that the way entrepreneurs align their business according to the turbulence of environment contradicts to some previous studies, specifically in relation to the degree of product innovation and marketing synergy. In relation to the degree of product innovation, the results show that in a low uncertainty environment there is a higher correlation between entrepreneurial orientation and the degree of product innovation, according to previous studies this should happen in high uncertainty environment where the clients are not able to specify precisely product’s requirements, so there are more opportunities for the firms to develop innovative products. In relation to the marketing synergy, the results show that in a high uncertainty environment there is a higher correlation between entrepreneurial orientation and marketing synergy, according to previous studies this should happen in low uncertainty environment where the clients are able to define clearly product’s requirements, which are often incremental innovations. Among the managerial contributions, the research provides a comprehensive view of the number of technology-based firms per geographical region and per sector, which enables the identification of high-tech sectors where there are not so many firms, so such sectors can be good opportunities to develop new firms. Besides, the research allows entrepreneurs to assess their positioning in relation to other firms in the same sector about the product development time and sales growth rate. The research will also provide to incubator managers an assessment of their marketing support in relation to that of other incubators in Brazil. / Esta tese visa analisar a influência do suporte de marketing da incubadora e da orientação empreendedora das empresas no processo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos de empresas de base tecnológica incubadas. A fim de se analisar tal processo, elaborou-se um modelo de desenvolvimento de produtos de empresas de base tecnológica a partir de um modelo base, que foi melhorado quanto à definição e mensuração de alguns construtos e ao qual foram acrescentadas as influências dos dois fatores acima mencionados. O modelo elaborado foi operacionalizado por intermédio de um modelo de equações estruturais. A metodologia de pesquisa é um survey em que se utilizou de escalas pré-testadas a fim de se mensurar os construtos. A população-alvo é composta por empresas de base tecnológica desenvolvidas em incubadoras do tipo tecnológica situadas no Brasil, a taxa de resposta foi de 63% e os respondentes representam incubadoras em todas as regiões do Brasil e 22 setores de alta tecnologia. Esta pesquisa apresenta contribuições acadêmicas e gerenciais. Dentre as contribuições acadêmicas, encontrou-se evidências empíricas da relação entre o suporte de marketing da incubadora e a sinergia de marketing das empresas, no entanto, tal suporte não se altera em função da incerteza do ambiente de negócios da empresa, o que deveria ocorrer pois os empreendedores necessitam de maior suporte para tomar decisões em ambientes com alta incerteza. Outra contribuição acadêmica foi a evidência empírica de que a forma como os empreendedores orientam seu negócio em função da turbulência do ambiente contradiz alguns estudos anteriores, especificamente em relação ao grau de inovação do produto e a sinergia de marketing. A respeito do grau de inovação do produto, os resultados indicam que em um ambiente de baixa incerteza há uma maior correlação entre a orientação empreendedora e o grau de inovação do produto, segundo estudos anteriores tal fato deveria ocorrer em ambiente de alta incerteza em que os clientes não conseguem especificar precisamente os requisitos do produto, assim, haveria maior oportunidade para as empresas desenvolverem produtos inovadores. A respeito da sinergia de marketing, os resultados indicam que em um ambiente de alta incerteza há uma maior correlação entre a orientação empreendedora e a sinergia de marketing, segundo estudos anteriores tal fato deveria ocorrer em ambiente de baixa incerteza em que os clientes conseguem definir claramente os requisitos de produto, que em geral são inovações incrementais. Dentre as contribuições gerenciais, a pesquisa fornece um panorama do número de empresas de base tecnológica por estado e por setor, o que favorece a identificação de setores de alta tecnologia onde não existem muitas empresas, e portanto, tais setores podem se constituir em boas oportunidades para desenvolver novas empresas. Além disso, a pesquisa possibilita aos empreendedores avaliar seu posicionamento em relação a outras empresas do mesmo setor em função do tempo de desenvolvimento de produtos e da taxa de crescimento de vendas. A pesquisa também fornecerá aos gerentes de incubadoras uma avaliação do seu suporte de marketing em relação ao de outras incubadoras no Brasil.

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